Alrighty guys, I know it's a little early, but I'm bored, and 90% of this board right now is a clusterfuck of people posting their shinies anyway. For people still asking, YES, It's been made pretty damn clear that shinies are more common in X & Y. This makes hunting for them a less painful experience, and most non-hunters have a chance of finding them in random encounters. Because of this, many people have shown interest in trading their unwanted shinies for something else. If you want to trade your shiny for another one in this thread (or simply give it to a loving home) this would probably be the best thread to ask around in. You know the drill by now:>Post shiny stories >Tell us what you're hunting >Trade shinies >Chill out and have fun!
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Frequently Asked Questions
about to be 12 boxes in breeding Masuda method charmanders.. fuck you and saying the rate has dropped feels like its never going to happen :(
Anyone know where I could find a non-US Ditto? I'm really wanting to MM a Ghastly or Dedenne.
24 boxes of Tyrunt MM, the pain never ends
6 boxes of Honedges. I refuse to progress the story until I'm done.
Got it with Naughty nature too
How does the Pokeradar work? I remember it from D/P/P but barely used it. I remember you use it and the grass shines and you walk and fight a pokemon. But how do you chain? Do you have to spam max repels?
Spent 10 hours trying to MM a shiny Marill last night, giving up at 4:00 in the morning because I have work today. Plan on continuing after work.I've lost control of my life...[/spoiler[
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Fri 18 Oct 2013 15:52:32 No. 14792731 Report Anyone wanna trade another shiny for my shiny woobat?
9 boxes of modest protean Froakies, if I get one shiny I'll trasfer it to a friend and restart this thing.
>>14792731 How about a shiny Gourgeist?
>>14792709 There was a thread earlier on this
>>14782102 Reading that will help
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Dedenne is on Route 11 right? I can't find this little guy.
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Fri 18 Oct 2013 15:54:55 No. 14792815 Report >>14792752 No thanks
Not looking for anything incredible as you know , it's a woobat but something not hideously ugly would be nice
>>14792815 Jesus fuck, lots of people like Gourgeist. Someone needs to calm down.
Got this one, my first gen VI shiny, got it tuesday when going for a friends safari just after he beat the E4 to see if he had ditto as 3rd poke.
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>two shinies at once
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>>14792815 >he doesn't like Gourgeist Anonymous
>>14792836 Also got this like few hours later, I almost shat myself that evening, twice.
Need name for Ditto and Move set for Drowzee(going HP and Sp.Def)
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Fri 18 Oct 2013 15:57:11 No. 14792886 Report Quoted By:
>>14792830 Uhh i'm perfectly calm
I just think it's an ugly pokemon
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>>14792731 I have a shiny Phantump I hate.
Einar 5257-9738-5872
Hey guys, MM'ing brave honedges. Got about 2 and 1/2 boxes of them. already found 2 shineys in Y, 1 machoke in friend safari, and 1 dunsparce, also in friend safari. Didn't manage to catch the last one though, the only reason i was in the safari at that time was to check for a friend which pokemon he had.
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I have a shiny sigilyph that I want to trade, anyone interested?
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>>14792881 this one was also friend safari after adding vp peeps to see what they had
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>>14792649 I know that feel. I'm at just about 27 boxes of spritzees. Good luck man, hope its not too much longer for either of us
>>14792752 Want to trade a shiny houndour for that gourgeist?
Shiny houndoom looks awesome when mega evolved.
Paulie 4828-4597-7970
Be me.>trying to chain shiny Goomy >decide chaining Weepinbell works >five in, goes to a not sparkling patch >random shiny male Weepinbell >caught in Luxury Ball >Hasty nature, Chlorophyll >new bro
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>>14792930 are shinies in friend safary easier to find?
I tried for an afternoon and no luck though
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>>14792881 Damn nigga, I'm so jelly.
Drowzee was the first and only non-scripted shiny I've ever had, all the way back on the original Silver version...
I lost him when the battery on my cartridge gave out You better treat him well friend.
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3.5 boxes of MMing a shiny absol, no luck yet. Here's to hoping to get one today!
Clay 3239-2733-5258
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>>14792950 Sure. What's your FC?
found a female bold shiny gurdurr if anyone wants it
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Fri 18 Oct 2013 16:01:07 No. 14793015 Report Quoted By:
>>14792986 Dope
What do you want for it?
Riley 3738-0829-0015
>>14792963 I was trying for a Goomy and got this
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MM a Phantump, on the 9th box now
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>>14792631 GTS, or perhaps someone in this thread would be kinds enough...
>>14792619 Damn, well it'll come soon enough!
>>14792649 >>14792667 >>14792714 >>14792748 Good luck!
>>14792699 Sweet! Larvitar was one of my favorite Pokemon when I was a kid too. I wonder what its shiny looks like when it's Mega Evolved...
