Alright /vp/ has been pretty kind to me in terms of giving out eggs for free so I decided to return the favor. I got 20 eggs of bulbasaurs, squirtles, charmanders, chespins, fennekins, froakies, noibats, and goomys. Feel free to give me whatever, but if someone feels charitable and would like to give me a pokemon in this pic, it'd be appreciated. Sure you know the drill, supply your IGN and FC
Ezequiel 2191-7847-0551
Thank You Op! Add me! Is this random or I can ask you for Bulbasaur, Noibat or Goomy?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14815052 I'll give you all three
(X) 2750 1874 1416
can i have a froakie OP? please
>genwunner >includes gen 1 pokemon in image Bait
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815094 sure thing?
>>14815106 ? I just pulled these pokemon lines that i dont have that i found on a kalos dex list
>>14814965 Can i get either a bulbasaur or a squirtle please?
>>14815191 Isn't it one of those genwunner images?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815202 could have both
Raymond 2552 1509 2239
Trade you for a calm gooey goomy? I'll make it worth your while
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815251 i just pulled images at the top of google searches of these pokemon lines lol
Quoted By:
>>14815252 ok thank you. adding you now.
UA DOOM (3797-7001-3707)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino) Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:00:10 No. 14815408 Report I have Skitty, Execute, Dwebble, and Psyduck, I'd like a Noibat, Charmander, and Froakie. Cool?
Teegan 1907-8764-2735
I want them all Fennkin and Combat. But I'll just take Balbasaur and Squirtle if that's ok. Name is FC
Quoted By:
>>14815323 Oh i thought it was one of those "i feel sorry for the childs of today" "mewtwo is a dragon" "staravia is a pheasant" kind of images. My bad.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14815297 idk the natures of the pokemon in the eggs regreatfully.
Ezequiel 2191-7847-0551
Thank you! Im so glad. If anytime I got any of the pokemon you requested, I will let you know.
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty)
Hey OP! I've got an extra Skrelp and probably a Dwebble you can have, I'm looking for pretty much all of the starters except Froakie/Charmander. I don't have anything else on your list, though, so are random Pokes okay?
2793 0599 1315
>>14814965 I have a Pumpkaboo, interested in a Noibat and Fennekin if that's okay!
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815094 Dont see an (x) in my in-game friends list so skipping for now
>>14815202 dont have your IGN name posted though im afraid so skipping for now
>>14815333 adding now
(X) 2750 1874 1416
>>14815538 x is my version
Kaiman 3067-4804-3374
Please give me a squirtle i will take good care of him.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a nidoran male?
>>14815538 oh sorry its arin
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14815375 next to trade with. adding you now
Quoted By:
>>14815538 didnt know if u might want the zangoose instead. u can have it?
also thank you very much
Alright, OP, can I have your Goomy and Noibat for my Mawile and Mantyke?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14815408 i just got a psyduck so that works perfectly lol.
I'd absolutely love a goomy egg. I've got a Mawhile, too. Alex 1246-9202-5027
Crono(X: Raul) 4012 - 4247 - 1365
Quoted By:
Does anyone have any Snorunt eggs?
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty)
>>14815510 I do have the Dwebble, and I didn't notice Horsea in your pic at first, I have one of those as well.
Also, which Vivillions are you looking for?
EJ 2423-3126-0231
I'd like a fenniken egg! but ill take anything please
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815375 hmm not seeing a ua doom.
guys i need the IGN (in game name)
I would like a gooey goomy please, I'll be happy to trade you anything I have. I have adamant torchic, tyrunts, a few spare dittos, swirlix, pumpkabu, growlithes so on and so forth, I also have scythers
Quoted By:
my in-game name is Ernest
>>14815925 oh, and protean froakies?
>>14815925 >>14816009 OP didn't say anything about Hidden Abilities you faggot.
Quoted By:
>>14815912 My in game name is Arin i would like a squirtle, bulbasaur or both if you can. I don't know which pokemon you've gotten from others already. You still need zubat or exeggecute?
Quoted By:
>>14816088 just because op didn't mention it, doesn't mean op isn't interested, why do you even care?
UA DOOM (3797-7001-3707)
Quoted By:
thank you for being my first trade this gen.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815415 Combat? I'll give you fennekin, bulb, and squirtle. added
Teegan 1907-8764-2735
Quoted By:
>>14816261 I meant noibat, but auto correct screwed me up...
