I have a box full of protean Froakies! I'll give them away to who ever adds me. I would really, really appreciate it if someone would trade me a Fennekin with Magician and/or Chespin with Bulletproof? I have a few Noibats too.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Quoted By:
Or if someone would trade me an X exclusive that would be much appreciated too.
Adding you in a sec. I don't have much to trade though, just started the game.
Sabbles 4871-3853-2985
I don't have much but if you're looking for an X exclusive I can give you a Houndour. Is that alright?
Ivy 5215-0415-9781
>>14698317 ill give you a dutch ditto, or ivysaurs? please?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14698478 That's fine
>>14698504 Yeah that would be fine too
Ace 4613-6982-5748
>>14698317 I'll trade you a Houndour for one OP
Ivy 5215-0415-9781
>>14698317 your code dont work, check for typos
Eric 1650 1682 5916
Hey OP. Sorry I don't have those special abilities, but I'd love a protean froakie if youre down.
Sabbles 4871-3853-2985
>>14698565 Is your friend code right btw? It's not letting me add you.
Jaden (Serena) 4313 0160 4878
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14698595 Sorry! Code is: 0946-3276-2460
Name is the same
Hawkeye 3866-8179-8710
I can give you the X Fairy Exclusive
Ivy 5215-0415-9781
Quoted By:
>>14698671 no problem, this one does work.
Could you add me and trade me one please?
Vincent 3539 - 9582 - 5709
Trev 4313-0528-5701
>>14698317 give it to me baby
Eric 1650 1682 5916
Sabbles 4871-3853-2985
Quoted By:
>>14698671 Okay, it works now
fc: 2964-8778-5206
I'd like one please, don't have much to give though :/
Trev 4313-0528-5701
>>14698671 can i get one? i added you
Longo FC: 3969-5006-8842
>>14698317 Froakie pls......Dont have either but I can give you a Kanto starter
Proxiee 4012 4563 8109
I would love one but as I am at the beginning of the game I don't have anything to trade
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14698317 >Protean Froakies! Nick 0946-3279-2460 Dude I'm adding you ASAP please!
Jeezus 2509-1379-0851
Quoted By:
>>14698317 The best I got is this jap imposter ditto but add me
Kuma/Alice 2895 - 7195 - 0773
can I have a female froakie i just restarted and i don't have anything special to give back except a riolu
Adam 4613-7539-6422
Quoted By:
>>14698317 Added. Hit me up! :)
Mike 0061-0809-9150
Quoted By:
>>14698317 ill take a female plz! ill give u an adamant tyrunt
Nick 0946-3276-2460
Garugamesh 4012-4269-5052
Quoted By:
Adding you up now.
Ivy 5215-0415-9781
>>14698671 im online in game now, your ingame name is nick right?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14698671 I added you. I'd love one, especially Female if you could spare it.
Quoted By:
Garugamesh 4012-4269-5052 adding you up now
Robert 4785-5429-8929
Quoted By:
>>14698317 Added.
I don't know what I can offer, a jap ditto maybe?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Quoted By:
>>14699118 Yes my ingame name and my FC name is
Tanbi 3050 - 7579 - 5770
Quoted By:
>>14698317 Would like one please
Mike 0061-0809-9150
Quoted By:
>>14699109 i added you if you dont want an adamant tell i have other natures
Morris 1950 7842 0427
>>14698317 i got dratinis if u want.. reply so i know to add u
Armin - 3883 4885 0239
I have a bunch of leftover adamant torchics, most of which have speed boost. I can give you a female for a female protean froakie.
Added you. I'd trade something good if I was further along in the game!
Tanbi 3050 - 7579 - 5770
Quoted By:
Timid or Modest for a Protean Froakie?
Eric 1650 1682 5916
Ivy 5215-0415-9781
Quoted By:
Wow, thanks so much OP! Im gonna start breeding now and spread the love.
Robert 4785-5429-8929
>>14698671 Added.
I don't know what I can offer, a jap ditto maybe?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14699262 Yeah I'll take one
>>14699263 Sounds good to me
I'll keep adding people in a little bit. Still trading.
