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Google translated sucks. "What good red" is あかいいと, which is the Japanese name for Destiny Knot. He's just talking about some irrelevant battle shit.
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anyone understand moonspeak?
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I told you they increased shinys. This proves it.
Let me translate for you: I heard from morimoto-kun, that if you give your pokemon into custody while holding the item "Destiny Bond", the passed on ability will have up to 5 different levels
>>14785164 5 different levels? What does that mean?
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>>14785081 It SOUNDS LIKE what he's saying is that pokemon with the Destiny Knot pass down their ability in some fashion..?
>>14785081 could be a way to breed DW hability without needing the good parent to hold it. someone should try for a couple of eggs
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wow, Grenedgy sure looks cool.
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>>14785198 >>14785198 >>14785198 >needing the good parent to hold it ...huh?
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I don't know what this means but IT'S HAPPENING
Heres a quick/rough translation. "I heard from Battle Director Morimoto-kun that if you have a pokemon holding the "red String" (Red String of Destiny), it will transfer over 5 of the 2 pokemon's abilities (IVs?) Basically, if you have one of your monsters hold the "Red String," item you can transfer up to 5 of the IVs from your previous mons..?
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>>14785254 Holy shit, that's great if it's true
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>>14785254 The item is Destiny Knot. I guess I can go test this.
I can feel something happening, I don't know what, BUT IT'S HAPPENING
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>>14785254 That's how I'm reading it. But as someone mentioned earlier, "Red String" is the Japanese name for "Destiny Knot."
>>14785254 >all these new ways to max IVs while breeding I thought it was confirmed that IVs are automaxed on WiFi, who fucking cares any more?
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>>14785254 Maybe what it means is that the highest IVs between both parents are passed down?
I dunno, someone breed a pokemon with Max IVs in 2 stats and another with max IVs in 2 different stats while holding the Destiny Knot and see what happens?
>>14785319 That was a rumor and is 100% false.
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Priority Destiny Bond with Mega Banette
>>14785319 Whoever told you that lied to you.
Uhhhh I just bred my 31 HP/Special Attack/Special Defense/Speed Greninja holding a Destiny Knot, and the child has 31 in the same stats.
>>14785499 u fo real nigga? please no troll
>>14785499 Where do you get the item?
>>14785357 >>14785350 >>14785347 I take it you've taken two untrained mons into WiFi and compared their stats, then?
I know it was a Smogon rumor but for a while /vp/ was confirming it saying that level 50 mons had their max HP changed upon entering WiFi...
>>14785529 Serious. Going to try with my 31 HP/Special Attack/Speed Ditto.
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>>14785549 I don't remember, I've had it for awhile.
>>14785550 I've taken several copies of different pokemon into WiFi when trying to calculate base stats, so I am 100% sure the IVs do not go to 31.
if you leave pokemon who has Destiny Knot on day care, child will get 5 IVs from parents's IVs. so if parents have good IVs, it must be better choice rather than power lens, belt and so on.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 Swalot/Cascoon/Whirlipede
Chris 5129 1441 8074 Swalot/Cascoon/Whirlipede Fri 18 Oct 2013 10:40:10 No. 14785585 Report >>14785549 Maid whore in Cyllage Hotel.
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Aight I'm going to test this right now, I have a pokemon here with 4 31 stats
>>14785583 If you ever managed to get a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ditto you'd be all manner of set.
It'd still be a dice roll for one IV + Nature, but still.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
CaptureCard fag here, I have an Electivire with 4 IVs maxed (pic related), I can try this.
>>14785555 how are you people getting perfect IVs so easily?
>>14785678 Friend safari pokemon have at least 2 perfect IVs. Find a friend safari Ditto and you're guaranteed a 2 perfect IV breeder, and if you're lucky maybe even 3 or 4.
>>14785678 having one poke with a stat at 31 isn't really that hard. then you breed and compare to pass it from poke to poke.
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>>14785654 What the fuck are you waiting for?
Test it!
please Anonymous
>>14785696 >>14785705 >>14785710 but getting all 6 stats with 31?
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>>14785678 All Pokemon in Friend Safari have at least two perfect IVs.
So you catch a female of the one you want, and take it to the IV checker to determine its "best stats"; those are 31.
Catch a male of any type in its egg group that has two different 31 IVs.
3 IVs get passed on automatically so breeding with 4 potential max IVs makes getting at least 3 perfect IVs is fairly straightforward.
Destiny Knot makes this easier, though since it passes on 5 IVs from the parent, that means getting a 4 max IV parent to produce a 5 max IV child is still tough
Of course once you pull it off, you're in the money, since you can hand down all those max IVs.
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>>14785737 All six is unlikely. In old gens it could be gotten through RNGing or Pokégenning, but I've got two quad-perfect Pokémon so far in only 50 hours of play, I've had a few pent-perfects in Gen 5 (out of about 1000 hours of play).
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>Friend Safari pokemon come with 2 maxed IVs >Wild Baby pokemon have 3 maxed IVs automatically >Destiny Knot passes down 5 IVs from the parents I love that they're making IV breeding less retarded.
