So i have seen a lot of trade threads and giveaways and thought it would be easier if we just listed what we are looking for and are willing to trade/give away in this thread In the mean time i will be giving away this box of male eevees. feel free to ask for a certain nature i might have it.
Rothbard 3797-5995-5880
Quoted By:
>>14648568 I'll take one! I'm not picky on natures. I don't have anything good to trade though cause I just started playing.
Diegoywea 3454-1078-9381
Quoted By:
Do you have one with Sassy Nature ?
Quoted By:
I'll take one, jolly or adamant please
Quoted By:
I'll take one. Any nature is fine.
I have a Seviper that just hatched wanna trade for that?
>>14651675 female if you have one
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>14648568 May I have one? Any is fine I don't mind please! I just started today and I am trying to get my fave pokes..
Quoted By:
>>14651807 oh male
>reading comprehension Anonymous
Anybody got a japanese ditto? I've been on wonder trade for hours but no luck.
Anyone got either an Abra or Ralts with Synchronize and Adamant/Brave natures? Got a few natures of those myself, willing to trade for those. Alternatively, looking for a Honedge with either Adamant or Brave Nature.
Newbie trader here with a question. When you're trying to get something that only evolves through trading, like Alakazam, how do you let the other player know you'll want your Pokemon back? I traded my Kadabra with someone via PSS earlier and the son of a bitch kept her!
Quoted By:
>>14651675 shit i was pressing B when that popped up
send again?
>>14651924 I have a Japanese copy of the game and have caught a few Dittos. Do you have any EV reducing berries besides Qualot?
>>14651942 And by those I mean, different natures, such as Timid/Jolly etc. Just looking for Adamant and/or Brave.
>>14652039 I don't, I haven't started gathering items like that yet. Just beat the game and figured I'd start with ditto and breeding the pokemon I like.
4038 7277 5383
>>14652144 I'll trade you one (or more) if you want anyway.
Quoted By:
i have a female wartortle if anyone wants it for a larvesta or beldum
Quoted By:
whos the jap Ryo and what do you want from me?
Plustic 4210-5186-9915
>>14652201 Hi, i'd really love a Japanese ditto if you have spares.
5370 0413 6553
>>14652201 Thanks I appreciate it.
>>14652331 >>14652356 Added both, I'll get to you in a sec brad.
5370 0413 6553
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14651942 >>14652136 I can get you an Adamant Honedge for one of your ralts. Timid or Modest if you have it.
Blue 3754-7158-5786
>>14652830 Cool! Is it yours? 'Cause of the nickname, if possible I'd like to have it called Tsurugi (if male) or Tsubasa (if female). All the weeaboo power!
And I got both Timid and Modest with Sync, which one would you prefer?
Just picked up the game, can anyone give me chespin and froakie? I love playing with all three.
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14652972 Yeah they're mine. Timid would be preferable.
Would you like both a male and female?
Blue 3754-7158-5786
>>14653131 Nice! I'm fine with just a female, really, with the above name. Going to add you -- character name's Nana!
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14653199 Hatching it now. Gonna add you as well.
>>14652201 you got any more you'd be willing to give away? thanks in advance
Chi- 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
would like one as well.
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14653293 >>14652830 Just wondering if you might have another Honedge with Adamant?
I am not very far in yet, but I can get you one of the Kanto Starters holding it's Mega Stone if you'd like. I haven't gotten that far yet but I know I am about to be there.
4038 7277 5383
>>14653038 I have eggs of both, if you want.
>>14653359 Sure.
Blue 3754-7158-5786
>>14653293 Added you. Just going to grab a quick bite (pizza just got here), I'll be back in 10-15 minutes, so I'll send you a trade request then.
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14653402 Sure can. Give me charmander and I'll breed it and then give it back. That cool?
Cel: 4313-0545-3222
Quoted By:
>>14648568 Do you have any Modest ones left?
Marek 4570-7319-8473
Quoted By:
>>14653437 Cool I'll take them.
Quinton 4210-5338-2649
Quoted By:
I have a male Zorua and a Ditto for any pokemon with flamebody
Ouzei 5455-9391-6802
I've got a lot of Absols from breeding for a shiny that i'm willing to give away
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14653605 Just soft reset for a female because I don't have any dittos atm.
>>14653477 Will do.
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>14653605 That's fine!
Can you give me about 10 minutes. I am about to beat the first Gym leader
Quoted By:
>>14648568 Hey got any Timid Eevees?
