It's the dawn of the final day, and in a few hours the PSS will go live.
In order to take full advantage of the PSS and new Friend Safari Zone, let's trade Friend Codes with one another.
State your Nickname, and Friend Code in the Name field.
>Example: (Waffle) 5555-5555-5555 REPLY to EVERYONE you've added.
Don't be shy, we're all friends in here.
>How do I find my Friend Code? Go to your 3DS dashboard, click the orange square at the top, find your Mii card and the code will be at the bottom.
>How many friends can I have? 100 friends in total.
>How do I know if someone is my friend? If you can see their Mii Card, then they are your friend. If there is a ? where their Mii should be, that means they haven't accepted your invite yet.
>How do I delete a pending invite/friend? Scroll all the way to the left, select settings, then select delete friend.
>Why do I need friends? Previous Thread:
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
>>14490733 Adding everyone who replies to me.
Desu 2637-9771-8588 (X)
>>14490772 I still have spots to fill in.
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Noxxion: 0662-3781-0489
Looking for people to fill me in
Homiko 5086 1951 6036
nick 4227-1620-4649 zion 2122-6280-6937 will add anyone that replies
Daniel 4699-6456-2252
Adding anyone who replies! I need more friends.
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Adding replies, going to real generous with trades when i get X tomorrow
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets)
Roman 2680-9333-1510
Still have friend-holes that need filling. Adding all that reply.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
Still need Mitch, Boz, Squid, and Jeremy. Will add all that reply to this!
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Need some desperate filling here.
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Still need Titus, Kizuna, Kinjaru, madpk, MC, and garbordor
>>14490772 >>14491013 >>14490932 added. Please reply if you add.
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Add me, still got around 50 to go~
Pat 5472-7369-1026
Ben 1504-5722-7486
Adding replies. Plenty of spaces!
Beck 2595 1082 2019
Nick 0173-1311-4079
1091-8491-2675 Collector K (Y)
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
>>14491031 Added these people in the last thread, adding whoever replies.
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Nin 4296-3017-4200
Canadian Mike 1676-3743-0526
Will had anyone who adds me. I have a full dex in Black, so once I transfer them over, I may be able to help with yours.
Moist 5413 1196 3424
Still got plenty of space will add anyone who replies
Quips 5300-8402-8458
(Odoyle) 1349-5065-1749
Trucky 4468-1921-2850
I still have plenty of spots.
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Spetza 0516 - 7468 - 8977
Noxxion: 0662-3781-0489
Michael 4983-5015-8621
omega 3394-3554-0668
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Here again add away folks already got most of the guys from last one.
jom 3566-2828-1737
Just started trying to get friends, i've got like 6. here's a picture i like to make my post bigger n shit oh and getting y
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Quoted By:
>>14491013 whoops i already have you nvm
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Adding all who adds me. Post of added me and will post when adding others. Gotta fill up this list by tomorrow!
aleks 5429-7470-0477
>>14490733 adding everyone who replies to me
Ash: 5370 - 1798 - 7772 (X)
Desu 2637-9771-8588 (X)
1091-8491-2675 Collector K (Y)
4871-3742-5172 (Nikolas)
Groitgard 0576-4779-4045
Added a few from the last thread, still have 18 slots so please add and reply if you do!
Michael 4983-5015-8621
aleks 5429-7470-0477
Argo 1693-0910-7260
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
>>14491256 >>14491259 added, still adding replies
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Anyone wanna add me? I'll be getting Y. Pls respond
Nin 4296-3017-4200
choc: 0061-0632-2482
Matt 2535-4134-7376
Will add anyone who adds me. Thanks guys.
Speed 0834-1080-7738
Sean 4098-2590-7662
>>14491084 >>14491089 >>14491013 >>14490981 >>14490932 added!
adding any replies, have tons of space to go
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
>>14490932 >>14491089 >>14491129 Added
Still awaiting confirmation on
Kizuna 4656-6519-0028
jom 3566-2828-1737
Kam 1392-4922-3435
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
adding everyone who replies~
Gavin 5257-9937-8141
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Quips 5300-8402-8458
1091-8491-2675 CollectorK (Y)
im adding any replies to this one
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Ben 1504-5722-7486
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
>>14491352 I'm waiting on you to add me back :)
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
Quips 5300-8402-8458
>>14491381 added these guys
choc: 0061-0632-2482
Quoted By:
>>14491325 oh and I'm full now guys
Tyler 1332-7751-6225
adding to replies lets keep it up guys
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Kizuna 4656-6519-0028
Infamous 0919-9927-0635 Add me y'all
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Beck 2595 1082 2019
aleks 5429-7470-0477
Tyler 1332-7751-6225
Oscar 1306 5817 0165
Adding anyone who replies.
