Hey there, /vp/. Dragonite just so happens to be one of my favorite Pokémon, so I decided to get one for my team. I don't know if these babies are in high demand or anything, but I just so happened to breed up just over 50 Adamant Dratini with hidden ability Marvel Scale that I don't need and want to give away. That's right! No more need to find one of those elusive Dragon safaris with Dragonairs and have the corresponding friend be online! The perfect IV spread for them are: 1 perfect IV: 2 2 perfect IV: 11 3 perfect IV: 23 4 perfect IV: 12 5 perfect IV: 2 I will of course not just give away the ones with only 1 and 2 perfect IVs unless someone specifically asks for them or unless they're the only ones left. This will be a case of first come, first serve until the stock runs out. If you want one of the 5 perfect IV ones, I'm afraid you'll have to ask specifically for it in this thread and have at least something decent up for trade that I don't already have in return. Sorry, but you can't send me a Bunnelby for a 5 perfect IV Dratini! If someone wants specific stats to have perfect IV's, then please say so and I'll do my best to accomodate to your needs, though I can't guarantee anything of course. And, if someone for some reason wants them, I also have 27 Adamant Dratinis with the regular ability Shed Skin. You'll have to ask for one, or they'll become Wonder Trade fodder, though I haven't checked the IV's for those.
kitty [ign: Cat] [x] 4854 6988 0283
i'd like one please. i can offer all starters, larvesta, togepi, etc... though some you may have to wait a few mins for me to breed.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
I'd want one with 5 perfect IVs. I can breed you a jolly outrage gible with rough skin and perfect speed, or an adamant technician scyther with perfect attack/HP and special defense hopefully. Anything like that sound interesting? Also have Protean Froakies, but they're common. I also have items like Life Orb, Specs, Band, Scarf, etc.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:39:03 No. 14910021 Report >>14909900 >>14909903 Will be adding you both!
For reference, the ones with 5 perfect IV's have perfect IV's in everything but Sp. Def.
Quoted By:
I want one please
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
>>14910021 K!
So, what would you want in return?
Alistair 3883-5884-5296
>>14909828 I can trade you a 4IV female Gooey Goomy for one of your 4IV ones, if I can get a female?
Marc 2552-1154-8877
I have a Timid 5 max IV Gastly with Disable egg-move, trading it for one of your 5 perfect IV (my gastly doesnt have 31 in Attack)
Andre 1478-4056-8365
Quoted By:
i've got a female protean frogadier if you want her. D-nite happens to be my biggest bro.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
>>14910117 Do you have more of those Gastly?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:42:00 No. 14910160 Report Quoted By:
kitty [ign: Cat] [x] 4854 6988 0283
Marc 2552-1154-8877
>>14910153 I have a lot of them
jinglejangle 0189-8765-7097 Poliwhirl, Octillery, Wartortle
jinglejangle 0189-8765-7097 Poliwhirl, Octillery, Wartortle Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:43:25 No. 14910216 Report Quoted By:
would you trade a dratini with 5 perfect IVs for a ghastly with 5 perfect IVs?
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
>>14910202 Would you be willing to trade one for anything I mentioned here?
>>14909903 Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
While I'd love as many perfect IVs as possible, I'd settle for a hidden ability female with just perfect speed. I have non-checked Protean Froakies to trade as well as perfect HP Larvesta female and Pokerus.
Quoted By:
I added you Whiskra
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:44:36 No. 14910276 Report >>14909903 >>14910061 That Scyther sounds promising.
>>14910117 That gastly sounds nice!
So, both 5 IV Dratinis are taken now.
RT 4038-6677-8162
Quoted By:
Can I have are Marvel Scale one with 3 or 4 perfect IVs? I don't really have anything special.
Quoted By:
Could I get a 5 perfect IV? I currently have a politoed with 5 perfect IVS, I can try for another.
strider 2621-4007-6112
Quoted By:
>>14909828 hey op, would forever love you if you sent me one if the 4 or 3 perfect IV´s, dont have much to offer but some ralts and grolithes
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
How does an Adamant Huge Power Marill with 4 perfects and Aqua Jet sound for one of your 4 perfects?