Quoted By:
>>14816261 oh, did you still want a bagon? I have a few adamant ones.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
idk if its just me, but its taking forever for someone to be added to my friends list in game. if i said i added you, feel free to send me a trade request if your ign matches
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815457 thanks.
>>14815510 thats all fine adding you now
>>14815526 provide your IGN
>>14815568 still need an IGN
>>14815581 added
>>14815593 dont see you in my friends list, send a trade request
>>14815752 added
>>14815789 added
>>14815848 i only have one lol the california one, forgot which pattern name that is.
>>14815865 added
>>14815925 added but no proteans.
2793 0599 1315
Quoted By:
>>14816751 You have a long list there.
You'll be contacting us, right? We might get confused.
>>14816751 so what would you like from me then, if you don't want that pokemon?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815581 actually check your FC. its saying its not valid for some reason
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14816807 oh sorry, ill take bagon if you dont mind
Quoted By:
>>14816872 its no problem, to clear up confusion I was offering a protean froakie, but I guess you aren't looking for those, so yes, i'll add you and give you an adamant bagon
IGN:Mark Would like a goomy if you have any left?
>>14816751 I added you but it says you havent added me yet.
Quoted By:
Hey, OP, my laptop is about to die but I'll still be online with my 3DS, just unable to respond to the thread. I think you'll have to contact me for the trade.
Nick Inkay, Pawniard, and Sneasel 4055 3970 3750
Nick Inkay, Pawniard, and Sneasel 4055 3970 3750 Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:32:59 No. 14817015 Report >>14814965 Hey dude still need a shelder?
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty)
Quoted By:
>>14816751 Cool. I'm just hatching Eggs, so let me know when you're ready OP.
Ryan 4597-0888-0426
Will trade Sneasel for either Noibat or Goomy.
Can I get a gloomy, fenneking and froakie? 4355 9705 5009 Sergio
Ryan 4597-0888-0426
Quoted By:
>>14817121 Also a Hoppip for the other one, if you still need it.
Quoted By:
in game Ernest , I'm ready!
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Okay whoever Rusty, Ernest are post the pokemon you want. youre on my friends list but i dont see your name correlating with any post in here
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty)
Quoted By:
>>14817409 I'm Rusty, sorry, I should've posted it.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
Also I added a sandra awhile ago. what did you want
Victor 2793 0599 1315
Quoted By:
>>14816751 Have you added me yet?
Quoted By:
I'm amazed you can keep track of all these people, OP.
Quoted By:
>>14817409 My in game name is Alice, I wanted a gooey goomy
Kaiman 3067 4804 3374
>>14816825 i don't know what's wrong, the numbers are right.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Alice send me a trade request again if you dont mind
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty)
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch OP!
Quoted By:
>>14817842 Thank you very much :)
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Also Alex i got a Mawhile so if you could trade something else thatd be cool, if not thats fine as well
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14816800 still not in my friends list, send a trade request
Quoted By:
>>14817977 Oh, sorry, I didn't see that before. I don't know that I have anything else you want if you want to trade again, but I'll be sure to give the goomy a good home. Thank you!
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Did I trade with you Teegan? You're on my friends list so readily available.
>>14815094 Need your IGN
>>14816973 I apologize sincerely, adding now
>>14815408 Havent seen a seokeen on my friends list but could be my fault, send trade request.
>>14816800 Victor, send trade request
>>14816961 adding
>>14817015 yes, provide ign but added
>>14817121 added
>>14817212 added
>>14817680 ill try again!
Victor 2793 0599 1315
>>14818102 Same thing's happening on my end :c , is this a common problem?
>>14818446 its ok. i see that you've added me. :)
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14818764 send trade request
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14817680 gave you an extra goomy. thanks for the rhyhorn!
Victor 2793 0599 1315
Quoted By:
>>14818446 Have a feeling it's on my end somehow, I have 50 people registered yet none of them are currently online right now.
Red Viper: 031865970074
>>14814965 can i get anything but froakie or charmander? squirtle or goomys hopefully
>>14818858 i dont know what you need anymore
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14819010 ahh its all good. needed the zubat so it worked out. enjoy your two starters!
Kat 5026-4536-9623
>>14814965 I'll take a Chespin
I have an amazingly named Magikarp wrapped in Ribbon for you.
Quoted By:
>>14818858 Thank you very much. Sorry if i gave you things you already got. I lost track of what you still needed.
>>14814965 May I have a Fennekin?
