From File Image URL:
Basic Image Information
File: 597 × 617 JPEG
165,741 bytes (0.16 megabytes) Image compression: 85%
Color Encoding:
WARNING: No color-space metadata and no embedded color profile: Windows and Mac web browsers treat colors randomly.
Images for the web are most widly viewable when in the sRGB color space and with an embedded color profile. See my Introduction to Digital-Image Color Spaces for more information.
Image URL: other tools to this image via
Main image displayed here at 73% width (53% the area of the original)
Click image to isolate; click this text to show histogram
Here's the full data:
JFIF Version 1.01
Resolution 1 pixels/None
File — basic information derived from the file.
File Type JPEG
MIME Type image/jpeg
Encoding Process Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
Bits Per Sample 8
Color Components 3
File Size 162 kB
Image Size 617 × 597
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
This application uses Phil Harvey's most excellent Image::ExifTool library, version 9.27. Histograms created with ImageMagick.
Jeffrey last modifed this viewer on July 16, 2013.