Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
Ravi Thread/10
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Other than what is in the picture, I'm looking for:>Rock Head/Battle Armor, Adamant Cubone >National Dex Pokemon (That I don't already have) >Shinies in general >Foreign Ditto's of natures I do not have (I have an ENG game) >BRONZOR OR BRONZONG, someone has to have these guys, for real. Offers are welcome!
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:22:14 No. 14711821 Report Quoted By:
Stryker 1864-8877-0469
Quoted By:
Looking for an Adamant ditto. I dont have much right now, but I've got a couple of Noibat eggs.
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14711756 Ditto Ryan it is.
>>14711640 I know how it goes :P
>>14711407 Open your router settings page on your PC and forward whatever DNS ports Nintendo says to.
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14711888 Still all men, at the very least, I'll have a lot to trade. I'm not to worried, if you want a female, a female you shall get.
M \n
anyone have some dittos i can have, and anyone want to give me mawilite for free? just started and need something fun to use, pls respond
Meru 2079 6431 8012
Quoted By:
Still keeping an eye out for people with a spare Power Anklet (or potentially other IV-locking items for breeding as well) I've got various evolution stones, or joltiks/magnemites/zoruas/mawiles/gibles/etc I could offer.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
I am breeding a bunch of Timid Gastlys Anyone want one? All I ask for is any pokemon with a good nature preferably at lv1. I specifically would like a good furfrou but I am not picky
BroMasterJam 2079-7102-0982
1435 4343 4464 guy who wanted DWA fletchling and wooper whats your in game name? and do you want nicknames?
Shane (X) 0061-0547-9367
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14712052 Got anymore of those DWA Fletchlings? My list is here:
>>14711807 Shane (X) 0061-0547-9367
>>14711807 does the elekid have egg moves and what do you want for that beldum
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:27:54 No. 14712155 Report Quoted By:
Still looking to trade my Pinsirite for a Heracrossite. Also, Postgame talk: The Remix that plays when you fight Mewtwo is amazing, I love it.
1435 4343 4464
>>14712052 Ello! Yupiter.
Yes, please! Mercury for the Fletchling and Camelot for the Wooper.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:28:23 No. 14712180 Report >>14712027 I'd like one a lot actually.
I have no leftovers yet, but I will later next week if you can save me one and will still be around.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:28:56 No. 14712208 Report >>14712009 I can give you a Mawile for a Charizardnite X.
Stryker 1864-8877-0469
>>14712027 Ive got a level 14 Furfrou, Jolly nature. Dont know if you want it or not.
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14712130 No egg moves on him yet, and anything on my "wish list" or in my post is something I would be interested in trading them for, otherwise just spitball some Pokemon at me. If they're national dex or neato, I'll probably say yes.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14712180 Hell just give me a derp or the blue lobster thing if you have one, I have like 60 of these, I really don't care if I get nothing for it
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Hey guys im back from a 2 hour break. Have: Modest Eevees with Wish Modest Wish Eevees with Anticipation (Breeding, dont have many yet but I got it to where I can pump them out like hot cakes.) Want: OFFERS!
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14712229 Ill take it
>>14712180 >>14712229 adding both of you
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:31:01 No. 14712349 Report >>14712208 sorry, i dont have x, would you accept a flame body pokemon?
i found a real cool birdie thing that's apparently very rare!
>>14712254 Clauncher? I can do that in a bit.
Trying to go through my safari now.
4914 3542 0069
>>14712208 Not him but I'll do that trade, mawlinite, mawile's mega stone for Chartizardinite X?
Stryker 1864-8877-0469
>>14712345 Added you, can I get a male one if possible?
Quoted By:
Anyone got a spare Clauncher? Nature doesn't matter since I'll breed it. Got adamant Absols for trade.
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
anyone here have a charizardite x? i can give you a charizardite y, any pokemon y exclusive, an aerodactylite, a blazikenite, or a lucarionite or i can give you a protean froakie about lvl 30
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14712339 Anything on here interest you for an anticipation? (and do they have wish as well?)
>>14711807 M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:32:12 No. 14712437 Report Quoted By:
>>14712208 Oh and thanks for the mutations by the way, left for
3 threads but still saw those.
Quoted By:
/vp/, I'm having a problem. I have a fairly shitty Cisco router (fucking Rogers) and for whatever reason it won't let my 3DS connect to the internet. I've tried a few things, but nothing seems to work. If any anons here have the same router (it's a DPC3825), have you managed to get it to work? Or am I doomed to never get my event Torchic or be able to Wonder Trade?
Magik 2621-3391-7607
>>14712339 I want a modest wish anticipation eevee.
I have all starters, various natured dittos, DW timid froakie
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
Quoted By:
>>14712404 oh yeah also i can catch some pokemon for you if you want
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14712425 Yes. They too have Wish. And they're all modest.. Hope that isnt an inconvenience. I dont have females atm though. All male.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:33:02 No. 14712494 Report >>14712349 Sounds like a fair deal. Flame Body really is pretty rare. Nice find there!