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14653715 Oh, you want me to soft reset for a female?
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14653402 Whoops, yeah, just soft reset for a female because no dittos atm.
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>14653824 Ok. I'll give it a shot
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14653797 Sure.
And yeah, that way I can breed one and then give it back so you can still use your starter if you'd like.
Camp 0189 8005 2883
Quoted By:
Anyone have a non-english male Magikarp? I'll give an Amaura or Goomy Egg (Masuda Method) for it. I tried using the GTS for Karp to Karp, but I keep getting English ones.
Quoted By:
been looking for a ditto outside the US, all i have to offer for now is some Noibat and Gastly eggs. If you want a certain nature or ability let me know I'll be willing to breed one you'd want.
Bear 3625 9039 4199
Does anyone have a larvitar? I would really appreciate it. I dont have much but ill try to give you what you want if you want something in return. I just need it for breeding purposes
Bear 3625 9039 4199
>>14653980 Shit i mean larvesta not larvitar, sorry
Is japanese ditto guy still here?
Bear 3625 9039 4199
Quoted By:
>>14654061 And my captcha was just "afresh meatlog"
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>14653824 >>14653901 Oh ok thanks!
I just got to the Prof. Lab so I am going to start right now
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
anyone have tyrogue? I've got adamant pawniards, and timid ghastlys.
4038 7277 5383
>>14654084 If you mean me, then yeah.
Anyone have a timid or modest female froakie? I have: Fennekin, Chespin, Skrelp, Clauncher, Tyrunt, and a bunch of other things if you ask for it.
I'm looking for shiny offers. (Sorry I don't know what half the new pokemon look like shiny.) Will add when we have an agreement. Oh and it's nature is Docile.
anyone want to get rid of a ditto? Best i can offer is a lvl 59 Druddigon 2380-3263-6834
Gaia 5000-2966-8332
Quoted By:
I need a japanese timid ditto, willing to trade some starters or anything Y exclusive
37546874 2735
Quoted By:
>>14654168 Can I have one?
Gaia 5000-2966-8332
Quoted By:
>>14654257 I got some spare dittos, I'll add you
Blue 3754-7158-5786
Quoted By:
>>14653715 Thanks for the trade!
Peff 0275-8317-0001
i just found this a little bit ago. taking offers? I honestly dont know what I'd want for it, I probably wont even end up using this guy anyways
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14653477 Thanks Blue. Fairy type get. Gonna train this sucker now.
I now have a backlog of adamant honedge if anyone wants one.
Zion 2122 - 6280 - 6937
Anyone breeding Metangs and have a box full of ones they don't want? Metagross is my nigga and I've had him since gen 3 in each party, so it'll feel weird without him at all in 6. Also looking for a Larvesta.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14654465 I got a larvesta. Do you have a female karrablast or scolipede by any chance?
Zion 2122 - 6280 - 6937
>>14654465 Forgot to add-
I have a bunch of Eevees that I bred all day. (Got a shiny about an hour ago.) And some Arons if you're Y and want mega Aggron.
>>14654529 Nope, sorry. :/
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14654446 I also have 2 adamant bagon if anyone would like them as well.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14654577 Oh well. Just give me anything then
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14654595 I Would like one- Want anything from Y for it?
Bear 3625 9039 4199
>>14654529 Could you breed that larvesta by any chance? I have a couple Jap pokemon ill trade for it
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14654595 Could I also have one of those?
Zion 2122 - 6280 - 6937
Quoted By:
>>14654622 Awesome, adding you now.
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14654529 I have a female escavlier and can breed for a karrablast for your larvesta.
Peff 0275-8317-0001
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14654647 Honestly I have like 90 of them.
Luster 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14654634 Do you have a skrelp?
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14654673 I'll be damned! 2nd try and I got a female Charmander!
Do you mind if I nickname her?
Quoted By:
>>14654691 Want a shiny hippopatas for it?
I hate this thing
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
Can grab you one in a few minutes ^^ Shall I? Male or female?
Bear 3625 9039 4199
>>14654726 Oh...well...Can I have one? Dont care about nature or gender or anything, I just need it for breeding purposes
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
Quoted By:
I've got a whole bunch of (female) Goomy Litwick Axew Deino
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14648568 I want a lot of things, but if someone could give my a Cyndaquil I'd love them.
