>>14399292u wot m8
Delphox looks like it'll be kicking some ass with those Special attacks, and having STAB Psyshock to cockblock special walls is always nice. Chesnaught's a decent enough physical tank. Greninja could be stronger, but with a STAB priority move that ranges from 30 to 75 BP and decent enough coverage, it'll probably be fine.
Talonflame's got the highest BST of any regional bird ever, even using the low estimations for defenses. Vivillon's second best early Bug; Leavanny beats it out. Diggersby's the strongest rodent.
Even taking the very lowest estimations for Florges, it's got some decent stats. Almost certain Pangoro's are wrong, but it has decent abilities. Even using Meowstic's low stats, it's probably the best puddy tat, given its Attack is completely dumped. Aegislash's stats, if they're right, are fucking insane. Malamar, Dragalge, and Clawitzer are decent enough, Heliolisk's quick enough and strong enough to sweep some shit.
They totally fucked up on Tyrantrum, though, unless Pokemon's breaking muh patterns of 495 BST fossils. Did it with Archeops, I guess.
Touchy-Feely's one of the better Eeveelutions from the looks of things. Special tank that can hit back pretty hard and has a good typing.
Hawlucha's UU material, not bad, and has a decent ability. Carbink's probably ass, I'll give you that. Goodra looks like it'd be fucking beastly with Hydration Rest and a boosting move. Klefki's got bad stats, but they're better than Sableye's, so Prankster will fuck some shit up. Trevenant's not too great. Avalugg's slow Cloyster with great HP, it might see a use. Finally, not counting legends, Noivern's a pretty decent Special Dragon.
There, a decent rundown of all the Pokemon. Out of these, the only ones I can truly say will most likely be NU without some massive shenanigans will be Vivillon, Diggersby, Dedenne by default, Carbink, Furfrou, maybe Trevenant and Meowstic, and sadly probably Aurorus, due to its beyond shitty typing.