>>14712353 I wasn't serious. Also
>trying to steal other peoples trade Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
hah we can already log in global link>GTS distance traveled >Vivillon >2.4 times around the Earth hah, what does that mean? The total of my trades? Or just one vivillon is traveling?
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14712492 Gender doesn't bug me, anything you want out of the list?
Shane (X) 0061-0547-9367
>>14712230 a swinub or abra seems to be the only ones i have that you dont
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
Quoted By:
>>14712524 I thought total distance of all Vivillons traded
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14712349 Send me a trade whenever you get it,
>>14712395 got it
>>14712339 How do you feel about timid gastlys with absolutely nothing going for them except their nature
Stryker 1864-8877-0469
Quoted By:
>>14712494 You gotta strike while the iron's hot, nigga. Snoozing losing, etc.
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14712550 Abra for Elekid sound good?
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:35:51 No. 14712645 Report >>14712578 Is egg fine, or did you want me to hatch it?
Casket Y 4484 8169 8023
evening WFG. how goes it? i just worked 15 hours.
BroMasterJam 2079-7102-0982
>>14712122 i'll take a pineco/forretress, might need to breed some more fletchlings, but i have some spare eggs to hatch
>>14712162 not seeing you, but you can initiate a trade whenever. they're ready
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14712645 Hatch it please, I am already going through dozens of Gastly eggs and will cry if I have more than I need
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14712578 I dont care too much for IVs so bring em on.
>>14712475 You're allready on my list, ill trade you in a bit. What dittos are available?
>>14712549 A dratini please~
Noah 1736-0648-9336
does anybody have a foreign ditto they are willing to give away?
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>14712524 vivillons have individual DW drawings for each pattern
how cute
robbie 2938-6903-6250
>>14712339 Interested in Modest or other synchronizers ralts?
I'd really like a male wish eevee.. nature not important
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14712703 I'll start breeding them as soon as I get Ditto Ryan his female DW Froakie.
>>14712730 I'll get on that after I get the Froakie / Pineco, so it might be a few minutes.
Does anyone know where I can find a Pokemon with flame body? I'm trying to MM for a shiny Eevee
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14712746 Sure I'd take a modest one. I already got a jolly so
>>14712774 thanks!.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:39:08 No. 14712825 Report Quoted By:
>>14712677 heya
>>14712711 alright, added you, will trade when I hatch it
>>14712741 lel
Magik 2621-3391-7607
Quoted By:
>>14712730 Brave, Hasty, Careful, Impish, Sassy, Lax, Timid, Modest, Calm, Bold, Jolly, Hardy
Garrett 0559-7808-6776
Quoted By:
Looking for a Light Ball if anyone has one
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Quoted By:
>>14712809 There are no pokemon with flame body in this game. Sorry
1435 4343 4464
>>14712703 I really appreciate it! Heart Scales are the only thing I could think to give, hope you can put them to use.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14712730 Add me so we can do this trade, already added you
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Can anyone give me a shone foriegn hexaperfect ditto? I've only just started, so I can only really trade my Town Map.
Quoted By:
>>14712809 Catch a Litwick.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>14712809 Butters is right, you're shit outta luck.
Out of pure curiousity, which early-game bird fif you pick?
I'm betting it was Pidgey. M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:42:09 No. 14712963 Report >>14712911 I do, will you trade it for a reuglar ditto?
dont want anymore hacks on my account
BroMasterJam 2079-7102-0982
Quoted By:
>>14712876 no problem, heart scales useful
>>14712774 sounds good
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>14712911 Ask Zessica when she's up, she has an Arabian game. I hear she's also collecting Town Maps, so you may be in luck!
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Quoted By:
>>14712895 Done, hopping back on net in game
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:43:28 No. 14713020 Report >>14712911 >>14712963 I can RNG you 6x31 spanish shone Dittos.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:43:39 No. 14713027 Report Catch Powers, please? Mewtwo is being a nuisance
I'm trying to collect all of the Mega Stones, so tell me, what's a fair trade for an exclusive Mega Stone, aside from other exclusive stones? I still need Charizardite Y, Mewtwonite Y, Aggronite, Houndoomite and Heraconite.
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
Quoted By:
This thread is golden Just what I needed tonight, wiffygee
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>>14713027 I only have level 1 Adam 3DS-Y 0388 0232 5516 [B2 4900 4231 5152]
Adam 3DS-Y 0388 0232 5516 [B2 4900 4231 5152] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:44:27 No. 14713071 Report Quoted By:
Are DW Dittos the only ones worth anything or just any Ditto with a good nature right now?
