Thread for Australians to exchange Friend codes to battle and trade and take advantage of all the online aspects of Pokemon X and Y>pic related, the faggot who stopped us getting x and y early
>>14395043 Woah, didn't expect to see a general thread up so quick. Nicely done.
0275 - 7824 - 9442
Lets get this ball rollin'.
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>>14395043 best thread pic ever
>>14395059 No worries
4038 - 6612 - 7355
name: Xaldyn code: 4554 - 1393 - 0503
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>>14395083 Added you. Suppose I probably should include a name in the name field for people who add me but hey.
>>14395043 >wanting to add my friend code >afraid of backlash for obvious grill name Mousse
I'm 2191-9073-4578. I'm getting Y, so if you'd like to trade exclusives or anything just let me know.
>>14395118 I don't think many people are gonna freak out. We're Australians, not the general internet.
Well, minus whoever it was that was getting all hot and bothered over Mish, but we don't speak of him...
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
Looking forward to picking up a 3ds xl and my pre-ordered y this friday (midnight) @ Brisbane!
>>14395118 I am also grill
Do not be scare
>>14395133 If you insist.
Name: Monique
2191 - 8354 - 4789
>>14395043 OP you have made my night.
I was the one who made that picture on one of the other threads.
I will always remember this moment.
10/10 Kek'd Hardcore
>>14395129 I might take you up on that offer, playing x and wanting a skrelp for sooner or later
Name: Dragar FC: 5300 9412 8793
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>>14395155 I hope he is on vp so he sees this
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>>14395155 Awesome, I have used that picture so many times now to show people what a faggot he is, you sir are a champion
>>14395149 how about us grills just post code and if boy is jerk we just unfriend them
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>>14395169 Sure thing. I'm playing with Froakie, too, if anyone wants me to breed one.
2967-6458-7984 melbournefag checking in, gonna go to the Broadmeadows midnight release.
Nice work, Andy Roo.>FenixPrime 2836-0853-0326
Nick 0361 - 6791 - 5831 Gonna get Y I THINK
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>>14395143 Coming up as invalid friend code sadly. But alas! I may have to drop by Brisbane after work just to see how many people are actually turning out for it.
>is the Brisfag complaining about a 7pm finish from the other thread Anonymous
>>14395187 oh, name is Lewis
4055 3994 1861 I'll be getting X.
>>14395184 I will when my XL finally comes in so I actually have a code. Hopefully this thread stays alive.
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>>14395187 saying friend code is incorrect
>>14395219 need a name to put in
>>14395211 Getting incorrect FC for yours as well. Dunno what's going on.
Added everyone so far except Lewis and Rexxie, because I'm getting invalid FC for both of you.
>>14395232 Ausfags were trying to devise a plot to break the release date with EB Games by photoshopping receipts and using them as evidence. This fucker on more than one occasion went and wrecked the whole entire thing by blabbing on the EB Page.
He basically lurks there.
>Picking X Have fun with your gay, punk ass deer. I'll be enjoying using my god of destruction.
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>>14395222 If we have our way, I think we'll keep this a permanent fixture, considering it's dead hours anyway for the board.
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395187 >>14395143 Getting incorrect codes from you both
>>14395249 if you added me, it ain't showing on my 3DS
>>14395249 Your mii frightens me.
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>>14395248 michelle, sorry
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
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>>14395102 For the purposes of these Aus general threads, I am gonna be using this trip. Just confirming this is me for future reference.
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>>14395265 >Not picking majestic gay fairy stag What are you, straight?
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>>14395273 Thought it was just me doing something wrong as usual!
>>14395265 But my deer is fabulous darling.
>>14395255 Wait, who is he? I saw all the fakes but I thought it was the mods who kept saying it was fake. I haven't been on that page for a while but I know the regulars.
Seriously, it's White Knights: The Page.
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
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Code is 3110-4992-9192. The hype train has no brakes.
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>>14395265 >gay, punk ass deer. Anonymous
>>14395303 nah it was callum, and two other cunts called sasha karen and dean meredith
>>14395286 I'm sorry, the camera function hates my face for some reason. Was probably half awake too when I took the picture, but that's the norm...
>>14395285 You have to me as well otherwise it doesn't work. If one's already registered the other, it'll add automatically without prompting for a name.
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14395043 >Name: Elljayar >FC: 2509-1469-9714 Getting Y, also, i play lotsa Animal Crossing
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
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woops, i the codes mixed up. I don't have a 3ds code yet... only my friend code for pkmn white 2..
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
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>>14395265 Bills would make an awesome pokemon.
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
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ok now we need a pastebin or some google doc with a list of codes!
>>14395359 Hmm, odd. I just tried readding your FC and it's still coming up as not added on your end. Wonder if I've had this happen with another friend too. Silly Nintendo Network sometimes, I swear.
Does anyone have a Shiny Giratina from EB? I managed to get Dialga and Palkia but i don't think ill make it in time for this one.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
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I think I've added everyone in the thread so far. Sorry if I've missed anyone.
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>>14395386 I'll try deleting and re-adding
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>>14395401 yeah I got the Giratina
>>14395331 >dean meredith Man, fuck that guy, he's one of the worst. Look at the post he just made:
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14395386 Updating now with a tripcode.
>>14395359 Just got that! Dunno if it was something you did or just a delayed reaction form server.
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14395360 I'm not sure what that means
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>>14395421 Fuck you, it's a good source for news.
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
>all these miis Well. This is awkward.
>>14395423 deleting and re-adding apparently fixed that :|
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395442 Just wait until your bottom screen gets flooded with trainer faces because of it. It's gonna be glorious.
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>>14395417 lol, that shit should be in a beta thread.
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>>14395417 >>14395417 >>14395417 >dean meredith >callum fedoroth >sasha keren Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395424 "What to do" or "What should I do" something along those lines.
Often used for comic effect.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395449 Must be the Wi-Fi equivalent of turning it off and on again. Nintendo, why you so crazy.
Name: Slade FC: 1349 - 5391 - 2070
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14395466 Well then i must ask, what are you going to do?
It took my page to be reported no longer than 4 minutes after trying to post this and spread the word.
>>14395474 Your Mii is terrifying. Okama style.
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395477 Continue to add people in this thread while staring at your mii's face.
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14395497 This i am ok with, carry on, just quickly, what version are you getting?
