Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[152 / 2 / ?]

No.14737867 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Morning /vp/!

I am looking to trade the following:

Timid Protean Froakies, All Male x 5
Timid Protean Frogadiers, Male x 2
Timid Compound Eyes Joltik, All Female x 4
Adamant Clear Body Beldum x 4
Modest Clauncher, Male x 2, Female x 2
Random Natured Rough Skin Gible, Male x 2, Female x 3
Jolly Sand Veil Gible, Male x 2, Female x 1

Specifically looking for:
Brave Safari Ditto
Brave Honedge
Pokemon with desirable egg moves (Tyrunt w/ Elemantal Fangs for example)

Feel free to make an offer. I have about an hour to make trades and I only have 15 slots left on my Friends list, so multiple trades per person are welcome. To keep things simple, you'll be making the trade request in game.

Lastly, I'll be removing anyone I trade with today at around midnight PST in order to make room for future trades. Feel free to farm my safari in that time.