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14713020 you can RNG 6th gen already? wut?
eric 1478-3722-5329
Quoted By:
Please, whoever makes the next thread, just change where it says "Move Tutor" to "Move relearner". There is no move tutor in XY unless you count the pledges or relic song/secret sword
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Quoted By:
Fucking finally. A speed boost adamant torchic and I also got a jolly speed boost torchic. Which should I keep?
Aaron : 3952-7550-6306
Someone help me evo my Haunter! I can give you a gen 6 starter in return
What's the best moveset to abuse klefki's prankster ability? I haven't used one yet but I love its design.
robbie 2938-6903-6250
>>14712820 Thanks! you saved me so much work
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:46:26 No. 14713164 Report >>14713096 >this guy Or maybe I'm just bad at being ironic and should stop posting.
Lillia 4785-5012-0001
I also have a dreamworld Froakie and a dreamworld Ditto. Will also trade any national pokedex pokemon that arent listed in the have section if offered.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14713143 I'll evolve it for you.
Don't need the starter though, no derps at the moment and in a gym
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
Quoted By:
>>14713164 I can't tell sarcasm on the internet. Definitely my bad :p
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Quoted By:
>>14713155 No problem! And yea it took HOURS! Glad to share my work though.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:47:14 No. 14713201 Report >>14713020 >spanish game wasnt released in spain bruv
>>14713096 ay, miramos esta puta y reimos
Meru 2079 6431 8012
Quoted By:
I wonder if I should try to get some egg moves for Froakie...
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14713096 Finally, I'm ready to trade!
Does anyone have a spare Togepi? That's all I want in life.
>>14713043 Anyone? I'm not really begging here, just wondering what a fair trade would be for these exclusive stones.
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14713209 send whenever :).
amaen 1435 4689 1119
>>14713178 I'll trade a litleo for an Amura or whatever that frost thing is.
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>14713201 I've got a ditto with a SPA tag in the top corner... so somewhere spanish has it.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:49:15 No. 14713298 Report Quoted By:
>>14713251 It would probably vary from person to person, since they're once-per-game items.
eric 1478-3722-5329
Quoted By:
>>14713237 i want a shiny honedge, but we can't all have nice things
(i'll see what I can do)
amaen 1435 4689 1119
>>14713282 >>14713178 Woops not litleo I meant luxio.
Add me.
Lillia 4785-5012-0001
Quoted By:
>>14713282 Already have a Litleo, just didnt list it since it isnt a major find. The list is mainly stuff found in Safari and fossils,
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:50:37 No. 14713355 Report Quoted By:
>>14712711 OK, got it, won't let me trade with you, so just initiate when you can.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14713186 Also while I'm adding, both Ryans and Nitrox are still provisional friends for me
Want: >Shiny Furfrou >Adamant Ditto >Power Bracer Have: >DW poliwhirls >DW gyarados >DW froakie (1 female, a couple males) >DW Bagon >DW Abra >gentle synchronizer >modest synchronizer >pokerus >shiny chingling >lonely ditto >jap ditto
Quoted By:
Anybody know where I can get more leftovers? I need more than the single one on route 12.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:51:03 No. 14713371 Report Quoted By:
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14713254 You gotta add me first.
>>14712703 Starting on Pineco
eric 1478-3722-5329
>>14713237 Got one. Want a specific nickname or something?
you owe me a quick ball btw
Travis 5300-8723-8379
Quoted By:
im looking for a Amaura i can trade my scyther with pokerus for one pls some1 breed
Jackson 5000-2514-2287
Lillia 4785-5012-0001
>>14713329 Oh sure, Ill add you now. Is it cool if its in egg form?
Quoted By:
I have an Eevee and a Japanese Ditto. Which nature should I breed for Ditto? Are most of the Eevolutions Special Attackers? And what is the best nature for the new Fairy Eevee?
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:52:12 No. 14713417 Report Quoted By:
>>14713360 Oh, give me a second. I'll go online.
BroMasterJam 2079-7102-0982
Quoted By:
>>14713383 alright, i'm ready when you are
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14713383 SHIT. I do. Sorry, totally forgot lol.
>>14713360 Eh? Did I not see you add me? My bad
amaen 1435 4689 1119
>>14713411 I can quickly go make an egg if you wish.
Vincent 3754-7552-3452
Quoted By:
Looking to trade one of my Mega Stones for the Tyranitar Mega Stone!
CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN HOW IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE TO BREED FOR REALLY GOOD IVS Say 31/30/31/30/31/30 for example How do I go about doing this?
Lillia 4785-5012-0001
Quoted By:
>>14713435 Oh, Im okay with either. Im just asking if you're fine if the Amaura is in an egg.
amaen 1435 4689 1119
Quoted By:
>>14713411 Oh wait I misread that. Yeah It's fine if it is in egg form.
Where can I find Roggenrola?
