Old thread:
>>14831084 Please read the FAQ before posting. Many simpler questions like item locations, useful people locations, Pokemon locations, and mechanic changes are in there.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub Submit suggestions, corrections, and rumor confirmations to
[email protected] , suggestions tend to get lost in the thread.
Questions about suggested teams, competitive abilities, movesets, natures, and IV/EVs should go to /cpg/
>>14836643 Trade requests in Wi-Fi General
>>14838905 FC exchange threads for Friend Safari are everywhere, check the catalog.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
First for dusk stone location and how to raise my style
Is there an NPC ingame that'll tell you your pokemon's happiness?
Are there ways to get more than 2 or 3 Sun, Moon, Shiny, Dawn and Dusk stones or are they very limited in the game?
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no wonder the other thread was empty reposting: what is the IV range for a stat when the IV checker guy comments about it being bad?
Hey look, it's this question again:
What Moveset/EVs should I put into this guy?
Also, I have about 5 styles I can put him in, the bottom one has a Top Hat. Is there any way to change the colors of the styles?
>>14840478 Have you been Super Training anon?
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>>14840451 A woman in the Pokémon Fan Club in Laverre City
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Someone asked if you're supposed to do anything with the tiny/big mushrooms, and I would also like to know the answer. Are there any collectors in this game or should they just be sold to pokemart?
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As I asked in the old thread, can you just go for a team you think is cool instead of their moves? Can you still finish the game?
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>>14840499 Nope, so I'm guessing I'll be able to get more than the 2 I picked up there then
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14840493 It was a joke question, but it also lowers any chance of anyone asking the question since its the first reply Anonymous
Any trick to the TM hex lady? Is what she gives you random? How often does she hand out TMs? Any way to getting her to give me subsitute?
Chuuuuung [IGN: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [IGN: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:51:21 No. 14840556 Report >>14840451 >>14840478 >Spend hours making a document containing shitloads of commonly asked questions and link to it in the OP >First two non-joke questions are in the goddamn FAQ Anonymous
What does the Team Flare punching bag do? It just says my pokemon is full of energy.
Asking again, anyone know how to get into the Sushi place?
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HOW DO I HUGE SMILE?Oh god Heliolisk is so cute in Amie. He dances and everything,
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:54:05 No. 14840612 Report I'm looking to put one of the Megas in my team, what are some of the front runners at the moment? I have a Mawile and Heracross with pretty favorable IVs.
If there's a Safari Zone with Pokemon that have Hidden Abilities, will there always be a chance to find one or do some Safari's lock out abilities? I've been at it for a good hour and still haven't run into a male or female Ivysaur with Chlorophyll.
I want to start breeding my ou team but almost everyone on my team demands pokemon or moves from earlier generations. I just found out I can train my amoongus with everything except the dream world ability. Should I breed it for moves, nature and IVs now and do the dreamworld ability later or will it be a pain in the ass and should I just wait till the pokemon bank?
Zebra 0189-8602-1939 // IGN: Cate
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I understand the general mechanics behind breeding, but why is it when I breed 2 hidden ability Fraxure (M) + Axew (F), the child of the 2 doesn't inherit the dad's moves? The dad knows Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Taunt and Slash, all of which I'm sure Axew would learn levelling up anyway. What am I doing wrong? Is it because it would learn it anyway, or...? If I try to breed the dad's Dragon Dance & Dragon Claw onto let's say, Charmander, would it work then?
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:56:50 No. 14840680 Report Quoted By:
>>14840588 It makes you break punching bags faster. Save them for when you have a bunch of large bags to hit.
In the GTS why can't I see the full list of pokemon?
Zebra 0189-8602-1939 // IGN: Cate
>>14840592 The owner let me in when he recognized I was the League Champion, but I also did all the other postgame story stuff before I went back.
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 12:57:52 No. 14840716 Report Quoted By:
>>14840685 Can only see what you've got in your pokedex, scroll down to the bottom of the alphabet and select What pokemon are you looking for? Then you can put in the name of the one you want.
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>>14840685 scroll down to the bottom when choosing a letter, you can input any pokemon
So I saw the ghost girl in Lumiose by accident and I want to see her again. How do I do this? I think I've figured out what to do but I wanted to test my idea out, but to do that I need to see her again.
>>14840612 >Heracross anon I...
What level should I be to face the Elite 4?
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>>14840757 You should be at least level 8 or 9, but I'd focus on leveling up my Pokemon more if I were you.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14840556 It must really suck constantly reading questions that you've typed in the FAQ
>>14840592 Taking a guess here, but you probably have to do every other restaurant battle first before sushi
>>14840653 All friend safaris can have hidden abilities, its just really rare to find pokemon with them. If the friend is online when you're in their safari the chance of finding hidden abilities increases.
>>14840729 No one knows how to re trigger her, but someone similar to her does appear on the 4th floor of the rich hotel
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>>14840612 My Mega Venusaur tanked a flamethrower from a Y Charizard the other day and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:00:50 No. 14840803 Report Quoted By:
>>14840742 Is that a no on the Heracross then?
