eric 1478-3722-5329
>>14737867 I have 100,000 brave honedges, add me, i want a joltik
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:00:47 No. 14738228 Report Quoted By:
>>14738136 Added. Awaiting trade request.
Rokco 0688-5266-8744
>>14737867 Brave honedge for Beldum?
Marc 2552-1154-8877
>>14737867 I have Timid Ghastly (male and female) with a bunch of 31's (S.Att, HP, Att) with Disable egg-move. Tell me if you're interested. I'd like an Adamant Beldum.
Same for
>>14738136 Brianna 0516-7816-5358
>>14737867 I've got a brave Honedge, wanna trade it for a beldum?
Rokco 0688-5266-8744
Quoted By:
>>14738283 my honedge has 31 atk IVs, not sure on the others.
eric 1478-3722-5329
>>14738287 are you looking for a brave honedge? I'm usually fucking WT'ing them so sure jsut add me, i'll give 'em away.
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:05:06 No. 14738377 Report Quoted By:
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
If you'd like to part with a female modest clauncher I have an adamant Charmander.
(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348)
(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:05:33 No. 14738387 Report Adamant Tyrunt (with elemental fangs and Dragon Dance) for a Protean Froakie?
>>14737867 Larvesta with morning sun for joltik?
Hugou 3711 7943 4058
Want a Modest Fennekin with 31 Speed for a Timid Protean Froakie?
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:06:15 No. 14738409 Report Marc 2552-1154-8877
Hugou 3711 7943 4058
>>14738409 Alright, adding you!
(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348)
(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:08:35 No. 14738483 Report >>14738409 >(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348) Will an egg be ok? Or do you prefer hatched?
>>14737867 I have an adamant Zorua with Sucker Punch (Egg Move) if you still have any Beldums left.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>14737867 Forgot friend code.
Male Gibble, Clauncher and Bedum for Female Adamant Skrelp Female Random Goomy (or male timid goomy) Female Random Heracross Female Illusion Zorua They're all level 1 if you're interested
Marc 2552-1154-8877
Rokco 0688-5266-8744
Quoted By:
>>14738602 I can also breed a Noibat really quickly if you want that (I don't mind doing a 3 for 5 trade really)
Quoted By:
>>14738409 Only have one female larvesta with morning sun, not sure if egg moves are still passed on only by the father, but I can trade you the male beautifly with morning sun for forakie or beldum as well if you want want.
I want a frokie with protean i could offer any mega stone of starters and honedge adamant
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:15:52 No. 14738733 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Where is the best place to cycle and hatch eggs in OP/anyones opinion?
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
I'll trade Adamant Beldum with a Brave Synchronize pokemon, or a Brave honedge.
Brianna 0516-7816-5358
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:22:49 No. 14738969 Report >>14738324 Thanks, it being female is a bonus!
>>14738433 >>14738380 Thanks.
>>14738387 >>14738390 Next. Male Beautifly w/ Morning Sun is fine.
4484 8377 1257
Quoted By:
>>14737867 I hve brave honedge. Would like a joltik if possible.
Hugou 3711 7943 4058
Quoted By:
>>14738733 Thanks for the Froakie!
3668-8601-2023 Scooter
Quoted By:
>>14737867 could I have a Compound Eyes Joltik oh god please?
Serena 4940-5460-7007
>Brave Ditto I have this. Gib timid protean pls I will take the long journey of breeding them into the ultimate killer
Thank you based James. I was thinking about trading other mons for yours, but I know I have most of those on my B2 game which will be in the mass exodus come December. And I always liked Clauncher over Skrelp anyway (Yfag), plus I'm doing a gen-6 only playthrough. I also have a timid Ghastly and a Protean Froakie if anyone else wants to trade.
I'd like a joltik nature don't matter, have shuppets :3 My friend safari has DW Braxien and Charmeleon too 4511-0463-4345
(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348)
(Mii: Poka / IGN: Kevin / FC: 1977-0441-8348) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:27:25 No. 14739141 Report Quoted By:
Serena 4940-5460-7007
Quoted By:
>>14739106 >Safari has DW Braxien and Charmeleon a-add pls ;____;
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14739031 I can give you a protean for Brave ditto ASAP.