Kami - Y 4141-3022-6446
Quoted By:
Anyone got a Magician Fennekin I could nab? I've got tons of Adamant Mawile, Brave Honedge, Adamant Inkay, and a few Modest Skrelp i could offer up if you want.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:54:31 No. 14713509 Report Quoted By:
>>14713434 I added you as well. Add back if you like.
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14713458 I will explain this, but I'm juggling 20 million different things currently. Gimme a minute
Added Nohat and Neutral
>>14713458 Make sure each parent has at least 3 of those
Give one a power item to guarantee one IV passing
The rest is nothing but pure luck and there is little you can do but pray to the RNG that you get it before you kill yourself
robbie 2938-6903-6250
Quoted By:
Anyone know where to learn Heal Bell?
Ahmed 1891-2453-6351
Quoted By:
Caught another Haunter while in Frost Cave I want a Kadabra is Magic Guard any good or should I just put it on the GTS and settle for any Kadabra?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>>14713493 They swarm in Glittering Cave, I think
>>14713514 Okay will wait
Thanks in advance
>>14713493 I have one if you want.
Do you have a Clauncher?
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 02:56:14 No. 14713585 Report >>14713458 and smogon, read up.
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Okay after a while of breeding Torchics I have: F Jolly Speed Boost Torchic, M Adamant Speed Boost Torchic to trade. Is anyone interested in making an offer?
eric 1478-3722-5329
Quoted By:
>>14713237 what's your ingame name?
Quoted By:
>>14713581 I just want the everstone
>>14711693 So I heard Froakie can learn Hidden Power. Can someone confirm if this is true?
bloo 1891-1159-7640
>>14713401 Alright, I got the quick ball. No nickname preferably. Thank you so much!
eric 1478-3722-5329
>>14713677 yup no prob.
is your trainer name bloo?
>>14713643 I thought all poke's could
Tim 2793-1100-1832
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a foreign Gengar. These dopes on the GTS all want like a Yvelta for it. Any gender, any ability. Don't really care. Going for a shiny.
Quoted By:
>open thread >blink >(16) /vp/ jesus christ what is this /b/
Crimson (IGN James)
Quoted By:
Shiny Octillery in Friend Safari. Nice.
bloo 1891-1159-7640
Quoted By:
>>14713699 Trainer name is Marcel.
>>14713643 The only Pokemon that CAN'T learn Hidden Power are ones like Ditto and Magikarp
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:00:32 No. 14713770 Report >>14713643 probably, every pokemon knows or learns hidden power.
though it will most likely be shit and be outclassed by something else it can learn
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
>>14713587 I will definitly take whichever torchic, want a good skrelp?
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14713360 Adding, one sec, sorry.
>>14712774 Starting on Dratini
>>14712703 Starting to hatch pineco!
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
>>14713771 Sounds good. I added you. Do you have any preference?
>>14713458 3 IVs are inherited, one can be guaranteed through power items. Get the second and (if you want) third and that's honestly all you'll need and likely even notice.
The other 3 are a potshot. In your example, for IVs over 30 it'd be a 2/32 shot (0 is a value it can land on), or 0.02% chance to get the remaining 3 IVs to be that high. You have a 0.66% chance to get something with the final 3 EVs being above 25. Factor in the chance that you may not inherit the desired perfect IVs, and you're looking at incredibly low chances.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
>>14713821 Adament or jolly is fine
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:03:15 No. 14713911 Report Quoted By:
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:03:22 No. 14713917 Report >>14713840 docile, its neutral so it wont be losing anything
>>14713840 depends, what evolution are you going for?
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
>>14713851 Okay I am ready. Just send me a trade when you are.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>14713458 Also, on a related note, once in Gen V I managed to breed a 31/30/31/30/31/31 Calm Feebas with Hidden Power 70 Grass without any kind of RNG abuse
I don't know how I pulled that off and I doubt it will ever happen again
Quoted By:
I want to breed a defensive wall Furfrou, what nature and egg moves should I try to get?
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:04:40 No. 14713977 Report >>14713921 hey, hows the ralts breeding going?
eric 1478-3722-5329
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare electivire laying around? I'll get you anything from my friend safari for it.
>>14713709 >>14713756 >>14713770 Oh well now I feel a little silly. Was just curious cause I someone had it as one of their potential 4 moves.
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14713578 >>14713585 >>14713517 >>14713824 Alright, first off: Thank you Ryan, I love you and your lack of hat. Enjoy the genetic monstrosity of Gooby, pls.
Second: IVs are chosen from the parents at random. 3 in total are taken-- could be all from one, or split amongst the 2. The other 3 are randomly generated.
This is why RNG fucks you. You could have 2 Pokemon, one with 31/31/31/0/0/0, and the other with 0/0/0/31/31/31, and you could get 0/??/0/??/31/??. So, how do you go against this? You pick 2-3 stats you want. Then, you try and make sure the parents have those. If you don't, you breed until they do (between the two) while slowly getting everything upped across parental generations. After you have your parents, the idea is to use one for nature, and the other holds one of the power items (bracelet, anklet, etc. Google if you don't know what they are) to guarantee passing down at least one IV that you want.
