'Perfect' mon breeding general
New to breeding? Read this shit.
So Generation 6 made IV breeding a big fucking joke, really. With friend Safari and Destiny Knot, and other shit introduced in generation 5, with relatively small dedication you can get those semi-perfect mons.
Where to start? Don't bother until you've beaten the E4, for starters.
Here are the most important notes. READ THIS.
1) You can tell what IVs are maxed by talking to the guy in the Pokecenter in Kiolude, the town that unlocks after you beat the E4.
He will describe them as "can't be beat".
2) Friend Fucking Safari. It's a paradise of Pokemon where each wild mon is guaranteed 2 maxed IVs, easiest shit ever.
http://www.serebii.net/abilitydex/synchronize.shtml If your lead Pokemon has this ability, wild Pokemon have a 50% chance of copying his nature.
4) Everstone
Passes the nature of the parent that holds it 100%
5) Destiny Knot
Passes 5 random IVs between the parents to the babby
----Getting yourself set up----
Most important part in my opinion. Remember that you're dependent on friend Safaris and such which might not always be there.
Better start stocking up right now on useful breeding tools.
1) Get the Destiny Knot, it's in Cyllage city, in a hote, a maid gives it to you
2) Get Everstone. In Geosenge town, or wild Roggenrola.
3)The key thing is access to Safari Dittos. Find someone here with Dittos.
What's particular about those Ditto are that they come packed with 2 MAXED IVs as mentioned above.
Stock up on useful ditto. Get yourself some good natured Ditto of all kinds, get as many IV combinations as possible.
Best thing to do is to then rename them to those IVs so you remember it.
Check their maxed IVs checked, then rename them accordingly. [EX: HP ATK SPEED ditto]
-NOTE- Try to get Dittos with 3 maxed stats, best.
So you got your basic shit done
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 17:42:06 No. 14851728 Report 4)Synchronizers. Check the above linked list and stock up on the useful natures - Bold, Impish, Adamant, Jolly, Timid, Modest, Naive. It could come very handy in breeding. Easiest way I found is access to a Psychic type Safari with Xatu and Munna and shit. Got your shit. Now let's start breeding. Step 1: Acquire desired mon Get yourself that desired Pokemon. Just the species is enough at this point. Let's say I want my Froakie. Got it. Step 2: Get desired nature. Either breed it with ditto or something else that has the nature you want [everstone] or just breed a bunch until you get it. So I want my Timid Froakie, well, got myself a Timid ditto, gonna breed it. Step 3: Use that desired nature mon@everstone with a ditto@destiny knot [of desired IVs] In this case I have my SPATK SPEED ditto and my Timid Froakie. Step 4: Breed a few until you get a babby with the desired IVs all passed down Got myself a Timid Froakie with 31 SPATK 31 SPEED now. Step 4: Now breed that baby with desired IVs@everstone with another ditto with other desired stats@destiny knot Gonna breed it with my HP DEF SPDEF Ditto now Step 5: Keep breeding, this part sucks cause it takes a while, but eventually you get a decent balance of stats passed down Step 6: Got myself a new Froakie, Timid, with HP/DEF/SP.ATK/Speed all maxed out. Notes: 1) The key part is getting Dittos with 3 maxed stats, really. Just hunt them in the Safari. 2) Hidden Abilities will pass if one of the parents has them, but at a rate [like 50%? I'd guess] 3) I didn't cover breeding for attacks, the essential idea is to find a male from the same egg group that can learn the move as your female desired Pokemon. 4) What can make your life easier is if your desired mon is found in the Safari, cause that's 2 guaranteed stats. Hunt a few with Synchronize till you find the 2 stats you want, this cuts the work by a lot. You then have the nature, 2 IVs from that guy, and 2 IVs [or 3 as you should] from the ditto.
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 17:43:34 No. 14851818 Report A small note on EV training.
The mini-games are fucking suffering. Fortunately enough there is an easy alternative.
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/horde-battles-and-ev-yields.3490052/ Get Pokerus and do this. You can easily max a stat in 15 minutes, and with EXP share, you can spread the joy on the entire team.
This also gets you levels which are important since you're probably raising them from lv1.
Particularly easy to get Defense EVs [terminus cave] and sp.atk+speed
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
I have a Ghastly with 31 IV in SpAtk. Will I be able to somehow bring these IVs into another pokemons species?
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 17:48:03 No. 14852086 Report >>14851917 Through chain breeding, yes.
You'd have to rotate between common egg-groups.
But it's a huge waste of time when you can catch a Ditto with 31 Sp.Atk IVs in a matter of minutes.
Xavier- 4441-8761-3885
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anyone have a friend safari with ditto?
