So last night i put up a braixen in the GTS and i got a female frogadier with PROTEAN! Of course since im on my way to school, ill breed a couple for you guys later on today and distribute them at night, i also have a vast amount of fennekins as well
Wait, how do you get starters with their hidden ability?!
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
safari thing. i have a bunch of protean froakies
>>14681501 Friend Safari can contain almost any pokemon with their hidden ability.
I'm breeding a bunch of proteans right now for a shiny. When I'm done they're all getting distributed or WT'd
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14681573 hey same here except im nicknaming all the males MRA
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>14681672 I did the same thing with fennekin yesterday
Quoted By:
I w-want one so bad
Quoted By:
How high in demands are Protean Froakies and Magician Fennekins? I have a ton of Modest Blaze Fennekins, will it be enough of an offer?
Pr0xY42 3110-5039-5401
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
Quoted By:
>>14681346 Could I please have 1? preferably female, if you have any
Can anyone give me a run down on what protean does?
Quinton 4210-5338-2649
I've got a ton of Protean Froakies if anyone is interested, I'm looking for a Mareep or Noibat for them.
Quoted By:
>>14685350 makes your pokemon the same type as the move it uses, so STAB all the time
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14685375 i can get you mareep
Quinton 4210-5338-2649
>>14685655 Alright cool, add me
Mike 0061-0809-9150
>>14685375 you want male of female mareep?
Quinton 4210-5338-2649
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14685684 oaky, im ready to go
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
>>14685992 also female, if possible
Quinton 4210-5338-2649
Quoted By:
>>14686041 I only have one female.
>>14681346 Any chance I can get a timid/modest Protean Froakie later?
Quinton 4210-5338-2649
>>14686070 I've got Timid and Modest for trade if you're interested.
Quoted By:
>>14686041 Males can pass down abilities now.
>>14685375 I'll trade you a Noibat for one.
4253 3496 0897
Game Name: Boop
Quoted By:
>>14686096 Are you looking for anything in particular? I have a load of level 1 Dedenne.
Quoted By:
>>14686096 481170280040 Zach
Add me and we'll work something out
1504 6086 3042
Quoted By:
>>14681346 testing for protean froakies
1504 6086 3042
Quoted By:
>>14685375 got a noibat for a protean froakie add me and respond.
Quoted By:
I got a pretty sweet JPN timid Froakie with protean last night.
Gabriel - 2766-9115-6833
Quoted By:
>>14681346 Can I have one please? I can give you a female larvesta.
Not OP, but I'm currently breeding Protean Froakies as well, would anyone mind telling me what the best natures would be? So far I have 9 of them.
Gabriel - 2766-9115-6833
Quoted By:
>>14687171 Modest or Timid.
Quoted By:
I want one please! Braixen and Frogadier! Please! Im sure we can work something out!
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
Quoted By:
>>14687171 Depends if its better physical ro special, I reckon it can viably run either, so go for mdoest, adamant, timid or jolly
1504 6086 3042
>>14687171 I want one for a special sweeper have you got any right now?
>>14688374 If you tell me a nature you'd like, I'll keep breeding until I get one. I have nine right now, so hopefully I have one I can send your way.
Rinneth 4983 6227 3898
>>14687171 Got any female protean Froakie? If not then I'll take any male you have left.
BTW, just to be sure Males can pass down hidden abilities right?
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14688577 Is there a specific nature that you want, or are you cool with whatever? I'm not wise on what all is good and whatnot on certain Pokemon, which is why I asked for best natures earlier.
They can, I've been breeding my male Frogadier with a Japanese Ditto hoping for shinies. Ten Froakies with Protean so far.
Any nature you specifically want? I'll be breeding these for awhile I'm pretty sure.
Should I make a distribution thread for these? Will be posting my Friend Code and name too if that helps.
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Quoted By:
>>14688670 Posted about the nature twice, my bad.
Rinneth 4983 6227 3898
>>14688670 Hasty, Timid, or Modest. Either of those natures would be okay with me.
1504 6086 3042
>>14688446 well ill take any at the moment I can always breed for other natures. If you have protean froakies please add me asap I'll take any protean froakie you're willing to trade. I'm not so picky.
Moises (1719-3539-8376)
Can I get one protean Froakie?