Once you get the perfect genetic monstrosity of the bunch, you're good. So, before you breed anything, make sure you know what you deem acceptable, and chart out a plan of action. It can be a pain, but also extremely rewarding.
>>14713977 done and gone, got my adamant male and mild female
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:05:42 No. 14714039 Report >>14713917 Oh wow. That's pretty clever man. I mean, why would you want to lose 10% of any of its stats? That's ridiculous.
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:06:14 No. 14714065 Report >>14713970 well congrats, enjoy that getting nerfed if you send it to gen 6!
>>14713991 Hidden power will be shitty if you dont have technician
>>14714018 nice
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Quoted By:
>>14714057 Not a problem
I now have one M Adamant Speed Boost Torchic
If anyone is interested make an offer.
Jack (X) 3969-4683-3446
Quoted By:
I desire a a none english ditto for masuda method. I'll give my ditto in exchange!
>>14714065 Well wouldn't STAB any hidden power be pretty good. It'd be a surprise if anything.
I mean 60 power is shit but coverage plus type change could lead to some silly stuff.
Quoted By:
>>14714148 STAB any hidden power is outclassed by STAB any move over 60 except for special technician users
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
Quoted By:
For fucks sake, people. I don't wanna be that guy, but if you need a non-foreign Ditto, go on the fucking GTS. Put up your normal Ditto. Ask for Ditto. Put in the message "Foreign please." DONE. I'm only saying this because it's been asked like 5 times in this thread alone.
How do I get EV reducing berries? I accidentally hung up the wrong punching bag for my Clauncher.
>>14714016 Thanks a ton
Going to be breeding the best Marils i could
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:09:26 No. 14714219 Report >>14714016 you had no need to write this since it's been written better and in more detail in other places.
not trying to get you mad, just telling it like it is
>>14714039 i know rite?
>>14714148 for the most part you will get better stab moves, and the 60 coverage you get will be dinky compared to the other coverage moves you most likely already have
Ralf 2750-2411-5410
Quoted By:
Anyone have a female Clauncher/Modest Clauncher they're willing to part with? I don't really have much to give, though.
Joe 0275-7680-1195 (Y)
Quoted By:
Still looking for a Timid Ditto. Will trade a Protean Froakie with a 31 Speed IV for one.
Modest Claunchers 0344 9408 3819
Heyo, I'm trading modest claunchers for whatever you guys want, id appreciate good natured (pref female) pokemon or starters or rares. if you give me a shitmon youre just getting an egg though but yeah respond to this if you want one thanks
So is there really no random match finder in X and Y. Having to challenge passerbys is stupid
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:10:35 No. 14714268 Report Quoted By:
>>14712745 I got 2 extra polar vivillon, if you still need
DID YOU GUYS KNOW ALL BABY POKEMON ALWAYS HAVE 3 PERFECT IVS THIS GEN Whether you breed them or catch them. Smogon confirmed
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>Navigate the entirity of the Ice-Cavern shit >Can see the signs that were at the begining of the cave at the bottom of my screen >"Ohh really? There were stairs up here the whole time" >Go down stairs >Character slips >It's a slope >Lol do the entire cavern again Preorder cancelled.
Quoted By:
>>14714273 no wonder my roserade fucks bitches
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:11:23 No. 14714300 Report Quoted By:
>>14714256 menu and battle spot/battle is most likely random
>>14714250 Sure, I'd like one. How about a Chespin Egg?
Quoted By:
>>14714273 Shit, that's actually amazing
I can't wait to flood Wonder Trade with Munchlax
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
Quoted By:
>>14714217 No problem.
>>14714219 I'm aware, no worries. I just did it because I said I'd do it. That's how I go :)
Guide for gen 5 is still pretty spot on minus minor things, so here you go random breeding maril guy
>>14714216 plant berries in the field near the day care, some are mutated, but you have to alternate on the type of berry you are seeding, like oran pecha oran pecha gives you a hp or def reducing berry, don't know about the others. Sorry if I can't express myself well enough, I need to sleep.
Shane (X) 0061-0547-9367
>>14712625 yeah are you still here
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
>>14714317 Whoops forgot name.
Quoted By:
Looking for a hidden ability female Eevee. Have Pokerus, Ditto, bunch of Timid/Modest Eevees male or female, Jolly Gible with Tough Skin male or female, Timid Charmander, Modest Froakie, Adamant Tyrunt, Jolly Dragon Dance Scraggy and some other stuff but those pop out for me. Let me know. Also any other offers for any mentioned.
Ralf 2750-2411-5410
Quoted By:
>>14714250 Added, yo.
I'll see if I have anything worth your time, if not an egg would be appreciated.
