[291 / 12 / ?]
I've got 30 Tyrunt eggs that need a good home, /vp/. They are all Adamant in nature, know Dragon Dance and Fire Fang, AND have Pokerus. I'm willing to part with one for any of the following:>A male Zangoose that knows Close Combat (for breeding purposes so nature and ability don't matter) >An Adamant Aron, preferably female >A Modest/Calm Eevee >A Chespin, Froakie, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle >Any X exclusive Pokemon that's not Swirlix (I have Y) And that's about it. If you don't have any of the above mentioned then feel free to make me another offer. I only have 30 to give away so this'll be a first come, first serve kinda transaction. Also, if you take too long to initiate a trade, then I'll move on to the next person. And as always with these types of threads, the key word is patience . I will get to everyone that is interested in an egg as quickly as I can.
John 4313-0996-8303
I got something for you added
Nick 0946-3276-2460
>>14709024 Houndour or Mightyena?
2723 9572 9256
Quoted By:
i have a froakie
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Quoted By:
>>14709108 added you
Will add you afterwards
>>14709150 Nick 0946-3276-2460
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I registered you as a friend! I have a Chespin I can trade you!
Luis - 1547-6519-8426
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I can trade you a Bulbasaur in about five minutes if that's okay?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Pat X 2509 1027 7162
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I have a Modest Eevee I'll trade for one.
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
i'll take one of them super dinos, op! i got some stuff but idk if its any good. also protean froakies.
Kehan 4527-7605-7449
Quoted By:
>>14709024 i got a bubalsaur and a wartortle? Lil B FC: 5472-7420-7457
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I got a froakie!
Nick 0946-3276-2460
Quoted By:
Hey OP, if you want for two eggs, Ill give you a CHespin and a Froakie with Protean?
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>They are all Adamant in nature, know Dragon Dance and Fire Fang Oh god, sign me up.
Plustic 4210-5186-9915
Quoted By:
I have your Froakie.
Krys 1134-7611-9733
Quoted By:
I've got a Froakie. Adding.
Quoted By:
>>14709024 i have a froakie with your name on it!
>>14709024 All I have is a Delphox with its hidden ability, a shiny Mr. Mime, and
my love Plustic 4210-5186-9915
Quoted By:
I forgot to say it was Protean. Protean Froakie.
Kehan 4527-7605-7449
>>14709355 op i added and ready to make a trade with you
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
How do you feel about a Timid Gastly?
Quoted By:
>>14709024 have a froakie with your name on it! :D
Quoted By:
>>14709631 Oh and the Delphox is female.
Felix 1848-2634-8889
I've gotta few Claunchers if you'd like one in exchange?
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14709555 And i've got a Calm Eevee, too.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
Quoted By:
>>14709677 >14709677 Scratch that, I have a houndour
Added. Got you a Mightyene (X exclusive)
Kehan 4527-7605-7449
>>14709355 also got a houndour if you want another one and a gastly with modest nature?
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14709024 I have a bunch of chespin I'd be willing to trade. I got a female one with your name on it.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I can give you chespin, froakie, squirtle, clauncher, larvesta, beldum, and togepi for a male tyrunt
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14709672 I added you as well
Also everyone, I don't need a squirtle or froakie anymore. I probably should have stated that only need ONE of everything that I listed except for the modest/calm Eevee. I would 't mind a few of those.
Also, ONE EGG per person. I wanna give everyone a chance to have one
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14709891 Offering Shiny Mr. Mime and/or Female Delphox with hidden ability.
Can you add me at least for Friend Safari?
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 01:49:57 No. 14710083 Report Ooo! I'll take one!
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14710024 Sure I can add you.
Quoted By:
>>14709999 in that case i have a modest Eevee for you
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Kehan 4527-7605-7449
Quoted By:
>>14709999 nice quads. also just start up a trade with me what guy do you want?
Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I can trade you a Chespin OP.
Rembrandt 3110-5132-8708 - Dark
Quoted By:
I'd love to trade :/ I don't have anything that great though, comrade.
Ben: 2423-2730-4422
Quoted By:
I have a Clauncher.
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14710099 Sorry, it was meant for Gryphon. I'll add you anyways.
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
I've got all all but Bulba... which one you want?