Quoted By:
>>14738969 Ill send you a trade request soon op again, left male beautifly in daycare.
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Serena 4940-5460-7007
>>14739153 Did OP give all of his away already? ;_;
I can trade you if he did
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14739216 Well I'm not sure but I think OP's busy with his other trades, if you're up for it I am ready right now.
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:31:25 No. 14739299 Report >>14738387 >>14738390 Thanks.
>>14738602 Gible for Skrelp.
>>14738495 Sure. Last Beldum!
>>14738717 If you have Charizardite X it's a deal.
>>14739031 Deal.
>>14739106 Sure, why not.
Serena 4940-5460-7007
>>14739268 I just looked through my Ditto box and the Brave one has Limber, one of the last natures I didn't snag an Imposter for yet
do you still want it?
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>14739299 Thanks, adding you right now.
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Serena 4940-5460-7007
Quoted By:
>>14739299 >>14739268 I'm so conflicted oh gosh
Quoted By:
>>14739299 >>14739106 >Sure, why not. Added ya, I'll get right to it! :D
Serena 4940-5460-7007
>>14739349 Added
S-sorry OP ;_____;
ty based mike for giving me your safari
Quoted By:
>>14739394 > ty based mike for giving me your safari Thank based prince braxien
anyone have a froakie male with protean i could offer various pkmn and mega stones
Quoted By:
>>14739299 do you have any beldums left?
Quoted By:
yes i have charizardite x i connect now
3668-8601-2023 Scooter
Quoted By:
>>14739449 I do, do you happen to have politoed/Scizor and willing to trade them bychance? or even a steelix that isn't thumper?
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>14739299 it's not showing you as online.
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
>>14739449 What do you have? I have a Timid Protean one
Serena 4940-5460-7007
>Could not connect to the internet top whut Also the name is what perfect IVs it has
Alan [Y] 2964-9999-7754
Quoted By:
>>14739449 I have Male Modest Froakies with Protean.
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:38:17 No. 14739588 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Still got a Gible OP? I can give you a Brave Honedge (levelled to 20 or so already)
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
>>14739578 It's saying that you have connection errors
wat do
Serena 4940-5460-7007
Quoted By:
The actual fuck Everything is fine until we actually trade, and it disconnects me Erio pls ;-;
Blue 4511-0463-4345
>>14737867 Just out of curiosity, how long does it take for a new egg to appear? I have a Japanese ditto I'm using for breeding purposes mainly for getting shinies, but I have no idea how often I should go back to grab a new egg.
Quoted By:
>>14739657 Very quickly. With a bicycle it'll take like a minute per egg
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>14739657 when the day care dude turns around, he has an egg
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:42:35 No. 14739750 Report >>14739106 >>14738495 Thanks!
>>14738602 >>14738717 Next.
No more Beldums! Three Timid Protean Froakies left, one Timid Compound Eyes Joltik left.
Serena 4940-5460-7007
Quoted By:
Ty based Erio I love you so much
Homu 5343-8159-4415
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Have: Dittos up the ass, friend safari, Jolly/Timid/Impish Protean Timid/Naive Froakies with 31 IVs in sp.atk/speed Shiny Carnivine Timid Larvestas Want: -MOST IMPORTANT- Friend Safari'd Hawlucha with 31 in atk or speed Others: Good lv1 bred mons, just list 'em. Also really want a Calm Wish Eevee If you want my Froakies or Larvestas and don't have what I want to trade it's fine too, let's not jew around here
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:46:01 No. 14739889 Report >>14738602 Thanks!
>>14738717 Awaiting request.
>>14739806 Untouched almost.
Quoted By:
>>14739750 thanks for the gibble
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14739844 I got a Calm wish Eevee if you give me a moment to breed em, I want a Timid Ditto in return
Jason 2836-1468-3177
trading 2 mild natured protean froakies open to offers also have 2 torrent froakies im giving away
Homu 5343-8159-4415
>>14739889 Brave Honedge for one?
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14739922 Sure Erio, give me a male please though, I want to breed it myself afterwards.
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14739844 I'd love Timid Froakie too, I got a Brave honedge
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
>>14740065 Give me a moment to hatch the Eevee
I'm breeding Froakies too OP, but how do I check hidden abilities?
