[192 / 5 / ?]
Giving away free Bagon eggs, w/ Pokerus infection, Have five ready to go, but I can always make more. Can also give away other pokemon that just have the pokerus, I think I have around ten of them or so. Can also breed Ferroseed and Noibat as well, if anyones interested.
Getting one would be pretty neat.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555038 Whats your name, so I know who to give it to?
>>14555113 Trainer name is Joe.
>>14554915 Trading a Noibat with pokerus would be most rad of you, op
Coeurl 5300 9012 1441
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555175 I could breed one as an egg and battle till it catches it, I only have one noibat at the moment.
>>14555179 Sure, gimme a sec to add you.
Coeurl 5300 9012 1441
>>14555225 thank you. In game is Luck Stat
JusJam 3952 8319 7089
Hello, mind if I get in on the fun? 1934 - 1098 - 6317
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555257 I'm not seeing you on the friend roster, ill recheck if I added your code right.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555440 Sure, whats your in game name?
Quoted By:
>>14555225 I would be so grateful if you could do that!
Coeurl 5300 9012 1441
>>14555454 erp, I had your code wrong.
Danny - 2148-9064-3896
Faded4dayz: 4871-3568-9550
>>14554915 I'll take a noibat if you pls
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
>>14555602 Sure, ill get to breeding some noibats after these trades.
Quoted By:
>>14555488 Thanks so much!
Danny - 2148-9064-3896
Quoted By:
>>14555532 Shoot, I should say that I'm looking for a Bagon egg. Two, if possible.
>>14554915 I want one, 4270-1528-0212
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
>>14555527 Whats your in game name? Trufflsby?
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555730 I can give you an unpokerusd one now if you would like, pokerusing it will take awhile though
Coeurl 5300 9012 1441
Coeurl 5300 9012 1441
Quoted By:
>>14555800 Thanks for the egg!
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
No problem. Gettign to work on those noibat eggs.
>>14555784 anyway you could trade me a pokerused one later?
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555919 Depends how much later, but I guess I could.
Jack - 4270-1528-0212
>>14555946 just add me Jack - 4270-1528-0212
Dollottie FC: 3153-4607-4211
Oh my gosh I would love a noibat egg and possibly a pokemon that has pokerus! They don't necessarily have to be the same 'mon, either, since hatching eggs can be kind of a pain. Is there anything you'd like in return?
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
>>14556004 Ill get to it after I get three noibat eggs.
>>14556017 I like everstones, since I do a lot of breeding. High sell value items are nice too, as are premier balls.
Ronic 3090-8014-8629
Quoted By:
>>14554915 I just started my game and I don't have anything to offer in return, would you still be willing to give a Noibat egg?
Marc 3007-8083-1564
>>14554915 I would love just an infected Poke, please.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Gonna infect the eggs I got right now.
>>14556158 Bagon?
Quoted By:
>>14556181 Yeah, if it's no problem
Quoted By:
Ill take anything with pokerus on it. I cant really offer anything in return except for a draglge if you dont have Y
Quoted By:
>>14554915 Andy 2079-7194-5911
this is my friend
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14555175 FC?
>>14555602 Added
>>14556004 Added, was it bagon or noibat? or just any pokerusd mon?
>>14556017 Added
>>14556122 Added
>>14556158 Added
Serena 1134-7351-6457
Quoted By:
>>14554915 Can I have a Noibat, please?
>>14556541 oh sorry, I forgot my FC
0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>14556541 Thanks man, current god of /vp/ in my opinion
Marc 3007-8083-1564
Quoted By:
>>14556541 You're not showing up as a friend. You sure you got the code right?
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Quoted By:
could i get one as well? also looking for a modest or s atk + clauncher.
Quoted By:
Could I get a Noibat egg, please?
Jack - 4270-1528-0212
Quoted By:
>>14556541 originally bagon, but i would rather take noibat
I would love a no bat infected or not, my trainer name is Alice, code in subject line, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>14556541 Johnny : 3711-7824-3920
Atti 1736-1187-5097
Quoted By:
Could I get a Noibat egg, please? Repost 'cause I fucked up.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Oh god so many things going on at once.
>>14556779 Last person.