I would love one, not bothered about a lot of IVs (I mean it's nice, but I can breed my own). Just looking for the ability. Is there anything you're after in particular? I have a bunch of stuff but not too many perfect IV mons.
Dave 3582-9500-6169 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Gastrodon)
Dave 3582-9500-6169 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Gastrodon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:45:19 No. 14910310 Report Quoted By:
I'll trade one for an Adamant 31IV Atk, Spe, HP Shroomish?
Miles 3995-7355-8866
Quoted By:
>>14909828 I caught a shiny dragonair yesterday in a friend safari.
Marc 2552-1154-8877
>>14910232 I'd take a gible and/or a life orb can give you a pair of parents so you can breed them
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14910276 Going to breed one now.
Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:46:09 No. 14910353 Report Ok, I'm going to stop adding people for a minute so that I have a chance of trading away some of those Dratinis.
I want a Dratini, added you
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
>>14910276 Wait, am I the other one getting the 5 IV Dratini?
Shasta (X) 3282-2999-4766
Could I have one with 3-4 perfect IVs? I think I have a protean froakie laying around here somewhere
If I could grab one, particularly 4 IV one that'd be great.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:48:02 No. 14910448 Report >>14910402 Yeah, thats what you said, right?
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:48:22 No. 14910465 Report OP you would be my based savior if I could get one of the 3 IV or 4 IV Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini's off of you. I can offer 3 - 4 IV Relaxed Ferroseeds that know Stealth Rocks and Leech Seed in return or Adamant Tyrunts that know Dragon Dance and Fire Fang (no IV's though). I also have assorted Timid Charmanders (even a female one) and assorted Hasty Joltiks that know Sticky Web, but have the unnerve ability. Let me know what would interest you please.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14910448 Yes. Just making sure. Heh.
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
Quoted By:
>>14910353 Fair enough, take your time.
If it isn't too much of a bother, a female with 31 Speed IVs is all I need, other IVs are irrelevant.
Joe (X) 4339 2593 3609
Quoted By:
>>14910465 Not op, but I am looking for exactly that Ferroseed right now. Was about to go ask. Is there anything you're after?
Arc (ign: Lucette) 5370-1700-5555
I take one! I can give you one of my Zouras from MM
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
Quoted By:
>>14910465 Can I take a Ferroseed, please? I'd give you a Careful japanese one with 4 perfect IVs in return.
Shasta (X) 3282-2999-4766
Quoted By:
>>14909828 I'd love one op, thanks
Andre 1478-4056-8365
Quoted By:
I will treasure him always...
Robin 5155-3962-9391
>>14909828 can I have one?
Tyler 3153 4528 7715
I'll take any one of them, please.
kitty [ign: Cat] [x] 4854 6988 0283
Marc 2552-1154-8877
Quoted By:
>>14909828 thank you for the dratini
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:56:13 No. 14910868 Report Going to start adding people again!
>>14909900 Just catch me ingame when youre ready for a trade.
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
>>14909828 can i have one of those adamant Dratini with shed skin.
Josh 0189-9358-9473
Hook a bro up OP 0189-9358-9473
Shasta (X) 3282-2999-4766
Quoted By:
>>14910868 Could I get one with 3-4 perfect IVs? If not it's fine, but I would really love one
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 16:59:09 No. 14911014 Report >>14910262 A Larvesta would be nice.
>>14910302 Sounds nice.
>>14910304 Nothing in particular, I too can fix up most things I desire on my own.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14910868 Need to check its IVs.
Seems to have perfect attack at least.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:00:32 No. 14911081 Report I'm going ingame to trade again. Be patient! I will get through to anyone who is patient.
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
Quoted By:
>>14911014 The Larvesta it is.
>>14910465 Would you trade a Ferroseed for a Japanese Ferroseed? Mine has perfect Atk, Def, Sde and Spd, is Careful and knows Leech Seed.