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
>>14852086 I have no clue how to do the Friend Safari thing, nor am I at it.
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 17:52:28 No. 14852351 Report Quoted By:
Question : I'm breeding myself a GW Talonflame, and I want it adamant. So, I have my Talonflame breeding with adamant Ditto holding everstone. Now, can I give anything to my Talonflame to help it pass down the ability? If not, should I give it destiny knot? Both my ditto and talonflame have two maxed EVs each. Thanks.
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:00:57 No. 14852895 Report >>14852673 EVs are irrelevant here, Destiny Knot passes down IVs
There's no method as far as I know. Just have to deal with the 50% luck.
Are you aiming for good IVs here?
>>14852895 Yeah I meant IVs. And mostly just aiming for HP, Speed and Attack at 31.
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:04:10 No. 14853096 Report >>14852974 Huh... what are the maxed IVs they each have?
In any case, it depends on who has what.
For example say I have an Adamant Ditto and a shitty Talonflame with a bad nature and IVs, what I'd do is breed an Adamant Fletching with the ability first.
Then you can pass a Destiny Knot to a good ditto and breed it with the Adamant Fletching@everstone.
And so on and so on.
>>14853096 Talonflame has bad nature, max SpA and SpD
Ditto is adamant and has max Atk and SpD
Obviously I don't care about the SpA, but I wouldn't mind the Atk or SpD passed down. From what I understand, destiny knot picks five between both parents? So if I give it to Talonflame, would there be a chance of passing down the Ditto's attack? It's be a nice headstart on the breeding process. Heck, I wouldn't even mind the SpD.
Hey Artix, I made your thread from yesterday into a .PNG so you don't have to rewrite it everytime
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:10:49 No. 14853553 Report >>14853341 Here's how you need to do this.
First of all, get yourself a better ditto. Nature doesn't matter, get yourself a max ATK and Speed Ditto. If you can, get yourself one with an extra stat on top of these.
1)Breed ditto@everstone with Talonflame@destiny knot
2)Get yourself a babby with Gale Wings from these two. A perfect IV is a cherry on top but not a must.
3)Breed babby@everstone with your atk+speed ditto@destiny knot
4)Acquire babby with adamant, gale wings, max atk and speed
5) [optional] Now breed that with another ditto that has other stats you don't have [hp, speed, sp.def] and go for a 4 maxed IV one
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:11:54 No. 14853624 Report Quoted By:
So how do I get hidden abilities from breeding? does the non-ditto have to already have it?
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:15:57 No. 14853887 Report >>14853754 As far as I know, yes
It then has like 60% chance of passing it down from my experience.
>>14853553 Okay, what I was going for was this:
1) Breed adamant Ditto@everstone with Talonflame
2) Get an adamant Fletchling with Gale Wings
3) Now, start breeding this Fletchling@everstone with good IV'd Dittos@knot until I have what I want.
Is that not fine? My initial question was, if I put a destiny knot on Talonflame in step one, would there be a chance of getting a GW Adamant Fletchling, with the Ditto's Atk IV?
I think I'm doing basically the same thing as you, but starting with the nature.
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>>14854012 For step three, obviously I'll be breeding the better IV'd children as they come, not the same Fletchling. I didn't phrase it properly.
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Thanks, I think I finally understood this IV shit. Time to breed. Again.
Destiny Knot is so based.
>>14853887 but then that begs the question, how do I get the first mon with a hidden ability? friend safari?
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:21:31 No. 14854258 Report >>14854012 No, it's perfectly okay, it seems we're going for the same thing.
Just make sure you grab yourself that good IV'd ditto.
And yes, there would be, but as I said it's just a cherry on top if it does actually pass down; you're gonna get it from the other ditto later I'd assume.
Also since this is a fast sweeper that's pretty much gonna suicide and can't really take hits, Speed and ATK are almost enough, but I'd recommend getting that extra HP, it could make a difference, particularly with Stealth Rocks.
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>>14854239 Friend Safari, Hordes, Trades... pick your poison.
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:22:37 No. 14854342 Report Quoted By:
>>14854239 Yes. Until December, that's what we have.
It's fucking easy though. Which mon are you looking for specifically?
>>14854216 >14854216 It changed the game man.
TotalBro !79ILLStdco
Theres no reason to rename your dittos Its much easier if you just mark them Theres six different markings and 6 different stats so it works out perfectly
>>14851818 They are? I woulda thunk that getting 12 evs every 45 seconds would be quicker than 5-10 evs ever 30 seconds.