4210 - 4446 - 0623 May as well.
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>>14395481 So now these people are being that autistic that they're going around reporting anything to remotely do with breaking the street dates?
Andrew !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395417 Scott you are the biggest faggot ever
also updating with trip code
hoping we can organise tournaments and what not a good while after x and y come out.
>>14395494 i love it. OKAMA WAY!
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395510 Both, of course. Main Y until PokeBank is open, send starters and version exclusives etc. from X then start again with secondary playthrough.
>>14395481 Those are the fake ones though, aren't they?
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14395537 Look's like you get yourself all planned out, im Getting Y unfortunately, so we cannot trade version exclusive's :c
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>>14395548 Indeed they are
>>14395530 Can you change your 3DS name to Mr. 2?
>>14395043 Jake, 3952 - 7047 - 1532
I'll be picking up X on Saturday.
Andrew !!JrjbFVbAyWe
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>>14395555 sure other people can help you out with getting X exclusives
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395555 I can start up a game of X for the sake of trading you exclusives you want. I have until December to restart as many times as I want in X before keeping a save file.
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
>>14395555 Grabbing X here, although now it's just for GOD CLAW.
Andrew !!JrjbFVbAyWe
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>>14395580 Clawitizer looks amazing, Mine shall be called MR.Claw
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395522 Would be great to get things like that up and running. I know there's a few of us heading to the Mana Bar on Saturday night looking at having some fun battles with in-game teams 12-15 hours into the game or so. Once we actually get set in... gonna be good my friend.
>>14395510 Even though not directed at me, I'll be getting both, X main, Y for extra runs/item slaving.
Also, up-to-date on FCs in here for the ones that work.
Rexxie, no worries mate! Once you get your 3DS set up and whatnot, we'll get you added in. Fuck, I'm down for keeping this thread going early hours Friday morning with the "sleep is for the weak" crew.
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14395570 i would love a clauncher, maybe even a charizardnite X (not sure if thats how you spell it) if that isnt to hard. I gotta go now, but you seem cool so keep in contact or something
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
feel stupid because i wasn't friendcoding properly...
Xaldyn !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395599 Clauncher and Charizardnite X. Got it, writing it in my game notes.
Is there a Pokemon general on /vg/? It would be easy to set up stuff like this
>>14395522 if we used /vg/.
We could even make an Aussie centric one.
>>14395558 you mean change my Mii name? I changed it to something better now lol
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
>>14395604 It seems to be working now, bro. Don't feel bad.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395604 Added. all good
called Big W at Bathurst and they said they are selling it tomorrow
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14395604 Eh, I've done stupider things don't worry.
>>14395613 I think they'd flip the fuck out and tell us to go back to our own board. Honestly, we can probably set up something through Google docs for organising any kind of tournament or whatever.
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>>14395632 nigga u better not b trollin
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395613 I think the pokemon general is on /vp/ we just want to make one here because of previous threads involving us aussies
Mish 4055-3994-1861
Do the miis not come across too well in 3d or is that just me?
Xaldyn [4554-13930503] !3D.cWmejE.
Added friend code to trip. I have added everyone so far but had no response from Dragar, FenixPrime, Nick, Slade, and Jake.
>>14395644 Yeah but this will 404 in a couple hours.
Tom 1736 0587 5087
Feel free to add me Ausfriends
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
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>>14395401 Did you want the Giratina? I don't have a use for it.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395648 To be honest never actually looked at them in 3D. Now you've got me curious I must admit...
Then again, last time I played a game with 3D on (MH3U) I got a headache 5 minutes in, so it's not something I do often. (eyes are fucked enough 3D sucks, but not fucked enough I need glasses)
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395665 If it does 404, I will make a new one in the morning and hopefully we can get the same guys back again
Slade has changed to Bon Kurei apparently
Elljayar [250914699714]
>>14395658 I'm also adding everyone on sight, you having the same problem too?
Those people might have just left the thread
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
>>14395678 I'll be around.
I don't think we should make a /vg/ thread, it'd probably be annoying.
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
/VG/ does not like pokemon on there. And mods ban so just stay here. We have wifi general here, which is great for breeding, trading, autismul delights. This is pretty specific general tho, aus general, with what seems to be a sort of focus on meet-ups and that's cool. I think, if it's easy for ya, you all should post pics of your DS and any other interesting pokemon paraphernalia you have. Me: I have 2 ds lites and no real interesting pharaphernalia. I'm looking forward to picking up a 3ds xl end of this week... All that picture drawing sending shit sounds cool and fun.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395658 I know Fenix personally and I don't think he is online at the moment
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395666 Done mate!
>>14395665 I know I'll be maintaining my tripcode in any Aus Gen threads. If people want, maybe someone could organise a Pastebin or Google Doc with FCs in it? Of course for those who don't mind having their FCs added to such a document.
>doesn't mind for someone with more motivation then me to add mine to it Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
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Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395690 It seems Slade is still here. Changed name though as pointed out here
>>14395686 I am guessing he is a fan of One Piece.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14395713 I WAS Slade which is normally my handle. Some one suggested i change to Mr.2 I changed to Bon instead lol
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395417 Should I retoast my Dean Meredith greentext?
Also, 3437 3170 1300
Getting both as usual. Decided on making Y my main at the moment.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
I am doing a pastebin, who wants their FC to be added to it?
Mish 4055-3994-1861
Tom 1736 0587 5087
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>>14395697 >>14395658 Sorry, I'll accept it now.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
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>>14395623 >>14395631 >>14395634 i don't even friends
Getting X because i like clauncher over skrelp... shame dragalge is cooler than cancerclaw
anyone else going to a midnight release?
Elljayar [250914699714]
>>14395735 H-Here
take my trip
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
>>14395745 Dropbear here, sure
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
>>14395728 That would be moi. Also, tripcode because I can. (I think)
I'm Beardo 3738-0969-6435 Ill be getting both, playing x first. Ill add anyone who replies and said they've added me, 2 way street and all that.
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
Elljayar [250914699714]
Forgot this thread was started. Dunno if you guys are still up, but here, Name: Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration (Or as much of that as you can fit in) 3823-9875-6043 I play tons of animal crossing right now. Some Pokemon. A little bit of Zelda every now and again.
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
>>14395770 are you from brisbane?
>>14395745 Please!