FC: 1736-12116412
Others would be
If you guys have any of these, I don't really ave anything decent to trade, but I'd appreciate it. I have a Honedge, and that's really it.
Gaia 5000-2966-8332
Quoted By:
Looking for a japanese ditto, have some starters or X exclusives
Mauricio 4484-9028-1084
Quoted By:
>>14648568 op, do you still have any eevees? I don't care what nature they are i just need one or two
robbie 2938-6903-6250
Quoted By:
W: Male eevee with Wish, Scyther H: Squirtle, Charmander.. can make an egg for Goomy probably
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Quoted By:
>>14654634 >>14654670 Adding you both for the bagon. Will initiate trade once I trade with Jace.
Can anyone help me get the 2nd generation starters? Especially my friend Brotodile?
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>14654857 Didn't name her in the end.
Anyway I added you. Let me know when you are ready?
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
Quoted By:
Forgot to reply to you x_X I have a Skrelp ready for Transport ^^
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14654787 Female.
>>14654753 Do you want a nickname for honedge?
Quoted By:
I asked this in a WT thread that has since 404'd, but I never got an answer. Is Drilbur found anywhere in the early/mid game? I ask because my Excedrill was a cornerstone of my team in my black game, and I know I have a few drilbur (male and female) in my boxes that I would trade over, breed some, and WT them. I am pretty much going in dark when it comes to mons available in the areas and such, so I was wondering if it would be worth the time.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14654944 You can't get them yet.
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14655016 Nah I have no clue what to name a sword. lol
Zion 2122 - 6280 - 6937
Quoted By:
>>14654670 Thanks a bunch dude!
>>14655054 Glamdring?
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14655193 I don't know what those are.
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14654728 Your female Skrelp is ready for transport!
Quoted By:
>>14654176 I have a jolly female froakie if that's what someone wants.
Cody 3582-8951-5016
Quoted By:
Can anyone help with a Scyther?
Max FC: 4398-9859-7602
Quoted By:
W: Gengar/Gliscgor with hidden ability H: Modest/Timid/Calm/Bold/Jolly/Adamant Dittos and Synchronizers Eevees w/ hidden ability
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14655016 Thanks Luster
Let me know when you are done breeding. Thanks a ton for this
Can anyone trade me a gyaradosite? I despraly want to mega evolve my gyarados but don't want to wait until post game.
Quoted By:
>>14655232 Just a list of sword names from Tolkien books. Some Lord of the Rings, some The Silmarillion.
Basically, famous swords.
Bear 3625 9039 4199
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Quoted By:
>>14655289 Np and will do.
>>14655244 Getting online.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Someone can trade me a Clauncher?
Bear 3625 9039 4199
Quoted By:
>>14655334 What do you have in return? Idt someones going to be that wiling to trade that
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14655472 Think I have an extra one in the bank. Have anything to trade for it?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
>>14655512 I just re-started my game, i can catch a pokemon on route 1
>>14654404 what do you want for this?
Quoted By:
>>14653437 I'd like an egg as well
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
Has anybody seen/found a beldum yet? God, I want one badly
Quoted By:
>>14653711 I'd like to have an adamant one?
Nathan 5429-7440-1734
Quoted By:
looking for an adamant pancham, female if you can swing it but its not necessary
Peff 0275-8317-0001
>>14655601 either another shiny that i'd like or a modest sylveon with pixilate
I've got a few Protean Frogadiers. Any takers?
Bear 3625 9039 4199
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14654728 Thanks for the trade!
>>14654185 Technician Scizor, Dragonite, level 80 Garchomp... I have a Ditto with Impostor as well.
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14655042 You still want the bagon? Or do you want me to breed the escavilier?
MY FIRST SHINY POKEMON EVER?!?! Anonymous Wed 16 Oct 2013 01:23:14 No. 14655855 Report Quoted By:
I have never had a shiny pokemon before.. im willing to trade my lvl 57 dumbass xerneas! can someone please help me out? here is my friend code 4742-5563-8588
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14655833 both an option? If not i'll take karrablast
Queso 4270-1503-8410
Quoted By:
I've got some Jolly Trapinches that know Fissure and superpower. I'll take whatever as long as it is not route 1 crap.
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14655805 I would like one, please.
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Quoted By:
>>14655827 No problem, same.
Quoted By:
>>14655739 Supposedly they can be found in the Safari Zone thing, but I don't know how to access it.
>>14655902 What have you got?