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>>14854258 Yup, obviously the defenses would be nice, and normally I'd stop at just Atk and Spe, but since I plan on running Brave Bird and Flare Blitz, I thought the extra HP might come in handy, and it seems that breeding for IVs is so much easier now. And I have a Ditto for every nature, each with at least two max stats so I should be able to get IVs off them.
Thanks for your help, by the way!
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:25:08 No. 14854516 Report >>14854421 I've read that but haven't followed on it.
Can you mark multiples? Say I wanna mark my HP ATK DEF SP.DEF Ditto?
Also I think renaming is convenient for future trades as well, but yeah
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>>14854497 5-10 turns into 50-60 with Pkrs and the items.
TotalBro !79ILLStdco
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>>14854516 Yeah you can mark multiples
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>>14854516 You can mark multiples. I have a ditto with max Def/SpA/SpD/Spe, so I just checked the last four no problem.
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:28:34 No. 14854748 Report >>14854497 It's more efficient. And, you know, it spares you from tapping your screen like a retard for 30 minutes.
What I do is breed a bunch of good IV Pokemon [for example I just did 3-4 31 IV stats on Hawlucha, Honedge, Noibat and Fennekin] and then train them with exp share and Pokerus.
For example Hawlucha and Honedge both max 252 attack, so I took them both with an exp share to do Weepinbell hordes.
Every Sweet Scent has like 80% to be Weepinbell or Arboks. One surf later, that's 20 attack EVs to BOTH of them.
Repeat 12 times, bam, maxed attack. And you could theoretically max 5 mons this way.
>>14854748 How can you get Pokerus, besides trading?
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore)
Artix 3711 7753 0026 (Magcargo/Barbaracle/Boldore) Sat 19 Oct 2013 18:34:23 No. 14855190 Report >>14855136 Good luck
>Pokérus has a 3 in 65,536 chance of being generated on a Pokémon, either wild or bred. Anonymous
>>14855190 For some reason I get Pokerus every game i play but never catch shinies
I hate my luck
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>>14855190 Sweet Jesus.
>>14855278 Same with me man, I've had Pokerus every game since Pearl, but never a shiny
until yesterday when I found two .
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Anyone have a sp.atk/speed ditto? I don't care about nature. I can offer atk/speed, atk/def, sp.atk/s.def and a few other combinations. Alternatively good natures.
I finally got someone with a ditto safari from here, if they delete me from their friends list do I lose access to their safari? I'm already gonna catch a shit ton of them today but it would help to know.
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>>14851669 is there anyone with a ditto safari who'd like to add me? ;_;
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>>14856267 I don't think so. You should have it for good.
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What's a good nature for Malamar?
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081 (IGN: Hibiki)
What you should add is, if you have your first mon going with 5 perfect IVs, you might want to distribute it among egg groups, especially Field and Water 1, as they are very common. For example, I used my 31/31/31/x/31/31 Gible (Monster/Dragon) to breed that spread onto a Rhyhorn (Monster/Field). Now I can breed any Field Pokémon with this Rhyhorn and get a 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread in only a few egg cycles.
>>14857482 bitch you stole my picture. How do I know? because it has the same file name.
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Can you chain breed a Pokemon for High IVs using the Power Braces? I want to give a JPN Ditto Everstone while the Chained Pokemon holds Destiny Knot.
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I have extra bold/adamant/impish/timid synchronizers need jolly and modest if anyone wants to swap
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>>14851818 Suffering? Hardly. Make it easier by using vitamins first, then do the minigames. Made EV training faster than the actual levelling up process by far.
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How does IV breeding work if one parent holds a Power item and the other holds a Destiny Knot?
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Does both parents having a hidden ability increase the chance of it passing down?
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU Sat 19 Oct 2013 19:29:56 No. 14858550 Report Question before I start jumping in and getting over my head. Is it possible to breed Stealth Rocks and Leech Seed onto Ferroseed right now? I know I can get rocks onto it, but not sure about Leech Seed yet. Also would I start breeding egg moves onto my desired Nature/IV 'mon, or would you get the eggs moves first then breed for IV's/Natures?
Requesting that this be archived
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
I keep gettin 4 perfect stats,what am I missing to get that 5 perfect IV?Luck? Current Setup Female Mawile HP31,DEF31,SPD31,SPE31 Male Mawile ATK31,DEF31,SPD31,SPE31
>>14858550 I did this all last night, it's perfectly possible.
Bred a Roselia for Leech Seed, and a Roggenrolla for Stealth Rock
Beastard 1220-7309-5127
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if only we could breed the perfect ditto... I guess there is still the possibility to catch one with all perfects IVs and a good nature...
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU Sat 19 Oct 2013 19:50:10 No. 14859635 Report >>14859409 You got both Stealth Rocks and Leech Seed on the Ferroseed?