Lexivine 0318-7426-2032
I hope you're not too busy to breed an infected Noibat? Thanks in advance
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Quoted By:
aww no pokerus for me :(
Lexivine 0318-7426-2032
Quoted By:
>>14556912 Ahh, scratch this
Quoted By:
>>14556876 sang, I asked over here
>>14556648 But whatever I guess. I just hope someone else can give me pokerus instead
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
If you havent gotten your thing yet, send a trade request, I haev way too many people on my list, and so many names I don't recognize.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Marc 3007-8083-1564
Quoted By:
>>14557006 That's me with the Carbink, I'll just take a Pokerus.
John D 2638 0656 3347
Quoted By:
>>14554915 Ill take whatever with pokerus. Preferrably egg.
Marc 3007-8083-1564
Quoted By:
>>14557006 You're a beautiful person.
Quoted By:
How do I trade from black 2 to y?
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Okay, who else, ive got one bagon egg and three noibat eggs untraded right now and these differing names from friendcodes has me confused.
Damién 5043-1830-9442
Quoted By:
I'll take one! And has anyone been able to breed Female Ralts with Synch + Adamant/Modest natures?
Quoted By:
Thank you Evaleia I appreciate it, anon with trainer Alice name. Newfag here so I don't know how to link replies yet ^^
John D 2638 0656 3347
Jack - 4270-1528-0212
Quoted By:
>>14557178 you still need to add me cause you arent showing up, thanks again
Ronic - 3090-8014-8629
Quoted By:
>>14557178 Still have a spare Noibat egg?
Serena 1134-7351-6457
Quoted By:
>>14557178 I'm wanting a Noibat, but you aren't showing up, did you get me?
Quoted By:
I'm Johnny, I asked for a Noibat if that helps confusion a bit :3
Quoted By:
For those of you who are lucky enough to get pokerus mons, could you be generous to infect others and trade it to those who still need them?
Quoted By:
Hi I asked for a noibat egg, please.
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Quoted By:
me please, ill take any pokerus
Jack - 4270-1528-0212
>>14557178 Thank you so much! which egg did you just send me?
Quoted By:
I'll be happy to retrace after if anyone wants me to
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
>>14557397 Should be Bagon.
Dollottie FC: 3153-4607-4211
Quoted By:
>>14557178 hi i still wanted a noibat, preferably with pokerus.
sent you a trade from this name/FQ with a psyduck for a noibat egg. thanks!
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Quoted By:
any1 got any extras?
Epsilon (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>14554915 May I have an egg with Pokerus?
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14556648 Have you added but you dont have me added.
Quoted By:
I don't see you in my friend roster, so I've probably done something wrong, have you not added me yet? Sorry I know you're busy.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
Chris is who and wanted what?
Quoted By:
>>14557531 Alright, thank you very much.
Ill wait last, i know you are busy
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Quoted By:
Evaleia, if ther arent adding u back i can take the baby off ur hands ;), already have u added
Dollottie FC: 3153-4607-4211
if anyone here wants pokerus, when i have more time i can send out some mons that have it. it'll probably be a few days from now though, so that i can build up a stock of decent pokemon/eggs that are infected.
Lexivine 0318-7426-2032
>>14557683 I'd like it, thank you.
Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>14557683 Can I get one, please?
Dollottie FC: 3153-4607-4211
Quoted By:
>>14557744 cool, add me then, and look out for me in a couple days. i'll make a thread.
Quoted By:
Ill take any pokerus but bagon and noibat preferred. Thanks! 5472-7420-7457 ingame name is Lil B
Toaster - 3007 8430 8818
Quoted By:
Hey, bro, are you still giving those out?
Rosco 2079-6962-2319
Quoted By:
>>14554915 I would like a noibat if you wouldnt mind. Pokerus not important, but I wouldnt complain.
Dollottie FC: 3153-4607-4211
For referential purposes, I am pretty sure OP is gone. I'll be making a thread in 2 days with infected pokemon to be given away.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
>>14557956 I'm not gone, im just lost, I dont know peoples in-game names, so I dont know who to start trades with and whose just a bystander, since no one is initiating trades with me.
Quoted By:
>>14557956 Will Noibat be one of those Pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>14557956 OP is still online
>>14554915 OP, I just discovered my entire party had Pokerus. How did you go about spreading it? I wanna save some derps in the PC and have them for later.
Toaster - 3007 8430 8818
Quoted By:
>>14558036 Is your ingame name Evaleia? How can I find you?
Quad 0318 7325 0953
Quoted By:
>>14558036 I guess ill initiate a trade then
Im Quad, I wanted a pokerus mon
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
>>14558081 I just battle with a pokerusd pokemon in the party till everyone catches it, then I box everything.
