Old thread:
>>14824767 Please read the FAQ before posting. Many simpler questions like item locations, useful people locations, Pokemon locations, and mechanic changes are in there.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub Submit suggestions, corrections, and rumor confirmations to
[email protected] , suggestions tend to get lost in the thread.
Questions about suggested teams, competitive abilities, movesets, natures, and IV/EVs should go to /cpg/
>>14800022 Trade requests in Wi-Fi General
>>14831021 FC exchange threads for Friend Safari are everywhere, check the catalog.
Ask and learn, bitches! Pic related, it's Nemu. He sleepy.
copy pastan again im casual as fuck and play with the pokemon i like, but im still curious how i could bring out more potential in my favorite lil buddies. so far i have>goodra >reuniclus >miltank >beedrill what are good natures/movesets for these guys and what other types could my team use?
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I was just doing berry research, using the FAQ's link....the guide mentions two new berries, but I only found the anti-fairy berry. Has anyone located the second?
So I'm breeding eggmoves. Naturally after awhile when I take back eggdad the eggmove he was passing on is gone. Can I still use him to pass on the eggs or will I have to use a new eggdad?
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Dream Points into Poke Miles, is this feature in yet? I registered with my Trainer Club account.
Dio 2320-7553-0561 Chansey, Loudred, Aipom
Dio 2320-7553-0561 Chansey, Loudred, Aipom Sat 19 Oct 2013 06:33:21 No. 14831260 Report Anonymous
>>14831208 New eggdad. They can only pass on the moves they currently know, this is in every gen I believe.
>>14831208 You'll have to get it back from the relearner. If you powerlevel your eggdad, it should prevent this from happening again.
How, where, and when can one get the coupon(s) for Boutique Couture? Seriously, one of these threads confirmed that they exist, but I need to know where and how.
Toast 0173-1818-3496
>>14831328 Nobody's found it yet, apparently.
>>14831260 What'dya mean deeper? Past the areas with pokemon that lunge from the shadows? It's not like the next area is hidden or anything.
>>14831328 you need to beat the elite four 100 times with a level 99 pikachu, evolve it into a pikablu and then beat the elite four again and then professor oak will give you a coupon
Dio 2320-7553-0561 Chansey, Loudred, Aipom
Dio 2320-7553-0561 Chansey, Loudred, Aipom Sat 19 Oct 2013 06:39:57 No. 14831489 Report Quoted By:
>>14831435 I mixed up glittering and reflecting, my bad.
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>>14831435 Last thread said something about Game Sync and spending miles.
>>14831475 No that's how you get Mew and the Mewite Z, you dunce.
Is there an item that powers up fairy type moves?
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anyone have a screencap of nidoqueen and/or nidoking?
>>14831592 pixie plate @ pokemon village
>>14831626 Is there a non-plate item? Kinda like miracle seed and grass plate.
Is there a reward for filling the Kalos dex, and what is it? Are there individual rewards for each part of the region (Central, Coastal, Mountain) ? And if so what are they?
when a ton of hearts pop out of my pokemon in pokemon-amie is that like an orgasm or what does more hearts mean it's more fertile for breeding?
>>14831724 >grass plate >non plate >>14831757 Fill the dex by seeing them all, you'll get an Oval Charm, which acts like Flame Body.
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>>14831724 not sure, they are identical in function though so it doesn't matter
>>14831785 What I mean to say is, is there an item that isn't a plate? Miracle seed and grass plate each do the same thing, except grass plate is for Arceus.
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>>14831779 Are you serious?
It means it went up an affection level. Two reactions like that, and a Fairy move, and Eevee can evolve into Sylveon.
>>14831757 Oval charm, acts like Flame Body. Whole dex only, IIRC.
>>14831779 It means its affection level has gone up a heart.
>>14831840 Haven't seen one yet.
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Where do you get Brick Break in Terminus Cave?
Gendo 5069-4037-2084 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
Gendo 5069-4037-2084 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Sat 19 Oct 2013 06:51:24 No. 14831880 Report Is there an IV calculator you guys recommend? The ones at Serebii and Psypoke keep saying that the stats of the Azumarill i'm putting in are incorrect but I used a blank bag and wiped it's EVs so there's no way it should be wrong.
so if I accidentally put 2 evs where they shouldn't be while ev training a pokemon will it matter? you only need 4 for a stat up still right? so a 252 252 4 2 wont fuck me up and make me waste a reset bag?
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If I breed a fat Pumpkaboo, will all it's babies be fat, or will there be some skinny?
>>14831880 azumarill's special attack supposedly got buffed, is that the stat that's showing up incorrect? serebii's IV calc is definitely reliable
Gendo 5069-4037-2084 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
Gendo 5069-4037-2084 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Sat 19 Oct 2013 06:52:53 No. 14831934 Report >>14831855 Oval charm doesn't cut the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg, it cuts the steps needed foe the parents to lay an egg.