Quoted By:
Too bad Dragonites fucking badass doesn't have a mega
Anth 4785-5503-7674
>>14911081 Please please please. Preferably male, I'll give you a Beldum
Arc (ign: Lucette) 5370-1700-5555
>>14910868 What's your ign?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:04:37 No. 14911296 Report >>14911253 Same as name here.
Rumah 1934-0996-6938
>>14909828 Hey OP, may I have one of them?
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
>>14911081 Thank you OP, I shall put the Dratini to good use.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:07:23 No. 14911423 Report >>14911338 Finding a female with speed was more of a pain than I expected!
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio)
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:08:56 No. 14911500 Report I'd love a dratini
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14911296 28-29 HP
31 Attack
24 Defense
4 SpA
31 SpD
31 Spd
I hope this is acceptable?
Gareth 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee)
Gareth 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:09:11 No. 14911512 Report Hi, would you take a 4 perfect IV Anorith for a 4 perfect IV Dratini?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:09:37 No. 14911528 Report >>14910405 I got a few proteans already I'm afraid. I can give you a 3 perfect for just anything though.
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
Quoted By:
>>14911423 Sorry for the bother. Now I can start MMing with a perfect HP/Atk/Def/Spa male (wonder trade can get all kinds of stuff) the female.
Shasta (X) 3282-2999-4766
>>14911528 Alright, I'll try to find something worth your while
Hey man are my posts showing up? I was trying to get a Gale Wing Fletchling earlier on an giveaway and my post were listed as ghost text, I found another way to reply and I'm just wondering if my posts are visable to others.
Quoted By:
>>14911528 Thanks a bunch OP, I hope spiritomb could at least add to your dex.
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
Quoted By:
>>14911660 i can see your post fine
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14911528 Thanks. Going to enjoy this Dratini.
Yorick 3050-8864-5803
I would love one, I don't have much to offer in return though
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:16:16 No. 14911810 Report >>14911528 Have you gotten to me yet? Just curious because I could really use one of those Dratini's.
I have Relaxed Ferroseeds that know Stealth Rock and Leech Seed, with 2-3 31 IV's. I also have Timid Charmanders with assorted IV's, adamant Tyrunts that know Dragon Dance and Fire Fang with assorted IV's. I have one Compound Eyes, Hasty Joltik that knows sticky web too.
What would be your preference?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:17:15 No. 14911856 Report Quoted By:
Adding people again! Please try to ping me ingame once I start trading again, because I don't know all of your screennames, and it would be much faster for me than having to scroll around in my ingame friends list.
Anth 4785-5503-7674
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
>>14911810 What IVs does the Ferroseed have perfect? And how is its speed?
Shasta (X) 3282-2999-4766
Quoted By:
>>14911556 OP, I have to go deal with a few things IRL for a bit, can I reserve that 3IV dratini for a bit? Say an hour or so?
I already have you added, so no need to worry about that
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
>>14911810 Sorry to bother you so much, but would you trade a Japanese Careful Ferroseed with perfect Atk, Def, Sde and Spd for one of yours, even if it has only 2 perfect IVs?
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335 Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:20:30 No. 14912017 Report I'll trade a 4 IV bagon for a 4 IV dratini
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:21:53 No. 14912109 Report Quoted By:
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14910337 If you're still here, can I give you a life orb for the Gastly?
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:22:48 No. 14912151 Report >>14911883 The IV's are assorted between HP, DEF, SP ATK, and SP DEF. I have no idea about the speed IV's.
>>14911971 No thank you. I really only need a Dratini right now. That or a Charizardite Y.
Levi (Swanna/Pidgey/Flechinder 4356-0511-3225)
Levi (Swanna/Pidgey/Flechinder 4356-0511-3225) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:22:59 No. 14912160 Report Quoted By:
>>14909828 Op i will gladly take one off your hands ill give you timid protean froakie as well so you have something decent to mess around with
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
>>14912151 What would you want for it?