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Fri 18 Oct 2013 16:02:41 No. 14793058 Report >>14793029 >tfw shiny goodra gold and purple colour scheme looks sick , kinda reminds me of a fucked up dragonite
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>>14792963 >chaining without a synchronize ability Anonymous
Currently MM'ing Honedge. Ive gone about 6 boxes with no results other than that my shiny will now be gaurenteed a Brave nature. Luckily Honedge seems to hatch in a relatively low number of step cycles.>captcha: zbration ditto
Glad this thread is up someone should just delete the other ones Been MMing Naive Zorua for almost three days, reaching twelve boxes but I can't stop Might chain or MM a goomy after this
Trying to chain Trevenant in this area, but no matter what once I get close to 10 in a chain, it always breaks and it's always to a fucking Amoonguss . What am I doing wrong? I always make sure the Grass is good for chaining, but it seems like the odds fuck me over the closer I am to making progress.And no that's not me I just got a random screencap off of a video of the area >Get to a chain of 9 >Grass that's about 5-7 Tiles away shows up, enter it >It's Amoonguss Pretty much a tl;dr of how it goes every time.
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>>14792836 That is actually awesome.
>>14792963 Congratulations man!
>>14793058 I thought it looked like a custard monster! Definitely a shiny I'm gonna' try and get at some point.
>>14793138 Yeah, they're pretty unnecessary. I mean, MM General? C'mon.
Going for my first ever shiny, currently 2 boxes into MM protean Froakie, I heard the greninja shiny looks awesome? On a side note I have shiny flabebe in my dex, does this mean I saw it but never noticed? :(
tippy 2707 - 1631 - 3231
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>>14792963 got me a shiny oddish today. bad nature sadly.
Einar 5257-9738-5872
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>>14793125 yeah, i was pleased with that too, good luck friend.
>>14793140 Do you have any shones?
I have a shiny trev, maybe if you have something I like we can trade.
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My first ever shiny, caught a couple weeks ago.
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>>14793125 same boat exactly, dem feels
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>>14793168 Greninja's shiny IS awesome. It gets super dark. Coupled with that Hidden ability, it's actually the first shiny I'm aiming for in X/Y. And yes, you missed out on that Flabebe... Sorry bro.
4th box of Ralts, no Shiny in sight first time attempting a serious MM, before i'd give up in the first box dammit /vp/ i just want my sexy shiny Mega Gardevoir
>>14793266 But what if you get a male?
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015
So do the pokemon appear shiny in the hatch screen?
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>>14793211 Sorry, I don't got nothing.
I'm stuck with Chaining anyways because I have no access to Wi-fi in the first place
AKA me being too lazy to get a Router So MMing my own Phantump wouldn't work out.
Magnissimus 4940 5432 3604 [fraxure noibat sliggoo]
Magnissimus 4940 5432 3604 [fraxure noibat sliggoo] Fri 18 Oct 2013 16:09:48 No. 14793317 Report Quoted By:
i caught a shiny lilipup, couldn't tell the difference until i evolved it to stoutland. still not a fan of it.
>shinies are more common people keep saying this but with no pic releated
Does anyone here have a shiny Ampharos? If so, would he be willing to trade it?
I have had exactly two shinies. One, a Wingull named Linessa that you can be DAMN sure I used in the run I caught here in. That was Emerald. Two, a Quagsire that I caught on route14. First Quagsire I found in the game, too, so the dex entry is a Pink Quagsire.
>>14793266 I'm on my 5th box of Ralts.
I know your pain brother.
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>>14793286 I've decided if that happens i'll use it as GTS fodder, attempt 3 more boxes at most and if by then i don't get a female one i'll train one with good IVs
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, ???
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, ??? Fri 18 Oct 2013 16:12:32 No. 14793408 Report Does anyone know any good routes to get good at chaining before aiming for particular pokemon?
>>14793331 Seems like a ton of people are getting them all of a sudden. I've gotten one already.
>>14793331 Since last weekends shiny thread, there have been at least three people who've posted have said that they found two in one day. That never happened before X/Y.
>>14793352 Haha nice. My Geodude is golden in its entry.
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>>14793408 Pokemon Village is always the best place, it's drowning in grass.
I hear Route 5 isn't bad for chaining either, too.
>>14793422 I found a shiny Basculin and a shiny Swanna in one day in BW2.
I haven't encountered a shiny yet in X/Y
Einar 5257-9738-5872
I'm just looking forward to being able to transfer my shiny modest female milotic to X. After i'm done with honedge i'm probably gonna try for a beldum because metagross is my all time fav shiny
Anyone have a name for this qt?
Alright, so two weekends ago I successfully completed my first MM when I got a Shiny Trapinch on the 530th egg in White. Then two days later, while EV training I caught a Shiny Stunfisk in White in Irricus City. I also caught a Shiny Drapion on Route 19 in my first Y play through. Currently trying to MM a Shiny Shroomish, about 150 eggs in. Mother is American Female with Technician w/ 31 SPE @ Power Anklet, Father is Japanese Adamant @ Everstone. I'm absolutely terrified the Shiny will have Effect Spore when it finally hatches.
>>14793415 Yet other people haven't and probably played way more than you already.
