Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[21 / 3 / ?]


No.14540721 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Collectively /vp/ has caught most of the shinies from Gen VI but we're still missing a few. All the ones we've found can be seen in this imgur album:

Here's what we're missing:
Most of the Mega evolutions
#655 - Delphox
#662 - Fletchinder
#663 - Talonflame
#664 - Pyroar Male/Female
#675 - Pangoro
#683 - Aromatisse
#684 - Swirlix
#685 - Slurpuff
#687 - Malamar
#689 - Barbaracle
#691 - Dragalge
#692 - Clauncher
#697 - Tyrantrum
#702 - Dedenne
#705 - Goodra
#708 - Phantump
#711 - Gourgeist
#712 - Bergmite
#713 - Avalugg
#715 - Noivern
#716 - Xerneas
#717 - Yveltal
#718 - Zygarde

Let's catch 'em all.