>>14655739 Yeah, I found a metang in a Friend Safari. I could breed you an egg if you'd like?
Nathan 5429-7440-1734
Quoted By:
I also want a Fletchling, or any evolution of it, with Gale Wings.
Lena 3368-0856-5570
>>14655791 I have a modest hidden ability Eevee, but not evolved yet
Quoted By:
>>14655805 I'd like one please
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14655876 Both is an option just give me a few minutes to breed it.
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
>>14655918 Y Exclusives, 1st Gen starters, Fennekin, Froakie, Chespin, some other stuff... >_<
Quoted By:
Does anyone have any Gastly Eggs?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
Someone has a Cluancher for trade?
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
>>14655919 Yeah man, that'd be sweet. Anything you want? I've got female Litwicks, Goomy's, Axews, and Deinos
Lil b FC: 5472-7420-7457
>>14656001 What have you got?
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14655963 okay. my internet is acting up for some reason though so i'll send you the request. what's your ingame name again?
Laorik 3136-7461-0775
Quoted By:
I've got a Shiny Charizard up for trade if anyone has a shiny Clauncher/Clawitzer or Noibat/Noivern. No you can't have my Charizardite
Quoted By:
I have: Mewtwo (Pokemon Y), Xerneas, Yveltal all with the highest IV spread. Mewtwo is 31/31/31/x/31/x and Xerneas is x/31/31/x/31/31. Yveltal is x/31/31/x/31/31. They all have neutral natures. Looking for interesting offers, Shinies primarily. I have Impostor Dittos, Chanseys, Technician Scizors, Dragonite, Dragonair (level 50), All Gen 1 and 6 starters, a level 80 Garchomp, Prankster Riolu, Moxie Gyarados... the list goes on. Offers please.
Lena 3368-0856-5570
>>14655805 What are you looking for in return?
Lil b FC: 5472-7420-7457
>>14656039 What are you looking for?
>>14655805 Whats that mean? Protean. Tell me why I want this frog!
Quoted By:
>>14655965 Nothing too interesting, sorry mate.
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14655993 A goomy would work for me, I've got the others in abundance. I don't really mind what I get it's just nice to give 'em out.
Quoted By:
>>14656087 It's Frogadier's Hidden ability.
>>14656072 >>14656074 Just looking for interesting offers, preferably other starters with hidden abilities but I'm fairly open.
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
>>14656133 great, I added you
Peff 0275-8317-0001
>>14655939 if you could evolve it for me I will hold onto the pumpkaboo for you and trade it once you evolve it
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
Someone wants a lvl 31 quagsire? I need a clauncher preferably level 5-10
Quoted By:
Anyone have any Gastly's they don't want? I could take 2 to breed. Can't offer anything though sorry.
Quoted By:
Looking for:>Female Eevee (any nature) >Any adamant/jolly/modest/timid male Pokemon in the amorphous egg group Have:>Uhh... Fuck
Ben 4210-5161-2241
Quoted By:
I have a bunch of Skrelps that I bred last night, all level 1 Varying genders/natures.
Lena 3368-0856-5570
>>14656181 Okay, thanks, hang on a bit! Not sure how long it will take
>>14656170 Sorry that I'm too lazy to hatch the egg, but I hope it's got a decent nature!
I don't have anything good, but I was wondering if anyone had a ditto or any of the gen 1/6 starters. I don't care what nature or sex, I just want to start breeding starters for my irl bros. Thanks.
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
Quoted By:
>>14656415 No worries. if it turns out to be male / shitty nature I can at least try to trade for one on the GTS now
Jace 4656-6549-6659
>>14656419 I've got a few ditto to spare, I could send you one for basically anything that isn't garbage
Cohnur [2148 - 9176 - 7873]
Quoted By:
Anyone got a non U.S. shuppet? I'm breeding shuppets and I figured I might as well attempt to MM.
Peff 0275-8317-0001
>>14656383 i added you to friends list, just initiate a trade when youre ready. I'll be online for awhile
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Is someone trading a clauncher?
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
>>14656578 If you'll still have a spare ditto after trading with him, would you be able to trade me one for a Heracross or a Gible?
