So what are the actual chances of a male pokemon passing on their hidden ability to the baby? I've bred a good 20 or so froakies using my male protean froakie with my female japanese torrent froakie. All of them have torrent. Do I just have shit luck or have I been doing this wrong the whole time?And yeah, if you want a froakie with a random nature for some reason, feel free to ask. I gotta get rid of these bastards somehow.
Semi free bump. Does Greninja learn power-up punch?
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14720880 Yes. Pretty handy to make up for his mediocre attack.
>>14720522 I've been breeding a male Protean Froakie with a ditto and have gotten only one out of maybe 15 eggs with Torrent, the rest have all had Protean. Maybe your female Froakie is the one causing the problem for you?
>>14720522 >>14721505 While using a male protean froakie holding an everstone, and a japanese ditto...
>19/25 Protean >6/25 Torrent >no shinies Anonymous
>>14720522 What's Greninja's base stats?
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14721505 >>14721676 Damn, that might very well be the case. So much for MM'ing to get a shiny one. Guess I better start looking for dittos instead. How late game are they this time?
Marisa 4828 - 4137 - 9567
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>>14721767 In the village at the end of the forest, before the 8th gym.
Marisa 4828 - 4137 - 9567
Axel 0645-5773-6839
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if you get a female with Protein....I would very much like it.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14721767 I've got an extra ditto if you'd like actually.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14720522 ill take one male hasty if ya got it
give ya a starter or something
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722077 That would make my day man. You want anything in particular? I don't have anything particularly rare, but I do have some amauras, a few jolly heracrosses, and a shit load of
froakies .
Why do people want females so much?
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722094 Sure, I got a hasty one for you. You have any chespins? I'll take one of any nature, though adamant would be cool.
jon 4656-5763-9406
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14722213 Protien froakie would be fucking awesome. Give me a sec to add you
Should Froakies be Timid or Modest?
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14722289 alright added bro. Your ditto is waiting.
>>14722356 Personally I would go with Modest
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722334 Aw shit man, got your posts mixed up. I only have one protean froakie so I can't really afford to give him out. Sorry about that.
If you let me borrow the ditto, I'll breed a froakie for you right now. I realize how sketchy that sounds so if that won't fly I totally understand.
I'm not sure, but when doing some breeding on the first try from breeding my event Blaziken I got a Speed Boost Adamant Torchic. Yeah, he's mine. Not trading him away.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14722580 Thats fine by me bro
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722654 Sweet, I'll leave a pokemon with you that I value a lot so you know I won't cut and run.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14722580 If you ever accept that is...
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14722717 You didn't say you needed a forign ditto right? My japan ditto is in the day care
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722779 Nah it's fine. I'll let you know as soon as I've hatched your protean froakie.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14722588 sent a chespin egg as its all i have atm, but i got all the starters and a lot of honedge if your interested
breeding for a hasty shiny male currently
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14722836 Sweet. Yeah I plan on breeding the fuck out of it. End goal is a shiny modest protein Greninja
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722877 It's cool, I got plenty of adamant pokemon so I wasn't too picky. Thanks a lot man.
>>14722877 I'm interested in a good natured Honedge.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14722947 Forgot to tripfag that shit, sorry
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14722987 added, also what nature you prefer?
Quoted By:
>>14723047 honestly, i have no idea. Anybody have his base stats anywhere?
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
Quoted By:
Wellp, the first egg ended up being a torrent froakie. Let's hope the remaining 5 are a little better...
Anyone have a spare Protean Froakie?
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14723255 we're working on it now. I'll get you one if I can once I get mine.
>>14723047 Adament works for me for Honedge
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14722898 Alright, after 4 torrent froakies, finally got your protean froakie bro. Hope you don't mind lonely nature.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14723309 got a brave google said was best <: D
>>14723309 Awesome thanks. I don't much to offer though. I have a speedboost Torchic if youre interested
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14723407 Google likely knows better than I do.
Nick 2852 7961 6754
>>14722877 Unfortunately I have all of the starters and I don't feel like breeding more. I'll add you though.
>>14722937 This is not the same person. Although they might have an Adamant Speed Boost Torchic as well, I don't know.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14723460 its ready when you are im J ingame
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14723456 I've got one already. I usually don't ask for much in return. If you have something to offer, great, otherwise it's fine. If you have adament torchic, that'd be awesome.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14723487 Never asked what you wanted. Fuck. Anything in particular?
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14723468 Oh whoops responded to the wrong one, sorry about that.