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 01:53:16 No. 14710283 Report >>14710083 I have a spare Chespin, btw.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
Got some Protean Froakies I can trade for an adamant tyrunt deal?
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14710274 Hah no prob. also OP this female chespin is waitin for you~
Quoted By:
>>14709844 Is thia ok or not dude?
Plustic 4210-5186-9915
Quoted By:
>>14709999 Still have a Clauncher on the table. Really want this Tyrunt.
Quoted By:
got a froakie with perfect speed and a wartortle with 2 perfect IV's
Kehan 4527-7605-7449
Quoted By:
>>14709999 also you don't so up on my friends list so im going to delete you and try again op
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>14710290 Woah dude, I'll trade for one of them... what else would you want?
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 01:55:33 No. 14710411 Report >>14710283 Shit wait. All I've got is this damn Charmander and a Froakie.
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14709999 I'll give you both the Delphox and the Shiny Mr. Mime.
please take that shiny Mr. Mime, it makes me uncomfortable Ed - 1091-8779-7259
Quoted By:
i hope that passerby joey wasnt you. if so, im sorry for declining trade. still interested in that dino.
Rookie 4141-3038-6081
>>14709024 If you're still looking for a female Adamant Aron, I'll trade ya.
Quoted By:
I got a Froakie for you.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
>>14710393 hmm
what do ya got?
there are quite a few things I kinda want, since I literally JUST started breading for competitive stuff
Tyrunt is probably out, so how about a ghastly? got one with a decent nature/IVs?
Pat X 2509 1027 7162
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I have a bulbasaur if you still want one! My friend code is:
Adam: 1907 7994 4648
Quoted By:
Whoops, let's try that again. Level 5 Froakie, for you my man.
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 01:59:09 No. 14710614 Report Quoted By:
>>14710411 Also, a Clauncher if you're still looking for X exclusives.
Yuugend 1263 6607 1633
Do you still have one of those Adamant Tyrunts with Dragon Dance? If yes, what are you looking for? I really want one.
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14709555 >>14709779 Just to check, do you want Male or Female?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14709862 bulba is fine
>>14709631 I'll take that Delphox
and your love >>14709767 >>14709779 >>14709844 >>14709891 added
patience guys
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>14710539 Well let's see here, I've got Adamant Chespin, Modest Charmander and Froakie, as well as Modest Bulba, Jolly Eevee, Adamant Trapinch, Adamant Scyther, and Brave Honedge. See anything you like?
Quoted By:
I can give you any of the starters you need. Add me if interested.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14710770 That Mr.Mime has my love! You should take it too! I don't even want a good Pokemon for it! J-just take it!
I've got some Modest Eevee. I've even got a female one, if you want. How do I find out my Friend Code?
Plustic 4210-5186-9915
>>14710869 Hell, ill take it. I have Protean Froaks.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
>>14710815 woah man, I will trade you 2 froakies, each with protean, one male and one female, for your scyther and honedge
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14710770 My character is known as Baps, by the way. Female with a red hat and blue shirt.
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Quoted By:
>>14710022 I have spritzee too for version exclusive
Kehan 4527-7605-7449
Quoted By:
>>14710770 thanks op your a brok
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14710770 Sweet just start up the trade when ever its good for you.
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>14710941 Alright, but I at least want to keep them, so I'll breed them and get back to you in a bit, sound like a good deal?
Quoted By:
How did you get these moves on your tyrunt?
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14710923 Alright, I'll add you.
Yuugend 1263 6607 1633
>>14710671 I can offer you a Modest Sliggo or a Adamant Clavion.
I also got Froakies and a Charmander for you (no good nature's though)
>>14710770 You sure you added me back? Still showing you as provisional.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
>>14711046 absolutely man
Gonna stay the same natures right? And for both of them, Attack and maybe HP are the only IVs I care about
came in expecting Tyrunt, got honedge and scyther instead
thanks, I'll be waiting and my in-game name is Jo/Bo
Cal 3196-3221-5333
>>14710871 I think I found my FC.
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:10:16 No. 14711183 Report Quoted By:
How about a female eevee?
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>14711152 Same natures, but I'm not sure about IV's... if they'll be good that is...
Felix 1848-2634-8889
Quoted By:
>>14711141 Same here, I'm assuming he's busy, these kinda things are tiring.
