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>>14902472 >>14902472 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get passed the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>...Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village, South of Route 20
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? That is only a rumor, no confirmation on that.
>Coupons? CONFIRMED. Spend Poke Miles.
Jace - 1693 - 1377 - 0855
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Does anyone have Adamant/Jolly Charmanders with Dragon Dance? Willing to trade Bold Squirtles with Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse. Let me know if you're interested in!
Is sylveon actually good?
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What are people ruoring the creepy girl on the second floor of that Lumiose building is all about?
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Am I the only one that gets pissed off because of the NPC's? Like, if you're on an Avenue in Lumoise and their speech bubbles keep getting in your fucking way. Any way to turn that shit off?
>>14906810 Gift at some point. Cannot be avoided.
Got a ditto with 31s in special attack and speed.
Would it be worth bothering to try the destiny knot with a greninja with 31s in 2 other stats and hope for at least 3 31s on the baby?
>>14906810 Hotel in town near the top of the middle of the map.
4141 3073 4528 Dougie
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>>14906893 You could try, but it could take several eggs/generations depending on your luck/perseverance
>>14906892 I don't have it.
>>14906893 What town? Heard it's Couramine but I can't find the Hotel there.
>>14906892 >Cannot be avoided I very much doubt this.
At what price does the guy in the Lumiose City need to sell the stones for in order for me to have access to the boutique?
what does the face on the bottom left corner of Pokemon-Aime mean? It flashes randomly when I'm playing with my Pokemon.
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>>14906970 Mine was at like 200k when the boutique opened for me.
how do people breed so fast?
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>>14906980 It means the pokemon is recognizing your face with the 3DS camera. Or some shit.
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>>14906970 >in the Lumiose City *lumiose city stone shop
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>>14906960 The hotel is on the western side, before taking the monorail to get to the half that has the gym.
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Does anyone have a foreign Ditto with perfect Atk and Speed IVs?
4141 3073 4528 Dougie
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>>14906993 Breeding(hatching?) O power and flame body
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>>14906836 It's not very fast but it makes for a decent special tank. It has pretty damn good SpAtk and SpDef.
4811-7206-5012 (Mankey, Sawk, ?)
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Anyone willing to trade a spare Mild synchronizer? Please?
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>>14906993 Males and females can hold items to alter breeding outcomes. Flame Body ability also hatches eggs faster if you have a party pokemon with it.
Desperate breeder in need of help! Is there ANY way to pass down abilities for sure? Breeding Head Smash Arons and getting Sturdy ones over and over is a pain in the ass.
>>14906961 Well I might remember wrong, but I just got it somewhere (I think it was Courmarine City) without even looking for anything, so I think it was a mandatory thing like in Gen V.
So I've been out of the loop of pokemon since Emerald. I was dicking around with pokemon showdown and found a nice team I wanted to actually put into the game but finding shit like Garchomp is apparently something I can't do. Will it be easy to trade for a Garchomp?
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>>14907063 It's not mandatory in this one. I myself went through the entire game without it before I remembered it even existed. I just recently went back for it.
Bonnie 1821 - 9855 - 9062
So is the Honey hair color unlockable ? All I get is Blond/Light Brown/Brown/Black. And I'm sure it exists, I saw people with it.
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>>14906935 always focus on HP before defenses unless the pokemon has naturally huge HP like blissey, wailord and the like. max HP and attack is usually the way to go for bulky attacker tyranitars
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>>14906935 Max attack and HP
No point in splitting EVs, just max out two stats
>>14907075 gibles aren't hard to get in the desert area
If I breed, let's say a male Greninja with a Ditto, will the Froakie be in Greninja's or Ditto's ball?
Where do I get an Amulet Coin?
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>>14907200 Oh shit I feel retarded for not looking for its first form first. Thanks.
>>14907216 That giant mansion where you have to track down that guy's Furfrou. It's in one of the bedrooms.
Do I need to max the affection stat only in the amie, or all 3 of them? They seem to be degrading over time...
So, my klefki has 3 IVs on 31. Is it possible to breed for all 6 to be 31?
How exactly does the destiny knot work with breeding?
>>14907216 Apparently Parfum Palace - Back Room.
Is Tyrunt even worth using? I was super hyped to use him feeling certain he'd learn the elemental fangs, but no. Bite and Crunch, that's it. Thing doesn't even learn Hyper Fang. Feels like its ability went to waste
>>14907285 It picks 5 of the 12 parent IVs at random, and can overlap with the IV you attempt to force with a power item if you are doing so.
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>>Coupons? >CONFIRMED. Spend Poke Miles. What does that mean?
>>14907315 fangs are egg moves, for in-game though you don't really need them
Fran - 4055-3547-6946 (Venomoth, Seviper, Drapion)
Fran - 4055-3547-6946 (Venomoth, Seviper, Drapion) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:30:24 No. 14907361 Report Quoted By:
If I have an Onyx with the wrong nature but correct perfect IVs, what do I breed it with to get the right nature but keep the IVs?
Golux 1032 1242 1359
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If you trade a pokemon and trade back to evolve it, do its Amie stats reset?
>>14907315 He learns the elemental fangs as egg moves Anonymous
>>14907274 The hearts stay forever, the others will go up and down depending on what you do.
