[149 / 32 / ?]
Post your shitty ideas for Pokémon, Mega Evolutions, and in-game events here.>Mega Electrode Masterball design, of course, with an ability that gives it 100% accuracy. Not entirely sure how broken this would be.>Mega Gyrados Water/Dragon representing a version that didn't rampage and lose its dragon powers. Yes I know Megados is out. Don't care.>In-game Ho-Oh resurrection event In this, you find or otherwise obtain what shows up as an "injured Pokémon" in your party. You take it to a place, like the Sinjoh Ruins, and Ho-Oh appears to turn it into your choice of the three dogs. It isn't even that far-fetched, considering the Arceus event.>Mega Marowak Ground with spirit of mother behind it in some form. Works as Kangaskhan, but with Motherghost doing ghost-type damage. I know I have a couple others in my mind. Follow up post probably. Your turn.
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>>14379142 I love that Electrode idea.
>>14379142 For Mega Electrode, do you mean give it No Guard?
Mega-Ninetales. Gains a new typing, Fire/Fairy. Has fire sprites surrounding the back of it's head in a rainbow shape. (but not the colour.) The colour on it's tail, however, are the colours of the rainbow.
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Since we have Fairies now, one based on the faerie king in Midsummer Nights Dream would be cool and semi-masculine.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14379223 It seems that way.
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>>14379290 the tip of it's tails*
>mega honchkrow Dark/Fighting Becomes a bit fatter, fedora turns into a beret, gains a beard like Santa Claus', feathers look like Don Corleone's suit, gains a pocket with a rose inside on the right side of the chest, becomes more serious instead of smug or angry. 110/160/60/125/65/140, has an ability that powers up Dark, Flying and Fighting moves by 25% of their power.
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Mega-Hariyama - Slims down and hands become even bigger, massive increase in attack and speed, decrease in HP
Mega Blissey It's ATK, S.ATK, and Speed all drop to 5 but both its defense and special defense stats go up to 200
MegaTop Percentage Rattata 80/170/70/30/70/150 Has the ability Top percentage that makes all of its attack act as if they are Shadow (like from Coliseum/XD)
>>14379374 Terrible. I'm glad this isn't real and honchkrow isn't getting anything this gen (not even appearing in the Kalos region), because if this was real, i would track you and kill you.
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>>14379485 It also gets fur coat
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I'd really like to see pre-evolved Pokemon get Mega Evolutions, especially since it seems like Mega Evolutions are going to be hot shit while we still never get decent branching evolutions beyond fucking Eevee. It could be a really cool concept - evolve something or keep it unevolved for its Mega Evolution. Can you imagine a Mega Rhydon? Or Mega Whismur?
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>Mega Groudon Looses some bulk to resemble a raptor, speed increases while defense decreases.
Mega Nine to Five Hero Finally gains the power to realize that tripfagging everywhere is not necessary, and thus reaches his full potential through humility and becomes anonymous Gains the attack "camouflage" upon mega-evolution
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
Oh yeah. I started this thread /because/ I thought of this and forgot to include it.>Mega Ditto Gets real stats and no longer copies the other's when transformed.
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Megamilotic Water/Fairy, its marvel scale gets upgraded to multiscale, basically gets whatever upgrades gyarados gets in attack/def to its specials.
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Mega Wormadam, because I love Wormadam and its concept and hate that it's basically walking wasted potential. Each form has a totally unique Mega Evolution. Rotom would also have a similar scenario.
>Mega Kingdra Shaped more like a gun with huge seaweed coming off it. All offensive stats and speed skyrocket, all defensive stats and HP plummet.>Mega Omastar Pic related, ability changes to Drizzle.>Mega Rampardos Becomes thinner and more hunched; head looks like a cannonball and body bears a cannon motif. All of its SP attack goes straight into speed. Ability becomes Rock Head.>Mega Bastiodon Gains castle parapets and a lot of weight, also wears a portcullis like a hockey mask. Ability changes to Wonder Guard.
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Mega Mew, same stats but gains access to every move in the game and isn't limited to 4 slots
>Mega Miltank Type: Normal/Rock Ability: Not Over Yet (any healing raises attack 1 stage) How hard would you throw your cartridge at a wall?