I don't think the global rate changed, but instead there's a trick to boost it somewhere, like the masuda method for eggs.
iirc Masuda himself hinted about some new mechanism that would make shiny hunt more popular.
I wouldn't be surprised if the friendlist or foreign pokes collection is involved. Nobody got that much shinies during the first week of leaks, despite people playing like crazy at the time.
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>>14793514 slut with a capital i
>>14793457 Damn, that's some luck.
>>14793514 Bubblegum!
>>14793460 I have a Shiny Mawile waiting.
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015
So do the pokemon appear shiny in the hatch screen?
Has it been confirmed that the XYZ legends and Mewtwo cannot be shiny?
Danny DeVito 4141-1907-2938
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I'm MMing noibats but I have a shiny weepenbell that I don't think I'll use. I dunno if anyone wants this thing, but if you want it let me know what you'll pass me for it.
Einar 5257-9738-5872
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>>14793566 oh daamn, shiny megamawile is sexy
>5-6 boxes of honedge >feels like eggs are starting to hatch slower and slower
>>14793520 If I'm not incorrect, there is an item in X/Y that can switch the nature of a pokemon.
Might just be me talking out of my ass, but I swear I read that somewhere.
>>14793554 That's possible. Perhaps a lot of us are influencing the rate without knowing. I've already heard rumors about tipping people...
>>14793520 Wow, I would say good luck, but you seem to have loads already! I'm sure you'll get the Shroomish that you want!
>>14793577 I hope not, we had a guy resetting for a Shiny Zygarde all weekend last week, it would suck if he gave up those precious hours for nothing.
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>>14793266 Just started my 16th box of honedges.
I put a level 36 doublade and a level 1 japanese honedge in the day care.
They're now level 80 and the jap is 71.
3 days ago I beat the 4th gym and the first thing I did was fly to the day care center.
Have done nothing but box my failures, ride back and forth, and occasionally harvest a new crop of berries.
Still going strong. Im not fighting another pokemon until I get this fuck damn shiny.
Although trading the brave and adamant failures has landed me a whole plethera of good pokemon from WT.
>Get a male froakie >The thought briefly crossed my mind of breeding it with my Greninja for a shiny >Realize I'm getting used to this tedious bullshit Anonymous
>For people still asking, YES, It's been made pretty damn clear that shinies are more common in X & Y. Why does this shit happen every gen?
>>14793647 Try putting a Pokemon with Flame body at the front of the party, like Magmortar, or Talonflame.
>>14793676 You're a nice person. Anonymous
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>>14793671 From what I understand it doesn't work on Hidden Abilities.
Poison Heal Breloom I can deal with, it's not ideal but I could make it work.
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>>14793708 Because people think their gut feeling is an accurate depiction of the rate
Kaufee !BC9lnNDA4E
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The only shiny I ever found was a Noctowl. I was young and didn't know what a shiny was so I ran away from it. I still haven't decided which shiny I want to hunt/breed for. Possibly Trevenant.
>>14793712 I have a fletchinder on me.
I know how this works Abigail
>>14793708 See:
>>14793554 It's unconfirmed, but many people getting multiple shinies in a single day can't be a coincidence, right?
>>14793724 I try to be. These threads did wonders for us when they started a few weeks ago, just because of how supportive everyone is, especially when every other thread was people arguing about leaks and Reddit.
I love these threads.
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>>14793805 >can't be a coincidence yes it can
it's perfectly within the realm of possiblity
Still hatching MM froakies on my third day Never had a MM shiny before and i'm losing hope.
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>>14793815 Australia pls go
>>14793789 Ok, cool I just thought you were implying that you were having trouble hatching eggs. Good luck!
>>14793815 Nice. I wonder what made him give it up..?
>>14793805 >Game comes out >Many people play it >Many people post about their shinies because it's a new game >Game gets older >Barely any posts about Shinies Also, the "new mechanism" is probably the PokeRadar.
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>>14793834 It took me 15 hours and 530 Eggs my first time MM'ing.
I saw a guy post in this thread that said it took him 1,995 Eggs to hatch a Shiny Bellsprout.
It's all about focus and patience.
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>>14793863 He said because he'd hatched so many it FELT like it was taking longer.
>>14793866 I know, I know, I was actually saying this last weekend too. But then I began to see the same stories:
>I found three shinies in 4 boxes of eggs! >I found 2 in one day! >I've found three in the last week! >Me and my friends were playing, and we all found one in an hour! I'm actually starting to think the ratio may have been altered.
>>14793377 Scratch that. Now I've filled my 6th box of Ralts.
A spanish ditto and japanese ralts should have the Masuda method work, right?
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>>14793927 And now take all the people who didn't get shinies into account
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>>14793930 >A spanish ditto and japanese ralts should have the Masuda method work, right? Very yes.
Maddie D !FsTTxUcRPg
Not really hunting for shinies, but I just caught this bad boy while surfing. Any ideas of how I should train it? Worst shiny I ever caught was a shiny female machop in Diamond.
>>14793927 And I hatched 6 boxes of fucking Fennekins and didn't get a single shiny.