Where can I get Dawn/Dusk stones besides super training? The FAQ only lists a spot for each, no where to buy them.
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Did they change sleep mechanics in gen 6? I just got out of a battle with a friend where 5 times in a row he woke up after one turn from being spored.
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>>14831880 I use metalkids IV calculator
Gendo 5069-4037-2084 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
Gendo 5069-4037-2084 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Sat 19 Oct 2013 06:53:56 No. 14831980 Report >>14831933 Yeah it was the Special attack that was giving off the flag.
So some older Pokes got base stat changes huh?
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>>14831936 Pretty sure that's it.
C'MON GAME SYNC I WANT MY SHIT.>90 Moomoo Milks >90 Full Heals >90 Max Repels >Some PP Ups >Some Berry Juice for bumps and scrapes I'LL BE SET FOR FUCKING LIFE. GIVE ME THE SHIT.
Does Iron Fist boost Power-Up Punch? It's not on Serebii's list, but punch is in the fucking name.
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What kinda prizes can you get from the Lotto? Anyone have a list?
>>14832073 Oh, also, buying shit on the Global Link website seems to be 50% cheaper than buying shit in-game, so you can get all sorts of stuff.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14831084 How is Aurorus? I really like its design. And its shiny is delicious.
How does breeding hidden abilities work? Right now I'm trying to breed whismurs. I caught a male loudred with the scrappy ability, and just hatched 3 eggs, 2 whismurs with soundproof, and one with Rattled. Rattled is whismur's hidden ability, so does that mean I'll get an Exploud with Scrappy ability once I lvl it up/evolve? I'm breeding with a ditto btw if that matters.
>>14832131 Does anyone have the shiny album saved, by the way?
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14832189 I want to know this as well.
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>>14832120 Is the global link site not just a dead page for you?
I am new to the competitive scene, at what point should I stop breeding for IVs?
Would anyone know if there's a list of pokemon that appear in Horde Encounters, and where?
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>>14832358 In the olden days, I went to a guy who would say if my Pokemon was relatively superior with it's best stat being what I want it
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Is Zygarde shiny locked?
If I put a power lens on the mother, and a power anklet on the after, will the child for sure inherit both SPD and ATT IVs?
>>14832241 Sweet! So do females or males have higher chance of passing down hidden ability if they have the hidden ability?
Also does a ditto with Imposter raise chances of offspring having hidden abilities?
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>>14832458 I mean Special Attack, obviously.
>>14832487 Female has a higher chance than the male I believe
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what's the best move set for amaura? and is there a move he learns after level 39 (not evolved). i already taught him thunderbolt but I'd like more ideas. It's the first pokemon game were I dont powerhouse through so im still new at making good 'mons for online battle and such
How do I get stylish enough for the boutiques to let me in? :( I wanna look at cool clothes!
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>>14832540 By reading the OP
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>>14832540 Open the link in the OP
Scroll down to Lumiose City in bold letters
Should I save the Big Nugget or sell it to a normal shop? Also, where can I unload my shrooms?
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>>14832619 Also:
Heliolisk or Gogoat?
I have a Gogoat already EV-trained (252 Atk, the rest evenly split between HP and Sp. Def), but I don't mind putting a Heliolisk through the ringer if it'll pay off dividends.
Max - 5112-3872-4242
Hey, got a few questions: How should I super train the following pokemon on my team? - Garchomp - Aegislash - Gengar - Ampharos Also, I heard you can get hairstyles other than what the hairdresser firstly offers. How can I do this?
>>14832619 Activate bargain O-power (highest you have) then just sell it, it goes for 10k without bargain activated.
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>>14832648 For the hairstyles, I think you need to get more stylish in Lumiose City. Read the OP for that.
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>>14832695 Ugh, I've only got level 1. I'll do shoutouts and such and see what happens...
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>>14832648 >All these fucking obvious straightforward EV spreads Anonymous
does a pokemon need to get exp to get catch pokerus from another pokemon in the party?
>>14832695 How many times do you have to use your O-Powers to upgrade them? I keep using the money one, and it's level 1 constant.
Zarek 4871-4081-0526 [lillipup, Audino, Ditto] 99 friends
Zarek 4871-4081-0526 [lillipup, Audino, Ditto] 99 friends Sat 19 Oct 2013 07:18:01 No. 14832787 Report my sylveon is doing this weird twitch at the start of each safari battle. what's the deal?
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>>14832787 just an indicator of Amie-Affection
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>>14832787 He's looking at YOU. He wuvs you. :3c
I just got into a fucking battle with an incomplete EV trained Pokemon with my fucking ExP Share on. Where can I find Sp Def wings?
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What role does Aegislash bring to a group?