Modest Claunchers 0344 9408 3819
>>14714317 sounds rad, sure. what's your fc?
>>14714273 Link to confirmation?
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:13:17 No. 14714405 Report Quoted By:
>>14714273 So how would breeding work if that was true? 3 stats get passed down by parents and the other 3 are always 31?
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Gonna check one more time. I now have one M Adamant Speed Boost Torchic If anyone is interested make an offer. If not then I am going to wonder trade it off.
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
i did it i just beat the game now can someone add me and reply so i can add you back and then enter my friend safari im curious as to what my type is
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:13:35 No. 14714421 Report Quoted By:
>>14714216 from an old thread:
Mago Berry + Iapapa Berry = Pomeg Berries/HP.
Chesto Berry + Persim Berry = Kelpsy Berries/ATK.
Aspear Berry + Leppa Berry = Hondew Berries/Sp.ATK.
Oran Berry + Pecha Berry = Qualot Berry
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14714365 Yes, just send me a trade whenever.
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>14714413 Ill do it. Adding you now
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:14:12 No. 14714449 Report >>14714216 >>14714344 also /r/ing the other combos to finish this shit
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>14714016 >>14714219 It was pretty good though, you gotta admit.
Having it written out again means that it'll be written slightly differently, which is good for comprehension of these complicated things; being able to cross-reference if you don't get something.
Its annoying when there's only one guide for something and you don't quite understand some parts because of how its worded. So thumbs up, whichever Ryan you are.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:14:56 No. 14714492 Report Quoted By:
>>14714281 kek
It's not that big though. and diagonal sliding makes the ice puzzles shit-easy. Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Quoted By:
>>14714449 Serebii has only confirmed those 4 so far.
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:16:00 No. 14714538 Report >>14714468 >Its annoying when there's only one guide for something and you don't quite understand I only said that because there's literally hundreds of guides out there, like the one I posted.
If somehting doesn't make sense just find another one.
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14712703 Pineco is ready
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14714409 You okay with a modest Goomy with Sap Sipper? I'll trade for that torchic. If not, what else are you looking for?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>14714538 There's a few that are good and a few that are easily searchable. Having it explained one more time only hurts if its done wrong, and I think he did a great job.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14714427 im ready when you are btw
chilly 1375-7208-0754
Quoted By:
Im looking for an aron with heads mash i have protean frogadiers
Ralf 2750-2411-5410
>>14714393 Thanks a ton, Modest Claunchers-san
Raven (Y:Ezekiel) 5214-9979-6838
My Safari has Mawile, Foretress and Excadrill That's right, dream world Excadrill's available from this guy (I think) Steel Pride World Wide. Add me if you want.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:18:58 No. 14714688 Report >>14714613 its funny yo say that when your normal response is for them to fuck off, ha
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14714616 still trying to hatch a Dratini, had a few people I was hatching for right before that and I already had a few elekids. Working on yours right now though!
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
>>14714564 I actually already have a goomy with that. I am really looking for anything for the most part. Do you have a large or super size pumpkaboo?
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Quoted By:
>>14714727 No problem! Take your time.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>14714517 Fighting type.
Mienfoo, Throh, and i cant see the third.
Lillia 4785-5012-0001
Modest Claunchers 0344 9408 3819
>>14714661 No problem!
last call before i go fight the e4 or something
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
I have all 3 levels of the hatching o-power, but which is the most efficient in the long run? Does the initial 5 uses + whatever recharge uses of Lv. 1 make it best over time? Or should one go all out with the 4 point using Lv. 3? Do we have the multiplying factors for these levels yet?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>14714688 Stupid questions like 'where muh flame body mon' can fuck off~
Good explanations? Nah, he's alright.
I'm thinking about breeding some Honedges, are people using Iron Head (Adamant) or Gyro Ball (Brave)?
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14714839 Wait where do you get the hatching o power?
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14714730 I'll be completely honest with you here.
I had no idea there were different sizes, and I actually have no Pumpkaboos. You should definitely gimme a link to this Pumpkaboo stuff though, now I'm intrigued.
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
Quoted By:
>>14714781 thats p cool
i just beat the e4 though so there is definitely a third type
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
Have modest Skrelp, does anyone have a modest Soisis? Also have timid charmander, modest eevee and or a attack boosting honedge any takers?
>>14714873 It's the final o-power. Max out your style and find the o-power guy in one of the cafes
>>14714460 Someone here test it
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:23:17 No. 14714939 Report >>14714848 I guess you're right.
>>14714869 people are using brave so you can survive hits as aegislash+D and attack afterward.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Quoted By:
>>14714917 Ah jeez. Thanks man. Goodness knows I need it.
Wes 2852-7584-2356
Quoted By:
Want: Impish Ditto Have: Shroomish DWA Slowpoke Togepi Chansey timid Larvesta Skarmory Magcargo Gen 1 starters Gen 6 starters Amaura DWA Noibat DWA Bronzong Ditto modest Eevee modest Staryu modest Ralts high plains Vivillion Clauncher Skrelp
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14714939 You ever hatch that lobster?
