I made this thread earlier and decided to make it again before I go to sleep. At the present moment I have 17 Charmander eggs, 15 Squirtle eggs, 13 Bulbasaur eggs, 15 Fennekin eggs, 15 Chespin eggs, 17 Froakie eggs, 9 Noibat eggs, and 11 Goomy eggs. I will take anything for them, but I would appreciate pokemon found on this picture. Also any pokemon not found on this picture and is capable of being caught in X/Y, I have it (if serebii is to be believed). If you want me to breed you something, I am willing but I'll have to ask for a pokemon in the picture.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
Forgot. Post your IGN and FC. I will NOT trade with anyone who doesn't provide an IGN in their post anywhere.
Ryuuko 2165-5767-3306
>>14832440 I have a Tyrouge could i gran a Goomy egg?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14832588 yea, I'll add you right now
Ryuuko 2165-5767-3306
>>14832609 Thanks man, Enjoy the Tyrouge.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14832717 No problem, and I certainly will.
If anyone has xerneas, I would be willing to temporarily trade for my yveltal to get the dex entry, then trade back
Fedora 2793-0612-9237
I'll take one bulbasaur and one charmander for a french corphish and a carvanha
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Fedora 2793-0612-9237
>>14832834 Alright, thanks
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
OP I've seen these in my friend safaris (there's probably more because I haven't explored them all)>Paras >Dewgong (you'd have to breed for Seel, or I could) >Aipom >Phanpy >Cacturne (breed for Cacnea) >Camerupt (breed for Numel) >Snorunt >Spiritomb >Petilil But I'm battlan right now. If you're still around and you need some in like ~20 minutes I'll help you out
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14833427 I definitely will be around. Yea, I just posted the first forms of everything to condense the picture. What would you like in return?
nasty nate 4124-5218-7949
>>14832440 id really like a charmander. i just started so all i have is shitmon, but id be most grateful
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14833573 Alright, adding you now
>>14833491 Whatever random eggs you feel like giving me. I'm catching the pokemon for you now
Oh, also, I think I have munna in my safari, so you can go catch one after we trade.
nasty nate 4124-5218-7949
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14833676 Alright, thanks man. Most generous person ever.
>>14833694 No problem, enjoy Char
Erina 5215-0467-4490
>>14832440 Shroomish for Chespin pls
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
2337 4205 1131 Steve trying to get as many choices as I can. any help would be great op also doing this from my 3ds so sorry if I dont reply soon
Erina 5215-0467-4490
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
David: 0275 8109 3146 (Mawile, Kirlia, ???)
David: 0275 8109 3146 (Mawile, Kirlia, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:01:54 No. 14833932 Report >>14832440 Hi, I can trade you a Magmar, it's not Magby, but hey. I have Snorunt also. I want a Squirtle and Chespin egg please.
Roberto 0920-0519-0209
>>14832440 A frokie egg would be nice. Currently I have shitmon so I got nothing good to give back unfortunately. ign is Serena
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14833932 yea thats fine, i only posted first forms to condense the picture. after im done trading, ill add you.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14833932 not seeing David on my friends list
>>14834003 adding
David: 0275 8109 3146 (Mawile, Kirlia, ???)
David: 0275 8109 3146 (Mawile, Kirlia, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:10:50 No. 14834136 Report >>14834107 I went ahead and got you a female magmar ;)
Wait a sec, I,m login now
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834136 Thank you! Enjoy your two mons
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651 Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:15:04 No. 14834227 Report Anon, go ahead and add me now and initiate a trade whenever, and just trade me eggs or whatever you want. Here's what I ended up with >Aipom >Petilil >Sunkern >Camerupt >Phanpy >Paras >Dewgong >Snorunt (but it looks like someone else is going to trade you one) >Spiritomb >Cacturne Hopefully I'm not going full retard and listing things you didn't ask for.
David: 0275 8109 3146 (Mawile, Kirlia, ???)
David: 0275 8109 3146 (Mawile, Kirlia, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:15:13 No. 14834233 Report Quoted By:
Erina 5215-0467-4490
>>14832440 Me again, found a Zebstrika in your friend safari. can i trade it for a bulbasaur?
Roberto 0920-0519-0209
>>14834107 thanks m8 I appreciate it
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834227 adding right now
>>14834252 yea, definitely.
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651 Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:18:47 No. 14834330 Report Quoted By:
>>14834301 Several seem to have DW abilities too. Lucky you
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834227 is hans your ign, or jon?
Morris 3454-0367-3267
I would kill for a Bulbasaur egg, however I don't have anything in picture. Been breeding adamant tech scythers though if that would suffice.
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651 Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:20:33 No. 14834374 Report >>14834341 In-game
Hannah is the Mii name, I think that's how it appears in friend safari
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834374 hmm youre not showing up on my friends list. mind sending the trade request?