>>14723500 Hey Axel, could I have my tyrantrum back? As much as I want a noibat, I like my bro even more.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>147235 protein froakie later mybe
Quoted By:
>>14723391 Hell yeah. Awesome bro. And nah I don't mind.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14723571 Keep the noibat bro. It's for all your time
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14723644 Oh in that case, thanks man, I'll gladly take it.
>>14723309 Btw here's my fc 2191-7733-9582
>>14723700 Heracross? random, but I'm down, I don't have one yet.
Quoted By:
>>14723729 >>14723575 Both of you just lurk here until I get 2 more Protein froakies.
Peyton 3668-7275-7400
>>14723735 Haha yeah, was breeding jolly heracrosses for a while so I got a bunch of spares. Figured it was better that then another
torrent froakie.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14723784 I think it would be a worthwhile en-devour to own a ditto of every viable nature.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Got one protein froakie if you guys are still here.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14723865 Foreign ones would be even better, aye?
>>14724179 i am
Quoted By:
>>14724203 Sweet. You get the first one then. Request trade w/ me
>>14724179 not anyone who asked you for one before but would still like one if possible.
FC is 2277-6669-0436
>>14724179 Man...haha ill just wait again
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724311 >>14724300 Put your friend codes and names in the name box so I can easily add you when I have more proteins
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14724179 ill help breed um thnks for the froki bro
Quoted By:
>>14724335 2191-7733-9582
Liu 2277-6669-0436
>>14724335 I sent you a friend request so hopefully it's easy.
Thanks man.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724344 no prob. Thanks for the Honedge. Pleasure doing business with you
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724395 lucky you, I just got another one. Trade me bro.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14724401 if i get two perfect shineys ill throw one your way lol
>>14724457 Did you add me?
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724494 Same. Also trying to get shiny protein froakie. I'll send one your way if I happen to get two by some stroke of luck
>>14724509 give me a bit, i don't have one for you right now
I've been breeding my Frogadier with a ditto. Male one. Only two of his kids have had torrent. Our of the twenty or so I've bred. So far a lot of modest and jolly ones.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724509 actually, I do now. Added, sorry for the wait bro.
Liu 2277-6669-0436
Quoted By:
>>14724540 Thanks man. Goodluck breeding a shiny, I will also join you in attempting to get one.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724617 what do you think is best on froakie nature-wise?
>>14724621 no problem thanks. I dont see you though
>>14724617 Personally I think modest is best, why don't you swap out with the modest one and everstone it? Matter of fact, I'll take the modest one to switch with the one currently in my daycare
Quoted By:
Thanks again for your time.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14724733 forgot to trip again. I don't usually use a name when I post, so I'm not used to it yet.
>>14724670 thanks for the evo. Didn't even know it evolved via trade
Quoted By:
>>14724792 Haha yeah and its a super-sized one too!
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Any luck with shinies anyone?
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14725817 not yet but researeched best froakie, we are looking for a modest with spc.ak char.
Male shiney modest froakie with good char get lol
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
>>14725904 on a side note using my Japanese ditto with everstone fingers crossed.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14725904 Females give 80% ability pass on rate too, so the Froakie in the daycare should be Female, Modest, protein holding everstone. Do you have that? Because I can't seem to find a female w/ protein
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14725982 using modest ditto atm but ill switch to female when i get one with the ability.
Arti 2621 3001 2960
I'd love a female protean Froakie A female torrent Froakie would be acceptable too, but Protean is obviously preferable. I don't really have anything I could give for one, though.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14726125 ill hook u up in a bit add me
I just got a pokerus Protean Froakie by Wonder Trade from some Japanese player. I have no idea how to express this level of joy. The charity of that man makes me want to weep. What's the fastest way to get an everstone? I am going to pay this kindness forward. This time tomorrow, pokerus Proteans for every anon in this thread.
>>14726100 Fuck yes. just got a female protein. Now i just need a female protein modest.
>>14726199 Is it female?
>>14726231 Male and Hasty but I won't hear a word against the man.
>>14726256 Best get to breeding. It's going to take alot longer with a guy. You should switch to a female protein asap.
Arti 2621 3001 2960
Quoted By:
>>14726192 Thanks a million.
Quoted By:
>>14726280 Yeah, I know it.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14726199 sweet ill add you if thats okay?
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14726343 just got a Modest female protein n switched it over, char is proud of its power. moved everstone. Anyone know any good eggmoves? is the power punch one?
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14726199 >>14727479 wanna combine powers? send me a pokerus contagious Pokemon and ill help out.
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14726199 I'd love you forever
jon 4656-5763-9406
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>>14726199 or i can send you a female protein. either way.
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
Do you have to have Protean on one of the parents to get it in the first place?