I'm dropping in a Mawile right now. Maxed atk, def, spatk, speed. Will report back soon.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
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I'm doing HP/Atk/SpAtk/Speed Electivire with Destiny Knot and SpAtk/SpDef Ditto with Power Band (Sp.Def)
I tried switching it to the mother Froakie with 31 special attack/speed instead of the Father with 31 hp/special attack/special defense/speed, and the child had 1 special attack/speed. First Helioptile egg I hatched with 31 hp/special attack/speed Ditto holding the Destiny Knot only had 31 Speed
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>>14785908 I had a gastly with speed / special attack / hp and defense, the first egg was 31 speed / special attack and hp but I'm going to keep going just to be sure
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>>14785908 It's 5 IVs from two parents. Meaning the kid will get 5/12 IVs?
That's really better than the usual 3.
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>>14785908 31 special attack/speed*
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
My theory is that, when one parent holds a Destiny Knot, it simply raises the slots for passing on of IVs from 3 to 5. Which is insane, if you manage to get a Ditto with 4 good IVs. With a little chain breeding you have a 5 perfrect IV mon in no time.
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Testing with quad perfect T-Tar and dual perfect Ditto Sounds from other people like it might not be working though
>>14785967 yup. Thats how it works. Its far better than Power items IMO.
>>14785841 >Find out about all this IV craziness AFTER I've bred myself a team >Including a shiny Dragalge I fucking hate the world.
Hmm one gastly egg just hatched with speed and special attack 31 IV's only, from a parent with 4 maxed IV's holding the destiny knot. It should have had another maxed IV stat unless it gets 5 stats from both parents like someone just mentioned above my post?
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>>14785996 I presumed it meant from both parents anyway...
>>14785848 First Mawile has max attack, spatk, and speed. Ditto was a bit of a wanker though. Gonna replace him with a better one right now.
They're slow to breed.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
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>>14785979 Oh. Nice. Seems like the article talks exactly about that, as far as my 2 years of moonspeak go.
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>>14785647 Stick an everstone one the other parent for the nature surely?
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>>14785996 it gets 5 stats from both parents.
So if the other parent had good IVs as well, its much easier to transfer IVs.
>>14785967 I think it has to be this. I'll breed my Greninja/Froakie that have the same quad 31 IVs and see how many i get that are the same
>>14785841 It makes shit like Pokésav/gen less attractive and gives more incentive people to actually use Pokémon they've put time and effort into.
It's a good thing, if anything. Same goes for making EV training less of a grind.
>>14786024 its still insane.
I'm gonna have a full team of perfect (relevant) IVs in a week!
So it's 5 random from both parents or the item holder only?
I-I just don't care this much about IVs. If I let myself care then I'll go nuts. I already breed a shiny charmander. I doubt it's great. how do you figure out the IVs??
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>>14786053 I am well aware it is insane.
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>IV breeding is now easier THANK YOU BASED MASUDA
>>14786059 add all the stats together and divide by the number of characters in the pokemons name. these are your IVs
Where do u get destiny knot?
>EV training isn't tedious anymore >IV breeding isn't either Confirmed for best gen
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>>14786059 IV checker in post-game town Pokécentre gives you a hint of the range of the sum of the IVs, and then says a statement about the highest of its IVs (and now seemingly the lowest of its IVs too)
For exact numbers, get them to a high level with no EVs and use an online calculator (none available for Gen 6 Pokémon
>>14786042 Watch as all the "legit" players whine about this letting casuals play
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>>14786059 IV checker in Kiloude City
>>14786074 0/10
>>14786082 Cyllage City Hotel. Talk to the maid on 2nd floor.
>>14786091 breeding will always be tedious
Chris 5129 1441 8074 Swalot/Cascoon/Whirlipede
Chris 5129 1441 8074 Swalot/Cascoon/Whirlipede Fri 18 Oct 2013 11:05:00 No. 14786141 Report Quoted By:
>>14786082 Maid in Cyllage Hotel.
Next time read the thread.
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>>14786059 easiest way it reaching a certain level with 0EV and just compare on the internet with the many sites that gives you the min-max for a stat.
easy to pull with soft reset and enough candies
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Another good way to test this would be to catch a bunch of Riolus/Azurills until you get two with 31 IVs in all 6 stats between them, since all wild baby pokemon come with 3 maxed IVs. Evolve those bitches and start breeding.
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>>14786134 But not as tedious, with the whole 2 guaranteed perfect IVs and now this.
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How are we finding IVs quickest now?
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Ditto @ HP, Attack + Tyranitar @ HP, Attack, Defence, Speed = Larvitar @ HP, Attack, Speed Might be true, gonna hatch a few more.
I guess I'll ask this here then, when the IV checker says "its great potential lies in its __ stat" does that mean its stat is 31? or just its best?
>>14785841 >>Wild Baby pokemon have 3 maxed IVs automatically WAT
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>>14786185 If afterward he says that stat just cant be beat, then all listed stats are 31.
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>>14786185 That's its best. The statement he says after that tells you roughly how high it is.
>>14786202 Smogon says so, yes.
Not sure how many babies there are wild, though. I only remember seeing Mime Jr.
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we shinies with good iv's now?
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>>14786231 All of the Pichus I've bred have had at least one maxed IV.
EvilCuisin 2836-1065-8075 (teddiursa, audino, chansey)
EvilCuisin 2836-1065-8075 (teddiursa, audino, chansey) Fri 18 Oct 2013 11:10:55 No. 14786265 Report Quoted By:
all so I have a frogadier with max ivs in sp attack and speed, but it has torrent. I'm putting it with a froakie with protean and see if it works(I put destiny knot on frogadier)
>>14786231 You come across Azurill, Riolu, and Budew early on too.
>>14786231 Baby as in unevolved?
