Hi /vp/! I'm still breeding Noibats to look for a shiny, and I'm still giving them out! I have a whole box already hatched this time, so you get to pick gender, nature, and nickname if you want one! As always, please be patient with me! I'm still hatching eggs even if I have a box full, and it might take me a while to get to everybody, but I'll do my best! I'll take any Pokemon at all except Hawlucha! Also for those who are curious, I have Y and my Vivillion is Modern. If anyone saw the thread late last night and didn't get one before I left, now's your chance!
Adriante 1736-1205-2633
would you wait for me to get my copy tomorrow? or if you keep hatching then I'll wait
Max -Y- 0404 6794 3737
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686308 I'll keep making these threads until I find a shiny, and seeing as how I'm not using the Masuda Method because last night we couldn't figure out Noibat's egg group, it might take a really long time, so I'll probably be here tomorrow too!
>>14686331 Can do! Anything you'd prefer? They have different abilities and all that, and so long as I have some hatched you all have choices.
>>14686421 Whatever nature suits its stats would be nice but i dont know what what type of stats it has so i couldnt pick one in particular
Mind if I ask for a timid natured one? I won't be able to get it until I get back home though since I can't connect to the wi-fi at college.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686495 Ahh, someone asked for a specific nature last night but I can't remember it now. I'll look through the ones with Infiltrator and see what sticks out, I guess.
If I remember correctly the red stat is the one that's hindered, right?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686610 Ooh! I have a Timid Infiltrator actually, so that would be fine! I'll put it in a different box so I don't give it away on accident.
Adriante 1736-1205-2633
>>14686619 No. red is improved blue is hindered
Jake 1736-1199-1260
I'd love to have one, modest or timid preferably but doesn't matter much
Sonny 5343 - 8738 - 9852
Hey OP, thanks for being such a bro. I've been breeding Noibats as well but have been unsuccessful in getting a Timid nature one. If you have a Timid/Infiltrator Male Noibat, I would gladly appreciate it. I have an Adamant Teddiursa that I can give in return. Trainer name: Sonny
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686681 Oh gosh, I had that all backwards then! Well it would seem as if it has a high Special Attack when it levels more, but my own Noibat also has a nature that hinders Attack, so it might actually be balanced...I think our best bet at the moment would be a bat with a nature that doesn't hinder or help anything! Is that okay?
doritos 0275-7191-5302
>>14686670 If you have another timid infiltrator I'll take that too. I can give you a protean timid froakie later today or this week. Add me to friends and I'll get you one before friday.
Max -Y- 0404 6794 3737
>>14686771 sure. ive got you added, trade me. i can always breed them myself
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
I'd like a Modest or Timed Infiltrator Male Noibat
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686734 I don't have any other Timids yet, but I'll gladly keep looking if you'd like!
>>14686718 Wow, I don't have Modest ones yet either! I'll keep hatching, though! Maybe one'll show up soon!
doritos 0275-7191-5302
Quoted By:
>>14686790 I forgot to mention that I'll be around later today, around 7EST.
Nico 0559-6776-5655
I'll take a Noibat please
Quoted By:
>>14686670 Thanks OP, I should be back home in about 2 maybe 3 hours
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686808 Alright, Hardy it is!
>>14686790 >>14686831 No luck yet, but I'll keep hatching!
James 0576-4836-9187
Never traded pokemon on wi-fi. Is the name before friend codes your name or your character's name? If trainer's name, replace James with Randgris. Any non-hindering nature and Infiltrator, if you've got one. Thank you.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Quoted By:
>>14686918 I'll be waiting then
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686902 Alright, I'll add you then! Any preference? I don't seem to have the natures most people are looking for, though, but I can check anyway.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14686920 It's the ingame name! I won't be able to find you on the roster otherwise.
Non-hindering what? You mean a neutral nature?
Sonny 5343 - 8738 - 9852
>>14686850 No worries Batty. You're doing gods work. <3
James 0576-4836-9187
>>14687018 Just one that's not bad for the pokemon. Neutral's fine of course.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687048 I've got a Docile Infiltrator with your name on it, then! Adding!
>>14687022 Things might be going a bit slower now that I'm trading right off the bat, no pun intended, but at least I have a Larvesta from some lovely anon last night, so the eggs should hatch much faster!
marco 3566-2944-4003
Would love to get a noibat off you. Add me? Any will do. I have mainly derps though
Oh crap, change my name from Saydul to Minoru then. I haven't used online in Pokemon for almost a year and last time I used Saydul anyway.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14687140 That's just fine! I'll take anything at all. Adding!
4785-5397-0344 (Zafard)
Quoted By:
I don'y want to steal OP exchange, but I'll soon have modest noibat with 31 speed and spe attack for trade. just letting ppl know.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14687172 Alright then!
Nico's pending, James is first, Marco's second, I'm still hatching for Doritos, Stratos, Sonny, and Jake, and I'm holding the only Timid Infiltrator for you, Minoru!
Did I leave anyone out?
marco 3566-2944-4003
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687330 No problem! It's awful trying to get these guys in the wild, I'm glad I can help all of you!
porygon / 3454 - 0366 - 9994
Could you hold one with a nature that increases sp. Atk and infiltrator? I can't use wifi where I'm at, but I can catch something good for you in the mean time.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Who on Earth is Randgris? Please don't forget I need your ingame names to find you on the roster, guys! I know a lot of you wound up playing as girls last night, so your names didn't match at all.
