Last Thread 404'd a while ago, but I thought we'd wait to get this show on the road until later. Well, it's later, and all the other Shiny threads are dead or dying, so let's do this.
The last day of this weekends Shiny Hunt is here, so let's get us some shinies!
>Catch Shinies >Breed Shinies >Trade Shinies >Cry about no Shinies Later tonight, we'll have a stream up, for us to chill out while we hunt. Link is:
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Anyone want to trade for a shiny lilipup?
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster)
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:31:41 No. 14909685 Report Got 3 shinies today. Zangoose, Ledyba and Skiddo. Going to evolve Ledyba, does anyone want to trade for it afterwards? other shinies of course
As promised, I completed a new FAQ/Chaining Guide for you all...
BUT the Image Resolution is too large... Fuck.
Ok guys, give me some time, I'm going to split the image into two ok?
>>14909685 Awesome man, congrats. But three in one day? Really?
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I have 2 shinies that I kind of want to trade. Camerupt and a Japanese Fraxure. Any shinies out there to be offered?
Friend Safari'd, male Braxien. Second shiny in 2 days.
>tfw I'm on my 24th box of Hawlucha and I'm still not sick of MMing >mfw people people complain after 10 boxes
On my 8-9th box of honedge. Really want to try for fennekin too
Tom 0834-1787-9363 [Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops]
Tom 0834-1787-9363 [Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops] Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:36:36 No. 14909912 Report Quoted By:
Got a shiny Inkay from the GTS. Too bad it has Suction Cups instead of Contrary.
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster)
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:36:44 No. 14909920 Report Quoted By:
>>14909761 Ledyba in Friend safari.
Skiddo from chaining.
Zangoose from GTS for a Yveltal which I got for the Skiddo.
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I think I'm going to give up. I still haven't completed the game, I'm at 6 badges, and I wanted to MM a shiny Phantump... well after ~400 eggs I think I'm just going to take one with perfect IVs
ryk 0533 5347 8144
>>14909871 >>14909862 37 honedge boxes.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
Can someone post a shiny Amaura/Aurorus? I know they're white, but I have yet to see one and I'm currently on my 6th box.
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got an adamant pichu and modest clefairy, any offers?
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Got a shiny Bagon, yesterday from wild encounter where it's normall found, it's a level 50 Salamence now. Willing to trade for a shiny Honedge, Furfrou, or Absol obtained by the same means. Also it's fully maxed on it's EV's being 252 in Satk and Speed along with 6 HP.
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335 Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:39:03 No. 14910020 Report Quoted By:
Friend got a shiny axew in friend safari. I aint got no shinies aint nobody loved me
Will 4768-7462-8280
Does anyone have a Region Ditto that you can spare? I'd like to get started on the Shiny Breeding.
Ok guys, the updated Frequently Asked Questions is in two parts, due to Image Resolution Limits. This first part will deal with the basics of Hunting Shinies.
>>14910027 I've got some, John 3265-5094-7255
>>14910076 And Part Two, Chaining Tips.
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
>>14910076 >Balck Tower Captcha: correcting illiLoo
>>14909932 30th here
man, when will masuda deliver?
>Eevee eggs take forever to hatch >Fuck that >Switch to hunting for shiny Goomy >They take even longer What do
>>14910076 >>14910132 If some of you could proof read these, and tell me if there is anything I missed, or need to fix, it would be appreciated, thanks!
Just got a shiny when I was just trying to breed a timid ralts for synchronize with a jap ditto. Pic related is how many tries it ookI tip a lot My second shiny after encountering one in friend safari
ryk 0533 5347 8144
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>>14910144 based masuda will never deliver.
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>>14910166 Are you using a Pokemon with Flame Body to help hatch? If not, it cuts the steps needed in half
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>>14910228 Tipping has nothing to do with it
>>14910086 Thanks! Do you have a pokemon with Flame Body?
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
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>>14910228 When I got a shiny in the friend safari I hadn't tipped at all
4484 8377 1257
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Have shiny avalugg, tyrunt, miltank, and nosepass for trade.
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>>14910228 I wish people would stop spreading tat shitty rumor
>>14910187 These are way too huge, attempting to re-size
Are shiny rates better in Safari than Masuda'ing?
>>14910076 Third from bottom paragraph.
"hopefully from japan or somewhere disimilar to your OEN location"
Only problem I can see with this one.
>>14910228 A-Are you planning on keeping it?
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
Quoted By:
>>14910312 No one really knows. Could be coincidence.
>>14910307 yeah these look better (imo)
John 3265-5094-7255
>>14910356 what shiny do you have?