Ash: 5370 - 1798 - 7772 (X)
McBob 3523-2289-3525
jom 3566-2828-1737
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
Nick 0173-1311-4079
Kwame 4055-3889-0262
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
>>14491510 added dude
Last one for me will add replies after this one and I'm going to play X!
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
>>14491478 >>14491488 added! Only at 50 friends, totally adding all who reply.
jom 3566-2828-1737
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Spetza 0516 - 7468 - 8977
Rob 4227-1986-2160
Reply, I add. Getting closer and closer ladies and gents.
omega 3394-3554-0668
Let's see if more People add me if I add a picture! Don't forget to reply
Sean 4098-2590-7662
>>14491491 >>14491488 >>14491529 Added!
>>14491350 Sorry about the delay just trying to sort through and such
ondore 0130-2028-0730
will add everyone that replies
John 3265 5179 1166
jom 3566-2828-1737
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Adding anyone that replies, I guess.
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Roman 3454-1012-0995
adding anyone who reply's to me :D
aleks 5429-7470-0477
McBob 3523-2289-3525
DAO 3711-7906-0464
Add me and i'll add you back.
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Michael 4983-5015-8621
I'm still only at 29, I want at least 50 before I start playing!!
jom 3566-2828-1737
Quips 5300-8402-8458
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
Chespin, Y version adding replys
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
Quoted By:
>>14491282 Are you sure you added my code correctly? You're still blank for me.
>>14491371 >>14491148 >>14491151 >>14491160 added
Homiko 5086 1951 6036
daniel - 0619 4281 7615
add me please i'll post this cute doge in the meantime
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
Scott 4270-0985-9064
Ben 1504-5722-7486
>>14491350 Is there another Ben? Regardless, I added.
aleks 5429-7470-0477
>>14491648 nigger roman I added you
Trucky 4468-1921-2850
Danny 2680-9726-7501
>>14491520 shit, forgot FC, adding
Roman 2680-9333-1510
>>14491591 >>14491602 >>14491627 >>14491648 Added!
3/4 of the way to a full list, keep them coming!
Quoted By:
>>14491719 >that dog oh my heart! :>
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Adding everyone who replies.
aleks 5429-7470-0477
Beck 2595 1082 2019
Daniel 4699-6456-2252
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Ryan 0275-8016-5440 [X]
I've added people by the name of Kotrovsky, Paul, elnino, Titus, and Max, but haven't gotten a reply from them yet. If you're one of those people, add me! If you're not one of those people, reply and I'll add you anyway!
Quoted By:
>>14491758 god damn can't get enough of that picture
McBob 3523-2289-3525
jom 3566-2828-1737
Trucky 4468-1921-2850
>tfw no gf and all those cute girl miis
Kwame 4055-3889-0262
Gavin 5257-9937-8141
1091-8491-2675 CollectorK (Y)
my friend list is practically empty. I WANNA FILL IT UP!
Matt 2148-8255-4088
Nick 0173-1311-4079
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Throwing name in here again.
2981-5997-4127 adding the peeps who reply
John 3265 5179 1166
>>14491680 >>14491719 that doge is too cute...added
Roman 3454-1012-0995
jom 3566-2828-1737
Matt 2148-8255-4088
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
Sword (X) 1805-2674-1988
Mewtwo 1375 7215 0009
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Bill 1392-4789-3989
Sean 4098-2590-7662
>>14491870 FC invalid
would be happy to add as soon as you fix
Danny 2680-9726-7501
>>14491719 nice name, adding
Argo 1693-0910-7260
>>14491868 added
adding everyone who replies to me
aleks 5429-7470-0477
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Quoted By:
My friend list is quite full, since I added too much people, but I need to know something. Few minutes ago, I received a swapnote saying 2vs2 battle was confirmed (assuming he's talking about online multibattles, 4 players at the same time). Any word of this? It'd be truly awesome.
aleks 5429-7470-0477
Matt 2148-8255-4088
Dej 3539 - 9374 - 6768
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Quoted By:
>>14491870 Added. Countdown at 5
choc: 0061-0632-2482
>>14491956 list got full, sorry, remove me :[
Adding everyone who replies. Nate: 3265-6155-9567
Draco (Y) 3024-5627-3828
I added everyone that I replied to here. I'll add more once I get something sorted out. If you reply I will add you. I'll make more posts for further additions I make.