Like I could breed a male Roggenrolla to a female Ferroseed for Stealth Rocks, hatch a female Ferroseed that knows Stealth Rocks, then breed a Male Roselia that knows Leech Seed to that female Ferroseed and then both Leech Seed and Stealth Rocks will pass down to the babby?
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>>14859635 Yep, that's how I did it. Just have to make sure it's a female Ferroseed each time (excluding the last of course)
I also deleted all the moves aside from the first egg move on the Ferroseed when I went for the second egg move, I don't know if that helps as I'm not an expert at all but lel
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<a fine example of what can be achieved through this guide got this little guy without too much effort... no pun intended
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Can Power braces be used for breeding?
where do I find the everstone in Geosenge?
Josh 1564 3238 5093
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Can anyone breed me a good ghastly? I'm having no luck
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
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>>14852673 In situations like that when I breed nature via ditto, I might use a power training item on the parent that has correct ability but wrong nature. That way it's almost guarenteed to pass one good stats to the offspring. Most of my nature dittos have shit IV's anyway, so after I get correct nature/ability on a female I then do the destiny knot thing.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
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>>14861039 Takes 30 minutes to get 4 perfect Ivs so no.Pokegen loser please go.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
Yes 1 hour later an I got my perfect Mawile with: HP31,ATK31,DEF31,SPA??,SPD31,SPE31. Let me know if you guys want to trade leftovers.
>>14862146 Damn, that's pretty tempting
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
>>14862492 Just to be clear I mean leftover bred pokemon not the item.
I was trying to pass on TM moves to a Chingling for my friend, but only the egg moves were passed down. The father had Thunder Wave and Hidden Power, but neither one got passed down. Did I do something wrong? Do both Pokemon need the TM move now?
>>14862682 Oh, what do you want for one? I've settled for a neutral Mawile after catching tons and I don't have much to breed myself just yet.
Coop 2492-4267-7685 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Dunsparce]
Coop 2492-4267-7685 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Dunsparce] Sat 19 Oct 2013 20:53:49 No. 14862853 Report Quoted By:
Thanks for these threads, I asked for breeding advice earlier today, and
>>14853436 was kind enough to post that.
Excited to start breeding...as soon as I can find someone that actually has ditto in their safari.
The guy at the daycare is saying my ditto and froakie dont like each other very much and they aren't making an eggs anymore... What made this happen?
>>14862682 Wait, are you breeding some more perfect Mawile's then? If so I would love one, do you have X or Y version because I can trade you an exclusive if you want
>ctrl+f >word "baby" found once Opie, you forgot that wild baby pokemon (Riolu on route 22 for example) also are guaranteed to have 3 max IVs.
Coop 2492-4267-7685 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Dunsparce]
Coop 2492-4267-7685 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Dunsparce] Sat 19 Oct 2013 20:55:52 No. 14862968 Report >>14862884 Don't like each other much means it's slow.
Prefer to play with other pokemon is the actual "No eggs" message
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>>14862968 Ya I looked it up its still like 20% chance of egg, but what made it happen, do you just randomly hit it at some point?
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>>14858947 Yeah, basically.
My current setup averages 4 perfect IVs, with a 5 perfect IV popping out every 10~ or so. Also I hatched two with 6 perfect after breeding all day yesterday as well. (And they happen to be one female and one male, scooore)
I'm a newbie when it comes to breeding, but why would you have multiple Dittos with different perfect IVs? Wouldn't it be better to breed one or two completely perfect Dittos?
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>>14862900 Whoa, really? I didn't know that. I think that could be really useful.
>Find Ditto with maxed stats I want + Destiny Knot >Find Pokemon with nature I want + Everstone Is this correct? I'm new to all of this. Does the Destiny Knot pass down 5 random IVs from only the Ditto or both parents? Do I just hope that the IVs selected to be passed down include the maxed IVs from the Ditto? Then do I use that hatched Pokemon, with the passed down IVs, as my new selected Pokemon when continuing to breed? Do I then switch the Ditto to one with maxed IVs in different stats for the best possible end result Pokemon IV-wise?
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>>14863514 Can't breed Ditto
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino) Sat 19 Oct 2013 21:13:01 No. 14863835 Report Quoted By:
I recently beat the E4 so my 3rd pokemon should be available. I'm really hoping it's a Ditto. Can someone check?
>>14863688 >Does the Destiny Knot pass down 5 random IVs from only the Ditto or both parents? Both parents.
>Do I just hope that the IVs selected to be passed down include the maxed IVs from the Ditto? Yes. It still takes some luck but it's far easier than it used to be.
