I have 21 Mawile of varying natures to give away. 9 are female, 6 have intimidate, and I can give them pokérus if you really need it. Anything that doesn't get given away tonight goes into wonder trade.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
i would like one, op, with pokerus if it's not too much trouble. pls and thank.
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965
I would love an Adamant female with Pokerus, in fact that would make my day.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
>>14669692 forgot to ask for female, sorry haha.
Jr 3153-4319-7718
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
I'll take a female of any nature, if you'd be so kind.
would like a female Nyctores - 5257-9473-4905
hollywood 2191-9059-3560
I'll take an a neutral nature one with pokerus if possible. If there are any starters you don't already have I can hook you up.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14669740 >>14669848 >>14669703 Working on transfering the Poke-aids to them now without fubaring their EV's. Will be a bit.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
I'll take a female. I love Mawile.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
>>14669894 take your time, yo.
Melly 0061-0885-8240
I'd love any Mawile with pokerus if possible, thank you in advance!
hollywood 2191-9059-3560
>>14669894 No rush. Is there a starter you want? I also have a ton of larvitars of various natures.
nicks - 2637-9446-0475
Quoted By:
I would like one as well op any nature and with pokerus please thanks
Harry 2320 6262 0165
me too please. female, adamant, pokerus if possible. but not fussed
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
id like one with intimidate pls and ty
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Quoted By:
>>14669602 I'd love one with Pokerus or intimidate.
If you have a female Mawile left, I'd like one please.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4282
Julio - 4742 5977 1576
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
Quoted By:
>>14669602 i added u to friends
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4282
Quoted By:
>>14670093 With Pokerus and female preferably,but I'll happily accept what you've got.
Quoted By:
>>14670083 >>14669602 Added you to friends by the by. I don't particularly mind which nature or if it has pokerus. I'd just like one to breed.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14669750 >>14669846 Done
>>14669766 You were AFK, will check back later
>>14669950 I don't have Froakie yet, or a Larvitar.
Pokerus is being annoying. As soon as it transfers, I'll go down the list. Anyone who didn't want it I'm getting to you slowly as well.
I would love a female with intimidate if one still remains. If so, please just "respond" to this post.If not, ignore it. Thanks so much!
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
>>14670175 Um, no? I've been sitting here waiting with PSS up and nothing else just so you wouldn't be inconvenienced. Did you get the right person?
Quoted By:
>>14670223 Also a Neutral nature is totally okay, just not one that detracts from her "intended" focus stats.
3136 6558 8581 - Luke
Mawile, please. Does anyone know if Pokérus effects Super Training or not? Seems pretty nerfed if not.
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965
Quoted By:
I feel like I've been missing something in all these giveaway threads. How do people send trade invites without being mutual friends?
Desu 2637-9771-8588
Oh. Well, a female one with adamant and pokérus would be nice. I can wait.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14670236 Got you this time.
Gunna get all the people who didn't want pokerus first since its being annoying. Be patient! Still females left!
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14669920 >>14669602 I should mention that my in-game name is Pasquali.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4282
Quoted By:
>>14670334 I'll take a female without Pokerus.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Hey Varia, I think you'll LOVE the egg. Shame I couldn't get a female, though.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
>>14670365 >>14669602 This nigga was the dude giving out Noibats eggs, he is like the Alpha Giver. Definitely hook this dude up with a tight Mawile.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14669920 >>14669931 >>14670365 Done.
Also, you would think killling 20 bidoofs would transfer AIDS. It doesn't.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14670516 I'm planning something for this thread. Wait till I get ten eggs. These WON'T be Noibats.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
>>14670545 i'll wait here all night for a precious mawile with pokerus if i have to ;___;
Terry 0490 4560 5125
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
Quoted By:
I'd love any Mawile, if possible. I'm not too fussy about the nature.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
Quoted By:
>>14670615 DIBS
you still owe me for that wartortle imo
Candyman 0018 1028 5643
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
Wow OP, 8 minutes and still no Mawile? Go ahead and keep your shitty Pokemon.
Doriru 3952-8258-3953
Quoted By:
>>14669602 Thanks a lot OP. Sorry if you didn't like the Clawitzer. It's all I really had to trade.
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965
Quoted By:
>>14670963 Look at this pleb.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14669984 >>14670012 >>14670083 Done
>>14669692 >>14669703 I have not forgotten about you two. Your Mawile are in my party until they have pokerus.
>>14670516 I *think* I gave him one of my good ones, hard to keep track of you all.
>>14670468 Can't wait to see what it is!
>>14670963 I'm going as fast as I can! Trying to get pokerus on them is something I should have done beforehand (or not offered at all)
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
I'll take one if you still have any left OP, don't care about the nature but would like Pokerus. Playing Y, and requests in return? FC: 3368-2067-4617
Terry 0490 4560 5125
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
Quoted By:
>>14671001 Please know that wasn't me.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
>>14671001 you're a trooper for doing this. ;___;7
>>14671001 It's okay, I'm shooting a softcore porn-like PR video. Take your time.
