>>1481147 With X & Y out, and most of you guys finishing the game, why not join us in hunting for shinies? Chill out, post your shiny stories, your finds, and have fun.
Trading unwanted shinies is also welcome in this thread!
Oh, and for the last time, take off the Roller Skates when Chaining, and stick to using the D-Pad, or it will mess up the chain.
Quoted By:
>>14815532 Shit, I fucked up.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14815637 Thats a lot of shinies!
I know what you meant Anonymous
Quoted By:
>tfw still need to beat the elite 4 No decent electric type is suffering. I just want to chain stuff dammit.
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
Quoted By:
I hate the pokeradar so fucking much
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Current tally for me is 1 shiny in gen 6 after roughly two hours of dedicated hunting in friend safari. What's everyone else's looking like?
Quoted By:
>>14815685 If only it was truly boxes full of shinies... ;_;
Starting Box 4 in my attempt for a shiny Mawile. I'm never giving up.
>was taking a break from breeding up perfect iv Espurr >this when looking up my newly added friends on FS 3rd Shiny this week, 3rd one in FS. Modest, Motor Drive, Superial overall 31 HP 31 Sp.atk
Quoted By:
Trying to breed a Shiny Eevee to evolve into Umbreon for a friend. 4 boxes now, no dice.
Quoted By:
>80 hours in XY >No shiny >No shiny in any other game either
Quoted By:
>>14815755 Keep at it, you won't regret it. My Shiny Mawile is the prettiest thing in my box.
>>14815823 ??
>>14815815 Oh wow, nice!
>>14815795 >>14815669 whats better brave or admant for honedge?
Any good gen 6 chaining guides?
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
can anyone post a link on how to breed for stats and IV's? going to MM a shiny litwick but figured i might as well get a good one. i know nothing of breeding for natures and stuff at all since i never played competitively.
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
>>14815952 I like adamant since brave takes away speed.
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
Quoted By:
Fuck it, I can't keep a chain of more than 2 eevees.
Reposting since I got it in just at the end of the last thread Keep it up, and you'll find one! Believe in the me that believes that you will find the shiny you are looking for
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:13:50 No. 14816060 Report >>14815952 Shield forme > Take a hit > Attack > Next move: King's shield
The slower the better
If you need speed, you can use Shadow Sneak for priority.
>>14816060 Alright what moves should I give it?
>>14816048 >Believe in the me that believes that you Heh'. I like that.
Gliché 1160 9749 9313 !2nG72bi0jc
Togekiss Kid here. Just filled up Box 7 with Togepi. I will most likely start formally advertising trades when I get my shiny... ... if I get my shiny ;w;
Sara 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>14816039 But you want it to be slow because of the form changes.
Also, Carbink or Fenniken with Magician for next MM project?
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:16:17 No. 14816185 Report >>14816098 Swords dance
King's shield
Sacred sword (type coverage)
Shadow Claw or Shadow Sneak (STAB)
We've yet to find out how this pokemon works in competitive play, but I wouldn't assume this set to be good without testing it.
This set is extremely solid in story mode though (I am using shadow sneak on my shiny Aegislash).
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
>>14816031 Easy way to remember for nature is that when you find one you want give it an Everstone because it will pass on it's nature.
>>14816060 Can't you go ->King shield -> get hit -> attack?
I'd want to go first to set up that King Shield before raping.
That's what I'm aiming for and thats what I keep seeing when I try to look for insights on what I want to do.
Quoted By:
>>14816106 It's
from an anime Anonymous
>>14816098 King's shield, Swords dance, Night slash, Sacred Sword.
The night is dark and full of terrors.
What's the best way to get a foreign ditto? Wondertrade and hope for the best?
Quoted By:
reposting, I'm gonna go for Gastly and Litwick next>39 hatches
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:18:06 No. 14816282 Report >>14816187 If you're faster than your opponent, but don't kill it, attack forme will fuck over your defenses, and you'll probably die right after.
King's shield has priority anyway, so speed doesn't fucking matter.
A fast Aegislash is a bad Aegislash.
>>14816204 Shadow claw has STAB and thus more power, Normal type immunity is negated by Sacred Sword
Quoted By:
>>14816247 GTS
Plenty of Japs have been seeking English Dittos, putting up their Jap ones and vice versa.
Try it.
Quoted By:
>>14816247 The best I've seen is to find a Friend Safari with Ditto and catch them, the level 30 ones. Otherwise, everybody on GTS wants legendaries.
>mfw I found 3 wild-caught Shinies within a 2 day time period. Goddamn. I'm either VERY lucky or the Shiny rate was, as many proposed, increased for Gen VI
>>14816247 GTS, put one of you Ditto here, and tadah, foreign Ditto.
>>14816247 Put up a ditto on the gts and hope for a nippon one
>>14816247 GTS, put in a regular ditto with a description "Japanese", it's like 10:20 am for them, should happen pretty fast
Ellis 1607-2348-9941
Quoted By:
>>14816247 put up an eevee on the gts, thats how i got mine
Angel !!b54Js4RqEVd
Quoted By:
earlier today i received a shiny eevee from an anon on /co/ and im still flipping out
>>14816131 oh dang i would love to get one of those togepi
Riley 3738-0829-0015
Quoted By:
onto my 2nd box of Adamant Charmanders I have 4 modest and about 30 adamant. Adamant is pretty good for MegaCharX I'll be trading away here when done.