Surely the rate has been decreased.
Naturally the people actually getting shinies are more vocal, which makes it seem like they are more common.
>>14793863 I gave him an Xerneas for it, since I had two of them. Got an Xerneas forma Bulbasaur ages ago and it just came in handy.
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>>14793976 >Shiny Tentacool >Worst shiny I ever caught was a shiny female machop in Diamond Shit nigga I wish I could get viable shinies.
>>14794012 I wish there was a way to specifically look for shinies on the GTS.
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>>14793976 >mfw I still have my untrained Shiny Adamant Golbat from Mt. Stark in my Black2 save. I can't wait for Bank
>>14794065 Theres a shiny Pidgeot and Relicanth up for an Xerneas if anyone wants to rush and see if its still there
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Want Shiny Fennekin, willing to give shiny Psyduck and Shiny Victreebel
>>14793979 >I hatched 6 boxes of fucking Fennekins and didn't get a single shiny. You shouldn't have gotten one in that few amount of eggs unless you were extraordinarily lucky.
People here really can't into probability, if you get a shiny before your ~400th egg then you're a lucky son of a bitch.
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>>14793976 Wow, my friend caught and sent me her Shiny Tentacool, it was one of the nicest things ever.
>Shiny female Machop I'm sorry.
>>14794012 Dayum.
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>>14794113 Exactly anon.
That's why it's fucking retarded to say that the Shiny Rate is higher because of MUH ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE.
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>>14794100 >Pidgeot and Relicanth Eh.
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Been playing for 50+ hours. No shiny yet. MMing for a Shiny Espurr, three boxes in. Hoping for a female, but if it's male, I'll take it.
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I'm on my third or fourth box of carbinks, I was pokerusing them and wondertrading em but my fletching is now cured of pokeaids well shit. Heres hoping I get my carbink today
Hatched this little guy on tuesday after breeding 4ish boxes of them . He's going to be my ultimate fairy-counter from now on.
>>14794194 What the... So are Albino's an actual thing, or are they a glitch?
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>>14794200 It must've used Dig
>>14794247 That's the actual Shiny form of Staryu.
Albino Pokemon don't exist.
>>14794247 It's the Staryu shiny Charles Barkley !Wiwl7hPeio
>>14794200 What's with me and forgetting pictures recently?
>>14794275 >>14794276 Oh ok, well i feel dumb now.
Finn 2019-9647-2767
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>>14794247 >>14794194 That's staryu's actual shiny you dipshits
>>14794100 I don't even use legendaries
Thanks for the heads up
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>>14794296 Do want. I love Dragagle's typing and look.
>>14794296 That's so cool. Way better than the non-shiny. Actually, A LOT of the X/Y shinies are better than the normal form. I don't think I've seen any puke green ones yet.
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>tfw concluding my Kalos journey >without seeing a shiny why live
Sup guys I got this in little under 40 eggs I been reseting a for a shiny Ho-oh on HG for almost a month now nothing yet.
>tfw my computer crashed last weekend >tfw no Pokémon X&Y I still watched Kiki alone on monday Hi, /vp/. Stream tomorrow?
Got my first shiny the other day! Ever! Floatzel in a horde of them and I literally jumped so high I almost hit the ceiling when I found her. She's up for trade if anyone really enjoys Floatzel... Also! Is there ANYone with a Protean Froakie that possible has Psychic? Psychic is obviously not totally necessary.
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>>14794412 I have to admit a lot of the old shinies look better to me now I can see them in 3D models. I know it sounds weird but yeah. Maybe it's because they have less palette strictness like they did with sprites.
>>14794431 >>14794349 Oh, sweet!
>>14794463 You gonna' keep trying for Ho-oh? Congratulations by the way.
>>14794491 YOUR BACK. YES.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, ???
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, ??? Fri 18 Oct 2013 16:43:58 No. 14794518 Report Quoted By:
just wanna confirm, theres a normal rate of shinies in the Friend Safari, Isnt there?
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>>14794431 Oh shit you actually took my advice, thats awesome bro. Shiny Relicanth looks sweet.
I saw a shiny ditto on the gts today only wanting a bulbasaur and I rushed to send one and in that five seconds it had been taken, nearly cried.
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>>14794463 niiiice
I like it.
>>14794495 Can Froakie even learn Psychic? I know it learns Extrasensory
>>14794463 >those little bird balls Anonymous
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>breed almost 6 boxes of skrelp >find out this nigga can learn toxic spikes >get hype, stop breeding them so i can get the move onto him >the first egg of the remaining three is shiny >get depressed >love him anyway >can't name him seaweed because of nintendo because oh no drugs are bad >weedle exists
Mike 0061-0809-9150
>>14793834 i feel your pain brother im on my third day too. makin a lot of ppl on WT happy tho
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>>14794558 He's not a bird, and thsoe aren't balls you pervert.
So many people don;t even realise that Hawlucha is a generic monster dressed up as a bird lucha libre.
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Hey guys. Hey. Hey guys. Hey guys. Did they up the rate for catching shinies?