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
>>14709024 I can off you an Amaura once I figure out what it can breed with
I don't have much to offer at the moment. only 3 badges in
Frog3 4184 2539 3531
Quoted By:
I have a Froakie I'm willing to trade
Domi 2106-0048-2278
Would you like a modest Protean Froakie or Modest Clauncher?
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
>>14711219 y'know, that's fine. There's always ditto for that I guess
it's still a step forward though
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>14711320 Scyther down, Honedge to go
FC: 1891-1604-1348
I have a Squitle, but would any of you gents donate to me a dusk stone?
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Still need Claunchers, Aron/Lairons, Houndoors or Squirtles? How would a Wartortle suit you? FC: 4253 3468 4631
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14710770 also enjoy the pokerus, if it managed to spread to that chespin in time.
Nick 4725 8079 1098
Quoted By:
hey guys i wonna start breeding Pokemon for shiny's whats the best way to do this? i also have a ditto from friend safari if that does anything
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
Quoted By:
>>14711445 And name is Swixer, sorry.
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
Quoted By:
>>14711408 Which version do you own?
Skrelp or Tyranitar for a Dusk Stone on a random pokemon?
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
>>14711249 Or I can try breeding this protean male Froakie I have with my female Greninja
Please respond so I know if i should go start it or not
Cal 3196-3221-5333
Quoted By:
>>14711177 Nevermind, I've got to go.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14711469 thanks but i already have Pokerus. All the eggs i'm giving away are infected with it. A bonus for everyone that gets one :)
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14711684 Ah man good shit! you are making a lot of people happy tonight thats for sure.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
Quoted By:
>>14711381 right-o, I already added you so when you are done you could just add
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
>>14711320 The pokemon are ready, let's add each other and do this!
Krys 1134-7611-9733
Quoted By:
Changing my offer then since you don't need Froakies anymore. Got a Clauncher and Staryu if you're still looking for X exclusives. Which one do you want?
Quoted By:
if you still have any tyrunts left OP, i have a chespin i can trade
Angel FC 2793-1192-0118
>>14709024 Added.
I have chespins, froakies, bulbasaur and squirtles.
I'd like a male.
Iron 4811-6937-8477
OP's amazing tyrunts all long gone?
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
Quoted By:
Hmm, I don't suppose you could bump me up the list slightly Gryph? I may have to go soon.
>mfw I have literally nothing to offer and Tyrantrum is my new favourite Pokemon Anyone fancy breeding the one they got from OP and donating it to a poor britfag?>2380-3644-1715
Domi 2106-0048-2278
>>14711317 I could also offer a Beldum, Deino or adamant Dratini.
Plustic 4210-5186-9915
>>14711864 I hope not. Im still dreaming.
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
Quoted By:
>>14711882 The OP's definitely going to be out by the time he gets to us, but maybe some kind anons will breed a few.
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
>>14711862 can I have a chespin anon?
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14712036 I have about 8 chespin that I've already hatched, if you want one. and anyone else who wants one as well.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14711864 >>14711934 no not yet. I've still got plenty. I'm working as fast as I can.
>also No Adamant Arons or Male Zangoose that knows Close Combat from anyone?
:'( I don't need any more starters unless they have their hidden ability and/or are of a good nature
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>14711320 Sweet dude, thanks a bunch!
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
>>14712118 I have Modest, non-HA Froakie... is that okay?
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
Quoted By:
>>14712128 no problem
>>14712118 protean froakie? I still have one more
Plustic 4210-5186-9915
Quoted By:
>>14712118 Thanks, you're a saint.
Daniel 0404-6111-4042
Quoted By:
>>14712111 ok adding you in a moment
Won't be too long
1693-1721-7690 (X)
Quoted By:
Can i get one? me love you long time.
>>14712118 I can breed Arons all day, but I REALLY wanna know how you get Fire Fang and DD on Tyrunt
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:30:30 No. 14712311 Report Quoted By:
In the process of hatching four eevee
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
>>14712111 I wouldn't mind one.
Krys 1134-7611-9733
Quoted By:
>>14712118 What about Staryu then?