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>>14840757 They're lvl 63-68
If you've been using exp-all and not rushing through the game you'll probably be fine or even 10-20 levels up on them
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>>14840787 Aw, realy? Thats a pain in the ass. I'll have to figure it out somehow.
Where's the hatching O-power?
holy fuck ditto is so annoying to catch, they keep transforming into my hawlucha with imposter (which I need for false swipe) and it's impossible to catch. and when they don't have imposter quick balls only work half the time any ideas?
>>14840897 Check the FAQ.
>>14840912 Don't use your Hawlucha.
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:05:48 No. 14840943 Report >>14840912 I can give you one, I have an extra.
>>14840912 Have a Magikarp on team and switch him into every Ditto
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14840897 Read the FAQ, search for Hatching
>>14840912 Bring a caterpie or really low level pokemon that you have laying around lead with that then swap to another and false swipe
>>14840715 I beat the league a few times, I just started the Looker stuff so I assume I have to do that?
>>14840787 I did all the other restaurants
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:06:56 No. 14840990 Report Has anyone gotten all the TMs from the woman in the Anistar City Pokemon Centre? Does she say something other than 'come back at another time' when you get them all? I've tried basically every hour from early night til just after midnight and can't get any more.
>>14840944 >>14840961 right, that makes sense. I can't lead with low levels though because I need to run from others, so I guess I'll do the switching
>>14840943 nah, thanks, I'm actually farming for safari ones for IVs. I can eventually catch them it's just getting tedious
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:10:22 No. 14841070 Report Quoted By:
>>14841045 I know dem feels. I'm trying to get a decent metang from safari. About 35 ultra balls per capture.
>Trying to False Swipe capture Ivysaurs in Safari Zone >They know Take Down
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14840968 I was just taking a guess, in that case i have no idea sorry.
>>14841045 You could lead with a pokemon that has run away then, that way you can still use a low level an have an easier time escaping
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Any tips on Barbaracle and Clawitzer EV spreads? I have an Adamant Binacle with Tought Claws that I'm planning to try a Shell Smash set on. I figure I'll probably want max attack, but I recall hearing that it can get away with not actually maxing speed EVs. Also have a Modest Clauncher that I'm not entirely sure what to do with. I'd like to run it as a bulky sweeper, but I'm not sure what sort of spread to go for.
I think I want to put a dragon type on my team. Any ideas who to replace? Actually, any suggestions in general? I have: Talonflame Aggron Alakazam Aegislash Greninja Jolteon
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>>14841129 Put em to sleep or temporarily replace an Aegislash's moves with false swipe.
Can't use takedown anymore eh?
Science 4742-5945-4836 [Kakuna, Swalot, ???]
Science 4742-5945-4836 [Kakuna, Swalot, ???] Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:15:02 No. 14841213 Report What locations actually count as 'regions' for masuda method breeding? Need to figure out who I can work with for my breeding projec.
wat do after ultimate weapon activated?
>>14841130 >search through boxes >nothing with run away typical
does something early have it? I swear I had something with run away at one point, bunnelby?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14841215 Geosenge town
>>14841251 Off the top of my head i know evee can have it
Can I trade my Kadabra back and forth with anyone? I'd like him to evolve
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14841291 Sure i need to evolve my gurdurr anyway
In Anistar there is a guy in a house who wants me to lend him a pokemon. What do I get out of it? What's it for?
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:19:59 No. 14841329 Report Quoted By:
>>14841213 Gotta be a different language, doesn't matter about region. If its two regions with the same language it doesn't count. Japan is the go to region for that.
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>>14841291 I can lend assistance
KG 2191-7842-3281
G - 4210-5348-3293
>>14841291 I'll do it for you, help me evolve a Pumpkaboo?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14841327 After a while he'll give you a comet shard to sell
>>14841350 Found a guy but I'll help you nevertheless!
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14841350 After this ill help you evolve it if you want
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:23:39 No. 14841433 Report Quoted By:
G - 4210-5348-3293
>>14841401 Naw, its cool bud. I'll pester one of my friends later, it was just since you needed to evolve a mon too
:) Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:25:39 No. 14841490 Report >>14840612 So is that a no on me using either Mawile or Heracross?
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>>14840550 Does anyone know?
>>14841490 all megas are good, just choose which one you like
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>>14841452 You sure, it would be no problem, bro
>>14841418 It'd be a little pain in the ass to have to go back and do that
Isn't it possible to get a Regenerator Foongus from horde encounters though?
Anyone know how to get Rotom?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14841534 Its possible to get hidden abilties for pokemon from horde battles, but its still a really small chance
>>14841568 Lost hotel, wait for a bin to shake then activate it, sometimes he appears sometimes you;l just get an item
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:30:09 No. 14841619 Report Quoted By:
Where's the flying gem
>>14841534 I thought I could only get it from friend safari but I can't find confirmation that I can actually find a foongus there.