James 0576-4836-9187
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14687459 Yessir! I've got a Mild Infiltrator that seems to fit the bill!
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
>>14687316 I'm gonna go to sleep been working all night think you can hold onto my noibat whenever it get hatched i'll be on about 4 or 5 pmPST
Jake 1736-1199-1260
Quoted By:
>>14687486 >>14686718 In game name is Dynellen
Nico 0559-6776-5655
>>14686978 Don't need any specific one, just filling up my dex.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687532 Ahh, okay! Docile Noibat with Infiltrator, right! I've got you now.
Clyon (IG:Colt) 0216-2217-7499
>>14687548 hey batty, think i can get a bat, was in the thread last night and you got tired before i could get one
Quoted By:
Thanks and sorry for the confusion! Never used wi-fi on a DS or 3DS.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687571 No problem! I just hope I can remember all the types of bats you're all looking for!
>>14687608 Alright then, one random Noibat coming up!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687639 Absolutely! I'm so sorry I had to leave before you could get one! Hopefully I won't keep you waiting much longer!
porygon / 3454 - 0366 - 9994
>>14687548 Alright, thanks! I'll be available in three to four hours if your still doing this then.
Yo man, I would love one, I doubt you need it but I'll give a random bulbasaur or Broakie
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14687770 I feel like I traded with a Liam last night, but that sounds good! Froakie's the only starter I don't have yet!
>>14687760 My luck's been rather awful with these eggs, so I'm sure I won't have a shiny three hours from now.
>>14687831 Oh sweet :D Nope, I posted in a Noibat thread but OP didn't deliver, was asking for psuedos as a priority to randoms so I didn't get one, cheers though
Clyon (IG:Colt) 0216-2217-7499
>>14687831 also batty, we figured out that noibat is in the flying egg group since someone managed to get an egg with it and a pidgey, so you could probably ask for a foreign pidgey to help you
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687891 Alright, then the order right now is Nico, Colt, and Liam, then I can start hatching for Doritos, Stratos, Sonny and Jake!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14687923 That's odd! They must've removed Chatot from the flying egg group, then. Damn.
I suppose a foreign Pidgey would be fine, yeah. Anything to speed things up would be appreciated from anyone!
suit 1220 - 6473 - 2724 !3QJ4oKe6yc
I'd love a Noibat, bro. I only have 2 badges, so I can't offer much though...
Chandrew 4055-4039-0230
Hello, OP! If it isn't too much to ask, I'd very much like an Infiltrator noibat! I'm not too fussed about the gender but for nature, preferably something which boosts speed/sp. atk (modest/timid?) ^^ I'll be trading a naive male Abra for your insane bro-ness! Thanks in advance!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688005 Aw, you don't have to give me anything special. I'll take anything but Hawlucha, after all!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688096 I can do that! Unfortunately you're going to have to wait in line with the others hoping for Infiltrators with modest/timid natures, but once I get Colt, Liam, and Suit's bats out I can go back to hatching!
>>14688103 Much appreciated!
Hector 3582-9406-6363
You're a gentleman OP, I would like one with Modest or Timid nature, female and if you could name her Harsh Noise that would be great
>>14688172 Cheers for the female, take care of Broakie
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14688228 No problem! Adding now! Hopefully this won't take much longer, when people had to wait in the last thread they started getting awfully pushy, it was awful.
Chandrew 4055-4039-0230
Quoted By:
>>14688172 Thaaaanks! Oh, and no rush! :)
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688250 But anon, I'm
actually a girl! I'll add you to the list, though! Only two more bats to give before I can start hatching for the natures you guys are asking for!
Hector 3582-9406-6363
Quoted By:
>>14688354 No rush Madam, just keep doing the good work.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688258 No problem, man! Take care!
Man, now that I think about it I might have gotten a foreign bird off Wonder Trade with my very first box. I'll check and see if it can breed!
Clyon (IG:Colt) 0216-2217-7499
Quoted By:
>>14688464 thanks a ton batty
Mike 0061-0809-9150
>>14688464 ill take one plz! male preferably
Debbie 1993-8189-3106
>>14686260 do you have any modest ones OP? ability doesnt matter
If no modest timid is fine
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688522 Can do!
>>14688572 Not yet, but I can put you on the waiting list too if you're willing to wait!
Also Spanish Flechinder "preferred to play with other Pokemon" too. I'm starting to wonder if this bat can even breed...
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14688635 Also I'm assuming Alex is Suit.
I have a question about shiny breeding Using a foreign. Ditto is the way to go for Masuda, right? Does US > UK count as foreign? All the US mons I've been traded don't have the region tag like the European or Japanese mons I've got.
Chippy 4184-1230-1774
Do you have one to spare? I didn't care about the nature.
Clyon (IG:Colt) 0216-2217-7499
>>14688672 its not based on region now, but the language you pick in the beginning
Debbie 1993-8189-3106
>>14688635 im willing to wait for about an hour an a half cause ill be leaving and not sure when i get back hopefully its not too long!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688688 I have a whole box! I'll gladly trade you.