Would you take an Adamant Technician Scyther?
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:24:19 No. 14912228 Report >>14912197 I want to trade for a Dratini or a Charizardite Y.
Can I have an adamant Marcel scale Dratini? I can't offer much, but I do have an adamant larvitar.... Friend code is 1719 3329 8129, Brenden.
Vaarist 0860-3295-6228
I'd take whatever a shiny oddish with modest nature can get me, other than that I don't have much worthwhile stuff.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
Quoted By:
>>14909828 I could give you a Spritzee with Pokerus and a Heart Scale for one of your Dratini's (a Wonder Scale one).
Levi (Swanna/Pidgey/Flechinder 4356-0511-3225)
Levi (Swanna/Pidgey/Flechinder 4356-0511-3225) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:26:07 No. 14912308 Report >>14912266 I actually have a shiny oddish, have youn been breeding anything?
I'd be interested but i dont have much to offer
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:26:53 No. 14912353 Report Quoted By:
>>14912266 The best at tthis point would be a 4 perfect. Not sure how many I have left, but they're disappearing fast.
Zig 2723-8832-2351
Hey OP, would you be interested in a fully EV'd Brave Snorlax? He's already pumped up to level 50. I'll take as good of a Dratini as you feel that's worth.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14912228 I can possibly trade you the Dratini I just got, but can you check for its speed? I want the lowest speed.
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
>>14912228 I am considering trading you Charizardite Y, depending on the the Ferroseed's IVs and gender. If you have a male with perfect HP I could trade you the stone.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:28:53 No. 14912443 Report Quoted By:
Whoops, I acceidentally cancelled a trade there, just try again please.
Robert: [4914-3979-7261]
Will you trade one for a Brave nature Honedge? Unfortunately, I cannot vouch for its IVs.
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335 Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:29:25 No. 14912469 Report Quoted By:
>>14909828 Added.
I got 4 IV bagons ranging from ATK, DEF, SDEF, SPD to HP, ATK, DEF, SDEF, SPD etc.
If you have any 4 IV dratinis left I would like to trade.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:30:50 No. 14912534 Report >>14912459 I already got myself a shiny brave aegislash and just traded away a full box of those in wondfer trade.
But it'll do for a 3 perfect IV.
Blackberries 4699-5323-2761
Hey OP, I'd like to take one I can offer Adament Gale Wing fletchlings with 2-3 perfect IVs, Timid compound eye joltiks with 2-3 also or Timid noibats
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:31:40 No. 14912581 Report >>14912412 The last male that I have has 31 IV's in HP, SP ATK, and SP DEF. Like I said earlier it is Relaxed and knows Leech Seed and Stealth Rocks.
That would be an excellent trade for me. I'll add you now.
Zig 2723-8832-2351
>>14912534 Hey OP, did you see this post?
>>14912377 Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
Quoted By:
>>14912581 Know that I'll keep the japanese Ferroseed and give you the stone on a random mon.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:33:18 No. 14912668 Report >>14912606 Be patient, this is sadly a slow process.
Vaarist 0860-3295-6228
Quoted By:
>>14912308 No, I didn't start breeding yet, sorry. I got a freshly hatched bulbasaur through wondertrade, though.
Everything else is not worth mentioning, I'm afraid.
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:34:00 No. 14912699 Report >>14912668 Fine by me. Is your in game name the same as the one you have listed?
Zig 2723-8832-2351
Quoted By:
>>14912668 I was just checking! Sorry to be pushy.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14912699 So there's nothing else you'd want for the Ferroseed?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:35:25 No. 14912778 Report Quoted By:
>>14912699 Same name as here.
Goro 1779 0279 4521
Shit Op, I'll settle for anything you deem kind enough to give. I have a swift swim horsea if you'll take it.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:36:32 No. 14912824 Report >>14910465 That tyrunt would be good by the way.
I'll take a 4 perfect IV if you want a jap. ditto
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:37:50 No. 14912887 Report >>14912824 Awesome. I'll have one coming your way!