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
Quoted By:
>>14681346 added
Can I get a Protean?
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14688783 >>14688809 >>14688830 Give me IGNs so I know who I'm trading please. Helps me know who wanted what.
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
>>14688670 >>14688973 james how would you like some newly hatched goomy or some goomy eggs? I'm the one who isn't picky so long as it has protean you made my day.
Quoted By:
Can males not pass Protean with Ditto?
Rinneth 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>14688973 IGName is the same as what in the name field aka Rinneth.
Have some SSPumpkaboo and Togepi if you want one.
Quoted By:
>>14688670 Can I have one Protean Froakie? Male and any nature will do since dudes can pass Hidden Abilities in this generation
Jono 5456 0641 7176
I'd love a female protean Froakie if at all possible, OP. I need your friend code though...
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
>>14688973 Added, can I get a female Protean? Any nature is A-Okay. Male will do too, but if you do get a female one that'd be amazing.
>>14689005 Added too, can I get a female Goomy? or an egg
Kevin 1848-2973-9885
>>14688973 I'll take any Protean Froakie
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Quoted By:
>>14689113 got the egg right now ill be online in a moment
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
>>14689113 what exactly do you have? Have you got any of the red/blue starters?
In for a Protean Froakie for later. Going to have a quick gym session, but will be around in about an hour?
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
Quoted By:
>>14689206 I don't have starters, sorry. I've been breeding Larvitars out the arse, though so I'll trade you an egg if you want. Or a female for breeding.
Moises - X (1719-3539-8376)
>>14688973 Mine is the same as my name over there. Moises.
Rinneth 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>14688973 Want to say thanks for the Protean Froakie.
Kid 2294-4330-6219
>>14688973 I would also like a froakie, good sir. I don't have much aside from an Italian female Combee.
Moises - X (1719-3539-8376)
>>14688973 Any protean froakie is fine.
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14689005 - Joshua/Any Nature>>14689113 - Alexander/Any Nature>>14689148 - Kevin/Any Nature>>14689282 - Moises/Any NatureAlright, will get you guys taken care of in just a second. Only have nine left, so I may have to stop and resume breeding them in a bit.
And Josh, I'm okay with anything, but I'd like a female Goomy if you have one.
wasad 3067-5126-7182
>>14688973 I'd like a protean Froakie, any nature would be fine.
>>14689385 Only have eggs atm I couldnt get any of them to hatch in time. Keep me on your friendlist and I can stay trading some nice stuff wondertrade is giving me amazing things.
Added Alexander as well I'll take a Larvitar.
Lafawnda 0533-4305-5130
Quoted By:
I'd definitely like to get a Protean, doesn't matter if male or female, I'll just breed :P
Quoted By:
>>14689385 Thanks for the Froakie
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Where's the best place to hatch eggs anyways?
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
Quoted By:
>>14689494 What's your FR?
Lafawnda 0533-4305-5130
Quoted By:
>>14689629 Much like every other gen, the long ass strip right below the daycare.
Debbie 1993-8189-3106
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14689358 >>14689372 >>14689459 >>14689762 Getting you guys, then I'm gonna stop and go back to breeding for a bit.
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
Lafawnda 0533-4305-5130
>>14689845 Awh,
Oh well, I'm already on your list, send me a trade whenever you can if you want to send one my way!
Moises - X (1719-3539-8376)
Quoted By:
>>14689845 Ok, I'm waiting for my turn.
Thanks in advance
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Quoted By:
>>14689943 No problem, thanks for the Larvitar :)
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Quoted By:
Time to spend 2 hours super training a protean Froakie! Thanks James, and thanks Alexander I need to find some tyranitarite and asap.
Quoted By:
>>14689845 my body is ready for this froakie
Araska 3411-0958-1109
>>14689845 Would you start a new thread once that breeding is done or post in this again?
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14690035 I might make a thread for it, but I have around 55 friends registered on my DS at the moment, so that would require deleting a ton of people, since I'm sure a lot of people would want one.
Carson 0731-5088-7610
Quoted By:
>>14681346 Have a bunch of Modest Claunchers if you're interested.
debbie 1993-8189-3106
>>14689845 currently wait for my turn thanks in advance!