>>14688672 I'm...not sure! I think they grouped US and UK as English and so they're Dittos from the same place because of the same language, as far as I know Canada has the same problem, because none of the Canadian Pokemon I got from Wonder Trading the first box counted as foreign.
Quoted By:
>>14688711 Aw, god dangit. I have foreign bros but none who don't speak English.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14688716 Well the good news is if no one shows up after Mike and Chippy I can finally start hatching again; unfortunately if more do show up that aren't looking for those two specific natures then I'll trade them anyway because I already have what they want and I'd rather not keep people waiting when I know I can already help them...
Ryan 2595-1181-4844
Anymore left? I don't have much
Chippy 4184-1230-1774
>>14688777 What do you want in return?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688888 Anything but Hawlucha!
>>14688884 I have precisely 16 bats left in the box, so you're in luck! I don't need anything special, so pretty much anything will do
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
>>14686260 I want one OP, do you have any left? I can give you a female Fennekin or a male Froakie / Bulbasaur.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14688957 Ahh, Fennekin was my starter and I chose Bulbasaur with the professor, and someone from earlier already gave me Froakie! I'd say the only starter I don't have at all right now is Charmander, which is a shame, because that one's my favorite.
Still, I'll take anything you'll give me if it isn't Hawlucha! There's bats for everyone here.
Mike 0061-0809-9150
Quoted By:
k now that i have a noibat what would be the best way to supertrain it?
Leon 0430 8276 6077
>>14689020 I don't have anything to offer nut would appreciate anything you have left
Dawg 4871 - 4165 - 2027
I'd like a Timid Infiltrator Noisbat, but if not possible, I'll just take any ol' normal Noisbat you got left.
Chippy 4184-1230-1774
>>14688956 I have some Jolly nature Phantumps male or female
Jono 5456 0641 7176
>>14686260 Id love a neutral nature Male, OP. Thanks!
Mike 0061-0809-9150
>>14688956 you da best batty
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
>>14689020 Oh balls, I'll try to find something interesting then.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14689096 That's okay! I'll give you a bat!
>>14689101 Don't have any of those on hand right now, I can add you to the seemingly neverending list at the moment and try to hatch one for you too, or I can give you something I already have if you'd prefer to just get one over waiting for a specific one.
marco 0559-7374-9992
hey OP, could i have one?
>>14686260 Dawg 4871 - 4165 - 2027
>>14689301 Whichever is more convenient for you, you're already helping out a bunch. Wouldn't want to burden you with anymore super specific requests.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14689160 I'm not a real big fan of those but if I had to pick I'd say Male.
>>14689256 I'll see if I've got any left!
>>14689264 Ahh, but there's more people waiting for eggs than there are people getting bats right now, if anything I feel like I'm disappointing you guys...
>>14689299 Aw, you don't have to give me anything special, man.
Ryan 2595-1181-4844
Quoted By:
>>14689301 trading you noww
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Very kind of you to do this, could I get a noibat w/infiltrator of any nature? I dont have a lot, except a shit ton of dratinis and heracrosses im trying to breed
Chippy 4184-1230-1774
Quoted By:
>>14689418 Have it ready, Chippy IGN.
Ryan 2595-1181-4844
Quoted By:
>>14689418 thanks a bunch!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14689392 Then I'll give you a random bat!
>>14689382 Absolutely!
Let me see, the current order is now Chippy, JAM, Marco and Dawg, right? Let me know if I missed somebody!
Jake 1736-1199-1260
>>14689418 You can take me off the hatching list, I just got a random noibat from Wonder trade. Thanks for doing this whole thing though.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14689471 Sure! I think I have a few of those left!
Isamael 1821-9514-9324
>>14689577 hey op, can you add me? i'll leave my friendcode
Ed 3625 9042 5349
>>14689577 I just started Monday so I don't have anything I can trade really, any chance I can get a Modest or Timid Infiltrator, Batty?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14689653 Oh, okay! No problem!
>>14686421 As far as egg group goes, Dragon is a pretty fair bet. I bred Modest onto my Noivern with an Aerodactyl. The one use for a modest Aerodactyl I guess.
Debbie 1993-8189-3106
>>14689761 get in line dude lol
Ed 3625 9042 5349
Quoted By:
>>14689792 I don't mind waiting in line at all
Quoted By:
>>14689790 My bad, Aero is flying not dragon. Well that then. I breed with an italian ditto for masuda anyway.
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
Jono 5456 0641 7176
>>14689418 Was just able to add you Batty
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14689728 Can do!
>>14689761 Ahh, if you're willing to wait for me to be able to get around to hatching eggs again I'll gladly give you one! There's a lot of people looking for those specific natures, though, so even then it might be a while.
Also it looks like Marco and Dawg need to register me still? I think the current line for just any bat is Chippy, Marco, Dawg and now Isamael.
Also I saw that Hawlucha anon. I laughed. Leon 0430 8276 6077
>>14689965 I'm still waiting too bro
Isamael 1821-9514-9324
>>14689965 thanks man, and for the Noibat can be which you like i just need 2 things one, he needs to be male and two, his nickname has to be Batty, because you know, thanks
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14689917 No problem!
>>14689935 Right, neutral male! Checking bats now. Looks like we've got a Serious one left! How lucky!