I don't want any dratini, i just want to know how do you breed those 5 IV perfect motherfuckers? i'm so fucking lost in this breeding stuff
Zig 2723-8832-2351
Quoted By:
>>14912922 I'm wondering this as well.
Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
>>14912887 Have fun with the Mega stone.
I'll MM with your Ferroseed after I MM Dratini.
Ryan 2766-8402-1947
Hey, I'm pretty new to the game but I'd love to get any Dratini I could get my hands on.
Souji Seta 3196 - 3956 - 1271
Quoted By:
>>14912987 If you breed another Ferroseed with really good IVs and shit speed, would you be willing to trade it?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:45:13 No. 14913195 Report >>14910900 >>14910912 >>14911215 >>14911298 >>14911500 >>14911512 >>14911776 >>14912017 >>14912266 Added you guys, going back ingame for what I expect will be a long trading session now.
Please ping me ingame, and please be patient!
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:46:00 No. 14913234 Report nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
Quoted By:
>>14913195 i just want on of them adamant dratinis i dont got anything worth any of them other ones besides a adamant metang
>>14913234 Redwood! It's been a while. Still on /fit/?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:47:39 No. 14913315 Report Just give me a second to count my Dratinis, so I know how many of each I have left.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:48:17 No. 14913336 Report Quoted By:
>>14913289 On and off again but I gym more than I browse on there.
Vaarist 0860-3295-6228
>>14913195 Alright, thanks. Do you want that shiny oddish now? Because earlier you mentioned that you already got one.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:53:37 No. 14913637 Report Quoted By:
Hey OP, what do you still have?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:53:46 No. 14913643 Report >>14913488 Not shiny oddish, shiny aegislash. Oddish will be fine.
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335
Nick (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) 0404-6771-0335 Sun 20 Oct 2013 17:58:03 No. 14913909 Report >>14913315 Check the bagon's IVs for me please.
I have different ones with 4 max all without satk so let me know if it doesnt have 4 ivs and ill check and get you a proper one. Just took that one out of the box where I normally store my 4 iv bagons.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:00:07 No. 14914024 Report >>14913909 there were 4 perfect IVs there, no problem
Rumah 1934-0996-6938
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:02:51 No. 14914177 Report >>14914024 OP, I have a Timid Gastly with 4 IVs maxed, but sadly, it doesn't have Disable. I heard you already got one of these, but is there any other Dratini with a "lower score" you're willing to trade for this one? Dragonite is one of my favorite Mons.
Thanks in advance.
Grace 2809 8467 2259 (Snorunt - Burgmite - Piloswine)
Grace 2809 8467 2259 (Snorunt - Burgmite - Piloswine) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:03:15 No. 14914202 Report I'd love to get any that might be left. The more perfect IVs the better, of course. Thank you!
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:06:18 No. 14914362 Report >>14914177 Also, I can give him Pokérus, if this helps in anything.
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
Quoted By:
>>14914024 thanks for the dratini, also do you got a ditto? i got a adamant metang that seems good ill give you one if i can breed it
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:12:27 No. 14914663 Report Going to log in and out, will perhaps make it easier for people to spot me, and me to spot them.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:16:16 No. 14914856 Report >>14914663 What is your IGN?
RT 4038-6677-8162
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:19:29 No. 14915037 Report >>14914856 Same as name here.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:20:22 No. 14915085 Report >>14915037 I added you but I don't see you.
Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
I'd like one.. I suppose the IVs dont matter do you like skrelps?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:23:47 No. 14915278 Report >>14915085 It's possible I didn't add you yet, or accidentally deleted you. Will check next adding session.
>>14915134 I definetly would.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:24:12 No. 14915299 Report >>14915037 I guess it's a "no" for
>>14914177 and
>>14914362 ?
Well, at least I've tried. Good luck with the Dratinis, OP! Wish you the best!
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:25:01 No. 14915341 Report >>14915299 Sorry, I haven't had time to check.