>Then do I use that hatched Pokemon, with the passed down IVs, as my new selected Pokemon when continuing to breed? Do I then switch the Ditto to one with maxed IVs in different stats for the best possible end result Pokemon IV-wise? Yes. The idea is that you continually breed to get the best possible chance of getting the IVs you want.
>Find Ditto with maxed stats I want + Destiny Knot >Find Pokemon with nature I want + Everstone >Is this correct? I'm new to all of this. Essentially, yes. If you want egg moves or abilities, I find it easiest to get those first, then go for IVs.
Can ditto and a DW Ability parent pass on the dream world ability?
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>>14863953 Yeah but it's not 100%. Make sure to check to make sure the baby has the ability you want.
Coop 2492-4267-7685 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Dunsparce]
Coop 2492-4267-7685 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Dunsparce] Sat 19 Oct 2013 21:16:57 No. 14864030 Report Quoted By:
>>14863514 Can't breed dittos together for that exact reason.
>>14863901 Could you please explain egg moves to me?
How do I pass down abilities?
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Have we discovered any egg moves off greninja worth a damn yet?
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>seventh gen >you can finally breed Ditto >you can now get a perfect Ditto without cheating >breeders' face when
>>14862741 >>14864040 I'd like to know this too. Do we know how the mechanics for egg moves changed this generation?
>>14864040 >Abilities Most Pokemon have regular and hidden abilities. When breeding, there is always a chance that a regular ability will be passed on to the offspring, regardless of whether or not the parent has it. Hidden abilities can only be passed down if the parent has it.
For example, I'm breeding Fletchling. They can have Big Pecks (regular) or Gale Wings (hidden). If I breed a Big Pecks with a Ditto, the baby will always have Big Pecks, since that is the only regular ability. If I breed a Gale Wings with a Ditto, the baby may have either ability. Hopefully this makes sense.
>Egg Moves These are moves that can only be learned through breeding. For example, (I believe) Greninja can learn Toxic Spikes if it breeds with an Omanyte that knows the move.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_breeding Bulbapedia has great in-depth articles, they're the best around for learning the ropes.
>>14864321 I don't think they've changed, but I could be wrong.
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bump for god tier tutorial
>>14851669 hold on anons. You though breeding this gen will be easy?
I have some news for you
>>14848159 Anonymous
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Someone should scan through this thread and put together a nice copypasta infographic. I would, but I can't into photoshop.
>>14864924 Gotta be a bug. Though that's at first glance, I haven't actually read the thread. Have they found anything out?
>>14851669 >Passes the nature of the parent that holds it 100% I think it's still 50%. I just got done breeding a box of Aron and ONE of them had the other ability. Same for Delphox's Hidden Ability. Except that felt more like 50% because 1/3 of my had the Blaze Ability.
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>>14851669 >>14851728 >>14851818 I always hated breeding with a passion, but I'm really exited to give it a second... third try this gen.
>>14865124 Nature, not ability.
I just hatched my final batch of Joltik's and i now have an extra Joltik with 31 in every IV but attack. It's timid nature and compoundeyes, anyone interested? I'd obviously be looking for something good in return.
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>>14865038 It's blatantly bullshit. OP dumps a picture and fucks off when people ask for proof.
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>>14865038 >Gotta be a bug. That's what I think too. Apparently the OP can't manage to pass the move by breeding.
Makes you wonder though, how many bred pokemons could learn an ability it was not supposed to? Guess we'll have to level up to level 100 every hatched eggs and go to the move relearner guys.
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>>14864498 I've heard that females can now pass on egg moves as well, but with a really small chance as opposed to the father's 100%.
>>14865234 oops. My bad.
Does Destiny Knot (or anything) affect gender somehow? The Fennekins I got from breeding had a really high male ratio. I only managed to get ONE female from a box worth of Fennekins.
>>14865422 Well, starters are 87.5% male to 12.5% female to begin with.
>>14865422 All starters have a 1:7 gender ratio.
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>>14865422 That's just the M/F ratio. Most starters have like a 85/15 M/F ratio (or something like that)
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Sat 19 Oct 2013 21:47:24 No. 14865598 Report Quoted By:
I'm looking to Trade an ATK/DEF/SP.ATK Ditto for an ATK/DEF/SP.DEF Ditto. Anyone interested?
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>>14865466 >>14865483 ok thanks. I was wondering if they changed that ratio in this Gen (for whatever reason(s)), but i guess not. Nice to know regardless.
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>>14865314 31 HP/SP.A/SPEED IV Charmander?
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>>14865314 what are you looking for?