Dawg 4871 - 4165 - 2027
In game name is Gilgamesh I'll just wait in line patiently. Thank you in advance.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14690048 Ahh, I'm so sorry! It's really easy to lose track when people keep showing up!
>>14690112 But anon,
I'm a girl! I can do that, though! Gotta go find the name rater now, ahaha.
Isamael 1821-9514-9324
Ed 3625 9042 5349
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14690152 I'm so jealous of you I could literally cry. Congrats, anon! I'll continue looking for mine!
>>14690165 Alright man, thanks for your cooperation!
Isamael 1821-9514-9324
>>14690186 well, my bad then, a female noibat perhaps? i still want to be named batty :)
Jono 5456 0641 7176
>>14690119 Batty, where did you go?
>dat serious nature ; ___ ;
>>14690222 I've been hatching nearly 100 of those. and all of them are Modest nature :P Batty, u want one with modest to breed with? If you have an everstone that is
Chippy 4184-1230-1774
Quoted By:
>>14690152 That's sexy and gratz anon
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14690285 I'm still here! My connection's being dumb n my room, sorry!
>>14690283 I can do that!
>>14690317 I am swimming in everstones, friend. I'd like that. It'd probably help everyone in this thread.
>>14690437 Based Batty is based. Sorry I didn't have much too offer. I havent had much time with the game what with getting it Sun night, and not having much playtime beyond last night.
Charlie: 3411-1576-5808
Dawg 4871 - 4165 - 2027
Is it okay if I ask for a modest nature with the name Radio Head?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14690587 >>14690519 Ahhh, you guys are welcome!
>>14690539 Can do!
Stop posting pics you're killing me here ahh... Charlie: 3411-1576-5808
>>14690669 Supposed to be a motivational picture xD
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14690617 It's fine, but you'll have to wait a bit! I think Chippy and Isamael are the only people left who want any bat, so I can start hatching again soon! Also I need to get a bat from Charlie soon.
Quoted By:
>>14690749 A-are you willing to maybe trade that noibat?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14690749 If anything it's making me sad because I've been at this since 4 PM yesterday and I still haven't found my shiny. Someday my prince will come, I guess. Or princess.
All I know is it won't be evolving. Leon 0430 8276 6077
>>14690763 I'm still waiting on any bat too
Dan 2981 6600 9008
One Modest/Timid Noibat please and thank you
Charlie: 3411-1576-5808
>>14690806 Are you gonna add me any time? :P
Charlie: 3411-1576-5808
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14690828 God's arms, I keep missing you! I'm awful, ahh! I'm really sorry! I'll get you your bat ASAP!
Quoted By:
>>14686260 >tfw you guys are breeding and giving away awesome mons and by the time i get a 3ds and pokemon it will be ogre ;_; Isamael 1821-9514-9324
>>14690763 is not any bat, its Batty, you know?
Chippy 4184-1230-1774
Quoted By:
>>14690763 Thank you batty!
Toast 1633-4233-6456
Quoted By:
I'm actually looking for a 6th, and would love one! I can give you Pinsir (X version exclusive) if you'd like. I'd prefer a female, since I have 4 males on my team already. I actually haven't seen this one yet, so I don't know what stats are best, but a beneficial nature would be very much appreciated.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14690891 Added! Sorry about that, I sort of prioritize everyone in the thread and add them as I try to trade, so I was waiting until I'd finished with these last three, but now's as good a time as ever, I guess.
Leon 0430 8276 6077
Quoted By:
>>14690891 Thanks friend,
time to go shove this in the ditto rape cave Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14690949 >implying I am the best bat Flatter's not very effective, anon.
It's super effective! Charlie, is that a fucking fedora? JCD64 3394-3561-9467
I'll take one! FC is in name field. Either gender, any nature, and no nickname please. Thank you.
>>14691168 You have the same nickname as me.
Can we be bat-bros? Dan 2981 6600 9008
>>14690855 Hasty, Mild, Rash, Naive are also acceptable if breeding the others would take longer, also no nickname please and thank you again!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14691191 Can do!
Alright, based Batty has been named! But Isamael doesn't seem to be on the roster yet...
Chippy's turn. then!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14691429 Only if you have one of every bat like I do. >>14691443 Oh, those I think I can do! I'll add you too, then! The list is now Chippy, Isamael, JCD64 and Dan, I think!
Isamael 1821-9514-9324
>>14691533 but i already added you i don´t see you in my list :/
Dan 2981 6600 9008
Quoted By:
>>14691609 thanks a lot again, in order of preference, timid, hasty, naive, modest, rash, mild
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14691658 Oh my gosh, that was embarrassing! I forgot to add you! It's all better now!
Hildr 5327-2059-9966
Can I get one frand? I promise not to give a Hawlucha!
Charlie: 3411-1576-5808
>>14691168 Yeah its a fedora :) Had to buy it to get access to other haircuts ;)
Isamael 1821-9514-9324
>>14691747 thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>14686260 Batty will you be here monday?
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Sorry, I've been Ev training, did I miss my spot?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14691820 When it asked me if I wanted to do anything else with you, the only thing I wanted to do was slap that stupid hat off your head. Well so long as it was conditional I guess it's not too bad.