Quoted By:
>>14816219 awesome mate! gratz
Got this from a chain last night. Was pretty pleased with myself.
Got tons of Noibats (Modest) w/ Infiltrator if anyone wants. I was searching for a shiny but no luck yet. :( Anyone lucky enough to get a shiny Noibat?
Quoted By:
>>14816219 >Lightbringer >Not 'Sting' 'S cool though, congrats!
>>14816347 What's in the masterball?
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
>>14816309 People really need to stop with this increase shiny rate thing. You, I and everyone knows its not true.
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:20:38 No. 14816421 Report >>14816347 That looks kinda evil
>>14816349 If they have good Spatt/Speed IVs I'll take a male for a 31 Att Honedge
Got tons of Noibats (Modest) w/ Infiltrator if anyone wants. I was searching for a shiny but no luck yet. :( Anyone lucky enough to get a shiny Noibat..?
Quoted By:
>>14816024 I've also been having huge amounts of trouble with it.
>>14816397 Mewtwo, was SR'in for a modest with 31 IV's in Sp. Atk.
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
>>14816185 Alright add me for that Brave IV honedge
Quoted By:
>>14816349 Someone got one last thread (Or the thread before that
or the other four before that ) got one, I can't remember when, but it looked awesome.
4484 8377 1257
Quoted By:
Have shiny tyrunt, avalugg, and miltank. Want shiny honedge.
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:22:03 No. 14816494 Report Quoted By:
>>14816464 Fighting fire bitch, will do in a sec
>>14816324 >>14816323 >>14816313 I only have 1 badge, where do you access the GTS from?
Quoted By:
Could someone please give me an in depth tutorial of how to chain pokemon with pokeradar? I've caught shinies before with random encounter but I've never tried chaining.
>>14816486 If you want i could write up a guide and start a new thread.
>>14816446 Sounds awesome, dude. :o
I am SR'ing for Zygarde right now. Not going too well.
Quoted By:
>>14816532 PSS(touch screen, connect to internet on little blue WIFI icon, and to the left of that you can find the GTS button going left or right, depending what screen you entered
Exproxsul 2809-8669-2784
Quoted By:
>>14815532 willing to trade shiny nosepass
>>14816565 Do we have any pics of Shiny Zygarde?
>>14816565 Can you get shiny legendaries? I would of thought there was a restriction in place like with Reshiriam and Zekrom, since no one has got one yet (that i know of)
I've just given up on a shiny ralts, so I'm just gonna use one of the normal ones. Which is the better ability, trace or synchronize?
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
>>14816559 I would GREATLY appreciate that.
Quoted By:
>>14816559 Not the same guy, but please do.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
Quoted By:
>>14816349 I would love to get a shiny Noibat.
I want it for a friend.
She'd be fucking ecstatic, think I'll try after I've got my Charmander
Quoted By:
>>14816603 I doubt it. If I get one I will post it here. Probably bad picture though, got a shitty cam.
Quoted By:
>>14816622 If I still had my Masterball I'd consider SRing for one. but eh. Sounds like it'd take way too much time.
Quoted By:
Sorry if this sounds rambly. I'm breeding Tyrunts, but realized I should be doing two things>Premier ball >IVs in attack and/or speed I have a female jolly tyrunt and a male axew for dragon dance, I can't check IVs yet so IDK what they are. Since Tyrunt can't be caught, I will have to catch a Ditto in a premier ball and breed until I get a female tyrunt in the right ball. With the premier ball correct-nature female, should I then see if any of my JP friends will hatch one of my tyrunt eggs for me? Or should I lock down the IVs first since I have a large pool of male dragon dance tyrunts? Are there any other must-have egg moves for Tyrunt?
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:26:10 No. 14816707 Report Quoted By:
>>14816464 Added you, don't know your trainer name
>>14816559 Yes please
Quoted By:
>>14816622 I sure do hope they didn't put a restriction on Zygarde, or else I'd waste time for nothing.
Quoted By:
>>14816622 Can't get Reshiram/Zekrom/Victini. Unless it's a hacked from
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Off to a good start with a 13 pancham chain.
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By a stroke of luck I am in possession of a Shiny Mr. Mime and Spritzee. If anyone's interested in either of these, I'll consider trading them for other shinies, because neither of them really interest me much.
>>14816421 I would totally do it but I am not far enough in the game for the IV checker.
>>14816792 >what is supertraining Anonymous
Wouldn't cruising around the outer rim of Lumiose town be the best way to hatch an egg?
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
>>14816282 I sticking with adamant. Aegislash is already slow as it is, 60 base speed is already slow for a fully evolved mon.
>>14816464 You still want that Adamant Honedge? So you can test both or something?
Starting to MM Shiny Charmanders for the hell of it. I just beat the 8th gym and I've basically been cruising through the second half of the game with barely any distractions. Might as well slow down for a bit.
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
>>14816861 Hey if you still want the scyther my friend wants a vulpix so i'll trade for one if you have one.
