Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
Just posted this on the old thread, but does anyone have a Mareep they could trade? Everyone on GTS is asking way too much for one
Ethan Y 0275 7479 9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
I forgot to remove "so stop fucking asking" again. I'm tempted to delete and make another.
James 0018 0855 2805
Quoted By:
Just posted in the old thread, I just caught a shiny Horsea, looking for an Adamant/Modest Ditto if anyone wants it.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14585426 I would post right after this was made. So yeah. Looking for Ditto or white flower Flabebe. Or at least where I can find a white flower Flabebe.
Quoted By:
It's the flygon fag, my friend code is 1392-5195-9546, I'll be here.
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14585468 >>14585397 I can go breed my Mareep for you, what are you wanting to trade?
Also, still looking for a shiny Espurr/Meowstic or a Modest Espurr with Infiltrator (bonus points for both!)
Bonzor and Bronzong wanted as well.
I have Electabuzz, Vullaby, Paras, Luxio, Corsola, Larvesta, Snorunt, Phanphy, Minccino, Aipom and some others that are from Friend Safari available, all the Kanto and Kalos starters to breed for trade among quite a few from the Kalos region if anyone is interested, just ask if I have them. (Pkrs available)
Afternoon WFG. TOTT: Who's your favourite Gen VI Pokemon?
Quoted By:
Offering Igglybuff female for Cleffa or Clefable.
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Mon 14 Oct 2013 15:50:30 No. 14585608 Report Quoted By:
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>14585554 Tyrantrum has hit bro status.
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
>>14585545 I don't have a ton of pokes but I'll post some that I'd be willing to trade away
Japanese Caterpie
mime jr
I might have some decent items too. I'm only at gym 6 so I don't have many great ones yet.
How are people getting the hidden abilities for froakie?
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 15:52:00 No. 14585667 Report Hello Wyfy
>>14585554 ToTT:
Don't have one yet Ben 4184-2400-1016
N [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
Quoted By:
Collecting those regional butterflies, let me know if you've got a spare one hanging around. Although I can't say I've got too much for trading.
smiles and gratitude >>14585435 breeding machine ToTT: I like
skiddo Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
>>14585545 I have a ton of randoms if none of the ones I posted sound worth a trade, I don't know how valuable a mareep is to you
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14585650 After the elite four you can go to the Friend Safari, which has the chance off having between two and three pokemon. Sometimes they have DWA sometimes they're just regular mon's
>>14585641 What are you looking to trade for?
Quoted By:
I've goot some Igglybuffs sitting around. Will trade for Clefairy.
John !QlwDap4ZJo
Greetings, wiffygee. How are you all doing today?
>Ditto is in the PokéPark area at the end of the twisting woods. It's just before the 8th gym so stop fucking asking. :^)
>>14585667 It would appear that our paths have crossed again, jvk! How have you been?
Also pls add me, senpai. Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14585686 Oh derp, I'm hitting that lack point in lack of sleep where you go retarded.For the Mareep, how about Shelmet?
Just give me a minute to hatch an egg.
This is going to be really stupid, but where do I find my friend code and how do I add someone else's?
Erik(a) FC: 3454 - 0908 - 2410
I'm starting fresh (new save), and want to keep 9 of my old mons. Could someone look after them until I catch enough new ones to trade back? Will give Xerneas to compensate for your time.
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
>>14585705 I was looking to get a mareep, I'll trade you a spanish honedge for one?
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 15:55:45 No. 14585794 Report >>14585743 >implying they once dverged John pls. Want a mawile or tyrunt egg?
N [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14585776 I could do that I suppose. I've go add you then.
break 0103-9561-5507
>>14585762 Go to your 3DS main menu and click the orange smiley square at the top.
Your friend card (with the code) will be there and an option to add FCs will be there.
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>14585762 Go to the home menu and click the orange smiley face at the top. You can find yours FC/add others there.
>>14585794 Oh fuck yeah I want a Tyrunt egg please.
N [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
Quoted By:
>>14585798 >I've >can never show face in wfg again I'll just live with the shame... Let me round up some derps.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Quoted By:
>>14585803 Thank you very much!
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Hey Shu I finally got a female Eevee if you want it still.
