>release day
>dust settled
Anyway. Obvious troll from /v/, but I'll post a few complaints and comments. Just got my 4th badge on X, haven't started Y yet.
>11 hours to get the 4th badge. I was actually in a bit of a rush. Hopeful for good amount of post-game
>it doesn't look like shit, generally
>the bag is excellent
>saving extremely fast and painless
>movement is a lot more pleasant, though skates could use some work (pls game freak release an update letting us switch the circle pad to non-skate movement FFS)
>FPS is not acceptable, during battles is the most obvious and irritating
>they clearly had the intention of making everything 3D (caves), but couldn't do it b/c 3DS sucks and laziness, mostly the latter
>hordes and double battles in 2D (fucking seriously)
>battles have a much more static camera than what is shown in preview vids, it switches between idle close-ups, split-screen and the standard view that we've had for years (so basically, no better than B/W2, except MUH 3D)