Can you get dream world abilities from hordes?
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:31:16 No. 14841651 Report Quoted By:
>>14841523 Anyone looking to trade their heracross stone for a pinsir one then?
>>14841609 Should I just wait beside a trashcan? Should a run up and down the hallway until it shakes? Should I go outside, go inside, and repeat?
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>>14841568 Lost Hotel, you have to open shaking trash bins.
>>14841621 Yeah I've gotten Volt Absorb Minum and Rattled Cubchou from horde battles
It's uncommon and sometimes it's impossible to tell if they have the ability without something like Skill Swap but horde encounters do occasionally have hidden abilities in them
How many pokémiles does everyone have?
So this just happened. I haven't closed out of the encounter yet, though. How do I follow him? And to which place does he go? The cave in the middle of the ocean? And what's his catch rate like? Should I stock up on a ton of Ultras before I head out?
anyone know where I could possibly easily EV train? this trainer is suffering
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14841657 Honestly i have no idea, the cans have only ever shaken once a day for me and both times were just items.
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>>14841690 Wow, that's awesome. Thanks a lot!
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>>14841693 Almost 7000. I figure I'll use them on a bunch of PP Ups and Rare Candies at some point. I'd get Heart Scales, but those are really easy to get from Luvdiscs already.
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Does anyone know if you can get the rest of the starters in this game? I really want to have a Typhlosion in my team.
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>>14841712 super training was put in the game for a reason m80
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14841710 FAQ, searching moltres, itl give you the answer
>>14841712 http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/horde-battles-and-ev-yields.3490052/ Get yourself an Odish with sweet scent, or a Combee or whatever for honey. Get your power items and pokrus if you can too! Way faster than tapping the screen like an idiot.
Fuck those mini games.
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>>14841742 Okay. I'll delete my post. I just kinda freaked out. Thank you!
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Does using a shiny for breeding increase the offsprings chance to be a shiny?
>>14841743 Thank fuck I thought I was gonna die.
EXP share shares EVs right?
>>14841713 Once a day, huh. So far for me it's only shaken once too and I've gotten a Trubbish then.
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:39:12 No. 14841856 Report Quoted By:
Derek 1332-8142-9365 [Gyarados, Octillery, Frogadier]
Derek 1332-8142-9365 [Gyarados, Octillery, Frogadier] Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:40:14 No. 14841895 Report Can you get more than 1 everstone? I accidentally wonder traded mine away and breeding for the right natures is a bitch without one
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14841838 Don't qoute me on that though, he probably can spawn more than once, but for me they only ever shook once a day and i spent 4 hours + running in and out on both sections
blink 3067-5194-3235
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>>14841196 Garchomp would fit in perfectly, you also need a ground Pokemon
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14841895 Boldores can possibly have a chance of holding them, so bring a frisk/thief pokemon and search around
Derek 1332-8142-9365 [Gyarados, Octillery, Frogadier]
Derek 1332-8142-9365 [Gyarados, Octillery, Frogadier] Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:44:02 No. 14842002 Report >>14841940 Do Boldores spawn anywhere other than friend safari?? Serebii only has that and evolution listed
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14842002 Ah, in that case itl be its pre-evo roggenrola that holds them. Found in reflection cave
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14840390 Thanks Chug <3
I was really busy last night and had to clock out early.
Will using a repel prevent me from getting the Zapdos encounter? And do I just run around in any old bit of grass?
This is my first time around breeding. I've hatched an Eevee with 5 max IVs, but I fucked up on the nature. I should destiny knot this one and breed with another Eevee/Ditto holding an everstone with the nature I am after? Then just hope that the 5 get passed along?
Are there other hair styles/colours and clothes you can unlock post game? I got the Sundae Dress, but is there more?
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Umm, quick question, are there any other unlockable hairstyles for males besides the medium perm? Is there a short perm? Or anything else?
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shit niggaaa just found my first X/Y shiny, teddiursa in the safari. anything I should be worried about? I'm paranoid
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 13:55:37 No. 14842349 Report Quoted By:
>>14842203 From what I know about breeding so far, yes. But I am somewhat new as well.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14842127 There is a repel trick you can use that will let you /only/ get the Zapdos encounter.
>>14842239 the pigtails and pony tail are also unlockable.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14842203 That should work yeah, you may need to breed 1 or 2 more though in case the 5 max don't get passed down for some unlucky reason
>>14842368 How does that work?
Irnes 2449-5878-5426
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What EV spread should I give goomy and what's the best nature?
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>>14842396 I always need to breed more.
5 never get passed, I'm lucky to pull one with 4 in a party of eggs.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
Both poliwhirl parents know swift swim, 3 poliwag eggs so far have had damp and water absorb, why do you have me pokemon
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14842402 You need a pokemon at a specific level to prevent the lower level pokemon from appearing, but allowing the higher level pokemon (Zapdos/Raikou) to appear.
>>14842466 Pokemon have everyone.