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 15:58:19 No. 14585877 Report >>14585819 great. just prepare a derp holding a pokéball for it. I need to breed it and I need to work and eat first, so I'll begin the trade whenever I'm ready.
> Erik(a) FC: 3454 - 0908 - 2410
>>14585798 Alright, adding
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14585779 Apologies for my confusing typing there, I'm hatching a couple eggs real quick for Mareep then I'll trade you for a Shelmet.
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
>>14585756 Sure sounds good.
N [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
Anyone know of a way to trim the acquaintances list down to size? Or any of them, for that matter?
>>14585862 I said I was down to trade earlier </3 Anonymous
>Farm for Heracross >Catch two mareeps Well Anyone has a good Haunter?
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>14585932 F-for what? I didn't know we were trading ;_;
Quoted By:
Anyone want a Quirky male Froakie or a male Chespin? Don't have much else anyone would presently...
Quoted By:
>>14585940 Also, I'm catching a third one as we speak, female or male?
N [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14585961 Garden scatterbug ._.
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
>>14585905 I've got a few Magician Fennekin ready now, if you want to trade for Electabuzz?
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
This is probably a long shot, but if any one has a Female Protean Froakie/Frogadier, I'll trade for it. I have a shiny Female Pyroar i'd give and am in the post game, so if there is a pokemon you want I'll grind it and get it to you post haste.
Delibard 0173-1320-4042
Quoted By:
anyone know the time you need for the aegislash baloon to earn a dusk stone?
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Spreading Pokerus around all my boxed crap, anyone want to trade after?
>>14585932 If you click on an acquaintance on the bottom left side there is a button that will let you delete them
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Clauncher or Skrelp late level 20/early 30s?
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14586015 Send me the trade whenever you're ready.
>>14585914 Running around with the eggs as we speak!
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>14586008 Ohh, I just said i could get you one! I don't have one spare at the moment, but I'll get you one later tonight~
I'm aparently going out again now, so yeah, that.
>>14585819 Hey Icecream-man ~
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
Quoted By:
>>14585905 Lemme know when you're ready : )
>>14585393 Need help evolving a swirlix I got over gts since I own Y. I need a whipped dream so if somebody could take my swirlix, give it a dream and trade it back that'd be great. In exchange I could evolve a spritzee for you since I have the sachet or I could give my ingame event Lucarip since I don't plan on using him.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14586072 Add us and I'll trade you when I've spread the love
N [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14586071 OH. Well I'm a derp then. I'd appreciate it, whenever you've got time. I swap you for a polar one, if you're interested.
>>14586050 Thank you anon.
>>14585896 Give me >4 minutes
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>14586098 You can get the whipped dream in Y version by the skiddo farm before the (3rd?) gym if you're anywhere near there.
Charles (Version Y) 4871-3995-0901
>>14585940 rash nature one is good?
and it has pokerus >.<
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 16:08:17 No. 14586173 Report Quoted By:
>>14585819 and welcome to our swapnote circlejerking
Quoted By:
>>14585877 Sounds good, man! I'm gonna be heading out to do some shopping in a bit, anyway.
> >>14586071 Hello Statistics-chan ~
Maho [Y] 0490-5693-2109
Stone [X] 4940 - 5825 - 4230
Anyone willing to hand over a Larvitar? I have a Flabebe with ashiny stone if you want it.
>>14586118 Thanks. Do you need mine now?
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586210 What color Flabelle
Erik(a) FC: 3454 - 0908 - 2410
>>14586129 Np, I'm ready whenever
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
Hey Shu? I still have that Eevee siting around for you.
i want this. dont care if its male/female or has a good nature. also would take its evolved form.
Maho [Y] 0490-5693-2109
>>14586200 Also, I gottago soon, so let's do this would you
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586291 What are you offering?
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347
>>14586315 i dunno. tell me what you want and i will find it. within reason of course.
Charles (Version Y) 4871-3995-0901
>>14586302 ah sorry adding you right now
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586354 Currently looking or a Bronzong/Bronzor, Modest Espurr with Infiltrator or a shiny Espurr/Meoestic.
Other than that, I'm filling up the Pokedex, mostly missing the obvious stuff from National Dex.
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14586235 Alrighty, send me a trade. In game name is Nikolai.