>>14832780 It's cheaper to spam it on other people, therefore faster to level. It only took about 2-3 full bars worth of level 1 spamming to get it up to 2.
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So, I'm petting my Gourgiest, and petting every part of it besides the black pumpkin makes a scritchy-scratchy noise and the hand is semi-translucent. Does petting it there make any difference in how much friendliness it gains?
>>14832833 What's the max level?
is there a list of cameraman locations?
Where is Mr Bonding for the hatch O Power? Just got full style
>>14832908 Cafe Introversion.
>>14832947 He's definitely not, I just checked
>>14832973 do you have all the other O powers?
>>14832973 He definitely is. You must have maxed style and all of the other o-powers.
>>14832998 defense and speed
>>14833031 now why would you lie like that
So I just used ditto to breed with a snorlax and a snorlax hatched from the egg. Where's munchlax?
Can you buy vitamins? Or is it BP only?
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>>14832984 >>14833003 Then thats what it is
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>>14832766 can anyone answer this please?
>>14833031 >people actually suggest defense Anonymous
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>>14833045 Second response in google.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14832998 252 attack/252 hp/6 Sp.d
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>>14833055 Laverre Town for vitamins
Fairy Gym place
>>14833069 >clearly a ruse Anonymous
Not really XY specific but. So you can max out stats with EV training, how much of a difference do those extra few EVs make?
>>14833039 >>14833069 >naturally high defense >power trick Anonymous
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>>14833106 Someone I know actually did suggest Impish though Anonymous
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Is there any kind of glitch I can take advantage of to wear girl clothes as a guy?
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>>14833078 I dunno, they're just kinda...around?
Pretty sure you can buy the vitamin things that do the same thing at a Pokecenter.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14833125 I have no idea why i typed 6 instead of 4, but they'l get the picture
How effective is level 3 hatching power?
>>14833226 More effective than level 2 hatching power.
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So what is the gayest looking possible customization combo?
I need the EV lowering berries, in particular Apicots. Is there a complete list of the berry locations and Surprise Mulch combos so I can start working on these things?
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>>14832648 >- Garchomp 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4HP
>- Aegislash 252 Attack, 252 HP, 4 Def
>- Gengar 252 Sp Attack, 252 Speed, 4HP
>- Ampharos 252 Sp Attack, 252 Speed, 4HP
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Has anyone verified that you can get steel coats from Magnetons as stated in the FAQ? I've thief/captured about 30 and not seen one yet.
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>>14833131 A lot, EVs not going to a stat that you aren't or shouldn't be using
>attack on a alakhazam >defense on a jolteon Will mean you do more damage, more speed, or more HP to make that small difference
>>14833402 >Attack >Axew Horde Please no, that's rare. Stick to Skraggy on route 5, they're more common.
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>>14832365 Smogon's got a list, link is also in the FAQ under EV training.
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/horde-battles-and-ev-yields.3490052/ >>14832458 IIRC, not 100% guaranteed. Will definitely inherit one of them.
>>14832619 No maniacs, just sell to marts.
>>14832648 For old pokes, just go to Smogon for now. Once the metagame stabilizes, see if there are any changes and use a Reset Bag
>>14833336 FAQ/serebii/smogon forums
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>>14832458 And how do you plan to influence the child's nature?
Max FC: 4398-9859-7602
Is there anyway to queue for a random 6v6 over the PSS (preferably with legendaries banned) ? Only way I've found is for 3v3...
>>14833448 Thanks for the tip, I changed it.
Max FC: 4398-9859-7602
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>>14833564 nevermind im retarded
>>14833448 weepingbell and arbok on route 19 are more rare and give more EVs
alright, so i was browsing the internet and i came across a guy who said that Y gives you more shinies. the encounter rate isn't higher in Y, right?
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>>14833742 oh,and he claims to have found 76 shinies in around 22 hours and ran into a horde of shiny mareep
>>14833638 IIRC, Super Training caps at 252, but normal EV training goes to 255.
>>14833711 1 vs 2 EVs means nothing compared to the gains from a Power Item. You want reliably available hordes.
>>14833638 Whoa.
EVs seriously cap at 252 now? That's excellent.
>>14833638 I assume you fact checked this and I'm asking a dumb question, but I'm going to ask anyway.
Do the power items add 4 per enemy or 4 per battle?
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>>14833803 So it just means you tend to your dump stat first, right? That ought to fix the problem.
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>>14833742 Took me almost 80 hours to get my 1st shiny in Y with a fair amount of breeding to boot soooooo...I'd say no
>>14833803 I am just saying that even with the power items, the arbok and weepingbells at route 19 are more frequent than scraggies
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if i breed dusclops with gastly for disable then the gastly with ditto will the egg have disable?
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>>14833803 As far as I know, cap is 252 no matter the source
>>14833803 Capped at 252
>>14833820 Per enemy
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Still no news on Sinnohpixies?