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quick question: anyone else see their power items fail when using 1 on each parent? Shit was cash with just power lense on 1 parent, but now im having absolute no luck with Ivs being all random now (using 1 power item on each parent now) I want 2 Perfect IVs :(
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14727706 What items are you talking about?
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>14727706 anke for speed, and power lense for SpA.
>>14727561 if you get a second, let me get one plz. I can't find a modest at all.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14727875 im pretty shure i have one, do you have an everstone?
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14727479 Still searching for one. If you hatch a second one, send it my way
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14727903 I have an everstone yeah, but i need it. You can get one in Geosenge town
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14727905 you got it. i got plenty of modest male proteins if anyone wants
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14727953 Yeah I'd love one please.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14727971 add me c u in 5 mins
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14727905 just got one for you
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14727991 I'll take a modest male too, fuck it
Hogue 1864 8668 8113
>>14727953 I would also love to have one!
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14728027 Scratch that then. Sweet, thanks dude
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Oh shit, you know what...if we replace ditto with a male froakie it might increase the chance of protein
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14728110 Yeap thats why i tried to give you one lol. a forein froakie would be nicer tho :/
Quoted By:
>>14728126 oh yeah, you're right. I guess i'll stick with ditto for now
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14728055 >>14727971 ill hook you both up anyone else? also Add my freindcode and link to me plz
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14728126 Lol foreign modest female protean is a hilariously steep requirement mountain.
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14728168 Lol that's true
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14728168 i got the female we were talking about a male one to fore shineys/ hidden abillity
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14728219 but yeah start a trade with me not sure of in game names, mines j.
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
>>14728256 only the two females so far fellow shiny hunters.
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14728256 Thanks anon. (was Nate)
jon 4656-5763-9406
Claudia 0404 -6540 - 7443
>>14724733 Does Everstone work with Masuda? I thought one canceled out the other a few gens ago. I'm probably wrong though. I might just do that if that's the case. Only issue is that I'm not sure if I want to dick around with a physical attacker or make a fully useful modest one. Greninja's probably my favorite pokemon now.
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
>>14728343 its worked for me so far dunno about shineys tho
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14728343 I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think anyone else is yet either. I think you kind of lock yourself in Power-Up Punch if you go physical, which isn't bad, but it's just kind of limiting.
Claudia 0404 -6540 - 7443
>>14728382 Power-up punch, night slash and a few other things. Not BAD, but not for any sorta serious play, I don't think. That being said; how useful are Anticipation eevees because I might start breeding them next. Saw a few threads about them.
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14728416 I have absolutely no idea, hahahaha. As a side note since he wouldn't be that great for "serious" play you could always dick around with RNG and use Water Shuriken which is a really fun attack.
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
>>14728206 any luck on the shinys?
Claudia 0404 -6540 - 7443
>>14728459 I fucking love Water Shuriken. I don't know if I'm correct or not, but I noticed after each subsequent hit it did a tiny bit more damage? Or maybe I was just hopeful.
Quoted By:
Does Water Shuriken pass down at all to different pokemon? If so can it breed with Minccino? Imagine a skill link Minccino with that shit...
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14728480 Yeah I don't know, pokemon health bars are weird. It doesn't help that like they just weirder the more HP they represent. But I think it's more of a hopeful thing hahaha. They might also be pulling a street fighter and have the orange values be lower than the green value so it looks like more, but isn't.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
u guys want japanese female protean froakies? I could make a few more, i have some males but i could breed females for the right price. Im playing on JAP mode.
Regicide 0748-1536-6650
>>14728517 Holy shit anon I would literally fly to wherever you are to suck your dick. Add me up please mother of god.
Claudia 0404 -6540 - 7443
>>14728504 Could be. God could you imagine how broken the metagame would be if Pokemon Amie worked in competitive battling?
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14728542 Lol yes. It would certainly make me feel a lot more girly when I fought my roommate. "I HAVE MORE HEARTS THAN YOU HUEHUEHUE"
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
could use a male
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14728517 if you got a male jap protean ill take it
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14728647 yeah i have a bunch, and they have perfect Sp Attack.
Learned the hard way u cant use power items on both parents.
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14728687 adding you. also were did you get power items? i didnt beat the game yet.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>14728529 going to take a minute to make females, odds are rare
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14728517 Added you too, I'd love a female one.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14728731 what can i have in return?
Power items are from battle maison (frontier) post e4
Axel 0645-5773-6839
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
>>14722216 Breeding egg moves.
Quoted By:
>>14728782 >asking for things in return >not for the sake of friendship Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14728782 I've got a modest female noivern
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
>>14728865 Noivern isn't physical? I just assumed given the look.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
this is going to take a bit more time, trying to get all modest and all perfect Sp Attack IVs. Unless u dont care about IVs for the females, then i can pump them out sooner
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14728887 I'm down for perfect IV's. I like that shit. Where do I get power lens so it doesn't lose the ivs in its children?