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>>14794583 You're a good person. You ever feel like they don't deserve what your sending out?
Yesterday saw me get my first ever shinies after 14 years of playing pokemon. Tangela and mawile. This morning I got another.Shiny. Protean. Frogadier. Perfect IVs in ATK and DEF Hardy nature
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The only shiny I have ever seen is one I saw in the Safari Zone. It was Emerald and it was a Wooper. It promptly ran away.
May not be the most spectacular shiny, but it's still a shiny, dammit. Found it in a dragon safari zone.
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>>14794515 Thanks,yep I wont stop until I get it
>>14794549 if you breed a froakie with a psyduck it will learn the egg move psychic...
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>>14794657 I bet these stories are all lies to make me hopeful to get a shiny, while I proceed to bleed my arm walking left and right hatching eggs.
>>14794657 Forgot pic
All were found in friend safari
>>14794671 How in the world did you scratch your screen?
>>14794671 You cna see his shininess a bit more this Gen. I like it.
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I'm breeding Larvestas, currently two boxes, but I WT one of them last night (And got some good stuff even)
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>>14794671 That looks so much nicer than the sprite version
Found Fletchling the day I got the game, and I hatched Phantump in under 300 eggs.
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>>14794657 >>14794701 Holy shit, that's fantastic. Hardy is better than an Attack depleting nature too I guess.
>>14794671 Another shit shiny made good in X/Y.
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I'm at 185 Froakies I swear to god if I hatch a shiny with Torrent I'm going to go insane
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>>14794688 Oh nice! I'm scared it won't have Protean though ;_;
Mike 0061-0809-9150
>>14794583 nope if i literally make 1 kid happy in the 5 or 6 hundred im sending out then idc. TFW releasing every shitmon you get making the WT a lil better in the process
>>14794739 That Phantump, oh god I'm jelly.
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>>14794702 It's not a scratch, not sure why that's on the picture.
>>14794717 Whenever he appeared and the shiny sparkles came up, my excitement was kind of delayed because I thought Gabite was supposed to be the color.
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>>14794671 Damn... evolve it, i need to now how Gharchomp & Mega looks now.
>>14794739 >Dat Phantump Inb4 GOT fans
>>14794798 Yeah I'm going to be flooding the WT with Adamant Shroomish as soon as I get my Shiny
I got a shiny fletchinder with its hidden power last night in someones safari, neutral nature, speed and hp 31 ivs Super pumped since I already use a Talonflame.
>>14794701 hey man! mind breeding me a protean froakie real quick!?
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>>14793331 I was waaay to high when I clicked in this picture. lol
>>14794798 I did that last night, It never felt so good to release Pokemon
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>>14793337 i have one... in my diamond
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>>14794819 I flooded earlier with the first box of adamant larvitars, have another four boxes lol
>>14794804 >>14794817 It's a Trevenant now. Not my pic of it, but it looks like this.
Xeno 1848-2145-7785 (Barbaracle, Boldore, Onix)
Xeno 1848-2145-7785 (Barbaracle, Boldore, Onix) Fri 18 Oct 2013 16:55:44 No. 14794931 Report Quoted By:
First shiny since the two shiny Poochyenas in Pokemon Emerald/Ruby that I saw before getting pokeballs. Found it in the Friend Safari, has the Moxie ability.
Mike 0061-0809-9150
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>>14794868 yeah i feel like at a certain point shitmon just feel raped after 1000 ppl have had their hands on em
Got a shinny Mawile with the worst natures ever when I first started breeding it. Going to try for raltz now that I have a prefect punkaboo.
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>>14794831 I don't have wifi here
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>>14794826 I should note that I tipped the singer 500 earlier that day
D-do you want to trade? I will give you my shiny sliggo Ive been looking for a shiny mawile for years
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Today is the day. I will get a shiny Pumpkaboo today or so help me. Theres no way to chain there, so is my best bet just to run around RT 16 till I get lucky?
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to the guy who wanted to get rid of his shiny gourgeist! I have a shiny floatzel that was my first shiny ever I'm willing to trade for it!
>>14794701 Here's the tangela
>Shiny Hunt Weekend >I have to work the entire weekend >All night shifts so I miss the hour mega stones can be found too Y-you too
>>14794303 You shouldnt, this is the actual shiny from plat. Did it really change this much between gens?
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>>14795034 Don't worry. It's weekly.
>>14794819 Im MM'n Modest Claunchers. Have to be making people happy especially if they have Y.
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>>14795034 Damn, sorry about that man.
>>14795079 I just googled it, and yes, Shiny Staryu are a lot darker. Hmmm.
>>14795102 Wow, that doublefail haha
>>14795079 It's the same thing.
What are you smoking?
After 13 boxes of Honedges last night I had to sleep. Gonna start up again now, going to tip a bunch before I start hatching.