>>14833742 now he's saying that Y got the better shiny rate and that X got the "better" mega stones.
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>>14833845 Oh. You said "more rare" instead of "more frequent" in
>>14833711 Anonymous
>>14834052 Because trolling is still alive and well in this day and age.
The IV checker lady will list every max IV right?
So I just found a horde of smoochum. Four used Forewarn, and I'd like the catch the one that didn't. Am I stuck with a 20% chance?
>>14834097 Yes, they might also list zero IVs, if anyone is already interested in breeding trick room mons or min confusion damage special attackers.
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>Chaining pretty well with my PokeRadar >Weird shine, music becomes strange >W-what the fuck is happening >Moltres has appeared >Moltres has fled! What an unexpected way to lose my chain.
>>14834116 Unless you have a mon with Role Play, you can't know for certain which one has what ability in a horde battle.
>>14834138 Damn, I've been stuck trying to breed on 4 perfect IVs for 2 hours on Dratini. Highest I have had is 2 but it's a consistent 2 (Atk Spd)
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>>14834176 Well shit, thanks anyway.
>>14834183 Have you tried the new Destiny Knot thing? I haven't experimented with it personally, but it apparently allows for 5 IVs from the parents rather than the normal 3.
>>14834224 Yeah that's what I'm doing now.
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>press x in menu with lots of little sub-menus >go straight back to walking around fuck I wish someone told me this before
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>>14833924 Then the chart should be fixed at least one more time.
>>14834268 In that case, stop and breed with a power item until you have at least three perfect IVs, otherwise you're guaranteed to screw yourself out of a chance for a randomized perfect IV.
Where can I get more thunderstones?
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>>14834086 >and well lol faggot
>>14834361 So
I have a parent with Def/Spd and the other with Def/Atk
Should I put the Atk Power item on the first one and the Everstone on the other?
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where the fuck is rotom
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>>14834366 Secret super training.
>>14834428 No. Atk power item goes on the one with the perfect atk.
What general roles should my three-pokemon team for tackling the Maison have? I've got Mega Blaziken as a physical sweeper. What else should I have? Also, where the fuck is Skamory?
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>fighting a double battle with a player >she has Mewtwo, Delphox, Zygarde, Lucario, Venusaur and Gardevoir >I throw out Venusaur, Noivern, Slurpuff and Greninja >would have used the other two Pokemon in my team, but every time I'm challenged to a double battle, I just use 4 out of retardation >slaughter her entire team wish these Pokes >all she has left is Mega Mewtwo Y and Delphox >I have Venusaur and Noivern >her Mewtwo and Delphox knock each of them out That was tense. Dunno if I would have had a chance if I had used my other two Pokes, but these battles are pretty fun.
>>14834366 If you'd read the FAQ, you'd know they're
exactly where it tells you they are under other evolution stones. >>14834428 Previous Gens have tiered elimination of IV inheritance with HP then Defence being made unavailable as each new variable is chosen, so you'd probably have the easiest time with a power belt, and leaving attack and speed to the RNG.
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Got this guy about 90 min ago, all done.
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Stats. Sap Sipper gives immunity to spore right? I'm debating changing his ability since I'm not very fond of rain teams. His defense is complete shit unfortunately.
Separate from the other guy's breeding question, I have a ghastly with perfect hp sp atk and sp def ivs. I've been breeding him with a ditto that has perfect def sp atk and speed ivs trying to get offspring with 4 perfect ivs but so far I've had no success. They always have between 1-3 perfect ivs using ghastly with everstone and ditto with destiny knot. Is the ditto having a stat the ghastly already has maxed interfering in some way? Am I just unlucky?
>>14834527 Skarmory is a from above/from the side encounter on the outside portions of Victory road, like Fearow and Hydreigon.
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>>14834544 Alright so I replaced the Destiny Knot with the Power Belt and kept the Everstone for Adamant Nature.
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Thanks for everyones help. I've made the power items part clearer and updated the best places to horde train.
Justin 1907-8858-6709 [Dunsparce, Loudred, ???]
Justin 1907-8858-6709 [Dunsparce, Loudred, ???] Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:31:11 No. 14834624 Report Quoted By:
Got a shiny Garbador, kinda want to trade it if anyone is willing to
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Ah, I missed that empty feeling of accomplishment. It only took me 70 hours, haven't even beaten the game yet. Next station: Coastal Kalos. How are dem Dexes going?
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>>14834599 It's random from each parent. but with each overlapping perfect stat, it increases the likelihood of full perfects. When we get poke-transfer, we can begin working with 6 perfect stat dittos to chain into the perfect IV breeding machines.
>>14834599 Yes, they alternate passing the stats down in the random part of it, so you're losing some of the perfect stats where they don't share them. Are you most regularly getting offspring with maxed special attack?