Is Vespiquen good in a competitive scene?
>>14842530 >raikou hold the phone, how?
Is it possible to EV train a level 100 pokemon? If it is possible, does that mean means boxing + unboxing, doing the super training or some other method?
>>14842547 Hell no. It's slow and has nothing that really makes up for its terrible typing other than attack order.
Is it possible to see Yveltal's stats during a battle? Considering the cutscene pre-battle and the post-battle, I would like to reset as soon as possible.
Trying to EV train without supertraining. (through horde battles). I have a lvl 80 (already EV trained) Dragalge with surf to handle the hordes. Am I doing this right?>exp share on >party has Pokerus >Dragalge is holding macho brace >Pokemon being EV trained is holding Power Belt/Lens/etc. Haven't tried it yet.
>>14842530 >dat pic HOOOOOWWW
>>14842530 So if Zapdos is level 70, and the Pokemon in the area are 51ish what level should I use in my lead? Is there a name for this that I could google and read up on myself?
And since when the fuck is Raikou in the game? I didn't hear about any of this.
>>14842587 >>14842623 >>14842628 Some of the cafes you pay to sit in will show you pictures of rare pokemon.
At approximately what level does EV learn a fiary type move, or where is a TM Fairy type move that I can teach it?
Was Magic Bounce nerfed? Its description just says that it bounces back stat changes even though before it would bounce back status conditions, rocks, roar and all those other moves?
>>14842587 In one of the cafes where NPCs show you random Pokemon. My friend got a Suicune once.
>>14842589 >>14842611 Okay then. What's the best team you can have right now?
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>>14842660 *evee
time to git gud at spelling
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14842664 Still bounced back a Toxic I threw at Mega Absol.
Derek 1332-8142-9365 [Gyarados, Octillery, Frogadier]
Derek 1332-8142-9365 [Gyarados, Octillery, Frogadier] Sat 19 Oct 2013 14:07:49 No. 14842736 Report Quoted By:
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>>14842660 Baby Doll eyes at 9.
Charm at 29.
If you beat the fairy gym, that TM.
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>>14842710 then what did you mean by
>but allowing the higher level pokemon (Zapdos/Raikou) to appear >Raikou >appear Anonymous
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>>14842660 it learns charm at 29
Does it matter which parent holds the destiny knot to pass down IVs?
Thoughts on movepool for Protean Geninja? No doubt its been discussed a fair bit, anyone know if VP has sort of come to a general conclusion? Or if anyone has strong opinions on a certain set?
>>14842688 Ditto, Chansey, Diggersby, Simisage, Golduck, and Grumpig you fucking idiot. It's all over the wifi battle sticky.
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can lucario learn ice punch from a move tutor? where are the move tutors?
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet Sat 19 Oct 2013 14:09:19 No. 14842784 Report Quoted By:
>>14842757 He does soooo many things. Mine is Surf/IceBeam/HPGhost/Uturn @ Lifeorb atm but I'm considering making one as a Spiker.
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>>14842203 Yes, get at least one male eevee with the ability / nature / egg moves you want passed down, make it hold the everstone, have the other eevee hold a power item to start with, it will guarantee you get at least a small improvement. Then just destiny knot and switch in progressively better parents (if you need a better mother, it could take some time.)
If you plan on doing a lot more breeding, I suggest breeding a good smeargle father. He would be able to pass on any egg moves + good IVs to whatever ground egg group pokems you want. There's plenty of ground/whatever egg group overlap to spread the good genes around too. Dittos are always great as well.
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???)
Coros 0232 - 8815 - 2011 (Octillery, Quagsire, ???) Sat 19 Oct 2013 14:11:15 No. 14842843 Report Quoted By:
>>14842588 Just get the reset bag then ev train as normal.
I'll spoiler it cause I don't want to annoy anyone who just got the game. Someone who already beat the game please look and answer, much appreciated.I just got the 7th badge and it seems like I'm heading for the team flare HQ in lumiose now, am I correct in assuming I will be getting Yveltal (got Y) there? Cause if so I think I want to get myself a nice poke with synchronize first and try for a good catch.
When people say "6V" on the description of Dittos on GTS does that mean they have 6 perfect IVs? If so, should I trust Japs offering such Dittos? I don't care that much about my Yveltal but losing it because a Jap thought he'd get an Yveltal by lying about their Pokemon would be somewhat painful.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra. Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra. Espurr, Girafarig) Sat 19 Oct 2013 14:12:29 No. 14842881 Report is it possible to get a shiny Mewtwo?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14842859 Nah, you get it a bit later. You encounter it in Geosenge, after clearing their lab in Lumiose. Anonymous
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I get a weird whining sound whenever a pokemon appears, the part where it says "a wild xxx has appeared", anyone else?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14842881 You can get a shiny anything.
>>14842915 It's close enough though.
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>>14842872 There's no way to get a flawless IV pokemon from the wild short of RNG manipulation. If it sounds too good to be true, anon...