Kid 2294-4330-6219
Quoted By:
>>14689845 Okay, adding you, friendo. Sorry for being late, I had to chase down a dog.
Moises - X (1719-3539-8376)
Quoted By:
>>14690109 need any kanto starters?
no hidden though
Moises - X (1719-3539-8376)
Quoted By:
Question about these hidden abilities: Is passing them down rare or something? Been trying to pass some down with no luck. Father pokemon has it, mother does not. So am I missing something or just unlucky?
Kid 2294-4330-6219
>>14690109 Thanks for the Froakie. I'm going to breed the shit out of them. I will pass on the wealth soon enough.
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Quoted By:
Would like a female protean froakie if you still have any left. I'll be here for awhile so take your time if you do. Don't really have much except a boatload of dratinis and heracrosses im tryin to breed
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Quoted By:
>>14690249 >>14690380 No problem guys. And Kid has the right idea, pay it forward, ship out Protean Froakies as well if you're able/if you want to.
>>14690138 Have your Froakie ready, waiting for you to request trade.
Creptius 5129 0628 3665
>>14689385 I'd love a protean froakie if you still have one. I can give you any of the kanto or kalos starters in return or if you want something else just let me know.
kit 0146-9876-7715
If you've still got a protean Froakie I'd absolutely love one. I've only just started,so I have nothing worthwhile to trade you, but would be eternally grateful.
Kaito 0146-9466-6577
Quoted By:
I would take 1 fennekin if possible. dont care about gender or nature.
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
>>14689845 I added you if you have one, especially female, I wanna breed a lot and pass them out to fellow bros as well.
Thanks a lot for doin this as well
Xavier; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb)
Xavier; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) Wed 16 Oct 2013 20:02:10 No. 14692872 Report giv Froakie pls i dont care about nature or ability i could breed you a fennekin or a chespin
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14689970 - Lafawnda/Any Nature>>14690035 - Araska/Any Nature>>14690501 - Creptius/Any Nature>>14690610 - Kit/Any Nature>>14692661 - Vidya/Any Nature (Female)>>14692872 - Xavier/Any NatureRound two begins now, I'll get you guys done first.
>>14689215 Just got back. Will add your code in a bit.
>4chan thinks the post is spam. I wonder what word is setting it off.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>14694504 Wait is this protean froakies? I'd like one if so, preferably female
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14694504 Lafawnda, Creptius, Vidya and Xavier, I have your Froakies, reply as soon as you can.
Araska, Kit, you need to add me, let me know when you do.
>>14694900 >>14695148 Since the previous requesters aren't here, will get yours done now. And yes Chris, Protean Froakies.
bernard 2664-2130-2871
Quoted By:
>>14685375 well look like folks got u covered for what u want
any chance u can throw a dog a bone
Jono 5456 0641 7176
>>14689100 Still interested, but I wont be free for about an hour in 2.5 hours, or the rest of the night in 5.5 hours.
Xavier; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb)
Xavier; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) Wed 16 Oct 2013 20:58:29 No. 14695453 Report >>14695380 I'm here
what do you want?
any 'mon will do?
Kaito 0146-9466-6577
>>14695380 >waiting for request Sorry James, I was infight
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14695453 Any Pokemon is fine.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>14695380 Sweet, I'd love a female (assuming it works like gen five where females can transfer hidden abilities), adding you now.
kit 0146-9876-7715
Xavier; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb)
Xavier; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) Wed 16 Oct 2013 21:02:10 No. 14695623 Report Josh 2921-9283-3486
>>14695380 I would like a Froakie. Whachu want in return for one?
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Quoted By:
>>14695380 I have you added bro, for some reason some people are having trouble adding me, might wanna swap my name to Mike
bernard 2664-2130-2871
>>14695503 would like one added u
bernard 2664-2130-2871
Quoted By:
>>14695623 can u add me for your zone
Quoted By:
IIRC, there should be an Adamant Pinsir in that egg. Or maybe a Heracross. I don't remember. Thanks for the Froakie!
Phage 3179-6173-4363
Quoted By:
I don't really have anything as valuable as those to offer sadly, as I still haven't finished the game, but I would adore a protean froakie. If someone would be willing to give me a female so I could breed for a shiny I'd be eternally grateful.