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14728905 I don't so much care about IVs. I just want to start trying to get a shiny.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>14728905 nvm edit: i can make them perfect sp attack too, its just really rare to spawn females
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
I got another Adamant Scyther earlier. Already bred one and traded the dad, so it's nice I guess.
>>14722356 Timid > Modest. But Froakie is not a special sweeper or some shit like that, he is a mixed attacker. He benefits much more from Hasty/Naive, especially if you are using Protean.
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14728982 That's legit. You don't have any extra Scythers do you? I love that guy and have been looking for one.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14729006 im playing him currently modest with icebeam, darkpulse, surf and extra sensory/U turn.
Dont think i have any timid
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
unless someone spares me a timid ditto, these are going to be straight modest
jon 4656-5763-9406
>>14729068 would be fine with a male jap protean
>>14729068 Yeah just playing ingame or whatever Modest is fine. But competitively the speed is going to be way more important, and considering U-turn will be a popular choice with Protean, the extra attack is going to be useful.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14729105 Now that I think about it, having extra speed would definitely help alot, considering with protein he can change types before the opponent lands a move, and can resist it
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14729112 yours is coming up now, adding atm
>>14729118 yeah i can switch into a melee Froakie build if anyone has a spare timid froakie female or ditto.
Quoted By:
>>14729187 Timid is +Speed -Attack though. Mixed needs Hasty or Naive.
Also, I saw nobody answered your question earlier. You can only use one Power item to pass down an IV, using two will pick one randomly.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
could do jolly if u want purely physical. if anyone has a jolly ditto
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14729260 I could dig it, let me check my ditto.
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14729260 Nah mine is Serious =\
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14729260 purely physical with his movepool? Idk about that one. i'll stick with timid
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14729355 im running modest atm, but i could use a timid a timid female froakie or ditto if thats what ppl want.
>>14721482 Why would you make a physical Greninja when he has Access to Dark Pulse, Surf, Extrasensory and such? I'm just curious.
Quoted By:
>>14721482 Mediocre attack? He has 95, only 8 less than his 103 Special.
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14729426 Because sometimes I like to have fun. And attacks like Water Shuriken and Power-Up Punch are really fun.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14729394 Does it have to be Protein?
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14729457 not sure if it cuts the chances down or not, but protean should be passed down from my male.
Im guessing it should be fine
Is there any place where all the new Pokemon's base stats are listed? Bulbapedia is a hive of typos and unfinished pages currently. Shall i start up a Base stats & learnset pastebin?
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14729485 Yes. Serebii got them up tonight actually
Quoted By:
>>14729485 Serebii like just put them up.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14729481 Okay, well I'm hatching for a timid froakie to give you now.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14728529 ok Regicide!! First of this batch was a female!! ill add u up now.
It is modest with top spA IV,
going to try to mix it up for some speed prioritized ones for other anons
Quoted By:
>>14729500 Oh nice I'll look there then.
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14729552 what do i need to do to keep the spA IV if I want to breed it for shiny?
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
Quoted By:
>>14729552 Awesome, thank you.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>14729568 parents have random chance to pass it down, but if u use a power item from battle maison postgame, its guranteed (only 1 power item)
Axel 0645-5773-6839
>>14729617 but if i make them hold the power item, i can't make them hold everstone, which prevents the timid nature + protien from being 100%
>>14729653 One parent holds Everstone. One parent holds Power Item.
Guaranteed 31 IV in a stat + guaranteed nature.
Regicide (Nate) 0748-1536-6650
>>14729653 One for each parent doesn't work?
Axel 0645-5773-6839
Quoted By:
>>14729667 but in this case, that would mean i would need a timid ditto
Quoted By:
>>14729653 Welcome to the joys of breeding for natures and IVs
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>14729653 i use a ditto (with modest nature) to get around that.
if u want to add in a generation of dads for attacks u have to go about doing that too for another layer of genetics
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>14729675 they cancel each other out, only 1 power item at a time.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
guys i might go ditto hunting for a timid pure speed froakie
jon 4656-5763-9406
Quoted By:
hope that pokerus guy delivers tommaro ftw
Genericana 4553-9984-2759
Quoted By:
>make one egg with Speed Boost Blaziken and Ditto >first egg is female Speed Boost Torchic Ubers here I come.
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
Quoted By:
If you still have some proteans, I would like one. I can give you a dragonair for one.
Quoted By:
Ill take a protean froakie female or male if you have any left. Can trade like 30 torrent froakies or a charmeleon...