Einar 5257-9738-5872
>>14795116 C-can i have one?
you can have a brave honedge for it
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hatched this a few days ago. currently MM'ing Protean Froakies in an attempt to get as shiny one
>>14795055 fucking nice, can't wait to transfer over my own shiny tangrowth once pokebank is up
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>3 boxes of Hatched Charmander >+ 12 female Charmander I'm holding onto for trades other than WT >Still no Blackizard Damn you Masuda Method. I'm willing to invest 20+ boxes, but come on; let me see gold!
>>14795141 Dude what. That xy model is like pure white, plat version is greenish gray. You colorblind bro
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>>14795141 The gem is lighter in X/Y, an the star itself appears to be grayer in its sprite. Not too much difference though. Shiny Gengar for example changes near enough every game. Damn thing has gone through nearly every shade of purple.
>>14795167 Good luck!
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>look for my favorite Pokemon on the GTS, maybe there's a shiny >there fucking is YES YESYESYESYESYESYES It's nature isn't even that bad I think I'll use it in my teams
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>>14795201 It's white with shading.
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>>14795116 I was doing the same exact thing, but I got a Modest 31 HP/SPA/DEF Clauncher on the 4th egg and just decided to train that instead.
i have a shiny charizard that i want to trade, make me some offers
Einar 5257-9738-5872
>>14795233 you want a shiny machamp?
>>14795180 Im at college at the moment on my phone. Though I will be back in 3 hours if the thread is up and you are still around
Mikl 5215-0466-7538
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Can someone please trade me a foreign ditto so I can try the matsuda method?
Einar 5257-9738-5872
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>>14795274 yeah, that's fine, i'll probably be here
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>>14795270 no thanks, i'd like to avoid the puke green shinys
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Joining the guy before me, I have a shiny sliggoo (that can evolve to goodra) I want something shiny that can mega evolve (not medicham, charizard or a pokemon with a Y exclusive megastone)
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>>14795274 We'll be here forever. Anonymous
I understand what Pokeradar chaining is but it seems fucked in this game. I can't even get 2 in a row and I don't know what I'm doing wrong (was trying for Nidorino outside of Reflecting Cave). I managed to MM a Shiny Scyther though.
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Spritzee guy here, nearing 900 eggs hatched now, and starting to lose hope. I got a shiny murkrow first day of playing the game and a gothorita the second.
Kaste 2793-1441-7355
Now I'm the proud owner of a blue Sylveon.
>>14795362 I'm jealous. Eevee's next on my list for shiny hunting.
>>14795348 I've gotten some pretty good chains going, although I've only been able to get to 40 once and got a Skorupi out of it
there's not many good places to do it
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>>14795362 Yooooooooooooooooo
>>14795055 >>14795102 I saw both of those pictures a few times around here they were actually in a thread only yesterday....Nice try though.
Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952
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caught the vivillion as a scatterbug on launch day and caught skorupi at around 12 am. After I beat the elite 4 and champ I plan on trying to get a shiny emolga because I got a japanese one off wondertrade and I just want to try and get something, might try for a shiny chespin
Kamon 3866 9248 9470
I'm on day three of trying to MM for a shiny Goomy. How do you guys distract yourself from the monotony? I'm having a hard time.
>>14795424 Could be the same guy reposting them for this thread.
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>>14795481 Netflix, man. Netflix and 4chan
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>>14795481 Music, Skype, and anime
Never had a shiny before. Only time I met one was while playing Crystal (it was a HootHoot and I killed it because I didn't know it was that special). I got me a Jap and a Spanish Charmander. I should be able to hatch a shiny fairly quick..... right?
>>14795488 He said he got them YESTERDAY and they were posted in threads around here BEFORE YESTERDAY...Hes bullshitting.
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>>14795520 Unless you're unlucky.
At school but I'll post what I got. Hatched him last night after about 300 eggs.
Kaste 2793-1441-7355
>>14795396 I got it via MM using a Jap ditto and a Eevee I got from a trade.
got it at my 4th egg Anonymous
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>>14795481 Multitask
I hatch my eggs by going in an infinite circle around the tower in Lumiose so I don't even need to be looking at the screen
Owen 2294 4429 8360
Wait im using jap ditto and pokemon from my game, am i MM'ing correctly?
Spritzee Guy
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>>14795481 L=A mode, grab a full party of eggs, cycle back and forth, keep super training open for easily checking how many eggs have hatched.
I've been browsing threads, reading up on serebii, and watching tv for the most part.
Zack 3823-9932-7501
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>>14792536 On my 5th box of zoruas
Wish me luck :c
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>>14793976 Did you trade you shiny machop away? Because in platinum I got one from the gts but it had shit ivs
>>14795574 Wow, nice dude. I'm somewhere in the 100s for my current hunt, Absol.
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>>14795573 Fucking jelly. I'm approaching 500.
Should I keep hatching froakie, or try chaining Eevee on route 10?
>>14795573 Hey 21, nice get.
>>14795481 Watch a lot of tv, and crap on YouTube. Blue streams movies for us though, which is cool.
Yuki 1736-0638-6647
>>14794997 Ya I will trade if you want
Kaste 2793-1441-7355
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>>14795650 I really hope you find it soon. Im thinking about looking for a shiny gastly, but it'll be later.