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14740107 Sure man, let's double it up.
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:55:04 No. 14740190 Report >>14740000 Sorry, already got enough Brave Honedges.
>>14739844 I have a Safari Male Mold Breaker Hawlucha with 31 in SpA, SpDef, and Speed. Do you have any Female Protean Froakies with 21 IVs in SpA/Sped?
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>14740160 Huh.... there's nothing to check, it's its ability.
Or did you mean IVs? In the town that unlocks after the E4, a man in the Pokecenter will tell you if they "can't be beat" = maxed
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:56:11 No. 14740229 Report Quoted By:
>>14740190 Female Protean Froakies with 31 IVs in SpA/Speed I mean.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14740190 Aight man I want that bad ass mo fucka, I got a female with 31 in sp.atk I believe. Or did you mean both stats?
>>14739657 Also to add onto this, what would be the best nature for Clauncher?
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 16:58:59 No. 14740331 Report >>14740275 And/or. I'll take the 31 in SpA as long as it's Female w/ Protean.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14740166 Alright I'm ready, added.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14740331 Aight nigga let us trade
Robin 0662-3419-3552
Just a question, can males pass down hidden abilities and natures this gen?
Quoted By:
i dont have much to trade, but if you still have a naive protean froakie left ide love to trade for it!
Homu 5343-8159-4415
Quoted By:
>>14740190 Can I interest you in anything else? Got a Relaxed Ditto, Mild Venusaur, Lonely Dratini
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14740394 Just clearing the Hawlucha guy and we can go.
>>14737867 Is OP Not in the US? I'm MMing Protean Froakies with my Modest Ditto, and Almost done with the second box, but I'm starting to get a lot of Torrents, and that worries me. I think I need to MM with 2 Froakies now.
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
Quoted By:
>>14737867 I do have modest Fennekin for a Protean Froakie.
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 17:05:01 No. 14740557 Report >>14740405 Yes.
>>14740401 Thanks! Pains me to let the guy go, but man getting a Female Protean with 31 in SpA is too good to pass off.
>>14740457 I'm in the US. It's all chance.
That's all the trades I can do. Thanks again to everyone who I traded with!
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14740441 Mind if we do another trade with that Jolly Ditto? I got an Adamant Zorua, or a Modest Litwick, all other decent pokemons is the one that I have to breed
I got a Synchronize Adamant, Timid, Brave Espeons too.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14740557 But can't you get other, mate?
Honestly I'm not even sure I'm gonna go Mold Breaker, I'm thinking more of a Swords Dance/Acrobatics/HJK/Encore build@Unburden.
Sounds like a truck. I just want me some perfect IVs.
>>14740557 Wait so even if I did use a Male out region Protean Froakie, and one of my Females with Modest and 31 Sp.Atk IVs it would still have the same chance rate for Protean? It wouldn't become 100%?
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
>>14740577 I got a Adamant DD Fire fang Tyrunt, I could give you an egg of it
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
Quoted By:
I also have Careful, Docile, Gentle, Quirky, and mild dittos
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>14740577 Slap a timid Espeon on top then.
But wait for like 5 mins, I'll need to restock on dittos.
Raff 1392 - 4443 - 3508
>>14737867 I'm probably late, but if I could have one of those Beldum I would be grateful.
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier)
James 3695-0147-8140 (Floatzel, Panpour, Frogadier) Thu 17 Oct 2013 17:11:40 No. 14740803 Report Quoted By:
>>14740599 I'll have to check. I may have removed the person who had Hawlucha's in his/her Safari. Sounds like a good build, I was thinking of something along those lines for the future.
>>14740620 I am not certain on the matter, sorry.
>>14740777 Fresh out of Beldums and fresh out of time! Sorry.
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
Do anyone else have Protean Froakies that they could trade?
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14740860 >>14739844 Also Erio I am ready
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>>14740881 I don't see you on, are you Missy?
