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No.14754886 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Route 14
>Marshy Swamp
>Ominous Atmosphere
>Great Music
>Tombstones half-sunk into the marsh
>Glorious Hex Maniac's first appearance

Laverre City
>Managed to pull off mystical creepy and magical atmosphere
>More Hex Maniacs
>More Good Music
>One of the coolest gyms in the game
>Objectively the best Gym Leader in the game that isn't involved in the actual plot

Route 15
>Leaf Piles
>Ruins of the Lost Hotel are fun to explore
>The good music doesn't stop
>Watamote Hex Maniac

So we all agree that little northern part of Kalos was by far the best and most fun place to explore? It was magical, creepy, and really put Fairy Type in a good light.