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No.14851669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
'Perfect' mon breeding general
New to breeding? Read this shit.

So Generation 6 made IV breeding a big fucking joke, really. With friend Safari and Destiny Knot, and other shit introduced in generation 5, with relatively small dedication you can get those semi-perfect mons.

Where to start? Don't bother until you've beaten the E4, for starters.
Here are the most important notes. READ THIS.

1) You can tell what IVs are maxed by talking to the guy in the Pokecenter in Kiolude, the town that unlocks after you beat the E4.
He will describe them as "can't be beat".

2) Friend Fucking Safari. It's a paradise of Pokemon where each wild mon is guaranteed 2 maxed IVs, easiest shit ever.

If your lead Pokemon has this ability, wild Pokemon have a 50% chance of copying his nature.

4) Everstone
Passes the nature of the parent that holds it 100%

5) Destiny Knot
Passes 5 random IVs between the parents to the babby

----Getting yourself set up----

Most important part in my opinion. Remember that you're dependent on friend Safaris and such which might not always be there.
Better start stocking up right now on useful breeding tools.

1) Get the Destiny Knot, it's in Cyllage city, in a hote, a maid gives it to you
2) Get Everstone. In Geosenge town, or wild Roggenrola.
3)The key thing is access to Safari Dittos. Find someone here with Dittos.
What's particular about those Ditto are that they come packed with 2 MAXED IVs as mentioned above.
Stock up on useful ditto. Get yourself some good natured Ditto of all kinds, get as many IV combinations as possible.
Best thing to do is to then rename them to those IVs so you remember it.
Check their maxed IVs checked, then rename them accordingly. [EX: HP ATK SPEED ditto]
-NOTE- Try to get Dittos with 3 maxed stats, best.

So you got your basic shit done