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>>14795661 chaining on route 10 is a bitch
just fair warning
The new Guy
Sup guys, mm for Chespin. And with my luck i never get this piece of shit. About 4 boxes filled with Chespins. Time for WT or if someone want a german Chespin for mm let me know.
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>Find Skitty >All the websites say you can't get it in X and y >Whatever you're a fag >Wondertrade it >Get a Japanese Female Roggenrola >YESSSSS So, can this nigga evolve to it's third form now or do I need to trade it once it's at it's second? Too bad it's not male. A shiny Roggenrola is cool though, I guess.
So I'm in the Pokemon Village flowers trying to use the Poke Radar, but I keep getting the "there's a time in place for everything message" so I can't use it. What am I doing wrong?
Mikl 5215-0466-7538
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I need a foreign ditto! GTS fails for me every time but trading works.
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>>14795736 NEver mind apparently I'm dumb
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>>14795736 use the d-pad only
if you put your skates on or get on your bike your chain is broken immediately
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>>14795573 damn it I feel like stopping now but at the same time I don't because I want one too
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>>14795736 walk around with the d pad and NEVER press the stick. it will break your chain.
>>14795736 AFAIK it only works on normal grass
no tall, nor any kind of "special" kind
>>14795719 Hey! Good luck with the Chespins
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>>14795584 I know that worked in other games so I believe so
I'd be willing to trade my shiny Gabite if anyone wants it.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 18 Oct 2013 17:20:33 No. 14795826 Report >>14795789 I take it it doesnt work in the friend safari?
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>>14795789 nvm i just tested in flowers and it works
Zack 3823-9932-7501
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Grabbing my next 5 zorua eggs. Still hopeful, excited everytime an egg hatches.
The new Guy
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>>14795803 Thank you! I hope to get one today just for you guys.
;_; Anonymous
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>>14794194 That'd be a neat new mechanic, actually. Pok?mon based off of animals have a still small but somewhat more common chance of being albino.
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>>14795789 Yeah, my problem was that I had the Dowsing MAchine out too, and apparently that fucks everything up
Zack 3823-9932-7501
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>>14795811 I dont own shinies but id love it :D
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>>14795826 I'd actually really like to know this, as well
Owen 2294 4429 8360
I jsut got "Oh? But there doesn't seem to be any Pokemon around!" With my radar, what the hell?
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>>14795424 Yeah. And I caught them yesterday within 20 minutes of each other
Did you even read
>>14795811 Wanna trade for a shiny woobat?
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>>14795900 Never step on the faint shaking patch
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>>14795543 But I took the pictures YESTERDAY EVENING
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Can a Timid Drifloon be used in any way? Its IV are garbage however.
>>14792536 >This makes hunting for them a less painful experience this makes shinies borderline worthless. The whole point of shinies was the rarity. It was supposed to be like catching lighting in a bottle, like finding a fucking unicorn, your heart was supposed to skip a beat when you saw that strange coloration in the battle screen. I'll never forget my first shiny. Girafarig. Silver cartridge. Blew my mind. But now? pfff. enjoy I guess
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 18 Oct 2013 17:25:17 No. 14795983 Report Quoted By:
just got wondertraded a japanese protean froakie, if anyone with no Jap ditto wants it for MMing they can have it, otherwise its going on the GTS
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>>14793708 Its viral shit to get skeptics to cave and buy the game already.
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>>14795943 Gonna have to say no, I don't think I'd use it much as compared to Gabite. Sorry.
>>14795811 You don't like floatzels do you =/??
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I just started MMing Hawlucha, wish me luck
Zack 3823-9932-7501
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>>14795974 People like you are ruining this fun.
It's not that they are easier to obtain as much as it is the fact the game was released on the same day WORLDWIDE.
With that many people getting it at once ACROSS THE WORLD there are bound to be more shinies brought to light.
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>>14796000 I do, but I actually have a shiny Floatzel waiting to be transferred on my White 2.
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch)
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch) Fri 18 Oct 2013 17:27:15 No. 14796054 Report Found these two while trying the friend safari for the first time two night ago. Game must have known Pumpkaboo is what I wanted to breed most from Gen6. I still want to MM a super size one though.
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Hey /vp/ Posting here to mention I just got my shiny Heracross after about hatching 1 box of eggs. Impish nature which isn't bad at all. Thanks for encouragement and good luck to everyone else
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>>14795698 OH FUCK YES
Sorry for the delay
Quick question, guys. What's the ideal Pokemon to breed with an Aegislash? Just another Honedge or something?
>>14795399 I've tried it, but sometimes i get five patches of grass shaking. Is there a new way to do it?
>>14796054 omfg. If you trade me the larger one for my shiny floatzel I will be forever in debt. I love pumpkins and halloween and would shit myself if I could get this...
>>14796054 C-could I trade you for one
I-I have a sh-sh-shiny Wingull
There's a Shiny Machop on the GTS if anyone is interested, they're asking for Mewtwo.
>>14796112 No it's the same
the 5th patch just to try to trick you.