Brax 4167-4550-9020
>>14586015 Will you trade one Magician fennekin for Shed Skin Dratini?
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
>>14586354 I got a shit ton I can give you. You wouldn't happen to have a Ralt's with Trace, would you?
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
Quoted By:
>>14586433 Certainly, I'll add you and be on in a few
Quoted By:
Can anyone trade me mawilite? I have a japanese modest ditto with pokerus. can give it my Blastoisnite.
>>14586401 I'll look for an espurr. I wrote down your name and FC since I dont have my 3DS with me. My name is either Nathan or Rabbit. I can't remember right now but Ill add you later.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497
Aron fag here, just waiting on Scott and Mathayus. Last chance if you want a Adamant Aron with Superpower, Curse and Earthquake
Eleanor 0259-1249-4458
Can someone who has completed the game tell me if I should Use the master ball on Yvetal? I'm just now at the part where I'm fighting him to SAVE DA WURLD, dunno if I should save it or not.
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586458 Sounds good!
>>14586441 I've got two pretty damn good Raltz with Sync, both Modest, one male, one female I can breed out if you'd like.
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
>>14586481 Ah god hold on, is a derp okay?
Ethan Y 0275 7479 9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>14586487 Yes. The answer is always a yes if you're not going to sr for it.
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586487 No, he has a super high capture chance, I got Xern with a Pokeball.
>>14586481 Sure, you want any specific Gen 1/6 starters or National Dex Pokemon?
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>14586489 Eh, fuck it. I'll give it for free, I've got literally 20 of em. Hope you like Timid, cuz that's the best nature I got.
Give me a sec, make room in my friends list.
Quoted By:
Masuda method is only for languages, eh? I have like, a japanese Pikachu, and a french some or other, I guess that they would work under the method? They even have a little tag on them.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Trading Pokerus, don't need anything but would like a Ralts, Gible or Mawile.
Eleanor 0259-1249-4458
Quoted By:
>>14586518 I just realized, I bought 99 ultra balls just for this occasion. Never mind!
Ethan Y 0275 7479 9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>14586518 Being coherent at this time could be nice.
Replace every yes with no.
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 16:20:08 No. 14586567 Report Quoted By:
>>14585819 got your egg, whenever you're ready
>>14586325 Visii 0533-4031-8191
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497
>>14586505 Totally fine, just add me.
>>14586532 If you have a fennicam that would be great
Maho [Y] 0490-5693-2109
>>14586398 Come on son, what are you doing, I reallt gotta go now
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586580 Yepp, let me start breeding it.
Charles (Version Y) 4871-3995-0901
Quoted By:
>>14586598 cant see you on friends list >.<
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Mon 14 Oct 2013 16:23:21 No. 14586653 Report >>14586481 What do you want for oneß
Parlance 0748-2358-1887
>>14586550 I could use Pokerus. If you keep me added ill get you a ralts later on today.
Lautaro 1736-0657-1061
Quoted By:
>>14585524 you'll probably get a white flower flabebe if you walk into the white flowers
Cris - 0962-9914-9110
Can anybody help me evolving my Haunter please? :(
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14586568 Is it Erio in game?
Kyle 2148-8310-4957
Quoted By:
Hey anons, I'd really appreciate it if someone could trade with me so I can evolve my Phantump!
Anyone give me a shiny Zubat or something with Pokerus for a Sqyirtle or Froakie, all male?
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497
>>14586653 Doesn't matter.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14586655 I'll take your word for that, give me a few.
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
>>14586505 You wouldn't happen to have any Protean Froakies left, would you?
Break 0103 9561 5507
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Mon 14 Oct 2013 16:27:24 No. 14586804 Report >>14586724 I'll want one then~
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14586667 add me and trade.
Kyle 2148-8310-4957
>>14586667 I have a Phantump that needs evolving! Want to trade? Adding you now.
Does someone want to trade a charmander I just hatched for a squirtle/bulbasaur?
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14586723 Does Squirtle come with the stone? If so, Pokerus for you.
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
>>14586750 I think I've got one left, what would you be willing to trade for it?
Erik(a) FC: 3454 - 0908 - 2410
Quoted By:
>>14586411 Cheers, I'll hit you up with a trade again as soon as I have new mons to trade
>>14586831 Sorry no, it's just a Squirtle I bred.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497
Quoted By:
>>14586804 Add me and ill get to you when i can.
