(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
Quoted By:
Looking for a Froakie caught in a Net Ball. Willing to give you DW ability Eevee, Ditto, Pokerus, Jolly Gible Rough Skin. Strange request I know.
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
Other than what is in the picture, I'm looking for:>Rock Head/Battle Armor, Adamant Cubone >National Dex Pokemon (That I don't already have) >Shinies in general >Foreign Ditto's of natures I do not have (I have an ENG game) Offers are welcome!
>Save in Luminose. It bricks your game. To unbrick, wait for your save to load and music starts playing and mash the home button until it gets back to normal I heard this the other day, but does this mean anywhere in Luminose, including inside the buildings? Or just out in the street?
Isla !!kG1HCO41lYm
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
Really looking for Mewtwonite Y, willing to breed multiple Pokemon for one.
Otter 3754-6839-0978
I'm looking for a female swift swim poliwag. What are the odds of a hoard in the village having hidden abilities? Does the ability pop up show if swift swim procs? I've been sweet scenting for an hour and nothing...
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 04:58:08 No. 14719451 Report >>14719429 /r/ing sanic img
Josh 0989 2061 6531
BRAVE HONEDGE WANTED I have Pokerus and a boxfull of Honedges.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>14719456 I have a female Brave Honedge, but I use it in my main party. If you know the egg group I could breed one for you though.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>14719426 You can inside of the Pokémon Centre since I've saved there plenty of times but I wouldn't recommend saving anywhere else.
>>14719391 Can't you only get the Hidden Abilities from Friend Safari Eevees though? I'm only at like the third gym.
I don't really understand this Hidden Ability stuff. Haven't really played Pokemon very seriously since like Gen 2.
Ingtree 4141-3027-4421
Willing to trade something for Mantkye and a mareep. HARD MODE: willing to trade my zoroark for a shaymin
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:02:22 No. 14719602 Report Ayo jvk, I has yo Noibat. Other dude who wanted one, i have an egg. Does my 3DS name need to be posted for Gen 6? It's Elliott.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
Anyone else want a Timid Gastly for any Y exclusive or any good natured pokemon?
Steele 1461-7499-9866
>Reposting: So I just spent about two hours or so EV training a Hawlucha to replace my Talonflame because I wanted some variety on my Gen VI only team. When I was finally done, I went to shut my 3DS to watch a movie and I must have instinctually hit the power button. Now I don't have a Hawlucha at all because I must have saved before I caught him. Anybody out there breeding Hawlucha for abilities or good natures or anything? I don't have much in return, but I'll take one of your spares if you've got any. I think Adamant is a good nature, right? I have Pokemon X and some evolutionary stones, not much though. I could catch something for you if you like (I just got the fifth badge, so again, nothing great).
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
Quoted By:
>>14719589 Yes, alternatively you can trade for it here, a lot of people already have Eevee with anticipation. That, plus once one person gets it, it spreads pretty quickly through trading and re-breeding.
Josh 0989 2061 6531
>>14719537 Mineral group.
Also, you can also use Everstone with another random Honedge.
I appreciate it!
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Phyrro, I think Hans disappeared, if you want to battle~
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:03:40 No. 14719650 Report >>14719602 Great. I need some time to breed your chespin since I'm in the middle of a cave right now
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
>>14719607 Sure I'll grab one. I got Electrike (with Pokerus) or Spritzee if you want. Also some Timid Eevees.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:03:51 No. 14719653 Report >>14719639 Alrighy then, Gvie me just one more moment and I'll be ready
Quoted By:
Is Cottonee available somewhere? I can't find solid info, sorry for being annoying BUT HOLY SHIT IT'S HARD SOMETIMES
Brent 2981-6642-6127
I'm breeding nincada's right now. Not sure if I should keep going with them or switch to eevees. Any suggestions? I'm just trying to get something worth trading, and I hear the nincada evolution's are sought after.
>>14719456 >>14719537 Nevermind, found it. If you give me a minute I'll see if I can breed a Brave Honedge for you.
>>14719635 Oh duh...of course I can use another Honedge! lol
So yeah give me two minutes
BlueBalled !vV3SGjLdBc
Ingtree 4141-3027-4421
Quoted By:
>>14719593 Or a lanturn. Best of both types
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
Quoted By:
>>14719652 I actually got an electrike already so toss over a sprtizee
bout to add you
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:04:48 No. 14719698 Report Quoted By:
>>14719615 Nappa should have a buch. If he's not around I can breed you one later
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
Also. In Trading News: I have access to DW Froakie, DW Bulbasaur, DW Torchic, DW Noibat, DW Goomy, DW Gible, DW Snorunt, DW Duskull, DW Pumpkaboo, DW Panpour, and DW Pansage. Also a shiny Floatzel for another shiny Pokémon. Someone that has Ditto in their Friend Safari would be nice.
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
>>14719602 Roger that, I'll all ready here. And nah, just your trainer name.
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14719615 Add me, trade me your derpiest derp.
>>14719668 Everyone has and is breeding eevee's, so I think it'd be better to go with some nincadas, hell, I'll trade you a modest anticipation eevee for a good one.