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
Quoted By:
>>14714917 Oh wow, I need that for my kittens.
Quoted By:
Being able to type in Pokemon names in the GTS is the biggest improvement ever I just put up a female jolly Gible and asked for a Noibat, I hope someone obliges
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
Quoted By:
guys can someone suggest some good moves for a protean froakie im thinking nasty plot and some other stuff
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
>>14714875 Don't have a link but the larger they are the higher their attack and deffences are, but the lower their speeds. Its fine if you don't have one. Do you have anything else to offer. I am interested in most every 6th gen poke minus Talonflame, Chespin, Honedge, Goodra, Pangoro, and Froakie. Any other would have my interest to some degree.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:25:04 No. 14715036 Report Quoted By:
>>14714996 Yes, I tried trading with you, but it was all greyed out.
Try initiating with me when ready
Quoted By:
>>14714918 Seems unlikely, but I'll test. Results in a second.
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
>>14714891 You just giving away that Charmander?
Wes 2852-7584-2356
Want: DWA Breloom/Shroomish Have: Shroomish DWA Slowpoke Togepi Chansey timid Larvesta Skarmory Magcargo Gen 1 starters Gen 6 starters Amaura DWA Noibat DWA Bronzong Dittos, ask for a nature modest Eevee modest Staryu modest Ralts high plains Vivillion Clauncher Skrelp
>>14714917 How the hell do you "max out your style"
I keep hearing this but I don't get it.
>>14714918 Hatched this earlier myself.
Can't be assed to take a shitty photo so this'll have to do.
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
want: charizardite x have: blazikenite, charizardite y, lucarionite and aerodactylite i can also get a mega stone for you
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14714670 Oh jesus christ please add me
And can someone can tell me what my safari is?
Quoted By:
>>14715100 It just means to do stuff in the city. I think I did it before realizing just grinding out some lower level pokemon in the cafes
When can you start trading in-game? Is it true that females pass down moves as well? THANKS.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:27:16 No. 14715149 Report Quoted By:
>>14715100 look at the pic they posted...
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:27:30 No. 14715159 Report Quoted By:
>>14715103 This isn't a baby Pokémon though.
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
"Jessica" Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493 Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:27:49 No. 14715171 Report >>14715119 I can trade you for charizardite y :)
>>14715103 Lilligant ist a baby pokemon tard
Baby Pokemon are the ones who need Incense to be bred
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Is it possible to get a Protean Froakie or even a regular Froakie in a Dive Ball?
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:28:20 No. 14715193 Report Quoted By:
>>14715103 >liligant >baby pokemon thats not a pokemon that requires an incense to be bred
Quoted By:
>>14715103 Wait, I'm a retard, and can't read at 4AM.
Fuck me.
Quoted By:
>>14715175 >Forgetting about all gen 2 baby Pokemon ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14715028 Braixen with 31 HP/Spd?
Raven (Y:Ezekiel) 5214-9979-6838
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
Quoted By:
>>14715171 yes
thank you
i just added you
>>14715187 Absolutely. As long as you come across a female Protean Froakie in the Safari.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
3DS FC: 0602 7351 7030 Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:29:17 No. 14715249 Report Quoted By:
Add me. Reply to this if you did. My type is Poison and the Pokemon, so far, are Gloom and Swalot. So nothing useful yet.
>>14714918 Yeah I just tested this with some recently hatched pokes, they definitely did not have three perfect IVs.
Quoted By:
Anyone got a Hasty ditto for trade? I can offer a modest ditto if you really need it
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
Quoted By:
>>14715082 other than breloom what do you want for that amaura?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>14715262 Be nice if they're right about the caught ones though.
>>14715244 Oh that's cool. I'm guessing the Safari opens up at end game? Are all Froakies there Protean?
Anyways since this is a trading place also. Does anyone have a regular froakie or a protean one in a dive ball and are willing to trade for anything? Have Pokerus and Dittos. Also got a bunch of other stuff just let me know.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>14715262 What mons were they?
Quoted By:
>>14715262 Were they babies? Azurill or Munchlax or Pichu?
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Quoted By:
>>14715206 Sounds good. I am adding you now. Send me a trade when you are ready.
Shane (X) 0061-0547-9367
Quoted By:
>>14713178 ill trade you an abra for beldum dratini or togepi
Honky 3DS 5370-0538-0043
Any guesses as to what Helioptile's egg group is? We should add where the fly HM is to the FAQ.
Raven (Y:Ezekiel) 5214-9979-6838
>>14715132 Psychic.
Espurr and Munna
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>14715331 net ball works too. I'm just specific in what I catch my Pokemon in heh. Kind of a weird request I guess...
