don't know if there was anything like this up yet, but i wanted to make a thread for people to trade pokemon. i personally just started and have nothing of value, but i want a noivern to play through with. if anyone who got the game early has beaten it and would be kind enough to trade me a noivern egg id be most appreciative!
>>14502784 forgot to mention, friend code: 1821-9498-9774 name Ravenoft
bump, im not a fan of the GTS since you need to have seen the pokemon in order to request it. and you probably cant get eggs...
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
I can't be online now but i've got LOADS of Chespins, Fennekins, soon to be joined by lots of Froakies. They all need a home, of course. Add me and stay tuned.
Jack: 2981-6471-9818
Breeding a shitload of charmanders, would appreciate something good in return like another kanto starter or something
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>>14503869 I'll try and reset for a female bulbasaur to breed when i get to the daycare
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
>>14503858 I wouldn't mind a chespin.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14503858 I wouldn't mind a chespin and a fennekin, if you're giving them out. Haha.
Would anybody further along be willing to do me a HUGE favor? I love Bergmite, like he's gonna be my biggest bro love, but I'm just starting out and I know I won't be able to get one for a long time. Would anyone be willing to grab two and breed them for me so I can hatch the egg myself? Aiming for one with Ice Body, but beyond that I'm not gonna worry too much about nature/ivs/evs. I just want one to use for now and I can worry about raising the perfect one later. Anyone willing to help me out? I only have early game throw-aways to trade for.
DrVblschrf - 3883-5965-4711
>>14503858 Wouldn't mind some Kalos starters. I'll add you now, but I won't be able to get my game till monday unfortunately...
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open your hearts and your PCs friends...
>>14502784 >i wanted to make a thread for people to trade pokemon We have had this since the beginning, it is called Wi-fi General.
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I can't decide between Chespin and Froakie... but I did promise the frog i'd pick him in January. So, if anyone is willing to trade me a Chespin (f) or an egg, i'll draw a colored sketch of the Pokemon of their choice! I only need one, though. First come first serve.
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I am a huge faggot and can't wait for a Clauncher. I promise to trade a Skrelp when I can to whomever can trade me a clauncher egg.
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>>14504497 >don't know if there was anything like this up yet, but i wanted to make a thread for people to trade pokemon. nigger how did you manage to read the second part but not the first? thanks for clueing me in i guess
I have a Charizardite Y, and I want a Charizardite X. Does anybody want to trade?
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>>14503796 you can now type the name in if you haven't seen it
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Would anyone trade me their female Mystery Gift Torchic/Combusken for my male one?
Jim (X) - 3625 7845 9249
I made the mistake of taking Charmander because I forgot about Litleo. Anybody with a Bulbasaur+Venusaurite want to swap for my Charmander+Charizardite X?
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Think I could get a Noibat for a bred starter or something? Also there was discussion of one of the leakers spreading around a bunch of female Noibats.
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i don't have much to give though, i'm pretty early in the game. i just wanna play through it with my favorite poke
>>14505581 Before you trade away that Charizardite X away, do you care to trade it for a Charizardite Y?
Anyone have a modest clauncher or noibat?
Leia 2938-6834-8682
Anyone happen to have a rufflet by any chance?
Dolly: 4785 4221 0610
Phage 3179-6173-4363
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>>14504147 Anyone? Please? I'd really love to meet my bro.
Lupin III 1160-9951-5094
Can I get a Fennekin egg from a kind anon?
Jack 3969 - 4755 - 9695
>>14506193 How many Noibats do you have? Think I could get one? I don't have much to trade though. Nature doesn't matter.
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
anyone wants to give a charmander and bulbasaur with shitty nature to this poor soul? I just want to play with the starter trio, I dont care about power levels
Can someone give me a female skrelp to breed? I'm in x. I want it as a gift and I'm early in the game. Fc: 4055 3155 1794
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How do you get a friend code on Y?
If anyone can spot me any of the start eggs or a male riolu, 2251-5129-7919
Jack 3969 - 4755 - 9695
>>14507680 You get a free Lucario after the 3rd gym.
