I'm masuda hatching Fennekins with no luck and I have almost 4 boxes full of these cute foxes! I'm going to wonder trade them, but if anyone here is interested in one, add me and reply this post with your friend code. I have pokémon Y, if you have pokémon X's exclusives or hatched Kanto starters would be a plus, if not it's ok, I'll take anything then. My FC: 5429-7924-0969
Jouten - 2535 3644 5838
I've got a clean Adament male Ralts if you'd wanna pass on a female
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14624334 Sure, I'll add you now and send trade request :)
Sheng/Shandy - 5086 1916 4329
I picked Chespin as my starter but I want one of these cute little things too, I don't really have anything of value to trade with though
>>14624254 Does the masuda method work if its a japanese ditto and an american whatever else?
0946 3682 6413
Swap a Lairon (X exclusive) for one?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14624481 No problem, send a fodder then. I'll add you as soon as I finish with Jouten
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14624498 Sure, I'll add you asap.
>>14624493 I read it works but I'm having no luck, I'm now trying with a Jap fennek and a hatched one, still no luck...
If you have a modest or a female or a modest female I'll gladly take it off your hands! 5343-8752-6330
>>14624553 My name is Paris btw
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14624673 Sorry for the waiting, I was checking each of them for the nature you wanted...
>>14624498 Lairon trainer, what's your in game name?
Quoted By:
>>14624784 No worries man. I really appreciate it!
I feel your pain i'm at six boxes right now
Roarik 2320-7109-1985
Quoted By:
>>14624817 I'm at about 4 boxes worth of Drudds with no luck... How many boxes do we get, by the way? Is it 24 again?
Marker !!0xfIo2Nah02
Have a mawile 3883 - 6087 - 9362 female would be prefered
Shurite: 5472-7046-6730
If you have a modest or timid female Fennekin I'd gladly take it off your hands OP :)
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625009 dafuq happened there? lol
I meant, as soon as you see me online, send trade plz
Quoted By:
>>14624254 I'm up to 11 boxes full, mid way through 12th.
I feel your pain.
Hugo [Y] 2595-0015-3584
>>14624254 Added you, modest or timid would be great, thanks :)
Marker !!0xfIo2Nah02
>>14625009 You're not showing up on my pss
Hi my code is 4940-5394-0358 My in game name is Gekikara (In japanese ゲキカラ) thank you :)
IGN:Josh 1160-9829-2594
I really don't havve anything at all I'm not done with the story yet but I'll add you now cause im dying for a lil fox
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625160 >>14625208 >>14625227 Adding you, I'm out of modest and I think I have 2 timids left, so I guess it'll be a timid one.
>>14625210 I added you, try disconnecting a connecting again
Shurite: 5472-7046-6730
Quoted By:
>>14625009 >>14625210 Same for me. I added your FC but you're not on my friends list yet.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625254 >>14625257 Adding you soon, send trade request as soon as you see me online
Quoted By:
>>14624529 It has a 1/1365 chance, of course it's going to take time if you're not incredibly lucky.
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
I really don't have anything to offer but my gratitude OP. I'm not particularly picky, a female of any nature will work, though I'll take timid if you still have any.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625389 Adding you now, send trade as soon as you see me online
Guys, if I still haven't traded your Fennekin, try turning off and on the PSS. I 've been trading to most people here so I don't know what's wrong...
Quoted By:
Thanks for wasting my time OP.
Shurite: 5472-7046-6730
Quoted By:
Apparently you haven't added my FC yet.
IGN:Josh 1160-9829-2594
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
My bad if I'm not fast enough... I'm only one person here... please bear with me :)
>>14624254 Do you have any females you can trade me already on your friend list
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14625614 Sure, send trade again and I'll send you one
Xavier / B 0791-1663-5037
>>14624254 I'll take one off your hands, pal.
I do not have much to offer as I am only at the second gym, but I guess
Bunnelby will have to do.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14625667 No problem, I'll be adding you soon. Send trade request as soon as you see me online
>>14625661 name is Esael in game everytime i trade you put up a male one not sure how to get ingame chat to work
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625723 Ohh my bad, I didn't recognized you, I'll send a female next time you set up a trade.