So where's everyone getting their games from on the 12th?
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>>14395770 lol i know it was you, just didnt want to point you out lol.
Also we all got swapnote thing yeah? we can send messages like crazy!
Jake 3952 - 7047 - 1532
>>14395658 Accepted, just had to update Mii Plaza.
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>>14395747 It gets updated once you both mutually add one another anyhow. So whatever works.
>>14395761 Where am I taking a trip to?
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
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>>14395799 Brisbane at the EB event.
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395745 Go for it mate!
>>14395695 Pic related for 3DS and Pokemon crap. The only DS I have left in the house is my crappy cheap trade mule console, and my SP is lost with no fucking clue where it's gone. At least I still have my GB Player on my 'Cube. (and that shitty DS)
Mish 4055-3994-1861
>>14395799 EB. I don't know why I went with EB. I was just super excited a few months ago and preordered it. Oh well, I'll price match.
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
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>>14395799 Local EB Games. Preordered it. Gonna price match with Big W though if possible.
I am a sucker for collectibles like those Pokeballs but fuck it, I can buy better things with the money.
Elljayar [250914699714]
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
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Ok I'm actually online now, add me.
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
>>14395831 You don't want your pokeball?
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14395747 are you the mish who keeps posting in the EB FB page?
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395839 some managers will let you have both
Tom 1736 0587 5087
Anyone on the Gold Coast? Or is it just me?
Mish 4055-3994-1861
>>14395839 I do, my EB's manager says he'll give me the pokeball too, haha.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
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>>14395745 i'm fine with it
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
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When I was younger I used to fucking go insane over the fact that Japan was getting pogeymans first, and they'd get some sweet ass fucking limited edition item with it. I remember when I was 10 or 11 and they released fucking Gym Badges with that shit, i think it may have been gold or silver.
And then later on they actually had 'pokemon gyms' where you could go and play the TCG together and trade and shit. But I lived in basically bumfuck nowhere so missed out.
>>14395849 Just you cunt hows the fucken waves aye
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
>>14395799 JB. The gaming staff know me pretty well, so I may as well keep going there and getting friendly discounts.
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>>14395831 Yeah, I had a brain fart and preordered from EB too. Anyone going to the one on Swanston Street? (Melbourne)
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>>14395835 How much of the name were you able to get in? That had me legitimately curious.
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
>>14395849 Andrew and I live on the Gold Coast. Or pretty close to it.
Mish 4055-3994-1861
>>14395844 Yeah. I don't know why some people went spastic about that in the street break thread, it made me very uncomfortable. I'm only using the name for friend codes, and then back to anonymity
Elljayar [250914699714]
>>14395865 EB in Midland Gate
Because February Hype
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
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>>14395773 added you... and everyone else
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14395799 eShop, on the 11th, because DST works in my favour for once!
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
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>>14395799 GameTraders Marion. Play MtG all the time there and get it for normal price.
Bon Kurei
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>>14395873 I saw that, that was insane
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
>>14395873 I am the rex that you replied to.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Will the game actually release on the Eshop at midnight Aussie time?
>>14395772 >Be 10. >Dean Meredith is a little whiny douchebag. >Starts following my friend and I around. >Won't fuck off. >Attacks friend likes a little bitch >Goes for the eyes. >Pull him off of said friend. >Whiny little shit goes to get one of my best friends and my mother. >LookatthefucksIgive.jpeg >Walk off. >Go back to the same place a little while after friend's eyes are not stinging. >Whiny Meredith literally went and got my mother. >Starts calling me names. >I'm on my bike. >I tell him to stop. >Does it again. >Give him four more chances. >"If you don't stop, I'm going to hit you." >Keeps it up. Down to last chance. >Does it again like the snide little shit he is. >Throw bike down, walk over him to him. >Curl a fist up and swing. >He was a bit taller than me so I missed his face. >Got him right in the throat. >Falls backwards into a car. >Starts squirming and writhing from lack of oxygen and hitting steel. >Slides down the car, starts flailing arms and legs like a demented praying mantis. >Own mother literally laughs at the kid. >I fucking warned you, you little shit. >>14395735 Also, for anyone who adds me. Could I get a response or something to let me know? I'm not all, "Hurr, random adds."
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
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>>14395799 broady midnight, lucky there's one so close
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395873 Understandable. I can't understand why people flip the fuck out like that, but that's the internet for you. Been here 11 years and it still makes no fucking sense at times.
Also, added everyone so far.
Mish 4055-3994-1861
>>14395894 Yeah, I figured. I got the red limited edition one, by the way- someone pretended to be me and asked you for a blue one, amateur
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
>>14395884 I am pretty tempted to buy a third, eshop version of the game just because I can't wait.
Need to satiate my hunger. Maybe I will just replay White 2.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
>>14395913 Mmm, I'm still deciding on what 3ds xl to get.
I'm kinda disappoint there's no black one apparently (in aus). I think I'm going to get the simple grey one and then maybe get a decal later on.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395899 Considering both Animal Crossing and WW:HD did (both big, but not as big releases) did, I'd be shocked if it didn't or shortly thereafter. (give or take 5-10 minutes)
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14395914 Or just do what I'm doing, one digital one physical; so you can have both versions in your console at all times!
Jake 3952 - 7047 - 1532
>>14395083 >>14395171 >>14395188 >>14395194 Added you guys. Is there any way to tell who has added you instead of guessing?
>>14395937 There was the pure black that came with Monster Hunter 3U a while ago.
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
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>>14395948 Not that I'm aware of. I'm just adding everyone in the thread and deleting the dead names I'll have later on.
While we're all here, does anyone need anything in AC:NL?
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14395900 he posts on the EB games FB page like it's a community... it's a bit weird
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>>14395948 Nope. Aside from notifying the person here, you don't get anything.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
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Anyone else for the pastebin?
James 3368-1480-1488
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>>14395745 yup
Added everyone in the thread btw
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14395948 If they come up automatically when you add their FC they've added you, otherwise you've just gotta wait for the pop-up that says they've added you. Would be easier if an add sent a request, but we all know Nintendo is still grasping the rope with this "online networking" shit.
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
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>>14395945 That makes sense but I am too much of an idiot to do something that smart.
Rexxxie !!9fwD2XsiIDo
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>>14395953 hmm, thanks for that tip anon!