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>>14786269 Oh, I didn't think of Riolu and Budew as babies. I always remember ones that were introduced in a later generation.
>>14786275 Baby as in an arbitrary designation. Originally the idea was that they were Pokemon that could only be found via eggs, but that isn't even true anymore, I think Riolu could be found in the wild.
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>>14786275 I think the definition of a Baby Pokémon is one that can't breed, and one which incense is required to breed for one. They're different from just standard basic Pokémon though.
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>>14786275 Pichu/Cleffa/Igglybuff/Togepi/Tyrogue/Smoochum/Elekid/Magby/Azurill/Wynaut/Budew/Chingling/Bonsly/Mime Jr./Happiny/Munchlax/Riolu/Mantyke are all the baby pokemon.
>Togepi is considered baby >found in wild in Friend Safaris
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>>14786231 I just ran into a group of smoochum in the ice cave, just before the abomasnow where you fight team flare.
Their ability awareness, or whatever activated 5 times..........
>>14786318 So if Friend Safari Pokemon have 2 perfect IVs and Wild Baby Pokemon can have 3, then it's possible to get 5 perfect IVs?
Ditto @ HP, Special Defence + Tyranitar @ HP, Attack, Defence, Speed = Larvitar @ HP, Attack, Defence, Special Defence, Speed FUCK EVERYTHING I HAVE A PERFECT TYRANITAR AND I SUSPECT THIS METHOD WORKS Unless I just happened to get the 1/1000 chance of it not
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>>14786347 They would likely clash.
>>14786347 I checked 2 safari togepis and they both only had 3 perfect IVs, take what you will from that
>>14786013 3 more eggs.
>31atk 31spatk 31spe Mawile
>31atk 31def 31spatk 31spe Offspring are
>31atk 31def 31spatk 31spe >31def 31spatk 31spe >31atk 31spe Pretty interesting results. So far so good, I think!
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>>14786303 Currently, the only way to distinguish baby Pokemon is that they're incapable of breeding.
So if it can breed, then it's technically not a baby.
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>>14786389 >>14786368 okay ill bite and try this
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>>14786368 Don't suppose you could hatch one or two more, just to make 100% sure?
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
I still dont understand the concept of IVs so a perfect pokemon is the one with: - Attack 31 - Defense 31 - SpA 31 - SpD 31 - Speed 31 at Lv1?
>mfw this has been talked about/discovered/abused by Japanese players for the whole week. Wow guys. Are we even trying anymore? Or did we just give up to the Asians in everything, even Pokemon?
>>14786471 HP can also be 31
EvilCuisin 2836-1065-8075 (teddiursa, audino, chansey)
EvilCuisin 2836-1065-8075 (teddiursa, audino, chansey) Fri 18 Oct 2013 11:21:55 No. 14786498 Report Quoted By:
yea I don't think this works, I got a pretty shitty froakie, not even full iv's
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guess i'll have to learn about how to get IV's then. where can i learn how to breed IV's and check them? (i alreqady know WHAT IV's are)
>>14786491 We got early leaks, it's only fair
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>>14786491 well they MADE pokemon
so basically all xy pokemon we have prior to this discovery are useless shits now
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Can the male hold the destiny knot if you aren't using a ditto? or is it only the female/ditto?
>>14786514 >muricuns get leaks early >STILL get beat by Jap players in just about every aspect of the game. I guess westerners simply don't have the genes to vidyagame properly.
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>>14786530 if you're a smogonfag then yeah
>>14786541 My setup (the T-Tar) was male T-Tar holding Destiny Knot, Ditto holding Everstone
SEREBII CONFIRMED>Another new feature is the furthering of IV transfer. Previously, when the parent Pokémon had power items attached, it guaranteed the transfer of one of the IVs, while several IVs were guaranteed to pass down. However, as of X & Y, if you have one of the parents hold the Destiny Knot item, then 5 IVs total from either parent will be guaranteed to be transferred
>>14786581 what does holding everstone do again?
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Breeding my Greninja/Froakie with the same four 31 IVs hasn't given me another one with the same four 31 IVs in 10 or so eggs. Gonna try Greninja with a max Attack/Defense Ditto instead, see what happens.
Where can I get the destiny knot?
>>14786595 >implying he didn't just read this thread Anonymous
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>>14786602 Passes down the nature
Mine was jolly. Adamant is usually better but I like ScarfTar. Also I don't have an Adamant ditto yet
>>14786615 Read the thread. Maid in seaside town hotel with the cycling track (I don't do names)
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>>14786614 oh, nothing to do with IVs then?
so where do you get the destiny knot in x?
i'm seriously yearning for a Perfect IV Ditto atm. Destiny Knot attached to Perfect IV Ditto and the second parent holding an Everstone --> Pokecheck/Pokegen isn't necessary anymore. No more 1000 hours of breeding bullshit. The question is, how to do you get a Perfect IV Ditto... mmmm
>>14786622 I think Serebii is too busy to read 4chan. Look at all the stuff he's constantly adding to the site, plus playing the game. Come on.
Someone probably linked him to Masuda's tweet. Funnily enough, the director of the games is a bit more important than 4chan.
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>>14786652 >not reading the thread to find out it's been answered multiple times already Anonymous
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>>14785981 I know your feel bro I bred over 100 mawiles to get a decent one
>>14786697 what are you retarded?
Just breed it.
>>14786697 It won't work. It'll take IVs from both parents.
