[50 / 1 / ?]
After some breeding I finally managed to hatch a shiny Fennekin. I WT"d most of the others, but I still got about 1 and a half boxes full of them. Anyone need some? They are all modest with 3 females, and 3 Mischievious males. Anything goes for these, although any Dittos, other starters or Y exclusives would be great.
Me 0146-9671-4403
Ingame name "Scott" Could I have a modest Female one. And if you can access the name rater could you name it "Marisa."
Bonnie 1821 - 9855 - 9062
Can I have a female ? I can give you a Shieldon I got via Wonder Trade, a Savanna Vivillion, or Meadow Scatterbugs
Marty 4167-5579-1461
>>14643152 I'll take a female.
Ray 5215-0046-3634
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>>14643297 >>14643353 Added. Ingame name is "Thomas"
Gicba 4613 7104 8110
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I'll take one! Ingame name is Gicba.
Marty 4167-5579-1461
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>>14643445 Wait, a mischievious male will do, gotta pass those IVs.
Caitlin 2595-0085-3265
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Please could I have one? I'm not sure what's in my computer but I have Y so may have an exclusive. My ingame name is Serena not Caitlin which is the name of the mii
Ray 5215-0046-3634
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Added all of you.
Marty 4167-5579-1461
Manny 4012-4431-5130
i would love a female one if possible! FC: 4012-4431-5130 ingame name: Aaron
Bonnie 1821 - 9855 - 9062
Me 0146-9671-4403
Trade was interruped. Please send me another trade request when you are ready.
Ray 5215-0046-3634
>>14643916 Oh sorry, just a sec
Shurite: Dan 5472-7046-6730
OP if you have any females left, modest or timid I'd love to have one.
Me 0146-9671-4403
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>>14643953 Thanks for the Trade!
And it was probably just my internet freaking out.
Ray 5215-0046-3634
This is my first time breeding for shinies. How many eggs did you go through? Any tips? I've got a Japanese Ditto and a Flame Body poke.
Ray 5215-0046-3634
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>>14644219 About 3 boxes of em, so I was quite lucky. Get a parent with the desired nature and give it a everstone, then you are all set.
Shurite: Dan 5472-7046-6730
>>14644091 Hey my 3DS connection is messed up, can't get online trying to fix it now.
Ray 5215-0046-3634
I would love to have a Fennekin. I havnt got that far, but grinded some houndoom (only for X I think) If you want to trade it for that.
Ray 5215-0046-3634
Shurite: Dan 5472-7046-6730
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>>14644471 Ok its working now.
>>14644834 Oh, you got X as well. Do you still want a Houndoom?
Ray 5215-0046-3634
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>>14644903 Houndoom is fine.
Max 0834-1434-9972
>>14643152 id love one if this is still happening
in game name is pride
>>14643152 How long did it take? I'm MM'ing for a Goomy, and I'm hoping I don't go over 100 eggs.
Shurite: Dan 5472-7046-6730
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Thanks a lot OP.
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Can i have one? I don't have anything to give ;-; ingame name Diegoywea
Manny 4012-4431-5130
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>>14644206 thank you so much OP
Ray 5215-0046-3634
>>14645049 >>14645069 Sorry guys, all out of females. Adding both of you though, so if you still want a male one just send a request.
>>14644903 Ingame name?
Max (X) 0834-1434-9972
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>>14645381 its fine, im not sure what the deal is with people only wanting females (do they pass on the nature when breeded, is that it?).
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>>14645381 Sure. I'm Redi in game.
2466-1721-7893 - Maziken
It was a Houndour, sorry bout that. Anyways, thanks a bunch!
1848-1935-6321 Ingame name: Calem pls
Ray 5215-0046-3634
>>14645729 No problem, enjoy.
Diegoywea 3454-1078-9381
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Thanks dude ! :D
>>14645771 >>14645773 Any chance you want a japanese charmander?
Ray 5215-0046-3634
>>14645771 >>14645950 Thanks for the Charmander, was looking for that one!
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>>14646098 Thanks for the Fennkin, glad to help
Ray 5215-0046-3634
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>>14645070 About 75, give or take a few. They pop up when you least expect it, so don't take any of these counts for granted.
>>14643152 Hey OP, got anymore?
Sable 1246-9509-6635
Ray 5215-0046-3634
>>14646302 Adding.
>>14646251 Sure, what's your FC? This will be the last one.
>>14646318 What natures are your last ones?
Ray 5215-0046-3634
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>>14646512 Everything is Modest. I'll be trading one more, rest are going on WT.