>>14656667 I could trade one for a gible, that would work for me
Anyone have an amphoros and furfrou they don't want? I got 2 male evees or other stuff
Ben 4210-5161-2241
>>14656619 I have about ten lvl 25 ones I caught if you want one
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
>>14656707 Awesome, added you.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>14656758 Can you breed one?I just started a new game
Iron 4811-6937-8477
>>14656419 >>14656578 Added you. Booting up trade after battle.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14656746 I have a furfrou, not interested in an eevee but you can send me pretty much anything really
Quoted By:
If anyone else is interested in my lazy breeding, I can offer these bred from stuff I caught in the Friend Safari and a japanese ditto: Dratini Larvesta Beldum Shinx Spiritomb Caveat is that you'll have to do the walking yourself to hatch 'em, so no promises when it comes to nature/gender.
Ben 4210-5161-2241
>>14656804 Sure, just give me a sec.
>>14656818 ok 1091 7917 2643
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14656816 >>14656798 If you guys wanna give me a minute I could give the dittos pokerus for you if you're interested as an added bonus
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14656871 once I'm done the other two trades I'll add you
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Quoted By:
>>14656043 Alright, your bagon and karrablast are ready.
Does anyone have a spare Fennekin, or an egg, or anything? Don't care about natures, EVs, etc.
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
>>14656874 As long as it isn't troublesome for you, then sure. Thanks a ton!
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>14656857 also i added you
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14656967 You just need them to be in a battle with a pokemon that has it, right? Or am I remembering wrong?
>>14656963 I can send you one once I'm done with the other trades
anyone have a male pikachu, eevee, smeargle, ttogepi with wish?
Star 0731-4771-6689
Whoops. Let me try that again with the FC in the right field! If anyone else is interested in my lazy breeding, I can offer these bred from stuff I caught in the Friend Safari and a japanese ditto: Dratini Larvesta Beldum Shinx Spiritomb Caveat is that you'll have to do the walking yourself to hatch 'em, so no promises when it comes to nature/gender.
Iron 4811-6937-8477
>>14656874 Sure, take your time. Thanks again.
robbie 2938-6903-6250
Quoted By:
>>14657041 I'm trying to find the same thing.
Quoted By:
>>14657036 Alright awesome.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14657045 Can I have your Dratini?
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
>>14657036 I think it takes a while for the pokerus to spread to other pokemon
Quoted By:
do you have a timid one op?
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
>>14657041 I've got a male pikachu, and he's also japanese
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14657057 >>14656967 I went to get a battle and it was a horde of hopip, don't have a pokemon with a wave move hahaha, should be done in a minute
>>14657045 can I get a spiritomb?
do I trade just w/e for it?
Star 0731-4771-6689
>>14657105 Sure, I've got a couple fairly close to hatching.
Wolf 4167-4504-6684
I have a ton of Timid Protean Froakies. Just looking for a Galewing Fletching (preferably adamant).
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14657123 I went into a battle and half the pokemon in my party caught it, so I think it should spread okay hopefully
Quoted By:
im afraid i dont have much to offer but do you happen to have a Timid Eevee?
Linh 2062 9440 6885
>>14657236 Thanks just added
Star 0731-4771-6689
>>14657205 Yeah I don't care about what I get, I've sent out like 50 spiritomb today over wonder trade. I'll add you in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>14654861 pls respond
Actually caught a Roggenrola just now, so no worries there
>>14657168 Does. he have wish? I need to breed it onto my eevee
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
Quoted By:
>>14657251 Ahh, I guess the walking method is the one that takes a while to spread.
Rosco 2079-6962-2319
Quoted By:
>>14651943 Ill trade with you, I want to evolve my spritzee
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14657057 >>14657123 One of em got the rus, I'll send it to Iron since he was asking for one from me first, sorry Reborn. I'm ready to trade now though
Quoted By:
>>14654861 I also have a shiny Volbeat, if anyone has any of these pokemon
Iron 4811-6937-8477
>>14556419 >>14657241 I don't have anything, but I can give one a good home if you'd like!
Rosco 2079-6962-2319
Quoted By:
>>14652201 Id like one is possible.
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
Ben 4210-5161-2241
>>14657017 They're not breeding, sorry for the delay
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Quoted By:
>>14656043 Thanks for the trades.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Wolf 4167-4504-6684
Quoted By:
>>14657437 Eh, screw it, why not. Add me and I'll add you.
basedgod420 4871-3995-0901
Quoted By:
>>14657241 I dont got one but my safari has the evolved form of fletching in it maybe you can find it there
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14657459 Is your ingame name PJ Nips?