Otter 3754-6839-0978
Quoted By:
>>14719450 Anyone? I'm desperate for my bro back since I can't trade from b/w
For finding hidden abilities in the safari, does the person have to be online while you're in there or do you just need to have gotten their character portrait?
Josh 0989 2061 6531
>>14719680 Thank you very much!
Post your FC so I can add you.
Would it be cool if I give you
another Honedge ?
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:05:50 No. 14719737 Report Quoted By:
>>14719650 It's cool, just post ITT when you're ready. I'll be breeding spare Noibats in the mean time.
Quoted By:
Anyone want my Charizard Y mega stone (or the aerodactyl one)? I'll trade it on a lvl 1 eevee for a Mawile mega stone.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>14719653 >see "wants to battle" >press yes >it's not Phyrro S-sorry, give me 5mins.
Steele 1461-7499-9866
Quoted By:
>>14719713 Rodger that. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
Amulet coin = #1 item Riches abound!
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1
Quoted By:
Just go really Lucky and caught an Eevee in the Safari with 3 Perfect IVs.I'm so Happy.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:06:43 No. 14719780 Report Quoted By:
>>14719744 O-oh, It's...it's fine, Really Mooba.
I'll just be here, alone
Quoted By:
Do I need to grab all the other O-powers before the Breeding O-Power?
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
>>14719730 Yeah, sorry, forgot to include it.
And yeah, just give me whatever in exchange, I don't care.
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:07:41 No. 14719819 Report So are Ditto and Noibat supposed to be really rare or some shit? I accidentally ran into both. I also ran into a Zoroark, has that happened to anybody else?
Also if anyone wants to add me for the Friend Safari, my 3DS code is in the e-mail field. My type is Water and the two known Pokémon I have are Azumarill and Gyarados. Respond to this post if you add me so I can add you back.
>>14719720 The person needs to be online iirc.
Joe 0275-7680-1195 (Y)
Is the Masuda method compatible with Evertsone nature-passing? I seem to remember a few gens back that Everstones didnt work on foreign Pokemon, not sure if its changed.
Brent 2981-6642-6127
>>14719713 Added you. What nature are you looking for?
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
would really want a ditto with nice IVs, is that even possible? Is he available in safari?
>>14719819 Naw nigga, you just #based.
>>14719833 Everstones work on foreign Pokémon now. They have since Gen V.
>>14719845 Read the OP. He is available in Safari.
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
Thanks, Thomas. I hope you enjoy your Chespin.
Bosch 4355 9735 5932
I've got ten male Modest Eevee's. Anyone want one?
Josh 0989 2061 6531
>>14719816 What a coincidence, I named my first Honedge PallasAthena, from Persona.
Anyway, added.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14719652 Hey you wanted the female right? I just got lucky.
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
>>14719884 I would love a Modest Eevee, what do you want for it in return?
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14719837 Brave and Impish if I could get two, I've got a list fo stuff near the top of the thread for some other stuff, I'll be going offline for a bit, but I'm on every day, most of the day.
Added you just encase you're not in thread when you're ready to trade.
>>14719826 Well, I just got a hidden ability while offline, so I think they only need to be on once.
Well, it's time for me to masuda a ton of fletchlings.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Mart I'm ready when you are.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14719870 Why does your little icon have a cupcake with a candle?
Bosch 4355 9735 5932
>>14719915 A Y exclusive 'mon would be fine if you have Y version.
If not, anything's fine.
Steele 1461-7499-9866
>>14719924 Thanks for the Hawlucha, friend!
Pit 2509-1488-6122
>>14719439 I'm on your Heracross right now. Do you want a female or male? Also, guts I'm assuming?
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
>>14719892 Yea would love one. What you need bro?
>>14719930 Oh, well then.
>>14719987 Because it's my birthday in two hours. "No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14720008 No problem! Have fun and remember to save!
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
Quoted By:
>>14719991 I'll drop you a Pupitar then, I'll add you in a sec. :3
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14720014 Ill just give it to you.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14719963 >First time someone ever gave me a nice >Scared the shit out of me >Thought it was my shiny gastly for some reason >It was just a nice You just ruined my life on accident
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
>>14720033 Get ready for a nice surprise ingame in 2 hours. :3
Steele 1461-7499-9866
Quoted By:
>>14720042 Yeah I'm gonna save like once every full round of punching bags now.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
>>14720073 hahahaha what? you thought you were giving me a shiny gastly?
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
>>14719888 Alright, it just hatched. Did you want a particular Nickname?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14720033 Oh, well it's already past midnight here so happy birthday.
I have nothing of value to give as a gift on gen VI
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Good evening WFG~ What have I missed?
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
>>14720073 Wait till it's your birthday, been getting freaked out all night. ;_;
Josh 0989 2061 6531
>>14720103 No, Honedge is fine, thank you!
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
>>14720057 Aw snap you're the best. I'll give ya a Jolly Gible I'm sure someone will need it one day.
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
>>14719602 Added you. What's your trainer name?