The offspring will have a big possiblity of having just 1 max IVs if the the parent sucks.
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>>14786748 That's why you just do the power item method to get the other parent to have 2-3 IVs first.
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>>14786701 he likely reads every site he can to make sure he's up to date with everything. /vp/ is the most active pokemon community on the internet remember
>>14786595 lul what a complete faggot.
He just leaches shit off the community.
>>14786701 he replied to a thread on gamefaqs pointing out an error on his site and fixed it quite fast
he's reading everything.
>>14786773 Because he didn't find all the Mega Stones before anyone else, or get the base stats up for all gen 6 Pokemon before anyone else, or anything.
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>>14786785 >serebii >not 2ch. yeah right.
>>14786773 >/vp/ not leeching off japs topkek
>>14786785 smogon had base stats days before serebii
>>14786805 Smogon had terribly incorrect Base Stats for only some Pokemon with a large majority missing.
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>>14786805 And yet both stats are different.
>/vp/ in charge of anything but fapping to furry pokemon porn
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>>14786801 community means Japanese community too faggot.
>trying to imply that I think muricants can achieve anything. Anonymous
>>14786819 how do you know smogon is the one who's wrong? I trust them with the technical side of pokemon over serebii any day
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>>14786836 What? We discovered at least 3
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>>14786836 We did find Mega Medicham first.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
So i have a Frogardier with max Attack and Speed, and another Frogardier with max HP, Def and Sp. Def... lets see then 8D
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Fucking aye this is amazing. So glad I waited until this gen to bother with IVs. Now if only there was a way to breed dittos.
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>>14786781 he's been on gamefaqs responding for at least the past 3 gens, if not more
>>14786844 From what I've heard Smogon concentrated on getting estimates quickly while other sites concentrated on calculating them exactly.
>>14786844 Don't go blindly believing shit without testing things yourself. I've calculated the base stats for several Pokemon that Serebii has listed, and they are all right. If you paid any attention at all to the Smogon Research threads, you will realize that they are all updating the Base Stats of the Pokemon to what Serebii has listed.
All of the Base Stats that Smogon had were roughly calculated based on images from leaks, without knowing the IVs or EVs of them.
>>14786872 You mean those mega stones that never had actual shots save for Medicham?
>>14786887 And now Smogon is backpedaling like motherfuckers and taking 5 years to get "confirmed" base stats by PROFESSIONAL POKEMON EXPERTS whereas everyone else found them ages ago.
>>14786887 >>14786890 I assumed they were put in showdown because they were correct, but I guess the showdown guys just wanted to get a beta up asap then
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>>14785499 well breeding got A LOT easier
>>14786961 Pretty much that, just wanting to start beta testing shit. They even said the stats are likely very inaccurate when they added then,
>>14786929 why would they need to backpedal from rough estimates that weren't even put on their site officially?
>>14785040 lel. Its funny. Y gets Kanto fossils and X gets shitty hoenn fossils.
>>14786976 Good question, why don't you go ask them?
>>14786983 they are both shit fossils, genwunner :^)
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>>14786983 >implying Cradily is shitty Anonymous
>>14786986 but they aren't backpedaling, what the fuck are you saying
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>>14786996 not even a genwunner.
Testing with this: Male Poliwag @ Destiny Knot 31 HP/Def/Sp Def/Spd Female Poliwag @ Everstone 31 HP/Sp Atk/Sp Def/Spd Will post results when egg hatches.
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>>14786973 Do they have accurate movesets too? 'cos not many sites seem to have those up.
>>14786996 If you allow Drizzle+Swift Swim (which is likely with the rain nerf) then the Kanto fossils become useable. Maybe not OU, but still pretty strong.
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>>14787012 Have you seen their X and Y forums at all?
Everything related to the false base stats has been swept under the rug and no one is allowed to discuss anything related to base stats until SMOGON POGEYMAN EXPERTS find the same things every other site already did, without fucking up so bad first.
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>>14787039 You might as well run Barbaracle then.
Cradily is pretty good.
>>14786914 >NU-UH THAT DOESN'T COUNT BECAUSE etc. Give up.
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>>14787052 What give up? I simply stated the fact that /vp/ (and by /vp/ I mean someone taking out from SA and reposting it here) only found the first few megas early because they are easy to find. Only thing that came out first before Serebii was Medicham.
The others? Oh yeah, I'm still waiting for Mega Galvantula and Mega Druddigon.
Boris 2251-4766-2981 Fighting(Mankey, Pancham, Breloom
Boris 2251-4766-2981 Fighting(Mankey, Pancham, Breloom Fri 18 Oct 2013 11:59:15 No. 14787084 Report So wait, I have this ditto that has perfect HP defense and speed stats. If I mix him with another pokemon that has 3 perfect stats in the other ones does this mean all 6 will be perfect? Who would I give the destiny knot to?
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brb pokegening a perfect iv pokemon.
>>14787023 31 HP/Sp Atk/Spd
Underwhelming. Will keep trying.
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>>14787084 The one you don't give the everstone to. Doesn't matter.
>>14787102 It might have inherited two times one of its parents shitty IVs?
does everstone still pass down the nature of the item-holder guaranteed? like 100%?
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Holy fuck this is amazing.
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>no friend safari with ditto so I can get some with good IVs >can't join the party Fuck my life I just wanted a decent frog ninja...
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>>14787127 this, remember this does not just focus on the best stats, but picks 5 of all 12 stats among both parents. try finding all 12 stats and doing checks with the babies.
