I have 7 Modest Eevees (adaptability) with at least one maxed IV, either def, sp.atk or sp.def, some may have all three. Didn't bother to check. I wanna get rid of them but I'm sick of getting shitmon on WT... 'figured it'd be more fun to trade them, which would also give me more friend safari people. I'll take anything for them but please no bunnelby, flabebe, budew, pidgey... you know the kind.... Don't make fun of my shitty friend safari, please take pitty D:
Spiral 3480 2554 0229
I would love an Eevee. I have an adamant sand veil Gible I can trade you. Let me know if you're still here.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:45:12 No. 14907898 Report >>14907821 Still here :)
will add.
I would love one but I'm not sure what I can offer you I'm quite early in thr game. Anything you're looking for?
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:49:04 No. 14908039 Report Quoted By:
>>14907957 If you have a skrelp, pancham, ralts, clauncher or mawile it'd be great.
>>14907957 actually I've been breeding some Vulpix with drought if you'd like one of them :)
Spiral 3480 2554 0229
Quoted By:
>>14907898 Aright cool; I'm logged in. Ingame name is Baine so start the trade whenever you're ready.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:50:25 No. 14908081 Report >>14908050 oooooh yeah! That'd be awesome~
I would love an eevee OP, would a jolly super luck absol be fine?
Jim 5343-8965-5149
Quoted By:
>>14907558 >Modest Ralts and Extra Money O-Power sound interesting to you? Peter - 3497-0244-4030
Quoted By:
Please? I can give you Larvesta.
Spiral 3480 2554 0229
Quoted By:
>>14907558 Thanks Anon; I really appreciate that, enjoy the Gible.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:54:11 No. 14908223 Report Quoted By:
I can give you a timid Fennekin for one OP
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 15:56:49 No. 14908323 Report brb in a bit, gonna have breakfast, I'll come back and add you guys in a bit.
Jim 5343-8965-5149
>>14908323 Me and my Ralts will be here. You're a saint for giving away Modest Eevee's.
Linny 1160 - 9772 - 9284
>>14908081 Okay I'm back on my computer. Here's my FC, I'll add you now and go hatch and egg for you.
SP 3995-6517-7730 (Fire: Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
SP 3995-6517-7730 (Fire: Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:00:51 No. 14908467 Report Quoted By:
Would you be interested in a Timid Eevee, OP?
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Quoted By:
Are you still trading eevees? I have a few random pokemon with Pokerus with an active infection on them.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:02:25 No. 14908523 Report Quoted By:
>>14908378 >>14908385 >>14908298 added you guys, I'll trade you guys when I'm back.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:05:07 No. 14908624 Report I have 5 eevees left, plus one that is lvl.9 because I forgot to turn off my exp.share... so his EVs may be a bit fucked....
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Quoted By:
>>14908624 Would a random pokemon with pokerus be okay?
Would you happen to have any females with wish? In game name is ahlone
Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
Ive gotta skrelp. I'll take the one witth the evs if I could
Quoted By:
>>14908727 Even if you don't if you have a female that would be great
Jim 5343-8965-5149
Who's still here? Role call, Jim and Ralts reporting.
Linny 1160 - 9772 - 9284
Quoted By:
>>14909566 Linny & Vulpix here. Waiting for OP to enjoy his/her lovely breakfast.
Quoted By:
>>14909566 Marros and absol still here
Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
Quoted By:
>>14909566 >>14908742 Maggie here.. I guess
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
>>14909566 I'm here with I guess a box full of pokerus pokemon. LOL
Jim 5343-8965-5149
>>14909901 Mind sending one my way?
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
>>14909951 Sure I'll add you right now.
Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
>>14910022 may I have one aswell?
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Quoted By:
>>14910134 yep after my current trade i'll add you.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:43:18 No. 14910210 Report OP here, I'm back! I'm going to add you guys so if I'm not online don't worry, it disconnects when you check your friend list.
Jim 5343-8965-5149
Quoted By:
>>14910210 Thank you so much!
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
>>14910134 >>14909951 If either of you have a sableye or banette it would be awesome!
Linny 1160 - 9772 - 9284
Hey OP you just tried to trade with me but for some reason my last Vulpixs haven't been coming out with the mothers nature. So I'm gonna hatch a few more!
Jim 5343-8965-5149
>>14910283 I may have a Shuppet. Not positive though, I got a little too in to Wonder Trading yesterday.
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Linny 1160 - 9772 - 9284
Quoted By:
>>14910313 Ability I mean!
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:46:53 No. 14910397 Report Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:49:21 No. 14910513 Report Ok I'm a tad lost now, who is still here and interested?
>>14907558 Hey op, do you have another one youre willing to trade?
Jim 5343-8965-5149
>>14910283 >>14910331 No Shuppet, but I have:
>Timid Clauncher and his ability powers up Aura and Puse moves. >Timid Klefki with Prankster >Jolly Nidoran F >Modest Flabebe >Modest Roselia >Timid Swirlix Those are all pretty good.
Quoted By:
>>14910513 Still here with Absol.
In game name is Matthew
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Quoted By:
>>14910134 Thanks for the squirtle!
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Quoted By:
>>14910513 I would love one!! my pokemon have pokerus xD
Linny 1160 - 9772 - 9284
Quoted By:
Thank you OP! :) Enjoy Vulpix
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
>>14910557 okay anything is fine then =3
Quoted By:
Thanks so much OP!
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Quoted By:
>>14910513 Thanks so much OP!!
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:59:28 No. 14911035 Report Quoted By:
LAST CALL Got one female (just hatched!) and one male lvl.9 becauseI forgot to turn off the exp.share at some point... so he's got like 6 EVs or something... Any takers?
Jim 5343-8965-5149
>>14910803 Sending trade request. I don't care about IVs at all, but if you could send something pretty cool with Pokerus than this could be awesome
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
Jim 5343-8965-5149
Jim 5343-8965-5149
Go do trainer battles with your Thank You Prize Money O-Power
Lemon 0516-7476-3667
>>14910555 interested op, i added you
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:07:45 No. 14911444 Report Quoted By:
>>14911400 yup, lemme add you and I'll send the trade.
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:11:32 No. 14911609 Report >>14911400 ...you sure it's the right code? Either that or you haven't added me yet?
Patch 1676-4163-8644
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk)
Eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison( cascoon, ariados, muk) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:25:05 No. 14912263 Report >>14911940 got no response from
>>14911400 So yeah.
Patch 1676-4163-8644
Quoted By:
>>14912263 Added you, =D <3 I don't have much to offer, of anything, BUT I LERV U 5EVER
Patch 1676-4163-8644
Quoted By:
Id like one if you have one available
Quoted By:
>>14911609 sorry man, i mistyped your code