Josh 2921-9283-3486
Quoted By:
>>14695632 >>14695380 Anyway, I've added you
Carson 0731-5088-7610
Quoted By:
>>14695380 Any Froaksters for me?
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot bro, you're amazing man. BREEDIN INC
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Fifteen Froakies left, I will be getting the following people.
>>14695487 >>14695512 >>14695526 >>14695632 >>14695752 Reply to this post if you want any after these people, it helps me keep track. Once I get rid of these fifteen, I'll be going back to breeding for a bit.
Quoted By:
guys whats the fastest way to get an egg from the daycare? my wobbuffet just aint fuckin the ditto or something.
Shahryar - 4897 6168 6173
If anyone is willing to trade me a Female Protean Froakie, I will love you forever. I aint got much, other then some female Noibats.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>14696054 Post here when its my turn plz, I might be in battle
Shahryar - 4897 6168 6173
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14696054 I'd love one please. If you have a female I'd love to be able to breed for a shiny, but I'll take what I can get.
Quoted By:
>>14696101 Are Noibats even rare? Genuine question because I've KO'd dozens that dropped on me thinking they're the equivalent of Zubat.
ok really, what the fuck is protean? I've been hearing this a lot lately
Tom 3153 3621 6943
>>14696054 I would like one
Conner 1676-3806-9926
>>14696054 is this for the protean froakies? i'll take one please
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14696153 Actually, males can give the ability now. Mine have been at least.
Quoted By:
>>14696243 Hidden ability. Makes the Pokémon the type of the attack it's using or some shit. Basically, guaranteed STAB.
Quoted By:
>tfw my breeding dittos with high IV's are all stuck on BW GWAHHHH I FEEL HELPLESS
Josh 2921-9283-3486
Quoted By:
>>14696243 It's an ability that changes Greninja's secondary type to whatever move he is currently using. It gives all moves stab.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14696325 True, just at a lower rate than females. Female has an 80% chance to pass on while the male has like 20% or something. My luck I'd get a shiny with torrent, lol. But if you only have males left I won't complain. It's still a very generous thing you're doing. :)
HOW do you guys breed so much? is it like, extreme patience or am i missing something? do you like walk around in circles for hours or what?
Kaito 0146-9466-6577
Quoted By:
thanks anon ! have a nice day
Conner 1676-3806-9926
Quoted By:
>>14696488 flame body pokemon + bicycle on route 7 = easy hatchin'
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>14696054 Please I'd like one as well. I could trade a Beldum egg. Adamant nature.
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14696138 Your turn, Chris.
>>14696477 Did not know the female had a better chance, now I may have to start doing that
Josh 2921-9283-3486
Quoted By:
>>14696054 ingame name is Lyn btw
>>14689385 If you have a Modest or Adamant Protean Froakie I'd like one.
5343 8598 6967 - Monsark
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14696737 Yeah, it's pretty handy that males can pass the abilities on now, so it doesn't make male DW's useless, but females are still more valuable.
Anyway, if I'm getting a male, could you possibly nickname it Roderick for me? Please and thank you.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14696860 No I have a female one, I'm pretty sure. I've just been using a male because I didn't know the female versions transmitted their abilities better.
Anyway, putting up list of next batch of 5 right now.
Alex: 3866-9324-0011
Quoted By:
>>14696054 May I have one as well? I can trade you my Japanese Ditto with Pokérus.
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14696150 >>14696153 >>14696292 >>14696316 >>14696732 These are the next five, the five replies to this post will get the last Froakies I have, at which point I'll go back to breeding for a bit.
>>14697165 >>14696853 here; Jolly works fine too.If you don't have any of those three I'm fine with any random Protean Fro
Conner 1676-3806-9926
Quoted By:
>>14697165 someone who's on the next batch here, i should remind you that my in-game name is 'Kenpatchi'
kit 0146-9876-7715
>>14697165 Never got a trade request. I would still love a Protean if there's one going!
>>14697165 If you have one to spare, i would gladly receive one. Female preferably.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14697003 Sweet! I'll just be chilling then. Just drop me a trade request when you're ready. Thanks a ton man!