I can definetly give you something for a Pokérus of any pokemon.
Vaarist 0860-3295-6228
>>14913643 Whoops, just saw I got a shed skin dratini - weren't there any with marvel scale left?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:26:40 No. 14915451 Report >>14915353 There definetly is. You should not have gotten one, since I checked everyone with Marvel Scale with IV's.
Trade me back the shed skin Dratini and I'll give you a proper 4 perfect Marvel Scale.
Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
>>14915278 skrelps it is
would it be okay if I asked for a nickname? [X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:27:51 No. 14915532 Report >>14915451 I mean, I marked all with markings who had Marvel Scale, and removed all markings from any Dratini with Shed Skin. It's possible I missed one.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:28:21 No. 14915560 Report >>14915341 What can you give me for a 4 IVd (HP, Satk, Sdef, Spe) Timid Gastly with Pokérus? Also, it's female.
Sorry for not having anything better.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:29:19 No. 14915618 Report >>14915530 I guess it's no problem.
>>14915560 A 4 perfect IV Dratinis, if I have any left.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:30:23 No. 14915671 Report Quoted By:
>>14915618 That would be awesome. Can you check for me?
I'll infect your Gastly while you do that.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:30:55 No. 14915698 Report Ok, I've traded a good bunch of people now, will begin adding people again. Again, please be patient, but I don't blame you if you tire of this.
Zeleth- Grass 2251-5224-7645
>>14915618 Hey mind if I add you?
Maggie (1349 5382 6071) Ice
Quoted By:
>>14915618 'rubarb' ?
I like that name for some reason.
Vaarist 0860-3295-6228
Quoted By:
>>14915532 No problem, got one with marvel scale now. Thanks.
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
>>14909828 Aw shiet ! i really need one
I have 4 perfect ivs gooey goomys if you are interested
Zig 2723-8832-2351
Quoted By:
>>14915698 Still here if you're interested.
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:36:17 No. 14916022 Report >>14909828 Am I too late to get one? :(
Puccio 0146 9820 3255
>>14909828 IVs do not matter OP, I'd love a Marvel Scale one. =]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:38:28 No. 14916137 Report >>14916022 Also forgot to put I have an Adamant Scyther with Technician, not sure on IVs though (it's level 1 so it's hard to check)
Kurumi 2535 3782 5192
Hey do you still have one with 31 speed and 31 attack? i dont have much to trade but i would try to get anything you need =] male would be preferred
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:40:39 No. 14916269 Report >>14912239 >>14912316 >>14912377 >>14912459 >>14912576 >>14912793 >>14912834 >>14913109 >>14913234 >>14914177 I added you. Will go back to trading again.
Be patient, and remember, My ingame name is the same as my name here!
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:41:37 No. 14916320 Report Quoted By:
>>14915698 Your Gastly is ready OP, I've already added you, just waiting for the trade.
Also, thank you very much.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:43:24 No. 14916411 Report Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:43:27 No. 14916414 Report >>14916137 Actually, it has 31 in Attack. So please add me OP if you're interested!
Blackberries 4699-5323-2761
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:45:06 No. 14916501 Report Quoted By:
>>14916414 >>14916269 Sorry for all the Posts, but it's also German and Female, so you can MM a competitive one if you'd like
Zig 2723-8832-2351
Quoted By:
>>14916269 Thanks! I'll be on.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:52:16 No. 14916876 Report Quoted By:
>>14916411 Thank you very much! Enjoy your Pokérused Gastly!
Ryan 2766-8402-1947
Thanks so much OP, especially for putting up with my shitty connection.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 18:58:59 No. 14917180 Report >>14917062 3rd time's the charm!
Zig 2723-8832-2351
>>14917180 Enjoy the Snorlax! Just curious, but what kind did I get? Like, how many good IVs?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:01:13 No. 14917278 Report >>14917223 I think it was HP sp attk and speed. >Im running out of 4 perfects sadly.
Liam 0189-8789-0351
>>14909828 Could I get an Adamant Male with Marvel Scale bro?