>Mega Slaking >Looks like a cross between Vigoroth and Slaking >Drops Truant for another ability >Prepare your anus
Mega Rapidash Becomes pegasus, gains flying type, speed goes way up, maybe some attack and special attack boosts, same ability
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>>14379646 >Bastiodon with Wonder Guard Hmmm. Would it still be shit? It would, wouldn't it?
>>14379936 >gains flying type You hate rapidash, don't you? Give it a fairy type with levitate or something.
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>Mega Tauros (Normal/Steel) Picture a longhorn bull version of Tauros with horns of steel and the whips on its tail looking like shuriken>MegaTorkoal (Fire/Rock) Eyes open and its shell becomes a volcano shape. Gains drought as an ability as well as an increase in Attack and Special Defense>MegaTropius (Grass/Flying) It becomes a Archaeopteryx-like Pokemon with wings that have leaves as feathers. Bananas move from its neck to its head, looks like a cockatoo crest. Attack, Defense, and Speed get a boost
Mega Blastoise X (or Y) Water/Rock Mega Venusaur X (or Y) Grass/Ground Mega Feraligatr X Water/Dark Mega Feraligatr Y Water/Dragon Mega Meganium Grass/Fairy Mega Typhlosion Fire/Normal Mega Sceptile X Grass/Dark Mega Sceptile Y Grass/Fighting Mega Serperior Grass/Dragon Mega Samurott X Water/Steel Mega Samurott Y Water/Fighting Mega Delphox X Fire/Psychic Mega Delphox Y Fire/Fairy
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14379738 >4x weakness to fighting Mach punch that fucker.
Assuming this isn't gen II with Cyndaquil again.
>>14379997 Fuck you, Flying is a great type. Take your Stealth Rocks back to gen 5 peasant, as this gen Fire/Flying reigns supreme.
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>>14380078 >Take your Stealth Rocks back to gen 5 peasant I really wish it didn't exist.
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>>14379142 >Mega Electrode >Mega Marowak "Hey those seem pretty good, what do you think bo-"
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>>14380216 Dude. Exactly what I thought
>it looks like the scopeless Ghost from Red/Blue Anonymous
>>14379613 What about gets stats of copied pokemon x1.5
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14380708 That would just break it. You'd kill anything into which it transformed. I like the idea of "certain Pokémon work better with Mega Ditto's stats, so make use of that."
If it were any other way I could just have a team of Ditto to switch to and from and kill everything, as transform does not carry over when switched.
>>14380050 >Not wanting Fire/Ground Typhlosion >Not wanting Grass/Dragon Sceptile Come one, it makes perfect sense!
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>>14379845 Mega Slaking: Looks just like regular Slaking, but has Fur Coat instead of Truant. Instant Ubers.
>>14380851 How about Mega Ditto: Just like regular ditto, but only copies 3 of the moves of the opponent and replaces its fourth moveslot for Transform?
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14381387 Concept: Oh God yes.
Competitively: Decidedly not.
>>14381387 >>14380851 >>14380708 >>14379613 If you had an Imposter Ditto, all you would need its Mega to do is gain a shit-ton of HP, which is the only thing that Ditto doesn't copy. Then you have the same poke as your opponent but with more HP, so you're probably going to destroy it, especially if you have your Ditto Scarfed
>>14379142 I sprited a Jynx.
Let's just say it's a mega evo
or a much deserved regular evolution and that it gets it's speed, HP and special attack boosted
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14381538 So it doesn't copy HP and/or retains Ditto's HP. Problem solved.
I actually thought of that initially, but didn't bother mentioning it.
>>14381556 It needs a spiral cone bra.
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>>14381652 Spiral cone bra? why?
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>MegaZangoose Looks mostly the same, with a few more red markings across its body, but the biggest change is that both of its arms are now covered in black fur and markings that make the arms and claws look like the body of a seviper and its fangs, to act as a lure to drop the guards of actual sevipers before striking improved attack, health, and defense, and probably give it Toxic Boost, too
mega machamp grows another set of arms and the ridge on its head becomes more pronounced + more muscle mass
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>Mega Noctowl Horn-feather things are elongated and flow in the wind, with two additional ones coming down in the opposite direction, forming an X, purple eyes and deep brown feathers. The triangle pattern on its abdomen vanishes.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14381822 >not Mega Machamp who chose a normal, middle-class life over his career in wrestling Anonymous
>>14381963 >Mega Machamp Five arms and no underpants.