>>14691834 No problem! Glad I can give you a bat.
>>14691799 Sure thing!
Adam 3325 - 2240 - 0352
I want one named Beats pls
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14691877 If I don't have a shiny yet, probably.
>>14691879 Nope! I have exactly two Infiltrator bats left!
Toast 1633-4233-6456
>>14692035 Sorry to bug you, but I might have been passed over.
Probably because I forgot to quote you.
G - 4210-5348-3293
>>14691609 Of course I do. My FC is my name.
Hey, sorry if I'm late, I'd really enjoy one myself.. My friend code is 3523-2270-0751, and my in game name is Christine..I'd prefer it to be female
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14692099 Okay! I think it's just you and Hildr now, so I might be able to get back to hatching soon.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14692170 Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I'll add you now!
>>14692259 Adding!
>>14692278 Oh trust me, I've got plenty of girls left.
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
>>14692035 You're added, and honestly if you want to keep your infils its fine, female works too!
Katie 1177-7732-8513
Quoted By:
Could I please have one? A Timid female would be awesome, but anything would do <3
Toast 1633-4233-6456
>>14692419 Alright, thanks! I'd love one with Infiltrator (I can wait if they're all gone) And a female with a nature beneficial to it would be great, but all three aren't completely necessary. Sorry if that sounds kinda picky.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14692481 >>14692556 Guess you two will be getting the last Infiltrators then!
Also Hildr's the only one showing up on my roster at the moment and they seem to be busy...
>>14692419 Thanks OP! What should I give you in return? I'm honestly not very far in the game, haha. I've been taking it slow, so I don't have too much to offer ya.
Hildr 5327-2059-9966
Quoted By:
>>14692666 I had to reset my connection, wasn't showing you at all lol
Toast 1633-4233-6456
>>14692666 Great, thanks a lot!
You aren't showing up on my friend list either.
Robin 5155-3962-9391
>>14692419 I'd love a timid inflitrator one anon, thanks for this
Hildr 5327-2059-9966
Quoted By:
>>14692748 go to your friendslist, to confirm batty added, then reconnect to the game, it won't automatically update.
Toast 1633-4233-6456
Quoted By:
Theeeere we go! I see you now.
Deltrese 4296-3367-1368
If the distro is still going on, I'd love to get in on it please!
Hildr 5327-2059-9966
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14692674 Anything's good by me!
>>14692775 You might have to wait on that one, unfortunately. I've only got two Infiltrators left and I'm trading them out now.
Toast 1633-4233-6456
Quoted By:
Thanks! I didn't even know that Pinsir was Adamant at first, haha. It was the second one I caught.
Robin 5155-3962-9391
Quoted By:
>>14692922 I don't mind waiting, it's free after all
Alpharod 3926-4868-4161
Can I have one? I will give you a larvesta for it Already added you
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14692822 It is! I'll be here all day.
>>14692857 No problem!
Vidya, Katie, and Deltrese are the last three asking for just bats now, right?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Deltrese 4296-3367-1368
>>14693053 I think so! If I could get an infiltrator one I'd be very appreciative!
amaen 1435 4689 1119
POsting my disappointment shiny noivern.
Dan 0404-6111-4042
>>14693105 Could I get a male one OP?
Joseph: 0662 3799 9900
>>14686260 Meeee. Want a modest goomy?
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Can I get one? Adding you.
Adam 3325 - 2240 - 0352
Quoted By:
>>14692319 alright tell me when ur ready.
i'll add you in a sec i'm battling
Quoted By:
>>14692922 Thanks! I already added you, add meeee!
Saga 5413-0034-4196
Dunno if you're still here man but I'd love one
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14693117 Vidya's getting my last infiltrator, sorry!
>>14693141 You posted that in the last thread, didn't you? I'll tell you what I told you then, I'm not even evolving it, so those awful colors don't matter,
Joseph: 0662 3799 9900
Quoted By:
>>14693190 Timid or modest, infiltrator if possible if you have
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14693158 >>14693190 >>14693191 >>14693230 Oh dear. I don't think I'll be able to hatch any until I empty the box at this rate...
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Quoted By:
>>14693350 I'll take an egg in hope that it's a male
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Quoted By:
>>14693350 I can wait, just send me a trade request once you have time.
Saga 5413-0034-4196
Quoted By:
>>14693230 Oh, and would love a timid or modest, if possible. thanks a lot
I would very much appreciate a Noibat. I have added your FC, and my FC is 2852-6860-1980.
Quoted By:
>>14693442 Also, I'd prefer a timid or modest Noibat. If male, named Elvis, if female, named Gaga.
Saga 5413-0034-4196
Quoted By:
>>14693350 No worries, I can wait as long as you need
>>14693350 If you have any spare ill take one, couldn't care less about gender/nature
My FC is 4828-4350-1523
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Quoted By:
>>14693237 I restarted and still not seeing you, hopefully my ds isn't being moody
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Oh dear, it looks like most of you didn't put the same name with your FC as the one on the roster, so I don't know who most of you are aside from Alpha and Katie!
Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>14693350 Can I get an egg too? Nature/Ability/Gender matters not to me.