Meru 2079 6431 8012
Quoted By:
>>14719456 I have a bunch of brave honedges from when I was trying to make a shiny.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:15:52 No. 14720155 Report Quoted By:
Mooba, That Quick Claw I just I can't Why
>>14720085 Now I'm nervous.
>>14720104 Thanks mang.
Want my shiny Floatzel? I don't really like Floatzel and it has a shit nature.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
>>14720033 Same birthday bro?
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14720118 Are you the Adam breeding for shiny kittens? If so, how goes your efforts, I'm taking a lapse for a bit to keep myself sane at 12 boxes.
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
>>14720012 Did you add me yet? I'll take a male one with guts :)
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:16:28 No. 14720182 Report >>14719870 Speaking of all things swag, this happened during my playthrough today.
Quoted By:
trading a fennekin for an amaura nothing special about the fennekin I just derped and picked jaw fossil in both games.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
Quoted By:
>>14720098 No I thought my egg hatched and I finally got the shiny gastly I wanted and it made a different noise because it was shiny.
I have been awake for an unreasonable amount of hours so I am very confused right now
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:16:51 No. 14720200 Report Quoted By:
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
>>14720127 Sounds good, also it's Female so you can always breed it yourself now! Just added you to my Friend List.
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
Quoted By:
>>14720165 17th mustard race.
>>14720182 > Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
>>14720170 Yeah that's me. Haven't tried today been progressing the story having a break before they take over wonder trade.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Quoted By:
>>14720178 Adding you now. I'll open trade when I see you.
Josh 0989 2061 6531
>>14720205 Cool, IGN is the same as my Mii name, I'll initiate the trade!
Otter 3754-6839-0978
Quoted By:
>>14719450 Need help here... I'm going insane... please?
Neiko 4468-1037-6942
Quoted By:
Anyone willing to trade Power Items? Also looking for Timid Ditto. Can offer JPN Ditto, Adamant/Jolly/Modest Ditto, Modest Protean Froakie, Modest Noibat, Adamant Hawluchas, PokeRus
Michael 4828 - 3906 - 1728
Quoted By:
Welp I made a PR video that I'm probably going to hell for. Only gonna keep it up for a little bit longer. Don't judge me, if you had the Pokemon you would too.
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
>>14720233 Too late, beat ya to it! Also I just noticed it knows Shadow Sneak, so bonus! Enjoy!
"No Hat" Ryan 1521-2448-6660 !BC1Z2.7nb.
>>14720225 Mind if I add you, so I can see when you send out mass shouts about shiny kittens? I'm curious to see what they look like.
Sandy [Y] 0430-9689-4443
Where do you get Aerodactyl from? I've seen a few people with it.
Josh 0989 2061 6531
>>14720294 Thanks, you're a lifesaver. See you on PSS, maybe battle someday.
Steele 1461-7499-9866
Quoted By:
For those of you super-training: Certain Pokemon allow you to hold down the stylus to charge up their shots. Don't know how apparent this was to everyone, but it was news to me when I discovered it with the lost Hawlucha. Makes the bonus item-collector games childsplay with something like a maxed-attack Tyrantrum.
Quoted By:
>>14720319 Rock Smash some rocks, sometimes a fossil will come out.
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
Quoted By:
>>14720296 Go ahead, just added you.
So I've cleaned my 3DS friends list since getting this game and now they're permanently listed as offline in my PPS. Is there anyway to clear them off?
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Quoted By:
>>14720330 Yeah sure. I think right now I need to focus on actually getting through the game though. Still only at two badges! Got too distracted trying to breed Panchams and Eevees.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>my 6-badge in game team can't stand up to post game 'mons Kek. Dat frog though. GG Phyrro~
Quoted By:
>hatch an Adamant Inkay with Contrary and perfect HP, ATK, and SPE stats B^) Now for Jolly Unburden Hawlucha and Brave Aegislash.
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:23:29 No. 14720485 Report >>14720433 >still having 6 badges r u mii?
I have a few Calm Skrelps. I wasted too much time on these to just Wonder Trade 'em away. Anyone want on?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14720159 You'd really just give that to me?
It'd just end up sitting in a box forever Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:23:51 No. 14720506 Report >>14720433 Heh, Thanks for the Battle Mooba!
To be fair, that was my Ingame team, except for the Greninjka and Delphox which are my first 2 Breeds of this gen.
That was also my first time Ever seeing Protean in effect, It's insane!
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:23:56 No. 14720510 Report So, tipping and shinies? Sorry y'all, late to the party. And jvk, you ready?
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14720498 I will take one, ill give ya a timid gastly
Bosch 4355 9735 5932
>>14720319 I can breed you an Adamant Aerodactyl if you want.
Quoted By:
>>14720409 Doesn't look like it and it's pissing me off. Need a patch. You can delete acquaintances in the bottom left corner but not friends.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14720485 >>14720433 >not beating Elite 4 so I can record your friend Safari completely. Fags.
Pit 2509-1488-6122
Thanks for the Tyrogue, Nick. Ok guys I had fun trading with you all tonight. I'm going to go cook some bacon and then sleep. Cheers.