Trevor 3909-7883-7972
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I hear tell that if you get Tyrunt from the friend safari, he has Rock Head instead of Strong Jaw. Anybody able to confirm/deny?
Just got a Noivern. Now I need to choose one of these movesets.>Boomburst >Air Slash >Draco Meteor >Flamethrower / Psychic Or>Boomburst >Air Slash >Dragon Pulse / Flamethrower / Psychic >Roost First one is based more or less around "If he's about to faint, use Draco Meteor" and the second is more focused around keeping Noivern alive. Feedback greatly appreciated.
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>>14831084 I'm trying to build an exploring team for item searching and Pokemon searching, ready for anything this game might throw at me.
However, some questions are popping up;
A) How relevant is Mean Look in this game regarding wild Pokes? I've used Umbreon for this in the past, but that has mainly been for roaming Pokemon.
B) Because I am an unlucky person, I'll probably be one of those people who'll end up getting a shiny Zangoose in a Seviper horde or vice versa. Any way to prevent the shiny from dying in this or any similar case? ;_;
>>14834729 Any idea of what item you want to use on him? the first one sounds pretty good for a choice user, but has the drawback of two types with immunities to his highest power moves, while the second sounds like a solid life orb set that might sacrifice a stab for better coverage versus steel types.
Technical question. All my internet is ethernet cords, is there a device of some kind I can plug into a USB port so I can play online? I mean besides the Nintendo one they completely refuse to support for modern systems.
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>>14834676 Yeah special attack is the most common but it's not exactly towering over the others in my gastlys. Ideally would I want to use a ditto that has 2 different stats maxed like I did when I was using the power items to force ivs before?
I'm new to this nature/ev stuff or whatever you call it, but I figure I might as well look into it. What I understand so far is that you choose a nature that boosts an already good stat and lowers a not so important one. Is that right? My problem is that I have no clue what benefits all these pokemon, though. Like, let's say Hawlucha. Would I go Sp.Atk or Atk? Or Greninja. Would I boost his speed or his Sp.Atk? And do I push EVs into maxing the stat that gets boosted? Do I neglect the lowered one?
>>14834875 Just get a wireless router. They still have ethernet jacks.
>>14834941 See that's not going to work, waaay too many thick walls between me and where the router is. Why I've never bothered with wifi before.
Also I'd like to keep costs down.
>>14835001 Do you live in a prison by any chance?
>>14834604 Okay, how the fuck do I encounter these?
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How do I unlock higher levels super training?
>>14834871 I've honestly got no clue, sorry. What would you recommend?
>>14835001 You can get a shitty little usb thing, make sure the person you ask knows exactly what it is you want to do so you don't buy the wrong thing. It'll be a pretty ghetto connection too.
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>>14834927 It honestly goes down to personal preference on which moveset you actually want to teach each Pokemon. If you want them to be a physical attacker, you go with jolly or adamant. If you want them to be special you go with modest or timid... maybe even quiet. If you want them to be tanks you go with bold or calm.
>>14835038 Australia, close enough
>>14835095 Doesn't need to be pretty or fast, just has to work.
>>14834927 Hawlucha is heavily inclined to physical attacks, so it benefits from attack.
Greninja's a mixed attacker with more physical moves but a better special stat, so speed is probably your best choice unless you have a moveset planned out that uses only special attacks.
There are almost no circumstances where you should put EVs into the reduced stat, as it applies after EVs are calculated and gives you less bang for your buck, while boosted stats get additional bang for your buck.
>>14835041 Completely random, they're just like the shaking spots from Gen V. They might only happen at bushes/cosmetic tall grass off the side of the path though.
>>14835077 Smogon generally says Choice Items, I like the survivability set better, but I haven't played with Noivern yet.
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>>14835155 >straya so yes. you're going to end up overpaying either way, so get something that works.
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>>14834927 It really depends on what you feel the pokemon can do, based off its base stats and its moveset. If you are going for a purely physical attacker, you won't be using SpA at all, so it's fine to take away from the stat that won't be in use via Adamant/Jolly. Conversely, special attackers will want Timid/Modest because their Atk stat will be useless.
You generally want to maximise a pokemon's EVs in the stat you're boosting, since you're already going to the trouble of investing in a useful nature.
Using my Greninja as an example, I want it to be a fast special sweeper. I figure I want it to be a tad quicker than most pokemon around its speed, so I take a Timid nature to boost Spe since I'm not using Atk. EVs are then pretty simple since I'm going all-out; 252 each in SpA and Spe, and 4 in HP for an extra hit point.
>>14835185 >I like the survivability set better Yeah I was leaning more towards that. Boomburst does more damage than Air Slash and Dragon Pulse anyway regardless of STAB so maybe putting on more type covering moves would be the best.