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>14740920 I should point out, Froakie just got 5 levels from the wild Ditto I caught, so if that counts for EVs then he has 1 Ditto EV
Jason 2836-1468-3177
Quoted By:
>>14740860 see
>>14739998 also got another adamant protean i think
Quoted By:
>>14740860 I have 2 boxes full of Modest Protean Froakies, Tonight I'll be giving them away before I flood wondertrade
Grace 2809 8467 2259
Quoted By:
Hey. I'm looking for something from the Goodra line, female, with the Gooey ability. I don't have a ton to offer sadly, so I do have a lot of Noibat I bred and most are timid with a 31 speed IV.
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
Serena 4940-5460-7007
Hey Mike, I just want you to know I would suck your cock if I could right now bro Yesterday I caught 36 Charmeleons and not a single one had Solar Power, I gave up I just went into your Safari Zone and the first two Pokemon I encountered were Charmeleon/Braixen Both of them had their DW abilities on my first try I want to have your fucking children
Nancho : 1177 - 7184 - 6334
>>14739844 C-could I have one of the Froaksters?
And could you name it Raymondo (male)? But I don't have anything in return, so you might as well not bother.
;_; Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14741076 stop being gay
give me a few minutes with alexa and I'll send one your way
if you have any Y exclusives or the gay dinosaur that could be cool
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14741049 Who's Mike? I also want in on that shit
Nancho : 1177 - 7184 - 6334
>>14741171 Ok.
You mean Amaura, yeah? I can breed one fast
I'm gonna beg here. Is ther someone willing to give me a Dratini or a Dragonair? Would be appreciated.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>14741349 sure then added
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
Quoted By:
>>14741171 I do have a Y exclusive pupitar named Beedrill
Quoted By:
>>14741349 Amaura is not the dinosaur
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
also no clue what you ig name is because 7 people online
Guillaume 1848-3091-9537
>>14740881 I want protean fro
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Grace 2809 8467 2259
>>14740881 I'd like to get a Froakie too if it's not trouble. Female preferably but if you only have males that's fine. Thank you!
3668-8601-2023 Scooter
Sorry for off topic, but for a Scizor what would a good Nature be? So far the only Scythers I have that are decent is Quirky but thats a neutral
Nancho : 1177 - 7184 - 6334
Quoted By:
>>14741634 Thank you based Artix!
Grace 2809 8467 2259
Quoted By:
>>14741821 jolly or adamant
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14741667 >>14741561 I don't mind lads, but I'd appreciate something in return
Blue 4511-0463-4345
Quoted By:
>>14741049 It's what I do :3
Grace 2809 8467 2259
>>14741930 of course! I have a bunch of Noibat that are timid with a perfect speed IV so I'll send you one of those if you like?
>>14741930 Dood are you still in your own thread?
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
Blue 4511-0463-4345
Quoted By:
>>14741242 Added ya in case you want to check it out Artix
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14742021 Sure Grace, that works
>>14742038 Nah it died, anything interesting?
Quoted By:
>>14741383 Still hoping for someone who's breeding dratinis.
>>14742251 >>14741526 Sorry for being this much of a dick but it's nagging at me
Grace 2809 8467 2259
>>14742251 Thank you very much!
Still looking for my request if anyone can help, something from the Goodra line with the Gooey ability, and female so I can pass it down. I have Timid Noibat with a perfect speed IV but not much else of interest unfortunately.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14742378 I don't get it, what's the problem?
I think Speed is always better, it's the stat where the little points make all the difference.
I'm just kind of expecting you to breed that Froakie on and get a baby with both Sp.Atk and Speed, really.
What's the problem?
>>14742532 How would I have to breed it with to pass on both the nature and the IVs?
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14742731 Everstone on the Froakie, and get a Ditto with 31 Sp.Atk and/or 31 Speed IV [whatever you need] and breed them.
These ditto can easily be gotten from the friend safari
kitten 3282-2624-3326
Quoted By:
Hey OP you still here? Just hatched a timid froakie but I'm looking for a jolly or adamant one.
Quoted By:
>>14742905 Thank you, I'll do that then.
Lenni 1693 1760 0588
Quoted By:
so is it confirmed that there can be milotics in friend safaris or just a rumour? and why are water safaris so rare, have a ton of safaris and none is water ._. also, adding everybody's FC in here.
TRSM 4854-6447-5184
Quoted By:
>>14737867 I have some adamant gale wing fletchlings, I think one or two are female
I'd love a clauncher or beldum
Grace 2809 8467 2259