Hector 3582-9406-6363
Quoted By:
>>14693743 Mine should be Mister
Alpharod 3926-4868-4161
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
>>14693743 Oh fuck I didn't know that was a problem, someone from a different thread added me fine? Anyway fc name is Mike
Dan 0404-6111-4042
>>14693743 Do you have an males at the moment?
Okay I'm back home now, I'm ready to trade whenever you are
Saga 5413-0034-4196
Quoted By:
>>14693743 Should be Saga unless something fucked up, try Andrew
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Quoted By:
>>14693877 My trainer name is Daniel btw
Have you added and ready
Nikolas 5112-3438-8203
Quoted By:
i'd like one if they're still available gender and nature doesn't matter
Vidya 3668-8090-4196
Quoted By:
Awesome, thanks a lot batty, appreciate it.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14693867 No problem!
>>14693872 Alright, I think I've got you now!
>>14693877 I do! I think all that's left are boys now.
>>14693880 Oh cool, yours is still here and waiting for you in one of these boxes, so I can get it to you now. Let me add you first real quick.
Quoted By:
>>14690763 That's fine. I've added your FC already. Whenever it's ready just shoot me a trade. Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
Me please!! Name is Gee FC = 5215 0180 3100
Tom 3153 3621 6943
Quoted By:
I would like one. I get cheated for using wonder trade. Gave away a goomy got a lvl 3 fetchling
Quoted By:
>>14694096 Alright, I'm ready when you are
Joseph: 0662 3799 9900
Quoted By:
>>14694096 My friend code name Is Joe I think
Dan 2981 6600 9008
>>14694096 current wait list?
Katie 1177-7732-8513
Quoted By:
>>14693743 I'm
>>14693442 and my in-game name is Serena.
Dan 0404-6111-4042
>>14694510 you have my name
Are we the same person
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
I'd be happy for one Male Whatever Nature is best (Hasty?) Nickname doesn't matter (name it after you if you want, or leave it just Noibat)
Dan 0404-6111-4042
>>14694622 My god
op is gonna get confused once he gets to us
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Quoted By:
Once you get my Noibat, could you nickname him Bruce?
>>14694682 kek
Dennis - Y - 5300-9428-5972
Quoted By:
I would love to have a female one for my next playthrough
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14694510 Impossibly long and it's been added to so much that I can't even keep up with it anymore. So! Here's what I'm gonna do:
There's two bats left in the whole box because I've been catering to those who weren't after a specific nature and I've got a whole party full of eggs that need to hatch. I'm gonna hatch a whole new box, come back, and then give all those away, that way everyone gets a bat and no one has to wait for more to hatch.
When I come back, ask for your bat and tell me the requirements again so I don't forget. Please put your INGAME name with your FC so I can identify you on the roster when the time comes for you to get your bat!
Also there should be at least one person I'm holding a bat for, so if they show up, let them know what's going on I guess. That sound good to you guys?
Quoted By:
>>14686260 could i get a modest noibat?
1993 8237 7071
Dan 2981 6600 9008
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
>>14694738 Sounds good to me OP
Thanks much for you're generosity
Robin 5155-3962-9391
>>14694738 see you soon batty, thanks a lot for this
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14694855 >>14694827 >>14694872 No problem guys! Glad I can get you your bats!
Dan 2981 6600 9008
Quoted By:
>>14694738 sounds perfectly okay, although i'll take an unhatched egg if you don't mind just to make things go by a little quicker =]
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Good news: they're all coming out modest! Bad news: they all have frisk. Why is this happening oh god.
Ed 3625 9042 5349
>>14696433 I can still wait, thanks for doing this btw anon
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
>>14696433 I'll wait for the non-Frisk one, if you can get one.
If, say, an hour passes and you still get a bunch of Frisk Noibats, I'll take what you have as long as you nickname it Bruce if it's male.
Kida if Female.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14696680 No problem, but people seemed to want Infiltrator more (and I don't blame them), and these guys all have Frisk! I mean, the nature's good but Frisk...
Hunter 1134 7456 9393
Quoted By:
If you still have any Modest/Timid then I'd gladly take one
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14696831 I think the Everstone is passing down the nature AND ability, in which case every single bat will have Modest + Frisk. Maybe I should just breed normally for a Modest + Infiltrator and then Everstone that one instead?
Robin 5155-3962-9391
Quoted By:
>>14696863 Hey Batty, I'm going to bed now so I hope you'll be doing this again tomorrow/at a later date or better yet, saving me a timid infiltrator one would be much appreciated
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14697119 First egg to hatch was Modest Infiltrator! What a lucky girl.
Ed 3625 9042 5349
>>14697201 Neat, give it a go with the everstone to confirm whether or not it passes the ability as well
Daniel 0602-7678-1814
Quoted By:
>>14697201 Great! Just send me the request when you're ready!
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14697272 Precisely what I did, now all we can do is wait, although most of the box is now Frisky girls....
Ed 3625 9042 5349
>>14697447 >Box of frisky girls Kinky.
I can still wait though, here's hoping it works!
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Quoted By:
>>14686260 Id like an infiltrator one, female pref but ill take any an ty =]
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14697508 Hey man these are bats, not bunnies.
Also >male modest Infiltrator
We have a winner, folks!
Quoted By:
i would love one op!
