As i promised yesterday i have returned to give away a batch of larvesta. If you are interested please reply with your FC and ingame name. You don't have to give anything special in return, just send whatever
Rosco 2079-6962-2319
Quoted By:
>>14632354 In game, LaRoss. Could I have one?
Quoted By:
Erich 1693-0987-1822
Celi 2165-5812-4036
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
yo OP im down got any modest or timid natures?
Marvin 1306-6255-1198
Quoted By:
code above, I'd love you to death
Quoted By:
i would prefer a psyduck. i need a psyduck from a other country. im from germany.
Chi- 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
would like one please
Penuche 3668-8159-4862
Quoted By:
>>14632354 pls and thanks friend
Cassius 4656-6974-4923
Are there any females? If not then trade me whatever.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>14632428 if not any female will do
Tenshi 4253-3857-6250
Quoted By:
Praise be op, could I have one please?
Idun 0361 7250 1322
will send to the first 5 now, i have a feeling this will take all night...
Quoted By:
>>14632354 Added.
I'd love one!
Graves - 5343-8300-7037
In game name - Ceinwyn
nimbu 0877-1086-0335
Quoted By:
Reimu 1590-4780-5103
Robert 1177-7709-4122
Quoted By:
>>14632354 id like one please
Perry 1478 3458 1277
Marvin 1306-6255-1198
Quoted By:
>>14632529 based OP delivered, thanks a bunch
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
oh and flame body pls if possible sorry if im asking for too much
Quoted By:
Kamon: 4398-9568-0303
Vonlocke 4253-3621-9551
Celi 2165-5812-4036
Quoted By:
If youve got any left ill take one Alyssa 3840-6303-7172
Cassius 4656-6974-4923
Quoted By:
>>14632479 Sorry, forgot my ingame name is called Brooke
Quoted By:
Farmer 4742-5325-6274 Thanks OP, appreciate it.
ZA WARUDO 4484 7846 5185
Perry 1478 3458 1277
Quoted By:
>>14632579 In game name is Steven
Quoted By:
You're doing God's work OP.
LaRoss 2079-6962-2319
Quoted By:
Thank you op, I appreciate it
ZA WARUDO 4484 7846 5185
Quoted By:
>>14632747 My in game name is El Mayimbe
Sam 2578-4510-0812 Hit me up
Quoted By:
New to this. How would I go about doing this? Do I just post my FC and make sure I am connected to the internet and it will come up when someone sends it?
Idun 0361 7250 1322
Quoted By:
Brianna 0516-7816-5358
Quoted By:
>>14632354 I'd like one too. Thanks, OP.
Quoted By:
2852-7738-1169 My ingame name is Dexter
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
OP delivered OP is god thank you
Quoted By:
>>14632786 In game name Esmeralda
Quoted By:
Sorry, but where do you get Larvesta? Or is this BW only?
Raito FC: 1907 8494 0549
Quoted By:
hook it up bro :]
Bags 1907-9196-5641 Thanks so much for doing this bro!
Quoted By:
>>14632354 Xavier
4570 7449 2156
thanks a lot,man
Quoted By:
Sammy 2079 - 7196 - 5144
Ivan 1950-8686-6672
Quoted By:
In game - Asfel OP is a golden god, added! Would love you if you sent one, would suck dick for timid/modest (or female)
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Quoted By:
I'll take whatever, thanks m8
Flakes 2723 - 9578 - 4951
Quoted By:
Would love one.
Quoted By:
Based OP. How tough are these to actually get in game?
Griffith 2595 1148 1342
Quoted By:
>>14632354 I've added you, can i have one?
Quoted By:
Camille 5429-6914-8588
Quoted By:
name: Kevin 1950 - 8705 - 8776 Thanks.
Andre 3797-6991-7772
Sabbles 4871-3853-2985
Micki~ 1005 - 9772 - 9392
>>14632354 Can I have one too, please?
I can give you a pokemon with pokerus
Quoted By:
4983-5256-5594 Tyler I'll take one if you got any left pls
KΞɅIИ [Y] 0817-3818-3922
Quoted By:
In game name is Wallace. I don't have a special order, but I have a US based game.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909
I would love one! Give me a moment to add you. I dont care what kind of nature it has- I'll be breeding a bunch for friends so I'll get what I want at some point.