Vincent 3539 - 9582 - 5709
Proxiee 4012 4563 8109
Devon 2938 6545 7147
Quoted By:
>>14699109 Could I get a froakie or a noibat? Either would be really cool. Just added you.
Can I get a Protean Froakie pleeeeeeeease? Kid 2509-1728-6675 In game name is Genevieve
Vincent 3539 - 9582 - 5709
MasOn 1521 - 3685 - 7525
James (Randgris) 0576-4836-9187
Armin - 3883 4885 0239
Quoted By:
>>14699386 Firing up x, now. Let me know when you wanna trade.
r 5343-8159-4415
>>14699372 I'll do it for a Japanese Ditto
Robert 4785-5429-8929
>>14699634 A protean Froakie?
r 5343-8159-4415
Quoted By:
>>14699780 Yes I added you
Dynamod 1306 - 5915 - 2706
>>14698317 I would like to have one if you still have some to spare :3c I'll add you right now.
Vincent 3539 - 9582 - 5709
Max -Y- 0404 6794 3737
>>14698317 added you. add me please
Dynamod 1306 - 5915 - 2706
Quoted By:
how do I get these starters with hidden abilities anyways?
Pat X 2509 1027 7162
If anyone has one I can offer Charmeleons, Ivysaurs and jolly dittos.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14698781 >>14698802 >>14698873 >>14698929 >>14698957 >>14699021 >>14698961 >>14698977 >>14699063 >>14698997 Added, I only have one female Protean Froakie sadly, so I'm keeping it for now until I breed more while I'm trying to get a shiny.
>>14700003 What's special about jolly dittos?
Devon 2938 6545 7147
>>14700112 Have any noibats left?
Tanbi 3050 - 7579 - 5770
Quoted By:
>>14699386 Have calm Anticipation eevees
>mfw I finally got a shiny magician female fennekin
Hogue 1864 8668 8113
>>14700112 Do you have any Froakies left?
>>14700112 tried adding you but gave me an error
my FC is 2836-1468-3177
>>14700127 For breeding purposes.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
(X) Levi 0259-1383-6900
>>14700112 Which version do you have? Interested on any Kanto starters/Charizardite X?
Quoted By:
>>14700371 Why exactly? Faster breeding times?
Devon 2938 6545 7147
Quoted By:
>>14700381 Could I get one? I added you. I dont have very much to trade though.
Quoted By:
Can the Kalos starters be DWFs? Please tell me they can.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14700112 No problems if I can't get a female
if you do happen upon one soon, could you spare it though?
Jason 2836-1468-3177
i tried adding you op but said your FC was invalid help? i really want a protean froakie
Howie: 1435-4669-6486
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14700329 Its 0946-3276-2460. Im retarded and put the wrong code.
>>14700243 Would you be kindly enough to send me a fennekin with magician if you have any extra? Ill save a froakie for you
>>14700388 I have both, but I'm playing Y right now. Ill take a squirtle if you have one?
I'd like a protean froakie. Give you an adamant marill for one. FC: 3497-0512-5919
(X) Levi 0259-1383-6900
>>14700603 Sure thing, I've got a Blastoise tho, you're ok with it?
Jason 2836-1468-3177
Quoted By:
>>14700603 okay i added you
add me
ill be waiting
also thanks for handing theese awesome things out
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14700663 Yeah that works!
Proxiee 4012 4563 8109
Quoted By:
thanks man!!!! You made my day
Jason 2836-1468-3177
Quoted By:
>>14700722 i can also offer a squirtle if thats what your after
(X) Levi 0259-1383-6900
>>14700722 Invalid code :(
>captcha: sfaiesi cumform Jeezus 2509-1379-0851
got a trace ralts OP if you want,add me
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14700774 Yeah I accidentally put the wrong code. its:
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 22:52:09 No. 14700844 Report Heya guys! I've been breading some protean Froakies as well, what's the best way to pass on a nature? I have 1 Timid and 1 Modest both male. I plan on breading these ones and giving them away to my bros on here. 14 others 2 being female. I don't mind giving these ones away.