Petting reduces entertainement, Playing reduces fullness.
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Is it truly confirmed the only way to get hidden ability pokes is to be online at the same time? Cause, I just got a Justified Absol. While offline.
>>14907370 If a Poke evolves, do the hearts reset to 0?
What should I super train my Skrelp and Inkay in? Maxed out Inkay's attack and I'm thinking about putting the rest in speed. As for Skrelp: Special attack and special defense? Or speed?
How many haircuts can you unlock as a male? I only have medium perm and my stylish is high enough to give me 50% of taxi.
>>14907467 That's it.
Thanks for rolling a male trainer.
Bonnie 1821 - 9855 - 9062
How did a horde of lvl18 Foongus just outspeed my Timid 52 Greninja?
>>14907204 Ditto is always the father concerning the ball
As in, it doesn't pass down the pokeball at all
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>>14907326 So how many important IVs should be max before it starts becoming more productive to use the knot over an EV item?
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>>14907368 >>14907358 Maybe so but that's not something I can really accomplish right now, as I don't have anything with fang moves to breed it with. I may not need them in-game but it sure would have been nice. I mean they gave Malamar superpower, so I don't think they were worried about abilities being TOO useful
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>>14907315 At least you can breed elemental fangs onto Tyrunt. Amaura's ability is practically and empty slot.
My Venusaur currently has the moveset: Venoshock, Toxic, Leech Seed and Petal Dance. I plan on changing Petal Dance. Is there a reason to keep Leech Seed? Venoshock and Toxic will stay, it's just too strong of a combination
>>14907514 Bullshit, I bred my Mawile with a Ditto, all my Mawile are in a Luxury Ball.
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>>14907486 Not him but I was just about to ask that question too. That's fucking lame. Short and really short are almost the same. Medium isn't that great plus everyone has it since it's default and perms are ugly (my opinion at least). Well lucky for me I planned on rolling female when I start up X.
4871-3995-0901 basedgod(larvesta)
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If i traded away my charzardite away could i buy another of my own version?
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I'm trying to breed a Timid Joltik with Comound Eyes and Sticky Web, but none of them have sticky web. Is a Joltik with sticky web from the egg a random occurrence?
Erk 3609-1438-9794
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>>14907511 You might have used a move with lower priority.
Or they with one of higher priority.
>>14907571 I just bred my Ditto, which was in a quickball, with a bunch of Goomy's and they all came out in Pokeballs.
>>14907564 venoshock + toxic doesn't work as well as it sounds since using venoshock twice does the same amount of damage. do you have sludge bomb TM yet?
How does destiny knot work? I'm so very confused
When should I evolve my Honedge?
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>>14907634 Then you caught Goomy with a Poké Ball.
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile)
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:39:29 No. 14907695 Report >>14907651 Destiny Knot will allow breeded Pokemon to inherit 5 IVs from the parents instead of 3. Normally, when breeding a Pokemon, the offspring will inherit 3 IVs (random IV, random parent). Destiny Knot increases this to 5, but does NOT guarantee all 5 will be inherited from the parent holding the Destiny Knot.
Does both parents having their hidden ability increase the chance of it passing down or does just the mother need it for a high chance?
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Just started, got a naive nature Froakie named Snoop Frogg. I don't have a question. I'm just excited.
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So when I beat the game some time last week, I got the champs Ralts. It was Modest with Synchronize. Is this good?
>>14907697 I believe it's 100% but I could be wrong
>>14907695 Ah okay from the parent holding the destiny knot. So basically I want as many ditto's with perfect IV's in stats relevant to the pokemon I'm breeding towards?
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What are good natures for Amaura?
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>>14907736 It definitely isn't, but I want to know if the chances are higher if both have it or if that's irrelevant.
What's the best way to farm heartscales? Thief?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14907697 Having both parents know the ability increases the chance of passing it down
>>14907736 I can deny that its not 100% because i had two poliwhirls both with swift swim and the 4th egg hatch had swift swim while the 3 before it where damp and water absorbx2
>>14907636 no, I read that I'll find it on route 19. I'm on route 15 currently. What about Leech Seed and the last move?
Marvin 1306-6255-1198 [Camerupt-Diggersby-Sandshrew]
Marvin 1306-6255-1198 [Camerupt-Diggersby-Sandshrew] Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:43:22 No. 14907846 Report is there a difference between the dittos you can get in safari zone and the ones in pokemon village? for IV maxing purposes
>>14907846 The ones in the Safari have 2 random IVs at max and can get Impostor.
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile)
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:44:16 No. 14907867 Report >>14907758 Yes, that would be ideal. A ditto with perfect IVs all around would be even better, if you're that lucky.
How do I change skin/eye color?
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>>14907846 Safari always have at least two max IVs, so safari dittos are significantly better.
FluffDude 2552-0762-4380 Sneasel Spheal Cloyster
FluffDude 2552-0762-4380 Sneasel Spheal Cloyster Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:44:56 No. 14907887 Report >>14907828 Fainted vivillon with compound eyes as lead and pokemon with thief second in party
Helel 2578 3912 3301
Do we have any info on Noiverns egg moves? Does he get any psychic, dark or ghost special attacks?