Hah. Fuck you hackers. Now you really aren't all that special anymore.
How are you guys checking IVs?
>>14787262 Pokecenter in the friend safari town, guy on the left should say a stat is unbeatable if it's 31
>>14787276 But that will only confirm one stat, right?
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>>14786748 >It won't work. It'll take IVs from both parents. >The offspring will have a big possiblity of having just 1 max IVs if the the parent sucks. If Destiny Knot chooses five of six stats, then chooses one of two parents to select each stat, you will average three perfect IVs from a perfect Ditto and an absolute shit parent.
>>14787287 If there's more he says "this one is equally impressive"
>>14787287 first off
no he mentions all that are on an even level
2nd go to marriland or serebii or some other IV calculator just fucking learn how to use google
>>14787262 Asked many times, but you can see perfects by talking to a guy in the Pokémon center in the post-game town.
After that it gets a bit trickier
>>14787287 no, if more than one stat is tiedfor best, he names them all of in order oh hp/atk/def/satk/sdef/spd.
he will say something like Hp is its best stats, but also atk and speed and good to.
>>14787299 >>14787308 >>14787315 >>14787309 Oh. I never heard that because I never got 2 31s. I thought he only pointed one maxed stat. My bad.
Also I didn't go to an IV calculator because I thought they wouldn't be precise without knowing the base stats.
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>>14787327 For Gen 1-5 Pokémon old IV calculators should be fine though. I've heard about some base stat buffs but I think there are only a few.
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>>14787327 well yeah thats correct
they are still unreliable for XY-mons
my bad
As someone whos starting breeding right now (I made this post
>>14786913 )
What's the best way to begin breeding? I don't have many pokes with good IVs (only some Froakies with one maxed IV) and no Dittos to breed.
How do I start getting gud?
>>14787261 At least we saved a lot of time over the years :^)
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Holy shit am I fucking pumped, if it works out I'm gonna go breed some 5 perfect IV'd Charmanders and Fennekins right away, be on the lookout for me bros.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
>>14787377 Catch stuff in the Friend Safari, it's guaranteed 2 perfect IVs per Pokémon. Just catch a few from different egg groups, males. Then you can pass those IVs through egg groups via chainbreeding
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>tfw ditto with perfect hp/def/sp.def, ditto with perfect atk/hp/speed
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>>14785164 Where are you getting 'levels' from? It's 5 different varieties.
>>14787399 Can you give me some more detail on chainbreeding?
Also if I have one 5 31 IVs poke for each egg group, I'm good to go?
So how does this work? When you breed a Pokemon now with one of the parents holding a Destiny Knot, 5 random IVs from the parents will be passed down?
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>>14787555 You should also have the other pokemon with at least 2 perfect IVs. Otherwise you will get some of his shitty IVs. Do that by selecting better eggs, replacing its father/mother.
Okay, so Destiny Knot is still shit, it's still not superior towards hacking, it will still take 1000 of breeding hours. Apparently, it takes a total of 5 IVs from both parents, not just the holder, but the two of them. 5 IVs out of the 12 IVs in total will your baby Pokemon inherit. So, even if you have one Perfect IV mon, you can still get shit IVs due to the other parent - and you can't control where the IV distribution comes from because it's still possible that all 5 ones will come from that shitty parent - it's still randomized as fuck. Thanks for getting my hopes up, 4Chan and Serebii. I'll just wait till Pokecheck gets the X/Y support.
>>14787561 Yeah - instead of the usual 3 IV. However you can't pick 1 IV that will always be passed down like you can with Power Items. It's probably best to not use the Destiny Knot until you have several perfect IVs on the parents.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
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>>14787555 google Egg Groups or Gen V breeding guide, it's roughly the same now.
>>14787561 yes. normally 3 of the 6 stats are passed down, the last 3 are randomized. if one of 2 Pokemon hold the Destiny Knot, then its 5 of the 6, and the last one is randomized.
>>14787599 Brb, pokegenning a Ditto with Perfect IVs and foreign language holding a Destiny Knot
>>14787624 I thought we came to the conclusion that it's 5/12 not 5/6
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14786741 >Just breed it. Who's the retard here?
And I know what you're about to say. It's "just stick two Dittos in the daycare" and I want you to go try that and then slap yourself.
>>14787599 >>14787624 I'm guessing it won't work with both a power item and a Destiny Knot then?
>>14787633 How are you going to transfer it to XY?
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>>14787653 Maybe, but you always want one parent to hold an Everstone so you get the nature you want. Thus, you miss out on the Power Item.
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>>14787647 yes its 12 stats to pick form the the baby only has 6 stats and 5 of those will come from mother or father.
>>14787555 Depends what you're trying to do. You're honestly better off having Dittos with perfect IVs on them.
Chainbreeding is moving stuff around amongst an egg group.
Example. You want to get an Electivire with Ice Punch and Cross Chop. Electivire can't learn Ice Punch or Cross Chop on his own. And no pokemon learns both of those moves at the same time that can just pass them down to Elekid. So how do you get them on?
In this example, you'd take a male Hitmonchan or Medicham that knows Ice Punch, and have it bang a female Machop. The father passes down his moves, but the mother determines the specie of pokemon. Keep making eggs until you get a male Machop. The male Machop should start with Ice Punch as an egg move (ie any move that can only be learned through breeding).