(X) Levi 0259-1383-6900
Quoted By:
>>14700722 nvm fixed, added
r 5343-8159-4415
I still got a bunch of protean Froakies. Anybody got some nice things to trade for them?
Sam 0189 9338 4682
Quoted By:
>>14700722 Hey I added you, don't have much to offer though, modest Chespin, Fennekin, a Japanese Ralts and a Ditto.
Croix 3780-9378-1504
>>14700722 I have a German Bulbasuar Ill trade for a Protein froakie if you still have any.
Vanberk 0817-4426-5436
>>14698317 Do you still have some? i just recently started the game and i don't have much to offer
Max -Y- 0404 6794 3737
Quoted By:
>>14700871 i can give u starters
Brianna 0516-7816-5358
Would you like me to send you over a shitmon with pokerus? I feel bad for just sending over derps, but I really don't have that much.
Jason 2836-1468-3177
>>14700844 could i get one?
i dont have much to offer but id really appreciate it
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 22:58:11 No. 14701144 Report Quoted By:
>>14701022 Of course, Does the nature matter? For decent natures I have 2 Mild and 1 Naive.
(X) Levi 0259-1383-6900
>>14700840 I've added you but you won't appear on my friends list (?)
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Quoted By:
Anons it makes it a hell of a lot easier when I add you, you trade with me in the game. Thanks.
Sam 0189 9338 4682
>>14700844 Mind sending one my way? I don't have much right now, just Fennekin, Ditto (American, sadly) and a Japanese Ralts.
Pat X 2509 1027 7162
>>14700844 Could I have one please?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14701158 Just added you, hold on
>>14700953 sure! I've never had a pokemon with pokerus...what does it do exactly?
Armin - 3883 4885 0239
>>14700844 Could i get one for one of these? Female for female? ->
>>14699263 Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:01:24 No. 14701314 Report >>14701203 Not a problem, a ditto would do wonders for me.
>>14701233 Yup, add me.
>>14701265 Yeah sounds great!
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14701265 Just added you to.
Víctor 0645 6201 5825 !VDrovygakk
>>14698317 If you got a Hasty Broakie I could give you a Modest Fennekin or Clauncher.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:03:56 No. 14701421 Report Quoted By:
>>14701314 To those I added send a trade request to me
Armin - 3883 4885 0239
Quoted By:
>>14701314 Added. Ready when you are.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14700722 what would you want? I don't really have much
Need a Gengar? I can catch a Haunter or something
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:05:17 No. 14701484 Report >>14701393 I've got a hasty one
MARCO 4983 5126 3707
Quoted By:
Dude you still have one? I don't have much to give you though... One with a nature that doesn't affects attacking stats would be nice..
Quoted By:
are you still giving out froakie's op?
Sam 0189 9338 4682
Quoted By:
>>14701314 Added you back, the Ditto is all yours, trade me when you're ready! (Says you're trading at the moment)
Gio (IGN) 4081-6278-1783
>>14701379 Do you have any female Protean Froakies? I'd love one if you do.
Víctor 0645 6201 5825 !VDrovygakk
>>14701484 Okay, I'm adding you.
Is a female? Jason 2836-1468-3177
>>14701484 were you interested in my squirtle?
you have me added i noticed
Quoted By:
>>14700844 Can I trade you an Amaura for one?
FC: 0602-7697-5793
Gio (IGN) 4081-6278-1783
Quoted By:
>>14701541 Gah, my IGN somehow got removed, it's Wibblerino.
Kayloud 4098-2760-2783
Quoted By:
Trading Moxie Heracross for hidden ability Froakie, Ninetales, or Dragonair
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14700844 I don't have much but I'd love one if you'd be generous
Brianna 0516-7816-5358
Quoted By:
>>14701237 It doubles the EVs that your Pokemon gains in battles. I dunno if you're into battling competitively, but even if you're not it will still make it easier to train them.
Also, it wears off after a while, so you should probably carry a few Pikachus or something like that with you so that it spreads to them.
After it does you can just put them in your box and take one out whenever you want a certain pokemon to get it.