>>14490772 >>14490932 >>14491083 >>14491131 >>14491137 >>14491148 >>14491148 Infamous 0919-9927-0635
That's me I'm adding those wig respond to me
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
>>14491517 I added everyone back just so you guys know, also adding anyone that replies to either message still
jom 3566-2828-1737
aleks 5429-7470-0477
Roman 3454-1012-0995
Sean 4098-2590-7662
whimsei (1848-1721-1443)
please only add me if you're a cute boy or girl
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Quoted By:
>>14491758 dat Serena, adding
Michael 4983-5015-8621
HoneyBunchDonkey 1048-9211-4826
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Beck 2595 1082 2019
omega 3394-3554-0668
The pokemon instruction Manual states: "Add those who reply"
Nevan 0645 - 5860 - 0439
adding everyone who replies
Trucky 4468-1921-2850
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
Getting hyped to finally get my hands on X and Y in the next day. Add me for whatever you need.
aleks 5429-7470-0477
>>14492114 added add me now
Ian 0018-1300-6519
5 slots left, I'll add whoever replies!
Pvt. Ryan 1934-2010-2093
I've never really been in these threads before, and I need some friends to start X and Y with. Add me please? I guess I'll add whoever responds, then.
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Danny 2680-9726-7501
4554 - 0059 - 6910 P-please add me...
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
Quoted By:
>>14491719 >>14491787 >>14491827 Trucky, if that handle is a Pootie Tang reference we are now bros.
>>14491836 added
HoneyBunchDonkey 1048-9211-4826
Matt 2148-8255-4088
daniel - 0619 4281 7615
Roman 3454-1012-0995
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
jom 3566-2828-1737
John 3265 5179 1166
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Quoted By:
>>14490772 Added (4554 - 0059 - 6910)
Matt 2148-8255-4088
>>14492218 I added you but you never added me
Dan 0602-7362-4613
Oh boy...never done this before...h-h-here we go.
Nevan 0645 - 5860 - 0439
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
>>14492176 adding as we speak
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Mewtwo 1375 7215 0009
choc: 0061-0632-2482 - FULL -
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
>mfw people are already playing the game
aleks 5429-7470-0477
>>14492278 love me forever
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Draco (Y) 3024-5627-3828
Nin 4296-3017-4200
Roman 2680-9333-1510
>>14492165 >>14492176 >>14492207 Added. Still waiting on Keith
>>14491627 Need more slots filled! Add me!
Scott 4270-0985-9064
Quoted By:
>>14491013 Added (4554 - 0059 - 6910)
Tea 4098-2288-6736
Does anyone know if you can still use the mic to chat with other trainers?
Ian (x) 2363-7075-1232
Adding anyone who replies.
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Dej 3539 - 9374 - 6768
>>14492142 >>14492146 >>14492165 >>14492225 >>14492223 >>14492321 Adding now. Wouldn't mind adding some people who are getting X so I trade Manetric and a Tyranitarite.
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Danny 2680-9726-7501
>>14491803 adding like a preschooler
Tea 4098-2288-6736
Beck 2595 1082 2019
aleks 5429-7470-0477
daniel - 0619 4281 7615
Quoted By:
>>14492271 Oh sorry, i always post my code in these threads, then i wait until they are over and ctrl f (you)
i'll add you now
Cj 0232-7665-1900
sup guys, i need some more people i'll add all that reply
Quoted By:
>>14492340 I read in an interview that there was mic chat available.
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
waiting on Dan, Ian, Seth, Titus, Hugoagogo, Stevester, Kizuna, Sydney, Dusky, Ramsey, Michael, Squidily, Spetza, omega, Donohoe, jom. Will add everyone that replies to this message.
HoneyBunchDonkey 1048-9211-4826
Quips 5300-8402-8458
jom 3566-2828-1737
Roman 3454-1012-0995
>>14492207 >>14492242 >>14492278 >>14492277 added keep them coming the more friends the merrier
Nick 0173-1311-4079
Wallysaur: 3110 5040 8260
Vic 3093-8418-5662
Xanreal 2809-7861-5795 (X)
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Mjolnir 1392-4137-0314
only have room for 4 more.
Infamous 0919-9927-0635
Kevin [Y] 1779-0654-6268
>>14490733 Add me and reply
Nick 0173-1311-4079
Quoted By:
>>14492507 added, will add replies
Crisstail !zSXRAEH9ao
Adding all replies, I have only a few friends My fc is 2320-6261-2114
Pat 5472-7369-1026
36 slots left, will add replies
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Odoyle 1349-5065-1749
Still have tons of slots. Added all who added all who added me (still not working though Pewl =/ ) Will add any replies
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Still around 50 to go, add me peeps.
devy !!amY9gdlKRd7
plz respond getting y tomorrow
Jin 0173-1929-9472
I didn't realize there were two threads up
Roman 3454-1012-0995
Shadow 3609-1138-7144 (X)
I'll add you if you reply.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
Still waiting on Desu and Scott. Also have 32 spots left. Though I may leave 10 open just in case
Dej 3539 - 9374 - 6768
Roman 2680-9333-1510
Draco (Y) 3024-5627-3828
Pvt. Ryan 1934-2010-2093
Monado 2707-1693-7612
jom 3566-2828-1737
Tea 4098-2288-6736
Mateo 0216 1202 9122
Nick 0173-1311-4079
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Michael 4983-5015-8621
>>14492575 added. I'm also getting Y
Moist 5413 1196 3424
going to work but i will add anyone that replies when i get back
Dan 0602-7362-4613
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:35:55 No. 14492649 Report Nevan 0645 - 5860 - 0439
>>14492396 you need to post your friend code bro..