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:24:48 No. 14720552 Report Quoted By:
>>14720510 chespin is ready, waiting on bulba egg
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>14720485 I swear we'll end up beating the game at the same time~
>>14720506 That fucking goopey dragon~
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
>>14720544 Keybroooo where you been?
Sandy [Y] 0430-9689-4443
Quoted By:
>>14720531 Thank you, but i already traded one of my many squirtles for a jap one
>>14720500 >not channeling your inner Gustav I'm disappointed.
>>14720544 Yo, what's my third 'mon? I beat the Elite 4 last night.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:26:08 No. 14720613 Report >>14720576 Just wait, I'm buying her an
Assault Vest Tonight. She's definitely earned it~
Anybody willing to trade a Non-American Adamant, Timid, Jolly, or Modest Ditto for an American Adamant one?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14720579 bby I just got here I worked late today. How are you doing man?
>Ralts traced the foe Braixen's Magician Yussss
>>14720596 Gimme a minute. Someone I added a while ago has Charmeleon and Braixen in their Friend Safari
Quoted By:
>>14720616 You'd have better luck just putting it on the GTS and asking for another Ditto. That's what the Japs are doing with theirs since they want our Ditto as much as we want theirs.
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
Quoted By:
>>14720545 Enjoy it man, thanks for the Heracross!
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
>>14720498 I'll take one, don't have one yet.
>>14720649 >Charmeleon and Braixen pls gib dw male so i can breed with ditto pls
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
"Jessica" Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:28:34 No. 14720719 Report Quoted By:
>>14720576 Moobs can you hold some mons for me? Pls
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14720596 What happened to him anyways? Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
>>14720498 Haven't got a Skrelp yet, do you want anything in return?
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
>>14720613 That on a goodra sounds pretty sweet.
What's the nature?
Also know anything about its IV's yet?
I'm looking to get one worth putting in a competative team so I'm breeding Goomys, and just curious.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>It traced the wild Charmeleon's Solar Power >>14720693 pls gib shone I'm doing some synchs for jvk and then I'll get it for you.
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
Quoted By:
>>14720649 Pretty good, haven't started kitten breeding for the night. Got 7 badges now.
>>14720523 >>14720727 >>14720668 What Vivillions do you have or anything good natured?
Quoted By:
I remember last night someone was complaining about never finding wild Banette I just got to the Pokemon village for the first time, saw a garbage can shaking as soon as I got close, and found a BanetteI don't even want it
>>14720720 His trip got permabanned and now all he does is shitpost on the Facebook group and on random "Otaku" pages saying that anime is satanic or something. >>14720750 If you want, you can have my shiny Floatzel. You should be getting something out of recording most of the regulars Friend Safari.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
can u pass down 2 Ivs from the parents? it was working fine with 1, now with 2 its no longer working...
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:30:38 No. 14720819 Report Quoted By:
>>14720510 done.
hit me up when ready to trade
Bosch 4355 9735 5932
Quoted By:
Still got quite a few Adamant Absol's and Modest Eevee's left to get rid of.
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
>>14720790 I got a River one (Aussie)
Faye 3711 6999 8587
Quoted By:
>>14720790 Stupid, forgot my FC.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14720802 Haha I was just kidding, man. Keep it and get some delicious trades with it~
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:31:18 No. 14720851 Report >>14720736 She's got a -Attack, +Special Defense Nature
The IV's aren't anything special though I'm afraid, as it was my Ingame one.
Planning on breeding some myself at one point.
Putting Flamethrower on it will help you deal with the things like Doublade/Aegislash, Klefki, and Mawile
Quoted By:
>>14719639 but..why are they playing psp's...
Quoted By:
Can anyone confirm that when using a Ditto to breed with either a female or male you get a regular Pokeball instead of the ball it was captured in?
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:33:53 No. 14720965 Report >>14720668 Added you dude, ready when you are.
Jvk, ready for you too.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>14720926 Fine, don't accept my trade, no birthday present for you.
>>14720976 I saw the notice right as an egg hatched. ;_; Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
>>14720851 I can't find the TM I've been looking for it though.
My best one so far has -Atk +Sp. Atk, with high Sp. Def according to the judge.
Even in game mons seem to have potential for good stats, my Agislash has above average stats and the judge says "Stats like those... They simply can't be beat!", though without numbers I can't be sure of how good it really is.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>>14720926 You really want to give that thing away huh?
Honestly, I would take it if more people traded shone for event pokemon.
15 shroomish in and my female broomish wont pass down technician. I've tried with everstones off and on the ditto
Quoted By:
Looking for a female shiny Ralts to use with my male shiny Kirlia that I plan to evolve into a Gallade. I have a shiny Skorupi for trade.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1
Quoted By:
Anyone have an Eevee with wish for trade.Will trade something useful in return.
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
I have a DW ability Gyarados and more DW Froakies if anyone is interested.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>14721001 It's your birthday here so happy birthday~~ Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:37:25 No. 14721110 Report >>14721024 Flamethrower comes out of the Anistar city Pokecenter, as a gift.
What ability are you shooting for?
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
>>14721084 Dw froakie if possible please.
Anything you're looking for in particular?
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
>>14721084 What ya want for the DW Froakies? Got Pokerus, Jolly Gibles, DW ability Eeevee.
