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Glitch causing items to vanish?

No.14900572 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I was in a random battle with some faggot that disconnected when he was down to his last Pokemon and realized he didn't have the damage to seep the 5 Pokemon I had remaining.

After the battle I realized that the focus sash on my Galvantula was no longer on him.

Missing. Gone. Not in my bag, not on any pokemon in my box. I used it in the battle, so I definitely had it on him, but after the disconnect I didn't have it anymore. Has this happened to anyone before? Sucks since I just got it a few hours ago (and I've saved multiple times since then, so it's not some kind of save revert glitch or anything).

Guess it's back to battle castle again, even though I wanted to save points for volt switch...