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14657607 Just had to make sure, didn't wanna accidentally send away your ditto haha
Spoonce 1993-8174-1356
Quoted By:
>>14657328 no, sorry, misunderstood your post
Gene 3840 5802 0393
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Zangoose with its hidden ability Toxic Boost?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
looking for a Skarmory, although it's not even listed on the GTS, is it even on this game?
Ben 4210-5161-2241
Reborn 5300-9124-4681
>>14657648 Thanks so much! I'd be happy to trade you a heracross too for any low tier pokemon if you need one.
Quoted By:
taking offers for adamant female super size pumpkaboos with 31 attack IV. I have 3. have males too
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Piplup they can spare it's me favorite honestly.
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Quoted By:
>>14657584 You think I can nab one of those dittos?
Have Protean Frogadier, want Jap Ditto.
Alex 1332-7711-2354
can somebody help me evolve my karablast?
Cohnur [2148 - 9176 - 7873]
Anyone have a spare froakie? I can trade a chespin for one.
bluezoid (scott in game) 4553 9979 2280
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
Quoted By:
Anyone have a feebas? I desperately need one in my life.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14656871 >>14656963 adding you both now, start up the trade whenever you guys are ready
Touchpad 3050-7617-9254
Quoted By:
>>14657794 I can, give me just a second.
Looking for a female Togepi. Don't have much though, as I'm only at the second gym. Maybe I can give you early X exclusive.
Iron 4811-6937-8477
Quoted By:
>>14657372 Conrat is a total bro
>>146557504 I appreciate your trade, sorry about the invite storm lol
4656-6145-4654 Austin
Quoted By:
could I get a calm eevee?
Touchpad 3050-7617-9254
>>14657824 Okay, helping
>>14657794 right now, after that we'll trade.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14657742 That's okay, I've got heracross already, and you're welcome, thanks for the gible
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14657839 Which one was nick? haha
Star 0731-4771-6689
Quoted By:
>>14657859 No problemo. Shame Spiritomb's got a weakness to fairy this gen, but hey.
Cohnur [2148 - 9176 - 7873]
>>14657823 Anybody? i'll kill for a froakie right now.
Rosco 2079-6962-2319
Quoted By:
>>14655805 I dont have anything, could I still bother you for one?
Iron 4811-6937-8477
Quoted By:
>> 1465704 I can't type tonight. Thanks man!
>>14657945 Me, I wanted the Fennekin
Cohnur [2148 - 9176 - 7873]
Quoted By:
>>14655805 If you have one, i'll take it! I need one really badly atm
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14658022 Thanks, sorry for the delay haha
Quoted By:
Anyone have a male Tyrogue for trade? If so what do you want?
Touchpad 3050-7617-9254
Quoted By:
>>14657824 Almost finished up, if you're still in the thread and haven't added me yet, please do so.
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14657958 Add me and respond to this, and I can trade you a Froakie. With Protean, if you prefer.
Quoted By:
>>14655829 Those are all shiny?
Star 0731-4771-6689
>>14657285 Sorry about the wait on that one, thanks for your patience!
Quoted By:
>>14658065 No problem, and thanks! Modest nature too!
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
>>14658065 Do you have any ditto left?
Linh 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14658180 No worries, thanks alot
Cohnur [2148 - 9176 - 7873]
>>14658137 Added! And it doesn't matter to me, whatever you have!
Touchpad 3050-7617-9254
Seems bluezoid is offline, so offer still stands. Looking for Japanese Ditto, trading Protean Frogadier.
anyone has a modest heracross/sneasal and/or ralts with synchronize? I have all Gen1 & 6 starters, tyrunt/amaura/eevee eggs. Just got a noibat so I can breed those also.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14658215 Not at the moment, I could go grab a bunch though since it seems like lots of people want them.
Also, to the guy who wants the furfrou, start up the trade and it's yours
Alex 1332-7711-2354
>>14658304 Just a question, does a German ditto work the same as a Japanese?
Quoted By:
Hey, if anyone has a spare Togepi I'd be really grateful. I'm only at the second gym, so I can't really offer much at the moment, but as soon as possible I can return the favor, (I have access to X and Y exclusives)
Touchpad 3050-7617-9254
Quoted By:
>>14658378 Dunno, I'd imagine so. I guess I just have a preference for a Jap one.
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14658291 My trade request doesn't seem to be going through. Trade with me when you're ready!
