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Competitive Battling

No.14901161 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/. I'm trying to get into competitive battling, but I'm not quite sure if what I'm doing is good.
I'm running
Absol - Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw
Sylveon - Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Toxic Reflect
Cloyster - Toxic Spikes, Facade, Ice beam, Explosion
Heracross - Megahorn, Earquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat
Aegislash - King's Shield, Rockslide, Hidden Power (Psychic), Iron Head
Dragalge - Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse, Scald, Sludge Bomb

Any constructive criticism? Pokes I should swap out? Maybe some fun pokemon or strats that noobs could understand?