Mish 4055-3994-1861
>>14395971 Yeah, what the fuck's up with the 2-3 people who post there every hour about shit they've been doing? I've only been paying attention to the page since two days ago, and only for pokemon, once I get pokemon I'll probably unlike it altogether.
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>>14395961 I actually have another one of him. Not physical, but the butthurt was pretty hilarious.
I'll get this friday my copy, but I wanted to know about the new multiplayer features (if there's any), specificly battle modes (2vs2, 3vs3, multibattles, rulesets, etc). Didn't see what I'm looking for on Serebii or the official site. Halp?
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
>>14395913 >>14395877 >>14395872 >>14395599 Added. Plus all the folks who've added me. If I've missed you, yell at me.
Also, grow a beard.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
Quoted By:
what's the count so far? i've added 17 people and 7 haven't replied yet... also, if i do a living dex on X/Y, i'll need the event legendaries from B/W (meloetta, keldeo & genesect). anyone have the wondercards? (also how does that work? i'm pleb with 3DS multiplayer shit)
Elljayar [250914699714]
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I just opened my Animal Crossing town gates for some reason If any of you soda wants to meet and greet, be my guestaroo.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
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>>14395994 his wall is hilarious too, the majority of his statuses are retarded and have no replies or anything
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
>>14395994 You don't know the half of it.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Dropbear Tom Xaldyn Elljayar Beardo Nick Necro Lewis Mousse FenixPrime James. that is everyone added to the pastebin if anyone else wants to be apart of it just give us a yell
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
>>14396007 what do you wanna know about 'em?
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
>>14396052 You. Why you no add me?
James 3368-1480-1488
>>14396014 waiting on ya, I need more beardo
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396067 Cheers mate. Mind dropping the link so that whoever makes the next thread can just drop it in the first post?
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14395971 >>14396052 >>14395994 Ironically, he used to post wanting games to break. I think he thinks that by being the Facebook whiteknight will get him bonuses or something.
He's already Level 4 on EB World and claims he doesn't like price matching because he wants to spend all his money at EB.
Didn't help him when my friend and I were put ahead of him at the GTA V Midnight launch for winning some trivia game.
Quoted By:
>>14396067 Would you be able to add me to the pastebin?
Ez 5257 9189 8705
Perthfag here, I'm about to start adding everyone from the pastebin.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396091 Got it saved in case I need to start the thread. Top job mate.
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
so will we have aussie general every night?
>>14396067 I like welcoming new ideas. Can I be a part of it?
>>14395792 [Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Quoted By:
>>14396091 Awesome. Thanks for this.
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
>>14396076 Sorry, I'll do it now :)
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
>>14396095 Level 4? Jesus, I'm only a level 2 and it took me over a year to get there. He probably does spend all his money there.
Jake 3952 - 7047 - 1532
Quoted By:
>>14396091 Me too, if you don't mind.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396111 That's the plan! And keep it around all day for those around during the day. Wouldn't be surprised if we see other countries following out lead on this one!
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14396113 do you want a shorter name in there?
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14396125 add me 4 dicktymez
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396125 Please remember to add me too! The more the merrier I say!
>>14396138 I was quite proud of thinking that name up, but if you need a shorter one, just go Hajime.
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
Quoted By:
>>14396131 I'm still only level 1, due to JB being nearby my closest EB, and being less shitty.
Quoted By:
>>14396152 Heck, just go Hajime.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396152 As much fun as I'd have adding the whole thing, I think the Friend section would be quite happy matching it to your Mii name anyway.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14396152 Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration it is!
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
>>14396152 I like your name, if it means anything.
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
I sent a bunch of letters via the mail app. Enjoy.
Tom 1736 0587 5087
Quoted By:
I added everyone in the pastebin... I think. I'm going now though and will add more in the morning if they are in the pastebin. Have fun ausfriends.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14396185 ...there's a mail app? HOWCANYOU3DS?!?!
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
Bon Kurei
Add me to that list if ya can! I'll be sending mail out too!
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
Quoted By:
>>14396200 let's do this shit ;D
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
>>14396193 The Letter Box app
>>14396131 I'm level 3, about 2000 carrots off of level 4. EB actually allows people to get a game at midnight launches based on what level they are.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
Quoted By:
>>14396210 i still don't even...
>>14395043 Name: Heath
FC: 0259-1415-6605
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Quoted By:
>>14396185 That's pretty cute. I've only ever used this to send people nsfw drawings.
Quoted By:
>>14396170 If only we could have real ones. Nothing is more metal.
>>14396182 Thanks, dude. Too bad Nintendo wouldn't let me fit it. I went to see how much I could fit.
>10 character max. Hypermegaf Didn't even get to have "fag". Not impressed.
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Quoted By:
>>14396193 Nintendo letters. Draw and write stuff. Send. Go check yours, think I sent you one.
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
>>14396216 what do the levels give ya?
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396216 Which I think is just a bit shit, to be honest. If someones paid someones fucking paid.
>>14396073 If there's any change between gen 5 and gen 6 battle modes, both local wireless and online.
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396229 Added!
>>14396237 As far as I remember, extra trade-in value and a longer pre-order hold time is the main benefits. I know Lv4 gets exclusive invites to some things, but what they are... I dunno.
Elljayar [250914699714]
Elljayar [250914699714]
Still waiting for FenixPrime and Dragar...
So what exactly are the odds of any big w selling it tomorrow ?
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396261 From what I recall, the ability to set the level scale to 50, 100 or turn it off. The ability to set some particular clauses and whatnot. Ability to set a Pokemon limit. (so for example, you can do doubles and restrict to 4 per side to do VGC battles)
Plus, if memory serves me right, (and this is the best one of them all) Masuda said we can actually set our own battle theme from a list.
Quoted By:
>>14396237 >>14396275 Basically, I feel they stated they give you the game earlier in the 'bonuses'. It does help with the whole lining up. Still is pretty shit, don't think I'd complain when I get to Level 4, though.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14396294 depends whether or not their computers will let them sell it, if not well no way we are getting it, if so I would say the chances are pretty good
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
>>14396294 Around 1/3 chance. We're more likely to get ShinTokyo break but not break the rest of the stores as they imported instead.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
anyone up for an all-nighter general on the 12th?