Quoted By:
>>14698317 Just curious, can you get female hidden ability starters for this gen?
(X) Levi 0259-1383-6900
Quoted By:
>>14700840 Cool man, thank you for da Broakie! Hope that Blastoise works for you.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:08:40 No. 14701675 Report Quoted By:
>>14701587 Squirtle is fine with me.
Wingo 5000-2651-0355
mind if I get one? sadly all I have to give is bulbasaurs at the moment.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:09:49 No. 14701726 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14698317 says code not vaild
Sam 0189 9338 4682
Quoted By:
>>14701314 Enjoy the Ditto sir! Thanks for the Froakie!
Víctor 0645 6201 5825 !VDrovygakk
>>14701726 Damn. Anyway, I added you.
How are you getting so many Protean Forakie btw? Is there an item that increase your chances?
>>14698317 got any froakies left?
Zach 4828-4270-0357
Quoted By:
>>14701896 sorry should probably put in my code
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:14:14 No. 14701965 Report Quoted By:
>>14701891 Male and female protean Froakie breading.
Pat X 2509 1027 7162
Wingo 5000-2651-0355
>>14701726 would you mind parting with one for a bulba?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:15:47 No. 14702056 Report Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14702033 I have 2 Nicks in my friends
Wingo 5000-2651-0355
Quoted By:
>>14702056 dope trade request me when you're ready thanks!
Croix 3780-9378-1504
Quoted By:
>>14702033 Ok, Ive added you
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:18:42 No. 14702220 Report >>14702056 After I get these 2 trades done I'll be on my add friend window for those who want one, I'll take anything so don't worry about it.
I've got 2 fem Froaks first come first serve on those.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14702033 oh, what would you want for a Female one?
Best I have is an Adamant Gible
>>14702220 I'll take one
Armin - 3883 4885 0239
MARCO 4983 5126 3707
>>14702220 Dude can i have one?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14702262 >Adamant Gible not EV trained
I have a fully trained Adamant Trapinch, but I kinda want him
both were lucky 1st catches Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:20:58 No. 14702350 Report >>14702220 If you guys can just send me the trade request it works out better for me.
Quoted By:
>>14702220 I don't have anything to trade that's good, but I'd like a fem Froakie.
Brian 1263-6156-0864
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14702350 You're not in my Friend request and I really want a female
I added you in the Friend list on my 3ds, but you're not in my in-game friends list
Víctor 0645 6201 5825 !VDrovygakk
Brian 1263-6156-0864
>>14702350 I've added you in my list.
roxseth 0387-9748-3139
i have a larvesta for a frokie pls
Justin 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
I don't have anything to trade, but I would sure love one. :<
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14702587 Yeah I'll do that
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:26:54 No. 14702666 Report >>14702524 >>14702441 >>14702273 Sorry for the wait guys Brian and Neil have my 2 fem's.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14702666 Thank you Based Eddie you get my Adamant Gible
Brian 1263-6156-0864
>>14702666 Thanks!
You're not showing up in my Friend's list, however.
MARCO 4983 5126 3707
>>14702666 Do you not have anymore Froakies or you just ran out of females?
Because anything is good for me.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:29:35 No. 14702819 Report >>14702745 Just females I still I have 5 males left.
roxseth 0387-9748-3139
>>14702627 it wont let me add your friend code
Zach 4828-4270-0357
>>14702627 I dont have anything cool, do you still have froakies?
Araska 3411-0958-1109
Quoted By:
This still happeing op / other people who breeded any? I've been trying to get one for a while but I dont really have anything to give.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:31:23 No. 14702915 Report Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14702835 Its 0946-3276-2460
>>14702856 Yes
Brian 1263-6156-0864
Quoted By:
>>14702915 Sent trade request.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14702923 why don't you fix the name?
>>14702915 kk I'll trade when you're done with the one you're doing now
MARCO 4983 5126 3707
Quoted By:
>>14702819 >>14702915 Thanks so much dude.