Quoted By:
Just got a Careful shiny Beldum. You know what's retarded? That I can get a shiny Pokemon before I can get one with the nature that I wanted.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
>>14816837 Super Training doesn't tell you IVs, only EVs
Quoted By:
>>14816842 Nah, center ring around tower i0s the best, just keep holding one direction for that, otherwise the outer ring you have to constantly move to keep going in a circle
Quoted By:
back with some adamant furfrou updates. Nothing yet....
Quoted By:
On Day One I got a shiny Staravia on the route before Reflection Cave. Yesterday I found a shiny male Combee in a Friend Safari. This morning I found a shiny Pumpkaboo. I tried chaining but it's NOTHING like it was in Gen 4. The rules are unclear and there are very few grass patches large enough to chain in.
Quoted By:
>Been busy catching Ditto from the Friend Safari due to the new breeding mechanic >Thinking about breeding some Noibat so I go in looking for a Timid Ditto >The first thing that pops up on my quest for a Timid Ditto My first X&Y shiny. It's Timid nature and has Pickup as it's ability, but I still love it.
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
Quoted By:
>>14816891 Unfortunately I hven't found one yet. I'll add you in case I find one.
Quoted By:
Got my first shiny reccently
Eve 2165-5116-3833 (Phanphy, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Eve 2165-5116-3833 (Phanphy, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:32:56 No. 14817011 Report >Lax >Male Still, I'm pretty happy..
Meto 0447-5939-4909
Quoted By:
Trying to Masuda some shiny ralts, no luck so far, but I'm sure I'll get one eventually, gonna Wonder Trade the extras.
Colmerich 2122-6269-9354 (Y)
Just got wondertraded a nip ditto, will take a squirtle, fletchinder or a talonflame Ditto: Nature: Relaxed Ability: Limber 56/68/60/54/52 Lvl 48 Bottom part is for anyone whos a picky bitch
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
>>14816185 so should I give it choice band as an item?
Quoted By:
>>14817011 C-congrats I guess?
C 3067-5057-1668
Gonna SR for Yveltal, is he shiny locked?
Quoted By:
Ok, so I got an Aussie Snubbull in WT (I remember because I saw that it was Australia and was expecting a Kangaskhan (Their natural creature)) and got it. I wanted to see if I can stil safely use it for MM even if it doesn't have the foreign tag
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
>>14817075 I'll take it off your hands, does the Squirtle have to be anything special?
Sister is looking for Jap Ditto too.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
>>14816630 Here you go good sir.
>>14817104 Anonymous
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:36:09 No. 14817174 Report >>14817092 Fully evolved with Swords Dance, you ideally want Leftovers
I'm sure Choice Band is viable, but you'll want a different set for it.
Hell Doublade is probably viable, and Special Aegislash is looking decent aswell.
Colmerich 2122-6269-9354 (Y)
>>14817107 No, shiny yveltal is purple/black
>>14817139 Added, no squirtle can be a lvl 1 for all I care, and I only got 2 Nip dittos, ones mine sadly :(
Quoted By:
Is it possible to chain in friend safari?
Kiki !!dxTdZzNbmtI
OH HEY GUYS! Going to try for a shiny Meowstic this weekend (I'd prefer female but they're both adorable). Any recommendations for breeding? I've actually never focused on natures/IVs before but now I'm sort of interested...
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
Quoted By:
>>14817214 Adding you now give me a second
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
>>14817174 ah I see and 252ivs in attack, but the other 252 in hp right?
Sorry just one last question
Quoted By:
looking to trade shiny tentacruel
Quoted By:
>>14817160 this man is a god.
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:39:27 No. 14817347 Report >>14817247 >>14800857 Does this link even work? Never tried this before.
>>14817287 Yes, 252 Att 252 HP 6 Spdef
No need to be sorry, minmaxing isn't obvious at first
Quoted By:
Woah hold on Can someone tell me about Charm Power in BW/BW2? Which game exactly is it available in (Serebii is inconsistent)? Do I need to level up the tree? How do I level up the tree again i can't remember how BW2 does it ;_;
Quoted By:
Got a Shiny Psyduck,Victreebell,Nosepass would trade some, probably all for a lvl 1 shiny fennekin
Quoted By:
On box 4 of Litwicks. I gave up last Halloween, but this time I am getting my shiny ghost candle even if it kills me.
C 3067-5057-1668
>>14817214 thanks, any stories on SRing? i never did it before, how much time can i spend SRing for a shiny?
>>14817214 Woah, do you have a picture of shiny Yveltal? I thought it was shiny locked.
Kiki !!dxTdZzNbmtI
>>14817347 Thanks a ton! Beat the elite 4 first? Damn... I haven't gotten that far. Work has kept me going a bit slow but I think I'm close. Only two more gyms to go.
>>14817247 Hey Kiki. Our streamer is back, says he's gonna set it up for tomorrow!
Also, watch this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot0mNjNFRqM for breeding, you may wanna' use the Destiny Knot.
4 boxes into timid houndour. Been at it all day. Guuuuuuh.
Quoted By:
Anyone interested in a shiny Furfro?