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Does hidden ability passing from the male only apply if the male is of the same species? Example, I'm trying to get a Vital Spirit Magby (the hidden ability). My female magmar has flame body and the Sawk I'm breeding it with has Mold Breaker (its hidden ability). Is this going to work out or do I need a Magmar with vital spirit no matter what? So far, I've had no luck, but I'm wondering if it's even possible.
started breeding honedge and got a brave/likes to take siesta, and it has a 31 in HP. would it be worth breeding more for likes to thrash, or is this good?
1891 - 1668 - 8301 Chance
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>>14865314 I have a lot of sweet action Scythers I'd trade for that, no fooling. With 5 31 IVs also.
You'd save me a lot of time. Trying to test something with Galvs.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
>>14862809 They are Adamant with intimidate I'll take whatever you can give me.
>>14862896 Nah,but if you have pokerus I'll take that.Otherwise anything is fine.Egg moves appreciated.Also please request trade as it can get confusing sometimes.
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>>14866110 Thanks man, friend code is 1375-7407-5659
>>14866110 Alright, hopping on
So with friend safari Ditto's, is there a difference between 'outstanding potential overall' and 'relatively superior potential overall'? Is that just the difference between two 31 IV stats and three? Do the stats he mentions ALWAYS have 31 IV's?
1891 - 1668 - 8301 Chance
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Man egg moves are the most annoying part of breeding now, IVs are cake
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>>14866353 Outstanding potential overall just means the stats that aren't 31 are pretty damn good.
When you have more than two 31 IVs it will tell you by listing more than 2 stats off.
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>>14866110 danke mein friend, I will cherish it
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
>>14866326 Give me a bit need to sort out Ivs and what not unless you want one with random good Ivs?
>>14866729 I can wait a bit, just got you added and taking care of other stuff.
Just to make sure, if I'm breeding Sneasels, and I put the Destiny knot on the sneasel and the everstone on a jolly Ditto from the safari zone, it still increases the chance of the child getting the Ditto's 2 perfect IV's right?
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 Bug Type
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>>14866087 Should probably try to get 31 in Attack
>>14866353 See pic
>>14866983 Destiny Knot will give 5 random IVs from total 12 from both parents. Just luck if you get the 2 maxed from the Ditto.
(I think)
Does the IV checker tell you all of the max IVs it has, or do you use the Serebii calculator to check the IVs of the Ditto? Also are Dittos with 3 perfect IVs rare in the friend safari?
>>14867099 Yes it will tell you all of your max IVs.
I have a 31/31/5/31/31 adamant Pawniard male. I need a sucker punch egg move Pawniard. How would I go about doing this?
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>>14866996 Thanks, and enjoy your infection
Before the game introduced IV passing items, how did one breed perfect IV mons?
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>>14867344 Patience/Autism
Ditto and pokemon I want to breed don't like eachother, reasons why?
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>>14867344 Pokegen or not at all.
>>14867063 Okay, and how long does that usually take?
>>14867468 Doesn't matter. They will breed anyway.
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>>14867496 Damn right they will.
>>14867486 It's just luck, my friend
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>>14867468 In order from highest frequency to lowest:
pokemon of different trainers and same species
pokemon of the same trainer and same species
pokemon of different trainer and different species
pokemon of same trainer and different species
You're in the last group.
Billybob: 0791 - 2267 - 7244 !7c1RW3BZ1g
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>>14851669 Mind If I add you? I need magcargo. Thanks.
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>>14867278 Croagunks in the route with the daycare can learn it in level 35ish.
>>14867538 Well my luck is shit. How important are having all these extra IVs? I have a Timid Ghastly with perfect Speed and sAttack, and I don't know how important having an extra 31 in Defense is (the base is low enough that I don't knw how much it'll matter).
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>>14851669 people who want to know which ivs are maxed on a pokemon without nicknaming can use those marking symbols -- there are six so think of them as representing HP, ATK, DEF, SPATK, SPDEF, SPD from left to right.
Jake 3394-3875-4815
Eyo, I just got done making a few 31/31/31/??/31/31 Adamant Intimidate Mawile monstrosities and I have a bunch of leftovers. They're all Adamant/Intimidate with 31 in Atk/Def and 31 in two of HP/SpD/Spe. Anyone wanna trade for some other half-decent breeding leftovers?
I have a couple questions, if the IV checker NPC says X can't be beat, Y is just as good, etc. they are all maxed, correct? Also, if I want to breed quite a bit of pokemon with 5 perfect IVs, I want both parents to have those 5 IVs for the best possible chance, right?
Can someone help me here Ive got one mon with 3 perfect IVs and a ditto with 3 perfect IVs but two of them match up with the first mon Should I use a different ditto with no matching stats but only 2 perfect IVs or keep using this one?
Max 4184-1727-7720
>>14867945 Timid Ghastly with 31 SPD?