Brian 1263-6156-0864
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14702915 just sent a request dunno if you saw it
Justin 5112-3603-7821
>>14702923 I've added you. Are you looking to trade for something specific, or are you just giving these away?
Zach 4828-4270-0357
>>14702923 added, will you take an amaura for one?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14703116 Whatever is fine
Araska 3411-0958-1109
Quoted By:
Who is it trading these now? I'd love one
Ahmed 1891-2453-6351
>>14698317 Got a Japan squirtle last night got any Froakies left?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot Eddie!
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14703186 Yes I actually want that
>>14703240 Yeah I do, that sounds good to me.
Justin 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>14703192 Anything at all?
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:40:11 No. 14703361 Report >>14702915 Five left, first five to reply.
How do you add / find out your friend code? I've been trying all day for a Protean frok
Justin 5112-3603-7821
Zach 4828-4270-0357
Quoted By:
>>14703287 thank you based Nick
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14703370 Go to the homescreen of the 3DS and its an orange little box with a face in it on the top of the bottom screen.
Araska 3411-0958-1109
Justin 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>14703370 The little smiley face icon on the home sceen.s
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
Quoted By:
are there any left? ;_;
4656-6145-4654 Austin
Quoted By:
I would like one please.
Thunder - 4355 9348 1323
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
Ahmed 1891-2453-6351
>>14703287 it says friend code not valid
Gold 1134 7409 0911
>>14703361 any froakies left??
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:45:35 No. 14703664 Report Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14703628 It is 0946-3276-2460. I messed up
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:46:54 No. 14703729 Report >>14703664 Send a trade request ingame guys.
Ahmed 1891-2453-6351
Justin 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>14703729 What do you wanna trade for?
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
Quoted By:
>>14703447 Thanks, I'm ben - 5026 4776 6582
if you have a froakies left
Araska 3411-0958-1109
Quoted By:
Don't all froakies have it?
Pravus 5412-9899-9532
I don't suppose anyone has any froakies left? I've got some timid magician Fennekins I'd be willing to traded for one.
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
Quoted By:
>>14703664 In all seriousness, thank you so goddamn much man
Quoted By:
>>14698317 Do you have any Froakie left? ever if you don't here is my friend code! might as well expand the friend safari!
Adam : 1907 7994 4648
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14703923 I have a lot of Froakies left, Ill add you right now
Pravus 5412-9899-9532
>>14703958 Saying your friend code isn't valid.
I could give male for male and female for female if you've got both.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14704047 its 0946-3276-2460, I messed up.
yeah I can do that
Justin 5112-3603-7821
>>14703958 It's not letting me send you a trade request.
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
Thank you thank you Eddie!!
Spooky 3866-8488-5820
>>14703958 Hey, do you think I could get one? I've been hunting them down for a while, can't seem to get one. I assume you've gotten most of what you asked for in the OP, if not is there anything you still need?
Croix 3780-9378-1504
>>14703958 DId my FC work for you?
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
Neat! Now how should I raise this little dude? Speed/Attack or Speed/S Attack? What are the best moves for him?
>>14704164 Speed is a given.
As for attack, check his nature first
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
>>14704216 well its calm so I guess I'm going for special
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14704153 Yes
>>14704119 Sure
>>14704112 0946-3276-2460 I Messed up
>>14704259 Sounds good
Also I got a Docile one with Protean.
Am I screwed?
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Wed 16 Oct 2013 23:59:11 No. 14704375 Report >>14703658 Well one of my guys didn't come through, so if you're still here I have one left.
Pravus 5412-9899-9532
>>14704093 Alright, just hit me with a trade request whenever you're ready.
Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE
Quoted By:
Hey OP, I know it might be a little too late but did you ever get a Fennekin with Magician and a Chespin with bulletproof? Or if anyone got them, I can anty up a Protean Froakie in turn.
Justin 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>14704295 Gotcha m8. Thanks!
Spooky 3866-8488-5820
Quoted By:
>>14704295 Awesome. Send me a trade request whenever you get around to it, I'll scrounge up some X exclusives in return.