A female adamant/neutral nature mawile would make my day! IGN is Riki 2621-2647-8299
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
I've got twelve eggs now, so it's time. Giving away 12 Zorua eggs. They're bred from a Japanese Zoroark and a Spanish Ditto, so I think that might give them a higher chance of being shiny. Be the first to respond with your FC and in-game name to get yours! Protip: Fletchinder and Talonflame have Flame Body, which cuts the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg in half.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4282
>>14671170 Totally game for this. Hope you don't mind a probably derp mon, I don't have a lot of extras. Maybe a decent ferroseed?
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965 -IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
>>14671085 I made mine half cute-extravaganza half porn audition.
>She's still a newbie >>14671170 Still haven't found Zorua, would love one.
Terry 0490 4560 5125
Quoted By:
I would love one :D
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Quoted By:
>>14671196 Don't have a Ferroseed.
Doriru 3952-8258-3953
Quoted By:
>>14671170 Responding. Name is same in-game
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
>>14671170 uhg
why can't you let a brother dibs
Do you still have me or did you remove me from before?
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4282
>>14671170 >Fletchinder and Talonflame have Flame Body, which cuts the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg in half. Does the effect stack?
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671288 Still have you. Sent you a trade request but you must have been busy.
Nena: 3566-2662-7462
Added, would really like a female. If there are no more, thanks anyway.
3136 6558 8581 - Luke
Terry 0490 4560 5125
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
Quoted By:
>>14671301 NO. goddamnit twice now, the OP had this shit, too. i'm sitting here with pss up doing nothing!
All I can suggest is try again, sorry.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
>>14671301 did it work on the second try or something? i turned pss off and back on
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965 -IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
Why are we having such issues.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671388 I had actually sent you the request a bit after I said I would have something ready soon.
Lich (Reka in-game) 4725-8713-7519
Quoted By:
Do you still have mawiles OP? Can i have a Female Adamant? Pokerus or not, you choose.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
Quoted By:
>>14671435 ಠ_ಠ
i have no idea what is going on
>>14671196 >>14671170 Posting to confirm I got the egg. Thanks so much! Now to hope the nature doesn't eff me over like it did with my 5 Fennekin eggs.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
Quoted By:
>>14671435 well, in any case, thank you so much for your generosity!
i think i'm going to reset my router
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671480 Post a picture in the thread in case I catastrophically fucked up and somehow sent everyone Caterpies.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4828
Quoted By:
>>14671291 Shit my FC was wrong in my original post, fixed it now. Name is the same in game.
Quoted By:
>>14671506 Oh shit...hold on, will go hatch now. Gimmie 5 minutes.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4828
>>14671001 My FC was incorrect before, I just fixed it.
Looking for a female, preferably Adamant nature.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Post a picture of the htachling in the thread in case I catastrophically fucked up and somehow sent everyone Caterpies.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
>>14671001 yo, thanks a bunch for the mawile. sorry if you didnt like the vannilite.
Quoted By:
>>14671547 KK, testing now. Need 5 minutes.
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
If you have received an egg please post your in-game egg. It'll help move the list along a lot.
Doriru 3952-8258-3953
>>14671547 Hope you like Pupcake. I'll try and hatch this baby real quick.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671614 Fuck, I mean name. Your in game NAME
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14670093 Says your code is invalid
>>14670104 You've been offline
>>14670276 >>14670291 >>14669692 >>14669703 Done.
Let me take a quick bathroom break, and I'll get back on sending them out. I have 2 female (both with Intimidate) and 7 males left.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4828
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>14671660 I'd like a female if you could.
hollywood 2191-9059-3560
>>14671660 Still ready to rock and roll, don't care all that much about anything but pokerus.
Oh, and I have a froakie for you.
Quoted By:
>>14671660 Just re-linking my original post.
>>14671303 Doriru 3952-8258-3953
Quoted By:
>>14671614 >>14671623 Just hatched. It's a Zorua.
>>14671657 1) Go home Palumbo, you're drunk.
2) This Zorua is doing the worst job of imitating a Caterpie I've ever seen.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BWrpDMXCIAETaGL.jpg:large 3) In-game name is Sean. Thanks again!
Quoted By:
>>14671660 I can I get one please? Anyone is fine.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4828
>>14671614 Is your in game name Pasquali?
Just got traded an egg by a passerby and they've got "/vp/ breeder" as their message.
Eclair 2578-3155-5879
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671807 Yeah that's me.
A 3239 - 3366 - 5965 -IGN: Serena
>get a naive Mawile without Pokerus Oh well, time to do chemistry.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4828
Quoted By:
>>14671801 Also he got - Sp. Def, + Sp. Att. Definitely not a bad nature. Thanks so much!
