>>14580852They're both the same as previous games. Great Balls have a 50% higher catch rate than Poke Balls. Premier Balls are just nicer looking Poke Balls.
Pretty much any Poke Ball that doesn't specially mention Catch Rate in its description (eg Heal Ball, Friend Ball, Premier Ball, etc) has the same catch rate as a Poke Ball. As for catch rate balls here is a breakdown (not including any new balls this gen):
Master Ball >
Level Ball (if your poke is 4x higher level than wild pokemon) =
Love Ball (if your poke is same opposite gender but same species as wild) >
Quick Ball (if used on first turn of a battle) >
Level Ball (if your poke is between 2-4x the level of the wild pokemon) =
Moon Ball (if the poke can evolve using a moon stone) =
Fast Ball (if poke has base speed over 100) >
Dusk Ball (only at night) =
Dive Ball (only during underwater battle) >
Lure Ball (only if poke encountered while fishing) =
Repeat Ball (if you have caught that poke before) =
Net Ball (only on water or bug type) >
Ultra Ball =
Level Ball (if your poke is higher level than wild poke but less than double its level) >
Great Ball >
Poke Ball
There are also Timer Balls (higher catch rate the longer the battle is) and Heavy Balls (catch rate based on pokemon weight) but they have math involved that makes them more annoying to rate in a list.