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>>14721047 Never mind, I just realized shroomish hidden ability is quick feet.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>14721001 >trying to give people shinies on your birthday Lima pls you should be asking for them
>>14721122 >Haunter T-Thanks.
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
>>14721122 Refer to here
>>14719439 or make an offer :)
>breed 5 more Modest Eevee eggs >again all male Am I doing something wrong...or is it just not common to get female Eevees? I just want a Modest female to turn into Sylveon...
Faye 3711 6999 8587
>>14720838 Already have that one, nothing with a good nature you could part with?
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14721187 87.5% male I believe
Telliot 0946-2320-9694
Quoted By:
>>14720965 Thanks, bro. Enjoy the Chespin.
>>14721187 female Eevees are like a 12.5% chance.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>14721187 12.5% female, just like fossils and starters
>can't send a smiley face -1/10 shit game, returning to Gamestop as we speak.
>>14721187 Eevee has a horrible male to female ratio. Like 7:1 or something.
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
>>14721150 What's Eevee's DW ability and what are they when he evolves?
Anyone got a Gale Wing Fletchling or Huge Power Bunnelby? I've got some Timid Protean Froakies and Adamant Honedges.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
>>14721176 Think the gengarite is more valuable thingy~
Was upset HappyBirthday doesn't fit...
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>>14721210 >>14721213 >>14721218 >>14721234 Looks like I'm not continuing my badge quest any time soon. Time to make my Eevees bang some more!
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Looking for a beldum and charizardite x for casual purposes. Have nothing of value, please have mercy.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14721258 This. I need gale wing fletchlings. I will trade modest wish anticipation eevees for one.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14721234 Third confirmed Octillary
Such Moody
Here's the list for those who missed it.
>>14721191 Crap thread didn't auto-update. And I haven't started breeding yet sorry, though I do have spare Helix and Armor Fossile.
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:43:16 No. 14721364 Report >>14721234 Just noticed that, makes trading seem so sad.
Is trading eggs the cool thing to do now? I'm so used to hatching them.
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
Quoted By:
>>14721357 Fossils*
Failing today
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
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>>14721110 Gooey if my dreams come true, but for now Hydration is what I'm going for.
>>14721176 Shit I'll have to search for one, I evolved my last one.
>>14721177 Shit I don't have anything you want for it, and I can't offer anything that caliber of good for it either...
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
Quoted By:
I'll get started on breeding those Froakies, in the mean time, can anyone go check what my Friend Safari is?
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>>14721335 >Moody Octillery Mine is 10/10.
>>14721364 I know right? Trading eggs has always been cool.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
Quoted By:
>>14721335 I beat the elite 4 and someone told me I only had 2 pokemon in my safari instead of 3.
What do?
Faye 3711 6999 8587
>>14721357 A fossil would be nice, give me whichever. Added you.
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
>>14721435 Cool, lemme get out of this cave.
Steele 1461-7499-9866
I know it's not the best place to ask, but are there better Super Training tiers? Not the ones that give you items, but maybe tiers that give more EVs?
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
Quoted By:
>>14721335 Nice list, maybe I should start adding some people soon.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14721480 lv1 gives you 4, lv2 gives you 8, lv3 gives you 12, nothing past that.
Lv2 is best to do since its much easier and faster to do lv2 than it is to do lv3
Steele 1461-7499-9866
>>14721522 How do I get to levels 2 and 3?
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1
Quoted By:
>>14721187 Do they have Wish if so trade?
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14721541 Beat everything on lv1, then lv2
doesn't matter who you use
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
>>14721522 I can't get past level 3 because I'm left handed. Going to miss out on soooo many nice items.
Steele 1461-7499-9866
Quoted By:
>>14721567 Aww yiss. Thanks, man!
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1
>>14721258 >>14721302 I have some,all I ask is for eevee with wish...if I get will distribute them for free.
Mart - 1461 - 6220 - 3226
>>14721569 I am left handed also, Try using your thumb and not the stylus
Quoted By:
>Chansey used Bestow! >Fearow got Chansey's Lucky Egg! Caught it anyway but wow.
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Quoted By:
>>14721606 I'll give that a try next time. It seems like it'd be kind of imprecise though.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14721596 I have modest anticipation eevees with wish. What nature fletchlings do you have?
Quoted By:
>>14721234 B-but you can say nice afterwards.
A-and each player has an icon that tells you how often they've been told that. I t-think it's a nice feature.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1
>>14721654 Adamnt jolly and some crappy ones.Adamant have good Ivs.
Quoted By:
>Super Training Inkay This is suffering. I want to get off Mr. Inkay's Slow Ride.
Faye 3711 6999 8587
>>14721459 Question, howd you manage to trade by Passerby? Ive removed so many people from my 3DS Friend List and they still show up as my friends on the PSS.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
>>14721690 Could I trade for adamant?
Quoted By:
Thought I might try again. Would someone be willing to trade me their Brave Honedge for my Heart Scale?
Leah 2595-1160-2075
Quoted By:
I have modest eevees and bulletproof brave chespins. Looking for other hidden ability pokemon, especially starters or eevees.