Iron 4811-6937-8477
>>14712111 I'll trade you for a chespin
>>14712118 I can wait. I've got protean froakies and goomys
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14712304 I think it's Charizard x Tyrantrum.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14712322 >>14712328 alright give me a minute to add you guys
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
I can also do Modest Eevee's... if you still dig that
Quoted By:
All I have is a Timid Eevee and a regular Froakie. No chance in hell, right?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14712379 this. i got a charmander over Wonder Trade (thank you Jap) and it knew Dragon Dance, Outrage, and I leveled it up to know Fire Fang. Sadly Outrage did not pass on to Tyrunt.
I'm adding everyone ITT regardless so register me to make this go faster
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14712556 Based Wonder Trade.
I've never gotten anything good out of it despite giving away some pretty good Pokemon. I hope that I at least made someone's day.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
>>14712556 dayum
all I get are pidgeys and weedles
well, as long as it happens some time, I would really like a tyrunt please
just bred a few froakies from a distro thread just an hour or two ago, and I have one left that I am not breeding
I'll be waiting, in case you decide to
if not, that's ok too I guess
Yuugend 1263 6607 1633
>>14710671 >>14711122 It's five in the morning where I am OP. Please do me the favor. [/spoiler:lit];_;
I still have an Adamant Trevenant and a Modest Goomy/Sliggoo. Also an adamant Klefki. Jake 2122-6281-9145
>>14712556 hey gryph, i'll take a tyrunt egg, im breeding modest protean froakies, so i'll throw one your way.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14712328 I wouldn't mind trading for that bulbasaur, I hit cancel too fast :x
The Guy 4081 6430 2362
Quoted By:
>>14712556 Still got any of those eggs? I've got some x exclusives
0404-6748-0394 Wade
Quoted By:
>>14712556 I've got blastoise if thats ok instead of squirtle.
Jo/Bo 3196-3828-1058
Quoted By:
>>14712807 oh yeah, probably should have mentioned it was a protean froakie, but I don't know if you saw my earlier post
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
>>14712836 Do you think you can breed an Adamant Phantump for me? I've got the starters (Kalos and Kanto)
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14712556 Do you want me to nickname the Delphox for you?
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
>>14712848 Could I get a modest protean Froakie for something?
Jake 2122-6281-9145
>>14712982 whadda you got?
Ahmed 1891-2453-6351
Quoted By:
>>14709024 have houndour you still have an egg
smiley 3282-3037-3492
Quoted By:
could I get a protean Froakieand aand a dd fire fang tyrunt don't just stuff like adamant charmander modest ralts calm evee
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
>>14713168 Still got any Tyrunt's? I'm interested in them :3
Maple 4356-0443-8568
I would love one, but I unfortunately do not have any of those Pokemon. I got an Adamant one from my fossil, but I would kill for some dragon dance and fire fang on it. If anyone wants to take pity and take a Zangoose for one, even if it's not adamant so I can breed it later, I would be extremely grateful.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
I still have a bunch of chespin if people are interested. I am lookin for a clauncher, and fennekin, otherwise I'm just handin them out for trade fodder.
>>14712118 Since I can't trade right now can I just ask what parent you need to get the egg moves onto a tyrunt?
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
>>14713168 yeah man whats up with the tyrunts?
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Jake 2122-6281-9145
>>14713336 how many do you have left bruh?
Rookie 4141-3038-6081
>>14710467 Still have that female Adamant Aron. No Close Combat, but I could probs breed one if you really wanted.
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
I'm throwing in a Heart Scale(for my love) on the female hidden ability Delphox! Hope this sweetens the deal for a Tyrunt.
Quoted By:
>>14713232 Get something worth someones time and doors will open.
And you better start quick because rare Pokemon are becoming less rare and soon it'll be all about egg moves.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14713366 almost half a box left, I'm skipping around the thread since a) most anons are offering what i already have or don't really want and (b) trying to be fair to those that came into the thread late
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
also lol. Wonder trade a chespin - receive froakie.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14713453 i'll take the Aron
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Quoted By:
>>14713501 want any baby goomy or goomy eggs?
Jake 2122-6281-9145
Quoted By:
>>14713501 okay, I'm down to be pateint, just want to make sure I'm not waiting around for an opps, ran out, you know? but yeah, i got a modest protean froakie for you when you get around to me.
Krys 1134-7611-9733
The Guy 4081 6430 2362
Quoted By:
>>14713501 added, will give you something pretty
3668-8601-2023 Scooter
Sorry its not trade, but should I use a Flygon or Tyruntarum(w/e its spelled)
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
Shit, well, any interest in an adamant Chespin?