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
Seriously u guys? Someone took the Swirlix I put up for a freaking Goomy
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14586863 Ah well, will do anyway. Add me.
Quoted By:
can anyone tell me how long it takes to produce an egg from the daycare? Also, does it go by time of day or number of steps taken?
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
>>14586880 Alright, I'll add you in a second :)
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14586818 >>14586819 Actually trade
kyle, because mutually beneficial.
>>14586235 Running on EDT, I'm here 8am-Noon regularly, and 8pm-Midnight when I'm not working. I'll still be around for a few hours, so don't worry about losing your pokes.
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
>>14586917 Sweet, thanks a bunch. I'm assuming you want the shiny?
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
>>14586937 Indeed, if that's alright <3
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14586580 >>14586617 All set to trade, just let me know when you're ready.
Quoted By:
>>14586912 ok thankyou, bear with me
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
Could anyone here help me evolve my scyther?
Quoted By:
So, does anyone know if Yveltal is shiny locked? I want to soft reset for this nigger to sparkle.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497
Quoted By:
>>14586988 Just add me and we can trade
Waffle [Y] 5370-1445-6499
Parlance 0748-2358-1887
>>14586736 Thanks, im on my way to the area with ralts' now atm.
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
Quoted By:
>>14587064 Thanks a bunch man.
Brax, I keep trying to trade but it says you aren't available
Cris - 0962-9914-9110
Quoted By:
>>14586818 Thank you anyways, man :)
>>14586819 Thanks man! Enjoy your Trevenant :)
Kyle 2148-8310-4957
Quoted By:
>>14586920 Great! Thanks a bunch for the trade!
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Trading Pokerus, don't need anything but would like Gible, Mawile or Houndour. Prefferably with the stones.
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14587025 Sure. Trade whenever.
Quoted By:
>>14586906 I traded a Squirtle for a hatched Goomy....
I had an extra though.
>>14587111 I can help, but you don't happen to have a spare scyther do you?
Break 0103 9561 5507
>>14586912 I think I added you. I'm new to the 3DS business. What did you want by the way?
Quoted By:
Does XP Share split all the XP evenly between the pokemon giving them a fraction of the total or does every pokemon get the leftover XP to the highest value? Like if I have 3 pokemon will the 2 level up faster than if I had 6 getting the same XP from battles?
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
>>14587139 I do. I have a few female adamant technician scythers to spare
>>14587120 thanks a bunch
M \n
>>14587113 Pokerus isn't that rare, at best you will get the pokemon you want
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14587164 Oh damn, yeah I'll help.
Do you want me to cancel the evolution so you can see it? Break 0103 9561 5507
>>14587113 I dont have the stone for gible
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14587164 misclick,sorry.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14587158 Squirtle I think it was
>>14587205 can't cancel trade evos.
Wx 4313-0993-8338
>>14587113 Don't have the stone, but I can go catch you a Gible. Unless you wanted it hatched?
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
>>14587208 Is fine without.
>>14587176 I know, I'm giving it away, I'm just saying those would be nice.
>>14587164 >>14587211 I'm not a misclick, I'll help trade.
for one of those scythers. >>14587225 well fuck.
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
>>14587248 let me finish evolving my scyther and then Ill trade one to you. They are all superior I believe, so it should be a breeze getting scizors
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14587164 Uhh. I don't suppose you actually want feint, do you?
>>14587216 Ok Bold Squirtle ok? My FC is up top
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
Quoted By:
>>14587297 nope, but it learns bullet punch right?
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
>>14587227 Don't mind at all.
Looking to get lv1 medicham-driflim-smeagle-mawile if anyoner is able to trade
Lewis - 4828 - 4967 - 5545
Quoted By:
I'm sitting fishing at Cyllage, dumping Horseas and Skrelps until I find a female skrelp.
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14587330 I'll start breeding my Mawile, what're you offering?
Shu [B2]-2538.1526.2484 [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai) !Shu.Fwg.iQ
Shu [B2]-2538.1526.2484 [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai) !Shu.Fwg.iQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 16:43:35 No. 14587355 Report Quoted By:
>>14585869 Yeah, I still want it
Are you still here?