Gio (IGN Wibblerino) 4081-6278-1783
>>14697165 I'll take one off your hands
Goldbeard: 4570 7712 8860
Quoted By:
>>14697165 >>14697521 FC is in my name field
Shahryar - 4897 6168 6173
Duke [X] 2079-6362-6612
I'd like a random Protean Frokie or a Fennekin, thank you so very much i love you anon
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14697541 Phage, can I get an IGN please? I have way too many people added, so I can't rifle through and see who's who.
Tom 3153 3621 6943
Quoted By:
>>14697165 Thanks for the froakie. Also your PR vid is awesome.
Ivy 5215-0415-9781
can i get a protean froakie? i can give you a dutch ditto in return, it rolls the nicest blunts. thanks
Phage 3179-6173-4363
>>14697853 It's Phage, same as here. If you tap the Friends heading it'll turn into a vertical list with name displayed. Makes it much easier. What's your IGN? If you need I can trade request you myself.
Quoted By:
So we've had a bunch of nice people distributing protean froakies, but what about fennekin and chespin?
Quoted By:
>>14697970 >it rolls the nicest blunts lol dropped
Quoted By:
Okay, so tell me. What's protean?
Serena 2466-1777-3974
Quoted By:
Protean Male Frogadier with Timid nature plox,
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14698014 >If you tap the Friends heading it'll turn into a vertical list with name displayed. Holy shit, I did not know this. Thanks for telling me.
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
How do you guys breed? There's no ditto in the game
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Quoted By:
>>14698248 Yes there is, you find it in the Pokemon Village.
Quoted By:
>>14698248 I hope you're not being serious
Goldbeard: 4570 7712 8860
Quoted By:
>>14698248 You can find Ditto in the Pokemon Village.
Phage 3179-6173-4363
Quoted By:
>>14698182 Haha, no worries man. Least I could do for the solid you just did me. I just traded for a JP Ditto, so I'm about to go blob-rape the poor little thing you just sent me in hopes of shiny. Thanks a ton man!
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14697510 >>14697521 >>14697556 >>14697251 >>14697713 These are the last five ladies and gents, after this I'm going back to breeding for awhile. I feel like I should do it like this from now on, distribute fifteen at a time.
Quoted By:
>>14696054 I'd love to get one of these froakies so I'm queueing up
kit 0146-9876-7715
Quoted By:
>>14698703 You, sir, are a Bro of the highest tier! Your kindness this day shall never be forgotten in my house!
Colt 2208-5710-0320
Jono 5456 0641 7176
>>14698703 James, are you still gonna be around in the time frame I said in
>>14695438 ?
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Quoted By:
>>14681346 Would greatly appreciate a protean froakie =D
Quoted By:
/vp/ are you still ready to trade pokemon and starters with me once I got Wifi on the weekend? There's no wifi at my dorm and so I can't join the trading that goes on here which makes me awfully sad....
Gio (IGN Wibblerino) 4081-6278-1783
2664-2286-3611 (James)
>>14699062 Not sure, I may not be able to do any more batches to send out tonight. However, I will be back at some point tomorrow, and I'm sure that I'll have a lot of Froakies at that point.
4897 6196 4134 Jhon-
Quoted By:
>>14698703 You sir are a Gentleman.
If you happen upon a female (or can males pass hidden abilities now?) I would greatly appreciate it
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Quoted By:
>>14697970 Ill trade a protean froakie for that dutch ditto
Duke [X] 2079-6362-6612
Quoted By:
>>14698703 Thank you anon! I wish i could offer you something better than that eevee, idk... Anyway, you are a real bro!
Jono 5456 0641 7176
Quoted By:
>>14699279 Sounds good man. If you don't mind, I'll add you anyway, and we'll touch base when we can.
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Alright, it does in fact turn out I won't be doing anymore tonight. So I humbly request to the people that I've already traded with, you be so kind as to mass breed Froakies with Proteans as well? I'll definitely be back tomorrow, but seeing others do what I've been doing would be extremely helpful and appreciated. Gonna head out and breed some more, will hopefully have tons of Froakies by tomorrow. Later everyone, enjoy them if I was able to send you them!
2664-2286-3611 (James)
Quoted By:
>>14699623 *would you be
Shit. But yeah, later guys.
Goldbeard: 4570 7712 8860
Quoted By:
>>14699623 I didn't get to receive one. What happened?