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>>14842859 Soon. You beat the headquarters and then you fly to a town at the beginning of the game and get it. Anonymous
does anyone have the game guide as a .pdf?
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Can someone explain hidden abilites please? IE: do pokemon have both normal and hidden abilties?
How does passing on IV's work? Will a 31 IV be 31 on the child or something?
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra. Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra. Espurr, Girafarig) Sat 19 Oct 2013 14:14:50 No. 14842970 Report >>14842936 are you sure? because in B/W the mascot legendaries were programmed not to be shiny ever.
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>>14842589 >Not going Protect/Toxic/Defend Order/Heal Order Somehow the thing has enough bulk to resist +6 shadow sneak with only 1 defend order with plenty of health. That's really weird.
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>>14840445 Don't joke, my style ain't changing, still got same price in stone shop after doing hotel work, buying berry juice and riding the taxi.
>>14842936 Were shiny Xerneas/Yveltal confirmed yet?
I can't find a single image as proof.
>>14842961 It gets 3 IVs from parents and 3 are RNG based. You can guarantee it'll get an IV of a certain stat of its parent by giving it a Power Item of the corresponding stat. It inherits 5 IVs from a parent if it's holding a Destiny Knot.
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I saved in front of a shaking trashcan in Lost Hotel (the only one I've managed to find in the last 3 days), and after about 40 tries I always get either a Trubbish/Garbodor or a shadow leaps out in panic and leaves an item. Is there another requirement for rotom? Do I need an electric type in my party? Does it need to be at a certain time?
where are: 1. the girl you talk to that is from a new region 2. the guy that you lend a pokémon to
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>>14843069 not from A parent, from BOTH parents.
It randomly chooses 5 stats then gives 3 from 1 parent and 2 from the other, IIRC.
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>>14842961 In normal pokemon breeding: you have two parents, each has 6 IVs (one for each stat), giving you a total of 12 IVs between the two of them. The game chooses 3 of those 12 IVs randomly, and passes them over to the baby, the rest of the stats being randomly generated. I believe this gen, if it happens to choose the same stat twice, they won't overlap?
Certain items can affect which stats are passed down:
Holding a power item will guarantee that particular stat it effects will be passed down 100% of the time. (or 50% if both parents are holding them) So speed anklet -> speed IV of the parent holding it is passed down.
Holding a destiny knot will increase the number of IVs passed down to the baby to 5, instead of the normal 3. It's still random however, not limited to the stats of the parent holding it.
Got some general pokemon questions: What determines how much xp I get from a battle? Fainted a wild Siglyph, got 500+ xp. Then I batteld a Snubbul the same lvl and only got 150+ xp. With the new xp share, is the best way of bringing a mon up to snuff still having it start in and then switching out? Tying to bring a Pancham and Abra up. Will my mons be gimped if I level them by switching out? I recall something about stats being given according to pokemon you defeat.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14843115 1. No idea
2. Anistar city
Doing the Pokemon-Amie thing. Why won't my evee eat any of the cupcake things?
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>>14843157 You've probably maxed its fullness. You have to walk around/play some games with your Eevee before it can eat more puffs.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14842944 No, but I have the guide if you have a request.
>>14842970 I'm 50% sure.
>>14843063 I've only heard of it, never seen it. It's as good as a rumor.
>>14843157 She doesn't like them
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>>14843146 Each Pokemon has a set xp that it will give out and it is scaled by level. That's the gist of it anyway. And I heard that Exp Share gives 100% exp to everyone who was in battle and 50% to the rest so yeah switching out is probably still better.
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>>14843146 best way to bring a poke up is probably:
>have 2 pokes, your low level and a high level that knows something like selfdestruct >bring in shit poke with lucky egg >switch out for suicide dude >???? >tons of XP Anonymous
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>>14843157 He is probably full, if he is actively turning away from them. Go play a few minigames with him to work up his appetite.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
Hey nemu, are you able to edit the FAQ? Cause i just spent the last hour and a half frisking gollets in route 10 and just had one appear with light clay, so you can confirm that part of the FAQ if not ill just email the confirmation
who here has farmed for safari dittos with 3 perfeect IVs? is it going to take forever? I'm just about the fill up my first box
>>14843196 egg moves for riolu please
and a tm list
and a move tutor list
Is there a way to buy Ethers? I can't find them in any shop.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14843228 I /still/ can't edit the extended FAQ, though that's partially my fault.
I'll put it in the next OP (I have the old OP still)
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>>14840499 Best Furfrou Set I've seen/can thing of is UTurn/Toxic/Roar/Twave and make him take physical hits for decades. Shame for his mediocre movepool, he's so cool looking
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14843245 Both are answered in the FAQ, search for them
>>14843233 i got one
took around 20 dittos
then you catch the pokemon you want to egg while using a synchroniser
give the everstone to that pokemon and the knot to ditto
instant 5 perfect ivs
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>>14843264 you can get them for pokemiles in the lumiose pokecenter I think?
