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How to: Chain Pokemon Last night an anon by the name of Chris ventured on to /vp/ claiming a guide on how to chain Pokemon, although he was still working out the quirks of Gen VI chaining he managed to get the basic's down. Here is Chris' original guide: Heres some cliffnotes to gen6 chaining>Buy Repels (50+) >Find Field >Activate Radar >Listen for loud rustling, there are 3 different types >Once you hear the loudest version of the rustle look for the fastest shaking grass as well >Walk into it, Faint your pokemon >Repeat If you don't hear the loudest rustle upon activation, walk 50 steps and 'reset' your radar, you will need to do this mid chaining as well if you hear no loud rustle/see no fast shaking grass patch I can also confirm that there is 4 different types of rustling: Minimum Rustle - Grass barely shakes at all, low chance of finding a pokemon or no pokemon in it at all. (Avoid at all costs) Low Rustle - Grass shakes a little bit, low chance of there being a pokemon. (Avoid at all costs) Medium Rustle - Grass shakes moderately, i would say there's a 50/50 chance of it being the Pokemon your chaining. (Go for it if you like risks) Maximum Rustle - Grass shakes ultra fast, there is a high chance that this is the Pokemon that your looking for. Always try and find this. Although i don't know the specific's chaining can randomly end this has always happened after a battle. It has happened to me at least 4 times with max repels so be careful. Also try and avoid resetting your radar as much as possible if you cant find a Maximum Rustle, if you reset it more than 3 times there is a higher chance of it ending your chain, so watch out. (Pic related, my own success story)
>>14817104 Hey, it's me from the Shiny Thread. Do you mind if I use this, and make it into an addition to the FAQ for future threads? Would be useful for future threads, and people confused about chaining.
How do you mean, Faint your pokemon? Like let it faint? So you have to keep a buttload of revives on you?
>>14817304 Faint the Pokemon you encounter.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
>>14817304 He meant faint the enemy Pokemon
>>14817268 Sure, please not that it isn't complete im still ironing out some things, (like shiny patches and sped up music). Just give credit to me and Chris, since he started investigating how chaining works.
whats the point of the repels?
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>>14817337 >>14817342 English is a tricky language.
>>14817413 So you don't run into any other Pokemon that isn't the ones the Radar pointed out.
>>14817413 You need repels so you don't encounter any wild pokemon while in your chain, otherwise your chain would be broken.
Sten 0619-4231-8037
>>14817413 Not breaking the chain. Use it when you start.
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>>14817404 Will do, thanks.
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
>>14817104 Thanks for this, answered some questions I had on my mind.
But I do have one, what area did you chain the eevees? I tried multiple but it never works out for me.
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>>14817104 Also a note about shiny patches, they are pretty easy to spot out, they shine for a good 2 - 3 seconds and when i was chaining it was a medium rustle. Another thing, never get patches on the edge of a field, there is some chance of it being another pokemon and will break your chain.
Riley 3738-0829-0015
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>>14817517 When do you start? after you've had one encounter with the Pokemon you want?
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>>14817465 >>14817485 >>14817517 ah ok, sorry for the stupid question. I'm new to this.
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Im new at this. What is chaining about?
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>>14817104 What the best way to use a Syleon?
as a special wall?
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another thing if 2 bushes rustle next to each other at maximum do not go into them, only go into it if ones a max rustle and the others a medium or low rustle
>>14817711 The Pokeradar you get in post game
>>14817636 The area i went to chain eevee's was in route 10. It's an area past the boulder. Pic related.
>>14817839 Where abouts? Can't find anything on Google about it.
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>>14817711 You can get the Radar post game by going back to Sycamore's lab.
John ™ 1736-1147-7871
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>>14818036 I meant grass patch for area, but eitherway thanks. Brb gonna cry attempting to chain an eevee
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>>14818036 Frankly that area sucks because of all the corner areas
the middle area near the boulders is much better imo
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>>14818130 Its the first result that appeared when I searched for it. Your google-fu is weak.
Anyway its in Sycamore's lab. On the 2nd floor I think
Does chaining work in the Friend Safari?
But what does it mean when the music changes?
PG 4210 3992 7704
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>>14818256 you can't use the radar in friend safari
How do you get the shiny radar?
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>>14818304 Beat E4 and head on over to the Professors lab.
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>>14818274 No one knows exactly what it means yet.
I tried this back in DP and had the same results as now, pretty bad ones. I can only see three different rustles and my chain always breaks at 6-7 or so. How rare are these " Maximum Rustles", am I supposed to run back and forth and re-scan several times before each encounter? How do they look, exactly?
>>14818582 They shake really fast and they sound really heavy, listen for the rustles as well if their really light then don't go for it but if they sound heavy then go for it.
Todays research target is Skiddo, what does this mean? I can only encounter Skiddo with it?
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>>14818713 That's something completely different.
Please tell me that the pokeradar theme is still the same.
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>>14818803 No, its a new theme with 2 versions of it, really fast and normal paced.
>>14818675 And edgers, corners and two maximum rustles next to each other are a no-no, right?
confirm/deny walking vertically when charging a chain reset will cause the bushes to break the chain
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>>14818953 Yes, all of those are a big no-no.
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>>14819031 If your walking in a field with no repel, yes it will break the chain. Also you CANNOT use your skates to charge a chain, nor can you use them while chaining, it will break the chain.
Is there an increased shiny rate as soon as you have a chain that caps at 40, or are they just as rare as usual until you max your chain?
>>14819320 Your question is worded a little weirdly, but I'm assuming you're asking whether or not you have a higher chance of catch a shiny mid-chain than you do with no chain at all, which is a yes.
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>>14819320 No one knows how much the chance of getting a shiny increases with each successful chain. But its like
>>14819375 said there's a higher chance of getting a shiny mid chain then without a chain.
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Do I have a time limit to reach the rustling patch, or can I take my time and walk slowly around the patches I don't want?
PG 4210 3992 7704
>chaing 10 Zoroarks >11th Pokemon is a Noctowl every time
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>>14819828 It can be frustrating at times, keep trying anon!
so you just kill the pokemon in the chain right?
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>>14817104 >Maximum Rustle Anonymous
Is it correct that you need to go at least a few steps to reach a good bush? I keep failing at maximum rustle ones that spawn right next to me.
>>14820073 That or catch them.
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>>14820103 try and go out of the field, recharge the radar and try and find another maximum rustle if this keeps happening.
>>14817104 No idea why but every single time I try I get about 3 or 4 chains then it just breaks even though it was the same pokemon. This happening for anyone else?
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>>14820501 That's happened to me as well, i still don't know why it happens but it just does.