>>14910228 Wow, do you want to trade this for my male Shiny Ralts?
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>>14910436 No problem, I needed a good radar guide anyway
>>14910404 A male naive Kirlia. Miles 3995-7355-8866
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>>14909685 Friend safari I guess?
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>>14909803 Can I offer on that?
>>14910419 >>14910479 eh ill hold onto it for some other pokemon. Getting late anyway
0619 - 3697 - 3365
I'll trade a shiny foongus for anything i deem fit. Which wont be much.
>>14910532 Sure, I'll just keep MMing.
Then I'll kill myself when it turns out male again.
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Starting on Teddiursa, going to name it Gummy. Their hatch time is pretty low, but thanks to this guy Ryan I can use his Hatching O-power. I didn't even know you could use your acquaintances O-Powers.
Jakob 3926-4662-3218
>>14910554 I have to have it. Do you want anything in particular?
Pumpkin - 2036-7317-1373
>>14909803 Had the same thing happen, 2 shinys in two days. The kicker is I've been MM'ing for a shiny eevee and both times were just to take a break from breeding. Shiny Hoppip and a Shiny Gyarados.
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>>14910573 you can do it bro!
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster)
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:52:48 No. 14910698 Report Quoted By:
John 3265-5094-7255
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>>14910630 Same situation with me, my other shiny was an Axew found in a hoard.
Anyone have shiny goomy/sliggo/goodra? I have 2 shinies I offer for one. Shiny female espurr and perfect ev/Iv drapion (attack and speed)
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>>14910628 You got any shinys? or anything interesting in general?
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
>>14910630 >Shiny Hoppip Jelly. I'm actually gonna start MMing for one after I finish Super Training my team
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So I'm going to try to MM a Shiny Venusaur with Ingrain & Giga Drain as Egg Moves. I have a high IV Japanese female Ivysaur already lined up for the final breeding marathon, now I'm doing the Egg Move breeding with a high IV female Ivysaur of my own (thank fuck for the Friend Safari) and a sorta ok Amoonguss. I haven't seen a shiny in Y yet, so I'm hoping that might make things a pinch easier. Allons y, /vp/.
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556
Does anyone have a ditto from a different region? I want to try to make a shiny team of my pokemon i have now. something to help pass the time and stuff.
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Currently EV training against hordes of Durants, hoping to get lucky and get a shiny durant.>In before I do and it happens to be the guarenteed hidden ability Durant in the group.
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Other thread going into autosage. This is where I'm at.
Pumpkin - 2036-7317-1373
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>>14910722 I'd be willing to trade it for a good offer :)
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>>14910707 I'd love to trade a shiny foongus for the espurr.
>>14910554 Is me Zen 1392-5273-6716 (Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Quillidan)
Zen 1392-5273-6716 (Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Quillidan) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:55:30 No. 14910831 Report Any interested in a shiny Hoppip for another shiny?
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Ok, FAQ's are being tweaked, I'll have a finished copy of both pages ready for next thread. Thanks for the help guys, and feel free to tell me if there is anything I missed. I have that annoying thing where I know something is off, but I can't tell what it is.
>>14910086 0602 - 6624 - 7448 (Jim) Please add me
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:56:37 No. 14910889 Report >>14910831 Not really on topic but could you add me? I need an Oddish safari
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>>14910740 Just go catch a ditto and put it up on the GTS, more often than not someone will trade you a foreign ditto.
I've been MM'ing Eevee in hopes of getting a shiny to evolve into a blue Sylveon. So far I'm a bit over my 8 and a half box. I won't give up!
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Am currently watching The Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Hamlet while I shiny hunt. It's fucking great. "You have been talk'd of since your travel much, And that in Hamlet's hearing, for a quality Wherein, they say, you shine: your sum of parts Did not together pluck such envy from him As did that one, and that, in my regard, Of the unworthiest siege."
Why are many people trying to get shiny honeedges?
Butts 5429-7406-2002
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>>14910536 Yeah, I know, just really lazy, honestly. Thanks a lot, though. Such a cute little fucker.
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I got a shiny Fraxure while looking for Sliggoo in a friend zone to MM...Why couldn't I have just bumped into shiny Sliggoo right then and there?
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14910924 Already got mine at 9 boxes.
When should I evolve doublade? He's level 43 atm.
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>>14910573 Me too, this is my second shiny male ralts (one is in Black 2)
Zen 1392-5273-6716 (Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Quillidan)
Zen 1392-5273-6716 (Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Quillidan) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:58:36 No. 14910988 Report >>14910889 added
>>14910962 51+ after he learns the sword move
John 3265-5094-7255
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>>14910880 Added, good luck breeding!