>>14867945 3 31 IV Pawniard for one?
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Not sure where else to ask, is a Jolly Golurk useful?
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14868090 Sure man, what stat combo you want?
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14868262 Yeah, I'll do it after this guy. What stat combo you want?
Max 4184-1727-7720
>>14868363 HP/Spd/Att/Def please
But do the other guy first please, I'm battling and will need one minute.
Colhgrax 5215 - 0233 - 9545 [Ghost: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk]
Colhgrax 5215 - 0233 - 9545 [Ghost: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk] Sat 19 Oct 2013 22:41:29 No. 14868531 Report >>14868084 Keep using them. The Destiny Knot makes it so that 5/12 stats are taken. Stick with it until you get 4 perfects then keep switching them out so that it gets easier.
Josh 2165-5980-3095
>>14868423 31Attack/Def/HP/Special defense?
Want your Pawniard as 31 Attack/HP/Speed?
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14868543 Sure, let's go ahead and do ours then.
>tfw someone tells me that IV grinding is now casual and shiny hunting is where it's at ;_;
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>>14868635 Shiny hunting is pure vanity.
IV breeding was made simple as an extra defense should the anti-cheating measures prove to not work.
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>>14868635 >not MMing until you have max IVs good natured shinies Siegrun 3239-3632-4471
Josh 2165-5980-3095
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita Sat 19 Oct 2013 22:51:21 No. 14869087 Report I...oh my god, I got a ditto from Bobus' friend safari. It has perfect Attack and Special attack, as well as Impostor. I might cry. Can Ditto pass down hidden abilities?
Jake 3394-3875-4815
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>>14868985 Yeah man, thanks to you too!
>>14868481 Good trading, yo.
Anyone else want in on this Mawile action?
>>14869087 All friend safari Pokemon have two perfect IVs, and impostor Ditto are actually quite common. Also, Ditto can't breed thus can't pass down abilities.
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>>14868423 Thanks a lot!
What does the pentagon marking mean? Anonymous
Is there any way to ensure that a Pokemon you get in the Friend Safari has its hidden ability?
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita Sat 19 Oct 2013 22:57:10 No. 14869419 Report >>14869330 Damn. I knew about the 2 perfect IVs, I was excited to have something good for breeding both physical and special attackers with.
Sad to hear I can't get hidden abilities via Ditto, though.
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>>14869366 I use a Gardevoir with the ability Trace.
>>14869419 Oh yeah, it'd be great for any mixed attacker. I have like two dozen Ditto just so I can get pretty much any combo of stats I want.
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita Sat 19 Oct 2013 23:03:02 No. 14869794 Report >>14869540 I'm actually planning on going for a 31 speed/31 attack spore puncher breloom.
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>>14869991 You have max Speed and Special Attack? Don't worry too much about the rest. For Gengar, who's all about being fast and hitting hard, his defences don't really matter since you shouldn't let him take many hits anyways.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
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So close to having a perfect pawniard. Keeps gimping me out of HP. dammit
>>14869794 Nice, he's fun, too bad about the spore nerf, but shouldn't be too big a problem.
>>14870254 How was it nerfed?
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>>14870352 Spore moves no longer affect grass types.
Zak 4828-4931-2111 (Riolu/Throh/Mankey)
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>>14870352 doesn't work on Grass types
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita
Lewis - 4828-4967-5545 - Munna/Espurr/Gothorita Sat 19 Oct 2013 23:24:54 No. 14870941 Report Quoted By:
>>14870254 Broloom is my BEST FRIEND. I picked him up in an early Emerald run, my first real pokemon run where I gave a shit about types.
Max 4184-1727-7720
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Quick question, according to
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/horde-battles-and-ev-yields.3490052/ you get 50-60 EVs with power item and Pokerus. Without Pokerus, it's 25-30, correct?
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Can males with hidden abilities that are not the same species as a female pass down their hidden abilities? I can't find a regenerator Tangela for the life of me and this is my last resort.
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>>14857655 >being clinically retarded Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba]
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba] Sun 20 Oct 2013 00:33:17 No. 14874520 Report Quoted By:
How do I egg move slack off to hippo this gen?
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dis fuckin 5th iv won't come>1 mon has 5 perfect ivs >1 mon has 4 >keep getting 4 maximum perfects
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The difficulty in getting MM worthy Dittos with natures I want is soul crushing.Hold me, /vp/.
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So how rare's getting Pokemon with all perfect IVs? Are they more ideal than natures or both should intertwine?
Am I wrong in thinking using Destiny Knot + EV Bracers can make it easy to get perfect IVs?