>>14907868 You don't change skin color, and you get a lens box at the PR videos building.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14907846 >>14907863 What he said, also the dittos in safari can have a chance of having 3 IV's at max its just a lower chance
Also on ditto notes, I spent half my night farming up 21 dittos
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile)
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:45:51 No. 14907917 Report Quoted By:
>>14907839 Leech Seed is good to keep if your Pokemon is a staller or capable of stalling. Otherwise, it's virtually useless
>>14907887 by the way does your theifmon have to not KO the opponent? Or can you OHKO the luvdisc and still get the heart scale?
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>>14907926 You can OHKO the Luvdisc.
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>>14907926 you can ohko it and get the scale
>>14907867 I got one with 4, guess it'd be pretty crazy to catch one with 6
4124-5130-4075 Faber: pachirisu - helioptile - (zebriska)
4124-5130-4075 Faber: pachirisu - helioptile - (zebriska) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:48:06 No. 14907999 Report Posted in the wrong thread How do I get the pokerus? And can it be spread?
>>14907892 But I saw an image where the guy was asked if he wanted skin treatments, I thought it was about color, what is it for then?
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>>14906970 Mine was around 300–500K, though it takes like 15 mins tops.
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>>14907981 It's possible. Improbable but possible.
Is the maximum EVs for Super Training 252 per stat? It said I maxed out speed, but I'm worried I got 255 instead of 252.
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Can Imposter Ditto pass hidden abilities to pokemon?
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>>14908014 It's 252.
>>14908008 It's only for PR videos, if you wanna look like a ginger.
>Your Nintendo 3DS system's battery is low! >put charger in >close message >Your Nintendo 3DS system's battery is low! why
>>14907662 Bump, and when should I evolve Doublade?
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>>14908060 because nintendo thinks we're retards
they might be right
Do Australians need to turn the 3DS upside-down for Inkay?
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>>14908060 Because the battery is still low at that point, duh.
>>14908063 honedge evolves automatically and evolve duoblade at 51 when it learns sacred sword
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Where is the Leftovers item?
>>14906781 Do EXP share distribute EVs to pokemon not used?
Also does a pokemon get EVs even if you captured it?
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>>14908082 No, right side-up
Oh shit I take this too seriously. I went and bred Larvesta that I borrowed to that old guy.
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Is Heat Wave a TM in these games and how can I get it if it is?
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>>14908158 >Do EXP share distribute EVs to pokemon not used? I don't think so.
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>>14906781 Shen do I get that hairstyle and that dress? I need to know
What can you do in the cafes in the city of the rock and the fairy gym leader?
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>>14908158 It does.
>>14908176 Man, I'm training the Pansage I gave him just because it hit me right in the feels.
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile)
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:55:43 No. 14908284 Report Quoted By:
>>14908158 Yes, EXP share distributes EVs to all Pokemon in a party. If a wild Pokemon yields 2 Atk EVs, all Pokemon in the party will receive 2 Atk EVs. This also works with power items. An unused Pokemon with a power item will receive the bonus if EXP share is on.
>>14908114 I did not ask how, I asked "when should I?", beacuse maybe the pre-evos learns moves the evos don't.
Thanks though
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>>14908315 Right, well it doesn't matter with Honedge. Just evolve Duoblade at or after 51.
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>>14908315 Meh, evolve Doublade whenever you want, you can get Sacred Sword through the move relearner.
I have a male Froakie with its hidden ability. Can I breed it to get the nature on the offspring?
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Is Mega Abomasnow worth training?
>Battle against Calem >He suddenly got Vaporeon out of nowhere When did THIS happen?
I'm trying to find a slugma on route 13 but so far all that's happening is that I get attacked by trapinch and dugtrio. Where are the slugmas
Why did gamefreak give the beldum line a catch rate of fucking 3.
>>14908502 He trained one.
>>14908555 It's just that he didn't even have Eevee last time I saw him.
Rob 1907-8885-6710
Is training your Pokemon in super-training just as good as regular EV training?
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Where _exactly_ is the TM30 Shadow Ball in Terminus Cave? I got the dusk stone and then gtfo'd because that cave sucks.
>>14908590 No.
It's better. Anonymous
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>>14908575 So what? Trainers catch Pokémon, it's nothing new.
Does inside a building count as "night time" for Dusk Balls? I'm referring to trying to catch Xerneas/Yveltal since their fights seems to happen inside buildings.
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>>14908551 Use Rock Smash.
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>>14908619 Doesn't matter, they're piss easy to catch.
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So, what are the chances that Mega Zygarde will be version mascot of third version?
Rob 1907-8885-6710
>>14908416 Just give it an everstone and the majority of it's babies should have the same nature. You'll need a female one if you want to carry the hidden ability though
>>14908668 Get Pokédex entries for some Pokémon.
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>>14908619 you can throw a quick ball turn one and catch them with zero effort
If you remove someone off your 3DS friend list does it remove the friend safari off of the other person's game? My 3DS list is getting full and I'm gonna need to make room for some other people soon so I'm curious about that.
I just beat the game. What do I do now? Other than working on the pokedex.
>>14908619 Oh fuck nevermind.
I just caught it in the second turn with sleep powder, capture power 3 and a quick ball.