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
>>14721734 I did? I just selected you from my friends list and initiated a trade.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1
>>14721736 Sure meet me online,I'll assume your ingame name is the same as posted.
Kazeindel 0877 0730 8909[Eevee Summoner]
Faye 3711 6999 8587
>>14721778 Its the third time someone has done that with me. I wanna remove all those other people from my Friends, I can never find anything now.
Quoted By:
>>14721818 I know feeling, would also like to know how to remove friends in pss.
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Do you really only need 2 hearts to evolve an Eevee into a Sylveon? I thought it had to be full 5.
>>14721818 Is there at least a sorting or search function?, scrolling through dozens of people I've added from /vp/ trying to find a particular person is really annoying.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Is there a sprite list of Gen 6 pokemon yet? I hate copying / pasting from Serebii
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
>mfw wonder trading Timid Eevees with Pokerus
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 05:59:15 No. 14721987 Report >>14721953 copy/paste and make one yourself
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>14721987 jvk pls i'm already doing the safari sheet
David - Y: 5284-1835-0550 !qrfDYY3p1I
Is Eviolite Doublade viable at all? Fuck Aegislash.
>>14721937 Not that I know of.
>>14721986 Still have some left, I want one!
>Wulfric's silhouette on the badge screen makes him look like he'll be some badass dragon user >He's really just a fat old guy in a tank top, jeans, and with a coat tied around his neck Fucking Game Freak
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:01:17 No. 14722066 Report >>14721908 It's only 2 and the Eevee needs to know a Fairy type move. Baby-doll Eyes is on most wild Eevee.
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
"Jessica" Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493 Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:01:23 No. 14722071 Report >>14721987 jvk, can you hold some mons for me for a bit?
Just need to restart my game
>>14722055 He was the most underwhelming final gym leader.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
I'm going to start puppymilling Froakies, should I aim for Timid or Modest?
>>14722085 I think him and Juan are tied for most underwhelming leader
David - Y: 5284-1835-0550 !qrfDYY3p1I
>>14722085 This. I OHKO'd everything he had with Delphox. Super depressing.
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
>>14722066 Awesome, thanks. And yeah, all my Eevees I'm breeding have it.
Should I evolve it asap, or is there a certain level I should wait? Just wondering if there is anything good Eevee can learn that Sylveon won't by leveling up. Because I'll end up with a level 2 Sylveon if I get these two hearts. Don't want to miss anything.
Faye 3711 6999 8587
>>14722134 Ill send ya a Calm Skrelp.
>>14722124 >>14722128 It wasn't even dramatic when you beat him. He just follows you out and tells you to head off to the league
then probably went back to circlejerking with his pokemon friends Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Marquis jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:04:27 No. 14722201 Report >>14722071 usually yes, but I'm off to sleep
Sandy [Y] 0430-9689-4443
Quoted By:
>>14722128 >>14722085 >>14722055 I only had to use my female Pyroar, the first one i caught and i destroyed him. Lazy as fuck
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
>>14722175 Sounds good. Got a few left
Quoted By:
>>14722192 I think they did that on purpose, and honestly I find it kind of hilarious
The silhouette made me expect someone like Lance
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
>>14722232 I can hold them for you if you want.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14721110 How much longer are you going to be up? I kinda want to organize my boxes before I keep breeding
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:07:15 No. 14722322 Report >>14722035 In-game it's so viable that i almost regret evolving my Doublade.
The most viable strategy i can come up with for Aigislash is to use Swords Dance in defense form and then attack with that massive attack stat. Problem is, he's frail. Doublade doesn't have that problem at all.
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Man, I thought the shops restocked at midnight. The one in the first town never seems to get any new hats or anything in. Is this all there is?
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:07:43 No. 14722340 Report >>14722313 Probably an hour or two, why?
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>>14722332 Some of the other boutiques have hats too.
Drache 0087-2439-6312 (Poison)
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>>14722035 Care to add me?
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Quoted By:
>>14722137 >>14722332 Whoops, sorry about these posts. Got my tabs mixed up and thought this was the X/Y Question thread.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14722340 I just wanted to see if I had time to do that before I started your Hidden Ability mos
David - Y: 5284-1835-0550 !qrfDYY3p1I
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>>14722322 I wonder how it'll fair competitively...
(X) Jaxon: 4682-8951-3029 !GqmSg277Uo
Quoted By:
I'm looking to trade a ditto with 31 SpDef IVs for one with 31 Defense IVs. Anyone up for it?
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:10:22 No. 14722456 Report >>14722410 Aight.
I think it's just the one I'd had requested, wasn't it?
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
So, if I KO Xerneas, can I catch him later or is it going to be like BW where you're stuck until you catch him? I'm hoping he'll be less of a hassle to SR for in Z or X2. I really want to use one named Ragelope on a team
(Y) Seb: 0662-3101-4839
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14722456 Which one Charmeleon or Braixen?
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There are people who aren't using Super Training for EV training exclusivly?