I was thinking of getting an Assault Vest to put on it for an item with that set, but as for which attacks I've got no idea. Psychic and Flamethrower stood out to me the most however.
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>>14832509 >>14832487 In my experience, there's 0 difference. I've been breeding a male froakie with protean with a Ditto and I'd say 90% of the eggs had Protean.
I've got two questions here. 1. What is the best nature for an Inkay? 2. Does the Masuda Method work with a japense Ditto?
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Can you change the 3DS clock to force the Boutiques to change their wares? I really need the white rimmed sunglasses from luminose.
>>14835318 Assault Vest blocks the use of Roost, so only use that item with the first set. Life Orb is a solid item with Roost to heal off the damage it picks up from using it. It should play like a better version of Flygon if you give it flamethrower.
>>14835353 1. Adamant
2. It did in previous gens.
Why does the hotel tell me to come back tomorrow, and when it is tomorrow, they tell me to come back tomorrow again?
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mfw I finished all the Looker missions
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what's a good nature for Goomy?
>>14835451 Damn alright then. What moves would you recommend? Flamethrower, Psychic and Shadow Ball all seem like very viable attacks for him but I can only really have two, and that's if I exclude both Dragon Pulse and Air Slash.
I also have an Alakazam on my team so I might be going a little overboard having Psychic on two pokemon.
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>>14835451 Okay, sweet! Thanks.
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I flat battle other trainers but it would never set my pokemons to level 50. Which mode sets pokemon to level 50?
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble, Pupitar)
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble, Pupitar) Sat 19 Oct 2013 09:10:36 No. 14835601 Report I think I have a decent question. If a Pokemon learns a move via breeding and it's later deleted, is it re-teachable via Heart Scale? Or is it a one time affair?
Im trying to breed a Noibat with infiltrator, is this even possible? Or is that a hidden ability
>>14835701 >it is It is what? Use your words.
>>14835734 is re-learnable
I'm new to the whole breeding thing, any cons to using a Ditto and why does everyone on the GTC want the lower level Dittos over the ones you get in Pokemon Village?
>>14835787 No cons except maybe taking longer to make eggs
Low level dittos come from Safari with at least 2 max IVs
>>14835721 it's possible took me a few tries to get a few infiltrator
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>>14835840 ok cool
Also does anyone know if everstone affects ability or does it just preserve the nature
Is there a list of photo locations
>>14835815 Does it mean that breeding with a non-Safari Ditto would lead to sub-optimal pokemon? I've been trying to breed a shiny but I'd like to eventually move onto competitive.
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>>14835992 It would certainly be faster and easier to use the Safari Dittos.
>>14835895 Catch gravellers at victory road. They have them.
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>>14835557 Air slash for the flinch chance or dragon pulse for accuracy and 15 higher bp with stab included but fewer super effective hits and resists. Flamethrower if you want to not worry about steel types. Psychic is only going to be more useful than air slash against poison types and Lucario. Shadow Ball is the move to go for if Ghost types in general end up seeing a lot of use, but Gengar is the only one I can see getting much use for a while and Psychic hits it harder. Steel types are probably still going to see a lot of use, and the dragon type immunity on fairies and the relative rareness of rock types and electric types make it seem like Air Slash and flamethrower are the moves to go for unless fairies pull poison types into the metagame in a major way.
Where can I get some Eviolite?
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>>14836034 town with the fossil guys
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How does florges hidden ability work? it's called symbiosis and says "The Pokémon can pass an item to an ally" Like using an item?
>>14835601 >>14835766 Heart Scale only reteaches moves from the levelup pool.
>>14835155 If you're going to buy something, just get a wireless router. That way you can have wi-fi in your end of the house, too.
>>14835509 Did you mess with your clock? Might need another day to re-enable daily events.
>>14835548 >>14836089 Check the FAQ.
>>14836252 Does Growlthie learn Close Combat?
I was breeding Close Combat on to him
Left him in the Day Care to long
Used a Heart Scale to get Close Combat back
Jordan 4828-4982-0249
Anyone has any idea on how to change the form of Rotom yet?
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>>14836252 Nope, haven't touched the clock. It's retarded, I can only do daily shit every 2 days.
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
What level did Mawille learn Play Rough again?
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Do Pumpkaboo inherit their size from their parent/parents?
Someone fill me in on how to check on my Pokémon's IVs.
>FAQ recommends the head tilt game to best get puffs >I suck at this game so hard I haven't even unlocked past easy >one affection heart out of five Getting Sylveon is going to be tedious as fuck.
>>14836543 You have to make sure you're holding it far enough away to give you room to move. If you're wearing glasses it tends to not recognize your eyes, too.
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>>14836542 For checking total and for max and min IVs, Kiloude City Pokemon Center after you beat the elite four, otherwise, use calculators and hope the base stats you have are right.
