>>14619308Shauna: qtpa2t would bang/waifu 11/10
Serena: Very one-dimensional character. No strong feelings either way but they didn't have to make her so bland. 6/10
Trevor: Better than Tierno, looks much less ridiculous than in his art which is good. There was an attempt to develop his character. 7/10
Tierno: Serves literally no purpose and has no distinguishing features. Fifth wheel on this tricycle. 4/10
I wish that when the game had them stick with you, they actually stuck with you. It's weird having Serena say she'll follow you into
Team Flare's Secret Base, then have you get into the huge elevator alone. Kind of breaks the immersion.
I think they split too much, Gamefreak can barely make three acceptable characters per Gen, let alone five. Even four would have worked, have Calem/Serena/Shauna and turn Trevor into some middle ground between Wally and Barry where he actually grows a spine midway through the plot and actually helps do something. You could even turn him into the love interest for the female MC.