>my fucking face when Rob 1907-8885-6710
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>>14908613 Awesome, thanks
>>14908694 But I went in once paying the minimum and absolutely nothing happened
Which is the best looking ball: luxury or premier ball?
>>14908752 Don't be social retard and actually talk to the people in the cafe
Golux 1032 1242 1359
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How does playing X and Y on the same 3DS work with friend code being tied to the system? Do you just share whatever part of the friend list is online while playing each version?
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>>14908764 pokeball you scrub
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The area just before the Lost Hotel, how do I get through that secret door?
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What exactly is friend safari?
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>>14908767 I did. It was in rock gym city
>>14908681 Balls. The ability is on the male that I got through Wonder Trade.
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>>14908734 Caught it on the first turn with a quick ball. No capture power, status condition or anything
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>>14908725 Capture Mewtwo, Zygarde, and legendary bird
Upgrade Mega Ring and get the Mega Stones
Friend Safari
Battle Mansion
Looker Bureau Missions
I have a female combee at level 20 and im questioning whether i should let it evolve at 21. According to BW2 (a lot of stuff from that gen seems to have carried over) Combee learns Bug Buzz somewhere around level 28. However Vespiqueen learns Power Gem at 25. Which move should i prioritize?
How do you make money? Repeat E4 and daily rival battle with amulet coin/luck incense?
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Guys quick question. What nature do I want for my Larvitar with Tyranitar being the end goal? What EV training would be best to go along with it too?
>>14908818 Don't listen to him, one of the listed new mechanics is the ability for the male parent to give its ability to the child.
http://www.serebii.net/xy/breeding.shtml Anonymous
>mfw Psychic gym This is some shit.
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>>14908818 If it already has a decent nature I wouldn't worry about it
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I'm assuming Dittos appear in Normal Friend Safaris>tfw 48 friends and zero normals Fuck me.
>>14908861 Get bug buzz with Combee, evolve it, then just take a heart stone over to the move relearner and get power gem. Done.
>>14908908 I hope they perfect their shit for the 3rd / next version so we can have 3D everywhere. I'm sure it would look gorgeous.
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>>14908818 You can still pass the hidden ability if it's on a male. In my experience it's about 50/50.
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>waiting for surfing/flying Pikachu event Don't let me down GF
Does anyone know why the everstone failed to transfer the nature of my pokemon to its son? I'm trying to breed protean froakie, my male is protean with shitty nature, my female is jolly with good iv but with shit ability so the plan was to make a Male Protean Jolly, get him to use the everstone and then mate it with its mather using the destiny knot. For some reason the MaleProteanShitN+JollyIVShitAbility using an everstone gave me a modest protean, while many other times I get a JollyGoodIVShitNature froakie. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. For fuck sake I'm going crazy with all this breeding.
where the fuck do i find my friend code
>>14908942 I hope they focus their resources on shit that actually matters instead of dumb gimmicks nobody uses
>>14908932 It just takes a while to get to the move relearner in the story. This is a new save file i dont even have 2 badges yet. That's why i was asking. Perhaps i should've clarified that
>>14908861 Get it to learn bug buzz then move tutor it power gem after it evolves
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>>14908982 There's that orange smiley-face on 3DS menu.
Click it.
>>14908861 Bug Buzz. You can use a Heart Scale on Vespiquen to learn Power Gem later.
>>14908989 You not using the mechanics doesn't mean nobody else does.
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>>14908989 tap on the little orange box head in your home menu
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>>14908942 I'd rather have them fix the terrible framerate of battles while in 3D
>>14909022 implying anybody uses 3d
>>14908997 Still go with Bug Buzz, it's a really strong STAB move. Just grab Power Gem later.
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>>14908902 Didn't know that, thanks for the update
(guy who said you need a female)
>>14909008 Got a beldum with about 28 in HP and 31s in Attack, special defense, and speed.
Only problem is that it has a 11 in defense.
Worth using, or should I attempt to start a breeding program?
>>14909041 That's what I mean. How about you fuck off somewhere else?
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does y and x allow me to forget HMs without a specific trainer? I know that there were previous Pokemon titles where this wasn't possible.
is it worth leveling through E4+EXP share then using a reset bag on a newly bred pokemon? or would i be better off EV training through the mini game then leveling it after?
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>>14909084 I'm just a nameless Team Flare grunt.
>>14909062 Didn't mean to quote anyone on that, sorry.
>>14908980 In BW2 I believe the Everstone made it a 50% chance to pass a nature, though it seems like it's much higher in XY. There may still be a slight chance that it doesn't pass the nature.
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Does anyone have a normal friend Safari with Ditto? Trying to get a Ditto with good IVs and out of like, 38 friends, no normies.
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>>14909083 EV training first.
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You know, speaking of Power Gem since one anon mentioned it, I'm loving it's new animation. I really like it.
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I know we don't have full lists of egg moves assembled yet because we have not been able to datamine do most old pokemon seem to still have access to their gen 5 egg moves?
>>14909065 How is the game in 10fps?
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>>14909062 >>14909109 And..forgot to mention Serious nature.
I guess I could try to breed for adamant, but 3 perfect IVs and 1 near perfect just sounds so damn good.