Quoted By:
>>14709024 thank you bro!!!
Maple 4356-0443-8568
Quoted By:
>>14712556 Added just in case.
Cheers and thanks.
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
>>14713501 I've got Adamant Trapinch, Scyther, and Chespin, as well as Brave Honedge and Jolly Eevee if you want any...
1907-9173-9348 - Bryce
Quoted By:
>>14709024 Ill trade you a froakie with protean if you want it
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14713610 Tyrantrum's superior overall to Flygon and looks cooler to ride on.
So yeah, get Tyrantrum.
Josh 1220-7021-8979
Quoted By:
I would love one OP, I've got a modest fennekin if you want it
Magnusti (X:Maylene) 2208 5235 9201
Quoted By:
>>14709024 Well, I have a froakie for you, but from the ammount of replies I'm guessing you are sold out or at least got few froakie offers
Rookie 4141-3038-6081
Quoted By:
>>14713557 Aight.
Added, btw.
EvilCuisin 2836-1065-8075
Quoted By:
I wish I knew more about breeding. Can you still ev train without the super training? Does pokerus effect Super training just like it does with regular ev trading? Can I use those items as well with pokerus on super training, or do I have to battle pokemon?
0404-6748-0394 Wade
Quoted By:
>>14713557 Ive got a female protean froakie if you still need.
Still need an adamant Aron or no?
Christian 4210-4058-0397
Quoted By:
Welp, I'm leaving this thread, see you guys around... maybe...
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Zangoose learns Close Combat at around 47 Lucario at ~55 Primeape at ~59 I'll take anyone of these
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14713901 I have a zangoose
It's not at 47 though
Quoted By:
got any left OP?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14713873 yes. what's your FC?
Brady 3582-9566-3542
Quoted By:
>>14709024 Are there still any up for grabs? I can possible trade you something for one?
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
Still waiting with that Delphox, OP. If you don't want it anymore, please tell me.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
>>14713976 this is me.
>>14713873 I'll add you in a sec. Almost certain I have a female too.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
Quoted By:
>>14713950 It's male too as requested
Brady 3582-9566-3542
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I have a bulbasaur, chespin and frogadier
Dynamod 1306 - 5915 - 2706
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I can trade you a baby froakie with Protean for one of those eggs.
Cal 3196-3221-5333
I'm back. If you still have some Tyrunts, in addition to the Modest Eevees, I've got some female Adamant Honedges as well.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
>>14713976 >>14714127 For the adamant Aron, you want Sturdy or Rock Head as an ability? Have females for each.
Cal 3196-3221-5333
Quoted By:
>>14714252 Uh, male Adamant Honedges too...
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Is there anyone in here who has a clawitzer/clauncher or fennekin they'd be willing to trade?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14714261 which ever you think is better. I've never really used an Aggron past Gen 3 before so I'm not sure which ability is superior
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14714304 If OP doesn't want my female Delphox, I'll trade. I'm looking for any one of the Garchomp line. I prefer if it was bred.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Quoted By:
>>14714354 Rock Head is nice for double-edge and especially Head Smash if you breed it in. Sturdy is meh. I'll send you a rock head when you're ready.
Domi 2106-0048-2278
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14714437 I haven't had a chance to breed any garchomps but I do have a lonely natured gible
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14714437 i still want it. hold on. Is your ign steph?
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14714514 Hmm, nevermind. I'll catch my own. Maybe try to breed it with a Ditto.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14714611 Its all good, they are in the desert near the power plant.
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
>>14714566 Nope, it's Baps.
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
>>14713029 A Wartortle, a few Claunchers, pretty much every Flabebe colour, Swirlix, Chespin, Nuzleaf and Inkay.
That's really all. Not all that impressive, but maybe a stone would win you over?
So what are some good EVs for an adamant Tyrunt anyway?
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Quoted By:
If that was you that just tried to trade, try again. Sorry about that.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
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>>14714752 Attack and Speed I'd think. hit hard and move fast.
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14714752 Attack and Speed worked for my Tyrantrum. He wrecked a load of shit in his time but a Tyrantrum with Dragon Dance is just so much better.
Ranth 4983-5010-8699
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>>14709024 If there are still any more eggs, I have a calm Eevee and/or Clauncher (X exclusive) you could have.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
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>>14714865 Yeah I agree, my tyrantrum was my pinch hitter through the game.
