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Quoted By: >>14719957
How to make Pokemon challenging and rewarding without it being a grindfest.
>Give the AI scaling intelligence. Certain types of trainers will have better AI than others. (For example, an Ace Trainer is going to be a lot more tactical than a preschooler who would just spam growl and tackle.)
>Give the gym leaders some defense to their natural weakness. For example, a fighting gym leader using a Scrafty or a Pangoro to negate the Psychic weakness, or a water gym using a Lanturn to prevent a Raichu from sweeping their team.
>DON'T give players the option to switch when the opponent switches pokemon. As well, give the more advanced trainer AI the option to switch pokemon when they want to, as the player can as well.
>When AI trainers use items, don't just let them do a full healing item like an asshole. Give them items that would make more sense of their level of skill. (Lower gyms use basic potions and status heals. Higher ups use hyper potions and full heals. Elite Four trainers and Champions use Revives.)
>Poison goes back to doing damage to your pokemon overtime out of battle, but it is slower in effect.
>Have the player be able to fight gyms out of order. But the more badges you have, the tougher the gym and the more pokemon they use. (Kind of like how Origins depicted Brock.)
How would you fix the difficulty of Pokemon?
>Give the AI scaling intelligence. Certain types of trainers will have better AI than others. (For example, an Ace Trainer is going to be a lot more tactical than a preschooler who would just spam growl and tackle.)
>Give the gym leaders some defense to their natural weakness. For example, a fighting gym leader using a Scrafty or a Pangoro to negate the Psychic weakness, or a water gym using a Lanturn to prevent a Raichu from sweeping their team.
>DON'T give players the option to switch when the opponent switches pokemon. As well, give the more advanced trainer AI the option to switch pokemon when they want to, as the player can as well.
>When AI trainers use items, don't just let them do a full healing item like an asshole. Give them items that would make more sense of their level of skill. (Lower gyms use basic potions and status heals. Higher ups use hyper potions and full heals. Elite Four trainers and Champions use Revives.)
>Poison goes back to doing damage to your pokemon overtime out of battle, but it is slower in effect.
>Have the player be able to fight gyms out of order. But the more badges you have, the tougher the gym and the more pokemon they use. (Kind of like how Origins depicted Brock.)
How would you fix the difficulty of Pokemon?