STEAVE 4940-5870-7536
Need one of these foxy things. Can offer bulbasaur or squirtle
Quoted By:
Received your Fennekin, thanks a lot :)
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625753 I'm adding you as soon as I finish a trade, send me trade resquest :)
i'd love another fennekin, OP! my FC: 3325-1839-5294. adding you now
Jarrad 0447-5932-2292
Xavier / B 0791-1663-5037
Quoted By:
>>14625684 Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Sorry that was the best I had.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14625830 >>14625841 Added, send trade request when you see me
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14625753 Can I have a Bulbasaur for another one? I can send you a female.
STEAVE 4940-5870-7536
Quoted By:
>>14625855 Thanks for the trade man.
STEAVE 4940-5870-7536
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625925 Thanks! Sending request now
Would love a fenniken, my FC is 0860-3338-5374 Will add you now. Thanks OP.
>>14625855 THANK YOU! Greatly appreciate it!
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14625935 Added, send trade plz
STEAVE 4940-5870-7536
>>14625947 Dont suppose you have any charmanders on you?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14625925 Thanks Steave, you're awesome!
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14626007 No... I haven't exploited sexually my Charizard yet... XD
My FC: 3497-0512-5919 Please and ty!
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14626045 Adding you, send trade plz
Would love one, thanks OP 1779-0335-1961
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14626111 >>14626117 Adding you now, send trade request plz
Quoted By:
>>14625970 Thanks bro. Just sent you my Flabebe, just started the game today so didn't have anything decent.
Appreciate the Fennekin!
Adam 3368-1541-1196
I can breed up a Pinser real quick. A female with any positive nature would be fine.
>>14626128 I don't see you yet
>>14626111 KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14626224 I can send you a timid one, but it's a male. I don't have good female with good natures... You can send a fodder and later trade me the pinsir.
>>14626241 My bad, I was doing some trades, I added you like 5 minutes ago.
>>14626255 Ok cool, I guess you're Jahn C then?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011
>>14626316 awesome, thanks OP :)
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14626366 No problem :D
Did I missed anyone here? Plz reply if I did.
Steffy 4828-4878-0144
>>14626380 U-uhm, do you possibly have any of the other starters in eggs..?
Do you have a female for me? Any nature is fine. I'll be on ten minutes from now. Thanks. 2165 6084 3382
Jarrad 0447-5932-2292
>>14626380 thanks for the fennekin :D
Eleanor 0259-1249-4458
I'd like one! How does Masuda hatching work anyway? Does the pokemon need to be from another country or something?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14626401 Hmm... Not at the moment... Sorry...
>>14626439 As of now I have 4 females and 60 males left. I'll add you now, send request when you see me.
>>14626452 Sure thing bro, have fun!
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Eleanor 0259-1249-4458
>>14626593 Thanks! Hope you enjoy the Charmander!
Prince 0061-0237-4811
Do you still have Fennekins OP? I would also like a female one, any nature if you have one around, please.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14626650 Awesome, I'll hatch it when this trading spree is over XD
>>14626658 Yeah I have 4 females and 69 males, I'll add you now. Send trade request plz
Prince 0061-0237-4811
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14626675 If you've got a female I'd love to trade for it. I gave up soft resetting for it after about an hour. But a male is okay too. Any nature would be fine.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627070 Added! Sadly I'm out of females... I only have males at the moment... Send trade if still interested!
FC: 0275-8160-5036
Adding you now, OP. This is really awesome though.
Nikolai [Y] 2208 - 5081 - 8840
>>14627118 Not a problem, just give me a moment, my wifi and 3ds are having a lover's spat.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627171 Added!
>>14627208 No problem
Both send trades plz
FC: 0275-8160-5036
>>14627247 What's your name ingame bro?
Oh man I hope I'm not too late.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627303 My in game name is Jahn C
>>14627319 Nope! You're just in time, I'll be adding you now :D
FC: 0275-8160-5036
>>14627336 Awesome, thank again man! Hope you find that shiny.
James 4124-5430-3990
added you OP, I have a Pinser if you're still after X exclusives
Can I get a female Fennekin?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627427 Thanks man, have fun!
>>14627432 Sure I'll take a Pinsir. I'll be adding you now
>>14627482 I'm out of females... Would you still be interested in a free male?
