>>14698585Except I do want to see water Pokemon. You're entirely missing the point. In fact, with all of the cool water Pokemon in Gen 3 like Crawdaunt, Sharpedo, Wishcash, Wailord, Relicanth, Huntail, Milotic, Ludicolo, or Spheal
The entire problem is that
I never see any of those in the various water routes because of the retarded pokemon distribution. So instead of seeing this huge variety of cool water Pokemon, I see Wingull and tentacool, and that's it.
I don't want to not play Pokemon, as in, using a repel. I want to play Pokemon, and the series is known for the whole "variety in creatures" thing, so why the fuck are you defending only two species appearing in like, 8 of the routes after the 6th gym?