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>>14382052 the kek is real
>>14381708 Mega Hydreigon.
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>>14379142 >Mega marowak jesus.. it's sounds beautiful
> Mega Smeargle Gains an ability that gives it STAB with every type of move. Gains a slight boost to all stats. Holds a paint pallet with every color of type on it (including a ??? paint blob) Grows the hair from under it's 'hat' out a bit longer to match the length of its ears. Gets a bit taller and the dark circles around its eyes become more prominent to give the appearance of 'tired eyes' from excessive eye strain.
>>14382052 >Five arms Fuck go for 6 and you have some symmetry.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14382530 You can have symmetry if one comes out from its chest.
>>14379142 >Mega Marowak Changes type to Ghost/Ground
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Just don't get caught fighting a MegaTyranitar
>>14382401 >Gains an ability that gives it STAB with every type of move. >Gains a slight boost to all stats. >mfw instant Uber Anonymous
>>14382530 The fifth arm is his dick, anon.
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Mega bisharp It looks like a megazord
>>14381113 >Fire/Ground Typhlosion I believed this to be true before getting my own Typhlosion back then. I always taught my quilava Dig when I could.
>>14382602 >mfw Smeargle has low stats to begin with and, although cool, sketch is otherwise useless because of this >mfw every pokemon can be uber now because of megas Anonymous
>>14382273 I could definately see Mega Hydreigon going full Yamato no Orochi with eight heads.
>>14382747 It's genius really.
>When everyone is uber, then no one will be. Anonymous
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>>14382689 That's what I thought at first hence why 6 is the best since he already has 5... considering it's a male one ofc.
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>>14382774 >name trainer Syndrome Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14382774 That's... not true. Some will be more uber than others, unless they're all exactly equal, at which point there is no longer any competition.
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>>14379538 >>14379505 I don't understand why people hate Honchkrow so vehemently.
I mean, if you said "I don't like how Murkrow lost the witch motif and became a mafia don", then sure, that's reasonable. But if it really all comes down to the fact that a couple of autistic people ruined a particular kind of hat for you, that's just the most juvenile excuse for a justification that I have ever heard.
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>>14379142 >Mega marowak I once had a similar idea, but instead it would be a new evolution
it would be male only and evolve by holding "final will" as a held item. it would be called blujenight(could never come up with a better spelling for it, buts bludgeon+knight). It would be described as the father of marowak that left behind its soul to protect its child until young adolescence, just as the mother left behind her body.
Brings sort of a bittersweet closure to it all
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>>14382774 I don't know if I'm going to love or hate a metagame that completely depends on which mega you pick. I guess we'll see if one or two megas clearly outclass all the others and become a new Garchomp
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>>14382572 Just perfect!
>>14382729 Same with me, except I actually didn't bother checking it's type. It lasted for at least 3 weeks until I realised it was pure Fire.
>>14382759 I remember many people thinking about a ghost/fire ninetales and, of course, okami and other nine tails started poping around.
Once Heydreigon appeared I remember thinking about an ability to expand it's heads with each attack it suffered. It was kinda like Weak Armor but worked for Attack instead of Speed.
Yes, I had watched Hercules recently.
>>14382848 Calm down dude, it's just a joke.
Mega Meganium Grass/Fairy Ability: Flourish - Raises Special Attack if hit by a Poison-type move. Take no damage from Poison-type moves. 90/60/140/140/140/60 Mega Typhlosion Fire Ability: Fur Coat 78/100/70/160/100/122 Mega Feraligatr Water/Dark Ability: Sheer Force 85/160/120/90/80/105 Mega Sceptile Grass/Dragon Ability: Solar Power 70/110/80/150/85/135 Mega Swampert Water/Ground Ability: Sap Sipper 100/140/90/140/90/80
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14383038 I am calm and I wasn't aware of that. Retraction.