Beck 2595 1082 2019
Ash: 5370 - 1798 - 7772 (X)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Whoever replies can be my first friend!
devy !!amY9gdlKRd7
>>14492555 >>14492583 added you guys. also adding all responses
Infamous 0919-9927-0635
looking for friends getting Y. Huge Pokemon fan since yellow fc is 0919-9927-0635 adding all who reply
Shadow 3609-1138-7144 (X)
>>14492693 umm you forgot your friend code
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Quoted By:
>>14492588 Added. 3 to go. :D
Gavin 5257-9937-8141
Dan 0602-7362-4613
Josh 3609-1238-3833
Adding everybody I can, I have like 2 friends as of now.
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Wallysaur: 3110 5040 8260
>>14492727 oops
>>14492693 Wallysaur: 3110 5040 8260
this is me
Roman 3454-1012-0995
Nate: 3265-6155-9567
Quoted By:
adding everyone
Quoted By:
>>14490733 Add me please!
>>14492591 >>14492594 >>14492581 Adding you
Will add replies for a while
Jin 0173-1929-9472
Nick 0173-1311-4079
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Dan 0602-7362-4613
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
>>14492724 Incomplete friendcode, m8
Bubblez - 3024 6107 6453
Adding everyone who replies!
Keith 1247-1121-2395
Quoted By:
Still adding all replies.
Xanreal 2809-7861-5795 (X)
Vic 3093-8418-5662
Quoted By:
>>14492573 >>14492575 added
abut to add the ones that added me
Pvt. Ryan 1934-2010-2093
Bump limit reached. Someone bake new bread.
Also will still add replies to this old thread.
>>14492649 >>14492703 thanks.
Crisstail 2320-6261-2114
Jerry 2793-0802-8850
Shadow 3609-1138-7144 (X)
Nick (different one) 1435-4256-3677
Quoted By:
>>14492786 Forgot name
So i'll repeat
>>14492591 >>14492594 >>14492581 Adding you
Will add replies for a while
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Wallysaur: 3110 5040 8260
Mateo 0216 1202 9122
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Dej 3539 - 9374 - 6768
>>14492726 I'm getting Y. Adding.
Roman 2680-9333-1510
Nin 4296-3017-4200
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
>>14492658 >>14492703 >>14492709 >>14492713 addeded
Still waiting on:
Beloved, Nico, Nbdy,Boz, Quetzal, Squidilly, Hero, Robot, Shaun, Pewl, Roman, Jeroch, And Kyle if any of you are there.
Roman 3454-1012-0995
>>14492937 mine was incomplete there, here we go
boz 3797-6407-4330
omega 3394-3554-0668
Drawing megas for adds :v
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:43:11 No. 14493027 Report >>14492571 >>14492575 >>14492577 >>14492581 >>14492588 >>14492591 >>14492617 >>14492626 Added; please add BOTH FCs, guys!
Speaking of which:
Donohue, Trucky, and Razor have all added the HERO FC, but not the Robot FC! Please guys?
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
devy !!amY9gdlKRd7
just got my 3ds so i got alotta friends to fill
>>14490772 added
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Repost invites in new thread, last call:
>>14492619 >>14492619 >>14492619 Anonymous
Still looking for friends... See
Daniel 4699-6456-2252
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Sword (X) 1805-2674-1988
Nick (different one) 1435-4256-3677
>>14493071 I..I'll be your friend
Shrim 1032-1724-3250
Scott 4270-0985-9064
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
Floreau 1392-4464-2460
Skylar 2535 - 4050 - 8669
Pedro 4940-5652-7811
PLEASE ADD ME Sohael 1864-9696-4493
Quoted By:
>>14493441 >>14493345 >>14493326 Added. Adding anyone that replies too.
Shrim 1032-1724-3250
Nick (different one) 1435-4256-3677
Quoted By:
>>14493441 Of course I'll be your friend Pedro
>>14493583 put your friend code
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
Quoted By:
>>14493716 ops, sorry )) 1306-5337-4356
Quoted By:
>>14491951 >>14492165 Added
Sohael 1864-9696-4493
Max 0748-1763-3637
Ash Twerkum
Quoted By:
omar - fire emblem, pokemon, shin megami. it's all good. 4184-1849-1627
Max 0748-1763-3637
Matt 4613 - 6288 - 3335
Quoted By:
Never done this before, so my list is pretty empty. SMT, Fire Emblem, etc. Pokemon X.