Got my first shiny ever today! I've been playing since R/B and have never found one. I was trying to get a Scyther with a good nature, and this one popped out on my third egg!
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Onto my 11th box of Mawile. So much Wonder Trade fodder.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
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>>14910988 Ah fuck okay. I'm just grinding in the Friend Safari. Maybe I'll find another shiny who knows.
Pumpkin - 2036-7317-1373
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>>14910916 I'm there with you bud. Just had a buddy of mine call me up and tell me he's doing the same thing for me to help out. KEEP YOUR CHIN UP WE SHALL PREVAIL!!
I aught a shiny Slugma in a friend safari and started breeding for a shiny Absol. So far I have 2 and still have 5 or 6 more boxes filled with eggs.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Is there a deal with "shiny weekend?" Like is there an increase chance to find them or something?
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>>14911088 No, it's just the thread's name.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
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>>14911009 Sweet, man. A lot of people don't like shiny Scizor, but I like him. Looks like candy.
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>>14911009 Awesome, congrats!
Epy: 5284-1407-7256
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>>14911055 How do you have your boxes filled with eggs? Am I doing this wrong I just keep my inventory filled.
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I caught a shiny Ledyba really into my first game.. The fuck can I do with it?
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>>14911088 No, it's just something we started doing on weekends because it's fun.
Currently MMing Zorua. 2 boxes in. No luck.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
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Random question, might be stupid, too, is Carbink based off of Carbuncle?
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14911234 2 boxes is nothing brah.
>>14911266 I MM'd Charmanders beforehand and got a shiny 20 eggs in.
Tsuki - 1650-2169-1825 - Growlithe/Pyroar/Ninetails
Tsuki - 1650-2169-1825 - Growlithe/Pyroar/Ninetails Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:05:05 No. 14911321 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone know if MM is really worth doing? I only ask because I can't seem to find another region'd Honedge with Brave Nature.
>>14911234 3rd eggs the charm here.
>>14911300 Then you just got lucky.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14911300 Christ. That's pretty much pure luck.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
Quoted By:
>>14911300 Then expect your luck to either be just as good or a lot, lot, lot worse.
>>14911300 i was 15 eggs and got lucky too
it's like a 1/~8000 chance
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>>14911300 It's karma biting you back.
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while hatching beldums (im at 10 boxes now) i accidentally swerved into the flower patch and found a shiny roselia!! serious nature, pretty happy about that
Syn 0619-4179-2503
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>>14911328 >>14911336 >>14911358 Eh. Not worried. It'll pop up sooner or later.
>>14911326 'gratz.
Starting my 27th box of Mawiles, send help.I just hope I don't have to get up to 100 boxes like that one dude.
>>14911326 I need this.... I went through 18 boxes and gave up.
Trade it?
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Will 4768-7462-8280
Does anyone have a pokemon with Flame Body,preferably Torkoal to half the egg process?
>>14911407 >giving up >any year Miles 3995-7355-8866
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>>14911407 Why would you give up that far in?
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>>14911395 As a fellow Mawile breeder, I wish you luck.
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
After 12 boxes of charmander... Finally the shiny one appears. Thank you vp =')
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>>14911446 If I can't get one by the time i train my team ill try more.
Just needed to worry about training a full team first.
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>>14911429 >Torkoal >Flame body Anonymous
>>14911407 Already evo'd in to Zoroark. Dunno if i could part with it unless it was something way better.
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>>14911429 catch a Fletchling and evolve it at lvl 17
get gets flame body and you can teach fly
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14911469 Pics? Congratz man
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>>14911469 Congrats! Must feel great after all of that egg hatching, huh?
>>14911516 I have a shiny meditite?
>tfw my post in OP's pic 32 boxes still nothing
Syn 0619-4179-2503
Quoted By:
Also got a Shiny Luvdisc a few days ago.
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currently MM'ing a shiny Bagon. friend safari gave me shelgon, also when the bank comes out I'll be able to transfer my shiny shuckle from W2.
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>>14911583 Is that a yes? no? lol
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>>14911234 16 boxes in and still nothing.
I tipped for the sake of my superstition. Abigail
>>14911559 Thanks for the hilarious OP Pic Good luck!
>>14911559 Never give up, never surrender!
Miles 3995-7355-8866
So, grinding at a friend safari that has 3 pokemon that I actually like.>ivysaur >quilladin >tangela Which one do you think would turn out to be shiny if I continue my grinding today?