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Can you rebattle AZ or did he and Floette finally die together?
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>>14909117 On a previous thread, I heard that it was confirmed to be 100%?
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>>14909117 wasn't BW2 the game that made it 100%?
Holy shit I was planning on resetting Xerneas till I get a Modest one but if it takes 10 minutes of fighting and cutscenes fuck that. I'll stick with the hasty one I got.
Do EVs work like BW, where if I have a level 100 Pokémon, it'll still gain EVs through battling, even if it gains no exp? Does this also work if I have exp share on and a level 100 that doesn't participate in battle? Will EVs be transferred to it?
>>14909151 >FPS even tanks when both pokemon are on the screen, or there's a double battle I find it hard to believe the 3DS is that bad. Gamefreak just can't optimize worth shit. Right?
>>14909170 Check the FAQ in OP.
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>>14909200 Are you me? But seriously yeah, I did the same thing for Yveltal and gave up on that shit after 5 resets. I just stuck with the nature he had and called it a day.
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>>14909216 Yes to both questions.
Super training would probably be faster if you're not doing the pokerus horde thing though.
how far are we on EV spreading for the new pokemon?
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>>14909231 I'm sure both are at fault here. The 3DS is quite the piece of shit hardware-wise.
>>14909151 you tried battles in 3D? almost unbearable
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Someone in another thread told me to buy 999 Primer balls to max style? Looking through the expanded FAQ now, but I haven't found it yet.
William 3625-8173-0374
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Does anyone have a Ditto Safari that I can add?
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>>14909292 That's what I was saying
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>>14907828 Get a Vivillion with Compound Eyes, put it in first place while fainted and have the Pokémon with thief second. Use old rods on Luvdics
>>14908554 Because he's powerful as fuck.
Which new Gen6 Pokemon can learn Waterfall? Nobody on my team can and I'm doing a Gen6 only run.
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>>14909324 all the other pseudos have catch rates of, like, 45, 15 times greater.
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>>14909232 >didn't know the battle chateau gave money holy shit
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>>14909231 This is their first 3DS game. The outlook is bright for Z version, however. Remember how slow their first DS games, Diamond and Pearl, were? Platinum was a huge upgrade, so we should expect the same. I just hope we can get the delicious 60FPS animations on the status screen, since now they only work when teaching a TM.
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>>14909327 I had skrelp/dragalge
I can't find Audino, any tips?
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>>14907502 I had it as an option for my first haircut...
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>>14907889 It can learn both Psychic and Dark Pulse through TM, not sure about ghost.
Guys. Need to know what nature is best for Tyranitar. Also how should I EV train him up? Just a little help guys please.
>>14909327 Barbaracle, I recommend using it.
>>14909438 Adamant if you want attacker, I use Sassy becuase my T-tar is a tank
Denton 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Denton 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:26:40 No. 14909465 Report Quoted By:
I heard they changed what makes a ditto foreign. Is a french Ditto still foreign?
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>>14907060 have your nigs hold an everstone
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>>14909447 >Barbaracle Where can I catch one from? Super Rod anywhere?
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Will a traded pokemon/2+ heart amie pokemon still get the bonus if they didn't participate in the battle, just had the exp share on?
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>>14909393 route 6, most likely in those high grasses.
>>14909460 How did you EV train?
Just HP and def? or def and sp def?
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should I use Mewtwo Y if my Mewtwo has a modest nature?
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>>14909447 Guess you don't have one yourself, because 'Bara can't learn Waterfall for some unknown reason.
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>>14909083 If you know what you want to do with it, EV train it first. You'll save a reset bag, and you'll have the right stats for the Pokémon to use while it's leveling up.
If you're not sure how you want to EV train it yet, wait.
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>>14909438 It completely depends on the set. If you're running a defensive/utility set, give it HP and Defense with an Impish nature. If you want a tanky offensive one, give it HP and Attack with Adamant nature. If you're going full offensive, give it a Jolly nature with Attack and Speed, or a Naive nature if you're running Ice Beam or Fire Blast.
>>14909248 same
i'm curious how to EV train some of my pokemon
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>>14907999 Random luck, or by asking for it in a thread from someone's shitmons
Jordan 1934-1628-4981
Where can I go to find out what my Hidden Power is?
Does Pokerus increase the EVs you get from super training?
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>>14909492 >or def and sp def? never do that, always do HP first
How do i transfer gen5 pokemon to x/y? Am i still going to have to breed some pokemon in gen5 since I saw no good move tutors when i looked things up.
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>>14909585 No. Super Training is completely independent from Power items and Pokerus.
>>14909567 You name them, and what type of set you want to run, and I can help you out.
>>14906781 Do you use a mod-chip of something, or did you earn your 9.9 mill on your own? I'm not judging, I've been a cheater since 1990.
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>>14909605 Wait till December
3668 -7833-2691 Danny
Where's Ralts in the game again?
>>14909623 > You are new here aren't you?
We should just link Serebii in the OP from now on as a source for any questions related to the locations of Pokémon and/or items.
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>>14909662 No, I'm just lazy. Anonymous
>>14909628 i'm kind of new to competitive
what kind of runs are there?
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>>14909695 And youtube. You'd be surprised how many videos there are on locations of items and TMs and such.