>>14383119 Mega Torterra
Ability: Thick Fat
Mega Infernape
Ability: Adaptability
Mega Empoleon
Ability: Fearless - Raises Special Attack after knocking out a Pokemon
Mega Serperior
Ability: Contrary
Movepool change: Can be tutored Draco Meteor Mega Emboar
Ability: Rock Head
Mega Samurott
Ability: Defiant
Movepool change: Gain access to Shell Smash Anonymous
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Guys, Mega Kyurem. A top form Kyurem with a body in perfect shape. Just like it was supposed to be before it got rekt and frozen. What would be it's types, stats and abilities? I would go with Ice/Dragon again but would change his stats to something more speed based since it's actually in top condition.
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>>14382848 all pokemon are uber, but some are more uber than others
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>>14383171 >GF introduces an item with the same effect as Rock Head >Mega Emboar receives a Def and SpD boost Instant OU
Still a bit pissed it isn't Fire/Dark, I wanted to call it Ganon, specially after seeing the shiny sprite.
Pikachu's mega evolution May not be appropiate for some viewers, you have been warned.
>>14383385 >Gotta go faster Anonymous
>>14383385 >c'mon, step it up Anonymous
>>14383385 Stats: 35/110/60/100/80/255
>>14383440 Let me help you with that
> Stats: 1/1/1/1/1/999 Anonymous
>>14383440 Ability: Autism
You have a crutch which grants you pity from other pokemon. Pokemon who attack you with a physical attack gets an attack reduction, pokemon who attack you with a special attack get a Sp Attack reduction.
Mega Torterra Goes full planet. Has clouds obscuring a lot of his body, has oceans. Learns shell smash. Receives Attack, defense and speed bonus. Auto Gravity Ability.
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>>14383171 >Can be tutored Draco Meteor Anonymous
>>14383493 Ability changes so that it can only be 2HKOd when under the effects of Ring moves or Auras.
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>>14383563 >torterra with a perma gravity ability Anonymous
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>>14383385 Here is snorlaxes mega evolution, same warning as before.
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>>14383171 >Mega Serperior >Contrary >Draco Meteor ...fuck
>>14383633 >moveset: Tail Wind, sonicboom, double team, taunt Anonymous
>>14383563 >Goes full planet >Learns shell smash Wouldn't this be considered an insta kill for the whole party?
>>14382401 what colour would the ??? paint blob be? Anonymous
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>>14383779 Who gives a shit, it's cool
>>14383739 Switch Tail Wind with Agility and Sonicboom with Rapid Spin and we have a winner.
Mega Terrakion with Contrary
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>>14383804 teal, same as it's type plate
>>14383385 Here is snorlaxes mega evolution
Type: Normal
Ability: Autism
>>14383504 Stats 250/1/100/1/100/1
New Move: Tard Rage
Power: 120
Damage: Physical
Type: Normal
Flails around like an idiot for 2-3 turns, deals damage based on HP stat instead of the attack stat. Power increased by 1.5x if the user has Autism as an ability. Becomes confused after Tard Rage ends
>>14383739 >>14383831 >Agility - Rapid Spin - Double Team - Taunt Why am I laughing so much!?
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>>14383851 I think almost every pokemon can benefit from Contrary.
For example, any frail pokemon with close combat would get insta armor boost, slow pokemon with hammer arm would get insta speed boost.
This ability is OP as fuck.
Mega Arceus Only pokemon with two abilities Multitype and Adaptability 200 in each stat You wanted a god, I made a god
>>14382558 but will it be left handed, right handed, or have two thumbs on each side?
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>>14383997 Meh, make the stats 150 instead of 200 to make it actually killable.
He could get an ability that would change his type each turn but that would be crazy as fuck and nearly unusable.
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>>14383871 240 based power attack with stab/autism bonus calculated by a 250 HP stat. Instant ubers.
>>14383997 >Multitype >But it holds a megastone Anonymous
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>>14383223 that looks NOTHING like the fusion
i hate those kinds of fusion art
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>>14383997 >ghost/normal type where is your god now? Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14384044 None, it's a vestigial structure with no fingers.
>Mega Drifblim Zeppelin and they make it not shit.
>>14384156 > dry skin > Hindenburg Anonymous
>>14384119 Dammit, three abilities then
Thousand hands (allows two held items)
There's your god
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>>14379142 Normal type Eeveelution (Eeveeon?)
