>From the DA page...
Name: Gemino
Gender: genderless, but people call him a Male because of his coloring
Dubbed: NA
What Acronym stands for: NA
Type: Psychic
Pokemon in the fusion: Male and Female Meowstic
Successful or Failed experiment?: Success
Level: 35
Age: 10
Bio: Gemino was made as an attempt to put the powers of two meowstic together into one being. The attack and defense mechanisms.
This ended up working and creating him. He truly has no gender, but because he has male meowstic coloration, people refer to him as a boy.
He is a well rounded guard, and he knows the moves Psychic, Miracle Eye, Signal beam, and Disarming voice.
Scientist’s bio/report: The attempt to make Germino was a success. We have a fully functional pokemon that is good on terms of defense and also attack. This pokemon’s move pool has a wide rang thanks to it being a combination of two differently gendered pokemon. We have noticed that under intense levels of stress, or anger sometimes, it seems to act very odd. We will be looking into this, but for now it is a patrol guard. We hope to train it to be much stronger in the future, for selling purposes.
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