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>>14843294 yeah that's exactly my plan
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14843328 I don't do it that way, but that's the correct way as far as I know.
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>>14843294 how does that guarantee 5 perfect IVs?
knot only means baby gets 5 random IVs right?
Jake: 4339-2709-6260
>>14843294 Exactly how do I get 5 perfect IVs?
If you are lucky you get the pokemon with 3 perfect IVs.
Also are the 3 perfect IVs pokemon encountered in safari just high chance or always.
Where do I get heart scales
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14843284 Rightio, I won't send the email then since itl be easier.
Also does anyone else want any items frisk searched while im doing this?
I'm doing it because I have a massive headache and can't sleep Anonymous
>>14843396 safari pokemon always have 2 perfect IVs, a 3rd is just preferred for dittos since you'll be breeding it over and over
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>>14843407 Use thief on Luvdiscs
I also found a bunch smashing rocks in caves
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>>14843407 Fish for luvdisc outside cyllage with old rod, hit them with thief.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14843407 FAQ search heart scale
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Has anyone got shiny Xerneas / Yveltal?
If they're locked like reshiram/zekrom, has anyone tried getting to that stage in the game and filling the PC, then catching them?
>>14843407 You can also get them for 100 pokemiles EA on the GL store.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14843430 I found it funny that just as you said that I went back to my friends safari who just beat E4, she has Ditto~
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>>14843407 Have a pokemon with compound eyes fainted in the first position, have a thief user in the second. Compoundeyes increases pokemon held item rate, and works if it is fainted as long as it's in the first position.
Is there any way to tell what's in your friend safari yourself?
>>14843287 i couldn't find move tutor listings in the faq
nor a complete egg move listing
>>14840390 I just beat the 7th gym leader and serena told me to go meet lysandre in lumoise city. I assumed it was in the cafe so I went to every cafe and he isn't there. Where is he?
>>14843517 Take the taxi to lysandre cafe, then talk to the people in there.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14843503 Need to add someone and have them do it
>>14843517 Up by Magenta plaza
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>>14843503 Buy a second 3DS?
>>14843509 Oh anon, google is your friend...
http://veekun.com/dex/pokemon/riolu If you want 6g stuff, not sure if there IS a complete 6g egg move etc list yet.
>>14843509 from the FAQ
>Only tutors available are for Pledge moves, elemental Hyper Beams, Secret Sword, Relic Song, and Draco Meteor. egg moves are not completely discovered yet however
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14843509 http://www.serebii.net/xy/movetutor.shtml Egg moves, you'l have to search around on smogon for to see if they've figured them all out
But a majority of the time its still the exact same egg moves from black and white 2
Nathan/Rabbit 5429-7440-1734
What hordes can I murder for SpA and Speed EVs?
>>14843233 I've got four Dittos with three perfect IV's. None of them were Attack, Speed, and HP though.
BUT when I was talking to the judge guy he said outstanding to one of them instead of generally superior.
What does outstanding mean and how does it compare to generally superior? Most of the time I trash above average or lower.
Where do I find the TM for thief?
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>>14843600 >SpA Psyduck @ Route 7 (+1 per pokemon)
Roselia @ Route 7 (+2 per pokemon)
>Speed Yanma @ Route 10
>>14843579 >>14843582 >>14843597 >egg moves are not completely discovered yet however what?
the guide doesn't have an egg move list?
and no move tutor for ice punch?
guess i'll try a hitmonchan that knows both bulletp and icep to breed with my lucario
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>>14843625 in previous gens "outstanding" meant your IV sum was between 151-186, "relatively superior" was between 121-150
we can assume it's exactly the same in XY
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>>14843663 The reason why there's so many gaps in information for 6g is people aren't able to rip the data directly from the game like in previous gens. So research into what egg moves have changed for example has to be done manually...
Should I use my Masterball on Mewtwo, or is there something even harder to catch?
>>14843741 >is there something even harder to catch? a shiny pokemon with self destruct? i dunno. I never use the master ball just because you can save it before battling a legendary.
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet
Tsplodey 1375-7621-3431 Drowzee Xatu Wobbuffet Sat 19 Oct 2013 14:39:26 No. 14843779 Report >>14843741 None of the XY legendaries are hard to catch. Save it for a shiny that can explode or roar.
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>>14843741 I caught him in a single Ultra Ball, don't worry about it.
Mega Mawile OHKO'd him so I had to reset first Anonymous
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Anyone have a list of Lotto prizes?
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>>14843741 save your master ball for cases like shinies (or runners for other gens)
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14843741 Use it on the
Arceus that spawns after showing all the legendaries to the ghost girl on the 2nd floor of the office building >>14843778 >>14843779 But really use it for what those two anons pointed out Anonymous
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Has anyone encountered Hidden Power Fairy yet? I've been through about ~70 ProFro and none of them have had Fairy as the Hidden Power type
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14843552 Here's another map.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14843876 A picture would be nice
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Last guy for my three-man suggestions? My team: Adamant Dragonite with Multiscale and lefties using DD, waterfall, dragon claw, and earthquake Adamant Mawile with megastone using payback, sucker punch, play rough, and iron head I can't decide if I should go for a water type or a fire type or something else.
