[84 / 3 / ?]
Seeing how Shuppets/Banettes are kind of rare I guess, I'm giving away some Shuppets with Adamant nature and Phantom Force/Confuse Ray. I have about 10 of them and I would like some: Jolly/Timid Protean Froakies, Modest Goomys, Adamant Tyrunts, or anything else!
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
prisonmike 4871-4081-0526
>>14720329 I want one :(
But Don't have much to offer.
what would you like item-wise?
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14720629 anything's fine lol. Maybe a shiny stone but other than that I'll just trade you.
prisonmike 4871-4081-0526
>>14720706 just added you son
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
When I get out of Victory Road I can get you a Adamant Tyrunt.When breeding and passing down a nature, does mommy or daddy hold the everstone? Not that it matters cuz my Tyrantum and Ditto are both Adamant...
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14720895 i believe it's either parent
Rembrandt 3110-5132-8708 - Dark
Same op I would feel guilty taking one off your hand D:
guoonho 2766 8432 2369
I want in on too! I can give you my modest goomy I caught earlier.
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14720932 >Same op I would feel guilty taking one off your hand D: It's fine I have like 20 more
>>14720946 sure!!
>>14720931 sure
guoonho 2766 8432 2369
>>14720946 Also do you mind if you send me a female one?
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14720981 Thank you op
Stef 3480-2709-0709
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Banette is my favourite pokemon and I've got a timid female froakie with your name on it.
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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alright just request me trades
Harry 2320 6262 0165
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
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>>14720981 Not sure what I can give you in return, but I'll try to find something good.
A female would be swell
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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would like one please
Novo (Y) 2294-4670-4034
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>>14720147 Can I trade you a female Timid Eevee?
Joe 3883 - 5628 - 8591
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>>14720895 This guy here. Can I reserve a female one, if possible? This is taking way to long to leave...
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>14720147 I got an adamant Beldum if you want one.
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If I gave you my friend code + name could I get one tomorrow? I'll figure out something to trade you that'll hopefully be worth it but I just really want a shuppet since I got the mega evolution stone now.
John Scott 1375-7261-8970
>>14720147 OP please add me back I've been looking for shupper forever
I can offer you an adamant machop
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
Uhh i'll do the requesting guys if that's fine. I never traded with so many people requesting before sorry omg
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>14721320 If you got an extra one of those Machop's would you be willing to trade for an adamant Chespin.
Dye 1977-1569-9562
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I have modest Goomy and various other good natured things.
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
>>14720147 added you man, i can trade a adamant tyrunt with dragon dance and fire fang if u can wait for me to hatch one? otherwise i dont really have much else
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>>14721370 Sorry man only got one
If I don't get the shuppet
Unless you have a froakie with protean then I'll take that instead!
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>>14721343 I'm Yoru, 0748-1980-5944.
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>>14721353 How does the shiny mega banette looks like?
Might try to masuda the litttle thing
Stef 3480-2709-0709
>>14721343 timid, protean froakie here whenever you get around to it.
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>14721603 Okay I have it ready for you.
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
>>14721603 alrighty, shouldnt be too long
Swixer: 4253 3468 4631
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>>14721603 How does an Adamant Tyrunt egg with Fire Fang suit you? Or a Fennekin egg?
Dye 1977-1569-9562
>>14721603 Is there a chance you may run out before you can get to everyone? If so I'll make some better offers than just good natured things
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14721653 >>14721648 again i'll request you guys, for some reason when a shit load of people request me nothing happens.
>>14720147 You're very generous, thank you. Rather than badger you with another request from someone without anything valuable, where'd you find Shuppet?
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14721681 dw i'll get to you eventually, sorry im giving priority to those with the pokemon i want lol
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14721741 uhh i think i gts'd for a shuppet then bred it with a gourgeist
Austin 2535-4124-4372
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i have a modest goomy i could trade you for one of them shuppets if you still have any.
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
>>14721785 1 sec man, just hatcing it now, shuldnt be like 3 minutes
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14721847 oh i see okay lol
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Adamant Honedge ?
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14720147 yo. what happened with the other thread? I've got a protean froakie now if you want that instead of the timid eevee
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722027 my bad i got busy with this thread but sure
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
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>>14722084 i already added you. any particular nature?
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722027 oh and timid eevee since i just got a froakie
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
>>14721893 just hatched one sec, ill throw up a trad ein a sec
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
>>14722129 so eevee instead of froakie?
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722146 ill trade you then gryph
>>14722167 yeah
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
>>14720147 Added
I have Female Larvitars
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722146 requesting you right now lol
>>14722329 any good natures?
Dye 1977-1569-9562
>>14722405 What do you want for when you get to me? Magician Braixen? Modest Goomy? Heracrossite?
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
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im about to make some modest noibats if anyone wants one
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722447 the first and last sound amazing. What nature braixen?
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
>>14722405 Jolly for one but it's a male. I'll have Protean Froakies soon, too but I have no idea what gender/nature. They're eggs right now.
Dye 1977-1569-9562
>>14722479 I'll check, just a minute
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722505 I'd take the jolly male one if that's okay
>>14722516 alright, and you're really willing to give up your heracrossnite? :O
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
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Unrelated, but does anyone know where to find an Everstone?
Alexander 2981-6579-0302
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>>14722564 Okay, sounds good.
Dye 1977-1569-9562
>>14722564 Braixen is Quirky, unfortunately. I only have the one with Magician
Yeah I don't want Heracrossite.
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722682 i'll take the heracrossnite if thats okay lol you can keep the braixen
Dye 1977-1569-9562
>>14722721 Sure, no problem
Dye 1977-1569-9562
>>14722721 It seems I've already given it away, I just remembered. I have the rest of the mega stones, though I'm not willing to get rid of them all. Blastoisinite maybe?
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14722754 requesting you right now
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
>>14722841 anything's fine i don't really care lol, maybe a nugget or something since i'm poor haha
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
anyone else want a shuppet before i'm done tonight?
Dye 1977-1569-9562
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>>14722884 Thanks man. Sorry I forgot I had already disposed of Heracrossnite
Harry 2320 6262 0165
>>14722990 yep, i posted earlier
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14723005 sorry about that haha got lost with everything since it's my first time doing this. i'll add you right now
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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last call, i still have like 20 shuppets and i'm looking for modest houndours, duskulls, and tynamos
Austin 2535-4124-4372
>>14722990 i would like one as well. posted a little bit ago just thought you didnt want what i offerd
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14723227 sorry i'll add you right now, and just give me anything good idc no bunnelbys or ledybas haha
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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anyone else? also looking for large/giant pumpkaboos lol
I don't really have a whole lot to offer. A calm Eevee and I think a Stunfisk named Stinky. Morris 3454-0367-3267
jurdin 3411 1174 6852
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>>14723551 i've been looking for calm eevee! adding