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396294 They're catalogue specifically states it releases on the 12th, so unless there's a street break somewhere else, we won't see them until Saturday morning. (except for those going to midnight launches)
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Quoted By:
>>14396229 Added. 3823-9875-6043
Is anyone waiting on me to add back?
>>14395792 Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396318 That .gif. Every time. I swear.
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
Ez 5257 9189 8705
Quoted By:
Add me guys, I think I've got everyone in the thread so far. Getting Y but I gotta wait for the US eshop ;_;
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396315 Fuck yes. I am stocking up on coffee so badly because I don't think I'm planning on sleeping until Sunday night. (and that's only because I have work on Monday)
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
Quoted By:
>>14396308 >>14396312 >>14396317 Thou shalt let thy gaming overlords decide thy fate of broken street dates.
I'm waiting on Monique, Andrew and Mousse. Have I missed anyone that have added me and I haven't in return? I'm 3437 3170 1300.
>>14396297 Sounds pretty cool overall, but I was looking foward to something like multibattles online, Maybe I'm expecting too much.
Thanks anon.
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396362 Well, the PGL isn't up for X/Y yet, so for all we know there may be some sort of Wi-Fi room that allows it. We'll just have to have a look!
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Quoted By:
>>14396358 Sorry, bro. Added, as well as everyone else who posted.
Nick 0361-6791-5831
>>14396318 Still waiting on yours too.
James 3368-1480-1488
I have to get a new Sd card, so I will be sending mail out tomorrow
>>14395043 wait, so who is this weaboo faggot? I've been seeing him posted alot
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
missing hugo, monique, dragar, slade, jake, asbel & heath
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396418 I know that feeling. Actually went and upgraded mine once I heard the announcement of the download size.
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
Quoted By:
>>14396427 Person on Facebook that's been trying to keep the streetdate on Pokemon. Yeah.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Heath 0259-1415-6605
>>14396370 Waiting on
Dragar, Hugo, Slade, Jake, Mish and Tom
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
>>14396308 I live on the Central Coast so im hoping i will be the first one to try and go get it early and if not i work in the centre so i might be able to talk my way into getting one
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
Dragar here, just got home and no notifications yet
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
What if the saboteur from EB Games FB page is among us?
Ahh fuuuuuuuuuuuck. This shit's started already? Well aren't I fucking late to the party? 2578-3133-1607 Jayden I'm a general sick cunt and I've pretty much added everyone here, so add me back brahs.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Quoted By:
>>14396482 I am east coast, so I am going to go around and see if I can snag one
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
Quoted By:
>>14396507 i too am also a "general sick cunt"...
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Just got the pastebin, Im adding the list>tfw Im checking my friend list >tfw no face
Ez 5257 9189 8705
>friend's list just went from 2 online to 10 online in a matter of half an hour. Noone can call me antisocial anymore.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Quoted By:
>>14396529 God damn it, Tyrone.
Quoted By:
>>14396529 >Shit Tyrone, get it together. Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
Quoted By:
>>14396507 "sick cunt"? There's a cream for that.
>>14396514 >>14396483 >>14396502 Added these guys, will add anyone who replies
>>14396482 central coast here too, gonna call tugerah first thing tomorrow
Heath 0259-1415-6605
I guess no one here lives in Ipswich? I don't know whether we are having a midnight launch here :s
James 3368-1480-1488
Quoted By:
>>14396444 omg I found a 32mb sd card, cant use mail still.. god damn
Quoted By:
>>14396529 fuk yo ass bish das mah niqqa he dos wat he wants
yo wanna getcho ass ice beamd?
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
>>14396536 31 here. Animal crossing mate.
0662 - 3389 - 9790 I'm adding a bunch of you.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
Quoted By:
>>14396460 >>14396460 Goof thing i checked the thread again, got you two now
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Quoted By:
>>14396555 Fucking Tuggerah, broke streetdate on Monster Hunter and then caused a shitstorm.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
just add ANDREW, DROPBEAR, and TOM
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Quoted By:
>>14396572 shhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeet
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
Currently waiting on: Dragar, Fenix, 343731701300, and steffie
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14396602 added, still dont see you
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Quoted By:
waiting on Bon kurei and Dragar
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
Quoted By:
>>14396624 Deleting and re-adding seemed to do the trick.
Ethan -- 4184-1698-6178
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
>>14396582 Here's a related picture I stole from my girlfriends tumblr. It's me, being horrible.
Beard and all.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
If anyone that wants to be in the pastebin and hasn't been added let me know
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
Nothing from: Dragar FenixPrime 4055-3994-1861 Hugo Slade 4210-4446-0623 Hajime Jake 3437-3170-1300 Steffie
FenixPrime [2836-0853-0326] !xi8/JKFwzo
Ez 5257 9189 8705
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14396529 Added!
>>14396578 Added as well!
>>14396499 You won't get notifications for friend adds; you have to add us too!
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Monique !ygoGnspmMY
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Jarrad 0447-5932-2292 Plan on getting X
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
>>14396652 >being horrible Lie
Ez 5257 9189 8705
>>14396653 Would you be able to add me to the pastebin?
>>14396671 Added
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Monique [2191-8354-4789] !ygoGnspmMY
>>14396670 there now, I think
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Quoted By:
>>14396685 Horrible pose I mean. Really need to make a poke biker costume.
Nick 0361-6791-5831
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
Added mostly everyone. Back to bug farming!
James 3368-1480-1488
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
>>14396653 Would be awesome if you could add me too.
[Y] Hugo 2595-0015-3584
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14396686 I have put you in there
Hajime (3823-9875-6043) Waiting for Fenix (2062-9440-6885), FenixPrime (2836-0853-0326), Bon Kurei (1349-5391-2070), Mish (4055-3994-1861), a James (3368-1480-1488), Mish (4055-3994-1861), Jayden (2578-3133-1607), and Stef (0662-3389-9790). Is anyone waiting on me to add them?
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14396671 Added!
>>14396707 Added as well!
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14396661 Sorry, dude. I tried adding you before, and it came up with incorrect friend code. Working now, though.
Ez 5257 9189 8705
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14396716 Added
Just sent everyone my Flygon drawing
Quoted By:
>>14396751 Also, this is Hajime.
Nick 0361-6791-5831
>>14396701 Just waiting on Dragar,Hugo, Elljayar, Bon Kurei, Heath, Steffie and Jarrad.
