>>14565326Waterfall makes contact, Rock Slide does not.
>>14565019Dude, you have a Combee, which means you have Sweet Scent. That move works exactly the same as honey for the purposes of triggering Horde Battles.
>>145659822, IIRC.
>>14566104Route 8, fish for Luvdisc. Old Rod, I believe? If past gens are any indication, 50% chance of Heart Scale.
>>14566160Educate yourself.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/BreedingFemales are more likely to pass down abilities in general, although throwing a ditto into the equation mucks things up.
>>14566595Small buffs you can give for a variety of things, from prize money to catch rate to lead mon stats. They're time-limited, and the energy used to power them recharges over time. They're cheaper when given to other players instead of being used for yourself, which is to encourage socialization, I guess. Access it through the PSS window.
>>14566608At the very least you can get the elemental monkeys in Santalune forest.