Zig 2723-8832-2351
Quoted By:
>>14917278 That works great. thanks!
still have one with 5 IVs left? id trade my xerneas for it
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:04:52 No. 14917460 Report OK, I did some counting and I have 8 left with 3 perfects, and 7 left with 4 perfects.
>>14917382 They went away pretty fast I'm afraid.
Kurumi 2535 3782 5192
>>14917460 lemme know when you add meee ^^ if you do that is ><
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
Daniel 1032-1932-9798 [Fraxure,Shelgon,Druddigon]
Daniel 1032-1932-9798 [Fraxure,Shelgon,Druddigon] Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:07:15 No. 14917575 Report >>14909828 Can I have one?
I can offer a togepi, skrelp, or I could make a squirtle or chespin egg quickly
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:07:21 No. 14917578 Report Quoted By:
>>14917537 I'm going through the list rather slowly. Be patient!
jinglejangle 0189-8765-7097 Poliwhirl, Octillery, Wartortle
jinglejangle 0189-8765-7097 Poliwhirl, Octillery, Wartortle Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:07:26 No. 14917583 Report >>14917517 interested in a 4 IV ghastly or protean froakie? both are german so they might be good for shiny breeding too
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:08:12 No. 14917623 Report Quoted By:
Thanks OP!
Liam 0189-8789-0351
Quoted By:
>>14917460 Add me bro i'll take any adamant male marvel scale... if it has perfect attack IVs id be incredibly grateful but I don't care too much for the IV's
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:08:37 No. 14917647 Report Quoted By:
Another thing, I don't know all of your ingame names, so it would be nice if you told me them so I'd have an easier time to tick off those I know I've traded and have yet to trade with.
Kurumi 2535 3782 5192
Quoted By:
mines up there ^
A Grown Man 1822-0216-8530
>>14909828 If you still have one the 4 perfect IV ones I've got some interesting stuff I can offer in return, adamant head smash aron, adamant aqua jet+belly drum azumarill, calm toxic spike skrelp, and some others
Puccio 0146 9820 3255
Quoted By:
What's your ingame name, OP? And, have you added me? I can't see you ;_;
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:16:28 No. 14918054 Report ApplJackal 5000-2780-4958
OP I think I can trade some Eevees, Zoruas, elekids, magbys, etc. I have more but this is all that comes to mind at the moment.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:17:55 No. 14918138 Report I constantly need to delete Friend Codes to make place for new ones, and I can't guarantee I don't delete someone I was supposed to trade with but haven't yet. I will try to give you a second chance though.
ApplJackal 5000-2780-4958
Quoted By:
also have Tyrogues from FS so 2 EV's maxed
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:26:42 No. 14918550 Report >>14918138 I added you OP! Let me know on here when you'd like to trade! Should I sit in the PSS trade?
Grace 2809 8467 2259 (Snorunt - Burgmite - Piloswine)
Grace 2809 8467 2259 (Snorunt - Burgmite - Piloswine) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:27:31 No. 14918591 Report Quoted By:
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
>>14918054 how many did you breed up?
Because if you don't mind I want one too :D
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???]
Rickie 4124-6218-6275 [Steel: Magneton, Klang, ???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:28:48 No. 14918663 Report >>14918054 >>14918138 Also, thank you so much for doing this whole thing! You rock, dude
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:30:44 No. 14918763 Report >>14918550 Just trade with me if you see me in the list.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:32:05 No. 14918842 Report Quoted By:
>>14918663 No problem, glad I can be of use.
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
>>14918054 Should i send you a trade request or?..
Rootseven 1821-9795-7417
>>14909828 Are you still trading dratinis?
I don't have anything noteworthy to trade for it, but I'd just like a dratini please
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:34:02 No. 14918959 Report >>14918857 As long as Im not offline or already have a trading icon on my profile pic, just fire away.