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Anyone kind enough to spare a Ditto? I can give any of the Kalos Starters, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, or some other common X Pokemon for it, provided you let me have it for a Derp so I can breed one for you.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
Is Maximum Blue the guy who wants the Furfrou? If the person that wants Furfrou doesn't start the trade soon then I'll be off to evolve togepi and start breeding them
Cohnur [2148 - 9176 - 7873]
>>14658474 Sorry, you were showing up in my passerby list for some reason then I got an error. But thank you!
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14658527 I'm thinking of heading off to grab like ten or so ditto to give away, so if no one has one for you by then I'll give one to you and the other people asking. Luckily now you can train and catch at the same time haha
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Lena 3368-0856-5570
>>14656618 No everstone? Thanks though!
Joseph: 0662 3799 9900
Quoted By:
Want a timid eevee and a brave honedge. Have modest goomys
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
>>14658596 Alright, imma add you then.
Rico 2036-7670-5205
Quoted By:
>>14648568 not op but also have a bunch of evvees
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14658659 I'll add you as well, anyone else who wants a ditto (I wont be hunting for certain natures or anything, so it'd just be a random one) reply to this post and I'll add you, and once I have enough I'll post in reply to this saying I have them so you guys can start the trades
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
Quoted By:
Looking for: female serene grace togepi. Offering: lv37 drifblim(naughty)(f), lv20 anorith(lax)(f), lv47 shelmet(gentle)(f), and a lv35 trevenant(hardy)(f)
Iron 4811-6937-8477
Quoted By:
>>14658340 Any chance I could get any of those starters from you? I don't have anything good to trade, I just want to start breeding for bros. Thanks.
Rico 2036-7670-5205
Quoted By:
>>14654577 u turning it into a sylveon? i wanna see what a shiny one looks like
also how long did it take for shiny?
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14658726 Also if anyone wants kechleon I'll probably catch a bunch while I'm out for dittos if there's a demand for them
Looking for something with flame body, willing to trade a Bagon Egg possibly naive with a 30 SAtk IV Idk could be total shit.
Quoted By:
anyone have a male aron they wouldn't mind donating to a noob? also can you rename a traded pokemon? i haven't traded since r/b/y so i'm a bit out of the loop
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Star 0731-4771-6689
>>14658893 I could give you a larvesta egg if you'd like.
5155-2922-0104 Adrien
>>14658726 I'm interested in a ditto. Are you looking for something specific in return?
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
Quoted By:
>>14658893 I've got a litwick with flame body. Female. Do you have a togepi?
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
could anyone give me a froakie with protean and a fenniken with magician?
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14658958 Nah, just pokemon in general. Trying to fill out my dex but also just feel like being a bro tonight. I'll add you and
>>14658905 once I'm done catching some
Peff 0275-8317-0001
Quoted By:
>>14658617 i didnt even think of that im sorry. if you need to relearn a move or something i can send you a heartscale on a derp
PB 3539-9651-6000
Want: Baltoy, Bronzor and Staryu. Have: Any Kalos starter.
5155-2922-0104 Adrien
>>14658996 Thanks m8! I added you just now.
0576-4807-5334 Fatman
Anyone have a spare heart scale I can have?
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659108 You bet, just let me finish my ditto shenanigans, have two so far so I should be done soon since only two people have replied so far
0576-4807-5334 Fatman
>>14659140 Awesome! Thanks man.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659174 If you need a ditto I could also just kill two birds with one stone haha
PB 3539-9651-6000
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
>>14658993 i can trade froakie or charmanders if anyone needs one
Lamnbet [X]: 0920-0038-1557
Ive got protean froakies, regular gen 1-6 starters, noibat, amaura, and pokerus. Looking for magician fennekin, bulletproof chespin, or any Y exclusives
0576-4807-5334 Fatman
>>14659194 I'm good on Ditto unless you're located somewhere outside the U.S. and caught them in Pokeballs. I've got a bunch of German Dittos in Ultra balls...
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659263 Those dittos are better than the ones I'm getting haha. I'll just throw it on something random and send it over
>>14658927 sweet now I can pump out some real pokemon thanks a lot
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
Quoted By:
>>14659259 would you be nice enough to give me a protean froakie? I dont have any exclusives yet only at the daycare
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659101 >>14658905 Adding now, once I'm back online on pokemon start up a trade with me
5155-2922-0104 Adrien
Quoted By:
>>14659259 You have a Treecko and is it a male? I have an Fennekin just not sure if its a magician or not.