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>>14876466 But using both would make the correct nature harder to get
5 perfect IVs is fine for most pokemon anyway, not many of them use both attack styles.
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>>14876466 DestinyKnot+Bracer makes IVs easier but natures are random.
Everstone takes Nature out of the equation but you lose that guaranteed 31 IV.
Bracer and Knot might be overkill, and fuck random natures.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Just finished my adamant bisharp with full ivs minus special attack. I have some leftover girl ones with same ivs. I'd really love to not have to IV breed an adamant beldum or adamant technician scyther, if anyone has them with good IV's.
Josh 2165-5980-3095
>>14876773 Can I please have a girl one, I have a perfect male one and a girl one would make things so much easier. I don't have an adamant beldum or syther though...
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>>14876466 This would be more true if the Knot guaranteed IVs from just 1 parent. One can dream...
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 01:23:39 No. 14877114 Report I caught a Ditto with 4 maxed IV's in Atk, Def, SP Atk. and Sp Def in the friend Safari. Is this rare? Was I lucky?
Zak 4828-4931-2111 (Riolu/Throh/Mankey)
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>>14877114 yes u got lucky
I've caught tons of dittos but only have few with 3 MIVs and none with 4
What is the most efficient way to go about this?
>have 1 egg >hatch around Prism Tower >go back to daycare and collect new egg >repeat Is doing it this way (1 egg at a time) crap? Better ways?
>>14877114 Yes. I've only managed to catch 4 with 3 maxed IVs out of 33.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
>>14876975 yeah, add me n send me a trade
Josh 2165-5980-3095
>>14877713 Do you need an adamant ditto?
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
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>>14877790 sure, I could use one.
crly 0130-2237-3540 garbodor/kakuna/muk
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Anyone with a ditto safari? I've been looking around /vp/ safari threads but Haven't found anyone who was still around.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Just got some boys Ok so I've got 2 adamant pawniards (boys) with full ivs minus special attack. Looking for IV-bred adamant beldum or IV-bred adamant technician scyther.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
>>14878137 or IV-Bred adamant tyrogues with steadfast.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
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>>14878137 >>14878235 Forgot to mention they have Sucker Punch.
So if I give destiny knot to a pokemon, it'll take 5 random IVs from either parent or just the one holding destiny knot?
I now have:>Brave Honedge maxed HP/ATK/SPDEF >Brave Honedge maxed ATK/DEF/SPDEF Can I now breed these 2 together to try and hatch a Honedge with a mix of HP/ATK/DEF/SPDEF
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>>14878685 Should I even bother with other stats in a Honedge or does HP/ATK only matter?
>>14878680 Both parents
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>got aqua jet azumarill with 31/31/31/x/29/31 ivs How'd I do?
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>>14878680 It takes 3 from one and 2 from the other.
What are the chances abilities are passed down, and is there a way I can increase the odds to get 1 ability?
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>>14877403 The way I do it is to just keep going along that long path from connecting Cave's entrance all the way through the town to the route on the other side, and keep getting the new eggs as I go. If one or several hatch and he's got a new egg, I box all of the hatched ones and continue.
>>14879144 80% chance to get ability from the mother
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>>14879144 >>14879290 The most notable change is that Hidden Abilities, which previous required you to have the mother with the Hidden Ability, can now be bred without the mother having it. If the father has got the Hidden Ability, there is a small chance that the offspring will also have their Hidden Ability. However, this only works if you are breeding with a Pokémon in the same evolution chain, or a Ditto. This is even more useful considering Hidden Abilities are more easily found via Hordes and Friend Safari.
From Serebii
Does anyone have an Adamant synchronizer?
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If I just recieved my 4 IV Pokemon, should I switch to breeding that with a or 2 or 3 IV Ditto or does it really not matter at that point?
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba]
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba] Sun 20 Oct 2013 03:04:35 No. 14882374 Report I really need a ditto FC safari so I can autist out Help a bro out /vp/?
Will the IV judge say ALL Iv's @ 31? Or only 2?
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 03:14:48 No. 14882918 Report Quoted By:
>>14882710 He will list them all. Something like It's HP is it's best stat, so is it's ATK and DEF. They just can't be beat.
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>>14882374 There was a guy on the friend safari thread that was adding people for a few minutes that has ditto, but he hoped over to his other DS
>>14879841 I do, but I'm looking for a jolly synchronizer in return, do you have one?
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>>14882710 Just bred a perfect pokemon with 31s across the board, he told me one after another each stat couldn't be better
>>14883022 I have a Jolly Ditto spare if you want that instead?
Dream 0559-6761-3973
>>14883317 That'll work for me. FC in name field.
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>>14883431 Okay, my FC is 3952-8298-7761