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>>14722469 I think people said you're forced to fight the legendaries until you catch them.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Hidden ability goomy line? no? okay
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14722469 Enjoy SRing and watching the same cutscene and fighting the same battle to just check the nature. Took my 3 hours for Yvetal. And that was WITH a synchronizer. Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:12:43 No. 14722543 Report >>14722488 I...
I'm confused then, Someone was talking about breeding a Gooey Sligoo the other night
But it was that point in the night where I wasn't completely coherent, so I don't remember who it was I've already gotten both of Charmeleon and Braizen with their hidden abilities
Cerdra (IGN: Maiele) - 3DS FC: 1435 3449 7418
Cerdra (IGN: Maiele) - 3DS FC: 1435 3449 7418 Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:12:45 No. 14722544 Report Kinda new to this shit. Trainer info for safari zone: Ice, my Pokemon available are Bergmite and Snover.
Also, when
>>14721335 says the other person needs to be online to get hidden abilities, does that mean on the 3DS, or connected to the internet ingame?
Janie's Got A Gun 0104 0274 0493
Rich 0705-2128-1675
>tfw you picked the wrong fossil Anyone willing to trade me a Amaura for a Tyrunt?
>>14722543 I'm breeding Modest Gooey Goomy later tonight after I finish EV-ing and leveling up my Contrary Inkay. i got u bbes
>>14722519 And you too if you want one.
Quoted By:
>>14722544 I'd like to know this too, do the Hidden Ability pokemon appear as long as your game has registered they have beaten the E4 (i.e. have 3 pokes)?
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>14722528 What nature did you sync?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>>14722528 Hopefully the Snake thing takes center stage next game and Xerneas/Yvetal are postgame.
I don't have a gen VI synchronizer
At least it let me shove it in the PC box like the dex filler it is
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>>14722606 I can breed you one right now if you want
Mike [ 3454 - 1067 - 4837 ]
Anyone from outside Australia want to swap dittos?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14722611 Wow thank you so much how long will it be?
Rich 0705-2128-1675
>>14722644 That would be fantastic. I'm sorta new to this board, what do you want in return?
Quoted By:
>>14722606 >liking tyrunt Casual pls
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14722685 Between 30 to 45 minutes. I'm about half way done EV-ing the Inkay.
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
>>14722611 Do you have a regular gooey goomy you can spare?
I already have a modest female Goodra that I can get to breeding right away.
Nikolai [Y] 2208-5081-8840.
Sonny 5343 - 8738 - 9852
Quoted By:
>>14722606 I've got a shit ton of Tyrunts. Add me yo.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>>14722687 I don't really care. I'll take a derp
>>14722743 The only one I have is the one I'll be breeding unfortunately. ;_;
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>>14722687 Wait do you want an Amaura or a Tyrunt?
Meru 2079 6431 8012
Hrm. What should I go for EV-wise with Froakie?
Rich 0705-2128-1675
Quoted By:
>>14722764 Just to be clear, you're breeding an Amaura for me right? Also, thanks!
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14722743 i got a female sliggoo?
>>14722735 thank you ill be here! ill add you right now
Quoted By:
okay are egg groups still a thing i want to try and breed a shiny bisharp, does that mean i need a male sire from a different country in the human egg group?
Rich 0705-2128-1675
>>14722807 I picked Tyrunt, only to realize I would rather have an Amaura. Sorry if I worded that poorly.
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
>>14722788 Okay, no problem, I can wait.
Can we add each other?
It would be interesting to see what we come up with, also do you know any precise ways to decipher the IV distribution besides judge?
>>14722808 Special Attack and Speed. You should be using a Timid/Naive/Hasty nature.
Timid is the superior option though since it apparently learns Nasty Plot. Nasty Plot + Protean is 2gud. >>14722835 I'll add you now as well.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>>14722858 Okay, I have an Amaura egg ready for you whenever. Mother was a Japanese Ditto so it might even be shinywhen you hatch it.
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
Quoted By:
>>14722835 I would take it if it had Gooey since I also have a male goomey that's been a breeding slave.
Rich 0705-2128-1675
>>14722881 Thanks man. I really appreciate it!
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
FAQ Thread isn't being very helpful, you guys seem much nicer and more chatty. Any ideas about?
>>14722137 Should I just evolve my level 1 Eevee right away?
Eg !GPlanttyCw
Quoted By:
>>14722985 Truly not a problem, my Amaura was just collecting dust anyway, might as well let him bang something
>>14722863 Sure thing and not that I know of though the Sligoo I'm breeding with has "relatively superior potential" and perfect Spa Atk and Sp Def stats, which
are Goodra's highest stats. >>14723001 Not that we know of. I'd say go ahead and do it, you can always breed the Sylveon and get the moves as an Eevee again once we know complete movesets.
>>14723001 Would the moveset be similar to gen V?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>Organized boxes for National dex numbers >Still have 6 boxes completely free I love having 30 boxes
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Quoted By:
>>14723057 Good point, thanks.
Also I can't believe the official strategy guide doesn't have a Pokedex in it. So glad I didn't buy it.
>>14723068 I'd assume so.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14723001 breed wish onto it first then itll be okay to evolve it
>>14723057 wait whats your FC, my bad.
stupid question, whats the easiest way of going about getting MM pokemon? am i allowed to ask here or should i just try my luck with wonder trade?