(Maggie) 1349 5382 6071 (snoversneale
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
>>14918959 Sorry tought you got a dratini with 4/5 perfect ivs so i was offering goomys with 4 perfect ivs
Thank you
Liam 0189-8789-0351
>>14918763 Whiskra why don't you love me?
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:40:32 No. 14919302 Report Aw shit mightve given you only a 3 perfect IV for that goomy.
>>14919259 re trade
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:42:21 No. 14919392 Report >>14919295 I'll add you soon, don't worry.
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
Quoted By:
>>14919302 Wow thanks man!! i really needed one
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:44:47 No. 14919521 Report >>14919259 I'm sorry, it's not always easy keeping track on what everyone wants. The second one should definetly have 4 perfect IV's though.
>>14919392 I want a marvel scale,3IV dratini please,
fc: 0018 -1318 - 5154
Ign: Winson
A Grown Man 1822-0216-8530
Quoted By:
>>14917905 I've been on the list for a while and i'm sure that you are plenty busy, just wanting to let you know that I'm hanging around and will wait till you are ready. Please let me know what you'd like in return
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:02:17 No. 14920464 Report >>14916199 >>14917313 >>14917575 >>14917583 >>14917905 >>14918103 >>14918634 >>14918947 Added all of you.
With you registered, I should've gone through the whole thread so far. If someone is left behind, just shout.
>>14920464 >>14920464 >>14919668 >>14919574 Did you add me? Ign : Winson
Fc : 0018 - 1318 - 5154
Patch 1676-4163-8644
>>14920464 I would love a dratini with the hidden. Perfect IV's not a requirement.
All I can really offer is a fennekin though until I actually get further in the game ;__;
Kurumi 2535 3782 5192
Quoted By:
>>14920464 thank you so much ^^
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:17:33 No. 14921267 Report I might just be out of 3 perfect IV Pokémon.
I have like 3 more perfect 4 IV Pokémon left, so this will really be the home stretch.
>>14921095 >>14921147 Will add you both.
Door 1349-5091-7782 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon)
Door 1349-5091-7782 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:19:44 No. 14921402 Report >>14921267 I'd love one, don't care how the IV's are, I just need an Adamant Marvel Scale
Door 1349-5091-7782 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon)
Door 1349-5091-7782 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:23:30 No. 14921595 Report Quoted By:
>>14921402 my ingame name is Repeater, by the way
A Grown Man 1822-0216-8530
Quoted By:
>>14921267 Been trying to trade with you for a bit but you've been busy trading with other people. Can you make sure to hold onto one of those 4 IV ones for me please
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:30:22 No. 14921951 Report Quoted By:
Alright, I have 1 Dratini with 4 perfect IV's in Attk, Def, Sp Attk and Speed. Last mon for the day, unless you want to settle for inferior Pokémon with only 2 perfect IV stats.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:34:06 No. 14922145 Report Quoted By:
Alright, all my Dratini with 3 perfect IV's or more are GONE. Any unlucky soul who was left behind or someone I somehow missed in this thread, I'm sorry but am willing to trade you a Dratini with 2 perfect IV's as consolation. Otherwise, thanks for sticking with me, everyone who traded with me, through both my slug speed and mistakes. I sure hope I can put your Pokémon to good use.
paprika 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32
Quoted By:
does anyone have a cursed body banette please? i got a few protean froakie eggs and some modest anticipation eevees IGN - jonny
but 2766-9170-6833
i have no idea if you're still doing this, but i will gladly take a dratini if you're still offering some. i don't really care about how many perfect ivs it has, i just want a dratini, man. pls add me.
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon)
[X] Whiskra 0490-5313-7710 (Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:44:28 No. 14922651 Report Patch 1676-4163-8644
Quoted By:
Finally you're showing up. I'd initiate but I don't wanna be pushy Whiskra-kun!
jarrad 2449-4874-1597
Quoted By:
>>14922651 Still here? I wouldn't mind a 2IV one.
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl))
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl)) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:26:16 No. 14924723 Report Quoted By:
>>14909828 I'd love one if there are any left.