Jesse 3668 - 8564 - 1377
Quoted By:
>>14507729 did not know that thank you
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
-Trading: female Combee male ralts male inkay male helioptile male mawile male Ninjask -Shedinja I'm looking for somebody who will let me trade my Kadabra back and forth.
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
>>14507790 added
>>14507809 I can make the kadabra hop for you, added
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
>>14507905 That would be excellent. Want any pokemon has a thanks from the list above?
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
>>14507950 if only ralts was female ^_^ doesnt matte thou
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
>>14508003 I could give it to you, and you could breed it (if you have anything that it can breed with)
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
>>14508025 okido, how do we do this? I have addded you
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
Quoted By:
Goddamn. I found one Noibat on the GTS (You no longer need to have Seen pokemon to search for them on the GTS) and what did the person want? Another Noibat. I did get Goomy, though. Also, i discovered that Pumpkaboo trades when evolved. Starters really are the best currency around.
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
>>14508131 1) I trade you Kadabra, you trade random rubbish
2) you trade back Alakazam, for my ralts.
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
>>14508243 I meant how can I contact you ingame? you dont show up on ingame friends list
Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
Quoted By:
Can anyone send me a Mawile (preferably female) and/or Ditto? I barely started but I really want to play with those two.
Would love a clauncher, any level
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
Quoted By:
>>14508306 Have you set up PPS?
I can see you on my in-game friends and I've just requested a trade.
How far are you in the game? (can you see the 'friend/acquaintances/passersby' list on the bottom screen?
Phage 3179-6173-4363
Still waiting to hear if anybody is willing to breed me a Bergmite egg so I can start my adventure with my favorite new bro. Preferably with Ice Body ability, but if you're willing to do me this solid I don't really care. I just want one. Don't have anything to offer but gratitude and some trash pokemon from the early game. Someone help me out?
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14508372 Aw shit.
Just got one from the GTS.
To celebrate, there's an egg coming your way, so add me.
Necro: 2148-8272-9194
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
Quoted By:
>>14508457 NP! you only showed up after you initiated the trade, I really need to figure this out because I cant see my 3DS friends playing the game in the game
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14508431 Thanks so much! Added you already, just waiting on it to fully register. Just let me know how you wanna go about this.
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>>14507501 Anyone? I would trade clauncher but I haven't gotten to them yet :(. Want a swirlix?
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14508510 a'ight.
What's you in-game name?
Phage 3179-6173-4363
Quoted By:
>>14508595 Phage. Thanks a ton!
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This is a long shot but is anyone willing to trade the distributed Torchic for a Darkrai? They distributed Darkrai a while ago so I'm hoping they have a disposable extra or something.
>>14508496 i just found the good rod, if I get a clauncher I'll let you know
Quoted By:
>>14502784 Anyone willing to give me a Stunfisk Egg?
If anyone can spot me any of the start eggs or a male riolu, 2251-5129-7919 I know you get riolu after the third gym I would just like to breed now. Or if I could borrow a lucario.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14508595 You're amazing dude. Thanks so much for all the help!
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Can anyone give me a trapinch? No idea when they start showing up in the game i just want one as soon as possible.
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14508759 Thanks.
Friend code/name are in my name field.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
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Anyone have a female modest ralts?
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
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>>14508759 Oh, and if you could either send me an egg or a female I can use to breed, I'd be super grateful.
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
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>>14508845 so a bit offtopuc but how do we evolve riolu this time?
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14508857 No problem. Do tell me what kind of Bergmite it is, i'd love to know. Also uh...hoping it IS a bergmite, though I think I got the right egg.
It also just so happens that the two other pokemon you gave me I didn't have, so thank you
Phage 3179-6173-4363
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>>14508915 Haha, well I'm glad that I could help you out then. I'm working on hatching it now, will reply with results when it does hatch. :)
Al - 0044-2805-7278
Quoted By:
Playing X version, but have both. Please add me!