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster)
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:13:44 No. 14911691 Report Anyone got any good places to chain? Want to at least get a 4th shiny before the day is up. Low level route would be best.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14911691 Shit where else have you gotten them?
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>>14911691 right below geosenge is a place you can chain hawluchas. Might be cool
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>>14910962 People say 51 when sacred sword, but i ended ip deleting it.
>sword dance >kings shield >iron head >shadow claw Went the whole E4 with him alone, some PP power required but still he rekts.
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>>14911559 Don't give up! You WILL get it eventually.
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>>14911691 Try Route 21, the guide says it's fairly easy there.
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>>14911691 I'm doing route 2, big bit of grass with a lot of different poke
12 chain come on baby Anonymous
>>14911669 Heh, my Friend Safari has the same Pokémon, interesting.
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>>14911642 >>14911623 >>14911605 Not having another battle till I get this fucker.
Spent more time doing this than playing the actual game, around 108 hours now.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14911769 Might be you. Your name Isaac?
Does someone have a picture of a shiny trenevant before I fill my boxes? Also is Brave nature ok for it? Does it learn trick room?
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Still working on them shiny Claunchers. Does anybody have an imgur or something with all the known gen 6 shinies? I wanna plan ahead.
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster)
Jack 3179-6149-0175 (Delibird, Begmite, Cloyster) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:16:15 No. 14911808 Report Quoted By:
>>14911725 Friend safari, chaining and GTS.
Quoted By:
>>14911798 No, I checked my friends list and you weren't in it. It's juse a neat coincidence.
Can I ask why some of you guys breed Shinies? Is it because you like them? Collect them? Want to use them in your battling team? <- if so, do you just use the random stats given? or are you making an effort for good IVs (if that's possible)
Kevin Y 0044-4237-1831
>>14911801 Shiny Trevenant is White with orange leaves
0087 3713 0545 Scarlet
After some tedious gts trads I got my first shiny, a butterfree. Not the rarest but one I've wanted for years. Good luck on the funt evrryonr.
Quoted By:
>>14911841 A little bit of all columns. I just go with whatever stats they have most of the time.
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
>>14911523 here! so happy right now
I caught this fucker last night ina my friend safari I was pretty hyped when I learned it had perfect speed and sp def iv. Less hyped when I found out it nature helps speed but weakens sp def. My hand gets dirty when I pet it :(
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>>14911841 I want to use them, and so I'm hoping for good IVs although I'll still use them if they're not completely terrible
Brad 0688-5392-6237
Quoted By:
>Go into a friend's friend safari to tell him what he has >Cool he has a ditto >Next battle >SHINY KECLEON >what >Catch it >The very next battle >SHINY LILLIPUP I... These are my first shinies I've ever encountered.
Mike 5000 2674 2858(whirlipede garbodor, kakuna)
Mike 5000 2674 2858(whirlipede garbodor, kakuna) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:18:14 No. 14911902 Report First shiny ever. Shit nature but I'm still a bit excited. Holy fuck.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14911841 I just really wanted a shiny honedge.
Quoted By:
>>14911841 I like some of them, so I usually breed or trade for those.
>>14911864 Looks awesome,now I'm interested.
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>>14911841 All of the above.
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Help me guys. I need a team that I can stick with. So far>Clauncher* >Noibat >Scyther* *=You guessed it, shiny. Any advice for the team? Not at 2nd gym yet, just been breeding and I'm hating it.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14911841 I'm breeding Bold Honedges and Modest Amauras. I plan to use them both on my team. Aegislash just seems too...plain normally, and a white Aurorus is just spectacular. It's also fun waiting and anticipating, and then WT all the leftovers.
0087 3713 0545 Scarlet
Quoted By:
>>14911867 Ok this is just awful. This tablet is retired as of now. Meant to say I got my first shiny and to wish everyone luck, ksorry.
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>>14911841 I breed colors I like for collection purposes mostly. It's also nice to have pocket shinies if I need some leverage for a trade, which I'll need this gen since I gave away my 649 copy of W2.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14911887 Sick dude.
>>14911888 Ehehehehehehehehehe congratz doe
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
>>14911902 Not that bad of a nature. Who uses physical attacks with magneton or magnezone?
Quoted By:
>>14911841 If I really like the Pokemon's shiny and want to use it then I'll breed for it. So yes, I use them for battling online and stuff. I use the random IVs given, yes.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14911939 I mean Brave Honedges.
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:20:36 No. 14912023 Report Just hit a chain of 20 fletchling. Will this be the one?