>>14909639 Money's not hard to get in the game. I'm not even up to Victory road yet and I've already had around 2,5-3 million of cash (though I've spent most of it on the silly clothes/TM's etc.)
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Where is the discount coupon
Is it true that 2 or 3 stats of a pokemon from a friend safari are 31's?
I need to evolve my Sliggoo, but how do i know where is raining?
How the fuck do I delete my save game?
>>14909812 Start a new game and overwrite.
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>>14909639 I.e. Game Genie for my Sega Genesis. I just want some 999 rare candies. It's not just about having a high level, it's strategy too. I wish poke would level-up faster, or at least have an EZ setting like in B&W _-_
>>14909732 Well, while certain Pokémon may be limited to using only one type viable set, some are more versatile, being able to run either Defensive, Offensive, and/or Utility sets effectively. The type of set you'd want to run would depend entirely on the rest of your team. If you're not sure what types of sets Pokémon can run, you might want to do some research first. Smogon is a good resource, as their sets are generally safe to run (though making your own sets is more fun and rewarding).
>>14909772 Yeah, it's very unfortunate, but any pokemon form the friend safari will have two or three stats that will never get above 31.
>>14909812 At title screen, press Up + B + start.
What is a good nature for Zoura?
>>14909812 check the digital manual on your 3DS when you select the Pokemon Game before you start it up
>>14909777 As far as I know, it's completely randomized but locations where it can way are rather widespread and it can happen at random times during the day. Check the routes surrounding Cyllage City, Laverre City, and Route 21.
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>>14908764 Luxury ball is the best looking ball.
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>>14909961 Naive, Timid, Modest, or Rash.
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>>14908764 I catch everything with Pokeballs.
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>>14909843 does not work since a couple of gens now, you need to hit a certain combination of buttons at the startscreen, the combination changed with X/Y again
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Add me guys: 1993-7773-5215
>>14909919 Tyrantrum base stats?
>>14909762 Much like in Animal Crossing, it seems like your rich because of the 7 figures, but I actuality it's only 5.
I'm using my Amulet coin on every trainer battle, any other tips for more money?
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>>14909965 Didn't even know that was there, thanks
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>>14910040 Quote not intentional
>>14910040 95/125/120/80/60/75
Those aren't entirely correct, but close.
>>14909872 what's a good spread for venusaurite as a defense wall?
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>>14909983 I meant "can rain", not "can way", sorry.
>>14910106 A: What moves are you running?
B: Physically defensive or specially defensive?
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>Fully EV train something at level 14-15 >It has trouble fighting anything at it's level Yes, I know EV training affects stats over time, but the fact that it's having trouble vs stuff a couple levels lower than it is disheartening.
Cafe Le Wow with Amulet Coin, Prize Money Lv.3 and Exp Lv.3 is a fantastic way to grind dosh and XP at the same time. The only downside is that you have to shake your 3DS about 4000 times to benefit from the 4x charge rate on O-Powers so you can apply both effects to yourself at the same time.
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>>14909919 It's Up + B + X in Pokemon X/Y
What's a good moveset for noivern? I'm waiting for boomburst and dragon pulse. . .I'm thinking ice beam. . .
If I have a Prize Money Power activated, and it runs off in the middle of a battle, does it still gives me the bonus?
>>14910105 Time to get one then. Suggested EV spread? Thinking of Max Att & HP, but Speed might work too?
>>14909906 i think you are very deeply confused
>>14910203 Yes, it won't deactivate until you see the message.
For this reason, you can boot it up right before a restaurant fight and have the effects last for your whole stay,
>>14910157 growth
giga drain
razor leaf
physical defense
>>14910200 Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
Air Slash/Hurricane
Noivern does not get Ice Beam.
>>14910224 Depends. If you're running a bulky offensive set, maybe with Stealth Rocks, go with max HP and Attack. If you want to use Rock Polish or Dragon Dance, use Max Attack and Speed.
What was up with that witch in some building mumbling to herself "It's not here" or something like that on a empty etage? That was kinda creepy..
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>>14910060 Battle chateau and making sure you use max level of money o-power before major battles. Amulet coin+o power gives around 20-40k+ for the more significant fights. Once you're high enough rank in battle chateau you occasionally get the gym leaders visiting there, allowing you to earn hundreds of thousands in few minutes.
Knuffle 1091 7444 6005
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How do you get Gardevoir's Megastone
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when breeding should you get the egg moves at the beginning when you're getting nature before passing ivs or later in the process?
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>Poke center plays different music during birthdays Nice touch.
>>14910174 How do I even activate my O-powers or know when it's working?
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>>14910393 You can apply O-powers to yourself via the PSS menu.
>>14910292 You should remove Razor Leaf, as it's useless with Giga Drain. Ingrain isn't all that great as it completely prevents you from switching, not to mention that Giga Drain can give you ample recovery. I'd recommend switching those for Synthesis and another coverage move. For your EV spread, go with 252 HP, 252 Defense, 4 SpD.
>>14910200 I use Whirlwind, Fly, Dragon Pulse and Boomburst and he carried me through the E4 just fine. You may want to swap out Whirlwind for a defense since the move has shit accuracy and Noviern has mediocre defenses. It's still one of the fastest in the game.