Alice 418414612541
Quoted By:
I don't how to initiate a trade with a person who isn't a friend
Quoted By:
>>14558036 I added you right before you did the cut off, if people aren't showing is there a chance for me?
Ricky - 2020-1017-9945
Quoted By:
i'd love to get a noibat egg if u can spare one
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Katie 2595 0922 8869
Quoted By:
I'll take a Noibat egg, please! Pokerus would be radical but not required.
Quoted By:
>>14558036 I've added you and I am online, but I don't think you've added me yet. When you do, I'll initiate trade with you. I want a Noibat, please.
Serena 1134-7351-6457
Quoted By:
would also like one if possible also thanks for doing this for the community as well. FC: 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14554915 Got mine, thank you very much!
Alice 418414612541
Well even if I don't get one I appreciate the thought :)
Chris 3625-7765-1843
Quoted By:
A Noibat with Pokerus would be fantastic! If no Pokerus then just a Bagon would be great
Quoted By:
This is Atti, got the egg! Thanks so much!
0619 - 3697 - 3365
Anyone sparing a pokerus noibat egg? I'll throw down an eevee with whatever asked i guess.
Evaleia - 2938-6834-8682
Quoted By:
Im out, and my head hurts from all the confusion, I might give away more mons tommorrow, I dunno yet for sure though. Just remember to give pokemon you trade the pokerus before thrading them away, it will help with /vp/ morale.
Quoted By:
>>14554915 I'll take on if you're still giving
Quoted By:
>>14558469 >>14558508 If my Noibat turns out female, I might be giving some eggs out. I went through the pain of trying to get a Noibat and being late to every thread, so I'll help some people out.
Alice 418414612541
Quoted By:
That would be amazing and I'd be so thankful, id probably breed to give out noibats too if I had one
Django 4828-4267-4208
Quoted By:
anybody wanna give me pokerus?
Quoted By:
Fuck, I just finished breeding a few dozen dragon dance bagons too.
Josh 0989 2061 6531
Quoted By:
Please add if you have Pokerus!
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Quoted By:
>>14554915 Looking for any bagon egg! reply to this if you have added me and are willing to trade
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
Quoted By:
>>14554915 If you have any Bagon eggs, please add me and trade me. Also, I'd love if they had pokerus! Thank you so much! Anyone else, willing to give me anything, reply, so I can add your fc!
Alice 418414612541
I'll be giving out bacon eggs, no pokerus sorry. But I'll take a skrelp if anyone has one, as well as any neat Pokemon. I'm only second gym, so anything neat would be cool
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14560314 Please give me a bagon egg! I don't have skrelp, but I can give you a pokemon to help you where you are!
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14560314 ill happily take one, what kinda poke's are you looking for, i can offer an evee?
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14560372 okay, I have one egg right now, i'll send it to you, but just to make sure I do this right. I have to add your code on my 3ds since there is no pal pad right? Add me and i'll add you.
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14560474 i'll trade you as soon as I have the second egg. I'll gladly take an eevee
Odinborn 2852-8105-2660
Quoted By:
I have a dugtrio to trade for a noibat egg if interested.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14561022 yes, add on 3ds, then I show up on pokemon
Quoted By:
>>14560314 Mmm. Bacon eggs.
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14561070 Ok ill add you now, just send me a message with nintendo mail when you are ready.
Thanks :D
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Quoted By:
>>14561262 or reply here, either way
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14561187 let me know when it hatches. I used a female bagon and my charmeleon.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14561022 Thanks so much! Now I have an excuse to have my firebird in my party! FLAME BODY TIME!
Kaz 3153-4603-5780
Quoted By:
Hey is OP still doing this?
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14561381 please, i'd only lose in battle. I haven't even got to the second gym
If you're still here OP, I'd like a Noibat
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14561552 ops been gone for a while dude, read the earlier messages. They might come back tomorrow.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14561543 All pokes get moved to level 50
Dylon 0146-9408-2186
Quoted By:
Could I get one? Added you.
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14561636 yeah and earlier I got stomped when a person used a mega blaziken, mega charizard and about three more pokemon that I went in with
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14561732 How about I put in 1 poke, non-mega?
Mal 2380-3653-0028
Quoted By:
>>14554915 me too? :-)
Bagon with pokerus would be lovely.