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14911902 Shiny magneton is the shit. Congratz
Can the foreign Pokemon be from any region for Masuda or just Japanese?
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Aura - 4270-0308-4947
>>14912003 How many you at so far?
Think I've gone a bit over 750 with no shiny in sight.
Quoted By:
If I have a male poke with the nature I want can I still breed it through everstone or am I doomed to find a female one?
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>>14911841 I try for certain ones just because I like their shiny color palettes more than their regular ones
I dunno if I'm gonna try to breed any more after this one though it took me forever to get
I will probably just try my best to get a few in the friend safari it seems like people have a lot of luck with finding shinies there
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14912035 Any region that isn't your own. USA here with German Ditto.
>>14911009 >never gotten one ?
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:22:07 No. 14912119 Report >>14912023 Meanwhile adding you for fairy safari.
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someone post the lmao2mareep
Butts 5429-7406-2002
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>>14912045 Around 400 something Honedges, and around 500 Amauras. I'm just switching between the two every day or so.
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
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>>14912110 You know as well as anyone else here that the red Gyarados hardly counts.
Quoted By:
where are the best places to chain shinys
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14912152 Whatever you want dude. Your team looks good. Plus you've got some bitchin shinies.
Will 4768-7462-8280
Anyone have a Pokemon with Flame Body? Fletchinder would do good.
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:24:04 No. 14912209 Report Quoted By:
>>14912023 >>14912043 Correct
fucking weedle >>14912119 OK added you too
Quoted By:
Been hatching honedge for like 2 days now No luck so far obviously Oh wellllllll>Shinies for trade Golem + Emolga
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>>14912205 Just train one man, it takes 2 minutes.
Mike 5000 2674 2858(whirlipede garbodor, kakuna)
Mike 5000 2674 2858(whirlipede garbodor, kakuna) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:24:46 No. 14912251 Report Quoted By:
>>14911990 Red is the increased stat not decreased
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:25:04 No. 14912265 Report Caught this little shiny while I was Horde Training in the Reflection Cave.
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
>>14912179 yeah man, I LOVE shiny scizor, and I actually still have one in my crystal, and it was my first hiny. I also like Clauncher
chained my first shiny today, an adamant shiny inkay. Unfortunately he had suction cups. Chaining some more for that delicious contrary. Goddamnit /vp/, the thirst merely increases once you had your first taste, don't it?
>>14912073 >doing eugenics with a german The last time this happened it didn't work out so well.
Quoted By:
>>14912268 Just grind 200 BP and change the ability
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Quoted By:
>>14912265 >>14912265 damn, thats one nice mon
Syn 0619-4179-2503
Quoted By:
>>14912290 >tfw my Ditto with German Zoroark Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14912265 Nice!
>>14912267 Yeah, really jelly of your (future) scizor and it's mega evo.
Edge [X] - 3368 2131 2917
I have a shiny Nosepass. I'll trade it for a level one Modest female Ralts with Trace.
>Shiny Haunter oh gosh my first shiny ever and i cant evolve it ;_;
Trainer Nat - 4613 7087 9360
Hatched this lil guy this morning 133 eggs My first shiny that's not an in-game gift shiny
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back from dinner, back to squirtles
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Syn 0619-4179-2503
>>14912381 Eh. Add me. I'll trade-volve it for you and give it back. I'll trade my Shiny Charmander if you don't trust me.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14912381 You might be able to trade it with someone here. I'd do it for you if you trust me, but I understand that you wouldn't.
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:28:51 No. 14912439 Report Quoted By:
>>14911009 I saw this picture on here at least two days ago nice try though...I don't know why anons feel the need to lie here.
Quoted By:
>>14912381 Why not trade with someone in this thread? We're pretty trustworthy here.
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:28:59 No. 14912450 Report Quoted By:
>>14912381 just find a trusted friend that won't run away with it
I have 2 shinies that I kind of want to trade. Camerupt and a Japanese Fraxure. Any shinies out there for trade?
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Quoted By:
>>14912397 that's looks like the kind of thing I would decorate a secret base in Emerald with
>>14912415 X
>>14912426 that would make me happy in the peepee
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14912426 >>14912381 Yeah I'll put my shiny doublade up for it incase you think I'd scam.
>>14912456 i have a wobbofet
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:30:09 No. 14912501 Report >>14912265 I just checked it's IVs.
Max HP, Max Special Attack, and Max Speed. Mild Nature.
...Can I make a Mr. Mime competitive?