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651 Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:23:46 No. 14834446 Report >>14834425 Sorry I was just being retarded and forgot to turn wifi back on after adding you
Einzel [1736-0343-0412]
>>14832440 I can give you a Snorunt male or female in return for a Chespin egg. I'll search for any pokes I have that I can offer for either Squirtle, or Bulbasaur.
Roberto 0920-0519-0209
>>14834368 not OP but I'm very interested in those adamant tech scizors you have there, though if you're fine with shitmons that is
Roberto 0920-0519-0209
Quoted By:
>>14834519 scyther, my bad
smiley 3282-3037-3492
>>14834301 trade you beldum for chespin egg
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651
Hans (Duosion, Wobbuffet, Munna) 2191 7637 7651 Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:32:03 No. 14834643 Report Quoted By:
OP you got snorunt already right?
i have a skunk dude, id like a noibat and goomy egg, thanks! 2638-0607-4714
Quoted By:
>>14834654 forgot the shit, its in subject
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834296 >>14834368 Adding
>>14834446 Thanks, you're seriously the best. Don't be afraid to ask for anything sometime
Quoted By:
>>14834680 No problem, enjoy
>>14832440 Hey could you trade me a Bulbasaur egg ? I can give you a shiny Kecleon if you want
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834469 was given a snorunt but ill take anything for the eggs.
>>14834557 adding
>>14834654 adding
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834697 adding but give me your fc and ign
Quoted By:
>>14834697 Forgot FC:2277 6907 8432
>>14834731 >FC:2277 6907 8432 IGN Mike
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Revika 5215-0023-3209
Could I have a Goomy egg please? I have little shits to trade though...
IGN: Eli FC: 2638-0607-4714
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble Pupitar)
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble Pupitar) Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:43:49 No. 14834915 Report I can get you a Chansey from my friend Safari I think. Can you trade a Bulbasaur in exchange?
Einzel [1736-0343-0412]
>>14834711 I do have some Krabbies that I can offer. :3
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14834861 fuck sorry send me a ntew trade request, accidentally canceled
Quoted By:
>>14834861 which egg did i get?
thanks by the way (traded stunky)
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14834808 adding
>>14834933 i added you but dont see your name
>>14834915 most definitely
Revika 5215-0023-3209
Quoted By:
>>14835062 I have you in already.
Minty 2079-6825-2426 (Grass: Gogoat, Tangela, Swadloon)
Minty 2079-6825-2426 (Grass: Gogoat, Tangela, Swadloon) Sat 19 Oct 2013 08:56:37 No. 14835246 Report Do you already have Joltik? If not, would you want to trade one of mine for a Scatterbug or it's evolved forms of yours? My friend safari room has Tangela in it if you do that as well.
Revika 5215-0023-3209
>>14835062 Thanks so much OP! I got Throh off of wondertrade, probably the only good thing I wasn't using, I think. Much appreciated!
Morris 3454-0367-3267
If you've still got any Bulbasaur eggs I still have that adamant tech scyther.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14835246 You want a scatterbug of mine? still need joltik. ill breed one for you.
>>14835258 not a problem
Minty 2079-6825-2426 (Grass: Gogoat, Tangela, Swadloon)
Minty 2079-6825-2426 (Grass: Gogoat, Tangela, Swadloon) Sat 19 Oct 2013 09:00:52 No. 14835362 Report >>14835340 Alright, that sounds great. You want your Joltik hatched or in an egg?
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble Pupitar)
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble Pupitar) Sat 19 Oct 2013 09:01:52 No. 14835388 Report >>14835371 I've got that Chansey ready for ya.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14835388 i dont see aaron on my friends list
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble Pupitar)
Aaron 2809-8091-6692 (Shuckle, Dwebble Pupitar) Sat 19 Oct 2013 09:04:45 No. 14835458 Report Quoted By:
>>14835435 Went offline to add someone. Really hope they fix that, it's completely unnecessary to shut you off from online when you add a friend.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
>>14835362 Its hatching so im adding you now
Minty 2079-6825-2426 (Grass: Gogoat, Tangela, Swadloon)
Minty 2079-6825-2426 (Grass: Gogoat, Tangela, Swadloon) Sat 19 Oct 2013 09:16:48 No. 14835720 Report Quoted By:
>>14835596 Alright, thanks for the trade.
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Brian: 0404-5740-1728 (dragon)
>>14835836 i have the little fire bug thingy in the bottom right whos name i cant remember for a chespin, squirtal, or bulbasaur egg
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Morris 3454-0367-3267
If you're still up for trading a Bulba egg for an AdTech scyther let me know. Hatching for another 30 min or so before crashing.
Brian: 0404-5740-1728 (dragon)
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496
Quoted By:
>>14836102 There you are
>>14836113 no problem, enjoy
Morris 3454-0367-3267