Mellona 3582-8531-3133
Thanks Colmerich! I'm going to pass the Ditto to my sister so she can breed her own stuff now.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
What music are you listening to whilst chaining/MMing/SRing?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4tFiF2dWfk Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14817509 Know that feel. But I'm on B2 doing it. Releasing all the early bird ones. Would probably have 4 or 5 boxes. been on this hunt for a while, on and off.
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:43:59 No. 14817575 Report >>14817458 In the Super Training minigame, once you max out a Pokemon's EVs, you get access to bonus challenges.
The Aegislash bonus challenge has a chance of giving you a Dusk Stone. No need to finish the game.
Be warned though, this one is pretty tough, I'm not sure if it depends on how well you do, but even on perfect runs it's not 100%
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
Quoted By:
>>14817534 One Vision - Queen
Not intentionally (as much as I like it) because my bro is blasting it and Im not watching anything
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE
Vaxter 3325-2591-1913 [Bug]:(Pinsir, Illumise, Combee) !Y2rIajC.XE Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:45:26 No. 14817646 Report Quoted By:
>>14817575 Wait wrong guy? I thought you were talking about Honedge, sorry. Either way, this information is good to know.
NINJA 2509-1734-4247 !T5NE7ub6NM
>>14817534 http://youtu.be/BuJxJny4yuk?t=8m54s All of their albums are gold, I fucking love these guys.
Colmerich 2122-6269-9354 (Y)
Quoted By:
>>14817396 Never actually did it, so I wouldn;t be one to ask, but possibly another anon can
>>14817453 sorry not, and i was mistaken, guess its blue/black, but no pictures just reports
>>14817524 no problem!
Kiki !!dxTdZzNbmtI
Quoted By:
>>14817483 Woo! I'll be here! And I'll check that vid out. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>14817534 I'm watching stuff on Netflix, it really passes the time
Cardinal 0963-0267-9039
Quoted By:
>>14817011 I hatched a naughty male shiny ralts on my first box
and i'm up to my 10th box in search for a female. Maddie 2406-5720-8050 Poison
Box 21 of Ralts MM'ing. Still no Shiny. Have now run out of box Space all together. If their are some people wanting some Ralts with Modest Nature of any Gender feel free to add me I'll accept the 1st few then I'm going to start thinking about what to do with them all.
Quoted By:
>>14817568 I've been giving then away like Halloween candy. Lots of crap I have to release after wonder trading.
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:47:59 No. 14817764 Report Here's my shiny I caught two days ago.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
>>14817696 I saw them a few years ago at a local venue in my town, and they're playing here again in November.
nice choice.
Quoted By:
>>14817764 >Shiny Ponyta Always a good one.
ryk 0533 5347 8144
>>14815532 i've been through 32 boxes for honedge... i'm pretty sure i'm just gonna kill myself if i don't get it by 40.
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:49:31 No. 14817835 Report >>14817756 Do any of them know synchronize? Would love to have one to grind for modest dittos.
Too Many Mareeps
Is it worth MM'ing in X/Y for a Mareep, or is the chance still lower than in gen 5 with shiny charm, since i heard gen 6 had shinies more common.
Maddie 2406-5720-8050 Poison
>>14817835 Yeah, got about 100 Male and Females with Sync.
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
Quoted By:
>>14817347 Alright thanks for all the help man! Time to grind for those ev's
NINJA 2509-1734-4247 !T5NE7ub6NM
Quoted By:
>>14817783 I've been on a Skindred binge lately. In the mood for Reggae but don't want to take the plunge into full "GANJA JAMAICA MON" Reggae
plus I don't really like Sublime all that much I'm geared up for a shiny hunt, need to decide on a poke though
Gliché 1160 9749 9313 !2nG72bi0jc
Quoted By:
8 boxes and still no shiny Togepi. How do you guys tolerate this constant loop of eggs and PCs??
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:52:54 No. 14818027 Report Quoted By:
Still working on breeding Protean Froakies for my shiny. Huge Brave Pumpkaboo is next. I have a question about the latter though. What's the best EV spread for it?
Brook 1504 6000 9646 (floette, kirlia, jigglypuff)
Brook 1504 6000 9646 (floette, kirlia, jigglypuff) Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:53:11 No. 14818040 Report Quoted By:
>>14817812 Just got one on my second try. I'll trade it for a shiny charmander.
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha Sat 19 Oct 2013 01:53:51 No. 14818073 Report >>14817917 May I add? Don't care on gender.
NINJA 2509-1734-4247 !T5NE7ub6NM
>>14817900 I think it will be faster for you to hunt him with the hordes. I already seen a lot of shiny Mareep thanks to that.
ryk 0533 5347 8144
Quoted By:
>>14818057 i'd kill for one ever ;_;
i have no shinies, thanks for offering.
all i got is dream world pokes and pokerus.
and a master ball i guess.
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
Quoted By:
>>14817843 >underage >hyped for a shiny ponyta whats wrong with the new generation
Saargston 5429-7383-8415
Quoted By:
Found this bad bitch in the safari the other day
Maddie 2406-5720-8050 Poison
>>14818073 Yeah, in about 10 minutes I'll add everyone who asks then give them out.
When you guys are using the Masuda Method, do you stock up a bunch of boxes with eggs? Or just hatch them as you get them depositing and making space for more as you go?