Archvile 4167-4488-7647
Quoted By:
>>14627336 you da best, dude. thanks a million
>>14627516 >no more females ;_;
Got a spare Ditto you could toss around instead?
Steffy 4828-4878-0144
>>14627516 Do you think i may be able to snag a M Fenniken from you?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627571 Sorry I only have one ditto which I got at a lucky wonder trade...
>>14627587 I added you Steffy, send me a trade request when you see me online :D
>>14627637 Meh, I'll just give my Fennekin another dudebro
Added you
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627662 Your code is short by a number... :/
Steffy 4828-4878-0144
>>14627637 Added! Looking for you!
James 4124-5430-3990
>>14627723 >I screwed up Sorry man
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14627756 >>14627729 Ready now, send trades :D
>>14624254 add me here's my fc
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627832 Adding you very soon
I'll use this thread to ask a question if you don't mind. X is the first game I got since Gen I. Is it usually difficult to find people to trade version exclusives? Like you know, is it hard to find people to trade you a Skrelp for that blue crab?
Thanks JahnC Enjoy free Adamant Ralts
Cromne 2509-1567-5203
Any Fennekins left? I'll gladly take one if there's still some available. Timid nature would be appreciated.
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14627886 I don't think so, people are always looking for version exclusives of the ones they don't have. Try the GTS if you don't find anyone here.
>>14627909 Thanks, I was looking for a female ralts for the mega evo.
>>14627947 As you can see by the length of this thread, the first posts got the best I had... I still have plenty of males but not of that nature.
I'll add you and send request if still interested in another male.
Cromne 2509-1567-5203
Quoted By:
>>14627996 Sure, I'll still take one. the nature was just a preference.
Steffy 4828-4878-0144
Quoted By:
>>14627996 Thanks again!! If you need to get rid of any more (i doubt that will happen) you know where i'm at!
Im trying to breed my starter and have some eggs, but those shitters just won;t hatch How long does a hatch take in this game, anyone know?
Jin 4742-5992-2726
>>14624254 would like one, if you still have some.
can't really give you something back, hope you won't mind :)
roopants - 0173-1316-6143
I have nothing good to offer, but I'll take any old shitty fennekin if you can... I don't care about natures etc
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14628045 They can take some time but if you use the Flame Body trick, they hatch very fast.
Just have in your party a pokémon with flame body ability ( like fletchinder), the hatching steps will be reduced by a lot. Best of luck there!
>>14628078 >>14628081 I'll be adding you both, it's ok, send anything. I don't mind :D
Cromne 2509-1567-5203
Quoted By:
>>14628106 Got the Fennekin. Thanks a lot.
>>14628106 Thanks for the info!
Does the summary page for the eggs ever change from "it doesn't seem close to hatching"?
I'm still to early to catch a flame body poke but I'll check the GTS
got various infected pokerus pokemon
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14628173 As the egg is closer to hatch, it summary will change
>>14628199 Add me if you want a Fennekin :D I'll take any pokerus pkmn then.
>>14628242 awesome, thanks.
one final question for you - can I let eggs build up at daycare or can only one egg be picked up from the old man at a time?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14628334 You have to pick them one at a time, sadly they don't stack...
Jin 4742-5992-2726
Quoted By:
thanks a lot op )
>>14628199 >>14628242 hey OP, same guy, wanna trade another fennekin for an eevee egg? want one for my gf
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14628466 I would prefer any fodder, I don't have time to hatch eggs :P
But sure, send the trade!
I don't have much to trade but how about a friend code add for my Friend Safari?
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14628574 It's ok, I'll take any fodder you have.
Add me and send trade request when you see me online
Shinta 5257-9652-1068
I'm still on the second badge and I only have derps, if you don't mind.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14624254 Could send you a Lairon or a Graveler if you want
Female preferred
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
>>14628995 It's ok, I'll add you now. Send trade when you see me online.
>>14629078 'll take the Lairon but I'm out of females... The first post got them all... I'll be adding you now, send trade request plz
These 2 will the last trades, I have to go to my classes :/
It's been fun guys, I'll be back with more started fodder to gift later in the week! :D
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
Quoted By:
>>14629125 added, doesnt matter^^
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
roopants - 0173-1316-6143
Jackxie 1263 6738 6296
Quoted By:
Fennekin please!