Croix 3780-9378-1504
Quoted By:
>>14704295 Ok just making sure, Im getting online now
>>14704460 Male + Ditto works just fine
Quoted By:
>>14703958 I hope you enjoy the Charmander. The guy has Timid nature! I plan on making his other timid brother a Mega Charizard Y.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Thu 17 Oct 2013 00:03:26 No. 14704610 Report Quoted By:
>>14704375 Welp, Looks like I have one left, neutral nature.
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>>14703958 Any chance i could get one?
only decent thing i have is a modest a Goomy.
Sqeeb: 3952 - 7346 - 3913
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14704430 You're not showing up on my list
>>14704536 Really, hidden abilities dont have to be on the females anymore?
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Thu 17 Oct 2013 00:05:14 No. 14704708 Report Pravus 5412-9899-9532
>>14704654 I'll restart the game and see if that fixes things.
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>>14704654 Thank you, Based Frog Sage.
Ryan 5327-1936-2642
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and then Eddie said let there be frogs and there were frogs
Django 4828-4267-4208
>>14704708 do females still have a better chance of passing down abilities and is there any item i can use to increase the chance of a pokemon to pass down its ability?
Pravus 5412-9899-9532
>>14704654 >>14704717 Oh, right. Character name would be showing up. Look for Jesse.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Thu 17 Oct 2013 00:09:36 No. 14704943 Report >>14704860 its like 60% on both male and female.
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Can I have a froakie Op? JAMIE : 5155-2921-5774
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>>14704943 Less for me, more like 35-40
Caitlin 5455-9910-0688
>>14698317 Do you happen to have any more left?
Also, anything in particular you'd like in return? I have a couple of Fairy, Dragon, and Ghost friends if there's anything you're looking for.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14704870 Thanks a lot anon!
Pravus 5412-9899-9532
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>>14705239 You too.
Time to breed these like mad for natures.
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum
Eddie 1590-4969-5089 (Ghost) Banette and Phantum Thu 17 Oct 2013 00:17:24 No. 14705351 Report Quoted By:
Well Froakie bros, I'm out. For those who got one enjoy! Those who didn't I'll probably breed some more soon.
Caitlin 5455-9910-0688
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>>14705043 Nevermind, I can't seem to add your friendcode.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Ok anons, first nine replies to this post gets my last 9 Froakies with Protean. My friend code is 0946-3276-2460
Spooky 3866-8488-5820
>>14705524 Any chance i could get one?.
Sqeeb: 3952 - 7346 - 3913
Bonifangith 1048-8701-0871
>>14698317 I'm adding you now, I'd appreciate a Protean Froakie I'm currently masuda breeding Eevee with my jap ditto
Richard 3325-2450-7306
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14705557 >>14705573 >>14705590 >>14705648 Added
Next 5 that reply to this post get a protean Froakie
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>>14705573 oh my char name is Eva
candyhats 5215-0027-2419
>>14705867 Hey. I just picked up X an hour or so ago, so I will probably only be able to trade something that I catch right off the bat, but a Protean Froakie will be a nice start.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14706026 I got you added. Give me a minute
Yamerson 1435-4559-9297
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Jared 3625 8666 1238
>>14698317 can i get a protean froakie? my safari zone has dragonair in it so you can use that! :D
candyhats 5215-0027-2419
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>>14706058 Take your time. I've been resetting to get a decent starter nature, so I need to catch something for this first.
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>>14704943 >>14704708 Does this mean speed boost Torchic's are now breedable and able to pass egg moves?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Adam 3368-1541-1196
May I get one? I can offer you a Clauncher with Pokerus if you'd like.
Nihlus 2320 7041 3494
Quoted By:
>>14706164 I'd love a Froakie too, still got some?
Yamerson 1435-4559-9297
>>14706164 says your fc isn't valid. Could you double check it?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14706352 its 0946-3276-2460
Dusk 4313-0765-9975
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If there is any left, I'd love a froakie. doesnt matter if male/female since I don't really have anything good to offer in return
Yamerson 1435-4559-9297
>>14706427 You have 3279 in your id.