Does anybody have a link to the recent page that list Greninja's stat gains and such?
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What's the best place to casually grind a Poké post-game?
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Is there any way to get Tyrunt's hidden ability other than finding him in a friend safari?
it wasn't in the FAQ, so I thought I should ask: Where can I find a Ghastly/Haunter? I fucking love Gengar, been one of my favorites since Gen1 also, what are some decent flying types I can eventually find? Trying to round out my team, and also need something that can learn fly
Don't really refers only to X/Y, but I never had a 3DS (XL) before and everytime I press the home-button or activate the sleep mode the internet ingame is disconnected. Is this normal? Have the retail version
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>>14843999 Route 14 I think it is, the one with the spooky house, also Victory Road
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14843999 Haunters can be found on route 14, in the deep water and grass as well as victory road cave
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>>14844019 normal, unfortunately. the 3DS automatically drops internet connection when you close the 3DS
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Where do you ride the Skidoo in Lumoise City? I need to do it for the style shit and all of the Skidoo are asleep on the streets. Is there a specific place I need to go?
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>>14843663 The guide doesn't cover actual crunchy bits of the game. It explains the way berries work and how many of them there are better than anything about the actual pokemon, aside from where to catch them.
Can you have more than one Mega-Stone ? Or is it just one per game per pokemon ?
What does upgrading the mega ring do?
Boshean 3539-9650-1751(BUG , Venomoth, Illumise, combee)
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14844181 You can have all the mega stones, but you are only allowed one mega-evo per battle
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14844193 Allows you to find the post game mega-evo stones during the hour of 9-10pm
>>14844197 How else will you fill your pokedex with them?
Is there a way to make E4 stronger? Right now I can beat them all with my 74 mewtwo..
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14843999 Hauntar is common on route 14.
Flametalon is a good flying type since he's got Flamebody and we all know how great that is.
>>14844207 10/10
Also, here is some info on the Skater Boss guy
And something else~ Anonymous
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I heard Dragalge's Hidden Ability is Protean, is this true?
>>14844293 don't use overpowered legendaries then
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14844307 TUESDAYS typical he appears on the day I never searched the hotel on
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Pangoro Doublade Aurorus Talonflame Chesnaught Florges How's my team /vp/?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14844509 My bad it is 8-9, forgot my 3ds doesn't auto adjust to daylight savings
>>14844349 I'm not looking for a challenge, I want my other Pokemon to level faster
How do you make it so you can use o-powers more often? Is it done by actually walking with the 3DS or by moving in the game?
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Is it possible to get the ponytail hairstyle that rival Serena has when you play as her?
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Three oran berries make surprise mulch. Pass it on.
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>>14844216 All right, cool to know. Thanks !
If pokemon amie says me and my evee are "very close" or sometihg like that does that mean it's ready to evolve into the fairy eveelution?
Where can I find a Pokemon with a built in Sunny Day ability? I need one for hunting Chlorophyll Ivysaurs
Breeding question: If I breed two different Pokemon for an Egg Move, Will the kid always get the mother's ability, or can it get its alternate?
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>>14844758 Click on eevee on the bottom screen, go to "switch out", check how many hearts eevee has. You need 2/6 hearts + a fairy move.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14844761 You'l want a pokemon with drought, so mega charizard Y or ninetails/vulpix with their hidden abilties
>>14844829 I'm gonna take wild guess and assume I'm not finding a Vulpix with Drought on some random route. Lumiose PokeMart it is...
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>>14844678 Actually walking with the 3ds, the pedometer inside counts your steps.
You recover more energy faster depending on how many steps you have clocked on the 3DS that day
0-1999 steps: x1 2000-2999 steps: x2 3000-3999 steps: x3 4000+ steps: x4
Say I have a dark safari and I have houndoom and cacturne in it on one friends game. Are those pokemon the same for any other friends game?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14844872 You can find a ninetails with its hidden ability in a fire safari if you wanted to try that way over buying sunny day
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anyone got a riolu safari?
>>14844809 As of gen 6, the mother has an 80% chance of passing on her ability to the baby.
>>14844949 Ah ok. Got an Adamant Marrill but with Thick Fat.
Are Ability capsules one time uses?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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My level 60 aegislash can tank Mew two, its immune to all abilities bar psychic which does nothing to shield form
How do I get a bigger PC?
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>>14844671 Then use the exp boost o power.
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>>14844903 Yes. Your safari is based on your trainer ID.
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How do I upgrade the Mega Ring?
Can an ability capsule change the ability to a hidden ability?