Visii (Y:Arsinoe) 0533-4031-8191
Quoted By:
>>14659259 Could I get a protean froakie? I could trade you a Skrelp.
Star 0731-4771-6689
Quoted By:
>>14659321 Good ol' flame body.
0576-4807-5334 Fatman
>>14659303 Ready whenever you are.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14658905 Enjoy the bonus of pokerus :3
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14659523 Just gotta trade off this ditto and I'll be good to go
Iron 4811-6937-8477
>>14649257 Can I get a charmander? Don't really have anything good, just a crappy y exclusive
Luster (X: Russ) 2552 - 1072 - 1885
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14659592 I can throw a level 30 charmeleon your way if that works. You can trade me whatever lol.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659523 These trades worked out perfectly, one of the ditto trades ended up for a luvdisc with heart scale haha
PB 3539-9651-6000
Star 0731-4771-6689
Here's a little update since I actually looked in my box. I can offer these eggs bred from stuff I caught in the Friend Safari and a japanese ditto: Dratini, Larvesta, Beldum, Shinx, Spiritomb, Growlithe, Bulbasaur. I guess I'd really love a togepi, but I'm taking whatever.
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
>>14659707 Ready when you are.
Iron 4811-6937-8477
5155-2922-0104 Adrien
Quoted By:
>>14659541 Thanks! Have the extra heartscale too haha I didn't even know it had that.
0576-4807-5334 Fatman
Quoted By:
>>14659707 Nice nice. I've been fishing for a while with no luck.
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14659721 I can catch a Togepi from my safari, add me and respond to this if you want one~
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659721 I'm working on getting togepis right now, just gotta rub and feed mine until it bloats and chaffs and loves me, I'll let you know when I finish
5155-2922-0104 Adrien
>>14659721 I'd like that Dratini. I don't have much to offer.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659744 My memory is bad, what were you looking for?
Iron 4811-6937-8477
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
>>14659823 I was the first guy to ask for Ditto...
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
Quoted By:
>>14659745 if you want a charmander ill give you one adding
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14659852 Alright, I'll add you and send one your way
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
>>14659852 Start the trade whenever you're ready
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Quoted By:
>>14659842 Not sure what your in game name is, mines Vava. Trade me when you're ready for that Charmeleon!
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Quoted By:
>>14659959 Alright man, thanks.
PB 3539-9651-6000
Star 0731-4771-6689
>>14659797 Added you, don't worry about it.
>>14659778 Sounds grand. Let me know what you'd like in return.
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Quoted By:
>>14660045 I'll add you. Trade me when you're ready. Just caught it!
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
>>14659770 A female one please. Nicknamed bernooch if it's not too much trouble
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14660123 pretty much anything, but looks like another guy is catching them so you could see if he can get one since he'd take less time
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14660197 Oh. Okay, I can do that. All lower case?
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
>>14660260 Beginning capital
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14660298 Keep running into males lol
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Quoted By:
>>14660298 ...12.5% Female ratio. I CAN DO THIS!
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
>>14660365 Lol. Thanks getting me one. I'm super excited for togekiss
5155-2922-0104 Adrien
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14660451 No problem. Caught it, trade me when ready~
Star 0731-4771-6689
Quoted By:
>>14660455 You're welcome!
Vava 0001 3305 9190
>>14660517 Is your name Jacob in game? I don't want to end up trading it to the wrong person.
Adrian 1048-8757-6464
Quoted By:
>>14658596 Could I have a ditt?
Chandelure 2294-4630-9263
>>14660613 yeah it is. Offered a shelmet
Adrian 1048-8757-6464
>>14658726 Wait, i meant to reply here
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Quoted By:
>>14660722 I'm so sorry for making you wait, but I wanted to be sure. I literally have 3 Jacobs on my friends list in Pokemon. But glad I could help!
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14660731 You'd have to give me a bit, gotta molest my togepi and try and see if I have a milotic in any of my safaris first
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Quoted By:
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a DWA Sableye if anyone can grab one from someones safari. I have a good bit of trade stuff, ask away if you can help me out! Thanks in advance
Vava 0001 3305 9190
Quoted By:
>>14661052 I can give you a male one, because I have 2 extra, no female ones at the moment however. Add me and respond if you're interested.
4210-4097-2900 Conrat
Quoted By:
>>14660731 Milotic was a no go, I'll go grab a ditto for you