>>14910324 Why not boomburst?
140 bp special move? It's so gorgeous.
does anyone know where I can catch a Vibrava in Y?
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ok what the f are the looker missions I've heard about? Sidequests that I missed somewhere? I never saw them even mentioned in my playthrough
>>14910515 Normal is usually only a last resort for coverage on mons with shitty move pools, or for STAB on Normal-types. Noivern has a fantastic movepool, so Boomburst is somewhat useless.
>>14910547 Trapinch are in the desert. Maybe Vibrava too but I couldn't find any.
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>>14910503 Whirlwind has 100 Accuracy. It's also not good on Noivern since it doesn't make a good phazer and has negative priority.
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>>14910629 Add to that that infiltrator makes the the whole "sound moves ignore substitutes" thing redundant.
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>>14910335 EDIT: Wow,now I found a weird message behind the second timetable in the Luminose station,and it's saying
"I'll go and get help. Wait at the usual place."
What's with this game
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>>14910657 desert, you mean near the electro plant?
So what's the easiest way to catch pokerus? And also a little more indepth question: To my understanding, it appears that level 50 and level 100 stats for a pokemon are pre-calculated based on IV's, EV's, base stats, and natures, correct? The stat bonuses/additions everytime you level up isn't random? So by that logic, I can EV train a pokemon at any level without worrying about end game stats being all fucked? Like, it doesn't matter what EV's go into it during the story, because if I want to use a certain pokemon competitively after I beat the game I can just reset it's EV's and everything will be fine? Also Sp Attk/Speed Floette or Florges with mixed grass and fairy moves is the way to go, yes? Also what's the best spread/build for an Adamant Honedge? I've heard multiple people say HP with a mix in Def/Sp. Def. but I also see HP and Attack as well.
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>Lysandre is actually Team Flare's boss What a twist!
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So was the leak featuring facial hair a clever ruse? Where do I go for that?
>>14910782 Get a brave one instead. You want to go last
>>14907273 >>14907304 Am I really so stupid I can't even find it?
>>14910782 Ask someone in /wfg/ to send you a derp with Pokérus
Yes, you can do what you described, but it probably won't be viable competitively unless you IV bred it.
It depends if you're using a fully offensive (possibly choice scarf) set or a more defensive utility set.
Go with Brave on Honedge since, with Aegislash, it's better to move last so you can take hits in its Defense-Forme. Go with HP and Attack, definitely.
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>>14910782 >To my understanding, it appears that level 50 and level 100 stats for a pokemon are pre-calculated based on IV's, EV's, base stats, and natures, correct? The stat bonuses/additions everytime you level up isn't random? > >So by that logic, I can EV train a pokemon at any level without worrying about end game stats being all fucked? Like, it doesn't matter what EV's go into it during the story, because if I want to use a certain pokemon competitively after I beat the game I can just reset it's EV's and everything will be fine? that's right.
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>>14910782 >The stat bonuses/additions everytime you level up isn't random? Correct.
>So by that logic, I can EV train a pokemon at any level without worrying about end game stats being all fucked? Also correct. EVs can be changed while IVs cannot.
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Anyone got a spare jap Ditto? Trying Masuda method.
>>14910473 not the same person, but what would you think of a protean greninja. would attack or special attack be better?
>>14911053 Well, SpA should get max investment, but you might want to dump your 4 leftover EVs into Attack if you run U-Turn or Water Shuriken. You'd also want it to have a +SpA/Spe and -SpDef nature if that was the case.
Where to find hatching O-Power? Very detailed description please, I know it's in Lumiose City.
Do safari pokemon come with 2 IV at 31 only when the friend is online?
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>>14910908 It's in a library room on the second floor.
>>14910861 >>14910926 >tfw relatively early in the game and don't want to waste money on pokeballs to keep catching honedges until I get a brave one I have a female and a male honedge, so I'll probably breed.
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>>14911195 no, always
the friend doesn't even need to own pokemon for you to get two species from them
>>14911142 You need:
Max style (Mega stone guy will be selling at 10k)
Every other O-power
You'll be able to find Mr. Bonding in one of the Cafes in southern half.
>>14911136 so SpA and Spe are the best to go into?
and the rest in Attack?
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>>14911265 If you have U-Turn or Water Shuriken, yes.
2723-9152-8056 B
Trying to get a shiny eevee LF> forein eevee and ditto to breed and a pokemon with magma armor or heat body so i can hatch faster pleae I have nothing but crap pokemon except froakie
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>>14911316 you can easily get your own flame body pokemon
the starting fire bird has it if you evolve it once to fletchinder
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Where's the white Flabebe located?
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So to get the Coupon i just spend pokemiles at the guy in the pokecenter ? About how much will i have to spend ???
other than modest, timid, jolly, and adamant for sweepers, what natures are worth having on dittos for breeding?
>Run into some grass >Seviper hoard >There's a Zangoose too >The Sevipers attack the Zangoose while the Zangoose goes for the Sevipers >One Seviper Swaggers an ally during it >That ally had a berry to break confusion That was actually pretty neat shit, but catching that zangoose is going to be a pain in the dick.