>>14836590 Oh, I mean Head Hit. The one with the yarn balls.
>>14836590 >Japanese have some of the worst eyesight in the world Good job, Nintendo.
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How the hell do I get more Metal Coats? I've tried Thief on Metangs at safari zone but it's been a while and got nothing
What should my Charizard's nature be?
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>>14836635 It's literally the worst game for me. At the distance I have to hold it I can't tell what face I'm supposed to make without my glasses on, so I have to read it, take my glasses off, do the thing, put them on, read, etc.
>>14836618 Oh, that one's not too hard if you get the timing down right.
>>14836324 Disregard that, I suck cocks. Apparently in XY the move relearner can in fact teach you egg moves.
>>14836495 http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/mawile.3489522/ >>14836543 You can play any minigame you like, it's just that Head-It is the fastest way to get the fancy puffs that give more affection. You can still easily grind out the two hearts for Sylveon in a few minutes with the lower-tier puffs.
does flame power and hatching power stack?
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How many premiere balls to I need to buy for max style points?
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
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>>14836740 Thanks for the info. Figured it was 60 or so to learn most moves.
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Whats a good nature for a goomy, I just got to route 14 and plan to catch me one of these cute bad asses
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What is the chance of baby inheriting a Hidden ability if the holder is male?
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What's a powerful grass type to pick up?
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Is there a particular sst regiment I should be doing to get a shiny stone?
Is poisoning each and every Gligar I find in hordes the most efficient way of finding one with a hidden ability and if I level the Immunity Gligar will it evolve into Poison Heal Gliscor?
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>>14837278 Dunno, and yes.
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>>14837514 It is a mystery
Not really XY specific but is there any point in building a lightball Pikachu around Volt Tackle with how shit its HP is?
Where's Toxic in route 14? I've looked everywhere and can't find it
>>14837611 Does pikachu get the new draining kiss move?
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>>14838064 Good question. Go breed slurpuff and pikachu and report back to us.
Why the fuck can I not get a god damned female Eevee? SYLVEON ONLY MAKES SENSE AS FEMALE.
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>>14838525 Check your privilege
So I EV super trained a Timid Gastly. 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed along with 4 HP. When I was done with that, I still think I had some few points left. What did I do wrong? Thought it stopped at 252. Said it was full.
>>14837935 >Pokemon >not talking to every NPC you can find Near the Laverre side of Route 14, talk to the Hex Maniac looking across the pond.
>>14838575 There will be two points left, and it won't matter at all where they go.
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>>14838623 Really? That's good to hear, thought I had screwed up.
Got a shiny bunnelby from an idiot in wonder trade (He was just sending it back like it was a shitmon without realizing it was actually shiny), is this shiny worth anything?
>>14838699 He was right, Anon. Send it back into Wonder Trade.
I know Eevee is on Route 10, but where on Route 10? Is it a giveaway like B/R in Celadon, or are they just out in the grass?
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Does anyone know if some of the fossils are version exclusive?
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What do you think is a good nature if you wanna run Mega Venusaur?
I have a shiny talonflame that I run with a choice band. its all ev'd and whatnot. Unfortunately, it doesnt have gale wings. that being said, does the ability change item from battle maison allow changing to hidden abilities? really dont want to have to get a whole new adamant talonflame
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Are there any benefits to staying at the hotel? It's quite expensive so if I don't get anything out of it I don't really see the purpose.
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>>14838780 So shinies are common?
What HMs are required for victory road?
any good false swipers w/ sleep or paralysis besides smeargle or gallade? what should I use?
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>>14838912 Strength and Surf.
>>14838912 To get everything there? Surf/Waterfall/Strength/Rock Smash
>>14838954 Parasect, Breloom
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If your friend has an Ivysaur in their safari, is it possible to grab a Chlorophyll one? I'm clueless about hidden abilities, will it actually say it knows Chlorophyll?
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>>14838966 Just to get through to the E4.
>>14838985 haven't seen either of those, are they safari only?
>>14838912 I purchased the guide and it's without an Item Index. I'm really disappointed. The only thing it actually indexes is TMs/HMs.
Does the shiny charm exist?
I know that for "seeing" all the 450 in the regional dex you get an oval charm.
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>>14839062 And even the TM/HM index I forgot to add excludes the location AND the NAMES of all TMs found post-game. The guide is terrible. I want my money back.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sat 19 Oct 2013 11:48:25 No. 14839133 Report Quoted By:
What do I do with all these big mushrooms from the cafe missions? Do I literally just sell them to a vendor?
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Which is better to have on my team? Mystery Gift Blaziken or Lucario?