DonutFider-3093 7398 1113
Willing to breed any Pokemon for an Aron. I have Y also, so if anyone wants me to catch a Pokemon ill look for it. I'm about to bet the 7th gym. REMEMBER THIS IS FOR AN ARON.
Mysarie (Aron breeder extraordinaire} 1478-4228-6497
Mysarie (Aron breeder extraordinaire} 1478-4228-6497 Mon 14 Oct 2013 16:43:40 No. 14587358 Report Quoted By:
I think that's everyone taken care of, if i missed anyone speak up.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14587321 Yup. Just spreading the Pokerus now, give us a moment.
Wx 4313-0993-8338
Anyone have a Scyther I can have? Only pokemon I find worthy in my boxes are Houndour and Liepard.
What can a male Chespin be bred with besides Ditto, as I don't have one?
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
Thanks Nikolai, u da bes Alright, let me add the person who wanted sexy scythers.
Visii 0533-4031-8191
>>14587369 Pokerus please ^^
Raven 5214-9979-6838
Ollie- 356619994376
Anyone willing to help me evolve my Pumpkaboo?
Looking to get lv1 medicham-driflim-smeagle-mawile if anyone is able to trade.
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14587441 I am breeding a Mawile right now, what do you have to offer for a Mawile?
>>14585393 Anyone willing to trade a Haunter for a Froakie?
>>14587351 give me an idea of what you want... I honestly don't trade much
Eleanor 0259-1249-4458
Quoted By:
>Capture Yvetal >mfw using Oblivion Wing for the first time Holy fuck, I think I was spot on when I called him Doomsday.
Quad FC: 0318-7325-9053
Quoted By:
Have fun with that.
DonutFider-3093 7398 1113
Quoted By:
>>14587356 Also for a ditto.
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14587479 I'm looking for a Modest Meowstic/Espurr with Infiltrator, if you can get one that is female, that would be awesome.
>>14587468 You want the Haunter or the Froakie?
Quoted By:
>>14587386 Thanks man, you're great.
Big Kebab has Pokerus. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14587513 I didn't nab any of those sorry
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
>>14587391 There, sorry. Name in game?
Frank: 3497-0018-3449
Quoted By:
do we know any egg moves for froakie?
Steve 4570-7799-0426
Mitch 2466-1767-8308
Quoted By:
What previous characteristic is "takes plenty of siestas"? is it new? or does it replace something?
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14587566 Yes, what are you looking to trade for one? Also, Dream World or Regular ability?
Raven 5214-9979-6838
>>14585554 ToTT:
Pumpkaboo and Furfrou Both are adorable and good in game, I could even see Furfrou being decent in UU with that ability. Parlance 0748-2358-1887
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
>>14587598 whenever you're ready.
>>14587524 Haunter, sorry I didn't specify.
Steve 4570-7799-0426
Quoted By:
>>14587592 Not too much at the moment, I do have a dusk stone if you want that
Chris 5129 1441 8074
>>14587592 Do you have a dwf one?
Trade you it for Froakie egg and maybe Chespin egg if you are patient.
>>14587633 Sorry then, can't help you with that
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14587655 I've got DWA Froakie and Fennekin's at the moment, is your Chespin a DWA?
Ollie- 356619994376
>>14587596 Speaking of Pumpkaboo
>>14587430 Anonymous
How do you get the dream world starters?
DonutFider-3093 7398 1113
Just a heads up to anyone who cares. 7th gym is psychic and levels are 46-50
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14587701 Good Friend Safari's.
>>14587675 I wouldn't mind
Julian 0232-7804-0399
Quoted By:
Would anyone be willing to trade me a Ditto? Could trade a Bulbasaur, Froakie and/or Tyrunt (though I need the Ditto first to breed them). I'm still pretty early in the game so I don't have much.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
>>14587715 reported, thanks for ruining my virgin eyes
>>14587666 That's okay. Are you looking for anything? I want to find all of the fossils, except for Tyrunt. And of course a Haunter.
Quoted By:
>>14587715 Thanks for spoiling it you stupid nigger
Ollie- 356619994376
>>14587725 You legend, hold on ill add you in a sec
Raven 5214-9979-6838
Quoted By:
Got a female Chespin I should be able to breed. Can't guarantee natures or anything, but I'll go catch a skiddo right now to get this thing started.