I'm not sure if am doing it right..should I just post my FC and wait? I know the OP is doing a lot, so I am just making sure I did it right.
Quoted By:
>>14633252 Take down OPs fc as well.
Lethal 4484-7833-2287
Quoted By:
I would like 1
Pubbuffet 0817 - 4871 - 5223
Quoted By:
would be appreciated
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Name: Redwood Friend Code 5155-3074-6799
Tom 1461 7123 5165
Quoted By:
red 0834 0966 5408
Quoted By:
You sir an absolute legend. Op broest of bros
Quoted By:
FC: 0748 2749 5863 IGN: J
Quoted By:
Thank you Based OP. Sorry for giving you such a shit Pokemon. I will try to pay it forward when I can.
Quoted By:
I'll take one 1504-6762-0733
Davey 1993-7464-3407
Quoted By:
>>14632354 throw anyone my way
MER 0705 2867 9907
Quoted By:
In game name is Mary
Quoted By:
Thanks OP, you're awesome.
Quoted By:
>>14632354 the names Alex C , FC = 1822 0212 6052
Quoted By:
>>14632354 4656-6976-3157
My ingame name is Patatas
Quoted By:
I would be interested if there are any left.
Hatsumi 3796 4078 5005
Quoted By:
If you still have one, I'll gladly accept.
rafanime - 3840-6560-1238
Quoted By:
>>14632354 can i have one? please oh please give me one
Quoted By:
>>14632354 4356-0511-3225
>Levi I thank you very kindly OP
Quoted By:
IGN: Steve FC: 3222-6127-9983 If you have any left, it'd be much appreciated
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909
Quoted By:
>>14633221 Ingame name is same as above btw,
Stark 2664-2210-3472
>>14632354 If you ran out of larvesta, i would appreciate a Ditto (im from spain).
Gavin 5086-1946-3416
Perry 1478 3458 1277
Quoted By:
Based op thank you
Quoted By:
Alex 2509-1393-3861 b-based OP
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909
>>14633721 Ill trade a ditto.
Quoted By:
>>14632354 3625_8714_8525
In game name is SILVER
Tenshi 4253-3857-6250
Quoted By:
OP delivers! Thanks a lot!
Patatas - 4656-6976-3157
Me 0146-9671-4403
Quoted By:
I'll take one if you have any left
Cassius 4656-6974-4923
Quoted By:
Sorry I kept messing up the trade OP, thanks for the Larvesta.
Me 0146-9671-4403
5026 5439 1061 Ayinai
Quoted By:
Nice to see this Idun. I've got a beldum, I'll come later with some of them if you want ;D
Nox 2122 - 6020 - 6030
Quoted By:
If there are any left please?
McCoolName 2492-4925-7312
Quoted By:
>>14632354 Do you have any left? Thank you bro!
Idun 0361 7250 1322
sorry if its taking long, some people have not been accepting trades.
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch OP. Enjoy the Noibat egg.
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14633310 wrote this down wrong.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Quoted By:
>>14634203 I'll always accept your trade Idun-san
Micki~ 1005 - 9772 - 9392
Quoted By:
>>14634203 >>14633175 Can I have one too, please? I don't think you added me.
Brianna 0516-7816-5358
Quoted By:
>>14634203 Thanks for the Larvesta, OP. Hope I didn't keep you waiting or anything, I wasn't really paying attention.
ALEX C 1822 0212 6052
Quoted By:
>>14634203 its cool bro, I'm just waiting here with my ds next to me will there be a notification when you send it? i added you as a friend and everything.
SYLNTZ 5000-2391-8951
Quoted By:
In Game: Persaphone Would love to have a female if you have one. Nature Mild or Modest would be extra fucking awesome. You're awesome for doing this OP
Me 0146-9671-4403
Quoted By:
To trade, do I add your friend code in the "Friend List" part of the 3ds home screen. And will I get a notification when you've sent a trade request or whatever? (I haven't done this before so sorry if I'm dumb)
Raito 1907 8494 0549
>tfw really want a larvesta >tfw 3DS is at home and I don't get back from the campus until 6 EST Maybe someday...