Evolves from Eevee after Level 41 when leveled up holding Eviolite
Stats: 90/90/90/90/90/90
Ability: Multitype
Type changes are indicated by the color of its mane
>Multitype in OU Anonymous
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>>14382401 >give mega smeargle prankster >instantly banned from ubers Anonymous
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>Mega Golurk Same as regular Golurk, but the seal on its chest has been removed, the yellow energy in its body has turned a red-orange and it bursting out of every place it's visible, mainly the crack in its chest. Its defenses have gone down, but its attack and especially speed have increased.>Mega Hitmonchan Becomes more muscular all around and skin gets darker. The shoulders attach to its arms more so they just look like spiked shoulders and not pads. Shorts look like actual shorts and not a skirt. "Shirt" is replaced with that hoody thing boxers wear on the way to the ring. The hood is over its head and covering its eyes. All stats except the specials are increased.>Mega Alakazam Alakazam meditates and its spirit rises out of its body (but still attached to its body with an ethereal tail) to fight. It is Psychic/Ghost, has Magic Bounce, and has all stats except the physicals increased.
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>>14384187 Adaptability STAB Plate Boosted extremespeed
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>>14380216 So its cry would be "WRRRYYYYYYYYYY"
>>14384156 new ability where it absorbs fire attacks and goes up a stage in everything. Fuck it.
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>>14384187 >three for the holy trinity Anonymous
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Mega Ledian 85/135/65/25/120/103 Ability: Tinted Lens It gets X-Scissor, Fire Punch and Cosmic Power.
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>>14379606 HYPE
Mega Porygon-Z Porygon-Z tries to haphazardly fix itself. Head is put on correctly, but still looks a bit off. The rest of the body is shooting off sparks. Boost to speed and defenses. Ability is called Optimize: Whenever a special or physical attack is used, all attack and special attack pumps are pumped into the relevant stat
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>>14384186 >>14384309 I'm not sure which one works better.
it's a 50/50 chance to get one ability or the other Anonymous
Mega Wigglytuff Type: Normal/Fairy Ability: Time Lord All moves get +1 priority to them. Stats 150/50/100/120/100/50 New Abilities: Song of Time Reverts all damage, status conditions, entry hazards, tricks, encores, ect done in the last two turns. Does not revive fainted pokemon. Time Bubble Places a time bubble around your side of the field. Incoming attacks are frozen in the time bubble. After three turns all of the attacks unfreeze and hit the pokemon out on the field all at once. Time Blast 20 power Always hits Normal Type Special attack Hits any pokemon regardless of protect or type immunities, doesn't take up your turn, allowing you to use a second move in the same turn.
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>>14382273 >>14382759 Mega Hydreigon should be Dragon/
Steel MechaHydreigon Anonymous
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Stealing an idea from yesterday: A Jurassic Park-like event where you get to travel to a distant island full of fossil and Ancient Power Pokemon (as well as the AP Pokemon's prevos), as well as some brand new ones.
>Mega Smeargle. Multi-colored like it's just been smeared with paint everywhere. Many paint brush tails. Idk, Smeargle just needs love.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14384563 Oh, right! I had one kind of like that
>Time travel shenanigans send you to the distant past >Or you just find a previously unknown cave Living there are fossil Pokémon in their original form, not rebuilt. They are no retyped to match. Kabutops is bug/water, Omastar is plain Water, etc.
Also megas like that would be neat.
>>14384563 >your character helps with the islands opening to the public with the help of [insert poke proff. here] and you can call the island whatever you want. >island is Safari Island by default "Welcome, to Ass Hat Island' Anonymous
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>>14384689 >>14382401 'Aww, he failed to land correctly!' Anonymous
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>>14384364 That's actually really messed up anon
I feel really bad for Porygon-Z
>>14384740 >Female protag: "You said you've got a Tyrantrum?" >Prof.: "Uh-huh" >Male Protag: "Say it again." >Prof.: "We have a Tyrantrum." >Male protag gets light-headed. >Prof.: "[M Protag's name], my dear [F Protag's name]...welcome...to Ass Hat Island. " Anonymous
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>>14385068 Next Movie Confirmed Anonymous
>Mega Garchomp with same stats as the current mega garchomp, except he has 103 speed
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>>14383871 >>14384467 These two are easily the most retarded ideas in this thread.