Tay 4871-4266-9758
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>>14698317 Added, could I get one please
Nick 0946-3279-2460
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>>14706487 Yeah...I messed up
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
I bred two Protean Froakies. One has a Timid (+SPD -ATK) nature and one is neutral. Both "can take a hit." Which one do I keep and which one do I Wonder Trade away?
Koonoo 0490-5859-7956
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can anybody give me a protean froakie?
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don't really have anything worth trading for but I would love a Froakie nonetheless
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945
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>>14706594 Not going to use any physical moves, I assume?
Jared 3625 8666 1238
>>14706299 whats your ingame name?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Jared 3625 8666 1238
>>14706712 i added you but i dont see you online.
Adam 3368-1541-1196
>>14706321 In game name is Sokka by the way.
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14706734 Is your ingame name Jared?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Jared 3625 8666 1238
>>14706810 i also gave you pokerus :D
Nihlus 2320 7041 3494
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>>14706873 Thanks a ton dude!
Tay 4871-4266-9758
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>>14706873 Mine ign is Tay and you just popped up on my friends list
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14706926 Fucking sweet, thanks anon!
Dusk 4313-0765-9975
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>>14706873 Is anything good for you? ingame is Ryan btw
Yamerson 1435-4559-9297
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>>14706873 ign is sunny btw.
Dusk 4313-0765-9975
>>14707013 Hey really appreciate it Nick!
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Quoted By:
>>14707077 No problem anon
Tay 4871-4266-9758
>>14707013 Thanks a lot Nick!
candyhats 5215-0027-2419
Quoted By:
>>14706873 Oh, you need igns too?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14707209 You're very welcome!
>>14706775 >>14706775 I haven't forgotten you! You're the last person!
Adam 3368-1541-1196
>>14707321 It's cool, I've been preoccupied. Thanks in advance, bud.
Kenny 0490-5859-7956
Quoted By:
can i get a protean froakie?
Jason 2836-1468-3177
>>14707321 i tried trading you 3 times but i never got a reply...
feels bad bro
sanrixian !!eRt2sGbBiOg
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>>14698671 added! i've just started. i really want a noibat, i dont care about stats or ivs, ill breed it later when i can. and i can trade you x exclusive when i get one!
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14707555 Trying to breed some more real quick. Whats your ign?
candyhats 5215-0027-2419
Quoted By:
>>14707321 Thank you very much, Nick!
Yamerson 1435-4559-9297
>>14707645 Don't forget about me!
Jason 2836-1468-3177
>>14707645 Pyro
most likely
also if youy get an extra female one could i get that?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Quoted By:
Any Froaks left? If so, I'm going to add your FC.
Faust 0962-9498-7117
>>14698317 Hey OP, if you're still there then add me! My safari has Braixen as well as Ponyta and Larvesta. Also adding any who reply.
RT 4038-6677-8162
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>>14698317 I would appreciate one as well, don't have anything interesting...
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What are magician and bulletpoof?
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14707749 I'm sending the trade request now.
>>14707455 I'll add your FC after I trade with the anon above.
Jason 2836-1468-3177
Nick 0946-3279-2460
Adam 3368-1541-1196
>>14708663 Huge thanks, man.
Yamerson 1435-4559-9297
Nick 0946-3279-2460
>>14708834 No problem!
>>14707891 I add your FC for your safari by the way anon. I'll breed a Froakie for you then I'm done breeding for a while lol
>>14708965 no problem!
Jason 2836-1468-3177
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>>14709018 any female froakies with protean left?
i can offer a japaneese eevee
>>14709018 Oh no! Am I too late?
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Am I too late op? JAMIE: 5155-2921-5774
Eric y 4742-5139-2644
>>14709569 I have modest ralts s and fennekins
r 5343-8159-4415
>>14710142 I'll give you one for the ralts, give me a minute
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Quoted By:
Is it too late to get one OP?
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250918649852 I want one badly!
Eric y 4742-5139-2644
>>14710270 Thank you so much. Adding you now.
r 5343-8159-4415
Quoted By:
>>14710743 Try to initiate the trade, it's greyed out for me. Ingame name is Homu