>day care man doesn't call out to you anymore when there's an egg
Brax 4167-4550-9020
Quoted By:
Heart Scales can be found in on Luvdiscs in Ambrette Town with the Old Rod.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14587758 Maybe a Ditto so I can breed the Aerodactyl I got WT'd for a terrible low level Mon earlier today.
>>14587790 I'll add you both anyway
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14587802 He turns around, I just run between Zubat Roost and the town to the right of the daycare and you'll see him face the road when there's an egg.
>>14587817 Wordsworth. Guy offering the Squirtle
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Where's the IV calculator? There's some serious shit wrong if my noivern has a higher HP than my clawitzer with all ev removed
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14587879 Post Elite Four in the town that has the "Not Battle Tower" in it, if I recall correctly.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14587873 Is that in game?
Quoted By:
>>14587848 Well, that's something, but having my character stop was great so I could notice in my peripheral vision.
>>14587934 Sorry it's Charlie, fellow Charles-bro
Where do i get rock smash?
Visii 0533-4031-8191
Can anyone trade me a ditto?
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
How should a trevenant's ev spread be like? I think it goes best with a moveset like horn leech leech seed shadow claw will o wisp But I don't think this guy is that bulky to pull it off
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>>14587991 Talk to NPCs. One of the ones in the town with the aquarium and fossil cave gives it to you.
I think.
Ollie- 356619994376
>>14587833 waiting on you bro
Has anyone confirmed that IV are maxed in online battles?
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14587995 You still want Pokerus?
>>14588017 Didn't actually realise the Squirtle was female. Is that ok?
Ethan Y 0275 7479 9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>14588037 Yes, because you're able to use flat battles to check IVs. I did it and not everything was flawless.
Visii 0533-4031-8191
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14588061 Aye that's fine
Where the hell do I go after beating the fourth gym leader? I'm totally lost.
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
>>14588102 Follow the road, if you need more info
you will find a desert south Anonymous
>>14588067 Wait so they aren't maxed?
Ethan Y 0275 7479 9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>14588067 No*
I'm going to go to bed.
>>14588150 Yeah. I'm particularly incoherent today.
Quoted By:
>>14588034 Think there was a problem with my connection, sorry man. Keep trying?
Visii 0533-4031-8191
Ollie- 356619994376
>>14588094 Sorry, my routers being a pain in the arse, hold on
Does anyone know where to find Inkay? I'm looking around the bay but I can't find one. Am I in the right place?
>>14588200 Not just me then lol. I'll wait
Quoted By:
>>14588203 In the grass before the fossil town, I think only at night.
>>14588203 I found mine in the Cliffs area soon as you get out of that first cave, in the grass. Same place you can find Wingull Hordes
Quoted By:
>>14588067 Where can you go to do flat battles?
Ollie- 356619994376
>>14588203 that grass outside zubat cave, found one first time
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
>>14588187 Says you're offline in pokemon.
M \n
>>14588270 Hows the shiny look anyway?
I'm really liking Malamar, wondering if I should try for a shiny.
Quoted By:
does anyone have a duskull, grimer or yamask available? they're only obtainable through the friend safari so it's a long shot but I'm willing to give bulbasaur/charmander/froakie/pokerus for any of those fellas
Visii 0533-4031-8191
Quoted By:
>>14588290 Sorry, router issues. Should be on now!
>>14588310 I love it. If you've got me added on there, check my Trainer PR Video, my Inkay's in that so you can see for your self
Quoted By:
>>14588270 >>14588284 Thanks. I'll look there. ~
Stone [X] 4940 - 5825 - 4230
Charles Fee 4570-7977-1191
Quoted By:
Trading Pokerus, don't need anything but would like Gible, Mawile or Houndour. Stones too if you're feeling generous.
M \n
>>14588367 That was great, thanks.
I should make one of those too.
DonutFinder-3093 7398 1113
Quoted By:
Just caught a level 25 skrelp anyone want it. It's a female.
Erik(a) FC: 3454 - 0908 - 2410
Quoted By:
>>14586920 I'm ready to trade again whenever it's convenient
>>14588416 They're fun to mess around with, but there are so many options it'll take you a while to figure out what you want to do.