I'm planning to do a Magikarp MM, does he took too manys teps to hatch? Also, can anyone please give me a Magikarp? Shiny M. Gyarados looks the shit <33
Too Many Mareeps
>>14818114 Mareep only appears in the yellow flowers, right?
Also can Oddish learn Sweet Scent, since I heard that attracts hordes?
Quoted By:
>>14817764 Heh' heh', mandatory
>THERE IT IS! ryk 0533 5347 8144
>>14818226 magikarp is actually the fastest poke to hatch ever. requires the least steps.
Saargston 5429-7383-8415
Quoted By:
>>14818180 I hatch them as I get them.
I'm working on some Froakies right now, like every other prick that's playing this game.
Kuma/Alice 2895 - 7195 - 0773
Quoted By:
anyone got a honedge with a good nature that i could have?
C 3067-5057-1668
Quoted By:
>>14818160 Then im adding you!
After 1223 Eggs this fucker finally pops out, I'm finally free and can get on with my life. Fuck yes.
NINJA 2509-1734-4247 !T5NE7ub6NM
>>14818180 It's probably not the best method but I usually
>Breed, Hatch, Box. There might be more efficient ways but this one is the best for me
Quoted By:
>>14818114 >>14818247 >Pic related 'G luck, Mareeps!
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
Quoted By:
>>14817843 my fucking ears
Noctis 0791-1491-6389
>>14818312 what you going to make it into?
>>14818325 Yes I do this as well. Breed hatch eggs while getting more and put the hatched in the pc
Jack 5386-8108-6225
Irl friend just gave me this. I want to trade it for something else.
Trainer Nat - 4613 7087 9360
Just hit 30 Solosis's hatched and still no shiny I was thinking it might keep things interesting if I alternate between two different 'mons, what do you guys think?
>>14818374 I'm not going to evolve it at all.
Quoted By:
>>14818247 I don't think so. And yes Oddish can learn it, or you can catch a Weepinbell, they already have it. Sweet Scent provoke ALWAYS a horde, except when it's raining or in the early routes.
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X
>>14818263 Do you have a spare one?
Quoted By:
I like to imagine there's a flock full of my hatched gastlys somewhere, just flying around scaring kids and shit.
ryk 0533 5347 8144
Quoted By:
>>14818442 no. but i have over a thousand brave honedges...
kill me.
>>14818417 Oh my god 30 whole hatched eggs
I can only imagine your suffering, how horrible
Ian 0018-1300-6519
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Currently on my 3rd box of Timid Zoruas
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
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>>14818417 itll just take longer
i'm 2 boxes into shellder. first time MMing. hoping i get lucky
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Trying to mm a goomy right now, barely at one box. If anyone is willing to give me a female goomy with gooey I would very much appreciate it(modest is a plus but its fine either way) , I've been trying to get ahold of one for a while now with no luck. I can offer modest infiltrator noibat with pokerus.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
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>>14818417 Just hatched 200 houndours and still no shiny. my life must be SO terrible.
in all seriousness, I have no idea how many houndours ive hatched, but I have over a box and I released the early bird ones, which have been 75% of my houndours.
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lmao 30 kid try 50 and still going
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Anyone wanna take bets on how many Beldum it'll take me?
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
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How do you guys get and hatch your eggs so fast? It takes me around an hour just to get 1 box, even with hatching power o and flame body
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
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>>14818402 >Shiny Onix with Sturdy This is my legit goal. Sadly I've only got one shiny and don't want to trade it.
Maximum amounts of jelly.
Trainer Nat - 4613 7087 9360
>>14818483 I wasn't saying it as if 30 was a lot, I just meant that if I'm after two different shinies that I would equally like, and if alternating boxes of each would make things less monotonous
>Still breeding endless gastlies >Lost faith in life >Haven't slept >Decided to go on a hunger strike to dedicate more time to getting this gastly >Over 20 boxes I don't even care anymore, I am getting this gastly even if it kills me then I am never hunting a shiny ever again. I don't even want it anymore but i have gone to far and I cant just quit
Gliché 1160 9749 9313 !2nG72bi0jc
I thought hatching 50 eggs was insane as is. Now I've hatched 36*8 eggs and counting. Is this what Hell feels like?
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>>14818646 It's going to be incredibly boring either way, just stick to it.
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
At 135 Froakies. Can I still do it?
>>14818658 That's exactly like me. After a months worth of weekends, quitting would make me hate myself.
A months worth of hunting, and I only have the Gift Dratini to show for it? Nuh'uh, I'm not giving up.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
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>>14818757 That takes what, an hour or two? Maybe more? Haven't bred in XY. Stop complaining. Try 1000.
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>>14818757 No. After 100 eggs it becomes impossible to get a shiny.
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha
Kalania 2148-8187-7168 spearow woobat hawlucha Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:08:09 No. 14818837 Report Quoted By:
>>14818687 Just trying to get an adamant foreign ditto and modest. That feels like hell now.
Which routes have hordes? I SS'd in the early routes and it wasn't working and I got confused, but apparently it's supposed to get you hordes every time? That's OP lol. But yeah is there a list of places that hordes appear, somewhere?
If I (canadian) and my Australian friend were to swap dittos would it work for Masuda Method for both of us?