Serena 2466-1777-3974
Quoted By:
add me fuckers, I need some noibats and maybe an eevee. please :D
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
Quoted By:
Just waiting for a male so I can start breeding em
Acynder 0903-3920-9053
Quoted By:
Add me. Preferably female so I can just breed a good natured one
Batty 5043-2178-1663
I'm not quite ready yet guys, please stop asking until I have the box full again! Also not all of them are Modest but most of them are, thankfully.
Quoted By:
I'd like a male Noibat please whatever Nature is best and if that's too much to ask then I'll take any Nature Male Noibat, please and thank you.
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
>>14697760 Take you're time man, you are doing a nice thing if peeps can't wait then they don't appreciate.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14697871 >The two don't seem to like each other much. Calm down little bat it's just
your dad, a ditto!
This might take a bit longer, ah...
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
>>14698165 Haha the egg hatching game, after this i gotta find a protean froakie... =[
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14698335 Ahh, can't help you there, unfortunately. The one I got has Torrent, but at least I have all the starters now, save for Charmander.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Good news: two more bats until the box is full and I start again! Bad news: dinner's almost ready so you'll have to wait for that.
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14699356 Watchu having for dinner batwoman?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14699520 Spaghetti, although I kind of want lasagna a lot more, but that would take way too long unless it was freezer crap.
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
>>14699932 Frozen lasagna does not sound good at all, enjoy your spaghetti.
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14699932 Still giving them out OP?
Friend Code is: 5155-3074-6779
IGN: Redwood
doritos 0275-7191-5302
Quoted By:
>>14699356 If you don't have a timid infiltrator, I'll take any nature with infiltrator.
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14698335 I have a Protean Froakie. If you just give me a bit I'll hatch one out for you.
Oh shit OP you're still doing this? I want a Noibat
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14700856 You're Froakie is done but I have an inquiry:
I thought hidden abilities would always be passed down. I just hatched two Froakies, the first one had torrent. The second one came out Protean. Wassup wit that?
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14700961 >You're fucking fatigue.
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
Quoted By:
Does anyone still have any Noibats? Don't care for nature or anything.
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
>>14700961 i know used to it would get the females ability, but apparently males can pass it as well in x/y so if one had torrent then its a possibility? or maybe its random =/
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14700856 added. IGN is Redwood.
I'll be ready whenever, I've been meaning to breed Protean Froakies since this morning anyway.
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
I'd like an egg! I have a Charmeleon to trade if you want it.
>>14701096 Can I please get protean froakie too? Female if possible. I can give you a Pokerus charmander or chespin if you'd like
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14701262 Yeah sure, egg 3 came out Protean too. I'm thinking it's not random but having a parent with Protean makes it possible even though Torrent still is up in the air whereas having one with torrent makes the chance at Protean nil.
In any case I'll take a chespin with Pokerus. I was reading up on that last night and I'm still green about it. What does Pokerus do and am I suppose to keep a pokemon with it in my PC?
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14701262 Egg 5 just hatched and hey! It's a female Protean.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14700034 We used a bit too much salt but I still wound up eating 3/4ths of the pot, woops! Anyway, I'm here to empty another box now!
Ed 4725 8186 3032
>>14701590 Based OP I want a Noibat please!
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14701590 Cool, I'll take one, stats don't matter
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14700537 Absolutely! I refuse to stop until I get my shiny!
>>14700318 Of course!
>>14700034 I'm guessing you're up first? I'll add everyone who's here for bats.
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14701590 It resumes!
Also i just found a shiny skorupi!!!
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14701262 Do you need my friend code?
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14701744 YOU LUCKY SON OF A GUN.
Skorupi is one of my favourites.
>>14701056 Connection keeps getting severed but I'll keep on trying. Don't think it's me though, I'm staying online after our trade falls through.
Ed 3625 9042 5349
Quoted By:
>>14701732 Let me know when you can find an Infiltrator with either Timid or Modest anon, thanks for doing this
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
>>14701732 Oh you're still here? Added.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14701687 Okey doke!
>>14701173 If you're still here I would love that.
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Quoted By:
>>14701590 welcome back, added you so whenever you are available =]
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14701732 Also if you have a timid or modest with infiltrator that would be awesome
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>14701096 If youve got one to spare any nature any gender just a protean froakie would be nice please tell me before I have to shutoff computer to access wifi on the ds
Ed 4725 8186 3032
Quoted By:
>>14701850 I have already added you to my friends list
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14701744 Oh wow, congrats!
>>14701839 I was eating dinner, but I came back! Have some faith in me, anon! I wouldn't dare abandon this thread without letting you all know what was going on!
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14701879 Yes, another egg just hatched and it's Protean and it's yours.
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
What's your in game name Batty?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14701871 All these lovely baby bats are Modest and at least half of them have Infiltrator, so you should be fine!
>>14701983 waiting on you to accpet friend request =)
1993 8237 7071
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>14701993 Ive added and waiting for whenever youre ready thank you so much
Kobold 0490-5198-6370
Hey there, I made a post in your thread the other night, but I never got a reply. Do you still have any Noibats you'd be willing to trade? I'd appreciate the kindness! I've never traded before, though, so... I'm not really sure what I'd need to do. Thanks in advance!
Ed 4725 8186 3032
>>14702063 Thank you so much!
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14702063 Im online right now, also do you know if i can name it after we trade?