Also, that white Overshirt my guy has? That thing was 100,000p. Stupid Lumiose shop. M \n
>>14588457 ha, I can't even get in there...
>>14587901 You don't happen to have anymore DW Fennekins do you? All I've got is pokerus.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 17:19:30 No. 14588540 Report Where do you get DW gen VI starters?! Also, has that "male pass DW too" been confirmed?
Quoted By:
>gen VI Dragon Pulse animation Pls say Outrage is pretty too
Ollie- 356619994376
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14588494 I've been breeding the shit out of them.
>>14588540 Good Friend Safari's will net you DWA Pokemon, including Gen VI Starters.
Stone [X] 4940 - 5825 - 4230
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Fennekin they'd be willing to give?
Quoted By:
>>14588489 I spent like
5 hours in Lumiose City yesterday. A Few hanging gout on the couches of the Pokécentre while I Supertrained my Goomy, then probably 3 More running circles around the town, finding everything in it and doing the Battle Resturants.
I also Picked up a nice pair of Brown Loafers while I was in the Shop, for
80,000 >>14588529 Sorry, I can't help you there, still aren't that far myself.
>>14588540 Post-Game Friend Safari, is what I've heard.
Charlie 2492-4510-3770
>>14588284 Uhh, that was weird. Traded my Fletchinder for your Pumpkaboo, saw it evolve... Communication error and I have my Fletchinder but no Gourgheist lol. What happened for you?
>>14588581 So what is Good Friend Safari and how the heck does it work?
Ollie- 356619994376
>>14588636 same as you, got my Pumpkaboo but no fletchinder and now it wont connect to the wifi
Ryuseii 1891-1944-5575
Quoted By:
LF>Modest/Adamant/Bold/Calm/Impish Synchronizers/Dittos I have for trade Bulbasaur eggs Lonely Kecleon Brave Swirlix Timid Roselia Naughty Zangoose Adamant Solrock Timid Espurr Adamant Nincada Brave Pancham Modest Pikachu Also looking for Sp attack or a Speed natured Helioptile
eqqs - tfw no 3ds
M \n
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14588633 If you can get me a Female Espurr, Modest with Infiltrator you can have a Fennekin and Froakie DWA.
If it's shiny by some magic, I'll throw in some National Dex only Pokemon I've been breeding as well.
>>14588645 Good as in objectively, they seem to be generated by friend codes, and the pokemon in them are determined before you actually go inside. They'll always be the same pokemon, but not the same abiltity/moveset. They're also always level 30.
Charlie 2492-4510-3770
>>14588667 I'm asking to trade with you. I was afraid you were going to say you had a Flecthinder and no Pumpkaboo
>>14588682 Put it out of it's misery
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Marquise Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Mon 14 Oct 2013 17:26:32 No. 14588781 Report Quoted By:
All aboard the Mamoswine Express!
>>14588682 It's shit, box and never look at again.
Ethan Y 0275 7479 9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>14588714 I wonder how long until there's a generator that produces FC's with specific pokémon in mind, unless I'm misunderstanding it.
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
Quoted By:
Anyone happen to have a spare Metal Coat? I don't have much, but I'll trade you anything found before the 3rd gym because that's where I am.
eqqs - tfw no 3ds
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Quoted By:
>>14588714 All I really want is the Fennekin, to be honest. Is there anything else that could change your mind, I've got X so maybe version exclusives?
Frank: 3497-0018-3449
>>14588723 so i just put a froakie and a ditto both belonging to me in the daycare and they haven't mad an egg, they dont like each other but this is taking forever.
Quoted By:
>>14588791 >shit ivs and shit nature Trade for derp, thats all its worth
Wx 4313-0993-8338
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14588784 That's what I'm curious about as well, I'm still not entirely sure how it works, but that seems like it might be a thing in the future.
Charlie 2492-4510-3770
Quoted By:
>>14588830 Did you mean to reply to me lol?
Frank: 3497-0018-3449
Quoted By:
>>14588830 didn't mean to reply there
>>14588830 Ok
your point being
Ollie- 356619994376
Charlie 2492-4510-3770
Quoted By:
>>14588886 My pleasure my friend
Mason Y 0559 7002 5989
>>14585393 Anyone got any none American Gibles?