>>14396716 Hajime likes the Mish.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14396757 Still not see you and BEARDO
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
come to brisbane, i doubt ippy is gonna hold a midnight launch. But you may be lucky. Brisbane midnight launch has been confirmed via bulbapedia, they got a list of special launches all over the globe.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
I've added everyone whos posted so far. Thank you everyone for embracing this like you have, it's going to make 6th gen a blast to play with you all. I'll refresh when I get back for any newcomers!
Dragar here, i've added everyone. feel free to add me to a list
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Any other Adelaide folks here?
Monique [2191-8354-4789] !ygoGnspmMY
Quoted By:
>>14396803 You have not added moi.
Bon Kurei
Quoted By:
>>14396774 Everyone likes Mish, she's a cute
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
>>14396823 Yo. Stuck at Flinders Uni, etc.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Nick 0361-6791-5831
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Monique [2191-8354-4789] !ygoGnspmMY
Ethan -- 4184-1698-6178
Quoted By:
Add me to the pastebin
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
>>14396843 Sucky. Thankfully I never went to flinders.
Any desire in recruiting a few more vpers for pokeshit in the city at some point?
Quoted By:
>>14396849 You guys asked me this before.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
Quoted By:
still missing jake, asbel, steffie, jarrad & strike
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Jayden [2578-3133-1607]
Any cunts out Penrith way?
Quoted By:
>>14396803 Nor I. 3823-9875-6043.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14396889 also, are you different from fenix prime? or are you one person like tom riddle and voldemort?
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
>>14396893 19th, somewhere with coffee outdoors that allows cigarettes, lunchish, providing we can get numbers?
'Strike 3308-4766-3024
>>14396908 I am, near Jamisontown. You?
James 3368-1480-1488
Quoted By:
still waiting on Dragar Fenixprime Hugo Slade Mish Elljayar Nick Jarrad
Nick 0361-6791-5831
>>14396908 Yeah, lower Blue Mountains.
>>14396914 10/10, nice and bouncy, just the way I like them.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
i think the beef with EBgames has been taken one step further...
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
I was refering to all the people who posting saying they added me
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192
Quoted By:
>>14396920 Let's see if there's more adelaide here before details. But yeah, stuff like that (although I hate cigarettes)
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
>>14396937 >beef FUNNY STUFF
Quoted By:
>>14396937 Beef curtains. Hue.
They've been getting spam like that for a while now.
Heath 0259-1415-6605
>>14396795 I go to QUT in the city. I might drive in for midnight launch.
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
Monique [2191-8354-4789] !ygoGnspmMY
>>14396936 one on the left looks a little dead, though.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
>>14396944 added, because i don't have you
>>14396940 I have added you
Adding anyone who I see are waiting on me
Waiting on a Hugo and a Fenix
Mine is 0662-3389-9790
>>14396974 Fainted* This is a Pokémon thread.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14396931 >>14396949 waiting for you guys
>>14396976 added back
Nick 0361-6791-5831
>>14396960 Still waiting for your add!
'Strike 3308-4766-3024
Quoted By:
>>14396974 He's so ecstatic he is... Break dancing, I think.
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Quoted By:
>>14396980 Add me please :)
Heath 0259-1415-6605
>>14396779 can you add me to the pastebin please Andrew?
Quoted By:
>>14396988 *Hamburger time. Please.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
Quoted By:
If Dragar, FenixPrime, Hugo, Slade and Jarrad could add me, that would be great. If anyone else is waiting on me, let me know.
>>14396999 Gotcha. Added.
Jayden [2578-3133-1607]
>>14396931 >>14396926 Sickest, I live in the shit of it, Werrington, 10 minutes from Penrith, though I'm in South Penrith alot.
Where are you's getting your games from?
Should meet up and hang some time brahs.
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
>>14397014 all done for you
'Strike 3308-4766-3024
>>14397034 I'm getting mine from the EB games in Nepean Square because it's closest to me, lol.
And meeting up sounds like fun~
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Quoted By:
>>14397001 Sorry dude, just added you
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14397001 waiting for you as well
James 3368-1480-1488
Quoted By:
Anyone from Sunshine Coast?
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Jayden [2578-3133-1607]
>>14397056 Ahk fair mang, I don't even know where I'll buy mine, well I'm always down for social shit if you ever want to battle, trade and chat etc.
Nick 0361-6791-5831
>>14397034 Oh sick. Not sure where I'll get it, just somewhere in the Westfield on my break at work on Saturday. Anywhere that will price match to Big W probably.
3437 3170 1300 C
Quoted By:
Alright, so I'm waiting on Dragar, Steffie, Strike and Fenix. Anyone else waiting on my adding?
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14397082 Pretty sure you're already in there, Dragar. That's where I came across you.
Hajime, that is.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Just got back. Seems I haven't missed anyone. But oh dear lord at that post on the EB page! Haha. Still waiting on adds from Jarrad and Tyrone. Still contemplating heading into Brisbane on Friday for a few hours, despite not picking my game up there.
Jayden [2578-3133-1607]
Quoted By:
>>14397096 Exactly what I was thinking, that's where I was looking to drop in to grab it too, was even going to do it around lunch. Big dubs looking the best price wise to be honest.
It'd be cool if I see you there, I'll be the guy trying not to loose his spaghetti.
3437 3170 1300 C
>>14397134 I believe the Tyrone was a friend of Fenix's.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
Quoted By:
>>14397082 yep already in there
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:08:21 No. 14397178 Report >>14397121 I'm starting to think maybe the name field would be helpful.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14397164 yeah, he is on another FC thread and playing X now
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
'Strike 3308-4766-3024
>>14397093 Sounds good to me, definitely have to take you up on that offer at some point.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397179 Ah, no worries then. Let him know to add me when he gets the chance please. :)
>>14397178 That name still makes me laugh and I don't know why.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14397194 waiting for you
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Well im off guys, if anyone else adds me be sure to mention in Aus gen thread tomorrow
3437 3170 1300 C
Quoted By:
>>14397204 Probably because the name is pretty true.
Andrew [4038 - 6612 -7355] !!JrjbFVbAyWe
I am going for tonight guys, thank you to everyone who has participated, much appreciated. if someone wants to keep a track on the pastebin and either create a new one and keep it updated or something, I will be back tomorrow morning and hopefully going to keep the thread going
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Quoted By:
>>14397218 Night Dragar! If there isn't a post in the morning I'll do it when I get up. I suspect it's gonna be slow, FC adding and general crap until the weekend. Then I think we'll go through a thread every few hours...