>>14911597 Catch a Seviper and dump it on the GTS asking for a Zangoose
Want to confirm how destiny knot works. If its on either parent, the total number of IVs that are passed down between them are 31 correct?
>>14911625 That's not as fun.
Are there any moves that hit multiple targets that don't actually hit the whole damn hoard?
It always seems to be second from the right, so if I had a way to just hit the left 3 sevipers it'd be cake.
>>14911653 I think it increases the number of IVs passed on to 5 rather than 3.
So 1 stat is still RNG'd
>>14911653 that's not only wrong it's nonsensical. go start reading about ivs from scratch, you're waaaay off
>>14911245 Protip to do this:
Go to the Pokeball Boutique and talk to the lady. Buy one Premier ball and exit the menu, talk to her again and buy another. Repeat until max
swag Anonymous
>>14911762 I think something like surf has an effect like that. Can hit up to 3 pokemon depending on which one you attack,
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile)
Wyatt 2535 3703 0358 (Bronzong, Klink, Mawile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:20:50 No. 14912037 Report Quoted By:
>>14911573 Physical Aegislash - Brave
Bold & Calm - majority of walls
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How do we interpret the IV judges first statement on their overall stat? I know the individuals 31 is "can't be beat" We need to add more details for this on the FAQ
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>>14912015 That's in triple battles and it depends on your position. In horde battles those abilities simply hit everything.
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What would be the best way to use the Masuda Method to get me a good IV shiny Scyther? I'm working on getting one with max IVs in everything but Sp.Atk, but would it even be feasible to find a near-perfect IV foreign Scyther/Ditto to breed with until I get a shiny one? I imagine breeding with any random foreign poke would result in me getting fucked over when the shiny has shit stats
>>14911781 >>14911874 yeah, yeah, I meant 5, not 31
So the mothers pokeball is the one that gets copied, does that mean the dittos pokeball is the one that gets copied?
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Is there mail in the game? Something to use to communicate between trainers that isn't chat?
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>>14912223 Ditto always acts as the "father", even when breeding with a male.
Fuck I need another thunderstone, I only have two badges. What do?
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>>14912131 then yeah
it's 5 total from both parents, NOT the parent holding the ball
don't know if the same stat can be chosen twice (ie mom's speed and dad's speed) but I would assume so since that's how it works with the normal 3
Does someone have a map of the winding woods. I saw it in another thread and lost it.
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>>14912317 Secret training.
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did infiltrator get any other buffs besides bypassing substitute?
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Do eggs stack in the daycare if I just run around a in circle?
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What is a good Nature/IVs/EVs for a Banette?
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>>14911947 The guide says when you get crazy stylish, the boutique prices drop.
Anyone seen this yet? How much do they drop?
Fastest way to get BP from battle Maison?
If I fully Ev train a torchic, then leave it in the daycare so it's still a Torchic until 98, then Evolve to combusken at 99 and Blaz at 100, does it hurt it's stats?
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>>14913012 nvm i'm dumb, should have checked faq first
>>14913013 No but it'll hurt your wallet
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>>14910292 where did you get giga drain?
>>14913076 I've got plenty of gold.
But this won't hurt the stats one bit?
>>14911947 I bought about 140 premier balls, but is the guy selling the stone at 10k the sign of max style or does style go higher?
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so if I'm trying to get an Adamant Azurill with Huge Power, would it be better to just try my luck grinding them out in the wild, or try to breed? (never done breeding before)
>>14913106 No why would it? If it's EV trained the only other thing affecting it's stats are level and species.
Joshua 1504 6086 3042
What do all the super training bags look like? The speed bags are all the zubat line pokemon, Hp are the azurill line, and sp atk are the litwick line. What are the other three I dont recognize them in the form of a punching bag
>>14913185 So Evolutions don't increase your stats gained per level?
Ok thanks
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>Not tipping Furfrou What are you, a heartless bastard?
>>14913187 Def are aggron line I think.
Attack are machamp
no clue for sp def.
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>>14913220 You don't get "stat gains"
Your stats are determined by the following formula, I don't think it's changed from this anyway.
Can you get Expert Belt in this game? If so, where do you get it?
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>Goomy's cute as fuck >Sliggoo's not as cute Goddammit, Game Freak
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>>14913135 10k is the lowest possible price so you can't style any harder than this
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>>14913343 I have Extreme belt, but I can't remember for the love of god when or where did I got it.
Are O-Powers 1 use only or something?
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Recommendations on how I should supertrain my Flygon? Phys Attack and Speed?
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New bread when
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>>14913505 No, you regain energy over time and that energy is used when you use an o-power. They run out eventually then you have to activate them again.
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>>14913505 No, activate them from your PSS any time you want, as long as you have the circles for it.
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Any Milotic owner here? I need some help with egg moves.
>>14913544 No. The Sp. Def line is white, red, and green.
Is there an egg hatching O-Power?
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>>14913674 Maybe it's Reggiegigas.
>>14913745 How do I get one of them?
How does increasing your style work again? Buying premier balls then leaving the Pokeball store, rinse and repeat?
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>>14913890 Read the FAQ/thread.
You don't need to leave the store, just the menu Anonymous
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>>14913890 just close the buying menu, no need to leave the store.