If you have a female that would be even better
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14702000 The name is Batty!
I'd do the rest of the rap but I don't think you guys came here for Fern Gully. >>14702066 Adding after this, don't worry!
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14702131 No problem, I just got disconnected because when you back out into the menu Pokemon logs you out.
>>14702063 I'd like one with Infiltrator if you can. and thanks again OP
IGN: Redwood
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
>>14702172 Alright, ready to trade then. You don't mind derps do you?
Acynder 0903-3920-9053
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Quoted By:
>>14702172 would like infiltrator as well
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>14701850 I love you. Please trade bat for mander.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14702154 Oh, I've got a whole box ready for you guys! I'm sorry I missed you last night! I'll try to get you one now, okay?
>>14702168 No problem!
>>14702169 You can't nickname a Pokemon if you aren't the OT, but I'm in the same city as the Name Rater if you want one nicknamed!
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Quoted By:
>>14702172 I would like an infiltrator one as well =0
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14702252 I'll take anything but Hawlucha, so that would be fine!
Hector 3582-9406-6363
Quoted By:
>>14702352 I would like one nicknamed Harsh Noise, thanks in advance OP, you're doing God's work.
Quoted By:
>>14701822 I just added you
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
>>14702412 Why don't you like Luchador Bird?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14702479 It doesn't deserve the color scheme. I never really liked fighting-types to begin with, but I find them awfully tacky. That and they gave me hell when I was trying to train my Eevee.
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
ugh finally sorry everyone my connection is being a shit. Hope you enjoy Hagi.
Kobold 0490-5198-6370
Quoted By:
>>14702352 Thank you so much, Batty! As a fellow bat-lover, I will be sure to take good care of the Noibat you have traded me!
Hagi 2277-7081-6398
Quoted By:
>>14702200 ty so very much
>>14702063 Hey, OP mind if I have my turn? I asked a couple of hours ago
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14702665 You have a female Protean Froakie coming your way
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14702665 If it was a few hours ago I was probably eating dinner and haven't added you yet, but I'll get to that now! Sorry for the wait!
>>14702734 thanks so much Redwood!
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>14702330 >>14702352 Is this trade still happening?
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14702896 What does Pokerus do again?
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14702898 Sure thing! Give me a minute, it's hard to get to everyone at once.
I know Hagi and Tomas are still waiting, maybe Redwood too, and now you are. Anyone else?
Ed 3625 9042 5349
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
>>14702981 Yeah, I'm still here
Acynder 0903-3920-9053
>>14702981 me too!
1993 8237 7071
Ed 4725 8186 3032
>>14703016 Yo what's your deal
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14703016 >>14703057 Adding!
So the list right now is Hagi, Tomas, Redwood, Izzy, Ed, and Acynder, correct?
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14703126 dont forget about me
Ed 3625 9042 5349
>>14703123 What's yours? I've been around since the morning
>>14689761 Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14703101 Adding you too! Sorry, I must've missed you because it wasn't in the name field!
Ed 4725 8186 3032
Quoted By:
>>14703176 Time travelling dopplegangers man
>>14702946 Pokerus doubles the amount of EV's you get
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14703159 Oh gosh, this list never ends! Adding!
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
>>14703237 Silly question but what do I do with it. I'm reading up on it now and it says to keep Chespin in my PC box? How does it spread?
Ed 3625 9042 5349
You're a saint, Batty. Thanks a lot!
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Alex 0903-3920-9053
>>14703267 Just an fyi the trainer name is Alex. Acy is my 3DS name and totally not my nickname.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14703405 Well that's one Ed down! And Redwood too!
That leaves Tomas, Hector, Acynder, Hagi, Izzy and another Ed that I won't be adding until I can tell you apart I guess.
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14703550 just a heads up mi 3ds name is Mister, my ingame name is Hector
Ed 4725 8186 3032
>>14703550 Oh no I'm the first Ed, the one that gave you a derm Pikachu, I already have a Noibat, thanks again btw
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14703649 Oh cool, thanks for being honest!
>>14703648 >>14703541 Thank you! The only way I can find you guys is through your ingame names because there's so many people on my roster! I've been trying to delete everyone's cards after we trade so the roster slims down and I know who has bats, but some people turn off their game before I can get there, so I wound up with a lot of people I don't recognize...
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14703821 Also if it isnt too much to ask, could it be a female nicknamed Harsh Noise?
Alex 0903-3920-9053
>>14703821 Cheers to you sir.
Quoted By:
>>14703201 thanks so much
enjoy the dragonair
Batty 5043-2178-1663
>>14703992 B-but I'm
actually a girl!
>>14703884 Sure thing! Give me a sec to get over to the name rater!
Hector 3582-9406-6363
>>14704194 Thank you so much Batty, you're an angel.
I'd love one: 1676-4163-8644 <3
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14704628 Aww, you guys are great too!
Was that the last one?
Quoted By:
>>14703550 Thanks so much OP! You're awesome!
Quoted By:
>>14704720 PS, pretty please nickname it Remilia.
Quoted By:
>>14703392 To spread it just have chespin in your party and it'll randomly spread to each team member after each battle.
Batty 5043-2178-1663
Quoted By:
>>14704720 Holy shit that Mii. Added!