There was once a ugly barnacle. He whiped out his duck and the duck shit out so many edges, it became Yveltal. But Yveltal was small. No bigger than a cottonball. In fact, he was a cottonball, enlodged insides Xerneases ear, moistening the grassy earwax to be rubbed and lathered on Yveltal's buttocks. Then came an old Norweigen steam train pulling wagons stacked with Douglas Fir, stripped the branches and pine. The train conductor stopped smoking anal pelvis and with his crusty rough hand, he reached into his mouth, noxious fumes dispersed out and condensed onto the hand, the train conductor's hand reached his heart and he pulled the pulsing organ out from his body. Rhymatic beats filled the train cab. He then pulled down his pants and grasped the base of his penis and squeezed with so much pressure that the dick shot up through the foreskin. With the precision of an eagle, he caught the expoded fleshy penis and inserted it into the valves of his heart. The beating got louder and dark white light filled the cab. A Zigzagoon watching from an distance saw a train wreck and then saw Yggdrasil. Its fleshy trunk and the tangle of pubs at the base was stunning. On the tip, Xerneas and Yveltal with their phalluses intertwined with the power of great justice and untenable love cried out "Hitler... Kuessen ist verboten". Yggdrasil erupted and an innumerable amount of semen jews rocketed into the air, covering the land with darkness. Yveltal absorbed the shekels and went into Xerneases nostrils. Shaggy gonna sneeze and became Alberto Einstein forever breathing out the universe through his nostrils and inhaling it back in through the mouth to have the cycle of life and death be everlasting. The End. Also op is a fag