Vespa 3DS: 5386-8102-4388
>>14723057 That's a badass sligoo!
What's your fc?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14723092 Scratch that 31 boxes.
Quoted By:
>>14723127 just get a regular ditto or a starter and put it in the gts and request a japanese ditto. repeat until successful
Athena [X] 0001 3760 8573
Quoted By:
>>14723127 Wonder Trade is really reliable. I get lots of Japanese and German players.
Mike 3454-1067-4837
>>14722729 Added.
Open question: I've been out of the game a while- from what I understand breeding a foreign ditto with a poke holing an everstone makes eggs with the same nature and a higher chance of being shiny, right?
>>14723116 My 3DS FC is in the e-mail field but here it is if you can't see it or something.
3DS: 5112-3421-3481
>>14723127 1) Catch Ditto in PokéPark area
2) Upload Ditto to GTS asking for another Ditto
3) 8/10 times you'll get a foreign Ditto in return
>>14723150 In the e-mail field but I posted it above.
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>14722867 Hm, so something to boost speed even higher?
Gotta go fast, indeed.
Quoted By:
>>14723184 >foreign mon Masuda methov for shiny
>everstone Nature from the mon holding it
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>14723197 >implying I haven't traded 4 dittos in the GTS and received 4 American ones back Anonymous
Quoted By:
just came out of breeding frenzy/supertraining regime. Where is 2nd gym please. Lost as shit.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
Anyone have tynamo or cottonee?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14723197 yeah im on the mimi app i couldnt see it thanks
>>14723116 Are there any Pokemon early on that have Wish? I'm still just after second gym.
How does hidden abilities get passed down? I have a bulletproof Quilladin and I'd like to breed more
NickRad: 2277 - 6659 - 3363
Quoted By:
Anyone want to trade me a Mewtwonite Y? Will give something good in return.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>14723286 i put this fennekin in the daycare and to my surprise it had a pretty cool learnset.
IIRC it learns wish so whenever i get to the move tutor town i can breed an eevee for you with wish?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14723356 just breed anything. males do it too now. even with ditto. can i have one by the way? and whats fennekins hidden ability?
>>14723159 where did you get 31 boxes from?
>>14723207 Yeah mang, Greninja's Speed is like 120.
>>14723230 thas bcuz ur a faget
>>14723248 No problem.
>>14723412 Magician: Steals opponents items when it lands an attack.
Adam X- 3840-5918-9875
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742
Lil B AKA Elliott - 3DS: 0404 5477 9632 | B2: 0562 6363 9742 Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:38:23 No. 14723508 Report Quoted By:
I tried the Everstone trick with a male Adaptability Eevee i got lucky with and derp caught. I now have 5 Jolly Adaptability Eevees. Kewl.
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>14723458 Know of any good egg moves I could try to give him? I like tossing them on when they aren't extremely difficult to bring over.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>14723458 physical attack? whats up with all these broken ass abilities?
anyone here got a spare one of those? im 2 badges in and all i got is a box full of fennekin and protean froakie
Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
Anyone have a foreign Ditto who wants to trade for an Aussie one?
>>14723565 i have a us ditto
is that good
Quoted By:
>>14723412 Cross your fingers
Quoted By:
>>14723518 Apparently Nasty Plot is an egg move but I think it's a level up move.
For now a LO set with Surf/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Extrasensory/Psychic (if it learns it), (Filler move) would work with Protean since it essentially gives it STAB on all those moves.
>>14723534 On any attack. You could use Psychic and it'd steal the opponents item, provided Fennekin doesn't have an item of it's own.
Quoted By:
I'm having no luck with female Eevees. I think I'll just deal with a male Sylveon.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>329 replies New thread time
>>14723615 Sad panda (Terra) 3883-6046-0815
Quoted By:
>>14723602 Just want a foreign one for breeding purpose.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>14723458 thats rite cuz i fukked ur daddy
so rekt
u made bro?
bby u need Braixen and Charmeleon right I can start them now? >>14721110 Sorry I thought you were Andrew I saw your name below his post when he was asking for them.
Memo 2723-9142-0784
Hello WFG people, im willing to become a regular arround here, help to breed a little, batlle some, everything. i'll look into the thread to see how can i help. i'm trying to breed a jolly Bulbasaur with no luck in the first 30 eggs,regardless, Does masuda method work when the different language pokemon is not ditto, but the other pokemon used for breeding (My ditto plus japanesse bulbasaur?) Anyway, willing to add anyone, just addme/tell mo to add you.
Quoted By:
>>14721569 I'm left handed and I have super training lvl 2 unlocked. If you not retarded its fine
>>14724093 Yes it works. But masuda method is for shone. Not Jolly nature.
Quoted By:
>>>14724093 >Yes it works. But masuda method is for shone and much baby. Not Jolly nature. didn't you get the memo? Memo 2723-9142-0784
Quoted By:
>>14724256 >shone thanks, doesn't matter too much, i just want a jolly one, if a shiny pops up i may end putting it here for anyone who wants it.