Heath 0259-1415-6605
>>14397134 I might do the same thing man, I've already pre-ordered it in Ippy haha
Beardo 3738-0969-6435
Night guys, see you tomorrow.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:14:45 No. 14397292 Report Quoted By:
>>14397190 Catchy, isn't it?
>>14397204 I dunno. He-man and death metal?
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
Quoted By:
To all those leaving, good night. See you in future threads.
Monique [2191-8354-4789] !ygoGnspmMY
Yeah, I'm gonna head off as well. I have uni in the morning. Night all.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397275 Sounds like we may have a Bris Aus Gen meet and greet at the Albert St midnight launch then. Haha.
Mind you I'd be heading off about 10 or so, after getting there around 8. I wanna make sure I get my game downloading ASAP afterall. I'll have an all nighter to pull!
... and then take my step-sister to pick up her copy of Y in the morning.
Heath 0259-1415-6605
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:16:28 No. 14397321 Report Quoted By:
Jayden [2578-3133-1607]
>>14397194 Sounds mad, don't have any pokebros so should be sweet.
Heath 0259-1415-6605
>>14397311 Sounds good man, we'll discuss some deets on tomorrow's thread. I gotta get up for uni at 6am tomorrow haha, gnight everyone.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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Night to everyone who's had to go. Sleep well guys!
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:19:15 No. 14397369 Report >>14397304 >>14397336 Night, you conformist wankers getting a decent education so you can contribute to society in some meaningful way.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397369 Sa dthing is most people I know who have gotten uni degrees then can't find a job in their respective field, so they come and join us in things like retail.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
>all these people having lives
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
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Same here, have a test tmr as well, see you guys soon
'Strike 3308-4766-3024
>>14397335 Same here, should totally sort out some means of contact.
Lewis 0259-0380-0474
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signing out, seeya all tomorrow
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:24:59 No. 14397467 Report >>14397424 That actually sucks. I think if someone puts that sort of effort, they should get some help at least getting into employment in their field. I mean, it isn't high school. That is something they spend thousands of dollars and years getting.
Rexxxie [1207 0432 8619] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
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G'night to those going to bed!
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397428 Yup. But I'm use to late nights from raiding in WoW. Mind you I'm stopping that at the end of this week. Can't think of why...
But I also get a lot of late starts at work. Don't start until 5 tomorrow which feels pretty amazing at times I have to say.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:26:31 No. 14397490 Report I'm getting on Animal Crossing, by the way. Should I open my gate or something?
Jayden [2578-3133-1607]
>>14397450 Well if need be we got the messaging app on the 3DS.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397467 I know, but it also says something about the job climate here as well. I still find it amusing people can still get jobs in retail, what with the downturn in that economic sector at the moment with increasing cost of living...
'Strike 3308-4766-3024
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
>>14397482 Yeah, late nights are easy for me. I work from home right now, so I just sit around drawing bara all day.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:33:24 No. 14397598 Report >>14397508 I think half of it is because people aren't using the internet in any real meaningful way. Everything is being done there, 99% of the population has used it for something at some stage, and I think, half the small businesses (which make up a pretty large percentage of Australian business) are still trying to eschew it as some sort of fad. Half the businesses in my town don't even have a fucking facebook page. And that's pretty bad.
We are getting better at it, though. Maybe one day they'll catch on. And maybe once they work that out, the economy get back on track.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14397585 That makes it even easier! Oh to have the luxury of controlling your own work hours.
3437 3170 1300 C
>>14397598 Most businesses in your town aren't even legal businesses.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:35:50 No. 14397642 Report Quoted By:
>>14397598 Oh wait. We have Abbott in charge now.
Disregard that, the PM sucks cocks.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397598 Well the biggest issue with that is the fact that those who completely embrace the online market cut down costs by removing the bricks and mortar aspect of the business because it's more cost effective and more profitable to run a warehouse delivery system.
As someone who works in higher-end retail, this frustrates me, because it just opens the door for customer complaints due to lack of information. Because even with the internet allowing people to inform themselves more, it doesn't replace the personal experience and feedback and sales assistant can bring.\
... I'll get off my soapbox now.
Ez 5257 9189 8705
>>14397490 I haven't touched AC in a few weeks. Too scared that I'll lose all my villagers right now...
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:39:53 No. 14397712 Report >>14397626 Who's to say meth labs can't have facebook pages?
>>14397648 Oh, yeah. But that's when people step in with innovation to work ways to solve these issues. It's what happens every time a new shopping medium has opened up. The internet is just another way to do it. It's just noone has closed these loopholes.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:41:35 No. 14397744 Report Quoted By:
>>14397663 Lol. More reason to check what changes have been made. I did the same thing after GTA came out. I'm just lucky noone worth noticing left. What a great mayor I am.
3437 3170 1300 C
>>14397712 Trevor Phillips Industries says.
>Implying they even know how to make meth. >Implying they know how what a lab is. Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397712 I'm lucky with the fact I haven't been effected too hard. Yes, we're trading less then we were last year (also due to outside factors besides the economic changes) but my knowledge and experience in my department is still seeing a good turnover at least. Just comes down to knowing how to sell your wares.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:47:43 No. 14397860 Report >>14397772 Hurrhurr Meth Co. says
>we try our best :'-( its just all dem five letter word confuze us plz >>14397787 Ha, yeah, and you at least know how to turn on a computer. Honestly, the worst hit people, if shit does hit the fan, will be the smaller companies, and people who do not know how to adapt to the modern climate. Part of that climate is at least being able to open Internet Explorer.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397860 Yup. And with the Libs in control, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
Actually quite funny you mention IE. My workplace just launched an online roster thingo for staff to check shifts and book leave. Damn thing only seems to work on IE. zzz
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:50:13 No. 14397907 Report Quoted By:
>>14397860 And I still highly doubt shit will hit the fan, even with the incompetent big-eared dildo with Bishop's wrinkly hand up his arse leading us. Australia does, for all it's shit, still have good, strong business areas.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:51:19 No. 14397924 Report >>14397903 And there will be where the problem is. The money from those strong businesses will remain in the rich's hands.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14397924 Yup! Actually quite scary when you could actually think of this election past as being Republicans vs Democratics...
