[75 / 3 / ?]
Alright, /vp/. I have about 1 and a half boxes of modest Zoruas leftover after IV breeding. Add me if you want one, anything left I'm just going to wonder trade off. And if you're feeling kind, you could leave me added for Friend Safari stuff :^)
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Probably would be helpful if I had my info.. Oops.
Ren 1246-8725-7101
Ohh i want one! I added you Op
Fiiko 4811-7913-6893
>>14731439 I'd like one. Adding you now.
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Ren 1246-8725-7101
Quoted By:
Based Roady, thanks
Jon 4639-9046-0154
I'd like in on one, but I don't really have much of interest
Wingo 5000-2651-0355
Fiiko 4811-7913-6893
>>14731681 Thanks a bunch!
I'll keep you added for Safari
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14731702 Sure thing
>>14731729 I'll get you too
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14731729 No problem at all, enjoy.
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
>>14731790 Meant for you, obviously.
>>14731738 Anonymous
>>14731439 Could i have one?
Added btw
Jon 4639-9046-0154
>>14731739 thanks! sorry a foreign bunnleby was the best I can offer, haven't paid much mind to catching many mons.
Hildr 5327-2059-9966
1091-7544-5535 Brad
>>14731410 added
for both the pokemon and friend safari
Wingo 5000-2651-0355
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
>>14731868 Not a problem, if there was a way I could just send them I would anyway.
Quoted By:
>>14731861 Silly me, forgot my FC...
Here: Morten 2036-7263-4838
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
If you guys could send me a trade when I'm available that'd be perfect, way too many to keep track of here. Thanks!
Mal 2380-3653-0028
>>14731439 Going to add you in a moment.
I'd like one too. =)
Roady 2680-9708-0269
1091-7544-5535 Brad
>>14731410 what do i do to receive mah pokemanz
Hildr 5327-2059-9966
>>14732056 Thank you OP! <3
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14732113 Send me a trade request on the PSS
Azure (2895-7649-6452)
>>14731410 Added for pokemon and safari
Mal 2380-3653-0028
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
>>14732190 I'll add you in just a minute
1091-7544-5535 Brad
>>14732167 i did, it's still sitting on sending trade request
>>14731439 I'll take one!
Also added
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14732252 That's odd, everyone else seemed to be successful.
Nelly 4511 1709 2715
Pride 4124-5086-0799, Breloom, Sawk, Mienfoo
Pride 4124-5086-0799, Breloom, Sawk, Mienfoo Thu 17 Oct 2013 12:12:39 No. 14732290 Report I'd really like one as well please, OP!
RadLarry 0834-1369-1013
Will add everyone one in the thread. Please add me.
Protoss (1950-8736-3394)
may i have one? maybe female? 0989-1951-1764 Jawsh
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Derek 0705-3343-0285 here Would like one as well
RadLarry 0834-1369-1013
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Protoss (1950-8736-3394)
Quoted By:
Forgot to add my in game name is Vyral.
Pride 4124-5086-0799, Breloom, Sawk, Mienfoo
Pride 4124-5086-0799, Breloom, Sawk, Mienfoo Thu 17 Oct 2013 12:27:05 No. 14732638 Report Thank you very much OP! My Friend Safari Pokemon are in my name field and I'll be online for an hour more if you want to get some Technician Brelooms going.
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Still giving them away, just try your best to get a trade request to me.
Yizzle 1306-5485-9254
Still here op? I'd be very happy to receive one.
Kain 5370 - 0420 - 8139
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
>>14732638 Ooh, I might just have to!
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14732685 >>14732691 Get to you two in a few minutes, just finishing up everyone else.
Ryu - 2466 2652 3748
Hey bro, just added. Any chance I could get one with the name "Legs" ? If not that's cool, any chance I could have a female one instead? :)
Johan 0232 8066 6797
Quoted By:
>>14732717 Thanks OP! You rock.
Max 3110-5043-4142
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
Adding everyone else now, just a moment.
Protoss (1950-8736-3394)
1091-7544-5535 Brad
>tfw trade my pokeman who effortlessly defeated the elite four without the help of the others I am a heartless bastard trading it away, it deserved better then me
Roady 2680-9708-0269
478548967098 Would really appreciate it op, name is Mark.
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14732925 I did ask if you were sure. But don't worry, it'll help me hatch eggs from here on out.
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
>>14732959 I'll add you just as soon as I'm done with the last few. Same with anyone else who posts beyond this point.
Can i have one? Checho : 4785 4892 7129
Johan 0232 8066 6797
Jacoby 1349 - 5022 - 5745
Id really like one :) Pleaaaseee
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14733041 Ah alright, my bad.
Kain 5370 - 0420 - 8139
Ryu - 2466 2652 3748
1091-7544-5535 Brad
Quoted By:
>>14732975 you would make a better owner anyway
Yizzle 1306-5485-9254
Quoted By:
>>14733056 Thanks a bunch.
kittensYO 3196-4046-2874
Would like one! Added you ^^
Roady 2680-9708-0269
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
would like one please 4012 4537 4128
Roady 2680-9708-0269
>>14733380 I'll add you and a couple more people, then I'll be done. Hope you all enjoy them!
>>14733358 Are you having to breed them now or do you currently have them ready? Mark btw.
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
>>14733452 As I said I have a box and a half, so they're already here. Just giving them away.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Roady 2680-9708-0269
Quoted By:
If that's everyone I guess I'm done adding people. If I missed anyone, make sure you send a trade request.