Davey 1993-7464-3407
Quoted By:
>>14634203 sitting at my 3ds thats alot of friend codes poor OP
Steve 3222-6127-9983
Quoted By:
If I don't accept your trade it is because I'm in a multi battle really sorry. Also I don't have much I can trade. A pupitar/Larvatar or a squirtle egg are best I can offer atm
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965 -IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
I'll join in on this if it's still going on.
Fluddy - 2492-4122-8726
Quoted By:
These have flame body right? I can totally use that, thanks in advance!
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Quoted By:
Based OP, thanks for the grill. Once I get some time I'll start puppymilling more out and pick up where you left off.
Quoted By:
Based OP, thank you
Matt 1478-3957-0873
Quoted By:
Could be nice to get one later, gotta go to the campus now.
Quoted By:
>>14634588 Hit me up with you Friend Code and I'll try to get you one around then.
Mines 2578-4510-0812
Micki~ 1005 - 9772 - 9392
Quoted By:
>>14632354 I'd like one OP please.
0877-1019-1121 Graylie
Ristique 2793-0626-8170
Quoted By:
I would love one op!
Stef 2165-6084-3382
Quoted By:
>>14632354 I'd like one. Thanks!
Reioken 2320 - 6119 - 2262
Quoted By:
might aswell try
Ivan 1950-8686-6672
Quoted By:
based op delivered, what a god
Aesirgn 3308 4841 5675
alfred 2105-9859-2224
Quoted By:
ingame is Mecasheep
KurosakiPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>14632354 Yes please! My FC is in the name of the post. My in-game name is Jahn C. Male preferred, any nature will do.
Thanks so much
alfred 2105-9859-2224
Quoted By:
>>14632354 fuck i didn't reply. ingame is Mecasheep
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909
Quoted By:
Thanks op! I hope the female adamant larvitar is useful!
Quoted By:
2492 5436 0002 xXraulXx (i know dumb name) i just need one man larvesta is so awesome. i got a swanna if you dont want random shitmon
Quoted By:
I'd love a larvesta if you have any left. God a modest zorua to give you
Me 0146-9671-4403
Quoted By:
>>14632354 (forgot to reply to the OP)
MO 1048-8458-9247
Quoted By:
>>14632354 (OP)Any Larvesta still going?
Steve 3222-6127-9983
Quoted By:
>>14632354 (forgot to reply)
Again don't have THAT much to offer up seaming that I'm new to everything pro about pokemon
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965 -IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
>>14632354 I'm not entirely sure we're supposed to reply to the OP, but I will because it seems fun.
alfred 2105-9859-2224
Quoted By:
thanks a fucking lot OP you're doing god's work
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
OP do you have any left? My friend code was wrong in the original post. 5155-3074-6779
Alex 0103-9867-8088
Quoted By:
please you are based god
Idun 0361 7250 1322
thats it everyone, we are officially out of larvesta.
MER 0705 2867 9907
Quoted By:
>>14636099 you never added me back ;_;
Aesirgn 3308 4841 5675
>>14636099 Can you at least tell me where you got one?
Davey 1993-7464-3407
Quoted By:
>>14636099 you got just above my friend code ;( so close oh well next time
Idun 0361 7250 1322
Quoted By:
>>14636157 i got it from an anon who did the same thread last night, he got it of wondertrade
Quoted By:
Dang. Volcarona is my bf's favorite Pokemon, I really wanted to surprise him with one. :(
Quoted By:
Chris 0731 6073 8211 Cheers dude!
Quoted By:
Angel 2793-1192-0118
alfred 2105-9859-2224
Quoted By:
>>14636099 thanks dude, take good care of that goomy ;_;
Aesirgn 3308 4841 5675
Quoted By:
Sorry OP, I was in an online battle, were you trying to trade?
Quoted By:
Jorge 5472-6952-5724
Quoted By:
4699 6450 1761
Quoted By:
fc 4699 6450 1761 ingame name Erythros