Now when you level up Machop enough, he will learn Cross Chop as part of his own moveset naturally. Elekid can learn both Ice Punch and Cross Chop as an egg move, so if you have that same male Machop with Ice Punch and Cross Chop breed with a female Electabuzz, the result will be Elekids with Cross Chop and Ice Punch on them.
That's chain breeding. The fun comes into play when you want to also have good IVs and Natures on top of these things. That's why Dittos are good for short and dirty work, but Dittos only produce copies of the father (not the mother), and cannot help you chainbreed moves.
Ideally if you were starting from ground zero, you're going to need a Female of whatever pokemon you're going to try to 'perfect'. Or at the very least a Ditto and a male of the species so you can have it bang the Ditto until you get girls.
>>14787653 It will work, you will just get random Natures
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>>14787658 Poke Transporter in 2 months
>>14787697 Are you sure it will work? I ask because i've heard if you use 2 power items, one will cancel out the other or something. Maybe it's the same with power item+Destiny Knot aswell
>>14787723 Natures are more random, you wouldn't want to anyway
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>>14787740 Alright, so i guess it'll always be Everstone + either a power item or Destiny Knot then (depending on the IVs of the parents)
>>14787694 This is hard.
And I don't even know egg moves for Froakie...
I'm not that motivated right now.
>>14787803 For a Greninja you need Scald, Ice Beam, Extrasensory and Grass Knot/Hidden Power Ghost
>>14787850 What does Extrasnsory accomplish?
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>>14786095 Frankly while I take the time to breed myself I'd be more than happy to see 'casuals' be on a fairer field! Nothing worse than going to the VGCs and seeing people have no clue what IVs/EVs even are, you realizing their stats are like lower than 10 IVs each, and then someone who PokeGenned creaming them.
I feel horrible. Educating isn't too easy either since it was semi-complicated... so if its easier to happen upon better IVs I'd be happy to see that. More 'legit' playing all around. Fairer competition.
I can't wait to see how Amie's affects might come into play if they still work in pvp though. Anonymous
>>14787850 I heard it can get Psychic and Psyshock by banging a Psyduck?
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>>14787866 Fucking with fighting types.
>>14787850 Isn't Surf better than Scald?
Where do I get Scald and Extrasensory? I know Ice Beam and Grass Knot have TMs.
Thanks for the moveset.
Breeding a Torrent Froakie. What's the best nature? Hasty or Naive? (or Timid/Jolly, if one of the offensive stats sucks)
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>>14787866 I would assume flinch hax but without serene grace that's hardly worthwhile.
>>14787892 >surf better than scald Anonymous
>>14787883 He can learn Psychic from the TM.
>>14787892 >Isn't Surf better than Scald? You want it for the burn.
>Where do I get Scald and Extrasensory? Greninja learns Extransensory at level 47. Dunno where's is scald, maybe it's an egg move.
>>14787892 Extrasensory is at lv48 I think.
Surf trades 10 power for 30% chance to burn... Scald is just better
>>14786836 nah, /vp/ actually has fun playing the games instead of hunting for some shitty gimmick item
also, mega medicham faggot
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>>14787971 >/vp/ actually has fun playing the games But most people rushed the game in two days and has nothing better to do than hunt for items.
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>>14787964 15 actually. Don't forget about STAB.
>>14787921 Isn't Water Shuriken physical?
>>14787951 >>14787926 >>14787914 Ok, my bad.
So, one level up move, two TMs and an unknown (scald)?
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>>14788008 Yes, and that's why it's a shitty move.
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>>14788008 Water Shuriken is dumb
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>>14787951 >>14788016 Scald is at Courway hotel.
Never been into breeding and all that. So once I get a ditto with all 5 IVs at 31, I'm set for life when it comes to having everyone else's child when with it in a day care having 31 in all areas? Or is it something I have to do repeatedly/consistently?
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>>14788016 Scald is a TM
TM 55
I think you get it in or around Victory Road
>>14788040 there are 6 IVs in total
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>>14787596 >being this scrub A HA HA HA HA HA HA
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>>14788104 Oh right. Keep forgetting HP.
Regardless the question still stands.
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>>14788040 Once you have your ditto get your desired pokemon with the good nature with it. Each timeyou find a child with better IV replace it. Repeat until good pokemon.
>>14788040 I'm afraid not, Anon. Shit Knot won't do much shit because it will only give the baby pokemon 5 IVs out of the total sum of 12 IVs of both its parents.
It can still have shit IVs.
The only way you can guarantee a Pokemon with five 31 IVs is to breed a Max IV Pokemon with another Max IV Pokemon. So it's only useful when I'm gonna breed some of my Pokegene'd Gen 1-5 Pokes with a Pokegene'd Ditto and I am too lazy to just Pokegen another one.
So no Perfect IVs Aegislash, Greninja or Chesnaught -- but there's Pokecheck, so not all is lost.
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>>14788040 Sure, if you never want to use Hidden Abilities ever.
>>14788166 Good thing 31s in IVs are handed out like candy in Gen 6.
You can keep on trying to justify how lazy you are though.
guys imagine the scrubs' tears if pokegen won't get the X/Y support and old pokes get their IV randomized upon transfering to pokebank
>>14788301 Except everyone except for extreme casuals would get pissed off about that.