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:30:13 No. 14912504 Report >>14912456 Duuuude i'll trade you for that fraxure
Golem or Emolga interest you?
Syn 0619-4179-2503
>>14912471 Add me and give me your in-game name and code.
>>14912397 >you will never put your penis in a shiny solosis' nucleus-mouth-vagina ;_;
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
Does anyone have a non American ditto they could give me? I need one for breeding
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>>14912514 ye
Quoted By:
I have a shiny Pyroar if anyone wants to trade for that,
>>14912456 I got a lilipup if you're want to trade it
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:32:00 No. 14912597 Report Quoted By:
>>14912526 thats what you think
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:32:13 No. 14912609 Report Quoted By:
>>14912533 Just go on GTS, Put a American Ditto on there, And ask for Non-US/Japanese you will likely get one within 10 mins.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
If I don't get my Froakie tonight, I'm giving up. Shit's so lame. At 29 boxes.
Goomy=Quag (Fire) 4768-7457-0067
Can someone trade me a spare foreign Ditto? Preferably with Modest nature, but I'm not being picky. I'm aiming for Masuda for a Shiny Gastly, and I'm raring to get started already. I don't have much to offer.
>>14912626 You would give up after 29 boxes? That's a lot of your time gone for 0 payoff.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
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>>14912626 If you give up the terrorists win.
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Halfway through my 18th box of timid Gastlies I'm losing all hope...
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>>14912574 nah, looking for something more interesting. :P
Found my second shiny ever yesterday. On a bit of a side note, can you still record Chatot's cry with Chatter?
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>>14912626 You shouldn't give up or it'll all be for nothing and you just wasted days of trying. I'm trying to get a shiny Froakie, too. On my 17th box.
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>connection error ISP
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14912501 Definitely. Its great setting up screens and hitting hard with Psychic/Moonblast.
Also, hi everyone!
Quoted By:
>>14912290 My Ditto is Japanese and my Clauncher is German.
My shiny Clawitzer is going to be dreaded from Russia to the USA!
Ive got shiny solrock and chansey anyone interested?
>>14912747 Doesn't klefki just do that better tho?
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14912747 Yo
>>14912728 Not sure, but chatot's a bitchin shiny
Quoted By:
>>14912747 Hey
>>14912728 That's... A good question.
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:35:49 No. 14912795 Report Quoted By:
>>14912766 Emolga or Golem for the chansey?
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
>>14912777 Well Mr.Mime is a bit more offensive, and gets STAB Psychic and Fairy. Hell, you could use both. I don't even own the game yet so I could be totally wrong.
Syn 0619-4179-2503
>>14912766 Charmander or Luvdisc for Chansey?
Quoted By:
>>14912766 I have a shiny meditate
Been playing Pokemon for over 10 years and never caught a shiny. I'm curious, does the ratio of shiny to non shiny encounters stay consistent throughout the generations?
Hey /vp/, just got my first ever legit shiny, a bunnleby from a friend safari in a luxuary ball been playing every gen since yellow was released and only shinies I ever got was fake gts crap
Where do you get the hatching O-power from? I already know you need max style.
Plustic 4210-5186-9915 (Panpour,Quagsire,Frogadier)
Plustic 4210-5186-9915 (Panpour,Quagsire,Frogadier) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:38:05 No. 14912903 Report He came like a storm, and took everything.
>>14912825 charmander shiny? original name?
if so add me FC 2895-6716-8543 - primbomb
Syn 0619-4179-2503
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>>14912878 No worries, man. Enjoy that Shiny Mega-Gengar.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
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Has the tipping rumor been confirmed or are people still not sure? I have mirrions to give tip, but I don't want to sit there for hours for nothing.
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>>14912859 Mostly, but Masuda Methoding while breeding changes occasionally. Read more here:
>>14910307 and here
>>14910376 Sero !fcVtso6mDk
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>>14912880 Nice, Diggersby looks great shiny!
Miles 3995-7355-8866
So what's known or rumored so far when it comes to shiny odds? Are the base odds better than in gen V? Do friend safaris really pump out shinies faster?
Syn 0619-4179-2503
>>14912905 I hatched it so I can change the name to whatever you want.
Quoted By:
>>14911973 Thanks I'm still pretty happy about it I thought the trubbish line was kinda awesome
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:39:34 No. 14912972 Report Quoted By:
Where you go to hatch those eggs? I go back and forth from the daycare to lumoise, usually it takes two times per egg.