Quoted By:
anyone got chaining tutorial?
>>14796171 What is the right way to do it? Which patch do I ignore?
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>>14795520 Depends on how you define fairly quickly.
Let me put it to you this way: If you get a Shiny before the 400th egg, you should consider yourself lucky.
>>14796166 There is?
Did I miss it?
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>>14796166 Thanks, I got it, didnt know what to do with my mewtwo anyway.
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>>14796171 Oh okay. That makes more sense, I guess I'll start chaining again some other time.
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Anyone wants to trade something for Aipom or Drifloon?
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>>14796246 Unless someone snagged it in the minutes and thirty seconds between when I saw it and posted.
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch)
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch) Fri 18 Oct 2013 17:34:34 No. 14796300 Report >>14796073 Can't say about egg moves, but anything in the mineral group with a gender, so maybe things like the Geodude, Roggenrola, Onix, Snorunt, Vanillite, Ferroseed, or Yamask lines. Ditto works too if you don't care about egg moves. If you want a particular ball on the babies, make sure the mother has it. Won't work if it's a male being bred with a Ditto.
>>14796145 >>14796148 Sorry, but no. Also, they're both average sized. Turns out the Friend Safari only has one of the four sizes for each safari it's found in. Anyone with a super size safari is a king.
MasOn 1521 - 3685 - 7525
Working on Tyrunt. I have 7 boxes filled i think. When i get bored i start wonder trading them off.
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>>14796228 Always ignore the really faint one because it will give you the "Huh? There's no Pokemon here" thing
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>>14795362 Days ago I hatched a shiny Eevee, the useless piece of shit had a lax nature.
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>>14796300 Thank you very much!
>>14796300 >f you want a particular ball on the babies, make sure the mother has it. Won't work if it's a male being bred with a Ditto. You sure? My scyther is a male with a net ball and breeding it with ditto passes the ball down. I can take a pic later to show it if you really want. Or realize I'm dumb or something.
The new Guy
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>>14796305 Maybe your Tyrunt and my Chespin gonna meet each other in the WT.
>>14795698 you there m8 ;_;
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch)
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch) Fri 18 Oct 2013 17:38:47 No. 14796437 Report >>14796373 Well it didn't work when I tried it with a Pumpkaboo, but you're right, that's even better.
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>>14796400 Anonymous
>>14796437 Ah nah, you're right. I'm dumb, it's female.
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Working on trying to get a shiny Trapinch using the masuda method. No luck so far after 4 boxes. But I am not giving up hope.
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch)
RPK 1590-4696-6672 (Diggersby, Camerupt, Trapinch) Fri 18 Oct 2013 17:41:41 No. 14796544 Report >>14796506 Which is why I must find a female super sized Pumpkaboo now just to catch it in a pretty ball.
Yuki 1736-0638-6647
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>>14796424 Ya sorry you were taking a bit so a walked away for a sec
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>>14796544 I saved my Master Ball for this very reason. Gonna have all shiny Eeveelutions in Master Balls
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>>14795686 What's blue's stream I haven't been on livestream in a long time and the group seems dead.
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>>14795573 Percy Jackson series is great.
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>>14792536 It hasn't been made clear that shinies are easier to find you derp.
I haven't found one at all and I'm a shiny hunter...
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10 box filled with froakies, no shiny for me. Like 80% of these Froakies have protean.
Mikl 5215-0466-7538
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Still need a foreign ditto before I can even start MM. Please add me. GTS not working for me
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Found this guy after hours of horde hunting for XP bonuses His Ivs aren't that bad and he has neutral nature
>>14795762 Someone take him off me ;_;
>>14797862 You're giving him away? Dude he might be valuable later
>>14797921 It's just that Ducklette and its evo aren't my favorite Pokemon and it seems a shame to let it go to waste
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>>14798001 I don't have anything really good to trade, but if you don't want him that bad I can take him off your hands
Johnathon - 3711-6962-3480
>>14797862 the only thing i have of worth are timid protean froakies with perfect special attack and hp
Mikl 5215-0466-7538
Quoted By:
>>14798001 Trade be please! :3 I can give you a haunter with timid and nice IVs
Anya - 1779-0064-8389
>>14798001 What would you like for him OP?
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Starting my pokeradar hunt on a ditto again. Any tips? I never used this thing before. I got a chain of 30 last night, but finally broke it. I was being super cautious and only going to patches that were 4-6 away. Not sure if there's a faster way.
>>14798250 What do you have?
>>14798181 I already have one ;_;
Johnathon - 3711-6962-3480
Quoted By:
>>14798955 well shoot
aside from that i've got great jolly furfrou
Anya - 1779-0064-8389
>>14798955 All Kalos and Kanto starters, a jap ditto, spanish haunter, hydration sliggoo, some other stuff
>>14799201 I wouldn't mind the jap ditto, or a bulbasaur
Anya - 1779-0064-8389
>>14799240 One Bulbasaur comin up, add me and give me your friend code
Ash 1091 7850 8341