>>14788205 > 2 Perfects IVs Safari Friend Zone > HURHURHUR 2 IVs of 31 aren't enough! You must go full retard and mass breed for all IVs to be 31 if you want to win in competitive games If Destiny Knot were this uber power item that passes over 5 IVs of one parent instead of just 1, that would've been great. I would've been breeding with glee, but it still seems like a chore and I don't the time to go biking around a bridge for 100s of hours.
Unless it's not necessary having 31 IVs. My current team all have IVs around 19 - 25, but if they're still shit in the competitive scene then I must resort to the means of hacking.
>>14788336 >casual calling pokebreeders by "casuals" that's rich
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
2191 7639 5863
>>14788401 It's not neccessary having IVs of 31 in all stats, having 2 IVs being 31 is usually good enough to be able to compete and very rarely face any issues.
But now since the extra effort to have all IVs be 31 is so low compared to how it used to be, why not go the extra mile?
Yes, even us, Karenfags can at least use one of of our many bros in competitive battling. Here's hoping!
>>14788443 Yeah, because no one who legitimately got their 4-5 31IV Pokemon before gen 6 would get pissed off if they suddenly turned to shit in gen 6
No one at all
Will we be able to transfer pokes from Gen 4?
>>14788464 some things have to be done for greater good.
C-Can my awesomely breed Farfecth'd be able to Sword Dance the hell out of battle?
>>14788485 And some things are just plain retarded
See: Your suggestion
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788460 If you compete in the proper tier, yeah. Marowak is a massive bro to me, but it'd get it's fucking shit wrecked in OU. Unless /maybe/ I got the opportunity to baton pass both speed and attack to it, but that would be the exception and not the rule.
>>14788476 Yes, but you must go through Gen V first. If you want your Pokémon from RSEFRLG you have to go through IV and V and then through the bank.
Thousands of hours is more like 20 minutes bud
>>14788500 >keep pokemon filled with generated mons >keep the breading meaningless sure thing my idea is retarded. Better make the game a cesspool again.
>>14788517 >Marowak is a massive bro to me, but it'd get it's fucking shit wrecked in OU So use it as a trick room beater. Speaking of marowak, I hope it got something useful this gen. Like head smash, or a hidden ability like Technician. A man can dream.
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>>14788496 I use this nigga to sweep Malva, that bitch got burned!
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>>14787596 >>14788540 Fucking quick reply ruined my message goddammit
>>14788543 Better make every single Pokemon transferred to gen 6 shit because a minority of players abuse the system.
>>14788517 > Marowak That's a common name in tier list, I want something much random. Hmm...
>>14788567 "minority" of players send shitmons into wondertrade. Now imagine they have access to pokegen.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788552 Still waiting for my Marowakite to be discovered, with boosted speed and special defense.
And it utilizes the spirit of its dead mother in some form, with an ability like that of Kangaskhan. I'm a dreamer.
>>14788517 Fuck.
I don't have any Gen V carts and I don't plan on spending $40 on one...
Thanks a lot, Nintendo
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This is great news. It actually makes breeding perfects across the board somewhat feasible provided you know what you're doing.
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>>14788612 No, the majority sends shitmon.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14786854 Well, it seems to be working and yes, it picks stats from both parents randomly
got up to 4 stats until now, after 12 eggs
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788603 Not sure what you mean by that. I picked it because it's my bro.
>>14788637 So buy it used or borrow a friend's. I've had to borrow so many friends' DS's to transfer from gen IV to gen V. Can't wait to get a 3DS and end that.
>>14788613 The last thing I want is for marowak to get a mega. It has good things going for it. With Thick Club, it has the potential of 568 attack. I'd much rather see it get better tools to utilize Rock Head and its signature move Bonemerang than a wannabe garchomp.
>>14788649 You should donate him to me so I can breed mine, just saying.
>>14788663 That's a decent idea, I'll check that. Works with BW and BW2?
>>14788635 >look a dumb yurocunt typed it wrong, better ingore the point of that post and point out his mistake Anonymous
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14788676 using 2 frogardiers and im out of females 8D
>>14788663 I mean, Mons like Delibird, Stantler, Sawsbuck etc. Something not very effective but with this new breeding mechanism, we can make them at least strong to hold a single Pokemon in a team.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>14788671 I keep forgetting that Mega Stones are a held item.
Make that boosted attack and speed.
Or just the things you've said. I like those, too.
Pokecheck allowed transfering gen IV mons to Gen V, it might also allow transfering from gen IV to gen VI. Wait for X/Y support and see
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>>14788663 He meant something like a Bibarel, Watchog, Alomomola and Luvdisc.
>>14788711 >go back to reddit noob Fuck off with this shit Anonymous
>>14788454 I fail to see how IV Breeding is now all of a sudden easy. It's still randomized.
With the power items you can only guarantee one specific IV gets inherited by the next Poke. You'll still have to be lucky to grab that or those other perfect IVs along as well.
Destiny Knot is still luck based and at its best, it won't be useful till both parents have perfect IVs by themselves.
For example: let's say I catch a SFZ (Safari Friend Zone) Modest Charmeleon and a SFZ Modest Ditto (likely achieved by using a Synchronizer) and I give one of them a power item and the other an Everstone.
Well, okay - we got one desired max IV and the nature.
However, how much eggs would it take to get a another Charmeleon with 3 perfect IVs? 4 perfect IVs? You can't just easily stack the IVs up because It's entirely luck-based beyond the initial phase.