>>14912626 I'm at 14 boxes of Zoruas nicknamed after food, drinks, fruit, vegetables and condiments, and I'm finding it fucking difficult to come up with new names, SackOfPotatos is my most recent one but it's just a knock off of my other potatoes 'Potato', 'MashedPotato', 'Baked Potato', and even 'Fried Potato'.. plus fucken everyother vegetable and shit like that.. fuck I get even more pissed off when I seen people go 'woohoo one and a half boxes and I got my shiny'
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I didn't think the Shiny rate has increase, but then I got a shiny floatzel. My third legit shiny since Gen 2.
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Can anyone hook me up with a male squirtle that knows aura sphere dragon and dark pulse? I can trade you a skrelp with toxic spikes.
>>14912942 Speculated, but no confirmation. Tipping is also rumored to swat odds.
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:40:58 No. 14913028 Report Trying to MM Goomy with Perfect/Near Perfect IVs, Hydration, Calm Nature..... This is gonna be a long day...I plan on WTing my boxes even though I know it will be nothing but monkeys
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>>14912821 I was raising a Sylveon for competitive play when I ran into it. I think I'm gonna replace Sylveon with Mr. Mime because Mr. Mime is a bit more versatile.
And, you know, it's fuckin' shiny.
>>14912955 ok, mmh leave it the original name if you have changed it, call it Charizard
Add me so!!
Syn 0619-4179-2503
Quoted By:
>>14913039 Already added. Leaving the original name.
>>14913028 That's what I'm planning on doing with my Zoruas, I hope it doesn't get to 20 boxes.. It'll be a long week of WTing.
>>14913028 How do you ensure Ability and Calm?
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oh mr daycare man bring me a dream give me a shiny that i've never seen ba dum dum dum
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14912979 I'm going to start naming my Amaurs silly things to send off in WT now, thanks for the idea, Anon!
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:44:18 No. 14913161 Report Quoted By:
>>14913108 Stick a Everstone on it
>>14913108 To ensure nature you make that parent hold an everstone I believe.
As for ability, if it gets wrong one there is a BP item for 200BP to allow you to change it.
Edge [X] - 3368 2131 2917
Quoted By:
>>14912333 This one is still up.
>chaining for altaria >35 pokemon into the chain feeling good >"Oh?" >i forgot to take out my egg >chain ends kill me
Goomy=Quag (Fire) 4768-7457-0067
Quoted By:
>>14913001 Well judging by how much I've been tipping already I should be swimming in shinies
I know I know, odds Anonymous
Is there a Pokemon that can learn both Sleep Powder and False Swipe, or something similar? In other words, a moveset that makes it as easy as possible to catch Pokemon.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
Quoted By:
>>14912667 My luck ran out when I got my Eevee after 15 minutes. I still have a ton of time to hatch for it, so hopefully I get it soon.
>>14912902 Get all the other O-Powers, then find him in Introversion Cafe in Lumiose.
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Question, would any of the grass spots where Durants appear be good enough to try chaining one?
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>>14913206 Breloom learns spore and False swipe.
blue 1091-7917-2643
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DAMMIT I just want my shiny amaura dammit come on mr. daycare man
>>14913083 >tfw come december I'll get to see my shiny nigh-perfect zoroark again Can't wait
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:47:00 No. 14913278 Report >>14913163 The parent just needs to have the right ability....I've been doing it for a good while and have had nothing but Hydration babies.
Two boxes in trying to hatch a shiny Pumpkaboo, starting on three soon. My kingdom for the hidden ability...but Frisk is good too I guess.
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When MMing, parents can be of different species, right?
Syn 0619-4179-2503
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>>14913039 Did you want to trade other stuffs or what?
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>>14913186 You have a male squirtle/clawitzer with the aura moves?
I just hatched a Shiny Larvitar. Took about 100 eggs and came out Adamant and Proud of its power. Tried with Shuckle but eventually didn't give a damm.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:48:28 No. 14913347 Report IT KEEPS HAPPENING
Quoted By:
>>14913278 I think that increases the odds but ive been breeding dunsparces with a serene grace one and i still get run away dunsparces about 10% of the time.
Just think of it this way, if you do get a shiny with wrong ability, there is a way to fix it now(Unless you want the hidden ability)
why is shiny mareep the mascot? any particular reason?
>>14913347 Name it "fuck you japan" and send it out on the WT
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
Quoted By:
>>14913342 >100 eggs I hate, I mean envy, you so much.
Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14913278 Wait, so if I have a Trace Ralts male and female, it'll ensure the hatched ones get Trace? Does it work with Ditto?