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
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>>14818847 Only if one of you is using a language other than English, I think.
Angel !!b54Js4RqEVd
>>14818433 i dont think im going to evolve mine either
its too precious
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14818918 Stop complaining. ALL OF YOU. You are allowed to complain once you hit 600+. Shoosh.
>>14818785 I don't do it over weekends, I have litterally dedicated every free hour of my time to getting this shiny. I have pissed while breeding, If my 3DS was water proof I would probably shower while breeding.
I have spent at least 24 hours in less than 3 days trying to get this shiny. I have like who knows how many fucking perfectly fine gastlies I could use but I want a fucking white mega gengar
>>14818950 angel what are you doing here
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>>14816400 I've never encountered a shiny in my life. I've encountered 2 within two different hordes since my 30 hours of playing.
C 3067-5057-1668
>>14816313 Stupid fucks keep trading me english dittos. Why.
>>14819034 Did you put a message saying 'no english please'
>>14818975 only 20 hours for the next ep. amirite? I like you.
Angel !!b54Js4RqEVd
>>14818973 uh horsie brought me here
>>14818840 No, there's no hordes in the early routes. I have a list but it's not complete and it's in french, sorry about that. It's in the spoiler on the first post.
http://shinyshunters.fr-bb.com/t6270-spoiler-pokemon-x-y-fonctionnement-et-contenu-des-hordes Zachary 1821-9410-5479
So is it more efficient to hatch all 5 at once or deposit one as soon as it hatched and pick up a new egg?
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>>14819075 water you making
i'm making froakies in fact i just gave you one of the super babies
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>>14819101 Pick up, hatch, deposit, pick up
Constant in and out
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>>14819101 I think it's better to deposit them as they hatch. This way you end up getting more eggs in the same timeframe.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
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>>14819101 IMO its most efficient to box them/release (releasing takes 3 seconds longer, worth it for clean pc) after two eggs.
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>>14819065 Yup can't wait.
>>14819079 Pas de horde means none, I assume? Thanks, though! AS long as I know where not to waste my time I'm good.
Spritzee Guy
50 boxes. No shiny. I don't know if i should bother continuing.
Quoted By:
>>14819187 Yup, it's exactly that ^^ You're welcome.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
Anything other than flamebody speed up hatching?
>>14819257 That's alot more than 600 dumbfuck.
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>>14819257 Read his post again
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
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>>14819333 Oh sorry. I misread it as 50 eggs. Sorry! D:
Spritzee Guy
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>>14819257 I've hatched 1500 spritzee so far.
Colmerich 2122-6269-9354 (Y)
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>>14819257 In that case, he can complain twice as hard!
>>14819218 pls don't give up, 1500 dud's is too much to go through to just give up.
>>14819412 Do they stack though?
Colmerich 2122-6269-9354 (Y)
Cardinal 0963-0267-9039
Guys i've bred over 300 timid ralts with 31 sp.atk sp.def and speed ivsivs vary a little honestly how long would it take to wonder trade them all.
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine)
Nogami {Y} 3711-8049-7015 (Delibird,Sneasel,Piloswine) Sat 19 Oct 2013 02:22:03 No. 14819540 Report Only on box 2 of profroakies I'm sure it'll happen soon right? If anyone wants one let me know.
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>>14819479 Quite a while, probably.
Stryfe !T7ej6WOXJI
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Currently MMing a Froakie. 4 1/2 boxes later and still no luck. I do have a fuck ton of ProFroaks now though. (That I intend to give out upon getting my shiny)
Personally I don't even try to breed competitively viable shinies, too much work.
Quoted By:
>>14819583 I know that is why I'm only doing my scizor shiny and then fucking off with breeding for shinies for awhile.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
>>14819583 its not even that much work with an everstone.
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>>14819729 Not abilities, IVs.
#eggs - odds of having at least one shiny 10 - .73% 100 - 7.1 % 500 - 30.7% 1000 - 52% 1365 - 63% 2000 - 77% 3000 - 89%
Cardinal 0963-0267-9039
>>14819729 Also a destiny knot.
Spritzee Guy
>>14819772 g-gambler's fallacy?
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14819772 #eggs - odds of having at least one shiny
10 - .73%
100 - .73%
500 - .73%
1000 - .73%
1365 - .73%
2000 - .73%
3000 - .73%
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>>14817843 Holy.
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unwanted shiny butterfree here, anyone intrested for another shiny trade?
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>>14819773 The problem with destiny knot is that it's still 5 random IVs selected between the two parents.
So you still have to get a jap ditto (or pokemon you're trying to breed) with great IVs or you could be fucked.
>>14819801 No, gambler's fallacy is something different.
>>14819826 Stop being stupid. Odds don't go up for each egg, but when you look at the overall statistic you can still get a good picture.
>>14819801 Nope. Simple probability.
>>14819826 we're not talking the individual chance of each egg, but rather the odds of the entire batch. It's a confusing but important distinction.
Started shiny weekend off right by catching a Pawniard. Insta bro. I'm Super Training him now, but how do I know when a stat is maxed out? Will it stop giving him points for completed balloon challenges?