And don't get me started on Egg Moves because Gen 6 Charizard can only obtain Dragon Pulse as an Egg Move, not as a Move Tutor move.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788740 Oh, like in-game? I think I get what you're saying. Yeah, this new mechanism is great for that. In a competitive scene you make sure that they have perfect IVs anyway.
>>14788789 >8ing obvious b8 Come on, m8.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788804 Because you only have to work your ass off to find a perfect Ditto, and the rest is only 1/31. The first step there is the hardest.
>>14788726 I meant the egg with 4 31 IVs, not the parents.
>>14788752 Maybe but I'm still not confident.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14788846 wellp, i was referring to a rotten 4th IV value, but I just came across an egg with 4 31 IVs... I like :D
Lemme see if i can find another one, it's male tho
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788752 >Pokecheck allowed transfering gen IV mons to Gen V, I had no idea about that. Thanks for telling me that, mate!
>>14787951 >He can learn Psychic from the TM. No he can't. It also won't pass down via breeding.
This is nice. I might not find it to unreasonable to work towards 5 perfects of even perfects across the board. Anyone have any idea if this stacks with power items?
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788901 Power items don't stack with each other, so I'm leaning towards no. We'll have to wait and see.
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>>14785841 Anon, I fucking love you.
I just got myself a female budew with 4 IVs maxxed thanks to this info.
Arceus bless your soul
4597 0421 4339
>>14788881 You would donate one of these to me? I was joking at first but I would gladly accept it. Started breeding yesterday and I'm having shit luck with IVs, I didn't even know the IV checker had a phrase for "Outstanding" IVs and more than one 31 IV...
I'm adding you.
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>>14788891 Yea, you're right. I was reading Noivern TM list.
>>14788843 Admittedly, Destiny Knot Perfect IV Ditto combo would increase the chances. It won't immediately guarantee a lot of perfect IVs though, but I guess doing some chain breeding would quicken the progress...?
Good luck on finding a non-hacked Perfect IV Ditto (of all 6 stats), though.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14788957 yeah, if ya get lucky and get one with 6 31 IVs, I'd take it 8D
Also, I'll trade ya later, gotta go for some mins
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>>14788887 No problem
Its pretty handy and a lot more convenient than the method gamefreak intended
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14788977 It wouldn't just increase the chances, it would bring them up to 1/31. That's spectacular.
The chances of getting a perfect Ditto from the friend safari are 1.08%, however.
Like I said, that's the hard part, and most likely you should just shoot for two perfects and the rest to be decent.
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Let's see. Assuming two parents with perfect IVs, from the friend safari, the odds of your Child Pokemon having three perfect IVs at least is roughly 2.5%. Afterwords, you replace one of the parent Mons with the child Mon and do a little inbreeding with better results. You could get the 4th IV pretty easily. Or you can force one with a power item and try your luck with random natures. All in all it's pretty nice.
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>>14788931 I was hoping that's something else they'd change this time around
>>14788815 >IV breeding for in-game People seriously do that? You don't need that at all to beat in-game.
4597 0421 4339
>>14788990 Okay, I can wait.
Meanwhile I'll see if I can get lucky with my own frogs here.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14789107 With shitmons like Delibird, you might. Unless you just grind a bunch, but that's not very fun.
To answer your question, no. Nobody does that except for the Battle Subway. That might change.
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>>14789151 Oh, alright. Things like the Battle Frontier I can definitely understand.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14789026 Moodkiller.
>>14789146 alright, added you
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14789603 Combee was yours, right?
4597 0421 4339
>>14789748 >>14789603 Yes, thanks a lot.
Sorry for the delay on accepting the trade, my phone rang.
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
4597 0421 4339
>>14789791 >31 in HP, Def and SpDef >"But his SpAtk won't even leave a scratch" I guess this is not my lucky day hahaha
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14789832 Yeah, hold onto it, I'm trying to get a female which should have Sp. Atk
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>>14786042 I used cheating devices for 3 gens just to get past the retarded IV system, but now I no longer have to cheat and I'm enjoying the game knowing that I can get good IV Pokemon.
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>>14786542 because leakers were busy plastering their faces over the internet like a bunch of dumbasses instead of just playing the game
4597 0421 4339
>>14789886 You sure? I feel like I'm being a hassle (but I would accept anyway since I have no way of kickstarting my breeding right now...)
Mordondil 0602-6418-9127
>>14790185 yeah im sure, since i want a Protean Grenadier on my team
4597 0421 4339
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>>14790283 Ok, then. Thanks again.
I have a question about Ivs, is the overall potential important for the stats or just a random phrase? should i bust my ass to get both the IVs and the outstanding potential or it doesn't change anything?
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14790731 "It can't be better in that regard" denotes perfect IVs. I can't remember if Superior is better than Outstanding or vice versa, though.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
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>>14791014 It's
Decent < Above Average < Relatively Superior < Outstanding
>>14789073 >The chances of getting a perfect Ditto from the friend safari are 1.08% How? You get two for free and the other four are randomized, right? So that's (1/32)^4
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14791142 It's actually (1/31)^4. Is something wrong there? I just put it into Wolfram Alpha and took what it gave me.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>14791344 Oh, I see my mistake now. It's .01%. Thanks for correcting me.
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
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Getting 3 IVs on a wild Ditto in Friend Safari is about 10% (3/32) 4 IVs already knocks it down to 0,5%
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>>14791344 IVs can take values 0-31, that's 32 possibilities.
>>14791415 >It's .01% (1/32)^4 = 1/1,048,576 = 0.000000954 = 0.0000954%