I'm breeding a fuck ton and I'm thinking, I might as well Masuda them.
Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
Looking for:>Bronzor >Bronzong >Female Espurr/Meowstic with Modest and Infiltrator >Shiny Espurr/Meowstic >DWA Pokemon >National Dex Pokemon I'm offering Gen 1 and 6 starters, DWA Gen 6 starters (minus Chespin), Electabuzz, Vullaby, Paras, Luxio, Corsola, Larvesta, Snorunt, Phanphy, Minccino, Aipom, Larvesta, and some others that are from Friend Safari available. I also have quite a few of the Pokemon from Kalos ready to breed should you want them and are unable to find them. I have both X and Y exclusives for the most part and can breed them as well. I'm open to offers.
Stone [X] 4940 - 5825 - 4230
>>14589045 Can I have one please?
Scott: X 4811 7019 8489 !WAc3hlCtsg
Quoted By:
>>14588784 They need to add you as well before they show up afaik
Frank: 3497-0018-3449
>>14588869 the point of your post being?
>>14589156 That your post is pointless.
No one gives a shit what's going on in your game. Fucking hell.
Mason Y 0559 7002 5989
>>14589072 Sure I'll add you real fast.
I've only got 5 Right now. I should really get something with flame body but Eh, I don't feel like evolving a Talonflame.
>>14589192 what went up your ass?
>>14589192 nigga u mad as hell
>>14589234 >>14589244 Samefagging this hard
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Viscount jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Mon 14 Oct 2013 17:41:50 No. 14589276 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Anyone able to tell me what I'm doing wrong? I can't spread pokerus to my level 9 Female Froakie although I have spread it to two other Pokemon.
>>14589274 Nope, I wasn't the same guy. You're just acting like a fucking fag
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14588830 What a lovely and pleasing factoid about your current play through.
>>14589307 >wasn't the same guy ELL OH ELL
Frank: 3497-0018-3449
Quoted By:
>>14589192 >post pointless complaint >"the point of ur post being >:(" you realise there are tons of posts which have no "point" and that are just pointless complaining. stop being such a little bitch
Quoted By:
>>14589337 Chill out faggot
>>14589337 >20 seconds apart your a terrible troll, piss off
>>14589388 your
"ermagerd this guys being a fag, he must be trolling da iternetzzz lel i found da troll"
Get the fuck out, whiteknighting newfag
Erik(a) FC: 3454 - 0908 - 2410
Quoted By:
>>14589326 Nik, I'm ready to trade if you've got time
>>14589448 >whiteknighting newfag >i'm the newfag >not someone who thinks offtopic posts are terrible it's like it's really your first day in wifig
>>14589448 I'd rather be a white knight than be a fag for the sake of acting faggy
Quoted By:
>>14589505 topkek
"I kno u r but wat am i"
>>14589507 Pathetic
Quoted By:
>>14589211 Now you don't have to train that fletchling!
Carson Y 0103-9436-4291
Quoted By:
If any body has extra starter eggs, I'll take them. Nature and IVs do not matter.
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
Anybody traiding kanto starters and Y exclusives?
Visii 0533-4031-8191
>>14590440 Whatcha looking for in the way of Y exclusives?
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14590488 I'd love them all, but mostly looking for Larvitar, Shellder and Skrelp
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
Visii 0533-4031-8191
>>14590579 I can grab you a skrelp if you've got a few minutes.
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
Visii 0533-4031-8191
>>14590695 Any preference? Male/Female, etc?
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14590714 np, im fine with anything
Visii 0533-4031-8191
>>14590758 Got it. Let me just add you and then we can trade. You wouldn't happen to have a ditto or anything interesting would you? Don't really mind what I get either way.
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14590824 I'm still not sure what counts as "interesting" in this game and sadly im not far enough in the game to get ditto
Visii 0533-4031-8191
>>14590932 No problem. Hey, I've also just got a shellder for you!
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14591047 Lets do this ^^
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14591119 some sort of error?
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
Quoted By:
>>14591191 Yeah, what the heck? Lets try it again. You wouldn't have a Houndor or an Aron either, huh?