Kaiman 3067 4804 3374
>>14818446 Thank you anon, please take good care of my Co2
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird)
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:17:12 No. 14819298 Report >>14814965 Can't offer much. I'm looking for Noibat. Optional: Squir/Char/Chesp/Fenn/Goom might be nice.
I don't have much. Just Meditite, Mawile, Zubat, Smeargle, Psyduck, and Dweeble fresh from capture.
Ryan 4597-0888-0426
Quoted By:
>>14818446 Thanks OP!
Have a nice evening!
Red Viper: 031865970074
Quoted By:
>>14818956 I have a Skitty on me btw . . .
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Quoted By:
>>14814965 Do you still have skrelp?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14815094 >>14815408 >>14815415 >>14816961 >>14817015 >>14818490 Still no contact with you guys. I added all of you, so just post if you want something still with your IGN and FC, but from this point on I am forgetting posts prior to my last update.
>>14818956 You mean everything but? I'm adding you
>>14819105 Looking forward to the magikarp, adding
>>14819175 Need an IGN but adding
>>14819280 I definitely will! Enjoy your new pokemon
>>14819298 Adding
Quoted By:
>>14820030 In game name is Nondell.
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird)
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:34:12 No. 14820109 Report Quoted By:
>>14820030 I just added your fc. Standing by!
Quoted By:
may i get a charmander plox
Red Viper: 031865970074
Quoted By:
>>14820030 yeah I already have charmander and froakie. thanks in advance.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14820165 forgot picture lol
Red Viper: 031865970074
Quoted By:
>>14820198 i got you're skitty mang. just started game so can't offer much lol
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird)
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:38:11 No. 14820306 Report Quoted By:
>>14820198 I'll get you meditate or smeargle with extra heart scale
Red Viper: 031865970074
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Quoted By:
>>14820198 Dammit well never mind then.
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird)
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:43:36 No. 14820552 Report Quoted By:
>>14820198 Standing by atm
Andrew 0774-5675-9592
I've got a Magikarp with a heart scale. I'll take either a Froakie or a Noibat
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:45:01 No. 14820619 Report Quoted By:
>>14820165 Hey sorry. I don't see you online. Still have the pokemon? I can trade right now.
Manuel 2062-9155-9775
I got your poochyena man. Level 1 and jap too I'd like a bulbasaur if it isn't too much trouble
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird)
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:47:45 No. 14820742 Report Quoted By:
>>14820198 Thx for the eggs! I assume one is Noibat, and the other one is something else?
Michael 4656 - 6588 - 3461 (Tropius, Doduo, Tranquill)
Michael 4656 - 6588 - 3461 (Tropius, Doduo, Tranquill) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:50:28 No. 14820890 Report >>14820198 Can you trade me a fennekin if you have any
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird)
Raide - X - 1134-7493-7157 (Bergmite, Delibird) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:52:57 No. 14821013 Report Quoted By:
>>14820198 Five eggs in total. Thx m8
Andrew 0774-5675-9592
Quoted By:
>>14820572 Didn't quote you. Not sure if needed.
>>14820198 Kat 5026-4536-9623
>>14820030 Take good care of Colonel Swimmer.
Manuel 2062-9155-9775
Quoted By:
>>14820653 IGN is Sohashi. Forgot to mention. my bad
>>14814965 could I get a noibat or are you all out?
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino) Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:00:09 No. 14821368 Report Sorry for giving you shit mons, But you did get my Skitty. Thanks again!
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14820572 Already have magikarp but ill still trade
>>14820653 added
>>14820890 added
>>14821083 haha definitely will, enjoyed the name. have fun with your new pokemon.
ALSO I do not know if I will tolerate you guys not supplying IGNs for much longer. pic updated
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14821329 I have more
>>14821368 it is all good
>>14821589 I don't have much to trade in the way of good mons, I can give you a gengar
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird]
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird] Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:07:03 No. 14821733 Report I'll take a Bulbasaur or Chespin. I have a Wailord.
Andrew 0774-5675-9592
Appriciate it. I have about two or three pokemon on that list. But people already traded them to you.
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird]
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird] Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:08:07 No. 14821781 Report >>14821733 Scratch that, I mean Wailmer
Andrew 0774-5675-9592
Quoted By:
>>14821770 Fuck me. Can't quote for shit today
>>14821533 Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird]
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird] Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:09:23 No. 14821858 Report Quoted By:
>>14821733 >>14821781 I also have a Litwick and aKarrablast.
