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Quoted By: >>14599345
I want this cute lil bugger to use while I get badges but I think you get it MUCH later. Anyone have any Noibats they'd be willing to trade? I'd prefer a egg hatched one so I can raise it up and I'd love you forever if you could name it Nix of either gender, but female prefered. Don't even care what nature. I'm one of those trainers that just raising pokemon on how I like their look and I LOVE Noibat's.
Don't really have any awesome pokemon to toss out because I'm only on the third gym. I've got pokerus I can infect anything with. Got an adamant male Ralts and female hasty Aerodactyl I could toss out there.
Don't really have any awesome pokemon to toss out because I'm only on the third gym. I've got pokerus I can infect anything with. Got an adamant male Ralts and female hasty Aerodactyl I could toss out there.