>>14508879 Got a clauncher, I'll take anything in return
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Blah blah Vivillon shenanigans. Can give Icy Snow one away.
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14509045 Male or female?
Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
Can anyone send me a Mawile (preferably female) and/or Ditto? I barely started but I really want to play with those two.
>>14509088 Uh, Female I believe but not entirely sure
Nelo: 0774-4272-8190
Quoted By:
>>14509095 Also Clauncher too is acceptable. I've got Y, don't have the majestic pistol shrimp.
Rob X 0963-0276-7773
Arya - 4141 2292 9513
>>14509166 what is your friendcode?
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14509130 thank you so much!
I hope it can breed with frogadier...
>>14509203 Do you have a skrelp by chance?
Rob X 0963-0276-7773
Jack: 3969 - 4755 - 9695
So does anyone by any chance have a Noibat they could send my way? This is straight up begging I just started so I don't really have anything. Gender and nature don't matter at all.
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14509219 Not yet, but you'll be the first to know!
I just wonder traded away my level 8 Flabebe I got a level 63 Yveltal I haven't even gotten to the professor yet...
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14509274 I'm trying to get one off GTS.
No luck so far but once I do i'll be getting those out to people pronto.
>>14509321 This generation is certainly a strange one.
Jack 3969 - 4755 - 9695
>>14509332 Alright, I'll add you then and maybe we'll see about that, if that's okay.
On the GTS I saw one Japanese guy asking for a Sylveon for one and someone who just wanted another Noibat.
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14509203 YES IT CAN BREED.
I'm so happy :D
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14509409 Will you distribute claunchers?
Al - 0044-2805-7278
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Yeeesh. It took me awhile, but I think I've added everybody in this thread so far.
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I have a skitty :3
Jake 0275-7614-3177
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Does anyone have a Jigglypuff they would be willing to trade for a charmander with the Y mega stone? I'm so pissed that my favorite pokemon is unavailable until the 8th fucking gym. Please someone help me out here.
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14509441 you know what? Yes.
I will now spend some time getting over a dozen clauncher eggs.
Just as long as someone else does the same for skrelp.
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Anyone here have an aron? or a tyranitarite i also am looking for a charizardite x
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>>14509554 I would if someone gets me a skrelp, I need to breed some. Ill give away extras
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
>>14509219 Just gave you a clauncher egg.
FC: 4339-2806-0324 -Czar adding the people i've seen who will give out noibats and clauncher please add me as well.
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op here, still looking for a noibat or a noivern female to put in daycare
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
Quoted By:
Oooh shit, hatched my first clauncher. Vera has a Timid nature. + good stat, - dump stat. I love it.
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605
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>>14503858 A froakie would make me happy
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Willing to trade my female ralts for a spritzee, Or my dstro torchic for something good.
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Anyone willing to send me a ditto? Or at the very least point me in the direction of where I can catch them in X?
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Is there any way to see the nature of a Pokemon in the GTS?
1349-5437-0471 - Andy
Quoted By:
Looking for a Meadow Vivillon. Willing to trade the Garden variants.
CK - 2466-2637-2051
Looking for any (preferably low-level) dark pokémon so I can evolve my Pancham, I have pokérus up for grabs on a random Skiddo and Gulpin. Also looking for an Aron with Rock head for PokeRUS. Chespin / Fennekin are okay as well since I don't have 'em yet
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14509404 Bumping to confirm I just got a Noibat. Cost me a female Fennekin but it was worth it.
Stay tuned.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
Quoted By:
>>14508915 Just hatched. Mild Nature with Own Tempo, haha. But hey, I don't care. I love my little guy. Thanks so much!
Quoted By:
Question, whate the best nature for the lion Pokemon? And how long until i can get Clauncher?
Jack 3969 - 4755 - 9695
>>14511940 Oh man I'm definitely staying tuned.
CK - 2466-2637-2051
>>14511874 No-one interested in PokéRUS? It's almost free!
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14512297 Do tell me how it turns out. Glad to help
>>14512650 Oh shit nigga, I didn't notice you had pokerus.