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
I still have 6 eggs. Has anyone responded that hasn't received an egg?
hollywood 2191-9059-3560
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>14671871 Me if you're still willing
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
>>14671871 I really would love one, thanks!
My IGN is Serena.
Please understand that second comment wasn't mine and I'm sorry it happened Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671907 I'm pretty sure I added you. Can you start a trade with Pasquali?
nicks - 2637-9446-0475
If you still have eggs to give away i'd like one please dont have much to trade for it though ingame name is Nick
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Quoted By:
>>14671939 I don't see you anywhere for some reason.
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
>>14671965 >>14671925 >>14671907 Please add my FC and start a trade with Pasquali.
3797 7094 2174 ign: Geomania
>>14671871 Me if you dont mind!! first time trading so bear with me!! what do you want in return?? i havent gone far yet
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
Quoted By:
>>14672011 Sounds great, just let me hit the PC real quick, does an Alakazam sound good to you?
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
Quoted By:
>>14672022 Don't worry about it. Anything's fine.
It's a giveaway.
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Quoted By:
>>14672011 Oh whoops I see you now.
Thanks to both of you, I gave you both Beldum eggs.
Quoted By:
Hey, I'd like one. Tyler 2294-4260-4248
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14671303 >>14671689 >>14671671 Done! (I think)
>>14671722 I have no idea how I missed you. Sorry for the wait! Please tell me I gave you the right female...
>>14671843 Yeah...I basically enacted the second holocaust on route 5 with no luck getting the aids to spread. Watch, the moment I try and do anything else, it'll show up.
I have 5 males left. Link this post if you want them so I can track it easy.
Tommy 2981 - 6350 - 4828
Quoted By:
>>14672082 Pokemon received. OP confirmed cool guy.
Thanks a lot.
Quoted By:
>>14672082 >>14671121 A male is fine too :) Kieran 3368-2067-4617
Quoted By:
>>14672082 Relinking my previous post
>>14671028 Still don't care about nature, gender etc, just would like it with Pokerus.
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
Quoted By:
>>14672082 OP I've added your FC but can't seem to find you anywhere.
nicks - 2637-9446-0475
Quoted By:
Thank you very much
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
RJ, you still have not started a trade with me. Have you added my FC? My in game name is Pasquali.
Lich (Reka in-game) 4725-8713-7519
>>14672082 No more females. I guess i'll take a male then, with pokerus, please.
Quoted By:
Ahhh sorry I was in a battle! :(
3797 7094 2174 ign: Geomania
Quoted By:
>>14672256 thanks for the zurou!!
>>14672256 Got it, thanks again!
3797 7094 2174 ign: Geomania
Quoted By:
>>14672082 i would like one!! please
RJ - 2664 3393 4210
Quoted By:
>>14672305 Quick reply didn't keep my name, sorry.
Thanks again!
nicks - 2637-9446-0475
Quoted By:
I'd like one please with pokerus dont care about nature thank you
Quoted By:
Thank you so much!!!
Varia 4871-4007-8179
Alright, getting hard to tell who I've given it to at this point (4am + no coffee = ugh). My apologies if I've skipped over you or otherwise. I have 2 male Mawiles left. I also have 2 Vivillon (USA pattern) with Pokérus on them.
3797 7094 2174 ign: Geomania
Quoted By:
>>14672462 i added you op but you didnt show up??
Lich (Reka in-game) 4725-8713-7519
Kieran 3368-2067-4617
>>14672462 I got one from ya OP, no Pokerus though, unless I'm retarded and not seeing it.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14672527 If it was a Mawile, only one out of the 20 that went out had Pokerus. The Vivillon's with it ARE still available.
3797 7094 2174 ign: Geomania
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14672499 I have the last Mawile saved whenever you show up on my list.
Kieran 3368-2067-4617
>>14672601 Yeah it was a Mawile, Pokerus was what I was after rather than the mon itself. I'll gladly take one of the Vivillon's off your hands, any requests in return (within reason ofc)? I have Y.
nicks - 2637-9446-0475
Quoted By:
i"ll take a Vivillon if they are available
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>14672657 I'm not entirely picky. They're not terribly hard to make, I just have to do it BEFORE starting a thread. I'll hit you up again.
>>14672499 I hope that d/c didn't steal your Mawile :(
Lich (Reka in-game) 4725-8713-7519
Quoted By:
>>14672635 ugh, conection error
Kieran 3368-2067-4617
Quoted By:
>>14672740 Awesome, got it. OP confirmed for badass. Much appreciated Anon.
Lich (Reka in-game) 4725-8713-7519
Quoted By:
>>14672740 Uh, sorry for the inconveniencies. Anyway, thanks for the Mawile OP!
Varia 4871-4007-8179
Quoted By:
Alright, that's everything except for one Vivillon. Not a bad haul, all in all.