Just sent out a box of Froakie's.
Got Gulping[JPN], Scatterbug[JPN], Flabebe[GER], Absol[JPN], Eevee, Druddigon, Kangaskhan, Bronzong[JPN], Bidoof[JPN], Pansage[JPN], Volbeat[KOR], Luvdisc, Kakuna, Basculin[JPN],Fennekin [JPN], Onix[JPN], Absol[JPN], Pancham[JPN], Inkay[JPN], Bunnelby[JPN], Espurr[JPN], Buizel, Gastly, Abra[JPN], Bidoof, Scatterbug, Scatterbug[JPN], Pachirisu [KOR], Charmander, and Helioptile[JPN]
I have no idea why I got so many Japanese Pokemon though.
Would it be wrong to release the Pokemon I just can't bring myself to care for or should I just put them back up?