Sohashi 2062-9155-9775
Quoted By:
Thanks Aldric, You're a bro. enjoy the Poochyena! (sorry if it sucks though ;-;)
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14821715 Need an IGN
>>14821733 Definitely can have both. I'd prefer wailmer as one of the trades
>>14821770 Your FC is coming up as invalid
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird]
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird] Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:15:29 No. 14822160 Report Quoted By:
>>14822125 I typo'd I have a wailmer.
Quoted By:
>>14822125 danger, same in game and fc, adding you now
Rena FC: 0361-6748-0990
>>14821533 I'm pretty sure I have a Goldeen. Could I have a Noibat?
Andrew 0774-5675-9529
>>14822125 Two numbers were mixed up. IGN is Pelinal.
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird]
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird] Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:17:11 No. 14822260 Report >>14822125 So I have Wailmer, Karrablast, and Litwick. Which do you want?
Anyone still have any Skrelp eggs?
Rena FC: 0361-6748-0990
Quoted By:
>>14821533 >>14822194 Oh, and if we can have more than 1, a Chespin would be nice, too. I'll check if I have any of the others, but I'm sure I have the Goldeen.
>>14822353 Wait, scratch that, I'd rather a Dratini.
Quoted By:
>>14822353 >>14822419 Also I need to learn to read, OP wants those Pokemon. But if anyone else happens to have a spare Dratini?
Maple 4356-0443-8568
I'd be willing to play some egg roulette.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14822260 mind trading back the one i gave you for karrablast? want another egg?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14822260 give you DW ninetales
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird]
Wave 0533-5018-1725 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Delibird] Sat 19 Oct 2013 03:25:00 No. 14822677 Report >>14822523 >>14822576 Nah, I don't mind.
After that, that's all I've got for things you want.
Nick 4725 8079 1098
>>14822125 ty so much man!
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14822194 coming right up (and im giving as many as wanted)
>>14822259 adding
>>14822502 haha sure
>>14822677 thanks a ton man
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14814965 I'd like a Charmander, but I'm not by my game at the moment. Save a Charmander or two and I'll be sure to get you some from that picture.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14823026 There will be some left lol. I'll add you, just send me a trade request when youre able
Andrew 0774-5675-9529
>>14822920 Thank you. Hope that Heart Scale comes to use eventually. And the Ditto because I didn't know what country you were in and thought you could potentially want a US one.
Again, I appriciate it.
Quoted By:
Anyone still have a Froakie?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Andrew 0774-5675-9529
>>14823275 Thought I can send another scale if you wish. Didnt put one on the Ditto. My apologies
Quoted By:
>>14823239 Thanks bro, this is the first thread where I got anything since the release. ;_;
I'm in Cali, I'll be home around 12-1230. it's 840 now.
I'll trade you some throw-aways when I get home, then come back to you with some from the list in the next day or so.
Rena FC: 0361-6748-0990
Quoted By:
>>14823322 Thanks, man. Feel free to keep me added as a friend.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
UPDATE probably last one
Looks like the thread is slowing down so I'm going to make some quick food. If we still need to trade, don't be afraid to send a request. I'll probably make this thread again tomorrow, but I'll still give this thread a once over when I am done eating.
>>14823275 >>14823364 Thanks for the heart scales, and dont worry about the extra.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14822920 Thanks; I'll hit you up with a request if that's ok/ you want.
>>14823653 Do you still have a noibat? If so I would really like one, My friend code is 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Name is Taz
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14823792 >>14823760 Thanks!
was going to give you a skitty, cottoncandy thing, psyduck, or zubat but I saw you already had those so I gave you the rarest non-one-off Pokemon I had.
Thanks for the egg; looking forward to seeing what it is!
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
Definitely last update with newly updated pic
>>14823888 adding right now
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14824155 And no problem!, have fun with your mystery mon
Maple 4356-0443-8568
Quoted By:
>>14824235 I certainly will; nothing gets me more excited than a good mystery egg swap.
Well that and wondertrading for a whole team then beating the E4 with it... which I'll do eventually.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Last Update II: Revelations Thank you all for your time, and hope you enjoy your new Pokemon. I will be watching Netflix while playing from now on so wait for tomorrow's thread if I didn't add you already.
Quoted By:
>>14824595 damn just missed you :(
Quoted By:
I'm looking for gligar I have drilburs if anyone interested