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>>14913373 Dunno but shiny mareep is the first non-guaranteed shiny I caught back when I learned how to chain shinies
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062
Caught my first shiny at Victory Road. Traded it with my friend quick and got this fella. Felt amazing to get my first shiny and not have it a crappy pokemon or something I just dont like. Was lucky enough to wonder trade for a Japanese Ditto, so I am trying to breed for a shiny Gulpin now. Thats all there is too it right? Just a japanese and a north american pokemon increases shiny rate?
>>14913294 I have a shiny pumpkaboo I don't want, do you wanna trade me a shiny for it?
Sero !fcVtso6mDk
Quoted By:
>>14913409 It wont ensure it, but it makes it significantly more common. I filled a box with Flashfire Houndours, and I only got like 4 or 5 Early Bird ones when I put a german flashfire houndour and my houndour into the daycare. Previously there were WAY too many early bird ones.
Seraphy - 0490-5348-0004 (Dugtrio, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Seraphy - 0490-5348-0004 (Dugtrio, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:51:32 No. 14913503 Report Anyone interested in a shiny Ariados? Got it from a friend safari a bit ago. Lax nature, perfect IVs allocated to attack and defense, and pokerus I gave it. Any other shiny or any of the really rare Vivillon patterns will do
Miles 3995-7355-8866
35 boxes in for Espurr. Thank god for Netflix or I'd be dead inside right now. Is there an Oval Charm ingame? Do we know?
>>14913477 >Master Ball Overkill.
>>14913477 Foreign Ditto + your pokemon = increased shiny rate
ive got shiny solrock anyone interested? looking for any other shiny
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>>14913493 I have a shiny meditite for it!
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>>14911395 100 boxes, holy shit.
In 3,000 eggs he has a 89% to hatch 1. He is so unlucky, he is lucky. Miles 3995-7355-8866
>>14913503 I'll trade a shiny dragonair for it.
Quoted By:
>>14913493 Well the thing is the only shinies I have are Noibat and Sylveon and I bred them for myself, so sorry, no trading there.
That and I'm trying to breed a
small one.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
Quoted By:
>>14913552 Yes, but why would you need it?
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>>14913409 Assuming nothing changed from last gen, there is a 80% chance baby has the ability of the female parent
If said parent has the hidden ability, there is a 60% chance of passing that on
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>>14913560 I can trade you a shiny durant for it if you're interested
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062
>>14913556 Ya, I never saw a shiny before him so i wanted to be sure I caught it. I hate the look of the Master Ball so I feel bad in that regard.
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>>14913273 Yeah, I want mine too, but I also just want a shit one for now for the hell of it, i'll probably WT it off come December.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:54:19 No. 14913680 Report Quoted By:
>>14913493 I take it you don't want bibarel or pansear for it?
Daniel 1633-4171-2041 (Nincada, Phanpy, Palpitoad)
Daniel 1633-4171-2041 (Nincada, Phanpy, Palpitoad) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:54:23 No. 14913688 Report Quoted By:
>Just caught a Shiny Inkay in friend safari 48 Encounters!
Quoted By:
On my 8th box. losing hope
Quoted By:
>>14913558 foreign anything + your anything = increased shiny
Doesn't have to be a ditto
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:54:59 No. 14913730 Report Quoted By:
>>14913177 >getting a chain of 35 before an egg hatches are you a god?
Quoted By:
>>14913659 I did the same thing to my shiny Sliggoo. Don't feel bad.
Seraphy - 0490-5348-0004 (Dugtrio, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Seraphy - 0490-5348-0004 (Dugtrio, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:55:29 No. 14913760 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
How does anyone even tell a shiny froakie apart? I'm curious if I have accidentally WT one away.
Kei 4227 0793 2602
JUST HATCHED A SHINY EEVEE. MY FIRST SHINY EVER. NOT EVEN ONE BOX INTO THE MASUDA METHOD. NAUGHTY NATURE, DON'T EVEN GIVE A FUCK. Ok, maybe I do give a fuck about the nature being awful and the total opposite of what I wanted, but MY VERY FIRST SHINY.
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14913760 Alright go to the new thread to discuss what you want it to be named and shit. Added.
7 boxes in. Wished it was female but maybe god does love me.
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Got this in the GTS from some child who named his character Ash and wanted an Yveltal any level.
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>>14913153 i love naming pokes stupid things for wonder trade, i named a useless karrlblast bill cosby the other night and sent it off
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>>14913342 i couldn't manage to get a shiny, but i got a perfect female larvitar two boxes in so i guess that's okay....
tyranitar is my favorite i want a shiny one so bad ;___; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14913374 don't you mean "friiiickyoujapan"