Ricotta Elmar [3582-9442-4119] [Poison - Kakuna Muk Venomoth] !/J1QYpS5Eo
Ricotta Elmar [3582-9442-4119] [Poison - Kakuna Muk Venomoth] !/J1QYpS5Eo Sat 19 Oct 2013 11:50:31 No. 14839175 Report Quoted By:
>>14831157 >beedrill Poison Jab/X-Scissor or Pin Missile/Brick Break/Aerial Ace worked pretty well for me last gen.
I ran with X-Scissor last time but substitute and sashes being everywhere have me leaning more towards pin missile this time.
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If I wanted a Jolteon, should I evolve my Eevee straight away?
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where's the person who developed the Pokemon transfer to the PC? what happens when I go inside a cafe? do they just give you a drink?
>>14838794 >>14838881 I take it they're only out in the day time? I've been here for almost an hour now.
>>14839226 >>14838794 The guide says they're most common in the Yellow flowers,
And really rare in just the tall grass.
>>14839254 Hm. Nice touch by Gamefreak. Good to know they're putting in little things like pokemon being rarer depending on where you're looking on a route.
Thanks for the info.
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so lemme get this straight My male Goomy with Gooey CAN pass down its Hidden Ability to eggs. Right?
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
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Could someone please tell me where the NPC that tells how friendly your pokemon are/their happiness is?
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Anyone has the guide as a .pdf?
>>14839303 I personally find it annoying. Rare pokémon should just be rare. I thought the different coloured flowers were more of a device to let there be lots of different pokemon in one area, but they didn't use it for different pokémon, just different levels of rarity.
I much preferred the normal, dark and shaking grass in BW, BW2.
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>>14839354 Yeah, I find it rather tedious too, but at least they're trying new stuff.
Now that you bring it up, I'd prefer the shaking grass too. Forgot about that stuff. It's kind of hard to keep up with all of the gimmicks/tricks they've tried out over the past 15 years.
God, 15 years is a long time.
Best Pokemon for solo sweeping the Elite 4?
Ricotta Elmar [3582-9442-4119] [Poison - Kakuna Muk Venomoth] !/J1QYpS5Eo
Ricotta Elmar [3582-9442-4119] [Poison - Kakuna Muk Venomoth] !/J1QYpS5Eo Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:01:18 No. 14839416 Report Quoted By:
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I need to use a pokemon with a really easy catch rate than can run from lv30s in the safari. what do?
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Is Vespiquen worth picking up for competitive play?
>>14839408 Aegislash. Get to +6 and kill everything. The only roadblocks are the Probopass with sturdy that will use earth power. Of course if you're a low enough level that blade forme can't tank it, you're also a low enough level that you don't have the speed to outrun it with sacred sword.
Only other issue will be the fire E4 who will present issues until you're in your 80s.
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>>14839654 Sounds good, ta.
I made a thread for this but deleted it realizing it should go here. How the fuck are you supposed to communicate with people when trading with random acquaintances/passerby? Some Jap guy wanted to trade and he showed me a ditto, but every time I would try to offer him something for it he'd switch it to a jigglypuff or some other shit I made it clear I already had and I had to cancel the trade. On the other hand I traded with someone from Oregon and we both found something each other wanted right away. How do you guys usually handle trading without sitting there rifling through the same pokemon forever?
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:18:20 No. 14839787 Report Quoted By:
Sorry for asking this again but what am I meant to do with Big Mushrooms and Tiny Mushrooms?
Ricotta Elmar [3582-9442-4119] [Poison - Kakuna Muk Venomoth] !/J1QYpS5Eo
Ricotta Elmar [3582-9442-4119] [Poison - Kakuna Muk Venomoth] !/J1QYpS5Eo Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:20:40 No. 14839850 Report Anonymous
>>14839775 quick ball or master ball
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>>14831157 why does it never rai((n 0
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>>14839786 sounds like the jap guy was messing with you
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>>14839839 >>14839850 >>14839875 There goes the Master Ball.
>tfw I was planning on getting a Pokemon with Damp for shiny hunting later Anonymous
when the IV guy makes a common about a stat being bad at the end, what its exact # range?
I was cycling around by the Day-Care center to hatch an egg and some passerby faggot told me to "get a life."
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Can you finish the game if you just go for pokemon you find cool? Or do you need to worry about moves?
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>>14840022 The shout out thing you can put in your profile for people to see. His message passed by and said "Dude get a life"
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>>14839987 >common what. I meant comment
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How do I get into the sushi restaurant?
So uh, I caught an Abra at level 10 on route 5, raised it to level 16, it evolved, and didn't learn Psybeam. It's now level 21 and all it knows is teleport and disable. Did they change the level it learns an attacking move in X?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14840433 Learns it at 28 I believe
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When do I get the other "ite" items?
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>>14840470 What the fuck? It doesn't learn an attack move til level 28?
Jon - 2535-3895-8203
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Anyone got a vulpix or ninetails that they want to trade? I can't offer much, as I'm only just about to go for the 8th gym, but I just really want one