Jake 2122-6281-9145
>>14714717 what natures are the chespin/ claunchers?
do you have a spare dusk stone?
>>14714865 Thanks.
I've got an adamant one, but it doesn't look like I'll get one with Dragon Dance.
Never raised a dragon before so I'm excited and want to do it right.
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
>>14715008 Got quite a few Dusk Stones
>Naive >Modest >Careful >Rash >Modest >Hasty Chespin
>Careful Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14714865 Is speed really good? I read several times now that either defense or HP are recommended, since Tyrantrum is quite bulky.
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14715045 My moveset:
Hone Claws
Rock Tomb/Slide
Dragon Claw
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14715045 >>14715130 I ran with: Crunch/Dragon Claw/Earthquake/Head smash.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
i've still got half a box. No worries.
>>14715130 No Stealth Rock?
Looks solid enough though.
Quoted By:
So what about clauncher? He's pretty badass.
Jake 2122-6281-9145
Quoted By:
>>14715224 thank goodness.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
>>14715224 I got about 10 more minutes on me before I gotta jet if you still want the Adamant Aron. What's your OT?
Steph 4914 3035 8464
>>14715275 Nah, not gonna bother with Stealth Rocks during the game when I can just wreck shit with one Crunch.
Karl 1650-1859-6831
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I'll give you a clawtizer, modest Sylveon or a froakie. Take your pick.
Will you accept a Zigzagoon? -Pickup ability for unlimited free items -Hasty nature to out pace the competition -No batteries required Dan 5129-0606-5531
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14715344 i've yet to see you pop up. initiate a trade with me
Steph 4914 3035 8464
Quoted By:
I hope you enjoy the Delphox, OP!
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>>14715486 Bargain here OP
Iron 4811-6937-8477
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14715376 Eh; I'm trying to have at least a semi-competitive movelist for some of my Pokemon so I don't get my shit pushed in if I ever decide to battle anyone.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14715739 stealth rock is good, but at least from my experience so far, any time I'd go to use it I'd get destroyed after it went out - the only downside to the rock portion of tyrunts typing is that it makes him weak to quite a few things.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14715825 Ya I guess that makes sense.
And looking closer at mines stats, he's not really built to take hits so you have to be on the offensive the moment he comes out.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14715892 exactly, if you want to start a fight with a field effect like stealth rock or spikes or something you'd need to do it with something a bit tankier, tyrunt is many things but tanky is not one of them.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
Thanks for the Egg Gryph! Hope you can get some use out of that male Zangoose.
Jake 2122-6281-9145
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14716097 >And it has Pokerus Well now; double thanks!
Boxed Pokemon with it never lose it right? Never had it before.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14716181 yeah as long as its in the box it should stay
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14716181 actually i think they changed it. My party has yet to heal from it. they're still spreading it. It's been 2 days since my infection. But i'd infect and box a few just to be sure.
I'm trying to initiate trades with some of you guys, but nothing is getting through
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
>>14715124 >>14714717 This guy from earlier.
Anyone still got a Protean Froakie they'd be willing to offer up for something else? Again, don't have much, but I'm willing to part with what I do have.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14716291 Will do; thanks!
I haven't played Pokemon since Gen 3 and this game has me REALLY excited. I've had it since the midnight release, but I can't stop playing in ami, super training, collecting, or wonder trading.
I really need to get my ass to the second gym.
All things said; thanks for being total bros /vp/!
Quoted By:
>>14716291 Sylveon is modest with reset ev's I just traded you so its not fully shit.
Thanks mate!
Domi 2106-0048-2278
>>14716306 I'll add you. Just give me a chespin.
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
Quoted By:
>>14716437 Added.
Chespin coming up.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
who's yet to receive one that has me registered? I'm starting to lose track with whom I've traded with. Also an Adamant Chespin would nice. I could also use a Pinsir and a Sawk. I've got about every other exclusive except for them and Xerneas of course
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14716728 I just hatched an adamant chespin, I also have a lonely one.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14716394 Well the egg just lost its Pokerus status and gained the little pink face icon without passing it.
Bummer but it's all good; that's what super training is for anyway.