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In the Badlands where the Power Plant is on the right side of the map there are two doors that say you can't get in, this is before you have the key card from that Team Flare Grunt, I cleared out the main section on the right side after getting the card and went back to those two doors on the right side and they had a new inaccessible message. Did I fuck up and miss something by doing the main plant first?
do you guys know if momoswine still has Thick Fat hidden ability? have hunted many at the safari but none have it
Jake: 4339-2709-6260
Alright guys, is there a method to get the hidden power type you want? Also what is the fastest way to do it?
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Is there a list of the new characteristics (the little blurb like Alert to sounds for highest IV being speed) anywhere?
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anyone know where to find yamask?
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>>14845349 Hidden power has been changed to ALWAYS be 60 base power now. It's based on your IV spread, check here (not sure if it's the same as before)
http://www.psypokes.com/dex/hp.php Anonymous
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My evee's fullness is at 0 but it still refuses to eat anything even if I play minigames.
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>>14845087 Add a few pokemon to each box and it should expand.
Can I still catch the third pokemon of someones safari if they go offline?
>>14845339 nevermind, just got one
>>14845577 yes
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Hey fags, I'm doing Aegislash w/ Shadow Claw, Iron Head, Swords Dance, and King's Shield. I have a Brave nature and pretty good IV's. Should I go Atk and HP or Atk and something else?
Guys Salamence or Goodra? I was going Salamence until I found out the fucks at Game Freak won't let it learn Outrage until the pokebank opens.
>>14845577 Yes, you just have to be online at the same time as them the first time to confirm they've beaten the elite four.
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>>14845626 >>14845673 Oh! That explains why I've got friends whose third pokes don't show up when were both online as well.
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
>>14845640 anybody wanna gibe me sum halp?
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How does Aegislash's form change work? His base attacks and defences swap around, but do the EVs swap as well? So like if I put 252 in defence, after he changes out of shield form, will it be like he has 252 in attack?
>>14845718 This was posted the other day.
Is there a way to delete friends from the PSS? I've deleted them from my 3DS friends but they're still there, just permanently offline now
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Is Modest or Timid Protean Froakie the way to go?
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>>14845795 I have been wondering this too.
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>>14845718 Hey fag, I don't want to gibe you sum halp. (Re-read the OP dude)
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
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>>14845773 That's my notepad w/ stats. I'm looking for what EV's i should use
>>14845795 I think I deleted someone from Acquaintances by pressing the little button in the bottom left of their profile, might work the same way.
Is every pokemon available on amie? I find so hard to believe gamefreak added unique animations to all 700 there...>Gamefreak >putting effort. I guess i already know my answer.
B rad 1478-3064-8962
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>>14840390 does anyone want to trad me a HOUNDOOMITE?
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>>14845864 The delete button is there for acquantances but not for friends.
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>>14845902 Yep
You can toss any pokemon into Amie, bro
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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Timid Mischievous Mewtwo on my second try, thats a good note to call it on.
Is there anything to do on Global Link besides get cheap rare candies?
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Do quick balls only work on the first turn? Or do they work for the first few turns? Basically, if a quick ball misses should I through another or just start beating up the wild mon?
So uhh what is the way to get perfect ivs now? Find a pokemon with 2 perfect Breed it with other with 2 perfect ivs? Breed till you get one with 4? Breed the one with 4 with another with two?
>>14846075 Eventually there's going to be minigames. I think it's going to be a dream world type thing. Right now though, yes, it's just there for rare candies.
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what's a good EV spread for charizard Y?
can noivern and gible not breed?
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so i was wonderin about the way u transfer pokemon from the previus games in to x and y and i dont seem to understand what implications the pokebank has on how you will be transfering you pokemon. someone pleas just explain how i can transfer my pokemon from platinum to x or y
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions Thread 44 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Sat 19 Oct 2013 15:43:43 No. 14846226 Report Quoted By:
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>>14846193 What do you mean?
I've bred tons of Noivern's and Gible's
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Do any of you folks know if Haxorus still learns Outrage via leveling? Also, can I teach a Salamence Outrage in any way before they open the pokebank? Because I know you could teach it via move tutor in B2/W2
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>>14846171 That's the basic idea, find parents with at least 1 perfect IV, try to combine them onto the child, swap out parents if a child would make a better replacement etc.
You can use one of the power items to guarantee passing down a particular IV from the parent holding it, or the destiny knot to increase the IVs passed down from 3/12 to 5/12.
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>>14846176 what is this global link you speak of?
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where do I find the power items?
The Pokemiles guy in Lumiose isn't selling Heart Scales. Is that normal or do I need to do something else? I can't connect to the GL because the servers are busy :/
Jordan 1676-4167-9587 (Drowze, Meowstic, Duosion)
Jordan 1676-4167-9587 (Drowze, Meowstic, Duosion) Sat 19 Oct 2013 16:12:41 No. 14847394 Report Quoted By:
Do the Amulet Coin and Luck Incense have stacking effects? If they do then I'll have to run through the E4 a few times with those and the money O-Power.
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>>14847175 You need heart scales? Just farm luvdiscs with the old rod in the fossil town
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>>14845902 Why do you think there are only 70 new pokes bro