>>14715343 Solosis, Modest w/ 31 Special IVs. I'm breeding for 31 HP and decent defensive IVs. The judge said only their Special Attack "couldn't be beat".
ZServ/Ryan - 4081-5495-5456
>>14713178 Lillia, have you been farming my Safari for dem Dittos? Sneaky, if so.
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
>>14715442 have any other modest slosis's?
Mitch 2466-1767-8308
Someone mind helping me trade evolving my Haunter? I don't have a ton to offer but I've got some timid ghastly, hasty houndour, bagon, or female eevee for your trouble if you want something in return.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360
>>14715442 So they weren't babies. And so they didn't have any bearing on the rumor
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
>>14715171 just use a derp and put the charizardite x on it
and trade me when youre ready
Lillia 4785-5012-0001
Quoted By:
>>14715448 Farming a friend I know from skypeu. But you gave me an idea if he isnt online!
Joe 0275-7680-1195 (Y)
>>14715331 Do you have a Timid Ditto? If so I'll trade you a Protean Froakie with a 31 Speed IV.
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:35:08 No. 14715546 Report >>14715503 sure, iniate when ready
(Y) Sebastian: 0662-3101-4839
Quoted By:
>>14715503 I'll help bro. I'd take a Timid Ghastly of your hands. Hopefully female but it doesn't matter.
Quoted By:
>>14715442 Do you not know how to read?
The guy said baby Pokemon. What makes you think solosis is a baby Pokemon?
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
>>14715442 Hello? do you have another modest soloisis?
Quoted By:
>>14714917 I greatly appreciate this. I may never do these chores because fuck everything about that city.
Quoted By:
>>14715469 Plenty (and with 31 Special IVs), how do I find my friend code?
>>14715478 >>14715505 Oh oh, actual baby pokemon, not first stage evolutions. My mistake gentlemen.
eric 1478-3722-5329
Quoted By:
>>14715503 I'll do it. just gimme one o them gastlys.
Mitch 2466-1767-8308
>>14715546 What was your in-game again?
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14715434 Drats, at least I never need to visit my own safari zone
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Quoted By:
>>14715206 Thanks for the trade
Quoted By:
I wish Sycamore had his own battle theme, I mean he has a great normal theme so why does regular trainer music play when he battles youLysandre's theme wasn't great either
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:37:41 No. 14715679 Report Quoted By:
>>14715635 It's in my name...
Also, never offer anything in return for a trade evo, whoever would not help for free is just being a massive jew.
Haru 4055-4023-9292
I have a shiny Spoink I'm looking to trade, also looking to add friendcodes to build up my safari.
>>14715592 Yes, several actually. I can't seem to find my FC though; if you can tell me how to find that, I'll gladly give one or two away.
Griffith 2595 1148 1342
Quoted By:
Looking for: Xerneas modest or timid Offer: Xerneas Lonely nature(good for attacker builds) I can infect it with pokerus if you want.
Raven (Y:Ezekiel) 5214-9979-6838
>>14715638 You might get something good after you beat the elite four.
Plus, Munna ain't bad
Saico - FC: 2535-3975-7862
>>14715694 i dont have a shiny but you can add me if you want
mine is fighting type
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
Quoted By:
>>14715522 Communication error >.>
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
>>14715694 What are you looking for?
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
Quoted By:
>>14715741 3ds? go home, see smiley face in top bar. then click on yourself and your friend code should be on top screen
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
Quoted By:
>>14715753 I did beat the elite 4 though? Is the third pokemon only available after the E4 is beaten because then I should have 3
Quoted By:
>>14715544 No sorry sadly it's just Calm natured one. have a Timid Eevee though heh
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
Quoted By:
Why are the Japanese being such Jews on wonder trades?
DarkNitte 0275-7263-1586
>>14712339 if you're still here i would like an anticiaption eevee and i can offer you DW froakies, jap ditto, or IF you really want it a shiny bibarel that i want to get rid of
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:44:53 No. 14716026 Report Quoted By:
>>14715877 Caught my Mewtwo, Finally.
Adamant Natured, for MegaMewtwoX.
Perfect Attack, Special Attack, and Speed. In a Premier Ball.
Haru 4055-4023-9292
Butters/Dan X 2148-8581-0223
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X]
M 1907 8744 0914 [My in game name is Kari, Playing Pokemon X] Thu 17 Oct 2013 04:00:23 No. 14716752 Report Quoted By:
Charles 5000 2982 8736
Bagel 1349-5696-1126
Hate to be that guy, but I could really use a Jap Ditto. Don't really trade or battle, I just wanna get started breeding.
Quoted By:
How does passing down hidden abilities work? My female breloom wont pass down technician with a ditto.
Bagel 1349-5696-1126
Quoted By:
>>14717178 Also someone gave me one of those bat dragons (forget what they're called) and I'd be willing to trade it for a Haunter.