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14716871 Its a way to train your EVs without having to battle pokemon or waste money on proteans and carbos
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
Quoted By:
>>14716871 woops I read that wrong. sorry - i'm an idiot
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
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>>14716728 Which one did you want from me going into this trade?
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14716728 Anyway, gryph if you want one of those 2 chespin they are yours. gratis. you've done some good shit tonight.
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Quoted By:
>>14716291 gryph I want a tyrunt :< if you add me i will be on to trade
Quoted By:
>>14709024 How about an adamant female honedge?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14717027 whats your ign? Jaediun?
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
>>14717265 Jess. do you want me to start up the trade? and which one do you want? the lonely or adamant?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14717327 yes start it up. Adamant please
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
Quoted By:
>>14716728 Got your pincir now.
Miraii 2036-7630-2884
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i just want a timid or modest female fennekin pls, only have a calm eevee if anyone want
Jaediun 0232-8439-8235
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>>14717378 you know it dawned on me I should just give my starter chesnaught an everstone, it was female and adamant. I coulda just bred an army of adamant chespin /facepalm
On a side note I just got another female Chespin if someone wants to pony up something good.
1504 6086 3042 JOSHUA
Quoted By:
>>14717378 thank you I'm gonna get to hatching and super training right after I get this fourth badge.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
4 left if anyone still wants one. any Timid Eevees out there? How bout a female Pancham with a good nature and the Mold Breaker ability?
Anastatius 3136-7730-8967
>>14718389 I don't have much other than an adamant/brave/impish honedges and a modest espurr
Any of that interest you?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Quoted By:
>>14718389 I got a houndour. Want it since it is version exclusive?
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>>14718553 Speaking of Honedge, can they breed with a Steelix?
I just got one in a wonder trade that knows gyroball and if Honedge can learn it...
Anastatius 3136-7730-8967
Quoted By:
>>14718553 Alright, i added yoy
Anastatius 3136-7730-8967
Owl 4811-7519-5960
Am I too late? I want one too.
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Anyone know a good nature and EV loadout for a sylveon?
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
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>>14719080 no. what do you have to offer?
>>14718389 I've got a Timid Eevee! May I have a Tyrunt :3 My FC is: 2766-9147-7441. It has the move Baby-Doll eyes for if you want Sylveon and is level 1, Add me and we can trade.
>>14718389 I have got a Timid Eevee! May I have a Tyrunt :3 My FC is: 2766-9147-7441. It has the move Baby-Doll eyes for if you want Sylveon and is level 1, Add me and we can trade.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630
Shell (In Game Name: Anon) 1075-0760-2630 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:08:04 No. 14719842 Report Quoted By:
Dang OP, I had pretty much given up a while ago. Yet when I reconnect, you suddenly appear with an egg as if by magic. Thanks for the Tyrunt, hope you enjoy you timid female eevee.
>>14719322 Cool, but there wasn't a Tyrunt you even showed.... But thanks for the froakie anyways!!
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14720068 that was you? oops. I can still trade you a tyrunt egg. You never gave me your ign. just your fc that's why
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
kinda late to the party, you wouldnt still have one spare would you? ive got a bulbasaur, froakie and a clauncher, i can just go catch any other X exclusive you need.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14720160 how bout a Sawk?
>>14720129 Oh! I'm really sorry, my in game name is Ryan, I have one more Timid Eevee, so can we trade that?
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
Quoted By:
>>14720191 yeah i can do that, just give me a few minutes
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
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>>14720266 I can give you a Sawk if you give me a minute
Any kind of Sawk or one in particular?
FC: 4184 1730 8560
I don't think I have anything special, except maybe an impish shuckle if it's worth anything. More interested in what parent combo you did to get fire fang and dragon dance on the tyrunt if you mind explaining it
Quoted By:
>>14709024 I know it's a long shot but you got any left OP? I don't have much to offer but dem dinosaurs,
1161-0921-9761 Matt
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14720763 I'm actually out of eggs. Sorry. But for the breeding method see
>>14712556 To get Charmander to have those egg moves however, just breed it like you normally would in B/W/B2/W2
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
Quoted By:
>>14720940 Thanks dude, hopefully I'll be able to get a charmander with dragon dance now lol
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
>>14709024 any other exclusives you need? i can just go catch them as thanks for the egg.
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Quoted By:
>>14721073 A Poochyena maybe? I would't have much to trade for it though.