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:55:59 No. 14398004 Report >>14397956 Ahahaha, that's how every election for about the past 30-odd years has been. It sucks how the "Liberal Party" is a misappropriated euphemism for "cocksucker conservative. I mean, how are they still able to pull that shit off?
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:57:13 No. 14398026 Report >>14397663 And sorry if you were trying to join, dude. Gate's open now.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398004 Because they appeal to the older voting block.
The long and the short of it, and I hate slapping labels like this, but the Libs are the old man's party while Labour appeals more to the youth.
Ez 5257 9189 8705
>>14398026 Oh nah I wasn't, sorry if there was a misunderstanding. I think I might check my AC though just incase I need to TT to make sure I haven't lost anyone I like.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 13:59:57 No. 14398087 Report >>14398037 In this case, you are perfectly right. Though the bogans who only ever seem to follow politics when "dem derm bert perpl are comin'" were pretty easily swayed into the former. Especially after gay marriage was brought up.
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>>14395265 >caring about legendaries Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:02:15 No. 14398133 Report Quoted By:
>>14398072 Fortunately there aren't many *I* like at the moment. I'm starting to like a few. Like the alligator that runs around saying "huehuehue", and the duck that runs around greeting everyone with "fuckle" or "fuck me",
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398087 Which I still laugh at the irony of because Abbot's sister is a lesbian...
Oh, and the NBN is needless additional cost, but buying boats from the boat people isn't.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:04:54 No. 14398176 Report >>14398137 "ermagerd bert pepl r a nertional derfernce ershu gerd yu ernpatrertic nerger"
Must be pretty fun in a Liberal's head. Roomy, at least.
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
So many letters, god damn. I didn't expect you people to send so many.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398176 I wonder if you could hear a pin drop. At least we know there's no haystack to sort through...
>>14398228 At least it wasn't spammed with drawings of dicks. That's something at least.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
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>>14398228 I was gonna send stuff out, but I already have like 20 new letters, it's insane.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:14:25 No. 14398336 Report >>14398228 >>14398251 Allow me to fix that.
>>14398251 Or stray thoughts to trip over. Or thoughts at all for that matter.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398336 If it's a dick you're sending, it best be anatomically correct.
Also thinking is for a government that can do something for the long term infrastructure of the country.
Then again, Labour had less maturity then a kindergarden with the infighting recently...
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:20:24 No. 14398446 Report >>14398404 I wasn't going to send it to you but okay, I'll do my best.
And God, yeah. While I supported Rudd, and to be honest still do, I wasn't impressed with their bullshit over the last 3 years. At all.
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
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>>14398446 I'm a fucking dick connoisseur, I will critique it to death if it's not a truly 10/10 penis.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398446 I think it was more Labour, despite the massive fault that was leadership, was still looking ahead to the country's future.
Now, if it were TURNBULL ahead up the Coalition, it would've been a little different. Hell, after he got emailed the petition about the NBN he's actually starting to seriously take that on board. He at least to me, embodies somebody who can appeal to the upper class but still listen to the common man.
Xaldyn [4554-1393-0503] !3D.cWmejE.
>>14398473 You. I like your political leanings and thoughts. I agree.
Gillard vs. Abbott was stupid. Rudd vs. Turnbull would have been a good election.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:26:27 No. 14398533 Report Quoted By:
>>14398473 If it came down to Turnbull versus Gillard, I was voting Turnbull. I made that perfectly clear to my Labour friends, whether they agreed or not. Turnbull knows what he is doing with an economy. Gillard was just horrible - and not because she was a girl. If not because she is a fucking moron, than because she was a fucking ginger.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:27:46 No. 14398553 Report >>14398515 This. Gillard v. Abbott was fucking retarded. Rudd v. Turnbull. Those are god tier politicians. People with more than four functioning brain cells.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398515 Honestly if it had've been Rudd vs Turnbull I would've voted Turnbull. A more open approach to policies (not this bullshit Abbot spews), someone who can actually speak out and not have to refer to someone on what he can and can't say, but someone else who actually has the country's future in mind. (albeit more for the upper class then infrastructure, but he's listening at least!)
But, we'll just have to wait and see. I still haven't ruled out leaving the country over this schoolyard mudslinging contest our politics have become. Would be nice if the two sides would communicate and cooperate properly instead of this shit.
... getting off the soapbox again. That's twice in one night.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398553 More then four brain cells between them anyway. :P
But to clairfy on my last point, even with Rudd being a good polly vs Turnbull, still too much instability when Turnbull at least can keep the ship steady.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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Actually have to laugh how late night this has gone from FC and Pokemon general to political discussion.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:39:06 No. 14398711 Report >>14398568 >>14398609 I don't honestly know if Abbott actually has policies at all. At the very least, policies he has actually thought out - as opposed to making it up as he went along during his plethora of television appearances over the last six months. Seriously. This election environment was, and post election wasteland is, kinda depressing. And I went and enrolled to vote and everything. I think I am going to go completely DIY, ignore everything to do with politics, start a death metal band, release a few albums, make little splash, then kick in the doors to parliament house during a session, try to stab both leaders, wash myself in their blood, then work on clearing as many of the ministers I don't like before the guards try to jump in like the rap-listening fags they are. Protecting Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard. Swaggots.
Umm. That is related to Pokemon because Origins was pretty dark and awesome.
Oh, and
>>14398553 *then
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:41:23 No. 14398753 Report >>14398711 If bathing in the Prime Minister's blood doesn't sell death metal, I don't know what does. We can even make album covers and T-shirts.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
>>14398753 Can even do an album about it. "Spill in the Hill"
[Y] Mousse - 2191-9073-4578
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>>14398711 It's nice to know /vp/ isn't full of retards.
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043]
Hypermegafaglordrainbowlasersofevisceration [3823-9875-6043] Wed 09 Oct 2013 14:48:40 No. 14398868 Report >>14398781 "Spill on the Hill" it shall be. Everyone here gets free copies, and I will be sure to hide bags of their blood to use inside the special album cases. That'd be a pretty cool case. We'll need an anticoagulant so it continues to run.
Necro [0275 - 7824 - 9442] !4nv8qswKtA
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>>14398868 Sounds like a plan to me.