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>>14819772 Actually I've read statistics that agree with what this anon says. 63% is widely regarded as the probability of a positive event happening if the number of events is totaled to the denominator of the fraction of chance (1/8192, 1/1365, 1/50, etc).
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>>14819934 I think it wont let you give him any more bags, or they just wont do anything.
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>>14819801 Gambler's fallacy is actually a case of not understanding the odds and thinking because you haven't been lucky you'll suddenly get lucky.
Gambler's fallacy also doesn't look at the fact that the odds are inherently against making money in terms of gambling no matter how much money you put in.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14819900 You sure? Okay.
Quoted By:
>>14819063 "Foreign please" and "JP Only"
Taking a step back a few games to pokemon black.. is anyone willing to trade me a shiny petilil. pic related has a few shinies I've gotten over the years from different games and trades (all but the nidoqueen, but she has poke virus) if your curios about a specific one just ask I'll post the summary of a specific one or is there a specific thread for this?
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I'm on the 10th box of claunchers, I'm not sure how much longer I can go. I gave out 3 or 4 boxes on wonder trade. 300+ hours in each pokemon game, no repels, breeded and EV trained all my teams, and not a single shiny. I think I'm just bad at pokemon.
Nick 5198-2671-4410
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>>14816425 I'm MMing one right now but I'm 3 boxes in and no luck
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>>14820035 This IS the specific thread for this. Unfortunately, none of my shinies are Petilil, so no dice with me.
>>14819540 I'll take a female if you have any, God luck on your hunt!
Elias 0130 2039 1310
Ok so I finally ran into a shiny, a normal shiny Ditto. Will using it for breeding increase my chances for a shiny from the other parent?
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>>14820035 fc 2279 5953 7831
(pic) proof that they're shiny
>>14819826 >>14820001 Here, let me explain it for him.
You can take the probability of a single event occuring 0 times in a two possible outcome repeated x number of times with the following equation
Chance of outcome not occurring to the x power.
In terms of shinies it will look something like this, with x being equal to the number of hatched eggs, and the result being the chance that you will have not gotten a shiny at that point. Subtract the answer from one to get the chance of having at least one shiny.
(1 - (3/4096))^x
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
I'm back. Where do I get the dusk stone for my honedge?
Nick 5198-2671-4410
Quoted By:
>>14816623 definitely synchronize
>ran into a shiny kirlia yesterday >almost shit my pants Abigail
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>>14820127 No, sorry, that only worked in Gen 2. Would have been a God-Tier shiny back then I suppose. Congratulations anyway!
>>14819479 If you're wonder trading them, I got one of yours, I believe. Do they have Destiny Bond?
Just caught a shiny Mawile from the safari zone. It's awwwwwwwwright.
>the shiny rate hasnt been increased they said. Based Friend Safari
>>14820157 Sup'. You gotta get the stones from Super Training.
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
>>14820232 >>14820257 Do you guys just grind in the safari or something?
>>14820257 Are you guys chaining or just random encounters?
>>14817843 As autistic as he is, he's still lucky as fuck for getting a decent nature and ability. My first shiny was a tentacool with a bullshit nature; naughty. A fucking naughty tentacool.
Quoted By:
>>14820232 >>14820257 I am so sure that having a lot of friends is the reason.
>tfw 1/3rd the way through my 22nd box of honedges somebody tell me Im bound to find a shiny one.
Rae 0645-7104-7051
Quoted By:
Just two boxes into my shiny Absol MM. It's gonna be a long hunt. Are Adamant Superluck Absols still considered shit to get in a Wondertrade? I'm going to send them out en masse, but I don't want people to feel gypped.
>>14820303 My second shiny was an adamant ho-oh
That was a nice day.
Cardinal 0963-0267-9039
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>>14820225 Haven't started yet, but probably will soon.
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
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>>14820329 Sucks man. Got mine on my 9th box. You'll get it.
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>>14820329 You're bound to find a shiny one.
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>>14820276 Found it by surprise, I was checking to see what pokemon were in the zone and this guy popped up.
Was looking for Roggenrolla hordes for Everstones and stumbled across this. It's okay I guess.
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>>14820303 my first shiny was a tentacool too, in emerald, but then the game died and i forgot to save after catching it
my second one was in diamond and it was a graveller but it was in the place where the lucario trainer guy was and he knocked it out and I am still upset about that one
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>>14820276 >>14820290 Nope. both shuppet and delibird were like the 1-5th encounter after entering.
>>14820329 Your probability of getting a shiny will approach 100
Just got this after less than half a box, decent nature as well.
>>14820329 Don't worry, by 4000 eggs you've 95% likely to see one.
>>14819772 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14820157 what does it need a dusk stone to evolve?
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
>>14820264 Yeah and google says you can get it post E4 from a flare grunt, and that one cave. Thanks tho.
You get X or Y yet?
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14820398 >>14820416 >Being this stupid. Seriously?
>>14820381 my friend would kill for that
is there any way i can trade you for him
I'm guessing you all use good IV Pokemon to breed? I learnt after I had hatched my shiny so now I just feel bad that I can't use it.
Quoted By:
>>14820455 Again, overall picture.