Yeah for sure, give me a second.
Jack 3969 - 4755 - 9695
Quoted By:
>>14512708 Gonna get to work hatching it now. THANKS SO MUCH!
CK - 2466-2637-2051
>>14512708 Alright, adding you.
Do I have to max out Rilou's affection in aim to get it to evolve into a Lucario?
>>14512818 Yes, also daytime
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14512754 Hmm, got an error.
Just to mention, i'm planning to give you Fennekin, Chespin and then a Sandile.
Quoted By:
>>14512892 best way to level up affection
CK - 2466-2637-2051
garbodor 3ds: 1177 7109 7840
Quoted By:
Does anyone have an extra Ditto? I'll suck your dick.
Quoted By:
Does XY use the pedometer? Could you hatch an egg by taking your 3DS with you on an actual walk for example?
Quoted By:
>Receive Torchic >Jolly Should i keep this? or keep searching form Adamant?
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Can someone spare a Clauncher? Nothing good to give, only a Roselia and Hippopotas with Pokerus from Wonder Trade
CK - 2466-2637-2051
>>14512938 Thanks mate, enjoy the STD's!
>>14513134 I will!
Mostly i'm interested in seeing if it affects power training. Probably not but we'll see.
Quoted By:
i need scyther, but i'm pretty early game right now. anyone care to help me out?
CK - 2466-2637-2051
Quoted By:
>>14513207 It doubles EV's as far as I know, nothing more.
Quoted By:
i'm looking for a ralts, gender doesn't matter, nature does, nothing that lowers sp. atk or sp. def. help a brother out.?
does any have or know where i can get a ghastly?
Quoted By:
Can someone pleeeaassee trade me a shiny Froakie? Been trying to get one since midnight last night
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Quoted By:
>>14502784 can i have one too ? please my friend code is :
2750 1874 1416 names Sandra
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Level 1 Eevee, don't have much of worth, but they're not hard to come across on Route 10 from what I understand. Will give Pikachu
>>14513389 same guy, add me ill always be about to trade and will swap anything for a gastly and ill try and catch anyones wanted pokemon for them
Carl - 5000-2941-4459
Carl - 5000-2941-4459
Morgan: 2766-8489-2774 (Y)
Quoted By:
>>14503858 added you, would really love a froakie. just got the game today though and the only pokemon i have that im not using in my party is the snorlax
Quoted By:
I have a kadabra if anyone has a haunter
Sandra 2750 1874 1416
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Quoted By:
>>14513467 Asking one last time for a Clauncher. I have a Plusle with Pokerus, if anyone is interested. Please help.
JDA - 3DS - 3282-3089-2231
Quoted By:
Asking again if anyone has a Female Level 1 Eevee / an Egg that I will hopefully get a Female Eevee from. Anyone?
Sandra (X) 2750 1874 1416
Quoted By:
>>14513801 hey can you get me a noibat ? c:
I don't have anything of value ,but it would be much appreciated
Quoted By:
Would anyone like to trade their Charizardite X for my Charizardite Y..?
Quoted By:
Hi there! I'm also looking for a Noibat to play through with if anyone has any. ;w; I'm not sure what I can offer you, since I've just started the game.
Steve 4570-7799-0426
Quoted By:
Shiny Stones Anyone have pls gib
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
Quoted By:
Direct all Noibat requests here
>>14515003 Anonymous
Quoted By:
looking for a froakie, could offer a golett lvl23
Looking for Sandshrew/Sandslash with at least a useful nature (No Modest or Timid) I can offer the Torchic, Mega Lucario or a Froakie egg if you can tell me his Egg Group
Quoted By:
>>14515380 Aw dammit, forgot the Friend code
> David > 3652 - 0989 - 9749 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Anyone want to trade me something for my Plusle?
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I have a Lairon, looking for Pupitar or Larvitar
Ren (3780-9346-7500)
Quoted By:
if someone would donate me a froakie, i'd be eternaly thankful