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14561262 kay added you, sending request to trade
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14561906 nevermind he's offline. Dylon, you want this bagon still?
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14562052 im online right now just wait a sec
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14562207 okay I still have it
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14562240 ok thanks, just in a battle right now
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14562265 its fine, I just still don't see you on my friend roster
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14562323 Thanks heaps :D
Ill be sure to nickname it alice if female
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14562450 awww thanks, glad I could help. Sorry it doesn't have the pokerus, but I never did get traded a poke with it. Hope it has a good nature too!
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Quoted By:
>>14562485 That's fine, i only really wanted a bagon lol
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14562485 Could you battle me, just so I can check Bagon's IVs? Thanks!
Quoted By:
anyone have lvl 1 noibat
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14562665 alright one on one, i'll pick a lvl 10
Charles (Version Y) 4871-3995-0901
Any1 looking for spritzee? i'm looking for a bat too
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14562798 I've got a woobat, i can trade for the spritzee?
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14562798 I have one already. I want a noibat too :(
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14561841 How's it look? I'm going to run because I accidently added two pokemon, that way you'll win by my forfeit right?
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14562940 You used 2 pokemon... REMATCH!
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14563083 2 vs 2? It would only be fair if you win this time with more than me. I didn't mean to pick 2 but i'll rematch you.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14563147 Bagon's IVs are average. Not amazing, but it's female, so I can breed. Thanks, Alice! Also, what part of Michigan are you from?
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14563245 No problem, sorry the iv's weren't better. I'm from southern Michigan near ann arbor
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
>>14562940 Thanks once again :D
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14563341 no problem, did your bagon hatch?
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Hey Alice, would you like a spritzee if i catch one?
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14563412 Sure, I need to fill this dex somehow.
Dragar 5300 9412 8793
Quoted By:
>>14563387 Nah not yet, i've had heaps of people offer battles and trades
i really like these "everybody be nice" threads. unfortunately i wont be able to buy a DS for a while and by then the generosity will have stopped a-flowin ;_;
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14563551 remember my fc anon, I don't know how, but I try to always give to people who ask. It takes me like no effort to breed pokes.
Quoted By:
>>14563619 will do! thanks!
Quoted By:
I would like to have a pokemon with pokerus , anyone please? :(
Quoted By:
>>14554915 This has nothing to do with this thread, but I find that pic to be incredibly sexually frustrating. Mmmhmm... love it.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14563317 I'm in Northern Indiana, near Fort Wayne. Never met someone on 4chan, let alone /vp/, so close to me!
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14563880 lol its a small world!
Quoted By:
Looking for spirtomb 0490-4942-2458 have a bunch of 50s and eggs
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14563942 I want to give you a spritzee!
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14563988 okay sorry I was away from my ds for a second, what would you like in return, a swirlix?
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14564182 That would be cool.
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14564246 lol I need to find another one then. I have inkay's too.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14564291 Honedge staring contest for the win.
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14564430 can't do anything, I think you need to decline the trade.
Mr.Kinkie 2638-0478-1013
Quoted By:
>>14554915 Can I nab a noibat?
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
>>14564486 Why can't you use gamechat?
Alice 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
>>14564430 Let me look for a swirlix, i'll send a trade request when I find one.
Alice 4184-1461-2541
>>14564562 probably because I never set it up. Give me the directions and I will.
Quoted By:
>>14554915 That pic is so kawaii
Taylor 1864–9677–5312
Would love anything with pokerus, please and thank you if you can, info in my name.
Taylor 1864–9677–5312
ken 487144559625 (Y)
Quoted By:
>>14554915 am i too late or can i still get the 'rus?
have the jungle virillion if thats of any interest
Peter - 0490-5785-3295
Quoted By:
>>14564646 I don't know how to, it just "works"
Koby 3668 7232 1342
Quoted By:
Someone just sent me a Honedge over Wondertrade which is incredibly awesome, but I want to be able to nickname it. It's male, so would anyone be willing to give me a female Honedge or a Ditto so I could breed?
Abe 2208 5415 - 2976
Quoted By:
I would like pokerus but I don't have much to offer in return, I would just catch whatever pokemon outside santalune I can. Would be nice as a favor though, I've done it for people in gen 5 its a shame the bank isnt up.
Quoted By:
Could I perhaps have a Noibat? My FC is 4210-4058-0397 and my name is Christian I don't know what you want, but I'll comply to anything really.