>>14820154 >>14819772 Stop spouting gambler's fallacy when you have no idea what it's referring to.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14820455 I mean, I hate to be cruel, but every egg has the same chance no matter what. IT WONT IMPROVE.
Quoted By:
>>14820415 I also got this yesterday, it's been a decent few days.
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
>>14820455 You don't know how odds works.
Gliché 1160 9749 9313 !2nG72bi0jc
kstyinf CRY is my captcha Cry is me because I have 9 Togepi boxes now
>>14820421 I'm still saving up for a 3DS
;_; Getting there though. Hoping to join you all on X/Y soon.
ryk 0533 5347 8144
Quoted By:
>>14820415 i fucking hate you.
over 1k honedges hatched.
>>14820487 I don't bother for shines. I breed competitive teams separately, there's too much work involved with getting a great foreign pokemon with good IVs.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14820515 But every egg has set odds every time. Hypothetically you could go 10000 eggs with no shiny. It doesn't become 95%.
>>14820500 Again, we're not talking about individual eggs, but the batch as a whole.
A single coin has a 50% of being heads. 2 coins have a 75% chance of at least 1 coin being heads.
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14820525 I hope you do too. I was lucky enough to get mine for my birthday (mom knows I still play pokemon)
>>14820500 >>14820563 Fucking christ just take a statistics class already
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23 boxes of Fennekins done, no shiny, switching to Sneasel because shiny looks fucking beast
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>>14816886 Bred a box and got nothing, will just WT and see what happens.
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>>14820500 This is true, but the odds they refer to is a collective of eggs over a period of time, it's kinda' different.
People need to stop overreacting though, especially when you're both right.
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>>14820554 Friend Safari makes that easier now though doesn't it? I should have waited.
21.3% (Miles)3995-7355-8866
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>>14820563 I'm too tired to explain statistics to you.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14820569 Ah. Putting it that way makes more sense; despite this, you can NOT guarantee a shiny this way. Do not act like you can.
>>14820603 Sorry for not taking Statistics. I had other classes and haven't gone to College yet.
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>>14820524 The payoff will be worth it, Cry!
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>>14820563 each egg has the same probability
the overall probability of a given event, as the number of trials goes to infinity, becomes infinitely close to one, no matter how small the odds
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>>14820459 What's yer offer?
So if I get 8,400 eggs will i get at least one shiny guaranteed?
>>14820657 >Ah. Putting it that way makes more sense; despite this, you can NOT guarantee a shiny this way. Do not act like you can. No one is, that's why
>>14820398 says "will approach 100".
Because there's a ridiculously high chance that someone will have gotten one or more shinies after breeding 999999999999999999999 eggs, but it's not quite 100.
It's the same thing as saying that there's a very very good chance that someone somewhere will hatch a shiny at some point, and the hatching of shinies around the world is very unlikely to stop, but there is a .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance (not even close to being exact, just an example) that there will never be another shiny seen by anyone ever again ever.
Can people stop fighting over shit? Seriously guys, we're here to have shiny hunts together, cheer each other on and give useful tips. Not to fight over how fucking statistics work.
>>14820774 No, at 8400 eggs your chances are about 99.79% of having seen one or more shinies.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14820781 Alright then. How 'bout we don't get technical, and we all just get back to our hunts?
>>14820846 >>14820845 So ruffle I need about how many eggs to guaranteed to get a shiny?
Gliché 1160 9749 9313 !2nG72bi0jc
Quoted By:
True. If you stop breeding and just argue statistic, your chances will drop to 0% for finding shinies.
>>14820835 >>14820852 This. Everyone is overreacting, and it's dampening the thread.
>>14820910 you can't guarantee a shiny
probability can still screw you
Quoted By:
>>14820657 Don't spread misinformation then
>>14820910 You want an exact answer?
It will take you exactly infinite eggs to guarantee a shiny.
Better start breeding champ.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14820941 The thread hit the reply limit anyway. New thread? That will stop that annoying stats.
>>14820910 There is no guarantee, it's all luck and probability and grinding and blah blah blah
Ellis 1607-2348-9941
>>14820910 no matter how many eggs you hatch, you are never guaranteed a shiny, your odds become very close to 100% of at least having seen one, but never exact
>>14820910 Nobody knows, you can get one shiny in every gen or there's a chance you'll never see one, EVER.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Trainer Nat - 4613 7087 9360
>>14820953 >>14820970 >>14820988 >>14820991 >>14820993 so should I just get 3boxes full of eggs and hatch them or hatch them while breeding at the same time?
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I found a shiny Chingling once. But I killed that nigga.
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
Ellis 1607-2348-9941
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>>14821041 hatch while breeding, its more efficient.
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>>14821041 >hatch them while breeding at the same time? This.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
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Got my Hatching O-Power, so it'll make the process of getting this Froakie a bit faster.
Sean(Arashi) : 2251-4113-1367
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9 boxes of Swirlix, willy wonka I got your supply.
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OK guys i have never gotten a shiny and i want fletchling to be my first and im a newb at chaining so are there any tips besides only use the D pad and look for the biggest shake?
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>>14816623 I hatched my shiny ralts the other day. Personally, I think Trace is better.
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>>14820348 The shiny rayquaza I caught later made up for it. Damn that was amazing. Too bad it's gone somewhere..